/** idle function */
int idle_func(gpointer idle_data) {
    LOOP_STR* ps = (LOOP_STR*)idle_data;
    char* pmsg = NULL;
    pmsg = g_strdup_printf("ENTERED D=%s", ps->name);
    twmsg(__func__, pmsg);

    twmsg(__func__, "EXITING");

    /* return T and it will be called ALL THE TIME 
    return(FALSE);  // one-time call....
/** loop thread */
void* loop_thread(void* pv) {
    LOOP_STR* ps = NULL;
    if (pv == NULL) {
	twmsg(__func__, "ERROR pv=NULL");
    } else {
	ps = (LOOP_STR*)pv;
	twmsg(__func__, "STARTING");
	/* run the main loop for this thread */

    twmsg(__func__, "EXITING");
/** timeout callback, see doc on g_timeout_add() 
 *  -- called until this returns FALSE when it will be removed */
gboolean tmo_callback(gpointer data) {
    //printf("%s\n", (char*)data);
    twmsg(__func__, (char*)data);

    /* send msg to loop 1 and 2 
     * - ideally check to see who caused the tmo 
    MsgSend(&loop_1, "TMO1");
    MsgSend(&loop_2, "TMO2");

    return TRUE;
/** send msg to a queue */
gboolean MsgSend(LOOP_STR* ps, char* msg) {
    gboolean res = FALSE;
    if (ps == NULL) {
	twmsg(__func__, "ERROR pv=NULL");
    } else {
	/* create new copy of msg and send, then wakeup context */
	char* msg_data = g_strdup(msg);
	g_async_queue_push(ps->Q, msg_data);
	res = TRUE;
文件: steps.c 项目: wythe-lin/ZTKBLE
/* time_window -
 *	Realize the time window algorithm, only the steps in time window is valid.
 *      There should be four continuous steps at begin.
static void time_window(char n)
	twmsg(("\033[1;36m[twin] %s: ", (n==0) ? "x" : (n==1) ? "y" : "z"));
	twmsg(("(rule=%0d, interval=%03d) - ", rule, interval));

	switch (rule) {
	case 2:	// if it is the first step, add TempStep directly
		InvalidSteps = 0;
		interval     = 0;
		rule         = 1;

	case 1:
		if ((interval >= __ACC_TWIN_MIN) && (interval <= __ACC_TWIN_MAX)) {
			// if still not find the rule
			twmsg(("min < t < max"));
			TempSteps++;				// make TempSteps add one
			if (TempSteps >= REGULATION) {
				// if TempSteps reach the regulation number
				twmsg((", TempSteps >= %0d", REGULATION));
				STEPS     = STEPS + TempSteps;	// Update STEPS
//				STEPS     = STEPS + 1;		// Update STEPS
				TempSteps = 0;
				rule      = 0;			// Have found the rule

		} else if (interval < __ACC_TWIN_MIN) {
			// if have not found the rule, the process looking for rule before is invalid, then search the rule again
			twmsg(("t < min"));
			TempSteps = 1;

		} else if (interval > __ACC_TWIN_MAX) {
			// if the interval more than upper threshold, the steps is interrupted, then searh the rule again
			twmsg(("t > max"));
			TempSteps = 1;
		InvalidSteps = 0;
		interval     = 0;

	case 0:
		if ((interval >= __ACC_TWIN_MIN) && (interval <= __ACC_TWIN_MAX)) {
			// if have found the rule, update STEPS directly
			twmsg(("min < t < max"));
			TempSteps    = 0;
			InvalidSteps = 0;

		} else if (interval < __ACC_TWIN_MIN) {
			// if have found the rule
			twmsg(("t < min"));
			InvalidSteps++;				// make InvalidSteps add one
			if (InvalidSteps >= INVALID) {
				// if InvalidSteps reach the INVALID number, search the rule again
				twmsg((", InvalidSteps >= %0d", INVALID));
				TempSteps    = 1;
				InvalidSteps = 0;
				rule         = 1;

		} else if (interval > __ACC_TWIN_MAX) {
			// if the interval more than upper threshold, the steps is interrupted, then searh the rule again
			twmsg(("t > max"));
			TempSteps    = 1;
			InvalidSteps = 0;
			rule         = 1;
		interval = 0;

//	if (rule == 2)	{
//		// if it is the first step, add TempStep directly
//		twmsg(("(start)"));
//		TempSteps++;
//		interval     = 0;
//		InvalidSteps = 0;
//		rule         = 1;
//	} else {
//		// if it is not the first step, process as below
//		if ((interval >= __ACC_TWIN_MIN) && (interval <= __ACC_TWIN_MAX)) {
//			// if the step interval in the time window
//			twmsg(("(min <= interval <= max)"));
//			InvalidSteps = 0;
//			if (rule == 1) {
//				// if still not find the rule
//				twmsg(("A"));
//				TempSteps++;				// make TempSteps add one
//				if (TempSteps >= REGULATION) {
//					// if TempSteps reach the regulation number
//					STEPS     = STEPS + TempSteps;	// Update STEPS
////					STEPS     = STEPS + 1;		// Update STEPS
//					TempSteps = 0;
//					rule      = 0;			// Have found the rule
//				}
//				interval = 0;
//			} else if (rule == 0) {
//				// if have found the rule, Update STEPS directly
//				twmsg(("B"));
//				STEPS++;
//				TempSteps = 0;
//				interval  = 0;
//			}
//		} else if (interval < __ACC_TWIN_MIN) {
//			// if time interval less than the time window under threshold
//			twmsg(("interval < min"));
//			if (rule == 0) {
//				twmsg(("C"));
//				// if have found the rule
//				if (InvalidSteps < 255) {
//					InvalidSteps++;			// make InvalidSteps add one
//				}
//				if (InvalidSteps >= INVALID) {
//					// if InvalidSteps reach the INVALID number, search the rule again
//					twmsg(("E"));
//					TempSteps    = 1;
//					interval     = 0;
//					InvalidSteps = 0;
//					rule         = 1;
//				} else {
//					// otherwise, just discard this step
//					twmsg(("F"));
//					interval = 0;
//				}
//			} else if (rule == 1) {
//				twmsg(("D"));
//				// if have not found the rule, the process looking for rule before is invalid, then search the rule again
//				TempSteps    = 1;
//				interval     = 0;
//				InvalidSteps = 0;
//				rule         = 1;
//			}
//		} else if (interval > __ACC_TWIN_MAX) {
//			// if the interval more than upper threshold, the steps is interrupted, then searh the rule again
//			twmsg(("interval > max"));
//			TempSteps    = 1;
//			interval     = 0;
//			InvalidSteps = 0;
//			rule         = 1;
//		}
//	}

/* program main */
int main()
    char* tmsg = NULL;
    int   main_tmo = 5;
    int   loop1_tmo = 2 * main_tmo;
    int   loop2_tmo = 3;

    twmsg(__func__, "STARTING");

    /* setup the main loop structure */
    tmsg=g_strdup_printf("creating main context, TMO=%d", main_tmo);
    twmsg(__func__, tmsg);

    loop_main.name         = g_strdup("MAIN");
    loop_main.tmo          = main_tmo;  /* seconds for callback */
    loop_main.main_context = NULL;   /* use default */
    loop_main.main_loop    = g_main_loop_new (loop_main.main_context, FALSE);
    loop_main.idle         = g_idle_source_new();
    g_source_set_callback(loop_main.idle, idle_func, &loop_main, NULL);
    g_source_attach(loop_main.idle, loop_main.main_context);
    loop_main.main_context = NULL;  /* use default */
    loop_main.Q            = NULL;  /* no queue, for now */
    loop_main.TH           = NULL; /* this is the main thread so no thread info */

    /* interval, function callback, userdata 
     * - internally creates source and attaches to main context */
    g_timeout_add_seconds(loop_main.tmo, tmo_callback, "tmo_callback");

    /* create info for the worker thread and set up its context, then run it */
    tmsg=g_strdup_printf("creating loop1 context, TMO=%d", loop1_tmo);
    twmsg(__func__, tmsg);
    loop_main.name         = g_strdup("LOOP_1");
    loop_1.tmo = loop1_tmo;
    loop_1.main_context    = g_main_context_new();
    loop_1.main_loop       = g_main_loop_new(loop_1.main_context, FALSE);
    loop_1.idle            = g_idle_source_new();
    g_source_set_callback(loop_1.idle, idle_func, &loop_1, NULL);
    g_source_attach(loop_1.idle, loop_1.main_context);
    loop_1.Q               = g_async_queue_new();

    /* manually create new timeout source and attach to main context of nth Loop 
     * - timeout is in ms so multiply seconds by 1000
     * - set priority to 1 or 2
     * - optionally set name 
    GSource *source1 = g_timeout_source_new (loop_1.tmo*1000);
    g_source_set_priority (source1, 1);
    g_source_set_callback (source1, tmo_callback, "tmo_loop1_callback", NULL);
    g_source_set_name (source1, "LOOP1_TMO"); 
    g_source_attach (source1, loop_1.main_context);

    /* run the thread which will run the main context */
    loop_1.TH           = g_thread_new("LOOP1_TH", loop_thread, &loop_1);  

    /* create info for the second worker thread and set up its context, then run it */
    tmsg=g_strdup_printf("creating loop2 context, TMO=%d", loop2_tmo);
    twmsg(__func__, tmsg);

    /* init the data for the context */
    loop_2.name         = g_strdup("LOOP_2");
    loop_2.tmo = loop2_tmo;
    loop_2.main_context = g_main_context_new();
    loop_2.main_loop    = g_main_loop_new(loop_2.main_context, FALSE);
    loop_2.idle         = g_idle_source_new();
    g_source_set_callback(loop_2.idle, idle_func, &loop_2, NULL);
    g_source_attach(loop_2.idle, loop_2.main_context);
    loop_2.Q            = g_async_queue_new();

    /* manually create new timeout source and attach to main context of nth Loop 
     * - timeout is in ms so multiply seconds by 1000
     * - set priority to 1 or 2
     * - optionally set name 
    GSource *source2 = g_timeout_source_new (loop_2.tmo*1000);
    g_source_set_priority (source2, 1);
    g_source_set_callback (source2, tmo_callback, "tmo_loop2_callback", NULL);
    g_source_set_name (source2, "LOOP2_TMO"); 
    g_source_attach (source2, loop_2.main_context);

    /* run the second thread */
    loop_2.TH           = g_thread_new("LOOP2_TH", loop_thread, &loop_2);

    /* run the main loop */

    return 0;