int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { printf("1..6\n"); test_zero(); printf("ok 1 - ctrig zero\n"); test_nan(); printf("ok 2 - ctrig nan\n"); test_inf(); printf("ok 3 - ctrig inf\n"); test_axes(); printf("ok 4 - ctrig axes\n"); test_small(); printf("ok 5 - ctrig small\n"); test_large(); printf("ok 6 - ctrig large\n"); return (0); }
int main() { std::cout << "this is bar_test, hello\n"; test_negative(); test_positive(); test_zero(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { printf("1..7\n"); test_zero(); printf("ok 1 - cexp zero\n"); test_nan(); printf("ok 2 - cexp nan\n"); test_inf(); printf("ok 3 - cexp inf\n"); #if defined(__i386__) printf("not ok 4 - cexp reals # TODO: PR # 191676 fails assertion on i386\n"); #else test_reals(); printf("ok 4 - cexp reals\n"); #endif test_imaginaries(); printf("ok 5 - cexp imaginaries\n"); test_small(); printf("ok 6 - cexp small\n"); test_large(); printf("ok 7 - cexp large\n"); return (0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { printf("1..7\n"); test_zero(); printf("ok 1 - cexp zero\n"); test_nan(); printf("ok 2 - cexp nan\n"); test_inf(); printf("ok 3 - cexp inf\n"); test_reals(); printf("ok 4 - cexp reals\n"); test_imaginaries(); printf("ok 5 - cexp imaginaries\n"); test_small(); printf("ok 6 - cexp small\n"); test_large(); printf("ok 7 - cexp large\n"); return (0); }
TEST_END TEST_BEGIN(test_zero_huge) { test_skip_if(!config_fill); test_zero(large_maxclass+1, chunksize*2); }
TEST_END TEST_BEGIN(test_zero_large) { test_skip_if(!config_fill); test_zero(SMALL_MAXCLASS+1, large_maxclass); }
int main() { test_zero("evntest: env test"); test_setunset("evntest: setunset test"); test_env("evntest: env test"); _exit(0); }
int main() { test_zero("strtonumtest: 0 test"); test_one("strtonumtest: -1 test"); test_badnum("strtonumtest: bad number test"); test_overflow("strtonumtest: overflow test"); test_minmax("strtonumtest: minmax test"); _exit(0); }
void test_mpx(int size) { mpx_support* xsup; mpx_t x1, x2, x3; int i, result; mpz_set_ui(z1, ((uint)1) << (size * 2 + 1)); for (i = 1; i < size; ++i) { mpz_mul_ui(z1, z1, ((uint)1) << 31); mpz_mul_ui(z1, z1, ((uint)1) << 31); } xsup = mpx_support_z(z1); if (!xsup || xsup->size != size) { if (!xsup) gmp_printf("Error: mpx_support_z(size=%d) returned NULL\n", size); else gmp_printf("Error: mpx_support_z(size=%d) returned xsup[size=%d]\n", size, xsup->size); ++g_fail; } ++g_test; x1 = &limbs[1]; x2 = &limbs[11]; x3 = &limbs[21]; mpz_set_ui(z2, 0); guard_mpx_set_z(x1, size, z2); test_zero(x1, size, "x1"); guard_mpx_set_z(x2, size, z2); test_zero(x2, size, "x2"); guard_mpx_add(xsup, x3, x1, x2); test_zero(x3, size, "x1+x2=x3"); if ((result = xsup->cmper(x1, x3)) != 0) { gmp_printf("Error: 0 cmp 0+0 (size %d) gave %d\n", size, result); ++g_fail; } ++g_test; guard_mpz_set_x(z3, x3, size); if (mpz_cmp_ui(z3, 0) != 0) { gmp_printf("Error: 0 + 0 (size %d) gave %Zd\n", size, z3); ++g_fail; } ++g_test; }
TEST_END TEST_BEGIN(test_zero_huge) { size_t huge0, huge1; /* Get size classes. */ huge0 = get_huge_size(0); huge1 = get_huge_size(1); test_zero(huge1, huge0 * 2); }
void run() { test_zero(); test_one(); test_minus_one(); test_half(); test_one_exp_one(); test_one_upper_exp_one(); test_one_dot_exp_one(); test_one_exp_plus_one(); test_one_exp_minus_one(); fail_missing_fraction(); fail_missing_fraction_white(); fail_missing_exponent(); fail_missing_fraction_white(); fail_missing_exponent_plus(); fail_missing_exponent_plus_white(); fail_missing_exponent_minus(); fail_missing_exponent_minus_white(); fail_as_int(); fail_as_string(); }
void run() { test_zero(); test_zero_white(); test_hundred(); test_minus_hundred(); test_large(); test_max(); fail_minus(); fail_minus_white(); fail_minus_alpha(); fail_too_large(); fail_as_float(); fail_as_string(); test_short(); test_int(); test_long(); test_intmax(); test_unsigned(); fail_unsigned_negative(); }
static bool call(fusion::extension::adt_attribute_proxy<T, N, Const> const& val) { return test_zero(val.get()); }
static void onlineClusterKNN_cluster(t_onlineClusterKNN *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { int i, j, k, instanceIdx, listLength; float min_dist,dist; instanceIdx = x->numInstances; listLength = argc; //s=s; // to get rid of 'unused variable' warning //post("list length: %i", listLength); if((x->featureLength>0) && (x->featureLength != listLength)) { post("received list of length %i and expected %i", listLength, x->featureLength); return; } x->instances = (t_instance *)t_resizebytes_(x->instances, x->numInstances * sizeof(t_instance), (x->numInstances+1) * sizeof(t_instance)); x->instanceFeatureLengths = (int *)t_resizebytes_(x->instanceFeatureLengths, x->numInstances * sizeof(int), (x->numInstances+1) * sizeof(int)); x->instanceFeatureLengths[instanceIdx] = listLength; x->instances[instanceIdx].instance = (float *)t_getbytes_(listLength * sizeof(float)); x->numInstances++; //post("no. of instances: %i", x->numInstances); //get the data for(i=0; i<listLength; i++) x->instances[instanceIdx].instance[i] = atom_getfloat(argv+i); //test if received element is zeros vector if (test_zero(x->instances[instanceIdx].instance,listLength) == 0) { //post("instance cannot be zeros vector"); //rollback t_freebytes_(x->instances[instanceIdx].instance, x->instanceFeatureLengths[instanceIdx]*sizeof(float)); x->instances = (t_instance *)t_resizebytes_(x->instances, x->numInstances * sizeof(t_instance), (x->numInstances-1) * sizeof(t_instance)); x->instanceFeatureLengths = (int *)t_resizebytes_(x->instanceFeatureLengths, x->numInstances * sizeof(int), (x->numInstances-1) * sizeof(int)); x->numInstances--; } else { if(instanceIdx == 0) { x->featureInput = (float *)t_resizebytes_(x->featureInput, x->featureLength * sizeof(float), listLength * sizeof(float)); x->featureLength = listLength; x->num = (int *)t_resizebytes_(x->num, 0 * sizeof(int), x->numClusters * sizeof(int)); // initialize means randomly for each cluster for(i=0; i<x->numClusters; i++) { x->means = (t_instance *)t_resizebytes_(x->means, i * sizeof(t_instance), (i+1) * sizeof(t_instance)); x->means[i].instance = (float *)t_getbytes_(listLength * sizeof(float)); if (x->randomFlag == 1) { for(j=0; j<listLength; j++) { srand(i*j+i+j+1); x->means[i].instance[j] = (float)rand()/(float)RAND_MAX; } } } // initialize number of instances for each cluster for(i=0; i<x->numClusters; i++) x->num[i] = 0; }; //normalize the data to be 0-1 for(i=0; i<listLength; i++) if (x->instances[instanceIdx].instance[i]>1) { x->instances[instanceIdx].instance[i] = x->instances[instanceIdx].instance[i] * pow(10,-countDigits((int)(x->instances[instanceIdx].instance[i]))); } //////////////ONLINE CLUSTERING //initialize means with the first instances if random==0 if ((x->randomFlag == 0) && (instanceIdx < x->numClusters)) { for(j=0; j<listLength; j++) { x->means[instanceIdx].instance[j] = x->instances[instanceIdx].instance[j]; } x->instances[instanceIdx].cluster = instanceIdx; x->num[instanceIdx] = 1; } else { //compute distances to the means and determine the closest cluster min_dist = 99999999; k = -1; for(i=0; i<x->numClusters; i++) { dist = squared_euclid(x->means[i].instance,x->instances[instanceIdx].instance,listLength); //post("%6.20f", dist); if (dist < min_dist) { min_dist = dist; k = i; } } //add the new instance to the found cluster //post("cluster %i", k); if (k != -1) { x->num[k] = x->num[k] + 1; compute_mean(x, k, x->instances[instanceIdx]); x->instances[instanceIdx].cluster = k; } } outlet_int(x->id, x->instances[instanceIdx].cluster); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ans; char *str, *strout; fmpz_poly_t zpoly; fmpz_poly_q_t qpoly1; mpz_t mpzzero, mpzone, mpztwo; mpq_t mpqzero, mpqone, mpqtwo, mpqtwoinv; FLINT_TEST_INIT(state); flint_printf("all... "); fflush(stdout); /* Accessing numerator and denominator ***********************************/ fmpz_poly_q_init(qpoly1); fmpz_poly_q_set_str(qpoly1, "2 -1 1/2 0 1"); str = "2 -1 1"; strout = fmpz_poly_get_str(fmpz_poly_q_numref(qpoly1)); ans = !strcmp(str, strout); if (!ans) { flint_printf("test_numref: failed\n"); flint_printf(" Expected \"%s\", got \"%s\"\n", str, strout); flint_printf(" qpoly1 = \""), fmpz_poly_q_print(qpoly1), flint_printf("\"\n"); abort(); } fmpz_poly_q_clear(qpoly1); flint_free(strout); fmpz_poly_q_init(qpoly1); fmpz_poly_q_set_str(qpoly1, "2 -1 1/2 0 1"); str = "2 0 1"; strout = fmpz_poly_get_str(fmpz_poly_q_denref(qpoly1)); ans = !strcmp(str, strout); if (!ans) { flint_printf("test_denref: failed\n"); flint_printf(" Expected \"%s\", got \"%s\"\n", str, strout); abort(); } fmpz_poly_q_clear(qpoly1); flint_free(strout); fmpz_poly_q_init(qpoly1); fmpz_poly_init(zpoly); fmpz_poly_q_set_str(qpoly1, "2 -1 1/2 0 1"); fmpz_poly_set(zpoly, fmpz_poly_q_numref(qpoly1)); str = "2 -1 1"; strout = fmpz_poly_get_str(zpoly); ans = !strcmp(str, strout); if (!ans) { flint_printf("test_get_num: failed\n"); flint_printf(" Expected \"%s\", got \"%s\"\n", str, strout); abort(); } fmpz_poly_q_clear(qpoly1); fmpz_poly_clear(zpoly); flint_free(strout); fmpz_poly_q_init(qpoly1); fmpz_poly_init(zpoly); fmpz_poly_q_set_str(qpoly1, "2 -1 1/2 0 1"); fmpz_poly_set(zpoly, fmpz_poly_q_denref(qpoly1)); str = "2 0 1"; strout = fmpz_poly_get_str(zpoly); ans = !strcmp(str, strout); if (!ans) { flint_printf("test_get_den: failed\n"); flint_printf(" Expected \"%s\", got \"%s\"\n", str, strout); abort(); } fmpz_poly_q_clear(qpoly1); fmpz_poly_clear(zpoly); flint_free(strout); fmpz_poly_q_init(qpoly1); fmpz_poly_init(zpoly); fmpz_poly_q_set_str(qpoly1, "1 1/1 1"); fmpz_poly_set_str(zpoly, "2 0 1"); fmpz_poly_set(fmpz_poly_q_numref(qpoly1), zpoly); str = "2 0 1"; strout = fmpz_poly_get_str(fmpz_poly_q_numref(qpoly1)); ans = !strcmp(str, strout); if (!ans) { flint_printf("test_set_num: failed\n"); flint_printf(" Expected \"%s\", got \"%s\"\n", str, strout); abort(); } fmpz_poly_q_clear(qpoly1); fmpz_poly_clear(zpoly); flint_free(strout); fmpz_poly_q_init(qpoly1); fmpz_poly_init(zpoly); fmpz_poly_q_set_str(qpoly1, "1 1/1 1"); fmpz_poly_set_str(zpoly, "2 0 1"); fmpz_poly_set(fmpz_poly_q_denref(qpoly1), zpoly); str = "2 0 1"; strout = fmpz_poly_get_str(fmpz_poly_q_denref(qpoly1)); ans = !strcmp(str, strout); if (!ans) { flint_printf("test_set_den: failed\n"); flint_printf(" Expected \"%s\", got \"%s\"\n", str, strout); abort(); } fmpz_poly_q_clear(qpoly1); fmpz_poly_clear(zpoly); flint_free(strout); /* Canonicalise **********************************************************/ fmpz_poly_q_init(qpoly1); str = "2 -1 1/2 0 1"; fmpz_poly_q_set_str(qpoly1, str); strout = fmpz_poly_q_get_str(qpoly1); ans = !strcmp(str, strout); if (!ans) { flint_printf("test_canonicalize: failed\n"); flint_printf(" Expected \"%s\", got \"%s\"\n", str, strout); abort(); } fmpz_poly_q_clear(qpoly1); flint_free(strout); fmpz_poly_q_init(qpoly1); str = "2 -1 -1/2 0 1"; fmpz_poly_q_set_str(qpoly1, "2 1 1/2 0 -1"); strout = fmpz_poly_q_get_str(qpoly1); ans = !strcmp("2 -1 -1/2 0 1", strout); if (!ans) { flint_printf("test_canonicalize: failed\n"); flint_printf(" Expected \"%s\", got \"%s\"\n", str, strout); abort(); } flint_free(strout); fmpz_poly_q_clear(qpoly1); /* Initialization, memory management and basic operations ****************/ test_set("0", "0"); test_set("0/1 1", "0"); test_set("3 -1 0 1/2 0 1", "3 -1 0 1/2 0 1"); test_set("3 -1 0 1/2 1 1", "2 -1 1"); test_set_si(-1, "1 -1"); test_set_si(13, "1 13"); test_set_si(0, "0"); test_swap("3 -1 0 1/2 0 1", "1 2/1 3", "1 2/1 3", "3 -1 0 1/2 0 1"); test_zero("0", "0"); test_zero("0/1 1", "0"); test_zero("3 -1 0 1/2 0 1", "0"); test_neg("0", "0"); test_neg("1 1/1 2", "1 -1/1 2"); test_neg("3 -1 0 1/2 0 1", "3 1 0 -1/2 0 1"); test_inv("1 1/1 2", "1 2"); test_inv("3 -1 0 1/2 0 1", "2 0 1/3 -1 0 1"); test_inv("3 -1 0 -1/2 0 1", "2 0 -1/3 1 0 1"); test_inv_inplace("1 1/1 2", "1 2"); test_inv_inplace("3 -1 0 1/2 0 1", "2 0 1/3 -1 0 1"); test_inv_inplace("3 -1 0 -1/2 0 1", "2 0 -1/3 1 0 1"); test_is_zero("0", 1); test_is_zero("0/1 1", 1); test_is_zero("3 -1 0 1/2 0 1", 0); test_is_zero("3 -1 0 1/2 1 1", 0); test_is_one("0", 0); test_is_one("0/1 1", 0); test_is_one("1 1/1 1", 1); test_is_one("2 1 1/2 1 1", 1); test_is_one("3 -1 0 1/2 0 1", 0); test_equal("1 1/1 2", "1 1/1 2", 1); test_equal("1 1/1 2", "1 1/1 2", 1); test_equal("3 -1 0 1/2 1 1", "2 -1 1", 1); test_equal("3 -1 0 1/2 -1 1", "2 -1 1", 0); /* Addition and subtraction **********************************************/ test_add("3 1 0 1/2 0 1", "2 0 -1/3 1 0 1", "5 1 0 1 0 1/4 0 1 0 1"); test_add("3 -1 0 1/2 1 1", "1 2/2 -1 1", "3 3 -2 1/2 -1 1"); test_add("0/2 1 1", "1 2/1 1", "1 2"); test_add("1 -3/1 4", "0/3 1 0 1", "1 -3/1 4"); test_add("2 1 1/1 1", "2 -1 1/1 1", "2 0 2"); test_add("2 1 1/2 0 1", "2 2 1/2 -1 1", "3 -1 2 2/3 0 -1 1"); test_add("2 -1 1/2 2 1", "3 4 4 1/2 1 1", "4 7 12 7 1/3 2 3 1"); test_add("2 1 1/2 -1 1", "2 1 1", "3 0 1 1/2 -1 1"); test_add("1 1/2 1 1", "2 0 1/2 1 1", "1 1"); test_add("2 1 1/3 4 -4 1", "1 1/2 -2 1", "2 -1 2/3 4 -4 1"); test_add("3 0 1 1/3 1 2 1", "2 0 -1/2 1 1", "0"); test_add("2 1 1/2 0 1", "2 -1 1/2 0 1", "1 2"); test_add("1 1/3 3 5 2", "1 1/3 6 7 2", "1 1/3 2 3 1"); test_add_in_place1("3 1 0 1/2 0 1", "2 0 -1/3 1 0 1", "5 1 0 1 0 1/4 0 1 0 1"); test_add_in_place1("3 -1 0 1/2 1 1", "1 2/2 -1 1", "3 3 -2 1/2 -1 1"); test_add_in_place1("0/2 1 1", "1 2/1 1", "1 2"); test_add_in_place1("1 -3/1 4", "0/3 1 0 1", "1 -3/1 4"); test_add_in_place1("2 1 1/1 1", "2 -1 1/1 1", "2 0 2"); test_add_in_place1("2 1 1/2 0 1", "2 2 1/2 -1 1", "3 -1 2 2/3 0 -1 1"); test_add_in_place1("2 -1 1/2 2 1", "3 4 4 1/2 1 1", "4 7 12 7 1/3 2 3 1"); test_add_in_place1("2 1 1/2 -1 1", "2 1 1", "3 0 1 1/2 -1 1"); test_add_in_place1("1 1/2 1 1", "2 0 1/2 1 1", "1 1"); test_add_in_place1("2 1 1/3 4 -4 1", "1 1/2 -2 1", "2 -1 2/3 4 -4 1"); test_add_in_place1("3 0 1 1/3 1 2 1", "2 0 -1/2 1 1", "0"); test_add_in_place1("2 1 1/2 0 1", "2 -1 1/2 0 1", "1 2"); test_add_in_place2("3 1 0 1/2 0 1", "2 0 -1/3 1 0 1", "5 1 0 1 0 1/4 0 1 0 1"); test_add_in_place2("3 -1 0 1/2 1 1", "1 2/2 -1 1", "3 3 -2 1/2 -1 1"); test_add_in_place2("0/2 1 1", "1 2/1 1", "1 2"); test_add_in_place2("1 -3/1 4", "0/3 1 0 1", "1 -3/1 4"); test_add_in_place2("2 1 1/1 1", "2 -1 1/1 1", "2 0 2"); test_add_in_place2("2 1 1/2 0 1", "2 2 1/2 -1 1", "3 -1 2 2/3 0 -1 1"); test_add_in_place2("2 -1 1/2 2 1", "3 4 4 1/2 1 1", "4 7 12 7 1/3 2 3 1"); test_add_in_place2("2 1 1/2 -1 1", "2 1 1", "3 0 1 1/2 -1 1"); test_add_in_place2("1 1/2 1 1", "2 0 1/2 1 1", "1 1"); test_add_in_place2("2 1 1/3 4 -4 1", "1 1/2 -2 1", "2 -1 2/3 4 -4 1"); test_add_in_place2("3 0 1 1/3 1 2 1", "2 0 -1/2 1 1", "0"); test_add_in_place2("2 1 1/2 0 1", "2 -1 1/2 0 1", "1 2"); test_add_in_place3("2 1 1", "2 2 2"); test_add_in_place3("2 1 1/1 2", "2 1 1"); test_sub("3 1 0 1/2 0 1", "2 0 -1/3 1 0 1", "5 1 0 3 0 1/4 0 1 0 1"); test_sub("3 -1 0 1/2 1 1", "1 2/2 -1 1", "3 -1 -2 1/2 -1 1"); test_sub("0/2 1 1", "1 2/1 1", "1 -2"); test_sub("1 -3/1 4", "0/3 1 0 1", "1 -3/1 4"); test_sub("2 1 1/1 1", "2 -1 1/1 1", "1 2"); test_sub("2 1 1/2 0 1", "2 2 1/2 -1 1", "2 -1 -2/3 0 -1 1"); test_sub("2 -1 1/2 2 1", "3 4 4 1/2 1 1", "4 -9 -12 -5 -1/3 2 3 1"); test_sub("2 -1 1/2 0 1", "1 1", "1 -1/2 0 1"); test_sub("3 1 0 1/2 0 1", "2 0 -1/3 1 0 1", "5 1 0 3 0 1/4 0 1 0 1"); test_sub("3 -1 0 1/2 1 1", "1 2/2 -1 1", "3 -1 -2 1/2 -1 1"); test_sub("0/2 1 1", "1 2/1 1", "1 -2"); test_sub("1 -3/1 4", "0/3 1 0 1", "1 -3/1 4"); test_sub("2 1 1/1 1", "2 -1 1/1 1", "1 2"); test_sub("2 1 1/2 0 1", "2 2 1/2 -1 1", "2 -1 -2/3 0 -1 1"); test_sub("2 -1 1/2 2 1", "3 4 4 1/2 1 1", "4 -9 -12 -5 -1/3 2 3 1"); test_sub("2 1 1/2 -1 1", "2 1 1", "3 2 1 -1/2 -1 1"); test_sub("1 1/2 1 1", "2 0 1/2 1 1", "2 1 -1/2 1 1"); test_sub("2 1 1/3 4 -4 1", "1 1/2 -2 1", "1 3/3 4 -4 1"); test_sub("3 0 1 1/3 1 2 1", "2 0 -1/2 1 1", "2 0 2/2 1 1"); test_sub("2 1 1/2 0 1", "2 -1 1/2 0 1", "1 2/2 0 1"); test_sub("1 1/3 3 5 2", "1 1/3 6 7 2", "1 1/4 6 13 9 2"); test_sub("2 1 1/2 0 2", "2 1 1/2 0 2", "0"); test_sub("2 -1 2/2 0 1", "2 -1 1/2 0 1", "1 1"); test_sub_in_place1("3 1 0 1/2 0 1", "2 0 -1/3 1 0 1", "5 1 0 3 0 1/4 0 1 0 1"); test_sub_in_place1("3 -1 0 1/2 1 1", "1 2/2 -1 1", "3 -1 -2 1/2 -1 1"); test_sub_in_place1("0/2 1 1", "1 2/1 1", "1 -2"); test_sub_in_place1("1 -3/1 4", "0/3 1 0 1", "1 -3/1 4"); test_sub_in_place1("2 1 1/1 1", "2 -1 1/1 1", "1 2"); test_sub_in_place1("2 1 1/2 0 1", "2 2 1/2 -1 1", "2 -1 -2/3 0 -1 1"); test_sub_in_place1("2 -1 1/2 2 1", "3 4 4 1/2 1 1", "4 -9 -12 -5 -1/3 2 3 1"); test_sub_in_place2("3 1 0 1/2 0 1", "2 0 -1/3 1 0 1", "5 1 0 3 0 1/4 0 1 0 1"); test_sub_in_place2("3 -1 0 1/2 1 1", "1 2/2 -1 1", "3 -1 -2 1/2 -1 1"); test_sub_in_place2("0/2 1 1", "1 2/1 1", "1 -2"); test_sub_in_place2("1 -3/1 4", "0/3 1 0 1", "1 -3/1 4"); test_sub_in_place2("2 1 1/1 1", "2 -1 1/1 1", "1 2"); test_sub_in_place2("2 1 1/2 0 1", "2 2 1/2 -1 1", "2 -1 -2/3 0 -1 1"); test_sub_in_place2("2 -1 1/2 2 1", "3 4 4 1/2 1 1", "4 -9 -12 -5 -1/3 2 3 1"); test_sub_in_place3("2 -1 1/2 2 1", "0"); test_addmul("1 1/2 0 2", "2 3 1/1 4", "3 1 0 1/4 -2 0 0 1", "5 -4 3 1 5 1/5 0 -8 0 0 4"); test_submul("1 1/2 0 2", "2 3 1/1 4", "3 1 0 1/4 -2 0 0 1", "5 -4 -3 -1 -1 -1/5 0 -8 0 0 4"); /* Scalar multiplication and devision ************************************/ flint_mpz_init_set_si(mpzzero, 0); flint_mpz_init_set_si(mpzone, 1); flint_mpz_init_set_si(mpztwo, 2); mpq_init(mpqzero); flint_mpq_set_si(mpqzero, 0, 1); mpq_init(mpqone); flint_mpq_set_si(mpqone, 1, 1); mpq_init(mpqtwo); flint_mpq_set_si(mpqtwo, 2, 1); mpq_init(mpqtwoinv); flint_mpq_set_si(mpqtwoinv, 1, 2); test_scalar_mul_si("0", 1, "0"); test_scalar_mul_si("0", 0, "0"); test_scalar_mul_si("1 2", 0, "0"); test_scalar_mul_si("1 1/1 2", -2, "1 -1"); test_scalar_mul_si("2 1 1/2 -2 3", 5, "2 5 5/2 -2 3"); test_scalar_mul_si("2 1 1/2 -2 2", 3, "2 3 3/2 -2 2"); test_scalar_mul_mpz("0", mpzone, "0"); test_scalar_mul_mpz("0", mpzzero, "0"); test_scalar_mul_mpz("1 2", mpzzero, "0"); test_scalar_mul_mpz("1 1/1 2", mpztwo, "1 1"); test_scalar_mul_mpq("0", mpqone, "0"); test_scalar_mul_mpq("0", mpqzero, "0"); test_scalar_mul_mpq("1 2", mpqzero, "0"); test_scalar_mul_mpq("1 1/1 2", mpqtwo, "1 1"); test_scalar_mul_mpq("1 -2/1 1", mpqtwoinv, "1 -1"); test_scalar_div_si("0", 1, "0"); test_scalar_div_si("1 2", 2, "1 1"); test_scalar_div_si("1 1/1 2", -2, "1 -1/1 4"); test_scalar_div_si("3 -5 0 3/2 1 1", 2, "3 -5 0 3/2 2 2"); test_scalar_div_si("3 2 8 4/2 0 1", 3, "3 2 8 4/2 0 3"); test_scalar_div_si("3 2 8 4/2 0 1", -3, "3 -2 -8 -4/2 0 3"); test_scalar_div_si("3 -27 0 9/2 0 1", -3, "3 9 0 -3/2 0 1"); test_scalar_div_mpz("0", mpzone, "0"); test_scalar_div_mpz("1 2", mpztwo, "1 1"); test_scalar_div_mpz("1 1/1 2", mpztwo, "1 1/1 4"); test_scalar_div_mpq("0", mpqone, "0"); test_scalar_div_mpq("1 2", mpqone, "1 2"); test_scalar_div_mpq("1 1/1 2", mpqtwo, "1 1/1 4"); test_scalar_div_mpq("1 -2/1 1", mpqtwoinv, "1 -4"); mpz_clear(mpzzero); mpz_clear(mpzone); mpz_clear(mpztwo); mpq_clear(mpqzero); mpq_clear(mpqone); mpq_clear(mpqtwo); mpq_clear(mpqtwoinv); /* Multiplication, division and powing *********************************/ test_mul("3 1 0 1/2 0 1", "2 0 -1/3 1 0 1", "1 -1"); test_mul("3 -1 0 1/2 1 1", "1 2/2 -1 1", "1 2"); test_mul("0/2 1 1", "1 2/1 1", "0"); test_mul("1 -3/1 4", "0/3 1 0 1", "0"); test_mul("2 1 1/1 1", "2 -1 1/1 1", "3 -1 0 1"); test_mul("2 1 1/2 0 1", "2 2 1/2 -1 1", "3 2 3 1/3 0 -1 1"); test_mul("2 -1 1/2 2 1", "3 4 4 1/2 1 1", "3 -2 1 1/2 1 1"); test_mul_in_place1("3 1 0 1/2 0 1", "2 0 -1/3 1 0 1", "1 -1"); test_mul_in_place1("3 -1 0 1/2 1 1", "1 2/2 -1 1", "1 2"); test_mul_in_place1("0/2 1 1", "1 2/1 1", "0"); test_mul_in_place1("1 -3/1 4", "0/3 1 0 1", "0"); test_mul_in_place1("2 1 1/1 1", "2 -1 1/1 1", "3 -1 0 1"); test_mul_in_place1("2 1 1/2 0 1", "2 2 1/2 -1 1", "3 2 3 1/3 0 -1 1"); test_mul_in_place1("2 -1 1/2 2 1", "3 4 4 1/2 1 1", "3 -2 1 1/2 1 1"); test_mul_in_place2("3 1 0 1/2 0 1", "2 0 -1/3 1 0 1", "1 -1"); test_mul_in_place2("3 -1 0 1/2 1 1", "1 2/2 -1 1", "1 2"); test_mul_in_place2("0/2 1 1", "1 2/1 1", "0"); test_mul_in_place2("1 -3/1 4", "0/3 1 0 1", "0"); test_mul_in_place2("2 1 1/1 1", "2 -1 1/1 1", "3 -1 0 1"); test_mul_in_place2("2 1 1/2 0 1", "2 2 1/2 -1 1", "3 2 3 1/3 0 -1 1"); test_mul_in_place2("2 -1 1/2 2 1", "3 4 4 1/2 1 1", "3 -2 1 1/2 1 1"); test_mul_in_place3("2 0 1/2 1 1", "3 0 0 1/3 1 2 1"); test_div("3 -1 0 1/1 2", "2 1 1/1 1", "2 -1 1/1 2"); test_div("0/2 1 1", "2 1 1/1 1", "0"); test_div("3 -1 0 1/1 4", "2 -1 -1/1 2", "2 1 -1/1 2"); test_div("2 1 1", "2 1 -1/2 1 -1", "2 1 1"); test_div("2 1 1/3 4 4 1", "2 -1 1/3 6 5 1", "3 3 4 1/3 -2 1 1"); test_div_in_place1("3 -1 0 1/1 2", "2 1 1/1 1", "2 -1 1/1 2"); test_div_in_place1("0/2 1 1", "2 1 1/1 1", "0"); test_div_in_place1("3 -1 0 1/1 4", "2 -1 -1/1 2", "2 1 -1/1 2"); test_div_in_place1("2 1 1", "2 1 -1/2 1 -1", "2 1 1"); test_div_in_place1("2 1 1/3 4 4 1", "2 -1 1/3 6 5 1", "3 3 4 1/3 -2 1 1"); test_div_in_place1("0", "1 2/2 3 5", "0"); test_div_in_place2("3 -1 0 1/1 2", "2 1 1/1 1", "2 -1 1/1 2"); test_div_in_place2("0/2 1 1", "2 1 1/1 1", "0"); test_div_in_place2("3 -1 0 1/1 4", "2 -1 -1/1 2", "2 1 -1/1 2"); test_div_in_place2("2 1 1", "2 1 -1/2 1 -1", "2 1 1"); test_div_in_place2("2 1 1/3 4 4 1", "2 -1 1/3 6 5 1", "3 3 4 1/3 -2 1 1"); test_div_in_place3("3 -1 0 1/1 2", "1 1"); test_pow("2 0 -1/1 2", 3, "4 0 0 0 -1/1 8"); test_pow("0", 0, "1 1"); test_pow("2 1 -1", 0, "1 1"); test_pow("2 1 1/2 0 1", 0, "1 1"); /* Derivative ************************************************************/ test_derivative("0", "0"); test_derivative("1 2", "0"); test_derivative("1 -1/1 2", "0"); test_derivative("2 0 1", "1 1"); test_derivative("3 1 0 1", "2 0 2"); test_derivative("1 1/2 0 1", "1 -1/3 0 0 1"); test_derivative("2 2 1/2 -1 1", "1 -3/3 1 -2 1"); test_derivative("2 0 1/3 1 2 1", "2 1 -1/4 1 3 3 1"); /* Bug which allowed constant factors */ test_derivative("3 5 1 -2/2 10 2", "3 0 -10 -1/3 25 10 1"); /* Evaluation ************************************************************/ test_evaluate("1 1/1 2", -2, 3, "1/2"); test_evaluate("3 1 0 1/2 0 1", -1, 2, "-5/2"); test_evaluate("2 3 1/2 -1 1", 1, 1, "P"); test_evaluate("2 3 1/2 -1 1", 2, 3, "-11"); test_evaluate("2 3 1/2 -1 2", 1, 2, "P"); test_evaluate("2 1 1/2 -1 1", 2, 1, "3"); /* String methods ********************************************************/ fmpz_poly_q_init(qpoly1); ans = fmpz_poly_q_set_str(qpoly1, "1 3/xyz"); if ((ans == 0) || !fmpz_poly_q_is_zero(qpoly1)) { flint_printf("test_set_str: failed\n"); abort(); } fmpz_poly_q_clear(qpoly1); fmpz_poly_q_init(qpoly1); ans = fmpz_poly_q_set_str(qpoly1, "abc/1 3"); if ((ans == 0) || !fmpz_poly_q_is_zero(qpoly1)) { flint_printf("test_set_str: failed\n"); abort(); } fmpz_poly_q_clear(qpoly1); fmpz_poly_q_init(qpoly1); ans = fmpz_poly_q_set_str(qpoly1, "abc/xyz"); if ((ans == 0) || !fmpz_poly_q_is_zero(qpoly1)) { flint_printf("test_set_str: failed\n"); abort(); } fmpz_poly_q_clear(qpoly1); test_get_str_pretty("1 -3", "-3"); test_get_str_pretty("3 1 2 1", "t^2+2*t+1"); test_get_str_pretty("1 -2/2 1 1", "-2/(t+1)"); test_get_str_pretty("2 1 1/2 -1 1", "(t+1)/(t-1)"); test_get_str_pretty("2 1 1/1 2", "(t+1)/2"); test_get_str_pretty("1 1/1 2", "1/2"); FLINT_TEST_CLEANUP(state); flint_printf("PASS\n"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
void selftest(void) { // for handling "errout" if (setjmp(jbuf)) return; #if SELFTEST test_low_level(); test_multiply(); test_scan(); test_power(); test_factor_number(); test_test(); test_tensor(); test_bake(); test(__FILE__, s, sizeof (s) / sizeof (char *)); // "s" is in selftest.h test_abs(); test_adj(); test_arg(); test_besselj(); test_bessely(); test_ceiling(); test_choose(); test_circexp(); test_clock(); test_cofactor(); test_condense(); test_contract(); test_defint(); test_denominator(); test_derivative(); test_dirac(); test_erf(); test_erfc(); test_expand(); test_expcos(); test_expsin(); test_factorpoly(); test_float(); test_floor(); test_gamma(); test_gcd(); test_imag(); test_inner(); test_lcm(); test_log(); test_mag(); test_mod(); test_nroots(); test_numerator(); test_outer(); test_polar(); test_quotient(); test_rationalize(); test_real(); test_rect(); test_sgn(); test_taylor(); test_transpose(); test_zero(); test_hermite(); test_laguerre(); test_legendre(); test_binomial(); test_divisors(); test_coeff(); test_sin(); test_cos(); test_tan(); test_sinh(); test_cosh(); test_tanh(); test_arcsin(); test_arcsinh(); test_arccos(); test_arccosh(); test_arctan(); test_arctanh(); test_index(); test_isprime(); test_integral(); test_simplify(); test_roots(); test_eigen(); #endif mini_test(); logout("OK, all tests passed.\n"); }