void initPhysics(double rad, double speed, double angle)
	clocktime = 0.f;
	double vx = speed * cos(angle);
	double vy = speed * sin(angle);
	simBall1.set(rad, rad, rad, 2, vx, vy, 128, 128, 0);
	realBall.set(rad, rad, rad, 2, vx, vy, 20, 160, 60);
	printf("initPhysics: ball(%f, %f)\n", simBall1.cx, simBall1.cy);
	printf("initPhysics: realball(%f, %f)\n", realBall.cx, realBall.cy);
xpcc::Polygon2D<T>::intersects(const Circle2D<T>& circle) const
	SizeType n = this->points.getSize();
	for (SizeType i = 0; i < n; ++i)
		LineSegment2D<T> segment(this->points[i], this->points[(i + 1) % n]);
		T distance = segment.getDistanceTo(circle.getCenter());
		if (distance <= circle.getRadius()) {
			return true;
	return false;
bool Stage::isShipInShip(int shipIndex, double x, double y) {
  Circle2D *shipCircle = new Circle2D(x, y, SHIP_RADIUS);
  bool shipInShip = false;
  for (int z = 0; z < numShips_ && !shipInShip; z++) {
    if (shipIndex != z && ships_[z]->alive) {
      Ship *otherShip = ships_[z];
      Circle2D *otherShipCircle =
          new Circle2D(otherShip->x, otherShip->y, SHIP_RADIUS);
      if (shipCircle->overlaps(otherShipCircle)) {
        shipInShip = true;
      delete otherShipCircle;
  delete shipCircle;
  return shipInShip;
void renderScene()
	gluOrtho2D(0., WorldWidth, 0., (GLdouble)WorldHeight);

	////////////////////////// Drawing The Coordinate Plane Starts Here.
	// We Will Draw Horizontal And Vertical Lines With A Space Of 1 Meter Between Them.
/*	glColor3ub(0, 0, 255);										// Draw In Blue
	// Draw The Vertical Lines
	for (float x = 0.; x <= WorldWidth; x += 1.0f)						// x += 1.0f Stands For 1 Meter Of Space In This Example
		glVertex3f(x, WorldHeight, 0);
		glVertex3f(x, -WorldHeight, 0);

	// Draw The Horizontal Lines
	for (float y = 0.; y <= WorldHeight; y += 1.0f)						// y += 1.0f Stands For 1 Meter Of Space In This Example
		glVertex3f(0, y, 0);
		glVertex3f(WorldWidth, y, 0);
	glEnd(); */
	/////////////////////////// Drawing The Coordinate Plane Ends Here.

	/////////////////////////draw the hallow 2d disc /////////////

	simBall1.DrawCircle(0, circleSections);
	realBall.DrawCircle(0, circleSections);

	///////////// draw the overlay HUD /////////////////////
	glColor3ub(127, 127, 127);
	char str[256];
	sprintf(str, "simBall1: pos(%f, %f), velocity(%f, %f)", simBall1.cx, simBall1.cy, simBall1.vx, simBall1.vy);
	glRasterPos2i(32, height-32);
	glCallLists(strlen(str), GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, str);
	sprintf(str, "real: pos(%f, %f), velocity(%f, %f)", realBall.cx, realBall.cy, realBall.vx, realBall.vy);
	glRasterPos2i(32, height - 64);
	glCallLists(strlen(str), GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, str);


Circle2D::intersection( const Circle2D & circle,
                        Vector2D * sol1,
                        Vector2D * sol2 ) const
    double rel_x = circle.center().x - this->center().x;
    double rel_y = circle.center().y - this->center().y;

    double center_dist2 = rel_x * rel_x + rel_y * rel_y;
    double center_dist = std::sqrt( center_dist2 );

    if ( center_dist < std::fabs( this->radius() - circle.radius() )
         || this->radius() + circle.radius() < center_dist )
        return 0;

    //std::cerr << "must exist intersection C1: " << this->center() << this->radius()
    //        << " C2: " << circle.center() << circle.radius()
    //        << std::endl;
    // line that passes through the intersection points
    Line2D line( -2.0 * rel_x,
                 -2.0 * rel_y,
                 - circle.radius() * circle.radius()
                 - this->center().r2()
                 + this->radius() * this->radius() );

    return this->intersection( line, sol1, sol2 );
bool Stage::isShipInWall(double x, double y) {
  for (int z = 0; z < numWalls_; z++) {
    Wall *wall = walls_[z];
    double left = wall->getLeft();
    double bottom = wall->getBottom();
    if (x > left && x < left + wall->getWidth() && y > bottom
        && y < bottom + wall->getHeight()) {
      return true;

  Circle2D *shipCircle = new Circle2D(x, y, SHIP_RADIUS);
  for (int z = 0; z < numWallLines_; z++) {
    Line2D* line = wallLines_[z];
    if (shipCircle->intersects(line)) {
      delete shipCircle;
      return true;
  delete shipCircle;
  return false;
// ==================================================================================
Vector2D TacticTransferObject::AvoidtoEnterCircle(Circle2D Ci, Vector2D pnt, Vector2D finPOS)
    //    Avoided=false;
    Segment2D S(pnt,finPOS);
    if(Ci.HasIntersection(S) || Ci.contains(pnt) || Ci.contains(finPOS))
//                qDebug() << " HAS INTERSECTION WITH CIRCLE ( " << Ci.center().x << "," << Ci.center().y << " ) , Radius : " << Ci.radius() ;
        Vector2D c2r = pnt - Ci.center() ;
        Vector2D c2f = finPOS - Ci.center() ;
        AngleDeg angle=c2r.dir() - c2f.dir();
        //double ang=c2r.dir().radian() - c2f.dir().radian();
        if (angle.radian() > M_PI) angle -=  AngleDeg(M_PI) *= 2;
        if (angle.radian() < -M_PI) angle += AngleDeg(M_PI) *= 2;

        //if (ang > M_PI) ang -= 2 * M_PI;
        //if (ang < -M_PI) ang += 2 * M_PI;

        //qDebug() << "c2r DIRECTION = " << c2r.dir().degree() << "c2f DIRECTION = " << c2f.dir().degree() << "   ANGLE  = " << angle.degree() << "    ANG =" << ang*57.32;
        int div=int(Ci.radius()/50);
        //        qDebug() << "div = " << div ;
        angle=c2r.dir() - angle;
        c2r.setDir(angle);// c2f.dir()));
        Vector2D p = Ci.center() + c2r ;
        //        Avoided=true;
//                    qDebug() << " Avoided point is : (" << finPOS.x << "," <<finPOS.y << ")  & Corrected is : ("<<
//                                p.x << "," << p.y << ")" ;
        return p;
        return finPOS;

Circle2D Circle2D::OptimalEnclosingCircle(const float2 *pointArray, int numPoints)
	assert(pointArray || numPoints == 0);

	// Special case handling for 0-3 points.
		case 0: return Circle2D(float2::nan, -FLOAT_INF);
		case 1: return Circle2D(pointArray[0], 0.f);
		case 2:
			float2 center = (pointArray[0] + pointArray[1]) * 0.5f;
			float r = Sqrt(Max(center.DistanceSq(pointArray[0]), center.DistanceSq(pointArray[1]))) + 1e-5f;
			return Circle2D(center, r);
		case 3: return Circle2D::OptimalEnclosingCircle(pointArray[0], pointArray[1], pointArray[2]);

	// Start off by computing the convex hull of the points, which prunes many points off from the problem space.
	float2 *pts = new float2[numPoints];
	memcpy(pts, pointArray, sizeof(float2)*numPoints);
	numPoints = float2_ConvexHullInPlace(pts, numPoints);

	// Use initial bounding box extents (min/max x and y) as fast guesses for the optimal
	// bounding sphere extents.
	for(int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i)
		if (pts[0].x < pts[i].x) Swap(pts[0], pts[i]);
		if (pts[1].x > pts[i].x) Swap(pts[1], pts[i]);
		if (pts[2].y < pts[i].y) Swap(pts[2], pts[i]);
		if (pts[3].y > pts[i].y) Swap(pts[3], pts[i]);

	// Compute the minimal enclosing circle for the first three points.
	Circle2D minCircle = OptimalEnclosingCircle(pts[0], pts[1], pts[2]);
	float r2 = minCircle.r*minCircle.r;

	// Iteratively include the remaining points to the minimal circle.
	for(int i = 3; i < numPoints; ++i)
		// If the new point is already inside the current bounding circle, it can be skipped
		float d2 = (pts[i] - minCircle.pos).LengthSq();
		if (d2 <= r2)

		// The new point is outside the current bounding circle defined by pts[0]-pts[2].
		// Compute a new bounding circle that encloses pts[0]-pts[2] and the new point pts[i].
		// A circle is defined by at most three points, so one of the resulting points is redundant.
		// Swap points around so that pts[0]-pts[2] define the new minimum circle, and pts[i] will
		// have the redundant point.
		int redundantIndex;
		minCircle = SmallestCircleSqEnclosing4Points(pts[i], pts[0], pts[1], pts[2], redundantIndex);
		minCircle.pos += pts[i];
		Swap(pts[i], pts[redundantIndex]);
		// For robustness, apply epsilon after square root.
		minCircle.r = Sqrt(minCircle.r) + 1e-3f;
		r2 = minCircle.r*minCircle.r;

		// Start again from scratch: pts[0]-pts[2] now has the new candidate.
		i = 2;

		mathassert1(minCircle.Contains(pts[0], 1e-3f), minCircle.SignedDistance(pts[0]));
		mathassert1(minCircle.Contains(pts[1], 1e-3f), minCircle.SignedDistance(pts[1]));
		mathassert1(minCircle.Contains(pts[2], 1e-3f), minCircle.SignedDistance(pts[2]));
	delete[] pts;
	return minCircle;
bool Circle2D::intersects(Line2D *line, bool inverted, bool assignPoints,
    Point2D **p1, Point2D **p2) {
  if (h_ - line->xMax() > r_ || line->xMin() - h_ > r_ || k_ - line->yMax() > r_
      || line->yMin() - k_ > r_) {
    return false;
  double linem = line->m();
  double lineb = line->b();

  if (linem == DBL_MAX) {
    Line2D *invLine = line->getInverse();
    Circle2D *invCircle = this->getInverse();
    return invCircle->intersects(invLine, !inverted, assignPoints, p1, p2);
  } else {
    bool intersects = false;

    if (contains(line->x1(), line->y1())) {
      if (assignPoints) {
        saveToNextPoint(p1, p2, line->x1(), line->y1(), inverted);
        intersects = true;
      } else {
        return true;
    if (contains(line->x2(), line->y2())) {
      if (assignPoints) {
        saveToNextPoint(p1, p2, line->x2(), line->y2(), inverted);
        intersects = true;
        if (*p2 != 0) {
          return true;
      } else {
        return true;

    double a = square(linem) + 1;
    double b = 2 * ((lineb * linem) - (k_ * linem) - h_);
    double c = square(h_) + square(k_) + square(lineb) - (2 * lineb * k_)
        - square(r_);

    double discrim = (b * b) - (4 * a * c);
    if (discrim < 0) {
      return false;
    double sqrtDiscrim = sqrt(discrim);
    double x1 = (-b + sqrtDiscrim) / (2 * a);
    double y1 = (linem * x1) + lineb;

    if (x1 >= line->xMin() && x1 <= line->xMax()) {
      if (assignPoints) {
        saveToNextPoint(p1, p2, x1, y1, inverted);
        intersects = true;
        if (*p2 != 0) {
          return true;
      } else {
        return true;
    if (sqrtDiscrim > 0) {
      double x2 = (-b - sqrtDiscrim) / (2 * a);
      double y2 = (linem * x2) + lineb;
      if (x2 >= line->xMin() && x2 <= line->xMax()) {
        if (assignPoints) {
          saveToNextPoint(p1, p2, x2, y2, inverted);
          intersects = true;
        } else {
          return true;
    return intersects;
const Circle2D Pose2D::operator/(const Circle2D& circle) const
    return Circle2D(*this / circle.origin(), circle.radius());