文件: Arg.cpp 项目: asdlei00/freebsd
std::string Arg::getAsString(const ArgList &Args) const {
    llvm::SmallString<256> Res;
    llvm::raw_svector_ostream OS(Res);

    ArgStringList ASL;
    render(Args, ASL);
    for (ArgStringList::iterator
            it = ASL.begin(), ie = ASL.end(); it != ie; ++it) {
        if (it != ASL.begin())
            OS << ' ';
        OS << *it;

    return OS.str();
bool Compilation::CleanupFileList(const ArgStringList &Files,
                                  bool IssueErrors) const {
  bool Success = true;

  for (ArgStringList::const_iterator
         it = Files.begin(), ie = Files.end(); it != ie; ++it) {
    llvm::sys::Path P(*it);
    std::string Error;

    if (P.eraseFromDisk(false, &Error)) {
      // Failure is only failure if the file doesn't exist. There is a
      // race condition here due to the limited interface of
      // llvm::sys::Path, we want to know if the removal gave E_NOENT.

      // FIXME: Grumble, P.exists() is broken. PR3837.
      struct stat buf;
      if (::stat(P.c_str(), &buf) == 0
          || errno != ENOENT) {
        if (IssueErrors)
            << Error;
        Success = false;

  return Success;
bool Compilation::CleanupFileList(const ArgStringList &Files,
                                  bool IssueErrors) const {
  bool Success = true;

  for (ArgStringList::const_iterator
         it = Files.begin(), ie = Files.end(); it != ie; ++it) {

    llvm::sys::Path P(*it);
    std::string Error;

    // Don't try to remove files which we don't have write access to (but may be
    // able to remove). Underlying tools may have intentionally not overwritten
    // them.
    if (!P.canWrite())

    if (P.eraseFromDisk(false, &Error)) {
      // Failure is only failure if the file exists and is "regular". There is
      // a race condition here due to the limited interface of
      // llvm::sys::Path, we want to know if the removal gave ENOENT.

      // FIXME: Grumble, P.exists() is broken. PR3837.
      struct stat buf;
      if (::stat(P.c_str(), &buf) == 0 ? (buf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG :
                                         (errno != ENOENT)) {
        if (IssueErrors)
            << Error;
        Success = false;

  return Success;
bool Compilation::CleanupFileList(const ArgStringList &Files,
                                  bool IssueErrors) const {
  bool Success = true;
  for (ArgStringList::const_iterator
         it = Files.begin(), ie = Files.end(); it != ie; ++it)
    Success &= CleanupFile(*it, IssueErrors);
  return Success;
ToolChain::constructInvocation(const REPLJobAction &job,
                               const JobContext &context) const {

  bool useLLDB;

  switch (job.getRequestedMode()) {
  case REPLJobAction::Mode::Integrated:
    useLLDB = false;
  case REPLJobAction::Mode::RequireLLDB:
    useLLDB = true;
  case REPLJobAction::Mode::PreferLLDB:
    useLLDB = !findProgramRelativeToSwift("lldb").empty();

  ArgStringList FrontendArgs;
  addCommonFrontendArgs(*this, context.OI, context.Output, context.Args,
  context.Args.AddAllArgs(FrontendArgs, options::OPT_l, options::OPT_framework,

  if (!useLLDB) {
    FrontendArgs.insert(FrontendArgs.begin(), {"-frontend", "-repl"});
    return {SWIFT_EXECUTABLE_NAME, FrontendArgs};

  // Squash important frontend options into a single argument for LLDB.
  std::string SingleArg = "--repl=";
    llvm::raw_string_ostream os(SingleArg);
    Job::printArguments(os, FrontendArgs);

  ArgStringList Arguments;

  return {"lldb", Arguments};
static bool ParseIRGenArgs(IRGenOptions &Opts, ArgList &Args,
                           DiagnosticEngine &Diags,
                           const FrontendOptions &FrontendOpts,
                           StringRef SDKPath,
                           StringRef ResourceDir) {
  using namespace options;

  if (const Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(OPT_g_Group)) {
    if (A->getOption().matches(OPT_g))
      Opts.DebugInfoKind = IRGenDebugInfoKind::Normal;
    else if (A->getOption().matches(options::OPT_gline_tables_only))
      Opts.DebugInfoKind = IRGenDebugInfoKind::LineTables;
      assert(A->getOption().matches(options::OPT_gnone) &&
             "unknown -g<kind> option");

    if (Opts.DebugInfoKind == IRGenDebugInfoKind::Normal) {
      ArgStringList RenderedArgs;
      for (auto A : Args)
        A->render(Args, RenderedArgs);
                                               RenderedArgs, SDKPath,
      // TODO: Should we support -fdebug-compilation-dir?
      llvm::SmallString<256> cwd;
      Opts.DebugCompilationDir = cwd.str();

  for (const Arg *A : make_range(Args.filtered_begin(OPT_l, OPT_framework),
                                 Args.filtered_end())) {
    LibraryKind Kind;
    if (A->getOption().matches(OPT_l)) {
      Kind = LibraryKind::Library;
    } else if (A->getOption().matches(OPT_framework)) {
      Kind = LibraryKind::Framework;
    } else {
      llvm_unreachable("Unknown LinkLibrary option kind");

    Opts.LinkLibraries.push_back(LinkLibrary(A->getValue(), Kind));

  if (auto valueNames = Args.getLastArg(OPT_disable_llvm_value_names,
                                        OPT_enable_llvm_value_names)) {
    Opts.HasValueNamesSetting = true;
    Opts.ValueNames =

  Opts.DisableLLVMOptzns |= Args.hasArg(OPT_disable_llvm_optzns);
  Opts.DisableLLVMARCOpts |= Args.hasArg(OPT_disable_llvm_arc_opts);
  Opts.DisableLLVMSLPVectorizer |= Args.hasArg(OPT_disable_llvm_slp_vectorizer);
  if (Args.hasArg(OPT_disable_llvm_verify))
    Opts.Verify = false;

  Opts.EmitStackPromotionChecks |= Args.hasArg(OPT_stack_promotion_checks);
  if (const Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(OPT_stack_promotion_limit)) {
    unsigned limit;
    if (StringRef(A->getValue()).getAsInteger(10, limit)) {
      Diags.diagnose(SourceLoc(), diag::error_invalid_arg_value,
                     A->getAsString(Args), A->getValue());
      return true;
    Opts.StackPromotionSizeLimit = limit;

  if (Args.hasArg(OPT_autolink_force_load))
    Opts.ForceLoadSymbolName = Args.getLastArgValue(OPT_module_link_name);

  // TODO: investigate whether these should be removed, in favor of definitions
  // in other classes.
  if (FrontendOpts.PrimaryInput && FrontendOpts.PrimaryInput->isFilename()) {
    unsigned Index = FrontendOpts.PrimaryInput->Index;
    Opts.MainInputFilename = FrontendOpts.InputFilenames[Index];
  } else if (FrontendOpts.InputFilenames.size() == 1) {
    Opts.MainInputFilename = FrontendOpts.InputFilenames.front();
  Opts.OutputFilenames = FrontendOpts.OutputFilenames;
  Opts.ModuleName = FrontendOpts.ModuleName;

  if (Args.hasArg(OPT_use_jit))
    Opts.UseJIT = true;
  for (const Arg *A : make_range(Args.filtered_begin(OPT_verify_type_layout),
                                 Args.filtered_end())) {

  for (const Arg *A : make_range(Args.filtered_begin(
                                 Args.filtered_end())) {

  Opts.GenerateProfile |= Args.hasArg(OPT_profile_generate);
  Opts.PrintInlineTree |= Args.hasArg(OPT_print_llvm_inline_tree);

  if (Args.hasArg(OPT_embed_bitcode))
    Opts.EmbedMode = IRGenEmbedMode::EmbedBitcode;
  else if (Args.hasArg(OPT_embed_bitcode_marker))
    Opts.EmbedMode = IRGenEmbedMode::EmbedMarker;

  if (Opts.EmbedMode == IRGenEmbedMode::EmbedBitcode) {
    // Keep track of backend options so we can embed them in a separate data
    // section and use them when building from the bitcode. This can be removed
    // when all the backend options are recorded in the IR.
    for (ArgList::const_iterator A = Args.begin(), AE = Args.end();
         A != AE; ++ A) {
      // Do not encode output and input.
      if ((*A)->getOption().getID() == options::OPT_o ||
          (*A)->getOption().getID() == options::OPT_INPUT ||
          (*A)->getOption().getID() == options::OPT_primary_file ||
          (*A)->getOption().getID() == options::OPT_embed_bitcode)
      ArgStringList ASL;
      (*A)->render(Args, ASL);
      for (ArgStringList::iterator it = ASL.begin(), ie = ASL.end();
          it != ie; ++ it) {
        StringRef ArgStr(*it);
        Opts.CmdArgs.insert(Opts.CmdArgs.end(), ArgStr.begin(), ArgStr.end());
        // using \00 to terminate to avoid problem decoding.

  if (Args.hasArg(OPT_enable_reflection_metadata)) {
    Opts.StripReflectionMetadata = false;
    Opts.StripReflectionNames = false;

  if (Args.hasArg(OPT_strip_reflection_names)) {
    Opts.StripReflectionNames = true;

  if (Args.hasArg(OPT_strip_reflection_metadata)) {
    Opts.StripReflectionMetadata = true;
    Opts.StripReflectionNames = true;

  return false;
static bool ParseIRGenArgs(IRGenOptions &Opts, ArgList &Args,
                           DiagnosticEngine &Diags,
                           const FrontendOptions &FrontendOpts,
                           const SILOptions &SILOpts,
                           StringRef SDKPath,
                           StringRef ResourceDir,
                           const llvm::Triple &Triple) {
  using namespace options;

  if (!SILOpts.SILOutputFileNameForDebugging.empty()) {
      Opts.DebugInfoKind = IRGenDebugInfoKind::LineTables;
  } else if (const Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(OPT_g_Group)) {
    if (A->getOption().matches(OPT_g))
      Opts.DebugInfoKind = IRGenDebugInfoKind::Normal;
    else if (A->getOption().matches(options::OPT_gline_tables_only))
      Opts.DebugInfoKind = IRGenDebugInfoKind::LineTables;
    else if (A->getOption().matches(options::OPT_gdwarf_types))
      Opts.DebugInfoKind = IRGenDebugInfoKind::DwarfTypes;
      assert(A->getOption().matches(options::OPT_gnone) &&
             "unknown -g<kind> option");

    if (Opts.DebugInfoKind > IRGenDebugInfoKind::LineTables) {
      ArgStringList RenderedArgs;
      for (auto A : Args)
        A->render(Args, RenderedArgs);
                                               RenderedArgs, SDKPath,
      // TODO: Should we support -fdebug-compilation-dir?
      llvm::SmallString<256> cwd;
      Opts.DebugCompilationDir = cwd.str();

  for (const Arg *A : Args.filtered(OPT_Xcc)) {
    StringRef Opt = A->getValue();
    if (Opt.startswith("-D") || Opt.startswith("-U"))

  for (const Arg *A : Args.filtered(OPT_l, OPT_framework)) {
    LibraryKind Kind;
    if (A->getOption().matches(OPT_l)) {
      Kind = LibraryKind::Library;
    } else if (A->getOption().matches(OPT_framework)) {
      Kind = LibraryKind::Framework;
    } else {
      llvm_unreachable("Unknown LinkLibrary option kind");

    Opts.LinkLibraries.push_back(LinkLibrary(A->getValue(), Kind));

  if (auto valueNames = Args.getLastArg(OPT_disable_llvm_value_names,
                                        OPT_enable_llvm_value_names)) {
    Opts.HasValueNamesSetting = true;
    Opts.ValueNames =

  Opts.DisableLLVMOptzns |= Args.hasArg(OPT_disable_llvm_optzns);
  Opts.DisableLLVMARCOpts |= Args.hasArg(OPT_disable_llvm_arc_opts);
  Opts.DisableLLVMSLPVectorizer |= Args.hasArg(OPT_disable_llvm_slp_vectorizer);
  if (Args.hasArg(OPT_disable_llvm_verify))
    Opts.Verify = false;

  Opts.EmitStackPromotionChecks |= Args.hasArg(OPT_stack_promotion_checks);
  if (const Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(OPT_stack_promotion_limit)) {
    unsigned limit;
    if (StringRef(A->getValue()).getAsInteger(10, limit)) {
      Diags.diagnose(SourceLoc(), diag::error_invalid_arg_value,
                     A->getAsString(Args), A->getValue());
      return true;
    Opts.StackPromotionSizeLimit = limit;

  if (Args.hasArg(OPT_autolink_force_load))
    Opts.ForceLoadSymbolName = Args.getLastArgValue(OPT_module_link_name);

  Opts.ModuleName = FrontendOpts.ModuleName;

  if (Args.hasArg(OPT_use_jit))
    Opts.UseJIT = true;
  for (const Arg *A : Args.filtered(OPT_verify_type_layout)) {

  for (const Arg *A : Args.filtered(OPT_disable_autolink_framework)) {

  Opts.GenerateProfile |= Args.hasArg(OPT_profile_generate);
  const Arg *ProfileUse = Args.getLastArg(OPT_profile_use);
  Opts.UseProfile = ProfileUse ? ProfileUse->getValue() : "";

  Opts.PrintInlineTree |= Args.hasArg(OPT_print_llvm_inline_tree);

  Opts.UseSwiftCall = Args.hasArg(OPT_enable_swiftcall);

  // This is set to true by default.
  Opts.UseIncrementalLLVMCodeGen &=

  if (Args.hasArg(OPT_embed_bitcode))
    Opts.EmbedMode = IRGenEmbedMode::EmbedBitcode;
  else if (Args.hasArg(OPT_embed_bitcode_marker))
    Opts.EmbedMode = IRGenEmbedMode::EmbedMarker;

  if (Opts.EmbedMode == IRGenEmbedMode::EmbedBitcode) {
    // Keep track of backend options so we can embed them in a separate data
    // section and use them when building from the bitcode. This can be removed
    // when all the backend options are recorded in the IR.
    for (const Arg *A : Args) {
      // Do not encode output and input.
      if (A->getOption().getID() == options::OPT_o ||
          A->getOption().getID() == options::OPT_INPUT ||
          A->getOption().getID() == options::OPT_primary_file ||
          A->getOption().getID() == options::OPT_embed_bitcode)
      ArgStringList ASL;
      A->render(Args, ASL);
      for (ArgStringList::iterator it = ASL.begin(), ie = ASL.end();
          it != ie; ++ it) {
        StringRef ArgStr(*it);
        Opts.CmdArgs.insert(Opts.CmdArgs.end(), ArgStr.begin(), ArgStr.end());
        // using \00 to terminate to avoid problem decoding.

  if (const Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT_sanitize_coverage_EQ)) {
    Opts.SanitizeCoverage =
        parseSanitizerCoverageArgValue(A, Triple, Diags, Opts.Sanitizers);
  } else if (Opts.Sanitizers & SanitizerKind::Fuzzer) {

    // Automatically set coverage flags, unless coverage type was explicitly
    // requested.
    Opts.SanitizeCoverage.IndirectCalls = true;
    Opts.SanitizeCoverage.TraceCmp = true;
    Opts.SanitizeCoverage.TracePCGuard = true;
    Opts.SanitizeCoverage.CoverageType = llvm::SanitizerCoverageOptions::SCK_Edge;

  if (Args.hasArg(OPT_disable_reflection_metadata)) {
    Opts.EnableReflectionMetadata = false;
    Opts.EnableReflectionNames = false;

  if (Args.hasArg(OPT_disable_reflection_names)) {
    Opts.EnableReflectionNames = false;

  if (Args.hasArg(OPT_enable_class_resilience)) {
    Opts.EnableClassResilience = true;

  if (Args.hasArg(OPT_enable_resilience_bypass)) {
    Opts.EnableResilienceBypass = true;

  for (const auto &Lib : Args.getAllArgValues(options::OPT_autolink_library))
    Opts.LinkLibraries.push_back(LinkLibrary(Lib, LibraryKind::Library));

  return false;
static bool ParseIRGenArgs(IRGenOptions &Opts, ArgList &Args,
                           DiagnosticEngine &Diags,
                           const FrontendOptions &FrontendOpts,
                           const SILOptions &SILOpts,
                           StringRef SDKPath,
                           StringRef ResourceDir,
                           const llvm::Triple &Triple) {
  using namespace options;

  if (!SILOpts.SILOutputFileNameForDebugging.empty()) {
      Opts.DebugInfoLevel = IRGenDebugInfoLevel::LineTables;
  } else if (const Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(OPT_g_Group)) {
    if (A->getOption().matches(OPT_g))
      Opts.DebugInfoLevel = IRGenDebugInfoLevel::Normal;
    else if (A->getOption().matches(options::OPT_gline_tables_only))
      Opts.DebugInfoLevel = IRGenDebugInfoLevel::LineTables;
    else if (A->getOption().matches(options::OPT_gdwarf_types))
      Opts.DebugInfoLevel = IRGenDebugInfoLevel::DwarfTypes;
      assert(A->getOption().matches(options::OPT_gnone) &&
             "unknown -g<kind> option");

    if (Opts.DebugInfoLevel > IRGenDebugInfoLevel::LineTables) {
      if (Args.hasArg(options::OPT_debug_info_store_invocation)) {
        ArgStringList RenderedArgs;
        for (auto A : Args)
          A->render(Args, RenderedArgs);
                                            RenderedArgs, SDKPath,
      // TODO: Should we support -fdebug-compilation-dir?
      llvm::SmallString<256> cwd;
      Opts.DebugCompilationDir = cwd.str();

  if (const Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT_debug_info_format)) {
    if (A->containsValue("dwarf"))
      Opts.DebugInfoFormat = IRGenDebugInfoFormat::DWARF;
    else if (A->containsValue("codeview"))
      Opts.DebugInfoFormat = IRGenDebugInfoFormat::CodeView;
      Diags.diagnose(SourceLoc(), diag::error_invalid_arg_value,
                     A->getAsString(Args), A->getValue());
  } else if (Opts.DebugInfoLevel > IRGenDebugInfoLevel::None) {
    // If -g was specified but not -debug-info-format, DWARF is assumed.
    Opts.DebugInfoFormat = IRGenDebugInfoFormat::DWARF;
  if (Args.hasArg(options::OPT_debug_info_format) &&
      !Args.hasArg(options::OPT_g_Group)) {
    const Arg *debugFormatArg = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT_debug_info_format);
    Diags.diagnose(SourceLoc(), diag::error_option_missing_required_argument,
                   debugFormatArg->getAsString(Args), "-g");
  if (Opts.DebugInfoFormat == IRGenDebugInfoFormat::CodeView &&
      (Opts.DebugInfoLevel == IRGenDebugInfoLevel::LineTables ||
       Opts.DebugInfoLevel == IRGenDebugInfoLevel::DwarfTypes)) {
    const Arg *debugFormatArg = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT_debug_info_format);
    Diags.diagnose(SourceLoc(), diag::error_argument_not_allowed_with,
                   Opts.DebugInfoLevel == IRGenDebugInfoLevel::LineTables
                     ? "-gline-tables-only"
                     : "-gdwarf_types");

  for (auto A : Args.getAllArgValues(options::OPT_debug_prefix_map)) {
    auto SplitMap = StringRef(A).split('=');
    Opts.DebugPrefixMap.addMapping(SplitMap.first, SplitMap.second);

  for (const Arg *A : Args.filtered(OPT_Xcc)) {
    StringRef Opt = A->getValue();
    if (Opt.startswith("-D") || Opt.startswith("-U"))

  for (const Arg *A : Args.filtered(OPT_l, OPT_framework)) {
    LibraryKind Kind;
    if (A->getOption().matches(OPT_l)) {
      Kind = LibraryKind::Library;
    } else if (A->getOption().matches(OPT_framework)) {
      Kind = LibraryKind::Framework;
    } else {
      llvm_unreachable("Unknown LinkLibrary option kind");

    Opts.LinkLibraries.push_back(LinkLibrary(A->getValue(), Kind));

  if (auto valueNames = Args.getLastArg(OPT_disable_llvm_value_names,
                                        OPT_enable_llvm_value_names)) {
    Opts.HasValueNamesSetting = true;
    Opts.ValueNames =

  Opts.DisableLLVMOptzns |= Args.hasArg(OPT_disable_llvm_optzns);
  Opts.DisableSwiftSpecificLLVMOptzns |=
  Opts.DisableLLVMSLPVectorizer |= Args.hasArg(OPT_disable_llvm_slp_vectorizer);
  if (Args.hasArg(OPT_disable_llvm_verify))
    Opts.Verify = false;

  Opts.EmitStackPromotionChecks |= Args.hasArg(OPT_stack_promotion_checks);
  if (const Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(OPT_stack_promotion_limit)) {
    unsigned limit;
    if (StringRef(A->getValue()).getAsInteger(10, limit)) {
      Diags.diagnose(SourceLoc(), diag::error_invalid_arg_value,
                     A->getAsString(Args), A->getValue());
      return true;
    Opts.StackPromotionSizeLimit = limit;

  if (Args.hasArg(OPT_autolink_force_load))
    Opts.ForceLoadSymbolName = Args.getLastArgValue(OPT_module_link_name);

  Opts.ModuleName = FrontendOpts.ModuleName;

  if (Args.hasArg(OPT_use_jit))
    Opts.UseJIT = true;
  for (const Arg *A : Args.filtered(OPT_verify_type_layout)) {

  for (const Arg *A : Args.filtered(OPT_disable_autolink_framework)) {

  Opts.GenerateProfile |= Args.hasArg(OPT_profile_generate);
  const Arg *ProfileUse = Args.getLastArg(OPT_profile_use);
  Opts.UseProfile = ProfileUse ? ProfileUse->getValue() : "";

  Opts.PrintInlineTree |= Args.hasArg(OPT_print_llvm_inline_tree);

  Opts.EnableDynamicReplacementChaining |=

  Opts.UseSwiftCall = Args.hasArg(OPT_enable_swiftcall);

  // This is set to true by default.
  Opts.UseIncrementalLLVMCodeGen &=

  if (Args.hasArg(OPT_embed_bitcode))
    Opts.EmbedMode = IRGenEmbedMode::EmbedBitcode;
  else if (Args.hasArg(OPT_embed_bitcode_marker))
    Opts.EmbedMode = IRGenEmbedMode::EmbedMarker;

  if (Opts.EmbedMode == IRGenEmbedMode::EmbedBitcode) {
    // Keep track of backend options so we can embed them in a separate data
    // section and use them when building from the bitcode. This can be removed
    // when all the backend options are recorded in the IR.
    for (const Arg *A : Args) {
      // Do not encode output and input.
      if (A->getOption().getID() == options::OPT_o ||
          A->getOption().getID() == options::OPT_INPUT ||
          A->getOption().getID() == options::OPT_primary_file ||
          A->getOption().getID() == options::OPT_embed_bitcode)
      ArgStringList ASL;
      A->render(Args, ASL);
      for (ArgStringList::iterator it = ASL.begin(), ie = ASL.end();
          it != ie; ++ it) {
        StringRef ArgStr(*it);
        Opts.CmdArgs.insert(Opts.CmdArgs.end(), ArgStr.begin(), ArgStr.end());
        // using \00 to terminate to avoid problem decoding.

  if (const Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT_sanitize_coverage_EQ)) {
    Opts.SanitizeCoverage =
        parseSanitizerCoverageArgValue(A, Triple, Diags, Opts.Sanitizers);
  } else if (Opts.Sanitizers & SanitizerKind::Fuzzer) {

    // Automatically set coverage flags, unless coverage type was explicitly
    // requested.
    Opts.SanitizeCoverage.IndirectCalls = true;
    Opts.SanitizeCoverage.TraceCmp = true;
    Opts.SanitizeCoverage.TracePCGuard = true;
    Opts.SanitizeCoverage.CoverageType = llvm::SanitizerCoverageOptions::SCK_Edge;

  if (Args.hasArg(OPT_disable_reflection_metadata)) {
    Opts.EnableReflectionMetadata = false;
    Opts.EnableReflectionNames = false;

  if (Args.hasArg(OPT_disable_reflection_names)) {
    Opts.EnableReflectionNames = false;

  if (Args.hasArg(OPT_enable_class_resilience)) {
    Opts.EnableClassResilience = true;

  if (Args.hasArg(OPT_enable_resilience_bypass)) {
    Opts.EnableResilienceBypass = true;

  // PE/COFF cannot deal with the cross-module reference to the metadata parent
  // (e.g. NativeObject).  Force the lazy initialization of the VWT always.
  Opts.LazyInitializeClassMetadata = Triple.isOSBinFormatCOFF();

  if (const Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(OPT_read_type_info_path_EQ)) {
    Opts.ReadTypeInfoPath = A->getValue();

  for (const auto &Lib : Args.getAllArgValues(options::OPT_autolink_library))
    Opts.LinkLibraries.push_back(LinkLibrary(Lib, LibraryKind::Library));

  if (const Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(OPT_type_info_dump_filter_EQ)) {
    StringRef mode(A->getValue());
    if (mode == "all")
      Opts.TypeInfoFilter = IRGenOptions::TypeInfoDumpFilter::All;
    else if (mode == "resilient")
      Opts.TypeInfoFilter = IRGenOptions::TypeInfoDumpFilter::Resilient;
    else if (mode == "fragile")
      Opts.TypeInfoFilter = IRGenOptions::TypeInfoDumpFilter::Fragile;
    else {
      Diags.diagnose(SourceLoc(), diag::error_invalid_arg_value,
                     A->getAsString(Args), A->getValue());

  return false;