void Planet::ShowMessageBoxWithInfo(App& app) { std::ostringstream strs; strs << body.GetRadius().ValueIn(app.LengthUnit()) << app.LengthUnit().str() << " " << std::endl; std::string str = strs.str(); std::string res = "Name: " + body.GetName() + "\nRadius: " + str; strs.str(std::string()); strs.clear(); str.clear(); strs << body.GetMass().ValueInBase() << app.MassUnit().str() << " " << std::endl; str = strs.str(); res += "Mass: " + str; strs.str(std::string()); strs.clear(); str.clear(); strs << body.GetGM().ValueInBase() << app.GMUnit().str() << " " << std::endl; str = strs.str(); res += "Gravitational Parameter: " + str; strs.str(std::string()); strs.clear(); str.clear(); strs << body.GetSurfaceAcceleration().ValueInBase() << app.AccelerationUnit().str() << " " << std::endl; str = strs.str(); res += "Surface Acceleration: " + str; MessageBox(NULL, res.c_str(), "Information", MB_OK); }
int main() { std::ofstream fout; fout.open("out.txt"); try { App app; app.SetLoggingFile("error.log"); app.LoadKernel("data/meta.tm"); app.SetReferenceFrame(Frame::ECLIPJ2000); // Set reference frame to ECLIPJ200, default is J2000 app.SetDefaultUnits(App::UT_DEFAULT); // Same as UT_METRIC, except Length is measured in km. This is set by default //app.SetDefaultUnits(App::UT_METRIC); // Default units are meters, meters per second and kilograms //app.SetDefaultUnits(App::UT_IMPERIAL); // Default units are miles, miles per hour and pounds //app.LoadSolarSystem(); // Loads Solar System. Optional parameter controls whether to load only planets and Sun or to load entire Solar System //app.LoadAllAvailableObjects(); // Loads all objects which were introduced in loaded kernels //app.LoadMoons(SpaceObject("Earth")); // Creates SpaceObjects instance and uses it to specify parent body //app.LoadMoons("Jupiter"); // Loads moons of Jupiter, internally the same as LoadMoons(SpaceObject("Jupiter")) //if(app.CheckObjectExists("Pluto")) // app.LoadMoons(app.RetrieveObject("Pluto")); // Same as LoadMoons(SpaceObject("Pluto")), except this doesn't construct new SpaceObject instance, instead it uses reference to already loaded SpaceObject instance app.AddObject(SpaceBody("europa")); app.AddObject(SpaceBody("MOON")); app.AddObject(SpaceBody("Io")); std::vector<SpaceObject*> barycenters = app.GetLoadedBarycenters(); std::vector<SpaceObject*> planets = app.GetLoadedPlanets(); std::vector<SpaceObject*> moons = app.GetLoadedMoons(); std::vector<SpaceObject*> jupiterMoons = app.GetLoadedMoonsOf(SpaceObject("Jupiter")); std::vector<SpaceObject*> marsMoons = app.GetLoadedMoonsOf(SpaceObject("mars")); app.LoadSolarSystem(true); std::vector<KernelData> kernels = CSpiceUtil::GetLoadedKernels(); fout << "Loaded kernels:" << std::endl; for(size_t i = 0; i < kernels.size(); i++) { KernelData kData = kernels[i]; fout << "\t" << kData.filename << " (" << kData.type << ")" << std::endl; } fout << std::endl; size_t objectsCount = app.GetObjectsLength(); for(size_t i = 0; i < objectsCount; i++) { const SpaceObject& obj = app.GetObjectByIndex(i); fout << obj.GetName() << " summary:" << std::endl; try { const SpaceBody& body = dynamic_cast<const SpaceBody&>(obj); fout << "Bulk parameters:" << std::endl; if(body.HasParameter(SpaceBody::BP_MASS)) fout << "\tMass: " << body.GetMass().ValueIn(app.MassUnit()) << " " << app.MassUnit().str() << std::endl; if(body.HasParameter(SpaceBody::BP_GM)) fout << "\tGM: " << body.GetGM().ValueIn(app.GMUnit()) << " " << app.GMUnit().str() << std::endl; if(body.HasParameter(SpaceBody::BP_ACC)) fout << "\tg: " << body.GetSurfaceAcceleration().ValueIn(app.AccelerationUnit()) << " " << app.AccelerationUnit().str() << std::endl; if(body.HasParameter(SpaceBody::BP_RADIUS)) { Length radius = body.GetRadius(); std::array<Length, 3> radii = body.GetRadii(); fout << "\tRadius: " << radius.ValueIn(app.LengthUnit()) << " (" << radii[0].ValueIn(app.LengthUnit()) << ", " << radii[1].ValueIn(app.LengthUnit()) << ", " << radii[2].ValueIn(app.LengthUnit()) << ") " << app.LengthUnit().str() << std::endl; } fout << std::endl; } catch(const std::bad_cast&) { } Date t("Aug 17 2000 15:51:01 UTC-5"); t += Time(1.0, Units::Common::days); Window spkCoverage = obj.GetCoverage(); std::vector<Interval> spkIntervals = spkCoverage.GetIntervals(); fout << "SPK state:" << std::endl; fout << "\tCoverage:" << std::endl; if(spkIntervals.size() == 0) { fout << "\t\tObject does not contain any state data" << std::endl; } for(size_t i = 0; i < spkIntervals.size(); i++) { Interval interval = spkIntervals[i]; Date begin(interval.GetLeft()); Date end(interval.GetRight()); fout << "\t\t" << begin.AsString() << " - " << end.AsString() << std::endl; } fout << std::endl; fout << "\t" << t.AsString() << " relative to " << app.GetReferenceFrame().GetName() << ":" << std::endl; if(spkCoverage.IsIncluded(t.AsDouble())) { Vector3T<Length> pos = obj.GetPosition(t, app.GetReferenceFrame()); Vector3T<Velocity> vel = obj.GetVelocity(t, app.GetReferenceFrame()); fout << "\t\tPos: " << pos.Length().ValueIn(app.LengthUnit()) << " (" << pos.x.ValueIn(app.LengthUnit()) << ", " << pos.y.ValueIn(app.LengthUnit()) << ", " << pos.z.ValueIn(app.LengthUnit()) << ") " << app.LengthUnit().str() << std::endl; fout << "\t\tVel: " << vel.Length().ValueIn(app.VelocityUnit()) << " (" << vel.x.ValueIn(app.VelocityUnit()) << ", " << vel.y.ValueIn(app.VelocityUnit()) << ", " << vel.z.ValueIn(app.VelocityUnit()) << ") " << app.VelocityUnit().str() << std::endl; } else { fout << "\t\tNo state data on this epoch" << std::endl; } fout << std::endl; try { const SpaceBody& body = dynamic_cast<const SpaceBody&>(obj); fout << "PCK orientation:" << std::endl; if(body.HasDefaultFrame()) { Frame bodyFrame = body.GetDefaultFrame(); fout << "(using frame " << bodyFrame.GetName() << ")" << std::endl; if(bodyFrame.HasAvailableData()) { bool dataAvailableAtT = true; fout << "\tCoverage:" << std::endl; if(bodyFrame.HasLimitedCoverage()) { Window pckCoverage = bodyFrame.GetCoverage(); std::vector<Interval> pckIntervals = pckCoverage.GetIntervals(); dataAvailableAtT = pckCoverage.IsIncluded(t.AsDouble()); if(pckIntervals.size() == 0) { fout << "\t\tObject does not contain any orientation data" << std::endl; } for(size_t i = 0; i < pckIntervals.size(); i++) { Interval interval = pckIntervals[i]; Date begin(interval.GetLeft()); Date end(interval.GetRight()); fout << "\t\t" << begin.AsString() << " - " << end.AsString() << std::endl; } fout << std::endl; } else { fout << "\t\tUnlimited" << std::endl; } fout << "\t" << t.AsString() << app.GetReferenceFrame().GetName() << ":" << std::endl; if(dataAvailableAtT) { Vector3 axisX = bodyFrame.AxisX(t, app.GetReferenceFrame()); Vector3 axisY = bodyFrame.AxisY(t, app.GetReferenceFrame()); Vector3 axisZ = bodyFrame.AxisZ(t, app.GetReferenceFrame()); fout << "\t\tX axis: (" << axisX.x << ", " << axisX.y << ", " << axisX.z << ")" << std::endl; fout << "\t\tY axis: (" << axisY.x << ", " << axisY.y << ", " << axisY.z << ")" << std::endl; fout << "\t\tZ axis: (" << axisZ.x << ", " << axisZ.y << ", " << axisZ.z << ")" << std::endl; const Matrix4x4& matrix = bodyFrame.GetTransformationMatrix(t, app.GetReferenceFrame()); fout << "\t\tTransformation matrix:" << std::endl; for(int row = 0; row < 4; row++) { fout << "\t\t\t"; for(int col = 0; col < 4; col++) { fout << std::fixed << std::setw(11) << matrix.Get(row, col) << std::defaultfloat << " "; } fout << std::endl; } } else { fout << "\t\tNo orientation data available on this epoch" << std::endl; } } else { fout << "\tFrame does not contain any orientation data" << std::endl; } } else { fout << "\tObject does not contain any orientation data" << std::endl; } } catch(const std::bad_cast&) { } fout << "===============================================================================" << std::endl; fout << std::endl; } std::cout << "All is fine. See out.txt for results" << std::endl; } catch(const std::exception& ex) { std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "Error encountered:" << std::endl; std::cout << ex.what() << std::endl; std::cout << "See details in the error log file" << std::endl; } std::getchar(); return 0; }