void InlineBox::attachLine()
    m_extracted = false;
    if (m_renderer->isBox())
void RootInlineBox::setLineBreakInfo(RenderObject* obj, unsigned breakPos, const BidiStatus& status)
    // When setting lineBreakObj, the RenderObject must not be a RenderInline
    // with no line boxes, otherwise all sorts of invariants are broken later.
    // This has security implications because if the RenderObject does not
    // point to at least one line box, then that RenderInline can be deleted
    // later without resetting the lineBreakObj, leading to use-after-free.
    ASSERT_WITH_SECURITY_IMPLICATION(!obj || obj->isText() || !(obj->isRenderInline() && obj->isBox() && !toRenderBox(obj)->inlineBoxWrapper()));

    m_lineBreakObj = obj;
    m_lineBreakPos = breakPos;
    m_lineBreakBidiStatusEor = status.eor;
    m_lineBreakBidiStatusLastStrong = status.lastStrong;
    m_lineBreakBidiStatusLast = status.last;
    m_lineBreakContext = status.context;
void InlineBox::extractLine()
    m_extracted = true;
    if (m_renderer->isBox())
void RenderLayerClipper::calculateRects(const ClipRectsContext& context, const LayoutRect& paintDirtyRect, LayoutRect& layerBounds,
    ClipRect& backgroundRect, ClipRect& foregroundRect, ClipRect& outlineRect, const LayoutPoint* offsetFromRoot) const
    bool isClippingRoot = m_renderer.layer() == context.rootLayer;

    if (!isClippingRoot && m_renderer.layer()->parent()) {
        backgroundRect = backgroundClipRect(context);
    } else {
        backgroundRect = paintDirtyRect;

    foregroundRect = backgroundRect;
    outlineRect = backgroundRect;

    LayoutPoint offset;
    if (offsetFromRoot)
        offset = *offsetFromRoot;
        m_renderer.layer()->convertToLayerCoords(context.rootLayer, offset);
    layerBounds = LayoutRect(offset, m_renderer.layer()->size());

    // Update the clip rects that will be passed to child layers.
    if (m_renderer.hasOverflowClip()) {
        // This layer establishes a clip of some kind.
        if (!isClippingRoot || context.respectOverflowClip == RespectOverflowClip) {
            foregroundRect.intersect(toRenderBox(m_renderer).overflowClipRect(offset, context.scrollbarRelevancy));
            if (m_renderer.style()->hasBorderRadius())

        // If we establish an overflow clip at all, then go ahead and make sure our background
        // rect is intersected with our layer's bounds including our visual overflow,
        // since any visual overflow like box-shadow or border-outset is not clipped by overflow:auto/hidden.
        if (toRenderBox(m_renderer).hasVisualOverflow()) {
            // FIXME: Perhaps we should be propagating the borderbox as the clip rect for children, even though
            //        we may need to inflate our clip specifically for shadows or outsets.
            // FIXME: Does not do the right thing with CSS regions yet, since we don't yet factor in the
            // individual region boxes as overflow.
            LayoutRect layerBoundsWithVisualOverflow = toRenderBox(m_renderer).visualOverflowRect();
            toRenderBox(m_renderer).flipForWritingMode(layerBoundsWithVisualOverflow); // Layers are in physical coordinates, so the overflow has to be flipped.
            if (!isClippingRoot || context.respectOverflowClip == RespectOverflowClip)
        } else {
            LayoutRect bounds = toRenderBox(m_renderer).borderBoxRect();
            if (!isClippingRoot || context.respectOverflowClip == RespectOverflowClip)

    // CSS clip (different than clipping due to overflow) can clip to any box, even if it falls outside of the border box.
    if (m_renderer.hasClip()) {
        // Clip applies to *us* as well, so go ahead and update the damageRect.
        LayoutRect newPosClip = toRenderBox(m_renderer).clipRect(offset);
RenderObject* RenderObjectChildList::removeChildNode(RenderObject* owner, RenderObject* oldChild, bool fullRemove)
    ASSERT(oldChild->parent() == owner);

    // So that we'll get the appropriate dirty bit set (either that a normal flow child got yanked or
    // that a positioned child got yanked).  We also repaint, so that the area exposed when the child
    // disappears gets repainted properly.
    if (!owner->documentBeingDestroyed() && fullRemove && oldChild->m_everHadLayout) {
    // If we have a line box wrapper, delete it.
    if (oldChild->isBox())

    if (!owner->documentBeingDestroyed() && fullRemove) {
        // if we remove visible child from an invisible parent, we don't know the layer visibility any more
        RenderLayer* layer = 0;
        if (owner->style()->visibility() != VISIBLE && oldChild->style()->visibility() == VISIBLE && !oldChild->hasLayer()) {
            layer = owner->enclosingLayer();

         // Keep our layer hierarchy updated.
        if (oldChild->firstChild() || oldChild->hasLayer()) {
            if (!layer)
                layer = owner->enclosingLayer();
        // renumber ordered lists
        if (oldChild->isListItem())
        if (oldChild->isPositioned() && owner->childrenInline())
    // If oldChild is the start or end of the selection, then clear the selection to
    // avoid problems of invalid pointers.
    // FIXME: The SelectionController should be responsible for this when it
    // is notified of DOM mutations.
    if (!owner->documentBeingDestroyed() && oldChild->isSelectionBorder())

    // remove the child
    if (oldChild->previousSibling())
    if (oldChild->nextSibling())

    if (firstChild() == oldChild)
    if (lastChild() == oldChild)


    if (AXObjectCache::accessibilityEnabled())

    return oldChild;
void RenderView::paintBoxDecorations(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint&)
    if (!paintInfo.shouldPaintWithinRoot(*this))

    // Check to see if we are enclosed by a layer that requires complex painting rules.  If so, we cannot blit
    // when scrolling, and we need to use slow repaints.  Examples of layers that require this are transparent layers,
    // layers with reflections, or transformed layers.
    // FIXME: This needs to be dynamic.  We should be able to go back to blitting if we ever stop being inside
    // a transform, transparency layer, etc.
    Element* elt;
    for (elt = document().ownerElement(); elt && elt->renderer(); elt = elt->document().ownerElement()) {
        RenderLayer* layer = elt->renderer()->enclosingLayer();
        if (layer->cannotBlitToWindow()) {

        if (RenderLayer* compositingLayer = layer->enclosingCompositingLayerForRepaint()) {
            if (!compositingLayer->backing()->paintsIntoWindow()) {

    if (document().ownerElement())

    if (paintInfo.skipRootBackground())

    bool rootFillsViewport = false;
    bool rootObscuresBackground = false;
    Element* documentElement = document().documentElement();
    if (RenderElement* rootRenderer = documentElement ? documentElement->renderer() : 0) {
        // The document element's renderer is currently forced to be a block, but may not always be.
        RenderBox* rootBox = rootRenderer->isBox() ? toRenderBox(rootRenderer) : 0;
        rootFillsViewport = rootBox && !rootBox->x() && !rootBox->y() && rootBox->width() >= width() && rootBox->height() >= height();
        rootObscuresBackground = rendererObscuresBackground(rootRenderer);
    Page* page = document().page();
    float pageScaleFactor = page ? page->pageScaleFactor() : 1;

    // If painting will entirely fill the view, no need to fill the background.
    if (rootFillsViewport && rootObscuresBackground && pageScaleFactor >= 1)

    // This code typically only executes if the root element's visibility has been set to hidden,
    // if there is a transform on the <html>, or if there is a page scale factor less than 1.
    // Only fill with the base background color (typically white) if we're the root document, 
    // since iframes/frames with no background in the child document should show the parent's background.
    if (frameView().isTransparent()) // FIXME: This needs to be dynamic. We should be able to go back to blitting if we ever stop being transparent.
        frameView().setCannotBlitToWindow(); // The parent must show behind the child.
    else {
        Color baseColor = frameView().baseBackgroundColor();
        if (baseColor.alpha()) {
            CompositeOperator previousOperator = paintInfo.context->compositeOperation();
            paintInfo.context->fillRect(paintInfo.rect, baseColor, style()->colorSpace());
        } else
void InlineBox::attachLine()
    if (m_renderer->isBox())
void RenderLineBoxList::dirtyLinesFromChangedChild(RenderObject* container, RenderObject* child)
    if (!container->parent() || (container->isRenderBlock() && (container->selfNeedsLayout() || !container->isBlockFlow())))

    // If we have no first line box, then just bail early.
    if (!firstLineBox()) {
        // For an empty inline, go ahead and propagate the check up to our parent, unless the parent
        // is already dirty.
        if (container->isInline() && !container->parent()->selfNeedsLayout())

    // Try to figure out which line box we belong in.  First try to find a previous
    // line box by examining our siblings.  If we didn't find a line box, then use our 
    // parent's first line box.
    RootInlineBox* box = 0;
    RenderObject* curr = 0;
    for (curr = child->previousSibling(); curr; curr = curr->previousSibling()) {
        if (curr->isFloatingOrPositioned())

        if (curr->isReplaced()) {
            InlineBox* wrapper = toRenderBox(curr)->inlineBoxWrapper();
            if (wrapper)
                box = wrapper->root();
        } else if (curr->isText()) {
            InlineTextBox* textBox = toRenderText(curr)->lastTextBox();
            if (textBox)
                box = textBox->root();
        } else if (curr->isRenderInline()) {
            InlineFlowBox* flowBox = toRenderInline(curr)->lastLineBox();
            if (flowBox)
                box = flowBox->root();

        if (box)
    if (!box)
        box = firstLineBox()->root();

    // If we found a line box, then dirty it.
    if (box) {
        RootInlineBox* adjacentBox;

        // dirty the adjacent lines that might be affected
        // NOTE: we dirty the previous line because RootInlineBox objects cache
        // the address of the first object on the next line after a BR, which we may be
        // invalidating here.  For more info, see how RenderBlock::layoutInlineChildren
        // calls setLineBreakInfo with the result of findNextLineBreak.  findNextLineBreak,
        // despite the name, actually returns the first RenderObject after the BR.
        // <rdar://problem/3849947> "Typing after pasting line does not appear until after window resize."
        adjacentBox = box->prevRootBox();
        if (adjacentBox)
        if (child->isBR() || (curr && curr->isBR())) {
            adjacentBox = box->nextRootBox();
            if (adjacentBox)
void InlineBox::deleteLine(RenderArena* arena)
    if (!m_bitfields.extracted() && m_renderer.isBox())
RenderObject* RenderObjectChildList::removeChildNode(RenderObject* owner, RenderObject* oldChild, bool fullRemove)
    ASSERT(oldChild->parent() == owner);

    // So that we'll get the appropriate dirty bit set (either that a normal flow child got yanked or
    // that a positioned child got yanked).  We also repaint, so that the area exposed when the child
    // disappears gets repainted properly.
    if (!owner->documentBeingDestroyed() && fullRemove && oldChild->everHadLayout()) {
        if (oldChild->isBody())

    // If we have a line box wrapper, delete it.
    if (oldChild->isBox())

    if (!owner->documentBeingDestroyed() && fullRemove) {
        // if we remove visible child from an invisible parent, we don't know the layer visibility any more
        RenderLayer* layer = 0;
        if (owner->style()->visibility() != VISIBLE && oldChild->style()->visibility() == VISIBLE && !oldChild->hasLayer()) {
            if ((layer = owner->enclosingLayer()))

         // Keep our layer hierarchy updated.
        if (oldChild->firstChild() || oldChild->hasLayer()) {
            if (!layer)
                layer = owner->enclosingLayer();

        if (oldChild->isListItem())

        if (oldChild->isPositioned() && owner->childrenInline())

        if (oldChild->isRenderRegion())

        if (oldChild->inRenderFlowThread() && oldChild->isBox()) {
            if (oldChild->canHaveRegionStyle())

        if (RenderNamedFlowThread* containerFlowThread = renderNamedFlowThreadContainer(owner))

        // Update cached boundaries in SVG renderers, if a child is removed.
    // If oldChild is the start or end of the selection, then clear the selection to
    // avoid problems of invalid pointers.
    // FIXME: The FrameSelection should be responsible for this when it
    // is notified of DOM mutations.
    if (!owner->documentBeingDestroyed() && oldChild->isSelectionBorder())

    // remove the child
    if (oldChild->previousSibling())
    if (oldChild->nextSibling())

    if (firstChild() == oldChild)
    if (lastChild() == oldChild)



    if (AXObjectCache::accessibilityEnabled())

    return oldChild;
void HTMLPlugInImageElement::subframeLoaderWillCreatePlugIn(const KURL& url)
    if (!document()->page()
        || !document()->page()->settings()->plugInSnapshottingEnabled())

    bool inMainFrame = document()->frame() == document()->page()->mainFrame();

    if (document()->isPluginDocument() && inMainFrame) {
        LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in document in main frame", this);

    if (ScriptController::processingUserGesture()) {
        LOG(Plugins, "%p Script is processing user gesture, set to play", this);

    if (m_createdDuringUserGesture) {
        LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in was created when processing user gesture, set to play", this);

    double lastKnownUserGestureTimestamp = document()->lastHandledUserGestureTimestamp();
    if (!inMainFrame && document()->page()->mainFrame() && document()->page()->mainFrame()->document())
        lastKnownUserGestureTimestamp = std::max(lastKnownUserGestureTimestamp, document()->page()->mainFrame()->document()->lastHandledUserGestureTimestamp());
    if (currentTime() - lastKnownUserGestureTimestamp < autostartSoonAfterUserGestureThreshold) {
        LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in was created shortly after a user gesture, set to play", this);

    RenderBox* renderEmbeddedObject = toRenderBox(renderer());
    Length styleWidth = renderEmbeddedObject->style()->width();
    Length styleHeight = renderEmbeddedObject->style()->height();
    LayoutRect contentBoxRect = renderEmbeddedObject->contentBoxRect();
    int contentWidth = contentBoxRect.width();
    int contentHeight = contentBoxRect.height();
    int contentArea = contentWidth * contentHeight;
    IntSize visibleViewSize = document()->frame()->view()->visibleSize();
    int visibleArea = visibleViewSize.width() * visibleViewSize.height();

    if (inMainFrame && styleWidth.isPercent() && (styleWidth.percent() == 100)
        && styleHeight.isPercent() && (styleHeight.percent() == 100)
        && (static_cast<float>(contentArea) / visibleArea > sizingFullPageAreaRatioThreshold)) {
        LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in is top level full page, set to play", this);

    if (contentWidth <= sizingTinyDimensionThreshold || contentHeight <= sizingTinyDimensionThreshold) {
        LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in is %dx%d, set to play", this, contentWidth, contentHeight);

    if (!document()->page() || !document()->page()->plugInClient()) {

    LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in URL: %s", this, m_url.utf8().data());
    LOG(Plugins, "            loaded URL: %s", url.string().utf8().data());

    m_plugInOriginHash = PlugInOriginHash::hash(this, url);
    if (m_plugInOriginHash && document()->page()->plugInClient()->isAutoStartOrigin(m_plugInOriginHash)) {
        LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in hash %x is auto-start, set to play", this, m_plugInOriginHash);

    LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in hash %x is %dx%d, origin is not auto-start, set to wait for snapshot", this, m_plugInOriginHash, contentWidth, contentHeight);
    // We may have got to this point by restarting a snapshotted plug-in, in which case we don't want to
    // reset the display state.
    if (displayState() != RestartingWithPendingMouseClick && displayState() != Restarting)
void RenderMultiColumnFlowThread::flowThreadDescendantInserted(RenderObject* descendant)
    if (gShiftingSpanner || m_beingEvacuated || descendant->isInFlowRenderFlowThread())
    RenderObject* subtreeRoot = descendant;
    for (; descendant; descendant = (descendant ? descendant->nextInPreOrder(subtreeRoot) : nullptr)) {
        if (descendant->isRenderMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder()) {
            // A spanner's placeholder has been inserted. The actual spanner renderer is moved from
            // where it would otherwise occur (if it weren't a spanner) to becoming a sibling of the
            // column sets.
            RenderMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder* placeholder = toRenderMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder(descendant);
            if (placeholder->flowThread() != this) {
                // This isn't our spanner! It shifted here from an ancestor multicolumn block. It's going to end up
                // becoming our spanner instead, but for it to do that we first have to nuke the original spanner,
                // and get the spanner content back into this flow thread.
                RenderBox* spanner = placeholder->spanner();

                // Get info for the move of the original content back into our flow thread.
                RenderBoxModelObject* placeholderParent = toRenderBoxModelObject(placeholder->parent());

                // We have to nuke the placeholder, since the ancestor already lost the mapping to it when
                // we shifted the placeholder down into this flow thread.
                RenderObject* placeholderNextSibling = placeholderParent->removeChild(*placeholder);

                // Get the ancestor multicolumn flow thread to clean up its mess.
                RenderBlockFlow* ancestorBlock = toRenderBlockFlow(spanner->parent());

                // Now move the original content into our flow thread. It will end up calling flowThreadDescendantInserted
                // on the new content only, and everything will get set up properly.
                ancestorBlock->moveChildTo(placeholderParent, spanner, placeholderNextSibling, true);

                // Advance descendant.
                descendant = placeholderNextSibling;

                // If the spanner was the subtree root, then we're done, since there is nothing else left to insert.
                if (!descendant)

                // Now that we have done this, we can continue past the spanning content, since we advanced
                // descendant already.
                if (descendant)
                    descendant = descendant->previousInPreOrder(subtreeRoot);


            m_spannerMap.add(placeholder->spanner(), placeholder);
            ASSERT(!placeholder->firstChild()); // There should be no children here, but if there are, we ought to skip them.
        RenderBlockFlow* multicolContainer = multiColumnBlockFlow();
        RenderObject* nextRendererInFlowThread = descendant->nextInPreOrderAfterChildren(this);
        RenderObject* insertBeforeMulticolChild = nullptr;
        if (isValidColumnSpanner(this, descendant)) {
            // This is a spanner (column-span:all). Such renderers are moved from where they would
            // otherwise occur in the render tree to becoming a direct child of the multicol container,
            // so that they live among the column sets. This simplifies the layout implementation, and
            // basically just relies on regular block layout done by the RenderBlockFlow that
            // establishes the multicol container.
            RenderBlockFlow* container = toRenderBlockFlow(descendant->parent());
            RenderMultiColumnSet* setToSplit = nullptr;
            if (nextRendererInFlowThread) {
                setToSplit = findSetRendering(descendant);
                if (setToSplit) {
                    insertBeforeMulticolChild = setToSplit->nextSibling();
            // Moving a spanner's renderer so that it becomes a sibling of the column sets requires us
            // to insert an anonymous placeholder in the tree where the spanner's renderer otherwise
            // would have been. This is needed for a two reasons: We need a way of separating inline
            // content before and after the spanner, so that it becomes separate line boxes. Secondly,
            // this placeholder serves as a break point for column sets, so that, when encountered, we
            // end flowing one column set and move to the next one.
            RenderMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder* placeholder = RenderMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder::createAnonymous(this, toRenderBox(descendant), &container->style());
            container->addChild(placeholder, descendant->nextSibling());

            // This is a guard to stop an ancestor flow thread from processing the spanner.
            gShiftingSpanner = true;
            multicolContainer->RenderBlock::addChild(descendant, insertBeforeMulticolChild);
            gShiftingSpanner = false;

            // The spanner has now been moved out from the flow thread, but we don't want to
            // examine its children anyway. They are all part of the spanner and shouldn't trigger
            // creation of column sets or anything like that. Continue at its original position in
            // the tree, i.e. where the placeholder was just put.
            if (subtreeRoot == descendant)
                subtreeRoot = placeholder;
            descendant = placeholder;
        } else {
            // This is regular multicol content, i.e. not part of a spanner.
            if (nextRendererInFlowThread && nextRendererInFlowThread->isRenderMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder()) {
                // Inserted right before a spanner. Is there a set for us there?
                RenderMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder* placeholder = toRenderMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder(nextRendererInFlowThread);
                if (RenderObject* previous = placeholder->spanner()->previousSibling()) {
                    if (previous->isRenderMultiColumnSet())
                        continue; // There's already a set there. Nothing to do.
                insertBeforeMulticolChild = placeholder->spanner();
            } else if (RenderMultiColumnSet* lastSet = lastMultiColumnSet()) {
                // This child is not an immediate predecessor of a spanner, which means that if this
                // child precedes a spanner at all, there has to be a column set created for us there
                // already. If it doesn't precede any spanner at all, on the other hand, we need a
                // column set at the end of the multicol container. We don't really check here if the
                // child inserted precedes any spanner or not (as that's an expensive operation). Just
                // make sure we have a column set at the end. It's no big deal if it remains unused.
                if (!lastSet->nextSibling())
        // Need to create a new column set when there's no set already created. We also always insert
        // another column set after a spanner. Even if it turns out that there are no renderers
        // following the spanner, there may be bottom margins there, which take up space.
        RenderMultiColumnSet* newSet = new RenderMultiColumnSet(*this, RenderStyle::createAnonymousStyleWithDisplay(&multicolContainer->style(), BLOCK));
        multicolContainer->RenderBlock::addChild(newSet, insertBeforeMulticolChild);

        // We cannot handle immediate column set siblings at the moment (and there's no need for
        // it, either). There has to be at least one spanner separating them.
        ASSERT(!previousColumnSetOrSpannerSiblingOf(newSet) || !previousColumnSetOrSpannerSiblingOf(newSet)->isRenderMultiColumnSet());
        ASSERT(!nextColumnSetOrSpannerSiblingOf(newSet) || !nextColumnSetOrSpannerSiblingOf(newSet)->isRenderMultiColumnSet());
RenderObject* RenderMultiColumnFlowThread::resolveMovedChild(RenderObject* child) const
    if (child->style().columnSpan() != ColumnSpanAll || !child->isBox()) {
        // We only need to resolve for column spanners.
        return child;
    // The renderer for the actual DOM node that establishes a spanner is moved from its original
    // location in the render tree to becoming a sibling of the column sets. In other words, it's
    // moved out from the flow thread (and becomes a sibling of it). When we for instance want to
    // create and insert a renderer for the sibling node immediately preceding the spanner, we need
    // to map that spanner renderer to the spanner's placeholder, which is where the new inserted
    // renderer belongs.
    if (RenderMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder* placeholder = findColumnSpannerPlaceholder(toRenderBox(child)))
        return placeholder;

    // This is an invalid spanner, or its placeholder hasn't been created yet. This happens when
    // moving an entire subtree into the flow thread, when we are processing the insertion of this
    // spanner's preceding sibling, and we obviously haven't got as far as processing this spanner
    // yet.
    return child;
void RenderLayerClipper::calculateClipRects(const ClipRectsContext& clipRectsContext, ClipRects& clipRects) const
    if (!m_renderer->layer()->parent()) {
        // The root layer's clip rect is always infinite.

    ClipRectsType clipRectsType = clipRectsContext.clipRectsType;
    bool useCached = clipRectsType != TemporaryClipRects;

    // For transformed layers, the root layer was shifted to be us, so there is no need to
    // examine the parent. We want to cache clip rects with us as the root.
    RenderLayer* parentLayer = clipRectsContext.rootLayer != m_renderer->layer() ? m_renderer->layer()->parent() : 0;

    // Ensure that our parent's clip has been calculated so that we can examine the values.
    if (parentLayer) {
        if (useCached && parentLayer->clipper().clipRects(clipRectsContext)) {
            clipRects = *parentLayer->clipper().clipRects(clipRectsContext);
        } else {
            ClipRectsContext parentContext(clipRectsContext);
            parentContext.overlayScrollbarSizeRelevancy = IgnoreOverlayScrollbarSize; // FIXME: why?
            parentLayer->clipper().calculateClipRects(parentContext, clipRects);
    } else {

    // A fixed object is essentially the root of its containing block hierarchy, so when
    // we encounter such an object, we reset our clip rects to the fixedClipRect.
    if (m_renderer->style()->position() == FixedPosition) {
    } else if (m_renderer->style()->hasInFlowPosition()) {
    } else if (m_renderer->style()->position() == AbsolutePosition) {

    // Update the clip rects that will be passed to child layers.
    if ((m_renderer->hasOverflowClip() && (clipRectsContext.respectOverflowClip == RespectOverflowClip || m_renderer->layer() != clipRectsContext.rootLayer)) || m_renderer->hasClip()) {
        // This layer establishes a clip of some kind.

        // This offset cannot use convertToLayerCoords, because sometimes our rootLayer may be across
        // some transformed layer boundary, for example, in the RenderLayerCompositor overlapMap, where
        // clipRects are needed in view space.
        LayoutPoint offset;
        offset = roundedLayoutPoint(m_renderer->localToContainerPoint(FloatPoint(), clipRectsContext.rootLayer->renderer()));
        RenderView* view = m_renderer->view();
        if (view && clipRects.fixed() && clipRectsContext.rootLayer->renderer() == view) {
            offset -= view->frameView()->scrollOffsetForFixedPosition();

        if (m_renderer->hasOverflowClip()) {
            ClipRect newOverflowClip = toRenderBox(m_renderer)->overflowClipRect(offset, clipRectsContext.overlayScrollbarSizeRelevancy);
            if (m_renderer->style()->hasBorderRadius())
            clipRects.setOverflowClipRect(intersection(newOverflowClip, clipRects.overflowClipRect()));
            if (m_renderer->isPositioned())
                clipRects.setPosClipRect(intersection(newOverflowClip, clipRects.posClipRect()));
        if (m_renderer->hasClip()) {
            LayoutRect newPosClip = toRenderBox(m_renderer)->clipRect(offset);
            clipRects.setPosClipRect(intersection(newPosClip, clipRects.posClipRect()));
            clipRects.setOverflowClipRect(intersection(newPosClip, clipRects.overflowClipRect()));
            clipRects.setFixedClipRect(intersection(newPosClip, clipRects.fixedClipRect()));
LayoutPoint RenderFlowThread::adjustedPositionRelativeToOffsetParent(const RenderBoxModelObject& boxModelObject, const LayoutPoint& startPoint)
    LayoutPoint referencePoint = startPoint;

    // FIXME: This needs to be adapted for different writing modes inside the flow thread.
    RenderMultiColumnSet* startColumnSet = columnSetAtBlockOffset(referencePoint.y());
    if (startColumnSet) {
        // Take into account the offset coordinates of the columnSet.
        RenderObject* currObject = startColumnSet;
        RenderObject* currOffsetParentRenderer;
        Element* currOffsetParentElement;
        while ((currOffsetParentElement = currObject->offsetParent()) && (currOffsetParentRenderer = currOffsetParentElement->renderer())) {
            if (currObject->isBoxModelObject())
                referencePoint.move(toRenderBoxModelObject(currObject)->offsetLeft(), toRenderBoxModelObject(currObject)->offsetTop());

            // Since we're looking for the offset relative to the body, we must also
            // take into consideration the borders of the columnSet's offsetParent.
            if (currOffsetParentRenderer->isBox() && !currOffsetParentRenderer->isBody())
                referencePoint.move(toRenderBox(currOffsetParentRenderer)->borderLeft(), toRenderBox(currOffsetParentRenderer)->borderTop());

            currObject = currOffsetParentRenderer;

        // We need to check if any of this box's containing blocks start in a different columnSet
        // and if so, drop the object's top position (which was computed relative to its containing block
        // and is no longer valid) and recompute it using the columnSet in which it flows as reference.
        bool wasComputedRelativeToOtherRegion = false;
        const RenderBlock* objContainingBlock = boxModelObject.containingBlock();
        while (objContainingBlock) {
            // Check if this object is in a different columnSet.
            RenderMultiColumnSet* parentStartRegion = 0;
            RenderMultiColumnSet* parentEndRegion = 0;
            getRegionRangeForBox(objContainingBlock, parentStartRegion, parentEndRegion);
            if (parentStartRegion && parentStartRegion != startColumnSet) {
                wasComputedRelativeToOtherRegion = true;
            objContainingBlock = objContainingBlock->containingBlock();

        if (wasComputedRelativeToOtherRegion) {
            // Get the logical top coordinate of the current object.
            LayoutUnit top = 0;
            if (boxModelObject.isRenderBlock()) {
                top = toRenderBlock(&boxModelObject)->offsetFromLogicalTopOfFirstPage();
            } else {
                if (boxModelObject.containingBlock())
                    top = boxModelObject.containingBlock()->offsetFromLogicalTopOfFirstPage();

                if (boxModelObject.isBox())
                    top += toRenderBox(&boxModelObject)->topLeftLocation().y();
                else if (boxModelObject.isRenderInline())
                    top -= toRenderInline(&boxModelObject)->borderTop();

            // Get the logical top of the columnSet this object starts in
            // and compute the object's top, relative to the columnSet's top.
            LayoutUnit regionLogicalTop = startColumnSet->pageLogicalTopForOffset(top);
            LayoutUnit topRelativeToRegion = top - regionLogicalTop;
            referencePoint.setY(startColumnSet->offsetTop() + topRelativeToRegion);

            // Since the top has been overriden, check if the
            // relative positioning must be reconsidered.
            if (boxModelObject.isRelPositioned())
                referencePoint.move(0, boxModelObject.relativePositionOffset().height());

        // Since we're looking for the offset relative to the body, we must also
        // take into consideration the borders of the columnSet.
        referencePoint.move(startColumnSet->borderLeft(), startColumnSet->borderTop());

    return referencePoint;
void HTMLPlugInImageElement::subframeLoaderWillCreatePlugIn(const KURL& url)
    LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in URL: %s", this, m_url.utf8().data());
    LOG(Plugins, "   Loaded URL: %s", url.string().utf8().data());

    m_loadedUrl = url;

    if (!document()->page()
        || !document()->page()->settings()->plugInSnapshottingEnabled())

    if (displayState() == Restarting) {
        LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in is explicitly restarting", this);

    if (displayState() == RestartingWithPendingMouseClick) {
        LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in is explicitly restarting but also waiting for a click", this);

    bool inMainFrame = document()->frame() == document()->page()->mainFrame();

    if (document()->isPluginDocument() && inMainFrame) {
        LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in document in main frame", this);

    if (ScriptController::processingUserGesture()) {
        LOG(Plugins, "%p Script is currently processing user gesture, set to play", this);

    if (m_createdDuringUserGesture) {
        LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in was created when processing user gesture, set to play", this);

    double lastKnownUserGestureTimestamp = document()->lastHandledUserGestureTimestamp();
    if (!inMainFrame && document()->page()->mainFrame() && document()->page()->mainFrame()->document())
        lastKnownUserGestureTimestamp = std::max(lastKnownUserGestureTimestamp, document()->page()->mainFrame()->document()->lastHandledUserGestureTimestamp());
    if (currentTime() - lastKnownUserGestureTimestamp < autostartSoonAfterUserGestureThreshold) {
        LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in was created shortly after a user gesture, set to play", this);

    RenderBox* renderEmbeddedObject = toRenderBox(renderer());
    Length styleWidth = renderEmbeddedObject->style()->width();
    Length styleHeight = renderEmbeddedObject->style()->height();
    LayoutRect contentBoxRect = renderEmbeddedObject->contentBoxRect();
    int contentWidth = contentBoxRect.width();
    int contentHeight = contentBoxRect.height();
    int contentArea = contentWidth * contentHeight;
    IntSize visibleViewSize = document()->frame()->view()->visibleSize();
    int visibleArea = visibleViewSize.width() * visibleViewSize.height();

    if (inMainFrame && styleWidth.isPercent() && (styleWidth.percent() == 100)
        && styleHeight.isPercent() && (styleHeight.percent() == 100)
        && (static_cast<float>(contentArea) / visibleArea > sizingFullPageAreaRatioThreshold)) {
        LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in is top level full page, set to play", this);

    if (contentWidth <= sizingTinyDimensionThreshold || contentHeight <= sizingTinyDimensionThreshold) {
        LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in is very small %dx%d, set to play", this, contentWidth, contentHeight);

    if (!document()->page()->plugInClient()) {

    if (document()->page()->plugInClient()->shouldAutoStartFromOrigin(document()->page()->mainFrame()->document()->baseURL().host(), url.host(), loadedMimeType())) {
        LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in from (%s, %s) is marked to auto-start, set to play", this, document()->page()->mainFrame()->document()->baseURL().host().utf8().data(), url.host().utf8().data());

    LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in from (%s, %s) is not auto-start, sized at %dx%d, set to wait for snapshot", this, document()->page()->mainFrame()->document()->baseURL().host().utf8().data(), url.host().utf8().data(), contentWidth, contentHeight);
void RenderFlowThread::removeFlowChildInfo(RenderObject* child)
    if (child->isBox())
void RenderLineBoxList::dirtyLinesFromChangedChild(RenderObject* container, RenderObject* child)
    if (!container->parent() || (container->isRenderBlock() && (container->selfNeedsLayout() || !container->isBlockFlow())))

    RenderInline* inlineContainer = container->isRenderInline() ? toRenderInline(container) : 0;
    InlineBox* firstBox = inlineContainer ? inlineContainer->firstLineBoxIncludingCulling() : firstLineBox();

    // If we have no first line box, then just bail early.
    if (!firstBox) {
        // For an empty inline, go ahead and propagate the check up to our parent, unless the parent
        // is already dirty.
        if (container->isInline() && !container->ancestorLineBoxDirty()) {
            container->setAncestorLineBoxDirty(); // Mark the container to avoid dirtying the same lines again across multiple destroy() calls of the same subtree.

    // Try to figure out which line box we belong in.  First try to find a previous
    // line box by examining our siblings.  If we didn't find a line box, then use our 
    // parent's first line box.
    RootInlineBox* box = 0;
    RenderObject* curr = 0;
    for (curr = child->previousSibling(); curr; curr = curr->previousSibling()) {
        if (curr->isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned())

        if (curr->isReplaced()) {
            InlineBox* wrapper = toRenderBox(curr)->inlineBoxWrapper();
            if (wrapper)
                box = wrapper->root();
        } else if (curr->isText()) {
            InlineTextBox* textBox = toRenderText(curr)->lastTextBox();
            if (textBox)
                box = textBox->root();
        } else if (curr->isRenderInline()) {
            InlineBox* lastSiblingBox = toRenderInline(curr)->lastLineBoxIncludingCulling();
            if (lastSiblingBox)
                box = lastSiblingBox->root();

        if (box)
    if (!box) {
        if (inlineContainer && !inlineContainer->alwaysCreateLineBoxes()) {
            // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=60778
            // We may have just removed a <br> with no line box that was our first child. In this case
            // we won't find a previous sibling, but firstBox can be pointing to a following sibling.
            // This isn't good enough, since we won't locate the root line box that encloses the removed
            // <br>. We have to just over-invalidate a bit and go up to our parent.
            if (!inlineContainer->ancestorLineBoxDirty()) {
                inlineContainer->setAncestorLineBoxDirty(); // Mark the container to avoid dirtying the same lines again across multiple destroy() calls of the same subtree.
        box = firstBox->root();

    // If we found a line box, then dirty it.
    if (box) {
        RootInlineBox* adjacentBox;

        // dirty the adjacent lines that might be affected
        // NOTE: we dirty the previous line because RootInlineBox objects cache
        // the address of the first object on the next line after a BR, which we may be
        // invalidating here.  For more info, see how RenderBlock::layoutInlineChildren
        // calls setLineBreakInfo with the result of findNextLineBreak.  findNextLineBreak,
        // despite the name, actually returns the first RenderObject after the BR.
        // <rdar://problem/3849947> "Typing after pasting line does not appear until after window resize."
        adjacentBox = box->prevRootBox();
        if (adjacentBox)
        adjacentBox = box->nextRootBox();
        // If |child| has been inserted before the first element in the linebox, but after collapsed leading
        // space, the search for |child|'s linebox will go past the leading space to the previous linebox and select that
        // one as |box|. If we hit that situation here, dirty the |box| actually containing the child too. 
        bool insertedAfterLeadingSpace = box->lineBreakObj() == child->previousSibling();
        if (adjacentBox && (adjacentBox->lineBreakObj() == child || child->isBR() || (curr && curr->isBR()) || insertedAfterLeadingSpace))
void InlineBox::extractLine()
    if (m_renderer->isBox())
void RenderLineBoxList::dirtyLinesFromChangedChild(RenderObject* container, RenderObject* child)
    if (!container->parent() || (container->isRenderBlock() && (container->selfNeedsLayout() || !container->isRenderParagraph())))

    RenderInline* inlineContainer = container->isRenderInline() ? toRenderInline(container) : 0;
    InlineBox* firstBox = inlineContainer ? inlineContainer->firstLineBoxIncludingCulling() : firstLineBox();

    // If we have no first line box, then just bail early.
    if (!firstBox) {
        // For an empty inline, go ahead and propagate the check up to our parent, unless the parent
        // is already dirty.
        if (container->isInline() && !container->ancestorLineBoxDirty()) {
            container->setAncestorLineBoxDirty(); // Mark the container to avoid dirtying the same lines again across multiple destroy() calls of the same subtree.

    // Try to figure out which line box we belong in.  First try to find a previous
    // line box by examining our siblings.  If we didn't find a line box, then use our
    // parent's first line box.
    RootInlineBox* box = 0;
    RenderObject* curr = 0;
    ListHashSet<RenderObject*, 16> potentialLineBreakObjects;
    for (curr = child->previousSibling(); curr; curr = curr->previousSibling()) {

        if (curr->isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned())

        if (curr->isReplaced()) {
            InlineBox* wrapper = toRenderBox(curr)->inlineBoxWrapper();
            if (wrapper)
                box = &wrapper->root();
        } else if (curr->isText()) {
            InlineTextBox* textBox = toRenderText(curr)->lastTextBox();
            if (textBox)
                box = &textBox->root();
        } else if (curr->isRenderInline()) {
            InlineBox* lastSiblingBox = toRenderInline(curr)->lastLineBoxIncludingCulling();
            if (lastSiblingBox)
                box = &lastSiblingBox->root();

        if (box)
    if (!box) {
        if (inlineContainer && !inlineContainer->alwaysCreateLineBoxes()) {
            // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=60778
            // We may have just removed a <br> with no line box that was our first child. In this case
            // we won't find a previous sibling, but firstBox can be pointing to a following sibling.
            // This isn't good enough, since we won't locate the root line box that encloses the removed
            // <br>. We have to just over-invalidate a bit and go up to our parent.
            if (!inlineContainer->ancestorLineBoxDirty()) {
                inlineContainer->setAncestorLineBoxDirty(); // Mark the container to avoid dirtying the same lines again across multiple destroy() calls of the same subtree.
        box = &firstBox->root();

    // If we found a line box, then dirty it.
    if (box) {
        RootInlineBox* adjacentBox;

        // dirty the adjacent lines that might be affected
        // NOTE: we dirty the previous line because RootInlineBox objects cache
        // the address of the first object on the next line after a BR, which we may be
        // invalidating here.  For more info, see how RenderParagraph::layoutChildren
        // calls setLineBreakInfo with the result of findNextLineBreak.  findNextLineBreak,
        // despite the name, actually returns the first RenderObject after the BR.
        // <rdar://problem/3849947> "Typing after pasting line does not appear until after window resize."
        adjacentBox = box->prevRootBox();
        if (adjacentBox)
        adjacentBox = box->nextRootBox();
        // If |child| or any of its immediately previous siblings with culled lineboxes is the object after a line-break in |box| or the linebox after it
        // then that means |child| actually sits on the linebox after |box| (or is its line-break object) and so we need to dirty it as well.
        if (adjacentBox && (potentialLineBreakObjects.contains(box->lineBreakObj()) || potentialLineBreakObjects.contains(adjacentBox->lineBreakObj()) || isIsolated(container->style()->unicodeBidi())))
void RenderNamedFlowThread::getRanges(Vector<RefPtr<Range> >& rangeObjects, const RenderRegion* region) const
    LayoutUnit logicalTopForRegion;
    LayoutUnit logicalBottomForRegion;

    // extend the first region top to contain everything up to its logical height
    if (region->isFirstRegion())
        logicalTopForRegion = LayoutUnit::min();
        logicalTopForRegion =  region->logicalTopForFlowThreadContent();

    // extend the last region to contain everything above its y()
    if (region->isLastRegion())
        logicalBottomForRegion = LayoutUnit::max();
        logicalBottomForRegion = region->logicalBottomForFlowThreadContent();

    Vector<Node*> nodes;
    // eliminate the contentNodes that are descendants of other contentNodes
    for (NamedFlowContentNodes::const_iterator it = contentNodes().begin(); it != contentNodes().end(); ++it) {
        Node* node = *it;
        if (!isContainedInNodes(nodes, node))

    for (size_t i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) {
        Node* contentNode = nodes.at(i);
        if (!contentNode->renderer())

        RefPtr<Range> range = Range::create(contentNode->document());
        bool foundStartPosition = false;
        bool startsAboveRegion = true;
        bool endsBelowRegion = true;
        bool skipOverOutsideNodes = false;
        Node* lastEndNode = 0;

        for (Node* node = contentNode; node; node = NodeTraversal::next(node, contentNode)) {
            RenderObject* renderer = node->renderer();
            if (!renderer)

            LayoutRect boundingBox;
            if (renderer->isRenderInline())
                boundingBox = toRenderInline(renderer)->linesBoundingBox();
            else if (renderer->isText())
                boundingBox = toRenderText(renderer)->linesBoundingBox();
            else {
                boundingBox =  toRenderBox(renderer)->frameRect();
                if (toRenderBox(renderer)->isRelPositioned())

            LayoutUnit offsetTop = renderer->containingBlock()->offsetFromLogicalTopOfFirstPage();
            const LayoutPoint logicalOffsetFromTop(isHorizontalWritingMode() ? LayoutUnit() :  offsetTop,
                isHorizontalWritingMode() ? offsetTop : LayoutUnit());


            LayoutUnit logicalTopForRenderer = region->logicalTopOfFlowThreadContentRect(boundingBox);
            LayoutUnit logicalBottomForRenderer = region->logicalBottomOfFlowThreadContentRect(boundingBox);

            // if the bounding box of the current element doesn't intersect the region box
            // close the current range only if the start element began inside the region,
            // otherwise just move the start position after this node and keep skipping them until we found a proper start position.
            if (!boxIntersectsRegion(logicalTopForRenderer, logicalBottomForRenderer, logicalTopForRegion, logicalBottomForRegion)) {
                if (foundStartPosition) {
                    if (!startsAboveRegion) {
                        if (range->intersectsNode(node, IGNORE_EXCEPTION))
                            range->setEndBefore(node, IGNORE_EXCEPTION);
                        range = Range::create(contentNode->document());
                        startsAboveRegion = true;
                    } else
                        skipOverOutsideNodes = true;
                if (skipOverOutsideNodes)
                    range->setStartAfter(node, IGNORE_EXCEPTION);
                foundStartPosition = false;

            // start position
            if (logicalTopForRenderer < logicalTopForRegion && startsAboveRegion) {
                if (renderer->isText()) { // Text crosses region top
                    // for Text elements, just find the last textbox that is contained inside the region and use its start() offset as start position
                    RenderText* textRenderer = toRenderText(renderer);
                    for (InlineTextBox* box = textRenderer->firstTextBox(); box; box = box->nextTextBox()) {
                        if (offsetTop + box->logicalBottom() < logicalTopForRegion)
                        range->setStart(Position(toText(node), box->start()));
                        startsAboveRegion = false;
                } else { // node crosses region top
                    // for all elements, except Text, just set the start position to be before their children
                    startsAboveRegion = true;
                    range->setStart(Position(node, Position::PositionIsBeforeChildren));
            } else { // node starts inside region
                // for elements that start inside the region, set the start position to be before them. If we found one, we will just skip the others until
                // the range is closed.
                if (startsAboveRegion) {
                    startsAboveRegion = false;
                    range->setStartBefore(node, IGNORE_EXCEPTION);
            skipOverOutsideNodes  = false;
            foundStartPosition = true;

            // end position
            if (logicalBottomForRegion < logicalBottomForRenderer && (endsBelowRegion || (!endsBelowRegion && !node->isDescendantOf(lastEndNode)))) {
                // for Text elements, just find just find the last textbox that is contained inside the region and use its start()+len() offset as end position
                if (renderer->isText()) { // Text crosses region bottom
                    RenderText* textRenderer = toRenderText(renderer);
                    InlineTextBox* lastBox = 0;
                    for (InlineTextBox* box = textRenderer->firstTextBox(); box; box = box->nextTextBox()) {
                        if ((offsetTop + box->logicalTop()) < logicalBottomForRegion) {
                            lastBox = box;
                        if (lastBox)
                            range->setEnd(Position(toText(node), lastBox->start() + lastBox->len()));
                    endsBelowRegion = false;
                    lastEndNode = node;
                } else { // node crosses region bottom
                    // for all elements, except Text, just set the start position to be after their children
                    range->setEnd(Position(node, Position::PositionIsAfterChildren));
                    endsBelowRegion = true;
                    lastEndNode = node;
            } else { // node ends inside region
                // for elements that ends inside the region, set the end position to be after them
                // allow this end position to be changed only by other elements that are not descendants of the current end node
                if (endsBelowRegion || (!endsBelowRegion && !node->isDescendantOf(lastEndNode))) {
                    range->setEndAfter(node, IGNORE_EXCEPTION);
                    endsBelowRegion = false;
                    lastEndNode = node;
        if (foundStartPosition || skipOverOutsideNodes)
void HTMLPlugInImageElement::subframeLoaderWillCreatePlugIn(const KURL& url)
    LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in URL: %s", this, m_url.utf8().data());
    LOG(Plugins, "   Loaded URL: %s", url.string().utf8().data());

    m_loadedUrl = url;
    m_plugInWasCreated = false;
    m_deferredPromotionToPrimaryPlugIn = false;

    if (!document()->page() || !document()->page()->settings()->plugInSnapshottingEnabled()) {
        m_snapshotDecision = NeverSnapshot;

    if (displayState() == Restarting) {
        LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in is explicitly restarting", this);
        m_snapshotDecision = NeverSnapshot;

    if (displayState() == RestartingWithPendingMouseClick) {
        LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in is explicitly restarting but also waiting for a click", this);
        m_snapshotDecision = NeverSnapshot;

    if (m_snapshotDecision == NeverSnapshot) {
        LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in is blessed, allow it to start", this);

    bool inMainFrame = document()->frame() == document()->page()->mainFrame();

    if (document()->isPluginDocument() && inMainFrame) {
        LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in document in main frame", this);
        m_snapshotDecision = NeverSnapshot;

    if (ScriptController::processingUserGesture()) {
        LOG(Plugins, "%p Script is currently processing user gesture, set to play", this);
        m_snapshotDecision = NeverSnapshot;

    if (m_createdDuringUserGesture) {
        LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in was created when processing user gesture, set to play", this);
        m_snapshotDecision = NeverSnapshot;

    if (documentHadRecentUserGesture(document())) {
        LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in was created shortly after a user gesture, set to play", this);
        m_snapshotDecision = NeverSnapshot;

    if (document()->page()->settings()->snapshotAllPlugIns()) {
        LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in forced to snapshot by user preference", this);
        m_snapshotDecision = Snapshotted;

    if (document()->page()->settings()->autostartOriginPlugInSnapshottingEnabled() && document()->page()->plugInClient() && document()->page()->plugInClient()->shouldAutoStartFromOrigin(document()->page()->mainFrame()->document()->baseURL().host(), url.host(), loadedMimeType())) {
        LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in from (%s, %s) is marked to auto-start, set to play", this, document()->page()->mainFrame()->document()->baseURL().host().utf8().data(), url.host().utf8().data());
        m_snapshotDecision = NeverSnapshot;

    RenderBox* renderEmbeddedObject = toRenderBox(renderer());
    Length styleWidth = renderEmbeddedObject->style()->width();
    Length styleHeight = renderEmbeddedObject->style()->height();
    LayoutRect contentBoxRect = renderEmbeddedObject->contentBoxRect();
    int contentWidth = contentBoxRect.width();
    int contentHeight = contentBoxRect.height();
    int contentArea = contentWidth * contentHeight;
    IntSize visibleViewSize = document()->frame()->view()->visibleSize();
    int visibleArea = visibleViewSize.width() * visibleViewSize.height();

    if (inMainFrame && styleWidth.isPercent() && (styleWidth.percent() == 100)
        && styleHeight.isPercent() && (styleHeight.percent() == 100)
        && (static_cast<float>(contentArea) / visibleArea > sizingFullPageAreaRatioThreshold)) {
        LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in is top level full page, set to play", this);
        m_snapshotDecision = NeverSnapshot;

    if (contentWidth <= sizingTinyDimensionThreshold || contentHeight <= sizingTinyDimensionThreshold) {
        LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in is very small %dx%d, set to play", this, contentWidth, contentHeight);
        m_sizeWhenSnapshotted = IntSize(contentBoxRect.width().toInt(), contentBoxRect.height().toInt());
        m_snapshotDecision = MaySnapshotWhenResized;

    if (!document()->page()->plugInClient()) {
        LOG(Plugins, "%p There is no plug-in client. Set to wait for snapshot", this);
        m_snapshotDecision = NeverSnapshot;

    LOG(Plugins, "%p Plug-in from (%s, %s) is not auto-start, sized at %dx%d, set to wait for snapshot", this, document()->page()->mainFrame()->document()->baseURL().host().utf8().data(), url.host().utf8().data(), contentWidth, contentHeight);
    m_snapshotDecision = Snapshotted;
RenderObject* RenderObjectChildList::removeChildNode(RenderObject* owner, RenderObject* oldChild, bool notifyRenderer)
    ASSERT(oldChild->parent() == owner);

    if (oldChild->isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned())

    // So that we'll get the appropriate dirty bit set (either that a normal flow child got yanked or
    // that a positioned child got yanked). We also repaint, so that the area exposed when the child
    // disappears gets repainted properly.
    if (!owner->documentBeingDestroyed() && notifyRenderer && oldChild->everHadLayout()) {
        // We only repaint |oldChild| if we have a RenderLayer as its visual overflow may not be tracked by its parent.
        if (oldChild->isBody())

    // If we have a line box wrapper, delete it.
    if (oldChild->isBox())

    // If oldChild is the start or end of the selection, then clear the selection to
    // avoid problems of invalid pointers.
    // FIXME: The FrameSelection should be responsible for this when it
    // is notified of DOM mutations.
    if (!owner->documentBeingDestroyed() && oldChild->isSelectionBorder())

    if (!owner->documentBeingDestroyed() && notifyRenderer)

    // WARNING: There should be no code running between willBeRemovedFromTree and the actual removal below.
    // This is needed to avoid race conditions where willBeRemovedFromTree would dirty the tree's structure
    // and the code running here would force an untimely rebuilding, leaving |oldChild| dangling.

    if (oldChild->previousSibling())
    if (oldChild->nextSibling())

    if (firstChild() == oldChild)
    if (lastChild() == oldChild)


    // rendererRemovedFromTree walks the whole subtree. We can improve performance
    // by skipping this step when destroying the entire tree.
    if (!owner->documentBeingDestroyed())

    if (AXObjectCache* cache = owner->document()->existingAXObjectCache())

    return oldChild;
bool ContainerNode::getUpperLeftCorner(FloatPoint& point) const
    if (!renderer())
        return false;
    // What is this code really trying to do?
    RenderObject* o = renderer();
    RenderObject* p = o;

    if (!o->isInline() || o->isReplaced()) {
        point = o->localToAbsolute(FloatPoint(), UseTransforms);
        return true;

    // find the next text/image child, to get a position
    while (o) {
        p = o;
        if (o->firstChild())
            o = o->firstChild();
        else if (o->nextSibling())
            o = o->nextSibling();
        else {
            RenderObject* next = 0;
            while (!next && o->parent()) {
                o = o->parent();
                next = o->nextSibling();
            o = next;

            if (!o)

        if (!o->isInline() || o->isReplaced()) {
            point = o->localToAbsolute(FloatPoint(), UseTransforms);
            return true;

        if (p->node() && p->node() == this && o->isText() && !o->isBR() && !toRenderText(o)->firstTextBox()) {
            // do nothing - skip unrendered whitespace that is a child or next sibling of the anchor
        } else if ((o->isText() && !o->isBR()) || o->isReplaced()) {
            point = FloatPoint();
            if (o->isText() && toRenderText(o)->firstTextBox()) {
                point.move(toRenderText(o)->linesBoundingBox().x(), toRenderText(o)->firstTextBox()->root()->lineTop());
            } else if (o->isBox()) {
                RenderBox* box = toRenderBox(o);
            point = o->container()->localToAbsolute(point, UseTransforms);
            return true;
    // If the target doesn't have any children or siblings that could be used to calculate the scroll position, we must be
    // at the end of the document. Scroll to the bottom. FIXME: who said anything about scrolling?
    if (!o && document().view()) {
        point = FloatPoint(0, document().view()->contentsHeight());
        return true;
    return false;
void InlineBox::deleteLine(RenderArena* arena)
    if (!m_extracted && m_renderer->isBox())
void RenderTreeAsText::writeRenderObject(TextStream& ts, const RenderObject& o, RenderAsTextBehavior behavior)
    ts << o.renderName();

    if (behavior & RenderAsTextShowAddresses)
        ts << " " << static_cast<const void*>(&o);

    if (o.style() && o.style()->zIndex())
        ts << " zI: " << o.style()->zIndex();

    if (o.node()) {
        String tagName = o.node()->nodeName();
        if (!tagName.isEmpty()) {
            ts << " {" << tagName << "}";
            // flag empty or unstyled AppleStyleSpan because we never
            // want to leave them in the DOM
            if (isEmptyOrUnstyledAppleStyleSpan(o.node()))
                ts << " *empty or unstyled AppleStyleSpan*";

    LayoutRect r;
    if (o.isText()) {
        // FIXME: Would be better to dump the bounding box x and y rather than the first run's x and y, but that would involve updating
        // many test results.
        const RenderText& text = toRenderText(o);
        IntRect linesBox = text.linesBoundingBox();
        r = IntRect(text.firstRunX(), text.firstRunY(), linesBox.width(), linesBox.height());
    } else if (o.isRenderInline()) {
        // FIXME: Would be better not to just dump 0, 0 as the x and y here.
        const RenderInline& inlineFlow = toRenderInline(o);
        r = IntRect(0, 0, inlineFlow.linesBoundingBox().width(), inlineFlow.linesBoundingBox().height());
    } else if (o.isBox())
        r = toRenderBox(&o)->frameRect();

    ts << " " << r;

    if (!o.isText()) {
        if (o.parent()) {
            Color color = o.resolveColor(CSSPropertyColor);
            if (o.parent()->resolveColor(CSSPropertyColor) != color)
                ts << " [color=" << color.nameForRenderTreeAsText() << "]";

            // Do not dump invalid or transparent backgrounds, since that is the default.
            Color backgroundColor = o.resolveColor(CSSPropertyBackgroundColor);
            if (o.parent()->resolveColor(CSSPropertyBackgroundColor) != backgroundColor
                && backgroundColor.rgb())
                ts << " [bgcolor=" << backgroundColor.nameForRenderTreeAsText() << "]";

            Color textFillColor = o.resolveColor(CSSPropertyWebkitTextFillColor);
            if (o.parent()->resolveColor(CSSPropertyWebkitTextFillColor) != textFillColor
                && textFillColor != color && textFillColor.rgb())
                ts << " [textFillColor=" << textFillColor.nameForRenderTreeAsText() << "]";

            Color textStrokeColor = o.resolveColor(CSSPropertyWebkitTextStrokeColor);
            if (o.parent()->resolveColor(CSSPropertyWebkitTextStrokeColor) != textStrokeColor
                && textStrokeColor != color && textStrokeColor.rgb())
                ts << " [textStrokeColor=" << textStrokeColor.nameForRenderTreeAsText() << "]";

            if (o.parent()->style()->textStrokeWidth() != o.style()->textStrokeWidth() && o.style()->textStrokeWidth() > 0)
                ts << " [textStrokeWidth=" << o.style()->textStrokeWidth() << "]";

        if (!o.isBoxModelObject())

        const RenderBoxModelObject& box = toRenderBoxModelObject(o);
        if (box.borderTop() || box.borderRight() || box.borderBottom() || box.borderLeft()) {
            ts << " [border:";

            BorderValue prevBorder = o.style()->borderTop();
            if (!box.borderTop())
                ts << " none";
            else {
                ts << " (" << box.borderTop() << "px ";
                printBorderStyle(ts, o.style()->borderTopStyle());
                Color col = o.resolveColor(CSSPropertyBorderTopColor);
                ts << col.nameForRenderTreeAsText() << ")";

            if (o.style()->borderRight() != prevBorder) {
                prevBorder = o.style()->borderRight();
                if (!box.borderRight())
                    ts << " none";
                else {
                    ts << " (" << box.borderRight() << "px ";
                    printBorderStyle(ts, o.style()->borderRightStyle());
                    Color col = o.resolveColor(CSSPropertyBorderRightColor);
                    ts << col.nameForRenderTreeAsText() << ")";

            if (o.style()->borderBottom() != prevBorder) {
                prevBorder = box.style()->borderBottom();
                if (!box.borderBottom())
                    ts << " none";
                else {
                    ts << " (" << box.borderBottom() << "px ";
                    printBorderStyle(ts, o.style()->borderBottomStyle());
                    Color col = o.resolveColor(CSSPropertyBorderBottomColor);
                    ts << col.nameForRenderTreeAsText() << ")";

            if (o.style()->borderLeft() != prevBorder) {
                prevBorder = o.style()->borderLeft();
                if (!box.borderLeft())
                    ts << " none";
                else {
                    ts << " (" << box.borderLeft() << "px ";
                    printBorderStyle(ts, o.style()->borderLeftStyle());
                    Color col = o.resolveColor(CSSPropertyBorderLeftColor);
                    ts << col.nameForRenderTreeAsText() << ")";

            ts << "]";

    if (behavior & RenderAsTextShowIDAndClass) {
        Node* node = o.node();
        if (node && node->isElementNode()) {
            Element& element = toElement(*node);
            if (element.hasID())
                ts << " id=\"" + element.getIdAttribute() + "\"";

            if (element.hasClass()) {
                ts << " class=\"";
                for (size_t i = 0; i < element.classNames().size(); ++i) {
                    if (i > 0)
                        ts << " ";
                    ts << element.classNames()[i];
                ts << "\"";

    if (behavior & RenderAsTextShowLayoutState) {
        bool needsLayout = o.selfNeedsLayout() || o.needsPositionedMovementLayout() || o.posChildNeedsLayout() || o.normalChildNeedsLayout();
        if (needsLayout)
            ts << " (needs layout:";

        bool havePrevious = false;
        if (o.selfNeedsLayout()) {
            ts << " self";
            havePrevious = true;

        if (o.needsPositionedMovementLayout()) {
            if (havePrevious)
                ts << ",";
            havePrevious = true;
            ts << " positioned movement";

        if (o.normalChildNeedsLayout()) {
            if (havePrevious)
                ts << ",";
            havePrevious = true;
            ts << " child";

        if (o.posChildNeedsLayout()) {
            if (havePrevious)
                ts << ",";
            ts << " positioned child";

        if (needsLayout)
            ts << ")";