
  places the position of the tag into "org"

  returns the index of the tag it used, so we can cycle through tag's with the same name
int CG_GetOriginForTag(centity_t *cent, refEntity_t *parent, char *tagName, int startIndex, vec3_t org, vec3_t axis[3])
	int           i;
	orientation_t lerped;
	int           retval;

	// lerp the tag
	retval = trap_R_LerpTag(&lerped, parent, tagName, startIndex);

	if (retval < 0)
		return retval;

	VectorCopy(parent->origin, org);

	for (i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++)
		VectorMA(org, lerped.origin[i], parent->axis[i], org);

	if (axis)
		// had to cast away the const to avoid compiler problems...
		MatrixMultiply(lerped.axis, ((refEntity_t *)parent)->axis, axis);

	return retval;
static void RegisterClientModelnameWithFallback (clientInfo_t *ci, const char *modelName, const char *skinName, const char *headModelName, const char *headSkinName, const char *teamName, qboolean dontForceTeamSkin)
	if (CG_RegisterClientModelname(ci, modelName, skinName, headModelName, headSkinName, "", dontForceTeamSkin)) {
			const char *dir, *fallback, *s;
			int i;

			cg.teamModel.newAnims = qfalse;
			if (cg.teamModel.torsoModel) {
				orientation_t tag;
				// if the torso model has the "tag_flag"
				if (trap_R_LerpTag(&tag, cg.teamModel.torsoModel, 0, 0, 1, "tag_flag")) {
					cg.teamModel.newAnims = qtrue;

			// sounds
			dir = cg.teamModel.modelName;
			fallback = (cgs.gametype >= GT_TEAM) ? DEFAULT_TEAM_MODEL : DEFAULT_MODEL;

			for (i = 0;  i < MAX_CUSTOM_SOUNDS;  i++) {
				s = cg_customSoundNames[i];
				if (!s) {
				cg.teamModel.sounds[i] = 0;
				// if the model didn't load use the sounds of the default model
				cg.teamModel.sounds[i] = trap_S_RegisterSound(va("sound/player/%s/%s", dir, s + 1), qfalse);
				if (!cg.teamModel.sounds[i])
					cg.teamModel.sounds[i] = trap_S_RegisterSound(va("sound/player/%s/%s", fallback, s + 1), qfalse);
static qboolean UI_PositionEntityOnTag( refEntity_t *entity, const refEntity_t *parent,
							clipHandle_t parentModel, char *tagName ) {
	int				i;
	orientation_t	lerped;
	qboolean		returnValue;
	// lerp the tag
	returnValue = trap_R_LerpTag( &lerped, parentModel, parent->oldframe, parent->frame,
		1.0 - parent->backlerp, tagName );

	// FIXME: allow origin offsets along tag?
	VectorCopy( parent->origin, entity->origin );
	for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) {
		VectorMA( entity->origin, lerped.origin[i], parent->axis[i], entity->origin );

	// cast away const because of compiler problems
	MatrixMultiply( lerped.axis, ((refEntity_t*)parent)->axis, entity->axis );
	entity->backlerp = parent->backlerp;

	return returnValue;
文件: g_character.c 项目: lcfx/etet
G_CalcMoveSpeeds; adapted from BG_CalcMoveSpeeds
static void G_CalcMoveSpeeds( bg_character_t *character )
	char			*tags[2] = {"tag_footleft", "tag_footright"};
	vec3_t			oldPos[2] = { { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 } };
	grefEntity_t		refent;
	animation_t		*anim;
	int				i, j, k;
	float			totalSpeed;
	int				numSpeed;
	int				lastLow, low;
	orientation_t	o[2];

	memset( &refent, 0, sizeof(refent) );

	refent.hModel = character->mesh;

	for( i = 0; i < character->animModelInfo->numAnimations; i++ ) {
		anim = character->animModelInfo->animations[i];

		if( anim->moveSpeed >= 0 ) {

		totalSpeed = 0;
		lastLow = -1;
		numSpeed = 0;

		// for each frame
		for( j = 0; j < anim->numFrames; j++ ) {

			refent.frame = anim->firstFrame + j;
			refent.oldframe = refent.frame;
			refent.torsoFrameModel = refent.oldTorsoFrameModel = refent.frameModel = refent.oldframeModel = anim->mdxFile;

			// for each foot
			for( k = 0; k < 2; k++ ) {
				if( trap_R_LerpTag( &o[k], &refent, tags[k], 0 ) < 0 ) {
					G_Error( "G_CalcMoveSpeeds: unable to find tag %s, cannot calculate movespeed", tags[k] );

			// find the contact foot
			if( anim->flags & ANIMFL_LADDERANIM ) {
				if( o[0].origin[0] > o[1].origin[0] )
					low = 0;
					low = 1;
				totalSpeed += fabs( oldPos[low][2] - o[low].origin[2] );
			} else {
				if( o[0].origin[2] < o[1].origin[2] )
					low = 0;
					low = 1;
				totalSpeed += fabs( oldPos[low][0] - o[low].origin[0] );


			// save the positions
			for( k = 0; k < 2; k++ ) {
				VectorCopy( o[k].origin, oldPos[k] );
			lastLow = low;

		// record the speed
		anim->moveSpeed = rint((totalSpeed/numSpeed) * 1000.0 / anim->frameLerp);
void Wolfcam_LoadModels (void)
	char modelStr[MAX_QPATH];
	//char tmpStr[MAX_QPATH];
	//char skinStr[MAX_QPATH];
	char *skin;
	int i;
	//FIXME modification count can't be changed by cgame?
	static int modc = -1;
	static int modchead = -1;
	static int modctorso = -1;
	static int modclegs = -1;
	static int modcheadcolor = -1;
	static int modctorsocolor = -1;
	static int modclegscolor = -1;
	qboolean checkSkins;


	checkSkins = qfalse;

	//if (cg_enemyModel.modificationCount) {
	if (cg_enemyModel.modificationCount != modc  ||
		cg_enemyHeadSkin.modificationCount != modchead  ||
		cg_enemyTorsoSkin.modificationCount != modctorso  ||
		cg_enemyLegsSkin.modificationCount != modclegs

) {
		EM_Loaded = 0;
		modc = cg_enemyModel.modificationCount;
		modchead = cg_enemyHeadSkin.modificationCount;
		modctorso = cg_enemyTorsoSkin.modificationCount;
		modclegs = cg_enemyLegsSkin.modificationCount;
		checkSkins = qtrue;
		for (i = 0;  i < MAX_CLIENTS;  i++) {
			clientInfo_t *ci;

			ci = &cgs.clientinfo[i];
			ci->headEnemySkinAlt = 0;
			ci->torsoEnemySkinAlt = 0;
			ci->legsEnemySkinAlt = 0;

	if (EM_Loaded == 0 && cg_enemyModel.string && *cg_enemyModel.string) {
		Q_strncpyz (modelStr, cg_enemyModel.string, sizeof(modelStr));
		if ((skin = strchr(modelStr, '/')) == NULL) {
			//Com_Printf("using default\n");
			skin = "default";
		} else
			*skin++ = 0;

		//memcpy(&EM_ModelInfo, ci, sizeof(EM_ModelInfo));

		Q_strncpyz(EM_ModelInfo.modelName, modelStr, sizeof(EM_ModelInfo.modelName));
		Q_strncpyz(EM_ModelInfo.skinName, skin, sizeof(EM_ModelInfo.skinName));

		if (cgs.gametype >= GT_TEAM  &&  Q_stricmp(EM_ModelInfo.skinName, "pm") != 0) {
			//FIXME why is this here
			//Q_strncpyz(EM_ModelInfo.skinName, "default", sizeof(EM_ModelI\nfo.skinName));

		Q_strncpyz(EM_ModelInfo.headModelName, EM_ModelInfo.modelName, sizeof(EM_ModelInfo.headModelName));
		Q_strncpyz(EM_ModelInfo.headSkinName, EM_ModelInfo.skinName, sizeof(EM_ModelInfo.headSkinName));

		if (CG_RegisterClientModelname(&EM_ModelInfo, EM_ModelInfo.modelName, EM_ModelInfo.skinName, EM_ModelInfo.headModelName, EM_ModelInfo.headSkinName, "", qtrue)) {
			const char *dir, *fallback, *s;

			//char modelName[MAX_QPATH];
			//char skinName[MAX_QPATH];

			EM_Loaded = 1;
			EM_ModelInfo.newAnims = qfalse;
			if (EM_ModelInfo.torsoModel) {
				orientation_t tag;
				// if the torso model has the "tag_flag"
				if (trap_R_LerpTag(&tag, EM_ModelInfo.torsoModel, 0, 0, 1, "tag_flag")) {
					EM_ModelInfo.newAnims = qtrue;

			//FIXME not here
#if 0
			if (cg_enemyHeadSkin.string  &&  *cg_enemyHeadSkin.string) {
				CG_GetModelAndSkinName(cg_enemyHeadSkin.string, modelName, skinName);
				if (!*modelName) {
					Q_strncpyz(modelName, modelStr, sizeof(modelName));

				EM_ModelInfo.headSkin = CG_RegisterSkinVertexLight(va("models/players/%s/head_%s.skin", modelName, skinName));
				if (!EM_ModelInfo.headSkin) {
					Com_Printf("couldn't load head skin '%s %s'\n", modelName, skinName);
			if (cg_enemyTorsoSkin.string  &&  *cg_enemyTorsoSkin.string) {
				CG_GetModelAndSkinName(cg_enemyTorsoSkin.string, modelName, skinName);
				if (!*modelName) {
					Q_strncpyz(modelName, modelStr, sizeof(modelName));

				EM_ModelInfo.torsoSkin = CG_RegisterSkinVertexLight(va("models/players/%s/upper_%s.skin", modelName, skinName));
				if (!EM_ModelInfo.torsoSkin) {
					Com_Printf("couldn't load torso skin '%s %s'\n", modelName, skinName);
			if (cg_enemyLegsSkin.string  &&  *cg_enemyLegsSkin.string) {
				CG_GetModelAndSkinName(cg_enemyLegsSkin.string, modelName, skinName);
				if (!*modelName) {
					Q_strncpyz(modelName, modelStr, sizeof(modelName));

				Com_Printf("legs model: %s  skin: %s\n", modelName, skinName);
				EM_ModelInfo.legsSkin = CG_RegisterSkinVertexLight(va("models/players/%s/lower_%s.skin", modelName, skinName));
				if (!EM_ModelInfo.legsSkin) {
					Com_Printf("couldn't load legs skin '%s %s'\n", modelName, skinName);
			// sounds
			dir = EM_ModelInfo.modelName;
			fallback = (cgs.gametype >= GT_TEAM) ? DEFAULT_TEAM_MODEL : DEFAULT_MODEL;

			for (i = 0;  i < MAX_CUSTOM_SOUNDS;  i++) {
				s = cg_customSoundNames[i];
				if (!s) {
				EM_ModelInfo.sounds[i] = 0;
				// if the model didn't load use the sounds of the default model
				EM_ModelInfo.sounds[i] = trap_S_RegisterSound(va("sound/player/%s/%s", dir, s + 1), qfalse);
				if (!EM_ModelInfo.sounds[i])
					EM_ModelInfo.sounds[i] = trap_S_RegisterSound(va("sound/player/%s/%s", fallback, s + 1), qfalse);
			EM_Loaded = -1;
	} else if (EM_Loaded == 0) {
		// request to switch back to default models
		//Com_Printf("back to old models\n");
		EM_Loaded = -1;

	if (cg_enemyHeadColor.modificationCount != modcheadcolor  ||
		cg_enemyTorsoColor.modificationCount != modctorsocolor  ||
		cg_enemyLegsColor.modificationCount != modclegscolor
		) {
		SC_ByteVec3ColorFromCvar(EC_Colors[0], &cg_enemyHeadColor);
		EC_Colors[0][3] = 255;
		SC_ByteVec3ColorFromCvar(EC_Colors[1], &cg_enemyTorsoColor);
		EC_Colors[1][3] = 255;
		SC_ByteVec3ColorFromCvar(EC_Colors[2], &cg_enemyLegsColor);
		EC_Colors[2][3] = 255;
		modcheadcolor = cg_enemyHeadColor.modificationCount;
		modctorsocolor = cg_enemyTorsoColor.modificationCount;
		modclegscolor = cg_enemyLegsColor.modificationCount;
		EC_Loaded = 1;

	if (checkSkins  &&  (*cg_enemyHeadSkin.string  ||  *cg_enemyTorsoSkin.string  ||  *cg_enemyLegsSkin.string)) {
		Com_Printf("reset alt enemy skins\n");
		for (i = 0;  i < MAX_CLIENTS;  i++) {
			clientInfo_t *ci;

			ci = &cgs.clientinfo[i];
			ci->headEnemySkinAlt = 0;
			ci->torsoEnemySkinAlt = 0;
			ci->legsEnemySkinAlt = 0;