shared_ptr<Shard> ShardRegistry::find(const string& ident) { string errmsg; ConnectionString connStr = ConnectionString::parse(ident, errmsg); uassert(18642, str::stream() << "Error parsing connection string: " << ident, errmsg.empty()); if (connStr.type() == ConnectionString::SET) { boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lk(_rsMutex); ShardMap::iterator iter = _rsLookup.find(connStr.getSetName()); if (iter == _rsLookup.end()) { return nullptr; } return iter->second; } else { boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lk(_mutex); ShardMap::iterator iter = _lookup.find(ident); if (iter == _lookup.end()) { return nullptr; } return iter->second; } }
void ShardRegistry::_updateLookupMapsForShard_inlock(shared_ptr<Shard> shard, const ConnectionString& newConnString) { auto oldConnString = shard->getConnString(); for (const auto& host : oldConnString.getServers()) { _lookup.erase(host.toString()); } _lookup[shard->getId()] = shard; if (newConnString.type() == ConnectionString::SET) { _rsLookup[newConnString.getSetName()] = shard; } else if (newConnString.type() == ConnectionString::CUSTOM) { // CUSTOM connection strings (ie "$dummy:10000) become DBDirectClient connections which // always return "localhost" as their resposne to getServerAddress(). This is just for // making dbtest work. _lookup["localhost"] = shard; } // TODO: The only reason to have the shard host names in the lookup table is for the // setShardVersion call, which resolves the shard id from the shard address. This is // error-prone and will go away eventually when we switch all communications to go through // the remote command runner and all nodes are sharding aware by default. _lookup[newConnString.toString()] = shard; for (const HostAndPort& hostAndPort : newConnString.getServers()) { _lookup[hostAndPort.toString()] = shard; } }
switch_status_t mongo_connection_create(DBClientBase **connection, const char *conn_str) { DBClientBase *conn = NULL; string conn_string(conn_str), err_msg; ConnectionString cs = ConnectionString::parse(conn_string, err_msg); switch_status_t status = SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; if (!cs.isValid()) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Can't parse url: %s\n", err_msg.c_str()); return status; } try { conn = cs.connect(err_msg); } catch (DBException &e) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Can't connect to mongo [%s]: %s\n", conn_str, err_msg.c_str()); return status; } if (conn) { *connection = conn; status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_INFO, "Connected to mongo [%s]\n", conn_str); } return status; }
void StartChunkCloneRequest::appendAsCommand( BSONObjBuilder* builder, const NamespaceString& nss, const MigrationSessionId& sessionId, const ConnectionString& configServerConnectionString, const ConnectionString& fromShardConnectionString, const ShardId& fromShardId, const ShardId& toShardId, const BSONObj& chunkMinKey, const BSONObj& chunkMaxKey, const BSONObj& shardKeyPattern, const MigrationSecondaryThrottleOptions& secondaryThrottle) { invariant(builder->asTempObj().isEmpty()); invariant(nss.isValid()); invariant(fromShardConnectionString.isValid()); builder->append(kRecvChunkStart, nss.ns()); sessionId.append(builder); builder->append(kConfigServerConnectionString, configServerConnectionString.toString()); builder->append(kFromShardConnectionString, fromShardConnectionString.toString()); builder->append(kFromShardId, fromShardId.toString()); builder->append(kToShardId, toShardId.toString()); builder->append(kChunkMinKey, chunkMinKey); builder->append(kChunkMaxKey, chunkMaxKey); builder->append(kShardKeyPattern, shardKeyPattern); secondaryThrottle.append(builder); }
void ConfigServerFixture::setUp() { shardConnectionPool.clear(); DBException::traceExceptions = true; // Make all connections redirect to the direct client _connectHook = new CustomConnectHook(&_txn); ConnectionString::setConnectionHook(_connectHook); // Create the default config database before querying, necessary for direct connections clearServer(); _client.insert("config.test", BSON("hello" << "world")); _client.dropCollection("config.test"); // Create an index over the chunks, to allow correct diffing ASSERT_OK( dbtests::createIndex(&_txn, ChunkType::ConfigNS, BSON(ChunkType::ns() << 1 << ChunkType::DEPRECATED_lastmod() << 1))); const ConnectionString connStr(uassertStatusOK(ConnectionString::parse("$dummy:10000"))); ShardingState::get(&_txn)->initialize(&_txn, connStr.toString()); ShardingState::get(&_txn)->setShardName(shardName()); }
void killOps() { if ( mongo::shellUtils::_nokillop || mongo::shellUtils::_allMyUris.size() == 0 ) return; if ( atPrompt ) return; sleepmillis(10); // give current op a chance to finish for( map< string, set<string> >::const_iterator i = shellUtils::_allMyUris.begin(); i != shellUtils::_allMyUris.end(); ++i ) { string errmsg; ConnectionString cs = ConnectionString::parse( i->first, errmsg ); if (!cs.isValid()) continue; boost::scoped_ptr<DBClientWithCommands> conn( cs.connect( errmsg ) ); if (!conn) continue; const set<string>& uris = i->second; BSONObj inprog = conn->findOne( "admin.$cmd.sys.inprog", Query() )["inprog"].embeddedObject().getOwned(); BSONForEach( op, inprog ) { if ( uris.count( op["client"].String() ) ) { ONCE if ( !autoKillOp ) { cout << endl << "do you want to kill the current op(s) on the server? (y/n): "; cout.flush(); char yn; cin >> yn; if ( yn != 'y' && yn != 'Y' ) return; } conn->findOne( "admin.$cmd.sys.killop", QUERY( "op"<< op["opid"] ) ); } }
/* static */ void WriteBackListener::init( DBClientBase& conn ) { if ( conn.type() == ConnectionString::SYNC ) { // don't want write back listeners for config servers return; } if ( conn.type() != ConnectionString::SET ) { init( conn.getServerAddress() ); return; } { scoped_lock lk( _cacheLock ); if ( _seenSets.count( conn.getServerAddress() ) ) return; } // we want to do writebacks on all rs nodes string errmsg; ConnectionString cs = ConnectionString::parse( conn.getServerAddress() , errmsg ); uassert( 13641 , str::stream() << "can't parse host [" << conn.getServerAddress() << "]" , cs.isValid() ); vector<HostAndPort> hosts = cs.getServers(); for ( unsigned i=0; i<hosts.size(); i++ ) init( hosts[i].toString() ); }
void ShardRegistry::remove(const ShardId& id) { stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lk(_mutex); set<string> entriesToRemove; for (const auto& i : _lookup) { shared_ptr<Shard> s = i.second; if (s->getId() == id) { entriesToRemove.insert(i.first); ConnectionString connStr = s->getConnString(); for (const auto& host : connStr.getServers()) { entriesToRemove.insert(host.toString()); } } } for (const auto& entry : entriesToRemove) { _lookup.erase(entry); } for (ShardMap::iterator i = _rsLookup.begin(); i != _rsLookup.end();) { shared_ptr<Shard> s = i->second; if (s->getId() == id) { _rsLookup.erase(i++); } else { ++i; } } shardConnectionPool.removeHost(id); ReplicaSetMonitor::remove(id); }
virtual bool run(OperationContext* txn, const string&, BSONObj& cmdObj, int, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool fromRepl) { string fromhost = cmdObj.getStringField("fromhost"); if (fromhost.empty()) { /* copy from self */ stringstream ss; ss << "localhost:" << serverGlobalParams.port; fromhost = ss.str(); } BSONObj ret; ConnectionString cs = ConnectionString::parse(fromhost, errmsg); if (!cs.isValid()) { return false; } authConn_.reset(cs.connect(errmsg)); if (!authConn_.get()) { return false; } if (!authConn_->runCommand("admin", BSON("getnonce" << 1), ret)) { errmsg = "couldn't get nonce " + ret.toString(); return false; } result.appendElements(ret); return true; }
void ConnectionRegistry::killOperationsOnAllConnections( bool withPrompt ) const { Prompter prompter( "do you want to kill the current op(s) on the server?" ); mongo::mutex::scoped_lock lk( _mutex ); for( map<string,set<string> >::const_iterator i = _connectionUris.begin(); i != _connectionUris.end(); ++i ) { string errmsg; ConnectionString cs = ConnectionString::parse( i->first, errmsg ); if ( !cs.isValid() ) { continue; } boost::scoped_ptr<DBClientWithCommands> conn( cs.connect( errmsg ) ); if ( !conn ) { continue; } const set<string>& uris = i->second; BSONObj inprog = conn->findOne( "admin.$cmd.sys.inprog", Query() )[ "inprog" ] .embeddedObject().getOwned(); BSONForEach( op, inprog ) { if ( uris.count( op[ "client" ].String() ) ) { if ( !withPrompt || prompter.confirm() ) { conn->findOne( "admin.$cmd.sys.killop", QUERY( "op"<< op[ "opid" ] ) ); } else { return; } } } } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc > 2) { std::cout << "usage: " << argv[0] << " [MONGODB_URI]" << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } mongo::client::GlobalInstance instance; if (!instance.initialized()) { std::cout << "failed to initialize the client driver: " << instance.status() << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } std::string uri = argc == 2 ? argv[1] : "mongodb://localhost:27017"; std::string errmsg; ConnectionString cs = ConnectionString::parse(uri, errmsg); if (!cs.isValid()) { std::cout << "Error parsing connection string " << uri << ": " << errmsg << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } boost::scoped_ptr<DBClientBase> conn(cs.connect(errmsg)); if (!conn) { cout << "couldn't connect : " << errmsg << endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } try { unsigned long long count = conn->count(""); cout << "count of exiting documents in collection : " << count << endl; conn->remove("", BSONObj()); BSONObj o = BSON("hello" << "world"); conn->insert("", o); string e = conn->getLastError(); if (!e.empty()) { cout << "insert #1 failed: " << e << endl; } // make an index with a unique key constraint conn->createIndex("", IndexSpec().addKeys(BSON("hello" << 1)).unique()); try { conn->insert("", o); // will cause a dup key error on "hello" field } catch (const OperationException&) { // duplicate key error } cout << "we expect a dup key error here:" << endl; cout << " " << conn->getLastErrorDetailed().toString() << endl; } catch (DBException& e) { cout << "caught DBException " << e.toString() << endl; return 1; } return 0; }
void ShardingInitializationMongoD::updateShardIdentityConfigString( OperationContext* opCtx, const ConnectionString& newConnectionString) { BSONObj updateObj( ShardIdentityType::createConfigServerUpdateObject(newConnectionString.toString())); UpdateRequest updateReq(NamespaceString::kServerConfigurationNamespace); updateReq.setQuery(BSON("_id" << ShardIdentityType::IdName)); updateReq.setUpdateModification(updateObj); try { AutoGetOrCreateDb autoDb( opCtx, NamespaceString::kServerConfigurationNamespace.db(), MODE_X); auto result = update(opCtx, autoDb.getDb(), updateReq); if (result.numMatched == 0) { warning() << "failed to update config string of shard identity document because " << "it does not exist. This shard could have been removed from the cluster"; } else { LOG(2) << "Updated config server connection string in shardIdentity document to" << newConnectionString; } } catch (const DBException& exception) { auto status = exception.toStatus(); if (!ErrorCodes::isNotMasterError(status.code())) { warning() << "Error encountered while trying to update config connection string to " << newConnectionString.toString() << causedBy(redact(status)); } } }
inline boost::shared_ptr<DBClientBase> mongo_init(){ mongo::client::GlobalInstance instance; if (!instance.initialized()) { std::cout << "failed to initialize the client driver: " << instance.status() << std::endl; return NULL; } std::string uri = "mongodb://localhost:27017"; std::string errmsg; ConnectionString cs = ConnectionString::parse(uri, errmsg); if (!cs.isValid()) { std::cout << "Error parsing connection string " << uri << ": " << errmsg << std::endl; return NULL; } boost::shared_ptr<DBClientBase> conn(cs.connect(errmsg)); if (!conn) { std::cout << "couldn't connect : " << errmsg << std::endl; return NULL; } { // clean up old data from any previous tests BSONObjBuilder query; conn->remove("test.people", query.obj()); } //insert(conn.get(), "eliot", 15); //insert(conn.get(), "sara", 23); return conn; }
DBClientBase* MongoConnectionPool::get(const std::string& host) { std::string errMsg; ConnectionString cs = ConnectionString::parse(host, errMsg); if(cs.isValid()) { return get(cs); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if ( argc > 2 ) { std::cout << "usage: " << argv[0] << " [MONGODB_URI]" << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } mongo::client::GlobalInstance instance; if (!instance.initialized()) { std::cout << "failed to initialize the client driver: " << instance.status() << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } std::string uri = argc == 2 ? argv[1] : "mongodb://localhost:27017"; std::string errmsg; ConnectionString cs = ConnectionString::parse(uri, errmsg); if (!cs.isValid()) { std::cout << "Error parsing connection string " << uri << ": " << errmsg << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } boost::scoped_ptr<DBClientBase> conn(cs.connect(errmsg)); if ( !conn ) { std::cout << "couldn't connect : " << errmsg << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } conn->dropCollection("test.test"); // Don't run on MongoDB < 2.2 BSONObj cmdResult; conn->runCommand("admin", BSON("buildinfo" << true), cmdResult); std::vector<BSONElement> versionArray = cmdResult["versionArray"].Array(); if (versionArray[0].Int() < 2 || versionArray[1].Int() < 2) return EXIT_SUCCESS; conn->insert("test.test", BSON("x" << 0)); conn->insert("test.test", BSON("x" << 1)); conn->insert("test.test", BSON("x" << 1)); conn->insert("test.test", BSON("x" << 2)); conn->insert("test.test", BSON("x" << 2)); conn->insert("test.test", BSON("x" << 2)); std::auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> cursor = conn->aggregate("test.test", BSON_ARRAY( BSON("$match" << BSON("x" << GT << 0)) << BSON("$group" << BSON("_id" << "$x" << "count" << BSON("$sum" << 1))) ) ); std::cout << "------- AGGREGATION -------" << std::endl; while (cursor->more()) { std::cout << cursor->next() << std::endl; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if ( argc > 2 ) { std::cout << "usage: " << argv[0] << " [MONGODB_URI]" << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } mongo::client::GlobalInstance instance; if (!instance.initialized()) { std::cout << "failed to initialize the client driver: " << instance.status() << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } std::string uri = argc == 2 ? argv[1] : "mongodb://localhost:27017"; std::string errmsg; ConnectionString cs = ConnectionString::parse(uri, errmsg); if (!cs.isValid()) { std::cout << "Error parsing connection string " << uri << ": " << errmsg << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } boost::scoped_ptr<DBClientBase> conn(cs.connect(errmsg)); if ( !conn ) { cout << "couldn't connect : " << errmsg << endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } try { BSONObj o = BSON( "hello" << "world" ); cout << "dropping collection..." << endl; conn->dropCollection(""); cout << "inserting..." << endl; time_t start = time(0); for( unsigned i = 0; i < 100000; i++ ) { conn->insert("", o); } // wait until all operations applied cout << "getlasterror returns: \"" << conn->getLastError() << '"' << endl; time_t done = time(0); time_t dt = done-start; cout << dt << " seconds " << 100000/dt << " per second" << endl; } catch(DBException& e) { cout << "caught DBException " << e.toString() << endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main( int argc, const char **argv ) { const char *port = "27017"; if ( argc != 1 ) { if ( argc != 3 ) { std::cout << "need to pass port as second param" << endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } port = argv[ 2 ]; } std::string errmsg; ConnectionString cs = ConnectionString::parse(string("") + port, errmsg); if (!cs.isValid()) { cout << "error parsing url: " << errmsg << endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } boost::scoped_ptr<DBClientBase> conn(cs.connect(errmsg)); if (!conn) { cout << "couldn't connect: " << errmsg << endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } BSONObj ret; // clean up old data from any previous tests conn->runCommand( "test", BSON("removeUsersFromDatabase" << 1), ret ); conn->runCommand( "test", BSON( "createUser" << "eliot" << "pwd" << "bar" << "roles" << BSON_ARRAY("readWrite")), ret); errmsg.clear(); conn->auth(BSON("user" << "eliot" << "db" << "test" << "pwd" << "bar" << "mechanism" << "MONGODB-CR")); try { conn->auth(BSON("user" << "eliot" << "db" << "test" << "pwd" << "bars" << // incorrect password "mechanism" << "MONGODB-CR")); // Shouldn't get here. cout << "Authentication with invalid password should have failed but didn't" << endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } catch (const DBException& e) { // expected } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
Status DBClientShardResolver::findMaster( const std::string connString, ConnectionString* resolvedHost ) { std::string errMsg; ConnectionString rawHost = ConnectionString::parse( connString, errMsg ); dassert( errMsg == "" ); dassert( rawHost.type() == ConnectionString::SET || rawHost.type() == ConnectionString::MASTER ); if ( rawHost.type() == ConnectionString::MASTER ) { *resolvedHost = rawHost; return Status::OK(); } // // If we need to, then get the particular node we're targeting in the replica set // // Don't create the monitor unless we need to - fast path ReplicaSetMonitorPtr replMonitor = ReplicaSetMonitor::get(rawHost.getSetName()); if (!replMonitor) { // Slow path std::set<HostAndPort> seedServers(rawHost.getServers().begin(), rawHost.getServers().end()); ReplicaSetMonitor::createIfNeeded(rawHost.getSetName(), seedServers); replMonitor = ReplicaSetMonitor::get(rawHost.getSetName()); } if (!replMonitor) { return Status( ErrorCodes::ReplicaSetNotFound, string("unknown replica set ") + rawHost.getSetName() ); } try { // This can throw when we don't find a master! HostAndPort masterHostAndPort = replMonitor->getMasterOrUassert(); *resolvedHost = ConnectionString::parse( masterHostAndPort.toString(), errMsg ); dassert( errMsg == "" ); return Status::OK(); } catch ( const DBException& ) { return Status( ErrorCodes::HostNotFound, string("could not contact primary for replica set ") + replMonitor->getName() ); } // Unreachable dassert( false ); return Status( ErrorCodes::UnknownError, "" ); }
shared_ptr<DBClientConnection> makeConnection( const char *masterHost, string& errmsg ) { verify(!masterSameProcess(masterHost)); ConnectionString cs = ConnectionString::parse(masterHost, errmsg); shared_ptr<DBClientConnection> conn(static_cast<DBClientConnection *>(cs.connect(errmsg))); if (!replAuthenticate(conn.get())) { errmsg = "can't authenticate replication"; conn.reset(); } return conn; }
/** * Returns the remote time as reported by the cluster or server. The maximum difference between the * reported time and the actual time on the remote server (at the completion of the function) is the * maxNetSkew */ Date_t DistributedLock::remoteTime(const ConnectionString& cluster, unsigned long long maxNetSkew) { ConnectionString server(*cluster.getServers().begin()); // Get result and delay if successful, errMsg if not bool success = false; BSONObj result; string errMsg; Milliseconds delay{0}; unique_ptr<ScopedDbConnection> connPtr; try { connPtr.reset(new ScopedDbConnection(server.toString())); ScopedDbConnection& conn = *connPtr; Date_t then = jsTime(); success = conn->runCommand(string("admin"), BSON("serverStatus" << 1), result); delay = jsTime() - then; if (!success) errMsg = result.toString(); conn.done(); } catch (const DBException& ex) { if (connPtr && connPtr->get()->isFailed()) { // Return to the pool so the pool knows about the failure connPtr->done(); } success = false; errMsg = ex.toString(); } if (!success) { throw TimeNotFoundException(str::stream() << "could not get status from server " << server.toString() << " in cluster " << cluster.toString() << " to check time" << causedBy(errMsg), 13647); } // Make sure that our delay is not more than 2x our maximum network skew, since this is the max // our remote time value can be off by if we assume a response in the middle of the delay. if (delay > Milliseconds(maxNetSkew * 2)) { throw TimeNotFoundException( str::stream() << "server " << server.toString() << " in cluster " << cluster.toString() << " did not respond within max network delay of " << maxNetSkew << "ms", 13648); } return result["localTime"].Date() - (delay / 2); }
virtual bool run(OperationContext* txn, const string&, BSONObj& cmdObj, int, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool fromRepl) { string fromDb = cmdObj.getStringField("fromdb"); string fromHost = cmdObj.getStringField("fromhost"); if (fromHost.empty()) { /* copy from self */ stringstream ss; ss << "localhost:" << serverGlobalParams.port; fromHost = ss.str(); } ConnectionString cs = ConnectionString::parse(fromHost, errmsg); if (!cs.isValid()) { appendCommandStatus(result, false, errmsg); return false; } BSONElement mechanismElement; Status status = bsonExtractField(cmdObj, saslCommandMechanismFieldName, &mechanismElement); if (!status.isOK()) { return appendCommandStatus(result, status); } BSONElement payloadElement; status = bsonExtractField(cmdObj, saslCommandPayloadFieldName, &payloadElement); if (!status.isOK()) { log() << "Failed to extract payload: " << status; return false; } authConn_.reset(cs.connect(errmsg)); if (!authConn_.get()) { return false; } BSONObj ret; if (!authConn_->runCommand( fromDb, BSON("saslStart" << 1 << mechanismElement << payloadElement), ret)) { return appendCommandStatus(result, Command::getStatusFromCommandResult(ret)); } result.appendElements(ret); return true; }
bool run(const string& , BSONObj& cmdObj, int, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool) { errmsg.clear(); // get replica set component hosts ConnectionString servers = ConnectionString::parse( cmdObj.firstElement().valuestrsafe() , errmsg ); if ( ! errmsg.empty() ) { log() << "addshard request " << cmdObj << " failed:" << errmsg << endl; return false; } // using localhost in server names implies every other process must use localhost addresses too vector<HostAndPort> serverAddrs = servers.getServers(); for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < serverAddrs.size() ; i++ ) { if ( serverAddrs[i].isLocalHost() != grid.allowLocalHost() ) { errmsg = str::stream() << "can't use localhost as a shard since all shards need to communicate. " << "either use all shards and configdbs in localhost or all in actual IPs " << " host: " << serverAddrs[i].toString() << " isLocalHost:" << serverAddrs[i].isLocalHost(); log() << "addshard request " << cmdObj << " failed: attempt to mix localhosts and IPs" << endl; return false; } // it's fine if mongods of a set all use default port if ( ! serverAddrs[i].hasPort() ) { serverAddrs[i].setPort( CmdLine::ShardServerPort ); } } // name is optional; addShard will provide one if needed string name = ""; if ( cmdObj["name"].type() == String ) { name = cmdObj["name"].valuestrsafe(); } // maxSize is the space usage cap in a shard in MBs long long maxSize = 0; if ( cmdObj[ ].isNumber() ) { maxSize = cmdObj[ ].numberLong(); } if ( ! grid.addShard( &name , servers , maxSize , errmsg ) ) { log() << "addshard request " << cmdObj << " failed: " << errmsg << endl; return false; } result << "shardAdded" << name; return true; }
DBClientBase* DBConnectionPool::get(const string& host) { DBClientBase * c = _get( host ); if ( c ){ onHandedOut( c ); return c; } string errmsg; ConnectionString cs = ConnectionString::parse( host , errmsg ); uassert( 13071 , (string)"invalid hostname [" + host + "]" + errmsg , cs.isValid() ); c = cs.connect( errmsg ); uassert( 11002 , _name + ": connect failed " + host + " : " + errmsg , c ); return _finishCreate( host , c ); }
void MoveChunkRequest::appendAsCommand(BSONObjBuilder* builder, const NamespaceString& nss, const ChunkVersion& shardVersion, const ConnectionString& configServerConnectionString, const ShardId& fromShardId, const ShardId& toShardId, const ChunkRange& range, int64_t maxChunkSizeBytes, const MigrationSecondaryThrottleOptions& secondaryThrottle, bool waitForDelete, bool takeDistLock) { invariant(builder->asTempObj().isEmpty()); invariant(nss.isValid()); builder->append(kMoveChunk, nss.ns()); shardVersion.appendForCommands(builder); builder->append(kConfigServerConnectionString, configServerConnectionString.toString()); builder->append(kFromShardId, fromShardId.toString()); builder->append(kToShardId, toShardId.toString()); range.append(builder); builder->append(kMaxChunkSizeBytes, static_cast<long long>(maxChunkSizeBytes)); secondaryThrottle.append(builder); builder->append(kWaitForDelete, waitForDelete); builder->append(kTakeDistLock, takeDistLock); }
shared_ptr<ReplicaSetMonitor> ReplicaSetMonitorManager::getOrCreateMonitor(const ConnectionString& connStr) { invariant(connStr.type() == ConnectionString::SET); stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lk(_mutex); shared_ptr<ReplicaSetMonitor>& monitor = _monitors[connStr.getSetName()]; if (!monitor) { const std::set<HostAndPort> servers(connStr.getServers().begin(), connStr.getServers().end()); monitor = std::make_shared<ReplicaSetMonitor>(connStr.getSetName(), servers); } return monitor; }
DBClientBase* DBConnectionPool::get(const string& host) { DBClientBase * c = _get( host ); if ( c ) { onHandedOut( c ); return c; } string errmsg; ConnectionString cs = ConnectionString::parse( host , errmsg ); uassert( 13071 , (string)"invalid hostname [" + host + "]" + errmsg , cs.isValid() ); c = cs.connect( errmsg ); if ( ! c ) throw SocketException( SocketException::CONNECT_ERROR , host , 11002 , str::stream() << _name << " error: " << errmsg ); return _finishCreate( host , c ); }
void MoveChunkRequest::appendAsCommand(BSONObjBuilder* builder, const NamespaceString& nss, ChunkVersion chunkVersion, const ConnectionString& configServerConnectionString, const ShardId& fromShardId, const ShardId& toShardId, const ChunkRange& range, int64_t maxChunkSizeBytes, const MigrationSecondaryThrottleOptions& secondaryThrottle, bool waitForDelete) { invariant(builder->asTempObj().isEmpty()); invariant(nss.isValid()); builder->append(kMoveChunk, nss.ns()); chunkVersion.appendToCommand(builder); // 3.4 shard compatibility builder->append(kEpoch, chunkVersion.epoch()); // config connection string is included for 3.4 shard compatibility builder->append(kConfigServerConnectionString, configServerConnectionString.toString()); builder->append(kFromShardId, fromShardId.toString()); builder->append(kToShardId, toShardId.toString()); range.append(builder); builder->append(kMaxChunkSizeBytes, static_cast<long long>(maxChunkSizeBytes)); secondaryThrottle.append(builder); builder->append(kWaitForDelete, waitForDelete); builder->append(kTakeDistLock, false); }
void ShardRegistry::updateConfigServerConnectionString(ConnectionString configServerCS) { log() << "Updating config server connection string to: " << configServerCS.toString(); stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lk(_mutex); _configServerCS = std::move(configServerCS); _addConfigShard_inlock(); }
void ShardRegistry::updateLookupMapsForShard(shared_ptr<Shard> shard, const ConnectionString& newConnString) { log() << "Updating ShardRegistry connection string for shard " << shard->getId() << " to: " << newConnString.toString(); stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lk(_mutex); _updateLookupMapsForShard_inlock(std::move(shard), newConnString); }
int main( int argc , const char ** argv ) { unsigned nThreads = 1; bool print = false; for ( int i=1; i<argc; i++ ) { if ( mongoutils::str::equals( "--threads" , argv[i] ) ) { nThreads = atoi( argv[++i] ); } else if ( mongoutils::str::equals( "--print" , argv[1] ) ) { print = true; } else { cerr << "unknown option: " << argv[i] << endl; return 1; } } string errmsg; ConnectionString cs = ConnectionString::parse( "foo/" , errmsg ); if ( ! cs.isValid() ) { cout << "error parsing url: " << errmsg << endl; return 1; } DBClientReplicaSet * conn = (DBClientReplicaSet*)cs.connect( errmsg ); if ( ! conn ) { cout << "error connecting: " << errmsg << endl; return 2; } string collName = "test.rs1"; conn->dropCollection( collName ); vector<boost::shared_ptr<boost::thread> > threads; for ( unsigned i=0; i<nThreads; i++ ) { string errmsg; threads.push_back( boost::shared_ptr<boost::thread>( new boost::thread( boost::bind( workerThread , collName , print , (DBClientReplicaSet*)cs.connect(errmsg) ) ) ) ); } for ( unsigned i=0; i<threads.size(); i++ ) { threads[i]->join(); } }