// ------------------------------------------------------
//				Generate both sets of points
// ------------------------------------------------------
CPose3DQuat generate_points( TPoints &pA, TPoints &pB )
	const double		Dx = 0.5;
	const double		Dy = 1.5;
	const double		Dz = 0.75;

	const double		yaw = DEG2RAD(10);
	const double		pitch = DEG2RAD(20);
	const double		roll = DEG2RAD(5);

	pA.resize( 5 );		// A set of points at "A" reference system
	pB.resize( 5 );		// A set of points at "B" reference system

	pA[0].resize(3);	pA[0][0] = 0.0;		pA[0][1] = 0.5;		pA[0][2] = 0.4;
	pA[1].resize(3);	pA[1][0] = 1.0;		pA[1][1] = 1.5;		pA[1][2] = -0.1;
	pA[2].resize(3);	pA[2][0] = 1.2;		pA[2][1] = 1.1;		pA[2][2] = 0.9;
	pA[3].resize(3);	pA[3][0] = 0.7;		pA[3][1] = 0.3;		pA[3][2] = 3.4;
	pA[4].resize(3);	pA[4][0] = 1.9;		pA[4][1] = 2.5;		pA[4][2] = -1.7;

	CPose3DQuat qPose = CPose3DQuat(CPose3D( Dx, Dy, Dz, yaw, pitch, roll ));
	for( unsigned int i = 0; i < 5; ++i )
		pB[i].resize( 3 );
		qPose.inverseComposePoint( pA[i][0], pA[i][1], pA[i][2], pB[i][0], pB[i][1], pB[i][2] );

	return qPose;

} // end generate_points
/**  Save as a config block:
void TStereoCamera::saveToConfigFile(const std::string &section,  mrpt::utils::CConfigFileBase &cfg ) const
	//   ...
	//   ...
	//  pose_quaternion = [x y z qr qx qy qz]

	leftCamera.saveToConfigFile(section+string("_LEFT"), cfg);
	rightCamera.saveToConfigFile(section+string("_RIGHT"), cfg);

	const CPose3DQuat q = CPose3DQuat(rightCameraPose); // Don't remove this line, it's a safe against future possible bugs if rightCameraPose changes!
	cfg.write(section+string("_LEFT2RIGHT_POSE"), "pose_quaternion",q.asString() );
double poses_test_compose3DQuat2(int a1, int a2)
	const long N = 100000;
	CTicTac	 tictac;

	CPose3DQuat  a(CPose3D(1.0,2.0,3.0,DEG2RAD(10),DEG2RAD(50),DEG2RAD(-30)));
	CPose3DQuat  b(CPose3D(8.0,-5.0,-1.0,DEG2RAD(-40),DEG2RAD(10),DEG2RAD(-45)));

	CPose3DQuat p;
	for (long i=0;i<N;i++)
	double T = tictac.Tac()/N;
	dummy_do_nothing_with_string( mrpt::format("%f",p.x()) );
	return T;
double scanmatching::HornMethod(
	const vector_double		&inVector,
	vector_double			&outVector,				// The output vector
	bool forceScaleToUnity )

	vector_double input;
	input.resize( inVector.size() );
	input = inVector;
	outVector.resize( 7 );

	// Compute the centroids
	TPoint3D	cL(0,0,0), cR(0,0,0);

	const size_t nMatches = input.size()/6;
	ASSERT_EQUAL_(input.size()%6, 0)

	for( unsigned int i = 0; i < nMatches; i++ )
		cL.x += input[i*6+3];
		cL.y += input[i*6+4];
		cL.z += input[i*6+5];

		cR.x += input[i*6+0];
		cR.y += input[i*6+1];
		cR.z += input[i*6+2];

	const double F = 1.0/nMatches;
	cL *= F;
	cR *= F;

	CMatrixDouble33 S; // S.zeros(); // Zeroed by default

	// Substract the centroid and compute the S matrix of cross products
	for( unsigned int i = 0; i < nMatches; i++ )
		input[i*6+3] -= cL.x;
		input[i*6+4] -= cL.y;
		input[i*6+5] -= cL.z;

		input[i*6+0] -= cR.x;
		input[i*6+1] -= cR.y;
		input[i*6+2] -= cR.z;

		S.get_unsafe(0,0) += input[i*6+3]*input[i*6+0];
		S.get_unsafe(0,1) += input[i*6+3]*input[i*6+1];
		S.get_unsafe(0,2) += input[i*6+3]*input[i*6+2];

		S.get_unsafe(1,0) += input[i*6+4]*input[i*6+0];
		S.get_unsafe(1,1) += input[i*6+4]*input[i*6+1];
		S.get_unsafe(1,2) += input[i*6+4]*input[i*6+2];

		S.get_unsafe(2,0) += input[i*6+5]*input[i*6+0];
		S.get_unsafe(2,1) += input[i*6+5]*input[i*6+1];
		S.get_unsafe(2,2) += input[i*6+5]*input[i*6+2];

	// Construct the N matrix
	CMatrixDouble44 N; // N.zeros(); // Zeroed by default

	N.set_unsafe( 0,0,S.get_unsafe(0,0) + S.get_unsafe(1,1) + S.get_unsafe(2,2) );
	N.set_unsafe( 0,1,S.get_unsafe(1,2) - S.get_unsafe(2,1) );
	N.set_unsafe( 0,2,S.get_unsafe(2,0) - S.get_unsafe(0,2) );
	N.set_unsafe( 0,3,S.get_unsafe(0,1) - S.get_unsafe(1,0) );

	N.set_unsafe( 1,0,N.get_unsafe(0,1) );
	N.set_unsafe( 1,1,S.get_unsafe(0,0) - S.get_unsafe(1,1) - S.get_unsafe(2,2) );
	N.set_unsafe( 1,2,S.get_unsafe(0,1) + S.get_unsafe(1,0) );
	N.set_unsafe( 1,3,S.get_unsafe(2,0) + S.get_unsafe(0,2) );

	N.set_unsafe( 2,0,N.get_unsafe(0,2) );
	N.set_unsafe( 2,1,N.get_unsafe(1,2) );
	N.set_unsafe( 2,2,-S.get_unsafe(0,0) + S.get_unsafe(1,1) - S.get_unsafe(2,2) );
	N.set_unsafe( 2,3,S.get_unsafe(1,2) + S.get_unsafe(2,1) );

	N.set_unsafe( 3,0,N.get_unsafe(0,3) );
	N.set_unsafe( 3,1,N.get_unsafe(1,3) );
	N.set_unsafe( 3,2,N.get_unsafe(2,3) );
	N.set_unsafe( 3,3,-S.get_unsafe(0,0) - S.get_unsafe(1,1) + S.get_unsafe(2,2) );

	// q is the quaternion correspondent to the greatest eigenvector of the N matrix (last column in Z)
	CMatrixDouble44 Z, D;
	vector_double v;

	N.eigenVectors( Z, D );
	Z.extractCol( Z.getColCount()-1, v );

	ASSERTDEB_( fabs( sqrt( v[0]*v[0] + v[1]*v[1] + v[2]*v[2] + v[3]*v[3] ) - 1.0 ) < 0.1 );

	// Make q_r > 0
	if( v[0] < 0 ){ v[0] *= -1;	v[1] *= -1;	v[2] *= -1;	v[3] *= -1;	}

	CPose3DQuat q;		// Create a pose rotation with the quaternion
	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )			// insert the quaternion part
		outVector[i+3] = q[i+3] = v[i];

	// Compute scale
	double	num = 0.0;
	double	den = 0.0;
	for( unsigned int i = 0; i < nMatches; i++ )
		num += square( input[i*6+0] ) + square( input[i*6+1] ) + square( input[i*6+2] );
		den += square( input[i*6+3] ) + square( input[i*6+4] ) + square( input[i*6+5] );
	} // end-for

	// The scale:
	double s = std::sqrt( num/den );

	// Enforce scale to be 1
	if( forceScaleToUnity )
		s = 1.0;

	TPoint3D pp;
	q.composePoint( cL.x, cL.y, cL.z, pp.x, pp.y, pp.z );

	outVector[0] = cR.x - pp.x;	// X
	outVector[1] = cR.y - pp.y;	// Y
	outVector[2] = cR.z - pp.z;	// Z

	return s; // return scale
文件: slerp.cpp 项目: gamman/MRPT
void mrpt::math::slerp(
	const CPose3DQuat & q0,
	const CPose3DQuat & q1,
	const double        t,
	CPose3DQuat       & q)
	// The quaternion part (this will raise exception on t not in [0,1])
	mrpt::math::slerp(q0.quat(), q1.quat(),t, q.quat());
	// XYZ:
	q.x( (1-t)*q0.x()+t*q1.x() );
	q.y( (1-t)*q0.y()+t*q1.y() );
	q.z( (1-t)*q0.z()+t*q1.z() );
void CPose3DQuatPDF::jacobiansPoseComposition(
	const CPose3DQuat &x,
	const CPose3DQuat &u,
	CMatrixDouble77	  &df_dx,
	CMatrixDouble77	  &df_du,
	CPose3DQuat       *out_x_oplus_u
	// For the derivation of the formulas, see the tech. report cited in the header file.
	const double   qr = x.quat().r();
	const double   qx = x.quat().x(); const double qx2 = square(qx);
	const double   qy = x.quat().y(); const double qy2 = square(qy);
	const double   qz = x.quat().z(); const double qz2 = square(qz);

	const double   ax  = u.x();
	const double   ay  = u.y();
	const double   az  = u.z();
	const double   q2r = u.quat().r();
	const double   q2x = u.quat().x();
	const double   q2y = u.quat().y();
	const double   q2z = u.quat().z();

	CPose3DQuat  x_plus_u = x + u;  // needed for the normalization Jacobian:
	CMatrixDouble44  norm_jacob(UNINITIALIZED_MATRIX);

	CMatrixDouble44  norm_jacob_x(UNINITIALIZED_MATRIX);

	// df_dx ===================================================

	// first part 3x7:  df_{qr} / dp
	df_dx.set_unsafe(0,0, 1);
	df_dx.set_unsafe(1,1, 1);
	df_dx.set_unsafe(2,2, 1);

	MRPT_ALIGN16 const double vals2[3*4] = {
		2*(-qz*ay +qy*az  ),
		2*(qy*ay + qz*az  ),
		2*(-2*qy*ax + qx*ay +qr*az  ),
		2*(-2*qz*ax - qr*ay +qx*az  ),

		2*(qz*ax - qx*az   ),
		2*(qy*ax - 2*qx*ay -qr*az  ),
		2*(qx*ax +qz*az   ),
		2*(qr*ax - 2*qz*ay +qy*az ),

		2*(-qy*ax + qx*ay  ),
		2*( qz*ax + qr*ay - 2*qx*az  ),
		2*(-qr*ax + qz*ay - 2*qy*az  ),
		2*( qx*ax + qy*ay )

	// df_dx(0:3,3:7) = vals2 * NORM_JACOB
	df_dx.block(0,3, 3,4).noalias() = (CMatrixFixedNumeric<double,3,4>(vals2) * norm_jacob_x).eval();

	// second part:
		MRPT_ALIGN16 const double aux44_data[4*4] = {
			q2x, q2r, q2z,-q2y,
			q2y,-q2z, q2r, q2x,
			q2z, q2y,-q2x, q2r };

		df_dx.block(3,3, 4,4).noalias() =  (norm_jacob * CMatrixFixedNumeric<double,4,4>(aux44_data)).eval();

	// df_du ===================================================

	// first part 3x3:  df_{qr} / da
	df_du.set_unsafe(0,0,  1-2*(qy2+qz2) );
	df_du.set_unsafe(0,1,  2*(qx*qy - qr*qz ) );
	df_du.set_unsafe(0,2,  2*(qr*qy + qx*qz ) );

	df_du.set_unsafe(1,0,  2*(qr*qz + qx*qy  ) );
	df_du.set_unsafe(1,1,  1 - 2*( qx2+qz2) );
	df_du.set_unsafe(1,2,  2*(qy*qz - qr*qx ) );

	df_du.set_unsafe(2,0,  2*(qx*qz - qr*qy ) );
	df_du.set_unsafe(2,1,  2*(qr*qx + qy*qz ) );
	df_du.set_unsafe(2,2,  1-2*(qx2+qy2) );

	// Second part:
		MRPT_ALIGN16 const double aux44_data[4*4] = {
			qx, qr,-qz, qy,
			qy, qz, qr,-qx,
			qz,-qy, qx, qr };

		df_du.block(3,3, 4,4).noalias() = (norm_jacob * CMatrixFixedNumeric<double,4,4>(aux44_data)).eval();

	if (out_x_oplus_u)
		*out_x_oplus_u = x_plus_u;
/** Unary - operator: return the inverse pose "-p" (Note that is NOT the same than a pose with all its arguments multiplied by "-1") */
CPose3DQuat mrpt::poses::operator -(const CPose3DQuat &p)
	CPose3DQuat ret = p;
	return ret;
TPoint3D mrpt::poses::operator-(const TPoint3D& G, const CPose3DQuat& p)
	mrpt::math::TPoint3D L;
	p.inverseComposePoint(G[0], G[1], G[2], L[0], L[1], L[2]);
	return L;
bool mrpt::poses::operator==(const CPose3DQuat& p1, const CPose3DQuat& p2)
	return p1.quat() == p2.quat() && p1.x() == p2.x() && p1.y() == p2.y() &&
		   p1.z() == p2.z();