/// 2D homography estimation from point correspondences.
void HomographyModel::Fit(const std::vector<size_t> &indices,
                          std::vector<Model> *H,std::vector<float> & weight,int method) const {
    if(4 > indices.size())
    const size_t n = indices.size();
    libNumerics::matrix<double> A = libNumerics::matrix<double>::zeros(n*2,9);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        size_t index = indices[i];
        size_t j = 2*i;
        A(j,0) = x1_(0, index);
        A(j,1) = x1_(1, index);
        A(j,2) = 1.0;
        A(j,6) = -x2_(0, index) * x1_(0, index);
        A(j,7) = -x2_(0, index) * x1_(1, index);
        A(j,8) = -x2_(0, index);

        A(j,3) = x1_(0, index);
        A(j,4) = x1_(1, index);
        A(j,5) = 1.0;
        A(j,6) = -x2_(1, index) * x1_(0, index);
        A(j,7) = -x2_(1, index) * x1_(1, index);
        A(j,8) = -x2_(1, index);

    libNumerics::vector<double> vecNullspace(9);
    if( SVDWrapper::Nullspace(A,&vecNullspace) )
        libNumerics::matrix<double> M(3,3);
        if(M.det() < 0)
            M = -M;
        M /= M(2,2);

        if(SVDWrapper::InvCond(M)>=ICOND_MIN &&
                IsOrientationPreserving(indices,M) )
void FundamentalModel::Fit(const std::vector<size_t> &indices,
                           std::vector<Mat> *Fs) const {
  assert(2 == x1_.nrow());
  assert(7 <= x1_.ncol());
  assert(x1_.nrow() == x2_.nrow());
  assert(x1_.ncol() == x2_.ncol());
  if (indices.size() < 7){

  // Set up the homogeneous system Af = 0 from the equations x'T*F*x = 0.
  Mat A(indices.size(), 9);
  EncodeEpipolarEquation(x1_, x2_, indices, &A);

  if(indices.size() >= 8) { // 8-point algorithm

    orsa::vector<double> vecNullspace(9);
    SVDWrapper::Nullspace(A, &vecNullspace);

    orsa::matrix<double> F(3,3);

    // Force the fundamental property if the A matrix has full rank.
    orsa::matrix<double> FRank2(3,3);
    //SVDWrapper::EnforceRank2_3x3(F, &FRank2);
    // Find the two F matrices in the nullspace of A.
    Mat F1(3,3), F2(3,3);

    // Then, use the condition det(F) = 0 to determine F. In other words, solve
    // det(F1 + a*F2) = 0 for a.
    double a = F1(0, 0), j = F2(0, 0),
      b = F1(0, 1), k = F2(0, 1),
      c = F1(0, 2), l = F2(0, 2),
      d = F1(1, 0), m = F2(1, 0),
      e = F1(1, 1), n = F2(1, 1),
      f = F1(1, 2), o = F2(1, 2),
      g = F1(2, 0), p = F2(2, 0),
      h = F1(2, 1), q = F2(2, 1),
      i = F1(2, 2), r = F2(2, 2);

    // The coefficients are in ascending powers of alpha, i.e. P[N]*x^N.
    double P[4] = {
      a*e*i + b*f*g + c*d*h - a*f*h - b*d*i - c*e*g,
      a*e*r + a*i*n + b*f*p + b*g*o + c*d*q + c*h*m + d*h*l + e*i*j + f*g*k -
      a*f*q - a*h*o - b*d*r - b*i*m - c*e*p - c*g*n - d*i*k - e*g*l - f*h*j,
      a*n*r + b*o*p + c*m*q + d*l*q + e*j*r + f*k*p + g*k*o + h*l*m + i*j*n -
      a*o*q - b*m*r - c*n*p - d*k*r - e*l*p - f*j*q - g*l*n - h*j*o - i*k*m,
      j*n*r + k*o*p + l*m*q - j*o*q - k*m*r - l*n*p,

    // Solve for the roots of P[3]*x^3 + P[2]*x^2 + P[1]*x + P[0] = 0.
    double roots[3];
    int num_roots = SolveCubicPolynomial(P, roots);

    // Build the fundamental matrix for each solution.
    for (int s = 0; s < num_roots; ++s)
      Fs->push_back(F1 + roots[s] * F2);