Status FTDCFileWriter::writeArchiveFileBuffer(ConstDataRange buf) {
    _archiveStream.write(buf.data(), buf.length());

    if (_archiveStream.fail()) {
        return {
                << "Failed to write to archive file buffer for full-time diagnostic data capture: "
                << _archiveFile.generic_string()};

    // Flush the stream explictly, this is preferred over "pubsetbuf(0,0)" which has implementation
    // defined behavior of "before any I/O has occurred".

    if (_archiveStream.fail()) {
        return {
                << "Failed to flush to archive file buffer for full-time diagnostic data capture: "
                << _archiveFile.generic_string()};

    _size += buf.length();

    return Status::OK();
void BinDataInfo::Functions::UUID::call(JSContext* cx, JS::CallArgs args) {
    boost::optional<mongo::UUID> uuid;

    if (args.length() == 0) {
        uuid = mongo::UUID::gen();
    } else {
        uassert(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "UUID needs 0 or 1 arguments", args.length() == 1);
        auto arg = args.get(0);
        std::string str = ValueWriter(cx, arg).toString();

        // For backward compatibility quietly accept and convert 32-character hex strings to
        // BinData(3, ...) as used for the deprecated UUID v3 BSON type.
        if (str.length() == 32) {
            hexToBinData(cx, bdtUUID, arg, args.rval());
        uuid = uassertStatusOK(mongo::UUID::parse(str));
    ConstDataRange cdr = uuid->toCDR();
    std::string encoded = mongo::base64::encode(cdr.data(), cdr.length());

    JS::AutoValueArray<2> newArgs(cx);
    ValueReader(cx, newArgs[1]).fromStringData(encoded);
    getScope(cx)->getProto<BinDataInfo>().newInstance(newArgs, args.rval());
BSONObj createBSONMetricChunkDocument(ConstDataRange buf, Date_t date) {
    BSONObjBuilder builder;

    builder.appendDate(kFTDCIdField, date);
    builder.appendNumber(kFTDCTypeField, static_cast<int>(FTDCType::kMetricChunk));
    builder.appendBinData(kFTDCDataField, buf.length(), BinDataType::BinDataGeneral, buf.data());

    return builder.obj();
StatusWith<std::size_t> SnappyMessageCompressor::compressData(ConstDataRange input,
                                                              DataRange output) {
    size_t outLength = output.length();
    if (output.length() < getMaxCompressedSize(input.length())) {
        return {ErrorCodes::BadValue, "Output too small for max size of compressed input"};
    snappy::RawCompress(input.data(), input.length(), const_cast<char*>(output.data()), &outLength);

    counterHitCompress(input.length(), outLength);
    return {outLength};
StatusWith<std::size_t> SnappyMessageCompressor::decompressData(ConstDataRange input,
                                                                DataRange output) {
    size_t expectedLength = 0;
    if (!snappy::GetUncompressedLength(input.data(), input.length(), &expectedLength) ||
        expectedLength != output.length()) {
        return {ErrorCodes::BadValue, "Compressed message was invalid or corrupted"};

    if (!snappy::RawUncompress(input.data(), input.length(), const_cast<char*>(output.data()))) {
        return Status{ErrorCodes::BadValue, "Compressed message was invalid or corrupted"};

    counterHitDecompress(input.length(), output.length());
    return output.length();
Status FTDCFileWriter::writeArchiveFileBuffer(ConstDataRange buf) {
    _archiveStream.write(buf.data(), buf.length());

    if (_archiveStream.fail()) {
        return {
                << "Failed to write to archive file buffer for full-time diagnostic data capture: "
                << _archiveFile.generic_string()};

    _size += buf.length();

    return Status::OK();
StatusWith<ConstDataRange> BlockCompressor::compress(ConstDataRange source) {
    z_stream stream;
    int level = Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION;

    stream.next_in = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(const_cast<char*>(source.data()));
    stream.avail_in = source.length();

    // In compress.c in the zlib source, they recommend that the compression buffer be
    // at least 0.1% larger + 12 bytes then the source length.
    // We make the buffer 1% larger then the source length buffer to be on the safe side. If we are
    // too small, deflate returns an error.
    _buffer.resize(source.length() * 1.01 + 12);

    stream.next_out = _buffer.data();
    stream.avail_out = _buffer.size();

    stream.zalloc = nullptr;
    stream.zfree = nullptr;
    stream.opaque = nullptr;

    int err = deflateInit(&stream, level);
    if (err != Z_OK) {
        return {ErrorCodes::ZLibError, str::stream() << "deflateInit failed with " << err};

    err = deflate(&stream, Z_FINISH);
    if (err != Z_STREAM_END) {

        if (err != Z_OK) {
            return {ErrorCodes::ZLibError, str::stream() << "deflate failed with " << err};

    err = deflateEnd(&stream);
    if (err != Z_OK) {
        return {ErrorCodes::ZLibError, str::stream() << "deflateEnd failed with " << err};

    return ConstDataRange(reinterpret_cast<char*>(_buffer.data()), stream.total_out);
Status FTDCFileWriter::writeInterimFileBuffer(ConstDataRange buf) {
    // Fixed size interim stream
    std::ofstream interimStream;

    // Disable file buffering
    interimStream.rdbuf()->pubsetbuf(0, 0);

    // Open up a temporary interim file
                       std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary | std::ios_base::trunc);

    if (!interimStream.is_open()) {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::FileNotOpen,
                      "Failed to open interim file " + _interimTempFile.generic_string());

    interimStream.write(buf.data(), buf.length());

    if (interimStream.fail()) {
        return {
                << "Failed to write to interim file buffer for full-time diagnostic data capture: "
                << _interimTempFile.generic_string()};


    // Now that the temp interim file is closed, rename the temp interim file to the real one.
    boost::system::error_code ec;
    boost::filesystem::rename(_interimTempFile, _interimFile, ec);
    if (ec) {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::FileRenameFailed, ec.message());

    _sizeInterim = buf.length();

    return Status::OK();
StatusWith<ConstDataRange> BlockCompressor::uncompress(ConstDataRange source,
                                                       size_t uncompressedLength) {
    z_stream stream;

    stream.next_in = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(const_cast<char*>(source.data()));
    stream.avail_in = source.length();


    stream.next_out = _buffer.data();
    stream.avail_out = _buffer.size();

    stream.zalloc = nullptr;
    stream.zfree = nullptr;
    stream.opaque = nullptr;

    int err = inflateInit(&stream);
    if (err != Z_OK) {
        return {ErrorCodes::ZLibError, str::stream() << "inflateInit failed with " << err};

    err = inflate(&stream, Z_FINISH);
    if (err != Z_STREAM_END) {

        if (err != Z_OK) {
            return {ErrorCodes::ZLibError, str::stream() << "inflate failed with " << err};

    err = inflateEnd(&stream);
    if (err != Z_OK) {
        return {ErrorCodes::ZLibError, str::stream() << "inflateEnd failed with " << err};

    return ConstDataRange(reinterpret_cast<char*>(_buffer.data()), stream.total_out);
StatusWith<std::tuple<ConstDataRange, Date_t>> FTDCCompressor::getCompressedSamples() {

    // Append reference document - BSON Object
    _uncompressedChunkBuffer.appendBuf(_referenceDoc.objdata(), _referenceDoc.objsize());

    // Append count of metrics - uint32 little endian

    // Append count of samples - uint32 little endian

    if (_metricsCount != 0 && _deltaCount != 0) {
        // On average, we do not need all 10 bytes for every sample, worst case, we grow the buffer
        DataBuilder db(_metricsCount * _deltaCount * FTDCVarInt::kMaxSizeBytes64 / 2);

        std::uint32_t zeroesCount = 0;

        // For each set of samples for a particular metric,
        // we think of it is simple array of 64-bit integers we try to compress into a byte array.
        // This is done in three steps for each metric
        // 1. Delta Compression
        //   - i.e., we store the difference between pairs of samples, not their absolute values
        //   - this is done in addSamples
        // 2. Run Length Encoding of zeros
        //   - We find consecutive sets of zeros and represent them as a tuple of (0, count - 1).
        //   - Each memeber is stored as VarInt packed integer
        // 3. Finally, for non-zero members, we store these as VarInt packed
        // These byte arrays are added to a buffer which is then concatenated with other chunks and
        // compressed with ZLIB.
        for (std::uint32_t i = 0; i < _metricsCount; i++) {
            for (std::uint32_t j = 0; j < _deltaCount; j++) {
                std::uint64_t delta = _deltas[getArrayOffset(_maxDeltas, j, i)];

                if (delta == 0) {

                // If we have a non-zero sample, then write out all the accumulated zero samples.
                if (zeroesCount > 0) {
                    auto s1 = db.writeAndAdvance(FTDCVarInt(0));
                    if (!s1.isOK()) {
                        return s1;

                    auto s2 = db.writeAndAdvance(FTDCVarInt(zeroesCount - 1));
                    if (!s2.isOK()) {
                        return s2;

                    zeroesCount = 0;

                auto s3 = db.writeAndAdvance(FTDCVarInt(delta));
                if (!s3.isOK()) {
                    return s3;

            // If we are on the last metric, and the previous loop ended in a zero, write out the
            // RLE
            // pair of zero information.
            if ((i == (_metricsCount - 1)) && zeroesCount) {
                auto s1 = db.writeAndAdvance(FTDCVarInt(0));
                if (!s1.isOK()) {
                    return s1;

                auto s2 = db.writeAndAdvance(FTDCVarInt(zeroesCount - 1));
                if (!s2.isOK()) {
                    return s2;

        // Append the entire compacted metric chunk into the uncompressed buffer
        ConstDataRange cdr = db.getCursor();
        _uncompressedChunkBuffer.appendBuf(cdr.data(), cdr.length());

    auto swDest = _compressor.compress(
        ConstDataRange(_uncompressedChunkBuffer.buf(), _uncompressedChunkBuffer.len()));

    // The only way for compression to fail is if the buffer size calculations are wrong
    if (!swDest.isOK()) {
        return swDest.getStatus();



    _compressedChunkBuffer.appendBuf(swDest.getValue().data(), swDest.getValue().length());

    return std::tuple<ConstDataRange, Date_t>(