文件: MCSat.cpp 项目: selmanj/repel
Domain MCSat::applyUP(const Domain& d) {
    Domain reduced;
    try {
        reduced = performUnitPropagation(d);
    } catch (contradiction& c) {
        // rewrite error message
        throw contradiction("Contradiction found in MCSat::run() when running unit prop()");

    // default model is guaranteed to satisfy the facts
    Model m = reduced.defaultModel();
    // check to make sure hard clauses are satisfied
    std::vector<ELSentence> hardClauses;
    std::remove_copy_if(reduced.formulas_begin(), reduced.formulas_end(), std::back_inserter(hardClauses), std::not1(IsHardClausePred()));
    for (std::vector<ELSentence>::const_iterator it = hardClauses.begin(); it != hardClauses.end(); it++) {
        if (!it->fullySatisfied(m, reduced)) {
            throw contradiction("Contradiction found in MCSat::run() when verifying hard clauses are satisfied");
    return reduced;
文件: MCSat.cpp 项目: selmanj/repel
void MCSat::run(boost::mt19937& rng) { // TODO: setup using random initial models
    if (d_ == 0) {
        throw std::logic_error("MCSat::run() - Domain not set");
    if (sampleStrategy_ == 0) {
        throw std::logic_error("MCSat::run() - SampleStrategy not set");

    //std::cout << "initial domain: ";

    // first, run unit propagation on our domain to get a new reduced one.
    Domain reduced;
    if (useUnitPropagation_) {
        reduced = MCSat::applyUP(*d_);
    } else {
        reduced = *d_;
    //std::cout << "reduced domain: ";

    Model prevModel = (useRandomInitialModels_ ? reduced.randomModel(rng) : reduced.defaultModel());

    // do a starting run on the whole problem as our initial sample
    //boost::unordered_set<Model> initModels = sampleSat(prevModel, reduced);
    //prevModel = *initModels.begin();
    Domain prevDomain = reduced;

    if (burnInIterations_ == 0) samples_.push_back(prevModel);
    unsigned int totalIterations = numSamples_+burnInIterations_;

    for (unsigned int iteration = 1; iteration < totalIterations; iteration++) {
        std::vector<ELSentence> newSentences;

        if ( totalIterations < 20 ||
                iteration % (totalIterations / 20) == 0) {
            std::cout << (((double)iteration) / ((double) totalIterations))*100 << "% done." << std::endl;

        sampleStrategy_->sampleSentences(prevModel, reduced, rng, newSentences);
//        if (iteration == 1) {
//            std::cout << "initial sampled sentences: ";
//            std::copy(newSentences.begin(), newSentences.end(), std::ostream_iterator<ELSentence>(std::cout, "\n"));
//            std::cout << "initial model:";
//            std::cout << prevModel;
//            for (Domain::formula_const_iterator it = prevDomain.formulas_begin();
//                    it != prevDomain.formulas_end();
//                    it++) {
//                std::cout << "formula " << *it << " is satisfied at: " << it->dSatisfied(prevModel, prevDomain) << std::endl;
//            }
//            std::cin.get();
//        }

        // make a new domain using new Sentences
        Domain curDomain;
        for (Domain::fact_const_iterator it = prevDomain.facts_begin(); it != prevDomain.facts_end(); it++) {
        for (std::vector<ELSentence>::const_iterator it = newSentences.begin(); it != newSentences.end(); it++) {
        curDomain.addAtoms(prevDomain.atoms_begin(), prevDomain.atoms_end());
//        if (iteration == burnInIterations_ + numSamples_/2) {
//            std::cout << "ITERATION: " << iteration << std::endl;
//            std::cout << "curDomain";
//            curDomain.printDebugDescription(std::cout);
//            std::cout << "sampled sentences: ";
//            std::copy(newSentences.begin(), newSentences.end(), std::ostream_iterator<ELSentence>(std::cout, "\n"));
//        }

        boost::unordered_set<Model> curModels = sampleSat(prevModel, curDomain, rng);
        // choose a random model
        boost::uniform_int<std::size_t> pickModel(0, curModels.size()-1);
        boost::unordered_set<Model>::size_type index = pickModel(rng);
        boost::unordered_set<Model>::const_iterator it = curModels.begin();
        while (index > 0) {
        // add the model
        if (iteration >= burnInIterations_) samples_.push_back(*it);
        prevModel = *it;
        prevDomain = curDomain;