/** * @brief Resizes the main menu and its background. * * This is a one-off function that ensures the main menu's appearance * is consistent regardless of window resizing. */ void menu_main_resize (void) { int w, h, bgw, bgh, tw, th; int offset_logo, offset_wdw, freespace; int menu_id, bg_id; Widget *wgt; if (!menu_isOpen(MENU_MAIN)) return; menu_id = window_get("Main Menu"); bg_id = window_get("BG"); window_dimWindow( menu_id, &w, &h ); window_dimWindow( bg_id, &bgw, &bgh ); freespace = SCREEN_H - main_naevLogo->sh - h; if (freespace < 0) { offset_logo = SCREEN_H - main_naevLogo->sh; offset_wdw = 0; } else { offset_logo = -freespace/4; offset_wdw = freespace/2; } window_moveWidget( bg_id, "imgLogo", (bgw - main_naevLogo->sw)/2., offset_logo ); window_dimWidget( bg_id, "txtBG", &tw, &th ); if (tw > SCREEN_W) { /* RIP abstractions. X must be set manually because window_moveWidget * transforms negative coordinates. */ wgt = window_getwgt( bg_id, "txtBG" ); if (wgt) wgt->x = (SCREEN_W - tw) / 2; } else window_moveWidget( bg_id, "txtBG", (SCREEN_W - tw)/2, 10. ); window_move( menu_id, -1, offset_wdw ); }
/** * @brief Updates the standings menu. */ static void standings_update( unsigned int wid, char* str ) { (void) str; int p, y; glTexture *t; int w, h, lw; char buf[128]; int m; /* Get dimensions. */ info_getDim( wid, &w, &h, &lw ); /* Get faction. */ p = toolkit_getListPos( wid, "lstStandings" ); y = 0; /* Render logo. */ t = faction_logoSmall( info_factions[p] ); if (t != NULL) { window_modifyImage( wid, "imgLogo", t, 0, 0 ); y = -40; window_moveWidget( wid, "imgLogo", lw+40 + (w-(lw+60)-t->w)/2, y ); y -= t->h; } else { window_modifyImage( wid, "imgLogo", NULL, 0, 0 ); y = -20; } /* Modify text. */ y -= 20; window_modifyText( wid, "txtName", faction_longname( info_factions[p] ) ); window_moveWidget( wid, "txtName", lw+40, y ); y -= 40; m = round( faction_getPlayer( info_factions[p] ) ); snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "%+d%% [ %s ]", m, faction_getStanding( m ) ); window_modifyText( wid, "txtStanding", buf ); window_moveWidget( wid, "txtStanding", lw+40, y ); }
/** * @brief Updates the outfits in the outfit window. * @param wid Window to update the outfits in. * @param str Unused. */ void outfits_update( unsigned int wid, char* str ) { (void)str; char *outfitname; Outfit* outfit; char buf[PATH_MAX], buf2[ECON_CRED_STRLEN], buf3[ECON_CRED_STRLEN]; double th; int iw, ih; int w, h; /* Get dimensions. */ outfits_getSize( wid, &w, &h, &iw, &ih, NULL, NULL ); /* Get and set parameters. */ outfitname = toolkit_getImageArray( wid, "iarOutfits" ); if (strcmp(outfitname,"None")==0) { /* No outfits */ window_modifyImage( wid, "imgOutfit", NULL, 0, 0 ); window_disableButton( wid, "btnBuyOutfit" ); window_disableButton( wid, "btnSellOutfit" ); snprintf( buf, PATH_MAX, "NA\n" "\n" "NA\n" "NA\n" "NA\n" "\n" "NA\n" "NA\n" "NA\n" ); window_modifyText( wid, "txtDDesc", buf ); window_modifyText( wid, "txtOutfitName", "None" ); window_modifyText( wid, "txtDescShort", NULL ); /* Reposition. */ window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSDesc", 20+iw+20, -60 ); window_moveWidget( wid, "txtDDesc", 20+iw+20+60, -60 ); window_moveWidget( wid, "txtDescription", 20+iw+40, -240 ); return; } outfit = outfit_get( outfitname ); /* new image */ window_modifyImage( wid, "imgOutfit", outfit->gfx_store, 0, 0 ); if (outfit_canBuy(outfit,1,0) > 0) window_enableButton( wid, "btnBuyOutfit" ); else window_disableButton( wid, "btnBuyOutfit" ); /* gray out sell button */ if (outfit_canSell(outfit,1,0) > 0) window_enableButton( wid, "btnSellOutfit" ); else window_disableButton( wid, "btnSellOutfit" ); /* new text */ window_modifyText( wid, "txtDescription", outfit->description ); credits2str( buf2, outfit->price, 2 ); credits2str( buf3, player.p->credits, 2 ); snprintf( buf, PATH_MAX, "%d\n" "\n" "%s\n" "%s\n" "%.0f tons\n" "\n" "%s credits\n" "%s credits\n" "%s\n", player_outfitOwned(outfit), outfit_slotName(outfit), outfit_slotSize(outfit), outfit->mass, buf2, buf3, (outfit->license != NULL) ? outfit->license : "None" ); window_modifyText( wid, "txtDDesc", buf ); window_modifyText( wid, "txtOutfitName", outfit->name ); window_modifyText( wid, "txtDescShort", outfit->desc_short ); th = MAX( 128, gl_printHeightRaw( &gl_smallFont, 320, outfit->desc_short ) ); window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSDesc", 40+iw+20, -60-th-20 ); window_moveWidget( wid, "txtDDesc", 40+iw+20+60, -60-th-20 ); th += gl_printHeightRaw( &gl_smallFont, 250, buf ); window_moveWidget( wid, "txtDescription", 20+iw+40, -60-th-20 ); }
/** * @brief Updates the map window. * * @param wid Window id. */ static void map_update( unsigned int wid ) { int i; StarSystem* sys; int f, h, x, y; double standing, nstanding; unsigned int services; int l; int hasPresence, hasPlanets; char t; char buf[PATH_MAX]; int p; glTexture *logo; double w; double unknownPresence; /* Needs map to update. */ if (!map_isOpen()) return; /* Get selected system. */ sys = system_getIndex( map_selected ); /* Not known and no markers. */ if (!(sys_isFlag(sys, SYSTEM_MARKED | SYSTEM_CMARKED)) && !sys_isKnown(sys) && !space_sysReachable(sys)) { map_selectCur(); sys = system_getIndex( map_selected ); } /* * Right Text */ x = -70; /* Side bar X offset. */ w = ABS(x) + 60; /* Width of the side bar. */ y = -20 - 20 - 64 - gl_defFont.h; /* Initialized to position for txtSFaction. */ if (!sys_isKnown(sys)) { /* System isn't known, erase all */ /* * Right Text */ if (sys_isFlag(sys, SYSTEM_MARKED | SYSTEM_CMARKED)) window_modifyText( wid, "txtSysname", sys->name ); else window_modifyText( wid, "txtSysname", "Unknown" );; /* Faction */ window_modifyImage( wid, "imgFaction", NULL, 0, 0 ); window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSFaction", x, y); window_moveWidget( wid, "txtFaction", x + 50, y - gl_smallFont.h - 5 ); window_modifyText( wid, "txtFaction", "Unknown" ); y -= 2 * gl_smallFont.h + 5 + 15; /* Standing */ window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSStanding", x, y ); window_moveWidget( wid, "txtStanding", x + 50, y - gl_smallFont.h - 5 ); window_modifyText( wid, "txtStanding", "Unknown" ); y -= 2 * gl_smallFont.h + 5 + 15; /* Presence. */ window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSPresence", x, y ); window_moveWidget( wid, "txtPresence", x + 50, y - gl_smallFont.h - 5 ); window_modifyText( wid, "txtPresence", "Unknown" ); y -= 2 * gl_smallFont.h + 5 + 15; /* Planets */ window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSPlanets", x, y ); window_moveWidget( wid, "txtPlanets", x + 50, y - gl_smallFont.h - 5 ); window_modifyText( wid, "txtPlanets", "Unknown" ); y -= 2 * gl_smallFont.h + 5 + 15; /* Services */ window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSServices", x, y ); window_moveWidget( wid, "txtServices", x + 50, y -gl_smallFont.h - 5 ); window_modifyText( wid, "txtServices", "Unknown" ); /* * Bottom Text */ window_modifyText( wid, "txtSystemStatus", NULL ); return; } /* System is known */ window_modifyText( wid, "txtSysname", sys->name ); standing = 0.; nstanding = 0.; f = -1; for (i=0; i<sys->nplanets; i++) { if (sys->planets[i]->real != ASSET_REAL) continue; if (!planet_isKnown(sys->planets[i])) continue; if ((f==-1) && (sys->planets[i]->faction>0)) { f = sys->planets[i]->faction; standing += faction_getPlayer( f ); nstanding++; } else if (f != sys->planets[i]->faction && /** @todo more verbosity */ (sys->planets[i]->faction>0)) { nsnprintf( buf, PATH_MAX, "Multiple" ); break; } } if (f == -1) { window_modifyImage( wid, "imgFaction", NULL, 0, 0 ); window_modifyText( wid, "txtFaction", "N/A" ); window_modifyText( wid, "txtStanding", "N/A" ); h = gl_smallFont.h; } else { if (i==sys->nplanets) /* saw them all and all the same */ nsnprintf( buf, PATH_MAX, "%s", faction_longname(f) ); /* Modify the image. */ logo = faction_logoSmall(f); window_modifyImage( wid, "imgFaction", logo, 0, 0 ); if (logo != NULL) window_moveWidget( wid, "imgFaction", -90 + logo->w/2, -20 - 32 - 10 - gl_defFont.h + logo->h/2); /* Modify the text */ window_modifyText( wid, "txtFaction", buf ); window_modifyText( wid, "txtStanding", faction_getStanding( standing / nstanding ) ); h = gl_printHeightRaw( &gl_smallFont, w, buf ); } /* Faction */ window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSFaction", x, y); window_moveWidget( wid, "txtFaction", x + 50, y - gl_smallFont.h - 5 ); y -= gl_smallFont.h + h + 5 + 15; /* Standing */ window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSStanding", x, y ); window_moveWidget( wid, "txtStanding", x + 50, y - gl_smallFont.h - 5 ); y -= 2 * gl_smallFont.h + 5 + 15; /* Get presence. */ hasPresence = 0; buf[0] = '\0'; l = 0; unknownPresence = 0; for (i=0; i < sys->npresence; i++) { if (sys->presence[i].value <= 0) continue; hasPresence = 1; if (faction_isKnown( sys->presence[i].faction )) { t = faction_getColourChar(sys->presence[i].faction); /* Use map grey instead of default neutral colour */ l += nsnprintf( &buf[l], PATH_MAX-l, "%s\e0%s: \e%c%.0f", (l==0)?"":"\n", faction_shortname(sys->presence[i].faction), (t=='N')?'M':t, sys->presence[i].value); } else
/** * @brief Updates the map window. * * @param wid Window id. */ static void map_update( unsigned int wid ) { int i; StarSystem* sys; int f, y, h, multiple_faction; double standing, nstanding; unsigned int services; char buf[PATH_MAX]; int p; glTexture *logo; /* Needs map to update. */ if (!map_isOpen()) return; sys = system_getIndex( map_selected ); /* Not known and no markers. */ if (!(sys_isFlag(sys, SYSTEM_MARKED | SYSTEM_CMARKED)) && !sys_isKnown(sys) && !space_sysReachable(sys)) { map_selectCur(); sys = system_getIndex( map_selected ); } /* * Right Text */ if (!sys_isKnown(sys)) { /* System isn't known, erase all */ /* * Right Text */ if (sys_isFlag(sys, SYSTEM_MARKED | SYSTEM_CMARKED)) window_modifyText( wid, "txtSysname", sys->name ); else window_modifyText( wid, "txtSysname", "Unknown" ); window_modifyImage( wid, "imgFaction", NULL ); window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSFaction", -20, -60 ); window_moveWidget( wid, "txtFaction", -20, -60-gl_smallFont.h-5 ); window_modifyText( wid, "txtFaction", "Unknown" ); /* Standing */ window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSStanding", -20, -100 ); window_moveWidget( wid, "txtStanding", -20, -100-gl_smallFont.h-5 ); window_modifyText( wid, "txtStanding", "Unknown" ); /* Security. */ window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSSecurity", -20, -140 ); window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSecurity", -20, -140-gl_smallFont.h-5 ); window_modifyText( wid, "txtSecurity", "Unknown" ); /* Planets */ window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSPlanets", -20, -180 ); window_moveWidget( wid, "txtPlanets", -20, -180-gl_smallFont.h-5 ); window_modifyText( wid, "txtPlanets", "Unknown" ); /* Services */ window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSServices", -20, -220 ); window_moveWidget( wid, "txtServices", -20, -220-gl_smallFont.h-5 ); window_modifyText( wid, "txtServices", "Unknown" ); /* * Bottom Text */ window_modifyText( wid, "txtSystemStatus", NULL ); return; } /* System is known */ window_modifyText( wid, "txtSysname", sys->name ); standing = 0.; nstanding = 0.; f = -1; multiple_faction = 0; for (i=0; i<sys->nplanets; i++) { if ((f==-1) && (sys->planets[i]->faction>0)) { f = sys->planets[i]->faction; standing += faction_getPlayer( f ); nstanding++; } else if (f != sys->planets[i]->faction && /** @todo more verbosity */ (sys->planets[i]->faction>0)) { snprintf( buf, PATH_MAX, "Multiple" ); multiple_faction = 1; break; } } if (f == -1) { window_modifyImage( wid, "imgFaction", NULL ); window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSFaction", -20, -60 ); window_moveWidget( wid, "txtFaction", -20, -60-gl_smallFont.h-5 ); window_modifyText( wid, "txtFaction", "NA" ); window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSStanding", -20, -100 ); window_moveWidget( wid, "txtStanding", -20, -100-gl_smallFont.h-5 ); window_modifyText( wid, "txtStanding", "NA" ); y = -100; } else { if (i==sys->nplanets) /* saw them all and all the same */ snprintf( buf, PATH_MAX, "%s", faction_longname(f) ); y = -60; /* Modify the image. */ logo = faction_logoSmall(f); window_modifyImage( wid, "imgFaction", logo ); if (logo != NULL) { window_moveWidget( wid, "imgFaction", -(90-logo->w)/2-20-logo->w, y-(64-logo->h)/2-logo->h ); y -= 64 + 10; } /* Modify the text */ window_modifyText( wid, "txtFaction", buf ); window_modifyText( wid, "txtStanding", faction_getStanding( standing / nstanding ) ); /* Lower text if needed */ window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSFaction", -20, y ); window_moveWidget( wid, "txtFaction", -20, y-gl_smallFont.h-5 ); h = gl_printHeightRaw( &gl_smallFont, 80, buf ); window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSStanding", -20, y ); window_moveWidget( wid, "txtStanding", -20, y-gl_smallFont.h-5 ); y -= 40 + (h - gl_smallFont.h); window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSStanding", -20, y ); window_moveWidget( wid, "txtStanding", -20, y-gl_smallFont.h-5 ); } /* Get security. */ y -= 40; if (sys->nfleets == 0) snprintf(buf, PATH_MAX, "NA" ); else snprintf(buf, PATH_MAX, "%.0f %%", sys->security * 100.); window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSSecurity", -20, y ); window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSecurity", -20, y-gl_smallFont.h-5 ); window_modifyText( wid, "txtSecurity", buf ); /* Get planets */ if (sys->nplanets == 0) { strncpy( buf, "None", PATH_MAX ); window_modifyText( wid, "txtPlanets", buf ); } else { p = 0; buf[0] = '\0'; if (sys->nplanets > 0) p += snprintf( &buf[p], PATH_MAX-p, "%s", sys->planets[0]->name ); for (i=1; i<sys->nplanets; i++) { p += snprintf( &buf[p], PATH_MAX-p, ",\n%s", sys->planets[i]->name ); } window_modifyText( wid, "txtPlanets", buf ); } y -= 40; window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSPlanets", -20, y ); window_moveWidget( wid, "txtPlanets", -20, y-gl_smallFont.h-5 ); /* Get the services */ h = gl_printHeightRaw( &gl_smallFont, 80, buf ); y -= 40 + (h - gl_smallFont.h); window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSServices", -20, y ); window_moveWidget( wid, "txtServices", -20, y-gl_smallFont.h-5 ); services = 0; for (i=0; i<sys->nplanets; i++) services |= sys->planets[i]->services; buf[0] = '\0'; p = 0; /*snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%f\n", sys->prices[0]);*/ /*Hack to control prices. */ if (services & PLANET_SERVICE_COMMODITY) p += snprintf( &buf[p], PATH_MAX-p, "Commodity\n"); if (services & PLANET_SERVICE_OUTFITS) p += snprintf( &buf[p], PATH_MAX-p, "Outfits\n"); if (services & PLANET_SERVICE_SHIPYARD) p += snprintf( &buf[p], PATH_MAX-p, "Shipyard\n"); if (buf[0] == '\0') p += snprintf( &buf[p], PATH_MAX-p, "None"); window_modifyText( wid, "txtServices", buf ); /* * System Status */ buf[0] = '\0'; p = 0; /* Nebula. */ if (sys->nebu_density > 0.) { /* Volatility */ if (sys->nebu_volatility > 700.) p += snprintf(&buf[p], PATH_MAX-p, " Volatile"); else if (sys->nebu_volatility > 300.) p += snprintf(&buf[p], PATH_MAX-p, " Dangerous"); else if (sys->nebu_volatility > 0.) p += snprintf(&buf[p], PATH_MAX-p, " Unstable"); /* Density */ if (sys->nebu_density > 700.) p += snprintf(&buf[p], PATH_MAX-p, " Dense"); else if (sys->nebu_density < 300.) p += snprintf(&buf[p], PATH_MAX-p, " Light"); p += snprintf(&buf[p], PATH_MAX-p, " Nebula"); } /* Interference. */ if (sys->interference > 0.) { if (buf[0] != '\0') p += snprintf(&buf[p], PATH_MAX-p, ","); /* Density. */ if (sys->interference > 700.) p += snprintf(&buf[p], PATH_MAX-p, " Dense"); else if (sys->interference < 300.) p += snprintf(&buf[p], PATH_MAX-p, " Light"); p += snprintf(&buf[p], PATH_MAX-p, " Interference"); } window_modifyText( wid, "txtSystemStatus", buf ); }