vlFILE* vl_open(vlBLOCK block_id, ot_u8 data_id, ot_u8 mod, id_tmpl* user_id) {
    vaddr header = NULL_vaddr;

    if (vl_getheader_vaddr(&header, block_id, data_id, mod, user_id) == 0) {
        return vl_open_file(header);
    return NULL;
vlFILE* sub_new_file(vl_header* new_header, vaddr heap_base, vaddr heap_end, vaddr header_base, ot_int header_window ) {
    //vlFILE* fp;
    //vaddr   new_base    = 0;
    vaddr   header_addr = 0;

    // Find where to put the new header, and if it's full
    header_addr = sub_find_empty_header( header_base, header_window );
    if (header_addr == NULL_vaddr) 
        return NULL;
    // Find where to put the new data, and if heap is full
    new_header->base = sub_find_empty_heap( heap_base, 
                                            header_window );
    if (new_header->base == NULL_vaddr) 
        return NULL;
    // Make sure new header has the right base address
    //new_header->base = new_base;
    // Write header to the header array
    sub_write_header(header_addr, (ot_u16*)new_header, sizeof(vl_header));
    // Open a file, now that data is allocated
    //fp = vl_open_file( header_addr );
    //commented out... seems to be useless (and broken) legacy code
    //if (FP_ISVALID(fp)) {
        //fp->start   = 0;
        //fp->length  = 0;
    //return fp;
    return vl_open_file( header_addr );
    return NULL;
ot_int sub_filedata( alp_tmpl* alp, id_tmpl* user_id, ot_u8 respond, ot_u8 cmd_in, ot_int data_in ) {
    vlFILE* fp;
    ot_u16  offset;
    ot_u16  span;
    ot_int  data_out    = 0;
    ot_bool inc_header  = (ot_bool)((cmd_in & 0x0F) == 0x0C);
    vlBLOCK file_block  = (vlBLOCK)((cmd_in >> 4) & 0x07);
    ot_u8   file_mod    = ((cmd_in & 0x02) ? VL_ACCESS_W : VL_ACCESS_R);
    ot_queue*  inq      = alp->inq;
    ot_queue*  outq     = alp->outq;
    while (data_in > 0) {
        vaddr   header;
        ot_u8   err_code;
        ot_u8   file_id;
        ot_u16  limit;
        //alp->BOOKMARK_IN    = inq->getcursor;
        //alp->BOOKMARK_OUT   = NULL;
        file_id     = q_readbyte(inq);
        offset      = q_readshort(inq);
        span        = q_readshort(inq);
        limit       = offset + span;
        err_code    = vl_getheader_vaddr(&header, file_block, file_id, file_mod, user_id);
        file_mod    = ((file_mod & VL_ACCESS_W) != 0);
        //fp          = NULL;
        // A. File error catcher Stage
        // (In this case, gotos make it more readable)
        /// Make sure file header was retrieved properly, or goto error
        if (err_code != 0) {
            goto sub_filedata_senderror;
        /// Make sure file opens properly, or goto error
        fp = vl_open_file(header);
        if (fp == NULL) {
            err_code = 0xFF;
            goto sub_filedata_senderror;
        /// Make sure offset is within file bounds, or goto error
        if (offset >= fp->alloc) {
            err_code = 0x07;
            goto sub_filedata_senderror;
        if (limit > fp->alloc) {
            limit       = fp->alloc;
            err_code    = 0x08;

        // B. File Writing or Reading Stage
        // Write to file
        // 1. Process error on bad ALP parameters, but still do partial write
        // 2. offset, span are adjusted to convey leftover data
        // 3. miscellaneous write error occurs when vl_write fails
        if (file_mod) {
            for (; offset<limit; offset+=2, span-=2, data_in-=2) {
                if (inq->getcursor >= inq->back) {
                    goto sub_filedata_overrun;      
                err_code |= vl_write(fp, offset, q_readshort_be(inq));
        // Read from File
        // 1. No error for bad read parameter, just fix the limit
        // 2. If inc_header param is set, include the file header in output
        // 3. Read out file data
        else {
            ot_u8 overhead;
            //limit       = (limit > fp->length) ? fp->length : limit;
            overhead    = 6;
            overhead   += (inc_header != 0) << 2; 
            if ((outq->putcursor+overhead) >= outq->back) {
                goto sub_filedata_overrun;
            q_writeshort_be(outq, vworm_read(header + 4)); // id & mod
            if (inc_header) {
                q_writeshort(outq, vworm_read(header + 0));    // length
                q_writeshort(outq, vworm_read(header + 2));    // alloc
                data_out += 4;
            q_writeshort(outq, offset);
            q_writeshort(outq, span);
            data_out += 6;
            for (; offset<limit; offset+=2, span-=2, data_out+=2) {
                if ((outq->putcursor+2) >= outq->back) {
                    goto sub_filedata_overrun;
                q_writeshort_be(outq, vl_read(fp, offset));
        // C. Error Sending Stage
        if ((respond != 0) && (err_code | file_mod)) {
            if ((outq->putcursor+2) >= outq->back) {
                goto sub_filedata_overrun;
            q_writebyte(outq, file_id);
            q_writebyte(outq, err_code);
            q_markbyte(inq, span);         // go past any leftover input data
            data_out += 2;
        data_in -= 5;   // 5 bytes input header
    // Total Completion:
    // Set bookmark to NULL, because the record was completely processed
    //alp->BOOKMARK_IN = NULL;
    return data_out;
    // Partial or Non Completion:
    // Reconfigure last ALP operation, because it was not completely processed
    ///@todo Bookmarking is obsolete, because the way Chunking is done has
    /// been revised.  Chunked records must be contiguous.  ALP-Main will not
    /// call this app, and thus not call this function, until the message-end
    /// bit is detected, therefore meaning that all data is received and
    /// contiguous.  This overrun block, thus, should only check the flags for
    /// chunking, bypass them, and loop back to the top of this function.
    ///@todo alp_next_chunk(alp);
//    {
//        ot_u8* scratch;
//        inq->getcursor  = (ot_u8*)alp->BOOKMARK_IN;
//        scratch         = inq->getcursor + 1;
//        *scratch++      = ((ot_u8*)&offset)[UPPER];
//        *scratch++      = ((ot_u8*)&offset)[LOWER];
//        *scratch++      = ((ot_u8*)&span)[UPPER];
//        *scratch        = ((ot_u8*)&span)[LOWER];
//    }
    return data_out;