START_TEST(test_vector_three) {
  u32 i, t;

  for (t = 0; t < LINALG_NUM; t++) {
    double A[3], B[3], C[3], tmp[3];
    double D, E, F, norm;
    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
      A[i] = mrand / 1e20;
      B[i] = mrand / 1e20;
      C[i] = mrand / 1e20;
    /* Check triple product identity */
    vector_cross(A, B, tmp);
    D = vector_dot(3, C, tmp);
    vector_cross(B, C, tmp);
    E = vector_dot(3, A, tmp);
    vector_cross(C, A, tmp);
    F = vector_dot(3, B, tmp);

    norm = (vector_norm(3, A) + vector_norm(3, B) + vector_norm(3, C))/3;
    fail_unless(fabs(E - D) < LINALG_TOL * norm,
                "Triple product failure between %lf and %lf",
                D, E);
    fail_unless(fabs(E - F) < LINALG_TOL * norm,
                "Triple product failure between %lf and %lf",
                E, F);
    fail_unless(fabs(F - D) < LINALG_TOL * norm,
                "Triple product failure between %lf and %lf",
                F, D);
/** Simulates real observations for the current position and the satellite almanac and week
* given in simulator_data.
* - This simulates the pseudorange as the true distance to the satellite + noise.
* - This simulates the carrier phase as the true distance in wavelengths + bais + noise.
* - The bias is an integer multiple of 10 for easy debugging.
* - The satellite SNR/CN0 is proportional to the elevation of the satellite.
* - Pipe observations into internals for testing
* - For integration testing with other devices that has to carry the radio signal.
* \param elapsed Number of seconds elapsed since last simulation step.
void simulation_step_tracking_and_observations(double elapsed)

  u8 week = -1;
  double t = sim_state.noisy_solution.time.tow;

  /* First we calculate all the current sat positions, velocities */
  for (u8 i=0; i<simulation_num_almanacs; i++) {
    calc_sat_state_almanac(&simulation_almanacs[i], t, week,
      simulation_sats_pos[i], simulation_sats_vel[i]);

  /* Calculate the first sim_settings.num_sats amount of visible sats */
  u8 num_sats_selected = 0;
  double az, el;
  for (u8 i=0; i<simulation_num_almanacs; i++) {
    calc_sat_az_el_almanac(&simulation_almanacs[i], t, week,
                            sim_state.pos, &az, &el);

    if (el > 0 &&
        num_sats_selected < sim_settings.num_sats &&
        num_sats_selected < MAX_CHANNELS) {

      /* Generate a code measurement which is just the pseudorange: */
      double points_to_sat[3];
      double base_points_to_sat[3];

      vector_subtract(3, simulation_sats_pos[i], sim_state.pos, points_to_sat);
      vector_subtract(3, simulation_sats_pos[i], sim_settings.base_ecef, base_points_to_sat);

      double distance_to_sat = vector_norm(3, points_to_sat);
      double base_distance_to_sat = vector_norm(3, base_points_to_sat);

      /* Fill out the observation details into the NAV_MEAS structure for this satellite, */
      /* We simulate the pseudorange as a noisy range measurement, and */
      /* the carrier phase as a noisy range in wavelengths + an integer offset. */

        distance_to_sat, el, i);

        base_distance_to_sat, el, i);

      /* As for tracking, we just set each sat consecutively in each channel. */
      /* This will cause weird jumps when a satellite rises or sets. */
      sim_state.tracking_channel[num_sats_selected].state = TRACKING_RUNNING;
      sim_state.tracking_channel[num_sats_selected].prn = simulation_almanacs[i].prn  + SIM_PRN_OFFSET;
      sim_state.tracking_channel[num_sats_selected].cn0 = sim_state.nav_meas[num_sats_selected].snr;


  sim_state.noisy_solution.n_used = num_sats_selected;

vector3d ahrs_drift_correction(dataexchange_t *data) {
	vector3d corr_vector, acc_g;

	corr_vector.x = 0.0;
	corr_vector.y = 0.0;
	corr_vector.z = 0.0;

	//do correction only then acceleration is close to 1G (unreliable if greater)
	acc_g = adxl345_raw_to_g(data, SCALE_2G_10B);
	double acc_magnitude = vector_magnitude(acc_g);
	if (fabs(acc_magnitude - 1.0) <= 0.15) {
		float corr_strength = 0.15;

		//vectors for rotation matrix
		vector3d acc_v, mag_v;

		acc_v.x = (*data).acc_x;
		acc_v.y = (*data).acc_y;
		acc_v.z = (*data).acc_z;

		mag_v.x = (*data).mag_x;
		mag_v.y = (*data).mag_y;
		mag_v.z = (*data).mag_z;

		hmc5883l_applyCalibration(&mag_v, calib_ptr);

		vector3d down = vector_inv(acc_v);
		vector3d east = vector_cross(down, mag_v);
		vector3d north = vector_cross(east, down);

		//normalize vectors

		//matrix from rotation quaternion
		matrix3x3d rot_matrix = quaternion_to_matrix((*data).qr);

		//correction vector calculation
		vector3d sum1 = vector_sum(vector_cross(north, matrix_row_to_vector(&rot_matrix, 1)),
				vector_cross(east, matrix_row_to_vector(&rot_matrix, 2)));

		vector3d sum2 = vector_sum(sum1, vector_cross(down, matrix_row_to_vector(&rot_matrix, 3)));

		corr_vector = vector_scale(sum2, corr_strength);

	return corr_vector;
vec3 vector_normalized(vec3 v) {
	float norm = vector_norm(v);
	v.x /= norm;
	v.y /= norm;
	v.z /= norm;
	return v;
 * Calculate light color
color lightColor(const intersection *inter, const ray *srcRay) {
	vec3 v = vector_normalized(vector_float_mul(-1.0f, srcRay->dir));
	color cD = BLACK, refCoef = reflectCoef(inter->mat.reflect_coef, inter->normal, srcRay->dir);
	// For each light calculate and sum color
	for (int k = 0; k < num_lights; ++k) {
		vec3 l = vector_minus(lights[k].position, inter->position);
		float normL = vector_norm(l);
		l = vector_normalized(l);
		// Look for object between light source and current intersection
		ray objectRay; // Ray from object to light
		ray_init(&objectRay, inter->position, l, EPSILON, normL, 0);
		float interFound = 0.0f;
		for (int i = 0; i < object_count; ++i) {
			interFound += interDist(&objectRay, &(scene[i]));
		if (!interFound) {
			vec3 h = vector_normalized(vector_add(l, v));
			float sc_nl = clamp(vector_dot(inter->normal, l), 0.0f, 1.0f);
			float sc_hn = clamp(vector_dot(h, inter->normal), 0.0f, 1.0f);
			cD = vector_add(cD,
									(vector_add(vector_float_mul(1 / M_PI, inter->mat.kd),
											(vector_float_mul(pow(sc_hn, inter->mat.shininess), vector_float_mul(((inter->mat.shininess + 8) / (8 * M_PI)), refCoef))))))));
	return cD;
文件: raytrace.c 项目: Oex999/RTv1
void				raytrace(t_env *env)
	int		x;
	int		y;
	t_ray	ray;
	t_col	col;

	y = 0;
	while (y <= WIN_Y)
		x = 0;
		while (x <= WIN_X)
			ray.start = OBJ.cam_s;
			ray.start.x += x;
			ray.start.y += y;
			ray.dir = OBJ.cam_dir;
			set_col(&OBJ.col, 0, 0, 0);
			env->br = 0;
			col = shoot_ray(ray, 10, env);
			save_to_img(env, col, x, y);
文件: vector.c 项目: madrury/linalg
struct vector* vector_normalize(struct vector* v) {
    struct vector* vnorm = vector_new(v->length);
    double norm = vector_norm(v);
    assert(norm != 0);
    vector_normalize_into(vnorm, v);
    return vnorm;
文件: vector.c 项目: madrury/linalg
void vector_normalize_into(struct vector* reciever, struct vector* v) {
    double norm = vector_norm(v);
    assert(norm != 0);
    for(int i = 0; i < v->length; i++) {
        VECTOR_IDX_INTO(reciever, i) = VECTOR_IDX_INTO(v, i) / norm;
void sgp_get_acceleration(vector v_g)// only j2 perturbations taken
  vector v_r_ecef, v_g_ecef;
  float R, R2, R3, R4;
  //eci2ecef(v_r, v_r_ecef);//see change
  R = vector_norm(r_ecef_ash);  //
  R2 = pow(R, 2);
  R2 = (1.5 * J2 * R_E2) / R2;
  R3 = pow(R, 3);
  R4 = pow(R, 4);
  R4 = (7.5 * J2 * pow(r_ecef_ash[2],2) * R_E2) / R4; //
  v_g_ecef[0] = (-1 * GM * r_ecef_ash[0] * (1 + R2 - R4)) / R3;//
  v_g_ecef[1] = (-1 * GM * r_ecef_ash[1] * (1 + R2 - R4)) / R3;//
  v_g_ecef[2] = (-1 * GM * r_ecef_ash[2] * (1 + 3 * R2 - R4)) / R3;//
  ecef2eci(v_g_ecef, v_g);
/* uint8_t sent[3];
 for (int i=0;i<2;i=i+1)
	 sent[i] = (uint8_t)((v_g_ecef[i]));
int calculate_distance_map (trajectory_frame *frame, void *p) {
  unsigned int i, j;
  unsigned int *nbodies = (unsigned int *) p;
  distance_map *map = distance_map_alloc (*nbodies);

  /* assign distance map to frame data */
  frame->data = map;

  /* calculate the distance map */
  for (i=0; i<*nbodies; i++) {
    for (j=i+1; j<*nbodies; j++) {
      /* calculate the distance vector */
      t_vector diff;
      vector_diff (diff,
	  frame->body_i_state [i].r,
	  frame->body_i_state [j].r);

      /* set the distance map */
      set_distance_ij (i, j, vector_norm (diff), map);
  /* print distance map for each frame */
  print_distance_map (map);

static void fine_fun(double const* x, double* s)
  double coarse = 0.5;
  double fine = 0.2;
  double radius = vector_norm(x, 3);
  double d = fabs(radius - 0.5);
  s[0] = coarse * d + fine * (1 - d);
static void dye_fun(double const coords[3], double* v)
  double x[3];
  double const l[3] = {.25, .5, 0};
  double const r[3] = {.75, .5, 0};
  double dir = 1;
  subtract_vectors(coords, l, x, 3);
  if (vector_norm(x, 3) > .25) {
    dir = -1;
    subtract_vectors(coords, r, x, 3);
  if (vector_norm(x, 3) > .25) {
    v[0] = 0;
  v[0] = 4 * dir * (.25 - vector_norm(x, 3));
 int get_heading (data_t* data) {
    // Initialize heading value -  it's an integer because it is
    // going to eventually be binned into North, South, East, or West
    vector north, east, mag_vector, accel_vector, from;
    int heading;

    // Initialize north and east vectors
    vector_init(&north, 0, 0, 0);
    vector_init(&east, 0, 0, 0);

    // Put magnetometer and accelerometer data into vector format
    vector_init(&mag_vector, data->Mx, data->My, data-> Mz);
    vector_init(&accel_vector, data->Ax, data->Ay, data-> Az);

    // Initialize "from" vector based on carrier board design
    vector_init(&from, 1, 0, 0);

    // Subtract calibration offset from magnetometer readings
    mag_vector.x -= ((float) MAG_MAX_X + MAG_MIN_X) / 2.0;
    mag_vector.y -= ((float) MAG_MAX_Y + MAG_MIN_Y) / 2.0;
    mag_vector.z -= ((float) MAG_MAX_Z + MAG_MIN_Z) / 2.0;

    // Compute East and North
    vector_cross(&mag_vector, &accel_vector, &east);
    vector_cross(&accel_vector, &east, &north);

    // Compute the heading and make sure it's positive
    heading = (int)(atan2(vector_dot(&east, &from), vector_dot(&north, &from))* 180 / PI);
    if (heading < 0) {
        heading += 360;

    // Memory cleanup

    return heading;


START_TEST(test_vector_normalize) {
  u32 i, t;

  for (t = 0; t < LINALG_NUM; t++) {
    u32 n = sizerand(MSIZE_MAX);
    double A[n];
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
      A[i] = mrand;
    vector_normalize(n, A);
    double vnorm = vector_norm(n, A);
    fail_unless(fabs(vnorm - 1) < LINALG_TOL,
                "Norm differs from 1: %lf",
                vector_norm(n, A));
static void system_monitor_thread(void *arg)
  chRegSetThreadName("system monitor");

  systime_t time = chVTGetSystemTime();

  bool ant_status = 0;

  while (TRUE) {

    if (ant_status != frontend_ant_status()) {
      ant_status = frontend_ant_status();
      if (ant_status && frontend_ant_setting() == AUTO) {
        log_info("Now using external antenna.");
      else if (frontend_ant_setting() == AUTO) {
        log_info("Now using patch antenna.");
    u32 status_flags = ant_status << 31 | SBP_MAJOR_VERSION << 16 | SBP_MINOR_VERSION << 8;
    sbp_send_msg(SBP_MSG_HEARTBEAT, sizeof(status_flags), (u8 *)&status_flags);

    /* If we are in base station mode then broadcast our known location. */
    if (broadcast_surveyed_position && position_quality == POSITION_FIX) {
      double tmp[3];
      double base_ecef[3];
      double base_distance;

      llhdeg2rad(base_llh, tmp);
      wgsllh2ecef(tmp, base_ecef);

      vector_subtract(3, base_ecef, position_solution.pos_ecef, tmp);
      base_distance = vector_norm(3, tmp);

      if (base_distance > BASE_STATION_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD) {
        log_warn("Invalid surveyed position coordinates\n");
      } else {
        sbp_send_msg(SBP_MSG_BASE_POS_ECEF, sizeof(msg_base_pos_ecef_t), (u8 *)&base_ecef);

    msg_iar_state_t iar_state;
    if (simulation_enabled_for(SIMULATION_MODE_RTK)) {
      iar_state.num_hyps = 1;
    } else {
      iar_state.num_hyps = dgnss_iar_num_hyps();
    sbp_send_msg(SBP_MSG_IAR_STATE, sizeof(msg_iar_state_t), (u8 *)&iar_state);

    sleep_until(&time, MS2ST(heartbeat_period_milliseconds));
文件: main.c 项目: Karikaturist/WPC
float distance1( const Point * A , const Point * B , const Point * C )
   Vector v1 , v2 , v3 , v4;
   vector_from_points( &v1 , A , B );
   if ( 0.0f == vector_norm( &v1 , &v1 ) ) return -1.0f;
   vector_from_points( &v2 , A , C );
   vector_mul( &v3 , &v1 ,  vector_dot( &v1 , &v2 ) );
   vector_sub( &v4 , &v3 , &v2 );
   return vector_length( &v4 );
quaternion ahrs_orientation_from_accel_mag(dataexchange_t *data) {

	//vectors for rotation matrix
	vector3d acc_v, mag_v;
	matrix3x3d rmat;
	quaternion q;

	acc_v.x = (*data).acc_x;
	acc_v.y = (*data).acc_y;
	acc_v.z = (*data).acc_z;

	mag_v.x = (*data).mag_x;
	mag_v.y = (*data).mag_y;
	mag_v.z = (*data).mag_z;

	hmc5883l_applyCalibration(&mag_v, calib_ptr);

	vector3d down = vector_inv(acc_v);
	vector3d east = vector_cross(down, mag_v);
	vector3d north = vector_cross(east, down);

	//normalize vectors

	//vectors to matrix
	matrix_vector_to_row(&rmat, north, 1);
	matrix_vector_to_row(&rmat, east, 2);
	matrix_vector_to_row(&rmat, down, 3);

	//matrix to quaternion
	q = quaternion_from_matrix(&rmat);


	(*data).qr = q;

	return q;
gameinfo_collision_ball_slime(GameInfo *gi, TEAM t) {
    Ball *b = gi->ball;
    Slime *s;
    if (t == BLUE ) {
        s = gi->slime_blue;
    } else {
        s = gi->slime_red;
    Vector v_s = {b->vx, b->vy};
    Vector v_a = {s->x - b->x, WIN_HEIGHT-b->y};
    Vector v_b = {s->x - (b->x + b->vx), WIN_HEIGHT - (b->y + b->vy)};
    double c = vector_inner_product (v_a, v_s) *
               vector_inner_product (v_b, v_s) ;
    double d = fabs(vector_outer_product (v_s, v_a))/ vector_norm(v_s);
    double r = SLIME_RADIUS + BALL_RADIUS;

    if ( d <= r && ( c<=0 || r > vector_norm (v_a) || r > vector_norm (v_b))) {
        double dx_0 = b->x - s->x;
        double dy_0 = b->y - WIN_HEIGHT;
        double dist_0 = sqrt(pow(dx_0, 2) + pow(dy_0, 2));
        double angle = acos (dx_0/dist_0);
        double cos2x = cos(2*angle);
        double sin2x = sin(2*angle);
        double vx = - b->vx * cos2x + b->vy * sin2x;
        double vy =   b->vx * sin2x + b->vy * cos2x;
        b->vx = vx;
        b->vy = vy;

#if 0
        double pe = GRAVITY * (WIN_HEIGHT - b->y );
        double ke = 0.5 * (pow(b->vx, 2) + pow(b->vy, 2));
        pe = GRAVITY * (WIN_HEIGHT - b->y );
        ke = 0.5 * (pow(b->vx, 2) + pow(b->vy, 2));
        g_print("POST x=%+.2f vx=%+.2f y=%+.2f vy=%+.2f pe=%+.4f ke=%+.4f pe+ke=%+.4f\n",
                b->x, b->vx, b->y, b->vy, pe, ke, pe+ke);
        gi->ball_owner = t;
/** Approximate chi square test
 * Scales least squares residuals by estimated variance,
 *   compares against threshold.
 * \param threshold The test threshold.
 *                  Value 5.5 recommended for float/fixed baseline residuals.
 * \param num_dds Length of residuals.
 * \param residuals Residual vector calculated by lesq_solution_float.
 * \param residual If not null, used to output double value of scaled residual.
 * \return true if norm is below threshold.
static bool chi_test(double threshold, u8 num_dds,
                     const double *residuals, double *residual)
  assert(num_dds < MAX_CHANNELS);

  double sigma = DEFAULT_PHASE_VAR_KF;
  double norm = vector_norm(num_dds, residuals) / sqrt(sigma);
  if (residual) {
    *residual = norm;
  return norm < threshold;
t_vec			vector_cross_product(t_vec u, t_vec v)
	t_vec		result;
	double		norm;

	result.x = v.z * u.y - v.y * u.z;
	result.y = v.x * u.z - v.z * u.x;
	result.z = v.y * u.x - v.x * u.y;
	norm = vector_norm(result);
	if (norm != 0)
		result = vector_scalar_mult(result, 1 / norm);
	return (result);
vector_normalize(d3_t *v)
  double	len;

  if (v != NULL)
      len = vector_norm(v);
      v->x /= len;
      v->y /= len;
      v->z /= len;
void rWeaponRaybeam::animate(float spf) {

    triggereded = triggered;
    if (trigger) fire();
    trigger = false;

    timeReloading -= spf;
    if (timeReloading < 0) {
        timeReloading = 0.0f;
        if (remainingAmmo == 0 && remainingClips != 0) {
            remainingAmmo = clipSize;
            if (remainingClips > 0) remainingClips--;

    timeFiring -= spf;
    if (timeFiring < 0) {
        timeFiring = 0.0f;

    float* source = weaponPosef;

    // Vector that points to the Mountpoint relative to the eye.
    float* mpnt = &source[12];

    // Mountpoint-Forward Vector relative to the eye.
    float* source_8 = &source[8];
    float mfwd[3];
    vector_cpy(mfwd, source_8);
    vector_norm(mfwd, mfwd);

    // Interpolate single points towards the "tip" of the ray.
    float offset = 80 * (1.0f - (timeFiring / 0.7));
    float worldpos[] = {0, 0, 0};
    vector_scale(worldpos, mfwd, -offset);
    vector_add(worldpos, worldpos, mpnt);

    // Collide and Damage with single point on ray.
        float radius = 0.5;
        int roles = 0;
        float damage = 25;
        int damaged = damageByParticle(worldpos, radius, roles, damage);
        // Stop ray on collision.
        if (damaged > 0) timeFiring = 0;
double predict_range(double rx_pos[3],
                     gps_time_t tot,
                     ephemeris_t *ephemeris)
  double sat_pos[3];
  double sat_vel[3];
  double temp[3];
  double clock_err, clock_rate_err;

  calc_sat_pos(sat_pos, sat_vel, &clock_err, &clock_rate_err, ephemeris, tot);

  vector_subtract(3, sat_pos, rx_pos, temp); // temp = sat_pos - rx_pos
  return vector_norm(3, temp);
libquat_err unit_vec(const vec_3d *a, vec_3d *n)
	float norm;
	vector_norm(a, &norm);
	if (fabsf(norm) < LIBQUAT_EPSILON)

	if (norm != 1.F)	// perform division only if needed
		n->x = a->x / norm;
		n->y = a->y / norm;
		n->z = a->z / norm;
	return LIBQUAT_OK;
ADPMode* translational_mode(ChemicalUnit* unit,int direction,sym_mat3<double> metrical_matrix) {
	vector<Atom*> atoms = unit->get_atoms();
	vector<Atom*>::iterator atom;
	vec3<double> r(0,0,0);
	ADPMode* mode = new ADPMode();
	for(atom=atoms.begin(); atom!=atoms.end(); atom++)
	return mode;
/** Determine the azimuth and elevation of a point in WGS84 Earth Centered,
 * Earth Fixed (ECEF) Cartesian coordinates from a reference point given in
 * WGS84 ECEF coordinates.
 * First the vector between the points is converted into the local North, East,
 * Down frame of the reference point. Then we can directly calculate the
 * azimuth and elevation.
 * \param ecef      Cartesian coordinates of the point, passed as [X, Y, Z],
 *                  all in meters.
 * \param ref_ecef  Cartesian coordinates of the reference point from which the
 *                  azimuth and elevation is to be determined, passed as
 *                  [X, Y, Z], all in meters.
 * \param azimuth   Pointer to where to store the calculated azimuth output.
 * \param elevation Pointer to where to store the calculated elevation output.
void wgsecef2azel(const double ecef[3], const double ref_ecef[3],
                  double* azimuth, double* elevation) {
  double ned[3];

  /* Calculate the vector from the reference point in the local North, East,
   * Down frame of the reference point. */
  wgsecef2ned_d(ecef, ref_ecef, ned);

  *azimuth = atan2(ned[1], ned[0]);
  /* atan2 returns angle in range [-pi, pi], usually azimuth is defined in the
   * range [0, 2pi]. */
  if (*azimuth < 0)
    *azimuth += 2*M_PI;

  *elevation = asin(-ned[2]/vector_norm(3, ned));
ADPMode* rot_mode(ChemicalUnit* unit,vec3<double> axis , vec3<double> point_on_axis ,sym_mat3<double> metrical_matrix) {
	vector<Atom*> atoms = unit->get_atoms();
	vector<Atom*>::iterator atom;
  axis = axis/vector_norm(axis, metrical_matrix.inverse());
	ADPMode* mode = new ADPMode();
   mat3<double> rotation(1/sqrt(3),-2/sqrt(3),0,2/sqrt(3),-1/sqrt(3),0,0,0,0);
	for(atom=atoms.begin(); atom!=atoms.end(); atom++)    
		mode->add_atom(*atom,metrical_matrix*(axis.cross((*atom)->r - point_on_axis))/sqrt(metrical_matrix.determinant()));
	return mode;
static void warp_fun(double const* coords, double* v)
  double x[3];
  double const mid[3] = {.5, .5, 0};
  subtract_vectors(coords, mid, x, 3);
  double polar_a = atan2(x[1], x[0]);
  double polar_r = vector_norm(x, 3);
  double rot_a = 0;
  if (polar_r < .5)
    rot_a = the_rotation * (2 * (.5 - polar_r));
  double dest_a = polar_a + rot_a;
  double dst[3];
  dst[0] = cos(dest_a) * polar_r;
  dst[1] = sin(dest_a) * polar_r;
  dst[2] = 0;
  subtract_vectors(dst, x, v, 3);
文件: pvt.c 项目: ljbade/libswiftnav
/** Checks pvt_iter residuals.
 * \param n_used length of omp
 * \param omp residual vector calculated by pvt_solve
 * \param rx_state reference to pvt solver state allocated in calc_PVT
 * \param residual If not null, used to output double value of residual
 * \return residual < PVT_RESIDUAL_THRESHOLD
static bool residual_test(u8 n_used, double omp[n_used],
                          const double rx_state[],
                          double *residual)
  /* Very liberal threshold. Typical range 20 - 120 */

  /* Need to add clock offset to observed-minus-predicted calculated by last
   * iteration of pvt_solve before computing residual. */
  for (int i = 0; i < n_used; i++) {
    omp[i] -= rx_state[3];
  double norm = vector_norm(n_used, omp);
  if (residual) {
    *residual = norm;
/** Calculate the Doppler shift of a satellite as observed at a reference
 * position given the satellite almanac.
 * \param alm  Pointer to an almanac structure for the satellite of interest.
 * \param t    GPS time of week at which to calculate the Doppler shift.
 * \param week GPS week number modulo 1024 or pass -1 to assume within one
 *             half-week of the almanac time of applicability.
 * \param ref  ECEF coordinates of the reference point from which the azimuth
 *             and elevation is to be determined, passed as [X, Y, Z], all in
 *             meters.
 * \return     The Doppler shift in Hz.
double calc_sat_doppler_almanac(almanac_t* alm, double t, s16 week,
                                double ref[3])
  double sat_pos[3];
  double sat_vel[3];
  double vec_ref_sat[3];

  calc_sat_state_almanac(alm, t, week, sat_pos, sat_vel);

  /* Find the vector from the reference position to the satellite. */
  vector_subtract(3, sat_pos, ref, vec_ref_sat);

  /* Find the satellite velocity projected on the line of sight vector from the
   * reference position to the satellite. */
  double radial_velocity = vector_dot(3, vec_ref_sat, sat_vel) / \
                           vector_norm(3, vec_ref_sat);

  /* Return the Doppler shift. */
  return GPS_L1_HZ * radial_velocity / NAV_C;