IntersectTriangleLine (const Point<3> ** tri, const Point<3> ** line)
  Vec3d vl(*line[0], *line[1]);
  Vec3d vt1(*tri[0], *tri[1]);
  Vec3d vt2(*tri[0], *tri[2]);
  Vec3d vrs(*tri[0], *line[0]);

  static DenseMatrix a(3), ainv(3);
  static Vector rs(3), lami(3);
  int i;

  (*testout) << "Tri-Line inters: " << endl
	     << "tri = " << *tri[0] << ", " << *tri[1] << ", " << *tri[2] << endl
	     << "line = " << *line[0] << ", " << *line[1] << endl;
  for (i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
      a.Elem(i, 1) = -vl.X(i);
      a.Elem(i, 2) = vt1.X(i);
      a.Elem(i, 3) = vt2.X(i);
      rs.Elem(i) = vrs.X(i);

  double det = a.Det();

  double arel = vl.Length() * vt1.Length() * vt2.Length();
  double amax = 0;
  for (i = 1; i <= 9; i++)
    if (fabs (a.Get(i)) > amax)
      amax = fabs(a.Get(i));
  // new !!!!
  if (fabs (det) <= 1e-10 * arel)
#ifdef DEVELOP      
      // line parallel to triangle !
      // cout << "ERROR: IntersectTriangleLine degenerated" << endl;
      //      (*testout) << "WARNING: IntersectTriangleLine degenerated\n";
      (*testout) << "lin-tri intersection: " << endl
		 << "line = " << *line[0] << " - " << *line[1] << endl
		 << "tri = " << *tri[0] << " - " << *tri[1] << " - " << *tri[2] << endl
		 << "lami = " << lami << endl
		 << "pc = " << ( *line[0] + lami.Get(1) * vl ) << endl
		 << "   = " << ( *tri[0] + lami.Get(2) * vt1 + lami.Get(3) * vt2) << endl
		 << " a = " << a << endl
		 << " ainv = " << ainv << endl
		 << " det(a) = " << det << endl
		 << " rs = " << rs << endl;
      return 0;

  CalcInverse (a, ainv);
  ainv.Mult (rs, lami);

  //  (*testout) << "lami = " << lami << endl;

  double eps = 1e-6;
  if (
      (lami.Get(1) >= -eps && lami.Get(1) <= 1+eps && 
       lami.Get(2) >= -eps && lami.Get(3) >= -eps && 
       lami.Get(2) + lami.Get(3) <= 1+eps)  && !
      (lami.Get(1) >= eps && lami.Get(1) <= 1-eps && 
       lami.Get(2) >= eps && lami.Get(3) >= eps && 
       lami.Get(2) + lami.Get(3) <= 1-eps) )

#ifdef DEVELOP
       //      cout << "WARNING: IntersectTriangleLine degenerated" << endl;
      (*testout) << "WARNING: IntersectTriangleLine numerical inexact" << endl;

      (*testout) << "lin-tri intersection: " << endl
		 << "line = " << *line[0] << " - " << *line[1] << endl
		 << "tri = " << *tri[0] << " - " << *tri[1] << " - " << *tri[2] << endl
		 << "lami = " << lami << endl
		 << "pc = " << ( *line[0] + lami.Get(1) * vl ) << endl
		 << "   = " << ( *tri[0] + lami.Get(2) * vt1 + lami.Get(3) * vt2) << endl
		 << " a = " << a << endl
		 << " ainv = " << ainv << endl
		 << " det(a) = " << det << endl
		 << " rs = " << rs << endl;

  if (lami.Get(1) >= 0 && lami.Get(1) <= 1 && 
      lami.Get(2) >= 0 && lami.Get(3) >= 0 && lami.Get(2) + lami.Get(3) <= 1)

      return 1;

  return 0;
Mesh* createMeshFromVertices(const EigenSTL::vector_Vector3d &source)
  if (source.size() < 3)
    return NULL;
  if (source.size() % 3 != 0)
    logError("The number of vertices to construct a mesh from is not divisible by 3. Probably constructed triangles will not make sense.");
  std::set<detail::LocalVertexType, detail::ltLocalVertexValue> vertices;
  std::vector<unsigned int> triangles;
  unsigned int n = source.size() / 3;
  for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < n ; ++i)
    // check if we have new vertices
    unsigned int i3 = i * 3;
    detail::LocalVertexType vt1(source[i3]);
    std::set<detail::LocalVertexType, detail::ltLocalVertexValue>::iterator p1 = vertices.find(vt1);
    if (p1 == vertices.end())
      vt1.index = vertices.size();
      vt1.index = p1->index;
    detail::LocalVertexType vt2(source[++i3]);
    std::set<detail::LocalVertexType, detail::ltLocalVertexValue>::iterator p2 = vertices.find(vt2);
    if (p2 == vertices.end())
      vt2.index = vertices.size();
      vt2.index = p2->index;
    detail::LocalVertexType vt3(source[++i3]);
    std::set<detail::LocalVertexType, detail::ltLocalVertexValue>::iterator p3 = vertices.find(vt3);
    if (p3 == vertices.end())
      vt3.index = vertices.size();
      vt3.index = p3->index;

  // sort our vertices
  std::vector<detail::LocalVertexType> vt;
  vt.insert(vt.end(), vertices.begin(), vertices.end());
  std::sort(vt.begin(), vt.end(), detail::ltLocalVertexIndex());

  // copy the data to a mesh structure
  unsigned int nt = triangles.size() / 3;

  Mesh *mesh = new Mesh(vt.size(), nt);
  for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < vt.size() ; ++i)
    unsigned int i3 = i * 3;
    mesh->vertices[i3    ] = vt[i].x;
    mesh->vertices[i3 + 1] = vt[i].y;
    mesh->vertices[i3 + 2] = vt[i].z;

  std::copy(triangles.begin(), triangles.end(), mesh->triangles);
  return mesh;
void DiffDrivePlugin::publish_odometry()
  ros::Time current_time = ros::Time::now();
  /*std::string odom_frame = tf::resolve(tf_prefix_, "odom");
  std::string base_footprint_frame = tf::resolve(tf_prefix_, "base_footprint");

  // getting data for base_footprint to odom transform
  math::Pose pose = this->parent->GetWorldPose();

  tf::Quaternion qt(pose.rot.x, pose.rot.y, pose.rot.z, pose.rot.w);
  tf::Vector3 vt(pose.pos.x, pose.pos.y, pose.pos.z);

  tf::Transform base_footprint_to_odom(qt, vt);

 std::string odom_frame = tf::resolve(tf_prefix_, "odom");
  std::string base_footprint_frame = tf::resolve(tf_prefix_, "depth");

  // getting data for base_footprint to odom transform
  math::Pose pose = this->parent->GetWorldPose();

  tf::Quaternion qt(pose.rot.x, pose.rot.y, pose.rot.z, pose.rot.w);
  tf::Vector3 vt(pose.pos.x + pose.pos.x * this->error_, pose.pos.y + pose.pos.y * this->error_, 0);

  tf::Transform depth_to_odom(qt, vt);

  qt.setRPY(0, 0, 0);;
  tf::Vector3 vt2(0, 0, pose.pos.z);

  tf::Transform base_footprint_to_depth(qt, vt2);

  // publish odom topic
  odom_.pose.pose.position.x = pose.pos.x + pose.pos.x * this->error_;
  odom_.pose.pose.position.y = pose.pos.y + pose.pos.y * this->error_;
  odom_.pose.pose.position.z = pose.pos.z;

  odom_.pose.pose.orientation.x = pose.rot.x;
  odom_.pose.pose.orientation.y = pose.rot.y;
  odom_.pose.pose.orientation.z = pose.rot.z;
  odom_.pose.pose.orientation.w = pose.rot.w;

  math::Vector3 linear = this->parent->GetWorldLinearVel();
  odom_.twist.twist.linear.x = linear.x;
  odom_.twist.twist.linear.y = linear.y;
  odom_.twist.twist.linear.y = linear.z;
  odom_.twist.twist.angular.z = this->parent->GetWorldAngularVel().z;

  odom_.header.stamp = current_time;
  odom_.header.frame_id = odom_frame;
  odom_.child_frame_id = base_footprint_frame;
