bool writeXml(const QString &fileName, QTreeWidget *treeWidget) { QFile file(fileName); if (! | QFile::Text)) { std::cerr << "Error: Cannot write file " << qPrintable(fileName) << ": " << qPrintable(file.errorString()) << std::endl; return false; } QXmlStreamWriter xmlWriter(&file); xmlWriter.setAutoFormatting(true); xmlWriter.writeStartDocument(); xmlWriter.writeStartElement("bookindex"); for (int i = 0; i < treeWidget->topLevelItemCount(); ++i) writeIndexEntry(&xmlWriter, treeWidget->topLevelItem(i)); xmlWriter.writeEndDocument(); file.close(); if (file.error()) { std::cerr << "Error: Cannot write file " << qPrintable(fileName) << ": " << qPrintable(file.errorString()) << std::endl; return false; } return true; }
void XbelTree::writeIndexEntry(QXmlStreamWriter *xmlWriter, QTreeWidgetItem *item) { xmlWriter->writeStartElement("folder"); xmlWriter->writeAttribute("title",item->text(0)); xmlWriter->writeAttribute("value_ergo",item->text(1)); xmlWriter->writeAttribute("value_ves",item->text(2)); xmlWriter->writeAttribute("value_number",item->text(3)); xmlWriter->writeAttribute("folded",item->text(4)); for(int i =0; i<item->childCount(); ++i) writeIndexEntry(xmlWriter,item->child(i)); xmlWriter->writeEndElement(); }
void writeIndexEntry(QXmlStreamWriter *xmlWriter, QTreeWidgetItem *item) { xmlWriter->writeStartElement("entry"); xmlWriter->writeAttribute("term", item->text(0)); QString pageString = item->text(1); if (!pageString.isEmpty()) { QStringList pages = pageString.split(", "); foreach (QString page, pages) xmlWriter->writeTextElement("page", page); } for (int i = 0; i < item->childCount(); ++i) writeIndexEntry(xmlWriter, item->child(i)); xmlWriter->writeEndElement(); }
bool XbelTree::write(QFile *file) { QXmlStreamWriter xmlWriter(file); xmlWriter.setAutoFormatting(true); xmlWriter.writeStartDocument(); xmlWriter.writeStartElement("xbel"); xmlWriter.writeAttribute(tr("version"),tr("1.0")); for(int i =0; i <XbelTree::topLevelItemCount(); ++i) { writeIndexEntry(&xmlWriter, XbelTree::topLevelItem(i)); } xmlWriter.writeEndDocument(); file->close(); if(file->error()) { return false; } return true; }
bool rpnoc::Profile::writeXml( const QString &iFilename, QStringList *iItem ) { QString oFileName = iFilename.toLower(); QFile oFile( oFileName ); if( ! QFile::ReadWrite | QFile::Text ) ) { log_e( "Failed to open file '" + iFilename + "'." + log_endl + oFile.errorString() ); return false; } QXmlStreamWriter oWriter( &oFile ); oWriter.setAutoFormatting( true ); oWriter.writeStartDocument(); oWriter.writeStartElement( "Profile" ); writeIndexEntry( &oWriter, iItem ); oWriter.writeEndDocument(); oFile.close(); if( oFile.error() ) { log_e( "Failed to close file '" + iFilename + "'." + log_endl + oFile.errorString() ); return false; } return true; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* === Declarations === */ int ret, i, exitflag; long int lim; double Mag; unsigned long us_header_offset; unsigned long usf_trix_begin; unsigned long usf_trix_count; unsigned long ntrixels; int16_t maglim; u_int8_t htm_level; u_int16_t MSpT_unnamed; char query[512]; u_int32_t current_trixel; /* File streams */ FILE *f; /* Pointer to "current" file */ FILE *usf; /* Handle to star data file */ FILE *usfhead; /* Handle to star header file */ /* deepStarData structure */ deepStarData data; /* MySQL structures */ MYSQL link; MYSQL_RES *result; MYSQL_ROW row; /* Check the number of arguments */ if( argc <= 6 ) { fprintf(stderr, "USAGE %s DataFile HeaderFile InputDataFilePrefix\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, "The database used is a MySQL DB on localhost. The default table name is `nomad`\n"); } /* == Open all file streams required == */ /* Unnamed Star Handling */ usf = fopen(argv[1], "wb"); if(usf == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not open %s [Data File] for binary write.\n", argv[1]); return 1; } usfhead = fopen(argv[2], "wb"); if(usfhead == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not open %s [Header File] for binary write.\n", argv[2]); fcloseall(); return 1; } if( VERBOSE ) fprintf( stdout, "Size of deepStarData structure: %d\n", sizeof( deepStarData ) ); /* Write file headers */ writeDataFileHeader(usfhead); us_header_offset = ftell(usfhead); /* Leave space in the data file for certain catalog information */ /* Leave space for / write a deep magnitude limit specification in the data files */ maglim = (int)(-5.0 * 100); fwrite(&maglim, 2, 1, usf); // Bogus entry /* Write a HTM level specification in the data file */ htm_level = HTM_LEVEL; fwrite(&htm_level, 1, 1, usf); /* Leave space for a specification of MSpT (Maximum Stars per Trixel) in the data files */ MSpT_unnamed = 0; fwrite(&MSpT_unnamed, 2, 1, usf); // Bogus entry /* Initialize some variables */ usf_trix_begin = 2 + 1 + 2; // The 2 + 1 + 2 is to leave space for deep magnitude limit, HTM Level and MSpT specification. TODO: Change this if things change. ntrixels = 0; for( current_trixel = 0; current_trixel < NTRIXELS; ++current_trixel ) { char fname[256]; sprintf( fname, "%s%d", argv[3], current_trixel ); FILE *trixdump; trixdump = fopen( fname, "rb" ); if( trixdump == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: Could not open %s for binary read! Exiting with INCOMPLETE data files.\n", fname ); fcloseall(); return 1; } usf_trix_count = 0; while( !feof( trixdump ) ) { if( !fread( &data, sizeof( deepStarData ), 1, trixdump ) ) { if( VERBOSE ) fprintf( stdout, "Finished transferring trixel %d (%d records)\n", current_trixel, usf_trix_count ); break; } usf_trix_count++; int16_t B = data.B; int16_t V = data.V; if( V == 30000 ) { if( B - 1600 > maglim && B != 30000 ) { maglim = B - 1600; } } else { if( V > maglim ) { maglim = V; } } fwrite(&data, sizeof(deepStarData), 1, usf); } fclose( trixdump ); /* Write index entries if we've changed trixel */ if(VERBOSE) { fprintf(stderr, "Done with trixel %d!\n", current_trixel ); } writeIndexEntry(usfhead, current_trixel, us_header_offset + NTRIXELS * INDEX_ENTRY_SIZE + usf_trix_begin, usf_trix_count); usf_trix_begin += usf_trix_count * sizeof( deepStarData ); if( usf_trix_count > MSpT_unnamed ) MSpT_unnamed = usf_trix_count; ntrixels++; usf_trix_count = 0; } if(ntrixels != NTRIXELS) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Expected %u trixels, but found %u instead. Please redefine NTRIXELS in this program, or check the source database for bogus trixels\n", NTRIXELS, ntrixels); } rewind(usf); fwrite(&maglim, 2, 1, usf); fwrite(&htm_level, 1, 1, usf); fwrite(&MSpT_unnamed, 2, 1, usf); fcloseall(); return 0; }