void QWindowsOleDropSource::createCursors()
    const QDrag *drag = m_drag->currentDrag();
    const QPixmap pixmap = drag->pixmap();
    const bool hasPixmap = !pixmap.isNull();

    QList<Qt::DropAction> actions;
    actions << Qt::MoveAction << Qt::CopyAction << Qt::LinkAction;
    if (hasPixmap)
        actions << Qt::IgnoreAction;
    const QPoint hotSpot = drag->hotSpot();
    for (int cnum = 0; cnum < actions.size(); ++cnum) {
        const Qt::DropAction action = actions.at(cnum);
        QPixmap cpm = drag->dragCursor(action);
        if (cpm.isNull())
            cpm = m_drag->defaultCursor(action);
        if (cpm.isNull()) {
            qWarning("%s: Unable to obtain drag cursor for %d.", __FUNCTION__, action);
        int w = cpm.width();
        int h = cpm.height();

        if (hasPixmap) {
            const int x1 = qMin(-hotSpot.x(), 0);
            const int x2 = qMax(pixmap.width() - hotSpot.x(), cpm.width());
            const int y1 = qMin(-hotSpot.y(), 0);
            const int y2 = qMax(pixmap.height() - hotSpot.y(), cpm.height());

            w = x2 - x1 + 1;
            h = y2 - y1 + 1;

        const QPoint newHotSpot = hotSpot;
        QPixmap newCursor(w, h);
        if (hasPixmap) {
            QPainter p(&newCursor);
            const QRect srcRect = pixmap.rect();
            const QPoint pmDest = QPoint(qMax(0, -hotSpot.x()), qMax(0, -hotSpot.y()));
            p.drawPixmap(pmDest, pixmap, srcRect);
        } else {
            newCursor = cpm;

        const int hotX = hasPixmap ? qMax(0,newHotSpot.x()) : 0;
        const int hotY = hasPixmap ? qMax(0,newHotSpot.y()) : 0;

        if (const HCURSOR sysCursor = QWindowsCursor::createPixmapCursor(newCursor, hotX, hotY))
            m_cursors.insert(actions.at(cnum), sysCursor);
    if (QWindowsContext::verboseOLE)
        qDebug("%s %d cursors", __FUNCTION__, m_cursors.size());
void QWindowsOleDropSource::createCursors()
    const QDrag *drag = m_drag->currentDrag();
    const QPixmap pixmap = drag->pixmap();
    const bool hasPixmap = !pixmap.isNull();

    // Find screen for drag. Could be obtained from QDrag::source(), but that might be a QWidget.
    const QPlatformScreen *platformScreen = QWindowsContext::instance()->screenManager().screenAtDp(QWindowsCursor::mousePosition());
    if (!platformScreen) {
        if (const QScreen *primaryScreen = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen())
            platformScreen = primaryScreen->handle();
    QPlatformCursor *platformCursor = platformScreen->cursor();

    qreal pixmapScaleFactor = 1;
    qreal hotSpotScaleFactor = 1;
    if (m_mode != TouchDrag) { // Touch drag: pixmap is shown in a separate QWindow, which will be scaled.)
        hotSpotScaleFactor = QHighDpiScaling::factor(platformScreen);
        pixmapScaleFactor = hotSpotScaleFactor / pixmap.devicePixelRatio();
    QPixmap scaledPixmap = qFuzzyCompare(pixmapScaleFactor, 1.0)
        ? pixmap
        :  pixmap.scaled((QSizeF(pixmap.size()) * pixmapScaleFactor).toSize(),
                         Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);

    Qt::DropAction actions[] = { Qt::MoveAction, Qt::CopyAction, Qt::LinkAction, Qt::IgnoreAction };
    int actionCount = int(sizeof(actions) / sizeof(actions[0]));
    if (!hasPixmap)
        --actionCount; // No Qt::IgnoreAction unless pixmap
    const QPoint hotSpot = qFuzzyCompare(hotSpotScaleFactor, 1.0)
        ?  drag->hotSpot()
        : (QPointF(drag->hotSpot()) * hotSpotScaleFactor).toPoint();
    for (int cnum = 0; cnum < actionCount; ++cnum) {
        const Qt::DropAction action = actions[cnum];
        QPixmap cursorPixmap = drag->dragCursor(action);
        if (cursorPixmap.isNull() && platformCursor)
            cursorPixmap = static_cast<QWindowsCursor *>(platformCursor)->dragDefaultCursor(action);
        const qint64 cacheKey = cursorPixmap.cacheKey();
        const auto it = m_cursors.find(action);
        if (it != m_cursors.end() && it.value().cacheKey == cacheKey)
        if (cursorPixmap.isNull()) {
            qWarning("%s: Unable to obtain drag cursor for %d.", __FUNCTION__, action);

        QPoint newHotSpot(0, 0);
        QPixmap newPixmap = cursorPixmap;

        if (hasPixmap) {
            const int x1 = qMin(-hotSpot.x(), 0);
            const int x2 = qMax(scaledPixmap.width() - hotSpot.x(), cursorPixmap.width());
            const int y1 = qMin(-hotSpot.y(), 0);
            const int y2 = qMax(scaledPixmap.height() - hotSpot.y(), cursorPixmap.height());
            QPixmap newCursor(x2 - x1 + 1, y2 - y1 + 1);
            QPainter p(&newCursor);
            const QPoint pmDest = QPoint(qMax(0, -hotSpot.x()), qMax(0, -hotSpot.y()));
            p.drawPixmap(pmDest, scaledPixmap);
            p.drawPixmap(qMax(0, hotSpot.x()),qMax(0, hotSpot.y()), cursorPixmap);
            newPixmap = newCursor;
            newHotSpot = QPoint(qMax(0, hotSpot.x()), qMax(0, hotSpot.y()));

        if (const HCURSOR sysCursor = QWindowsCursor::createPixmapCursor(newPixmap, newHotSpot)) {
            const CursorEntry entry(newPixmap, cacheKey, CursorHandlePtr(new CursorHandle(sysCursor)), newHotSpot);
            if (it == m_cursors.end())
                m_cursors.insert(action, entry);
                it.value() = entry;
    if (lcQpaMime().isDebugEnabled())
        qCDebug(lcQpaMime) << __FUNCTION__ << "pixmap" << pixmap.size() << m_cursors.size() << "cursors:\n" << m_cursors;