int runLRSBaked(string fName, int numSamples)
	cout << "numSamples: " << numSamples << endl;
	cout << "Getting gammas..." << endl;
	int best = INT_MAX;

	vector<LPEdge> hkSoln = getHKSolutionsBaked(fName, false); 
	vector<ModEdge> graph = xToZ(lpToMod(hkSoln));
	vector<double> lambda = getLambdaBaked(fName, graph);
	weightGraph(graph, lambda);
	int numNodes = getNumNodes(graph);
	Graph g = Graph(fName, false);
	cout << "Done getting gammas" << endl;

	int numErrs = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; i++)
		int n = numNodes;
		int cur = getLRSTourFast(graph, lambda, g, n);
		best = min(cur, best);
		if (cur == INT_MAX)
	cout << "Number of errors: " << numErrs << " out of " << numSamples << " samples" << endl;
	return best;
文件: splineMI.c 项目: th86/gislkit
void findWeights(const double *x, const double *knots, double *weights, int numSamples, int splineOrder, int numBins, double rangeLeft, double rangeRight) {
  int curSample, curBin;
  double *z = (double*) calloc(numSamples, sizeof(double));

  xToZ(x, z, numSamples, splineOrder, numBins, rangeLeft, rangeRight);
  for (curSample = 0; curSample < numSamples; curSample++) {
    for (curBin = 0; curBin < numBins; curBin++) {
      weights[curBin * numSamples + curSample] = basisFunction(curBin, splineOrder, z[curSample], knots, numBins);
      //printf("%d|%f(%f)\t", curBin, weights[curBin * numSamples + curSample],z[curSample]);
int runLRS(string fName, int numSamples, bool silent)
	cout << "numSamples: " << numSamples << endl;
	cout << "Getting gammas..." << endl;
	int best = INT_MAX;
	vector<double> gammaIn;
	vector<LPEdge> hkSoln = getHKSolutions(fName, silent);
	vector<ModEdge> graph = xToZ(lpToMod(hkSoln));
	vector<double> lambda = getLambda(graph);
	weightGraph(graph, lambda);
	int numNodes = getNumNodes(graph);
	Graph g = Graph(fName, silent);
	cout << "Done getting gammas" << endl;

	int numErrs = 0;
#pragma omp parallel num_threads(4) shared(gammaIn, graph, lambda, g, numNodes)
		#pragma omp for 
		for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; i++)
			int n = numNodes;
			int cur = getLRSTourFast(graph, lambda, g, n);
#pragma omp critical

				if (cur < best)
					best = cur;
				if (cur == INT_MAX)
#pragma omp flush(best)
	cout << "Number of errors: " << numErrs << " out of " << numSamples << " samples" << endl;
	return best;