//vMarchingCubes iterates over the entire dataset, calling vMarchCube on each cube
GLvoid vMarchingCubes()
        GLint iX, iY, iZ;
        for(iX = 0; iX < iDataSetSize; iX++)
        for(iY = 0; iY < iDataSetSize; iY++)
        for(iZ = 0; iZ < iDataSetSize; iZ++)
                vMarchCube(iX*fStepSize, iY*fStepSize, iZ*fStepSize, fStepSize);
void SaveMesh(std::string filename, const BoundedVolume<T,TargetHost> vol, const BoundedVolume<TColor,TargetHost> volColor )
    std::vector<aiVector3D> verts;
    std::vector<aiVector3D> norms;
    std::vector<aiFace> faces;
    std::vector<aiColor4D> colors;

    for(GLint iX = 0; iX < vol.Voxels().x-1; iX++) {
        for(GLint iY = 0; iY < vol.Voxels().y-1; iY++) {
            for(GLint iZ = 0; iZ < vol.Voxels().z-1; iZ++) {
                vMarchCube(vol, volColor, iX,iY,iZ, verts, norms, faces, colors);

    aiMesh* mesh = MeshFromLists(verts,norms,faces,colors);
    SaveMesh(filename, mesh);
//vMarchingCubes iterates over the entire dataset, calling vMarchCube on each cube
void vMarchingCubes()
        int iX, iY, iZ;

		iNTotalTriangles = 0;

		/* printf("Entered here\n"); */
		if (iUseGridPointers)
			/* printf("Using grid pointers\n"); */
			if ((fSourceXPointer == NULL) && (fSourceXPointer == NULL) && (fSourceXPointer == NULL))
				printf("Grid pointers not initialized\n");
			/* printf("Not using grid pointers\n"); */
			if (fSourceDataVerticesPointer == NULL)
				printf("Data vertices not initialized\n");

		/* printf("Going to start loop\n"); */

		for(iX = 0; iX < iXDataSetSize; iX+=iXStep)
        for(iY = 0; iY < iYDataSetSize; iY+=iYStep)
        for(iZ = 0; iZ < iZDataSetSize; iZ+=iZStep)
			/* Here I have to check if the point or any of its neighbours
			   is above the isosurface value */
			vMarchCube(iX, iY, iZ);

		printf("Total triangles = %d", iNTotalTriangles);