lfs_balloc(struct vnode *vp, off_t startoffset, int iosize, kauth_cred_t cred,
    int flags, struct buf **bpp)
	int offset;
	daddr_t daddr, idaddr;
	struct buf *ibp, *bp;
	struct inode *ip;
	struct lfs *fs;
	struct indir indirs[ULFS_NIADDR+2], *idp;
	daddr_t	lbn, lastblock;
	int bcount;
	int error, frags, i, nsize, osize, num;

	ip = VTOI(vp);
	fs = ip->i_lfs;
	offset = lfs_blkoff(fs, startoffset);
	KASSERT(iosize <= lfs_sb_getbsize(fs));
	lbn = lfs_lblkno(fs, startoffset);
	/* (void)lfs_check(vp, lbn, 0); */


	 * Three cases: it's a block beyond the end of file, it's a block in
	 * the file that may or may not have been assigned a disk address or
	 * we're writing an entire block.
	 * Note, if the daddr is UNWRITTEN, the block already exists in
	 * the cache (it was read or written earlier).	If so, make sure
	 * we don't count it as a new block or zero out its contents. If
	 * it did not, make sure we allocate any necessary indirect
	 * blocks.
	 * If we are writing a block beyond the end of the file, we need to
	 * check if the old last block was a fragment.	If it was, we need
	 * to rewrite it.

	if (bpp)
		*bpp = NULL;

	/* Check for block beyond end of file and fragment extension needed. */
	lastblock = lfs_lblkno(fs, ip->i_size);
	if (lastblock < ULFS_NDADDR && lastblock < lbn) {
		osize = lfs_blksize(fs, ip, lastblock);
		if (osize < lfs_sb_getbsize(fs) && osize > 0) {
			if ((error = lfs_fragextend(vp, osize, lfs_sb_getbsize(fs),
						    (bpp ? &bp : NULL), cred)))
				return (error);
			ip->i_size = (lastblock + 1) * lfs_sb_getbsize(fs);
			lfs_dino_setsize(fs, ip->i_din, ip->i_size);
			uvm_vnp_setsize(vp, ip->i_size);
			ip->i_flag |= IN_CHANGE | IN_UPDATE;
			if (bpp)
				(void) VOP_BWRITE(bp->b_vp, bp);

	 * If the block we are writing is a direct block, it's the last
	 * block in the file, and offset + iosize is less than a full
	 * block, we can write one or more fragments.  There are two cases:
	 * the block is brand new and we should allocate it the correct
	 * size or it already exists and contains some fragments and
	 * may need to extend it.
	if (lbn < ULFS_NDADDR && lfs_lblkno(fs, ip->i_size) <= lbn) {
		osize = lfs_blksize(fs, ip, lbn);
		nsize = lfs_fragroundup(fs, offset + iosize);
		if (lfs_lblktosize(fs, lbn) >= ip->i_size) {
			/* Brand new block or fragment */
			frags = lfs_numfrags(fs, nsize);
			if (!ISSPACE(fs, frags, cred))
				return ENOSPC;
			if (bpp) {
				*bpp = bp = getblk(vp, lbn, nsize, 0, 0);
				bp->b_blkno = UNWRITTEN;
				if (flags & B_CLRBUF)
			ip->i_lfs_effnblks += frags;
			lfs_sb_subbfree(fs, frags);
			lfs_dino_setdb(fs, ip->i_din, lbn, UNWRITTEN);
		} else {
			if (nsize <= osize) {
				/* No need to extend */
				if (bpp && (error = bread(vp, lbn, osize,
				    0, &bp)))
					return error;
			} else {
				/* Extend existing block */
				if ((error =
				     lfs_fragextend(vp, osize, nsize, lbn,
						    (bpp ? &bp : NULL), cred)))
					return error;
			if (bpp)
				*bpp = bp;
		return 0;

	error = ulfs_bmaparray(vp, lbn, &daddr, &indirs[0], &num, NULL, NULL);
	if (error)
		return (error);

	KASSERT(daddr <= LFS_MAX_DADDR(fs));

	 * Do byte accounting all at once, so we can gracefully fail *before*
	 * we start assigning blocks.
	frags = fs->um_seqinc;
	bcount = 0;
	if (daddr == UNASSIGNED) {
		bcount = frags;
	for (i = 1; i < num; ++i) {
		if (!indirs[i].in_exists) {
			bcount += frags;
	if (ISSPACE(fs, bcount, cred)) {
		lfs_sb_subbfree(fs, bcount);
		ip->i_lfs_effnblks += bcount;
	} else {
		return ENOSPC;

	if (daddr == UNASSIGNED) {
		if (num > 0 && lfs_dino_getib(fs, ip->i_din, indirs[0].in_off) == 0) {
			lfs_dino_setib(fs, ip->i_din, indirs[0].in_off, UNWRITTEN);

		 * Create new indirect blocks if necessary
		if (num > 1) {
			idaddr = lfs_dino_getib(fs, ip->i_din, indirs[0].in_off);
			for (i = 1; i < num; ++i) {
				ibp = getblk(vp, indirs[i].in_lbn,
				    lfs_sb_getbsize(fs), 0,0);
				if (!indirs[i].in_exists) {
					ibp->b_blkno = UNWRITTEN;
				} else if (!(ibp->b_oflags & (BO_DELWRI | BO_DONE))) {
					ibp->b_blkno = LFS_FSBTODB(fs, idaddr);
					ibp->b_flags |= B_READ;
					VOP_STRATEGY(vp, ibp);
				 * This block exists, but the next one may not.
				 * If that is the case mark it UNWRITTEN to keep
				 * the accounting straight.
				/* XXX ondisk32 */
				if (((int32_t *)ibp->b_data)[indirs[i].in_off] == 0)
					((int32_t *)ibp->b_data)[indirs[i].in_off] =
				/* XXX ondisk32 */
				idaddr = ((int32_t *)ibp->b_data)[indirs[i].in_off];
#ifdef DEBUG
				if (vp == fs->lfs_ivnode) {
					LFS_ENTER_LOG("balloc", __FILE__,
						__LINE__, indirs[i].in_lbn,
						ibp->b_flags, curproc->p_pid);
				if ((error = VOP_BWRITE(ibp->b_vp, ibp)))
					return error;

	 * Get the existing block from the cache, if requested.
	if (bpp)
		*bpp = bp = getblk(vp, lbn, lfs_blksize(fs, ip, lbn), 0, 0);

	 * Do accounting on blocks that represent pages.
	if (!bpp)
		lfs_register_block(vp, lbn);

	 * The block we are writing may be a brand new block
	 * in which case we need to do accounting.
	 * We can tell a truly new block because ulfs_bmaparray will say
	 * it is UNASSIGNED.  Once we allocate it we will assign it the
	 * disk address UNWRITTEN.
	if (daddr == UNASSIGNED) {
		if (bpp) {
			if (flags & B_CLRBUF)

			/* Note the new address */
			bp->b_blkno = UNWRITTEN;

		switch (num) {
		    case 0:
			lfs_dino_setdb(fs, ip->i_din, lbn, UNWRITTEN);
		    case 1:
			lfs_dino_setib(fs, ip->i_din, indirs[0].in_off, UNWRITTEN);
			idp = &indirs[num - 1];
			if (bread(vp, idp->in_lbn, lfs_sb_getbsize(fs),
				  B_MODIFY, &ibp))
				panic("lfs_balloc: bread bno %lld",
				    (long long)idp->in_lbn);
			/* XXX ondisk32 */
			((int32_t *)ibp->b_data)[idp->in_off] = UNWRITTEN;
#ifdef DEBUG
			if (vp == fs->lfs_ivnode) {
				LFS_ENTER_LOG("balloc", __FILE__,
					__LINE__, idp->in_lbn,
					ibp->b_flags, curproc->p_pid);
			VOP_BWRITE(ibp->b_vp, ibp);
	} else if (bpp && !(bp->b_oflags & (BO_DONE|BO_DELWRI))) {
		 * Not a brand new block, also not in the cache;
		 * read it in from disk.
		if (iosize == lfs_sb_getbsize(fs))
			/* Optimization: I/O is unnecessary. */
			bp->b_blkno = daddr;
		else {
			 * We need to read the block to preserve the
			 * existing bytes.
			bp->b_blkno = daddr;
			bp->b_flags |= B_READ;
			VOP_STRATEGY(vp, bp);
			return (biowait(bp));

	return (0);
文件: lfs_rfw.c 项目: Hooman3/minix
 * Load the appropriate indirect block, and change the appropriate pointer.
 * Mark the block dirty.  Do segment and avail accounting.
static int
update_meta(struct lfs *fs, ino_t ino, int vers, daddr_t lbn,
	    daddr_t ndaddr, size_t size, struct lwp *l)
	int error;
	struct vnode *vp;
	struct inode *ip;
#ifdef DEBUG
	daddr_t odaddr;
	struct indir a[ULFS_NIADDR];
	int num;
	int i;
#endif /* DEBUG */
	struct buf *bp;
	SEGUSE *sup;

	KASSERT(lbn >= 0);	/* no indirect blocks */

	if ((error = lfs_rf_valloc(fs, ino, vers, l, &vp)) != 0) {
		DLOG((DLOG_RF, "update_meta: ino %d: lfs_rf_valloc"
		      " returned %d\n", ino, error));
		return error;

	if ((error = lfs_balloc(vp, (lbn << fs->lfs_bshift), size,
				NOCRED, 0, &bp)) != 0) {
		return (error);
	/* No need to write, the block is already on disk */
	if (bp->b_oflags & BO_DELWRI) {
		fs->lfs_avail += lfs_btofsb(fs, bp->b_bcount);
	brelse(bp, BC_INVAL);

	 * Extend the file, if it is not large enough already.
	 * XXX this is not exactly right, we don't know how much of the
	 * XXX last block is actually used.  We hope that an inode will
	 * XXX appear later to give the correct size.
	ip = VTOI(vp);
	if (ip->i_size <= (lbn << fs->lfs_bshift)) {
		u_int64_t newsize;

		if (lbn < ULFS_NDADDR)
			newsize = ip->i_ffs1_size = (lbn << fs->lfs_bshift) +
				(size - fs->lfs_fsize) + 1;
			newsize = ip->i_ffs1_size = (lbn << fs->lfs_bshift) + 1;

		if (ip->i_size < newsize) {
			ip->i_size = newsize;
			 * tell vm our new size for the case the inode won't
			 * appear later.
			uvm_vnp_setsize(vp, newsize);

	lfs_update_single(fs, NULL, vp, lbn, ndaddr, size);

	LFS_SEGENTRY(sup, fs, lfs_dtosn(fs, ndaddr), bp);
	sup->su_nbytes += size;
	LFS_WRITESEGENTRY(sup, fs, lfs_dtosn(fs, ndaddr), bp);

	/* differences here should be due to UNWRITTEN indirect blocks. */
	KASSERT((lfs_lblkno(fs, ip->i_size) > ULFS_NDADDR &&
	    ip->i_lfs_effnblks == ip->i_ffs1_blocks) ||
	    ip->i_lfs_effnblks >= ip->i_ffs1_blocks);

#ifdef DEBUG
	/* Now look again to make sure it worked */
	ulfs_bmaparray(vp, lbn, &odaddr, &a[0], &num, NULL, NULL);
	for (i = num; i > 0; i--) {
		if (!a[i].in_exists)
			panic("update_meta: absent %d lv indirect block", i);
	if (LFS_DBTOFSB(fs, odaddr) != ndaddr)
		DLOG((DLOG_RF, "update_meta: failed setting ino %d lbn %"
		      PRId64 " to %" PRId64 "\n", ino, lbn, ndaddr));
#endif /* DEBUG */
	return 0;