文件: triang.c 项目: nixberg/lumo
bool hitTriang(Photon *photon, Triang *triang, const float distance, const Material *materials)
    Shader shader = DIFFUSE;

    // Better idea?
    if (fDot(triang->direct, photon->direct) > -EPSILON)
        triang->direct = vNeg(triang->direct);

    // Update ray's position to the point where the ray hits the sphere
    photon->origin = fFMA(photon->direct, distance - UM(10), photon->origin);
    photon->lambda = materials[triang->mID].lambda;

    if (shader == CRAZY) {
        photon->direct = vNorm(vSub(newVec(0.99, 0, 0), photon->origin));
        return REFLECTED;

    else if (shader == SPECULAR) {
        // Angle between new and old vector is twice the angle between old vector and normal
        Vec reflect = vDot(photon->direct, triang->direct);
        photon->direct = vSub(photon->direct, vMul(triang->direct, vAdd(reflect, reflect)));

        return REFLECTED;

    else if (shader == DIFFUSE) {
        photon->direct = randDir();
        if (fDot(photon->direct, triang->direct) < EPSILON)
            photon->direct = vNeg(photon->direct);

        return REFLECTED;

    else return ABSORBED;
void QeFindPopularPasswords(LPCWSTR lpw, size_t n, std::vector<TqePatInsts>& vPatterns)
	std::vector<WCHAR> vLower(n);
	std::vector<WCHAR> vLeet(n);
	for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
		const WCHAR ch = lpw[i];

		vLower[i] = towlower(ch);
		vLeet[i] = towlower(QeDecodeLeetChar(ch));

	const size_t nMaxLen = min(n, CPopularPasswords::GetMaxLength());
	for(size_t nSubLen = nMaxLen; nSubLen >= 3; --nSubLen)
		if(!CPopularPasswords::ContainsLength(nSubLen)) continue;

		std::vector<WCHAR> vSub(nSubLen);

		for(size_t i = 0; i <= (n - nSubLen); ++i)
			if(QeVectorContains(vLower, L'\0', i, nSubLen)) continue;

			memcpy(&vSub[0], &vLower[i], nSubLen * sizeof(WCHAR));
			if(!QeEvalAddPopularPasswordPattern(vPatterns, lpw, i, vSub, 0.0))
				memcpy(&vSub[0], &vLeet[i], nSubLen * sizeof(WCHAR));
				if(QeEvalAddPopularPasswordPattern(vPatterns, lpw, i, vSub, 1.5))
					memset(&vLower[i], 0, nSubLen * sizeof(WCHAR));
			else memset(&vLower[i], 0, nSubLen * sizeof(WCHAR));
文件: triang.c 项目: nixberg/lumo
float intersectTriang(const Triang *triang, const Photon *photon)
    // 1. Intersect triangle plane
    // Distance d:
    //     (triang.origin - photon.origin) * triang.direct
    // d = -----------------------------------------------
    //              photon.direct * triang.direct
    float d;
    d  = fDot(vSub(triang->origin, photon->origin), triang->direct);
    d /= fDot(photon->direct, triang->direct);

    if (d < EPSILON) return MISS;

    // 2. Check if hit point is inside triangle
    // See: http://www.blackpawn.com/texts/pointinpoly/default.html

    // Compute vectors
    Vec vectap = vSub(fFMA(photon->direct, d, photon->origin), triang->origin);

    // Compute dot products
    // Crazy idea: precalculating, polymorphic virus style..
    float dotCC = fDot(triang->vectac, triang->vectac);
    float dotCB = fDot(triang->vectac, triang->vectab);
    float dotCP = fDot(triang->vectac, vectap);
    float dotBB = fDot(triang->vectab, triang->vectab);
    float dotBP = fDot(triang->vectab, vectap);

    // Compute barycentric coordinates
    float invDenom = 1 / (dotCC * dotBB - dotCB * dotCB);
    float u = (dotBB * dotCP - dotCB * dotCP) * invDenom;
    float v = (dotCC * dotBP - dotCB * dotCP) * invDenom;

    // Check if point is in triangle
    if (triang->rectan)
        if (u > EPSILON && v > EPSILON && u < EPSILONONE && v < EPSILONONE)
            return d;
        else if (u > EPSILON && v > EPSILON && (u + v < EPSILONONE))
            return d;

    return MISS;
文件: Triangle.cpp 项目: WesleyTo/as2
Intersect Triangle::intersect(Ray r) {
	Intersect::Intersect ret = *new Intersect::Intersect();
	float a = v1.getX() - v2.getX();
	float b = v1.getY() - v2.getY();
	float c = v1.getZ() - v2.getZ();
	float d = v1.getX() - v3.getX();
	float e = v1.getY() - v3.getY();
	float f = v1.getZ() - v3.getZ();
	float g = r.getDir().at(0);
	float h = r.getDir().at(1);
	float i = r.getDir().at(2);
	float j = v1.getX() - r.getEye().at(0);
	float k = v1.getY() - r.getEye().at(1);
	float l = v1.getZ() - r.getEye().at(2);
	float eiminushf = e*i - h*f;
	float gfminusdi = g*f - d*i;
	float dhminuseg = d*h - e*g;
	float akminusjb = a*k - j*b;
	float jcminusal = j*c - a*l;
	float blminuskc = b*l - k*c;
	float m = a*(eiminushf) + b*(gfminusdi) + c*(dhminuseg);
	float beta = (j*(eiminushf) + k*(gfminusdi) + l*(dhminuseg))/m;
	if (beta < 0) {return ret;}
	float gamma = (i*(akminusjb) + h*(jcminusal) + g*(blminuskc))/m;
	if (gamma < 0 || beta+gamma > 1) {return ret;}
	float t = (-1)*(f*(akminusjb) + e*(jcminusal) + d*(blminuskc))/m;
	std::vector<float> p;
	std::vector<float> vec1 = v1.toVec();
	std::vector<float> vec2 = v2.toVec();
	std::vector<float> vec3 = v3.toVec();
	std::vector<float> sub1 = vSub(&vec2, &vec1);
	std::vector<float> sub2 = vSub(&vec3, &vec1);
	std::vector<float> scaled1 = vScale(&beta, &sub1);
	std::vector<float> scaled2 = vScale(&gamma, &sub2);
	std::vector<float> added1 = vAdd(&vec1, &scaled1);
	p = vAdd(&added1, &scaled2);
	return ret;
文件: rectan.c 项目: nixberg/lumo
double intersectRectan(Rectan *rectan, Photon *photon)
    // Clipping
    double dotProduct = vDotp(photon->direct, rectan->direct);
    if (dotProduct < EPSILON && dotProduct > -EPSILON) return MISS;
    // For explanation, see intersectCamera 
    Vec vec = vSub(rectan->origin, photon->origin);
    double dist = vDotp(rectan->direct, vec) / dotProduct;
    if (dist < EPSILON) return MISS;
    // Hit point on plane
    Vec point = vMul(photon->direct, dist);
    point = vAdd(photon->origin, point);
    point = vSub(point, rectan->origin);
    // Compute dot products
    double dotAA = vDotp(rectan->vectab, rectan->vectab);
    double dotBB = vDotp(rectan->vectad, rectan->vectad);
    double dotAB = vDotp(rectan->vectab, rectan->vectad);
    double dotAP = vDotp(rectan->vectab, point);
    double dotBP = vDotp(rectan->vectad, point);
    // Compute barycentric coordinates
    double denominator = 1 / (dotAA * dotBB - dotAB * dotAB);
    double u = (dotBB * dotAP - dotAB * dotBP) * denominator;
    double v = (dotAA * dotBP - dotAB * dotAP) * denominator;
    // Check if point is in rectangle
    if (u < EPSILON || v < EPSILON || u > EPSILONONE || v > EPSILONONE)
        return MISS;
    return dist;
文件: triang.c 项目: nixberg/lumo
Photon triangEmit(const Triang *triang, const Material *materials)
    Photon p;
    float u = drand48(), v = drand48();
    Vec point = vAdd(fMul(triang->vectab, u), fMul(triang->vectac, v));

    // If point is outside triangle
    if (!triang->rectan && u + v < EPSILONONE)
        p.origin = vSub(vAdd(triang->origin, vAdd(triang->vectab, triang->vectac)), point);
        p.origin = vAdd(triang->origin, point);

    p.direct = randDir();
    if (fDot(p.direct, triang->direct) > EPSILON)
        p.direct = vNeg(p.direct);

    p.lambda = materials[triang->mID].lambda;
    return p;
void EnzBase::sub( double n )
	vSub( n );
文件: game.c 项目: dulrich/EACSMB
void handleInput(GameState* gs, InputState* is) {
	double te = gs->frameSpan;
	float moveSpeed = gs->settings.keyScroll * te; // should load from config
	float rotateSpeed = gs->settings.keyRotate * te; // 20.8 degrees
	float keyZoom = gs->settings.keyZoom * te;
	float mouseZoom = gs->settings.mouseZoom * te;
	if(is->clickButton == 1) {
			gs->cursorPos.x - 5,
			gs->cursorPos.y - 5,
			gs->cursorPos.x + 5,
			gs->cursorPos.y + 5
			gs->cursorPos.x - 5,
			gs->cursorPos.y - 5,
			gs->cursorPos.x + 5,
			gs->cursorPos.y + 5,
			gs->activeTool + 1
	if(is->buttonDown == 1) {
		gs->mouseDownPos.x = gs->cursorPos.x;
		gs->mouseDownPos.y = gs->cursorPos.y;
		printf("start dragging at (%d,%d)\n", (int)gs->cursorPos.x, (int)gs->cursorPos.y);
	if(is->buttonUp == 1) {
		//vCopy(&gs->cursorPos, &gs->mouseDownPos);
		printf("stopped dragging at (%d,%d)\n", (int)gs->cursorPos.x, (int)gs->cursorPos.y);
	if(is->clickButton == 2) {
		gs->activeTool = (gs->activeTool + 1) % 3;
	// look direction
	if(is->keyState[38] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		gs->direction += rotateSpeed;
	if(is->keyState[39] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		gs->direction -= rotateSpeed;
	// keep rotation in [0,F_2PI)
	gs->direction = fmodf(F_2PI + gs->direction, F_2PI);
	// zoom
	if(is->keyState[52] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		gs->zoom += keyZoom;
 		gs->zoom = fmin(gs->zoom, -10.0);
	if(is->keyState[53] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		gs->zoom -= keyZoom;
	if(is->clickButton == 4) {
		gs->zoom += mouseZoom;
 		gs->zoom = fmin(gs->zoom, -10.0);
	if(is->clickButton == 5) {
		gs->zoom -= mouseZoom;

	// movement
	Vector move = {
		.x = moveSpeed * sin(F_PI - gs->direction),
		.y = moveSpeed * cos(F_PI - gs->direction),
		.z = 0.0f
	if(is->keyState[111] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		vAdd(&gs->lookCenter, &move, &gs->lookCenter);
	if(is->keyState[116] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		vSub(&gs->lookCenter, &move, &gs->lookCenter);
	// flip x and y to get ccw normal, using move.z as the temp
	move.z = move.x;
	move.x = -move.y;
	move.y = move.z;
	move.z = 0.0f;
	if(is->keyState[113] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		vSub(&gs->lookCenter, &move, &gs->lookCenter);
	if(is->keyState[114] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		vAdd(&gs->lookCenter, &move, &gs->lookCenter);
	if(is->keyState[110] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		nearPlane += 50 * te;
		printf("near: %f, far: %f\n", nearPlane, farPlane);
	if(is->keyState[115] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		nearPlane -= 50 * te;
		printf("near: %f, far: %f\n", nearPlane, farPlane);
	if(is->keyState[112] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		farPlane += 250 * te;
		printf("near: %f, far: %f\n", nearPlane, farPlane);
	if(is->keyState[117] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		farPlane -= 250 * te;
		printf("near: %f, far: %f\n", nearPlane, farPlane);
	static lastChange = 0;
	if(is->keyState[119] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		if(gs->frameTime > lastChange + 1) {
			gs->debugMode = (gs->debugMode + 1) % 5;
			lastChange = gs->frameTime;

void setGameSettings(GameSettings* g, UserConfig* u) {
	const float rotateFactor = 0.7260f;
	const float scrollFactor = 300.0f;
	const float zoomFactor = 600.0f;
	g->keyRotate = rotateFactor * fclampNorm(u->keyRotateSensitivity);
	g->keyScroll = scrollFactor * fclampNorm(u->keyScrollSensitivity);
	g->keyZoom = zoomFactor * fclampNorm(u->keyZoomSensitivity);
	g->mouseRotate = rotateFactor * fclampNorm(u->mouseRotateSensitivity);
	g->mouseScroll = scrollFactor * fclampNorm(u->mouseScrollSensitivity);
	g->mouseZoom = 4 * zoomFactor * fclampNorm(u->mouseZoomSensitivity);
	printf("keyRotate %.3f\n", g->keyRotate);
	printf("keyScroll %.3f\n", g->keyScroll);
	printf("keyZoom %.3f\n", g->keyZoom);
	printf("mouseRotate %.3f\n", g->mouseRotate);
	printf("mouseScroll %.3f\n", g->mouseScroll);
	printf("mouseZoom %.3f\n", g->mouseZoom);

void setUpView(GameState* gs) {

void depthPrepass(XStuff* xs, GameState* gs, InputState* is) {
	// draw UI
	renderUIPicking(xs, gs);
	// draw terrain
	// TODO: factor all the math into the frame setup function
	//mScale3f(10, 10, 10, &mModel);
	//mRot3f(0, 1, 0, gs->direction, &mModel);
	msPerspective(60, gs->screen.aspect, nearPlane, farPlane, &gs->proj);

	// order matters! don't mess with this.
	msTrans3f(0, -1, gs->zoom, &gs->view);
	msRot3f(1, 0, 0, F_PI / 6, &gs->view);
	msRot3f(0,1,0, gs->direction, &gs->view);
	msTrans3f(-gs->lookCenter.x, 0, -gs->lookCenter.y, &gs->view);
	// y-up to z-up rotation
	msRot3f(1, 0, 0, F_PI_2, &gs->view);
	msScale3f(1, 1, -1, &gs->view);

	// calculate cursor position
	Vector eyeCoord;
	Vector worldCoord;
	Matrix p, invp, invv;
	// device space (-1:1)
	Vector devCoord;
	devCoord.x = 0.50;
	devCoord.y = 0.50;
	devCoord.z = -1.0;
	// eye space
	mInverse(msGetTop(&gs->proj), &invp);
	vMatrixMul(&devCoord, &invp, &eyeCoord);
	vNorm(&eyeCoord, &eyeCoord);
	// world space
	mInverse(msGetTop(&gs->view), &invv);
	vMatrixMul(&eyeCoord, &invv, &worldCoord);
	vNorm(&worldCoord, &worldCoord);

	// draw terrain
// 	drawTerrainBlockDepth(&gs->map, msGetTop(&gs->model), msGetTop(&gs->view), msGetTop(&gs->proj));
	drawTerrainDepth(&gs->map, msGetTop(&gs->view), msGetTop(&gs->proj), &gs->screen.wh);
文件: rectan.c 项目: nixberg/lumo
bool hitRectan(Photon *photon, Rectan *rectan, double distance)
    // Specular reflection
    if (true) {
        // Update ray's position to the point where the ray hits the sphere
        Vec vec = vMul(photon->direct, distance);
        photon->origin = vAdd(photon->origin, vec);
        // Angle between new and old vector is twice the angle between old vector and normal
        vec = vMul(rectan->direct, vDotp(photon->direct, rectan->direct) * 2.f);
        vec = vSub(rectan->direct, photon->direct);
        photon->direct = vNorm(vec);
        // Might not be necessary...
        vec = vMul(photon->direct, 1000.f * EPSILON);
        photon->origin = vAdd(photon->origin, vec);
        return REFLECTED;
    // Diffuse reflection
    else if (false) {
        // Necessary for adjusting direction of reflected photon later on
        bool positiveAngle = NO;
        if (vDotp(photon->direct, rectan->direct) > EPSILON) positiveAngle = YES;
        // Update ray's position to the point where the ray hits the sphere
        Vec vec = vMul(photon->direct, distance);
        photon->origin = vAdd(photon->origin, vec);
#warning DEBUG!!!
        // Camera origin
        /*Vec origin; origin.x = 0.99f; origin.y = 0.f; origin.z = 0.f;
         Vec newDir; newDir = vSub(&origin, &photon->origin);
         photon->direct = vNorm(&newDir);*/
        // Using spherical coordinate system to guarantee
        // uniform distribution of orientations in space
        double azimuth = drand48() * M_PI * 2;         // "phi"
        double inclination = acos(2 * drand48() - 1);  // "theta"
        photon->direct.x = sin(inclination) * cos(azimuth);
        photon->direct.y = sin(inclination) * sin(azimuth);
        photon->direct.z = cos(inclination);
        // Adjusting direction of reflected photon
        // Incoming positive -> negative outgoing
        // Incomi ng negative -> positive outgoing
        if (positiveAngle) {
            if (vDotp(photon->direct, rectan->direct) > EPSILON)
                photon->direct = vMul(photon->direct, -1.f);
        else if (vDotp(photon->direct, rectan->direct) < -EPSILON)
            photon->direct = vMul(photon->direct, -1.f);
        photon->direct = vNorm(photon->direct);
        // Might not be necessary...
        vec = vMul(photon->direct, 1000.f * EPSILON);
        photon->origin = vAdd(photon->origin, vec);
        // Color
        photon->wavelength = rectan->mID;
        return REFLECTED;
     * Absorption
    else return ABSORBED;
文件: triang.c 项目: nixberg/lumo
Triang newTriABC(const Vec a, const Vec b, const Vec c, const bool rectan, const uint mID)
    return newTriang(a, vSub(b, a), vSub(c, a), rectan, mID);
void ReacBase::sub( double v )
    vSub( v );
文件: RayTrace.cpp 项目: WesleyTo/as2
Ray::Ray(std::vector<float> e, std::vector<float> p) {
    eye = e;
    point = p;
    camDir = vSub(p, e);
文件: RayTrace.cpp 项目: WesleyTo/as2
//     Unit Tests
int main() {
    // set for command line argument -t to run unit tests.
    bool test = true;

    if (test) {
        std::cout<<"\n=================\nBegin UNIT TESTS\n=================\n\n";
        Light::Light n = *new Light::Light(0, 1, 1, 0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5);

        Intersect::Intersect i = *new Intersect::Intersect();
        if(i.isHit()) {
            std::cout<<"INCORRECT! hit is true.\n\n";
        else {
            std::cout<<"CORRECT! hit is false.\n\n";
        if(i.isHit()) {
            std::cout<<"CORRECT! hit is true.\n\n";
        else {
            std::cout<<"INCORRECT! hit is false.\n\n";
        std::vector<float> ptest(3);
        ptest[0] = 0;
        ptest[1] = 1;
        ptest[2] = 2;
        std::vector<float> p = i.getPoint();
        std::cout<< "[" << p[0] << ", " << p[1] << ", " << p[2] << "]\n";

        Vertex::Vertex a = *new Vertex::Vertex(0,0,0);
        Vertex::Vertex b = *new Vertex::Vertex(1,0,0);
        Vertex::Vertex c = *new Vertex::Vertex(0,1,0);
        a = a.sub(b);
        std::vector<float> d = c.toVec();
        std::cout<<"vec ["<< d[0] << ", " << d[1] << ", " << d[2] << "]\n";
        Vertex::Vertex e1 = *new Vertex::Vertex(d);
        Vertex a1 = *new Vertex::Vertex(0,1,0);
        Vertex b1 = *new Vertex::Vertex(1,-1,0);
        Vertex c1 = *new Vertex::Vertex(-1,-1,0);
        Triangle t = *new Triangle::Triangle(a1,b1,c1);
        p[0] = 0;
        p[1] = 0;
        p[2] = 0;
        std::vector<float> e(3);
        e[0] = 0;
        e[1] = 0;
        e[2] = 3;

        Ray::Ray r = *new Ray::Ray(e, p);
        i = t.intersect(r);
        if (i.isHit()) {
            std::cout<<"Triangle Intersected - OKAY\n";
        Sphere::Sphere s = *new Sphere::Sphere(1, p);
        if (s.intersect(r).isHit()) {
            std::cout<<"Sphere Intersected - OKAY\n";

        e[0] = 0;
        e[1] = -4;
        e[2] = -4;
        p[0] = 1;
        p[1] = 1;
        p[2] = -1;
        std::cout<<"projected ";

        PPM* ppm = new PPM(640, 480, 255);
        int val;
        for (float h = 0; h<480; h++) {
            for (float w =0; w<640; w++) {
                val = h;//std::min(255, (int)((w/639)*255.0f));
                ppm->addPixel(*(new Pixel::Pixel(val, val, val)));
        for (float h = 0; h < 3; h++) {
        	for (float w = 0; w< ppm->getW(); w++) {
        		std::cout<<w<<" ";
        		ppm->getPixel(w, h).print();

        std::cout<<"End PPM tests\n";
        Pixel::Pixel px = *new Pixel::Pixel(255, 255, 255);
        Pixel::Pixel black = *new Pixel::Pixel(0,0,0);
        Pixel::Pixel pfloat = *new Pixel::Pixel(1.0f, 0.9f, 0.05f);
        Pixel::Pixel pmax = *new Pixel::Pixel(2.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f);

        std::vector<float> test1(3);
        test1[0] = 1;
        test1[1] = 0;
        test1[2] = 0.5;
        std::vector<float> test2(3);
        test2[0] = 0;
        test2[1] = 1;
        test2[2] = 0.5;
        std::cout<<vDot(test1, test2)<<"\n";
        vPrint(vSub(test1, test2));
        vPrint(vAdd(test1, test2));
        vPrint(vMult(test1, test2));
        vPrint(vCross(test1, test2));
        vPrint(vScale(-1, test1));

        std::cout<<"\n=================\nEnd UNIT TESTS\n=================\n\n";

        return 0;
    else {
        return 0;
文件: tcd.cpp 项目: kailizhao/tcd
// Get bounds according to different distance metrics
int getBounds(float* S1r, float* S2r, const short& B, const Rset& R, float& lb, float& ub, const string dist) {
  // Get |A+|
  float* Apv = new float[B];
  vSub(S1r + B*(R.hi[1]), S1r + B*(R.lo[0]-1), B, &Apv);
  float  Ap = vSum(Apv,B) + EPS; // |A+|
  // Get |k+|
  float* Bpv = new float[B];
  vSub(S2r + B*(R.hi[3]), S2r + B*(R.lo[2]-1), B, &Bpv);
  float Bp = vSum(Bpv, B) + EPS; // |B+|
  // Get |A-|
  float  Am = EPS; // |A-|
  float* Amv = new float[B];
  if (R.lo[1] >= R.hi[0]) {
    vSub(S1r + B*(R.lo[1]), S1r + B*(R.hi[0]-1), B, &Amv);
    Am += vSum(Amv, B);
  } else {
    memset(Amv, 0, sizeof(float)*B);
  // Get |B-|
  float  Bm = EPS;
  float* Bmv = new float[B];
  if (R.lo[3] >= R.hi[2]) {
    vSub(S2r + B*(R.lo[3]), S2r + B*(R.hi[2]-1), B, &Bmv);
    Bm += vSum(Bmv, B);
  } else {
    memset(Bmv, 0, sizeof(float)*B);

  lb = 0.0f; 
  ub = 0.0f;
  short i;
  if (dist.compare("l1")==0) {
    for (i=0; i<B; i++) {
      lb += max(Amv[i]/Ap, Bmv[i]/Bp) - min(Apv[i]/Am, Bpv[i]/Bm);
      ub += max(Apv[i]/Am, Bpv[i]/Bm) - min(Amv[i]/Ap, Bmv[i]/Bp);
  } else if (dist.compare("l2")==0) {
    for (i=0; i<B; i++) {
      lb += pow(max(0.0f, max(Amv[i]/Ap, Bmv[i]/Bp) - min(Apv[i]/Am, Bpv[i]/Bm)), 2.0f);
      ub += pow(max(Apv[i]/Am, Bpv[i]/Bm) - min(Amv[i]/Ap, Bmv[i]/Bp), 2.0f);
  } else if (dist.compare("X2")==0) {
    for (i=0; i<B; i++) {
      lb += pow(max(0.0f, max(Amv[i]/Ap, Bmv[i]/Bp) - min(Apv[i]/Am, Bpv[i]/Bm)), 2.0f) \
              / (Apv[i]/Am + Bpv[i]/Bm + EPS);
      ub += pow(max(Apv[i]/Am, Bpv[i]/Bm) - min(Amv[i]/Ap, Bmv[i]/Bp), 2.0f) \
              / (Amv[i]/Ap + Bmv[i]/Bp + EPS);
  } else if (dist.compare("int")==0) {
    for (i=0; i<B; i++) {
      lb -= min(Apv[i]/Am, Bpv[i]/Bm);
      ub -= min(Amv[i]/Ap, Bmv[i]/Bp);
  delete[] Apv; 
  delete[] Bpv;
  delete[] Amv;
  delete[] Bmv;
  return 0;