enc28j60_send(const uint8_t *data, uint16_t datalen)
  uint16_t dataend;

  if(!initialized) {
    return -1;

    1. Appropriately program the ETXST pointer to point to an unused
       location in memory. It will point to the per packet control
       byte. In the uart_demo, it would be programmed to 0120h. It is
       recommended that an even address be used for ETXST.

    2. Use the WBM SPI command to write the per packet control byte,
       the destination address, the source MAC address, the
       type/length and the data payload.

    3. Appropriately program the ETXND pointer. It should point to the
       last byte in the data payload.  In the uart_demo, it would be
       programmed to 0156h.

    4. Clear EIR.TXIF, set EIE.TXIE and set EIE.INTIE to enable an
       interrupt when done (if desired).

    5. Start the transmission process by setting

  /* Set up the transmit buffer pointer */
  writereg(ETXSTL, TX_BUF_START & 0xff);
  writereg(ETXSTH, TX_BUF_START >> 8);
  writereg(EWRPTL, TX_BUF_START & 0xff);
  writereg(EWRPTH, TX_BUF_START >> 8);

  /* Write the transmission control register as the first byte of the
     output packet. We write 0x00 to indicate that the default
     configuration (the values in MACON3) will be used.  */
  writedatabyte(0x00); /* MACON3 */

  writedata(data, datalen);

  /* Write a pointer to the last data byte. */
  dataend = TX_BUF_START + datalen;
  writereg(ETXNDL, dataend & 0xff);
  writereg(ETXNDH, dataend >> 8);

  /* Clear EIR.TXIF */
  clearregbitfield(EIR, EIR_TXIF);

  /* Don't care about interrupts for now */

  /* Send the packet */
  setregbitfield(ECON1, ECON1_TXRTS);
  while((readreg(ECON1) & ECON1_TXRTS) > 0);

  if((readreg(ESTAT) & ESTAT_TXABRT) != 0) {
    uint16_t erdpt;
    uint8_t tsv[7];
    erdpt = (readreg(ERDPTH) << 8) | readreg(ERDPTL);
    writereg(ERDPTL, (dataend + 1) & 0xff);
    writereg(ERDPTH, (dataend + 1) >> 8);
    readdata(tsv, sizeof(tsv));
    writereg(ERDPTL, erdpt & 0xff);
    writereg(ERDPTH, erdpt >> 8);
    PRINTF("enc28j60: tx err: %d: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n"
           "                  tsv: %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x\n", datalen,
           0xff & data[0], 0xff & data[1], 0xff & data[2],
           0xff & data[3], 0xff & data[4], 0xff & data[5],
           tsv[6], tsv[5], tsv[4], tsv[3], tsv[2], tsv[1], tsv[0]);
  } else {
文件: enc28j60.c 项目: ADVANSEE/mist
enc28j60_send(uint8_t *data, uint16_t datalen)
  int padding = 0;

  if(!initialized) {
    return -1;

    1. Appropriately program the ETXST pointer to point to an unused
       location in memory. It will point to the per packet control
       byte. In the example, it would be programmed to 0120h. It is
       recommended that an even address be used for ETXST.

    2. Use the WBM SPI command to write the per packet control byte,
       the destination address, the source MAC address, the
       type/length and the data payload.

    3. Appropriately program the ETXND pointer. It should point to the
       last byte in the data payload.  In the example, it would be
       programmed to 0156h.

    4. Clear EIR.TXIF, set EIE.TXIE and set EIE.INTIE to enable an
       interrupt when done (if desired).

    5. Start the transmission process by setting

  /* Set up the transmit buffer pointer */
  writereg(ETXSTL, TX_BUF_START & 0xff);
  writereg(ETXSTH, TX_BUF_START >> 8);
  writereg(EWRPTL, TX_BUF_START & 0xff);
  writereg(EWRPTH, TX_BUF_START >> 8);

  /* Write the transmission control register as the first byte of the
     output packet. We write 0x00 to indicate that the default
     configuration (the values in MACON3) will be used.  */
  writedatabyte(0x0B); /* POVERRIDE, PCRCEN, PHUGEEN. Not PPADEN */
  if(datalen < PADDING_MIN_SIZE) {
    padding = PADDING_MIN_SIZE - datalen;
  } else {
    padding = 0;
  writedatabyte(0x00); /* MACON3 */
  padding = 0;

  /* Write a pointer to the last data byte. */
  writereg(ETXNDL, (TX_BUF_START + datalen + 0 + padding) & 0xff);
  writereg(ETXNDH, (TX_BUF_START + datalen + 0 + padding) >> 8);

  writedata(data, datalen);
  if(padding > 0) {
    uint8_t padding_buf[60];
    memset(padding_buf, 0, padding);
    writedata(padding_buf, padding);

  /* Clear EIR.TXIF */
  writereg(EIR, readreg(EIR) & (~EIR_TXIF));

  /* Don't care about interrupts for now */

  /* Send the packet */
  writereg(ECON1, readreg(ECON1) | ECON1_TXRTS);
  while((readreg(ECON1) & ECON1_TXRTS) > 0);

  if((readreg(ESTAT) & ESTAT_TXABRT) != 0) {
    PRINTF("enc28j60: tx err: %d: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", datalen,
           0xff&data[0], 0xff&data[1], 0xff&data[2],
           0xff&data[3], 0xff&data[4], 0xff&data[5]);
  } else {
    PRINTF("enc28j60: tx: %d: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", datalen,
           0xff&data[0], 0xff&data[1], 0xff&data[2],
           0xff&data[3], 0xff&data[4], 0xff&data[5]);
  PRINTF("enc28j60: sent_packets %d\n", sent_packets);
  return datalen;