bool ParseURL::hostIsIPAddress() {
  if (!valid_) {
    return false;

  int af = hostNoBrackets_.find(':') == std::string::npos ? AF_INET : AF_INET6;
  char buf4[sizeof(in_addr)];
  char buf6[sizeof(in6_addr)];
  // we have to make a copy of hostNoBrackets_ since the string piece is not
  // null-terminated
  return inet_pton(af, hostNoBrackets_.str().c_str(),
                   af == AF_INET ? buf4 : buf6) == 1;
void Expression::buildTree( const QString & unstrippedExpression, BTreeBase *tree, BTreeNode *node, int level )
	int firstEnd = 0;
	int secondStart = 0;
	bool unary = false;
	Operation op = noop;
	QString expression = stripBrackets( unstrippedExpression );
		// ==, !=
		case 0:
		int equpos = findSkipBrackets(expression, "==");
		int neqpos = findSkipBrackets(expression, "!=");
		if( equpos != -1 )
			op = equals;
			firstEnd = equpos;
			secondStart = equpos + 2;
		else if( neqpos != -1 )
			op = notequals;
			firstEnd = neqpos;
			secondStart = neqpos + 2;
		else op = noop;

		// <, <=, >=, >
		case 1:
		int ltpos = findSkipBrackets(expression, "<");
		int lepos = findSkipBrackets(expression, "<=");
		int gepos = findSkipBrackets(expression, ">=");
		int gtpos = findSkipBrackets(expression, ">");
		// Note: if (for example) "<=" is present, "<" will also be present. This
		// means that we have to check for "<=" before "<", etc.
		if( lepos != -1 )
			op = le;
			firstEnd = lepos;
			secondStart = lepos + 2;
		else if( gepos != -1 )
			op = ge;
			firstEnd = gepos;
			secondStart = gepos + 2;
		else if( ltpos != -1 )
			op = lt;
			firstEnd = ltpos;
			secondStart = ltpos + 1;
		else if( gtpos != -1 )
			op = gt;
			firstEnd = gtpos;
			secondStart = gtpos + 1;
		else op = noop;

		// +,-
		case 2:
		int addpos = findSkipBrackets(expression, '+');
		int subpos = findSkipBrackets(expression, '-');
		if( subpos != -1 )
			op = subtraction;
			firstEnd = subpos;
			secondStart = subpos + 1;
		else if( addpos != -1 )
			op = addition;
			firstEnd = addpos;
			secondStart = addpos + 1;
		else op = noop;
		// *,/
		case 3:
		int mulpos = findSkipBrackets(expression, '*');
		int divpos = findSkipBrackets(expression, '/');
		if( divpos != -1 )
			op = division;
			firstEnd = divpos;
			secondStart = divpos + 1;
		else if( mulpos != -1 )
			op = multiplication;
			firstEnd = mulpos;
			secondStart = mulpos + 1;
		else op = noop;
		// ^
		case 4:
		int exppos = findSkipBrackets(expression, '^');
		if( exppos != -1 )
			op = exponent;
			firstEnd = exppos;
			secondStart = exppos + 1;
		else op = noop;
		// AND, OR, XOR
		case 5:
		int bwAndPos = findSkipBrackets(expression, " AND ");
		int bwOrPos = findSkipBrackets(expression, " OR ");
		int bwXorPos = findSkipBrackets(expression, " XOR ");
		if( bwAndPos != -1 )
			op = bwand;
			firstEnd = bwAndPos;
			secondStart = bwAndPos + 5;
		else if( bwOrPos != -1 )
			op = bwor;
			firstEnd = bwOrPos;
			secondStart = bwOrPos + 4;
		else if( bwXorPos != -1 )
			op = bwxor;
			firstEnd = bwXorPos;
			secondStart = bwXorPos + 5;
		else op = noop;
		// NOT
		case 6:
		int bwNotPos = findSkipBrackets(expression, " NOT ");
		if( bwNotPos != -1 )
			op = bwnot;
			unary = true;
			firstEnd = bwNotPos; // this line is not needed for unary things/
			secondStart = bwNotPos + 5;
		else op = noop;
	QString tokens[2];
	tokens[0] = expression.left(firstEnd).trimmed();
	tokens[1] = expression.mid(secondStart).trimmed();
	if( op != noop )
		for( int j = 0; j < 2; j++ )
			BTreeNode *newNode = new BTreeNode();
			tree->addNode( node, newNode, (j == 0) );
			// we need to strip any brackets from the sub-expression
			// try each token again at the same level, if they 
			// don't have any of this level's operators, then the function
			// will go to the next level as below.
			// For unary opertaions, e.g NOT, we have no special 
			// code for nodes with only one child, so we leave the left
			// hand child blank and put the rest in the right hand node.
			if( unary && j == 0 )
			else buildTree(tokens[j], tree, newNode, 0 );
		// if there was no relevant operation i.e. " 3*4 / 6" as opposed to " 3*4 + 6"
		// then just pass the node onto the next parsing level.
		// unless we are at the lowest level, in which case we have reached a final value.
		if( level == 6 ) expressionValue(expression,tree,node);
			buildTree(expression,tree,node,level + 1);