  Event handler registered with the Data Hub to parse EFI_DEBUG_CODE. This
  handler reads the Data Hub and sends any DEBUG info to StdErr.

  @param Event      The event that occured, not used
  @param Context    DataHub Protocol Pointer
DataHubStdErrEventHandler (
  IN VOID      *Context
  EFI_STATUS                           Status;
  EFI_DATA_HUB_PROTOCOL                *DataHub;
  EFI_DATA_RECORD_HEADER               *Record;
  UINT64                               Mtc;
  INT32                                OldAttribute;

  DataHub = (EFI_DATA_HUB_PROTOCOL *) Context;

  // If StdErr is not yet initialized just return a DEBUG print in the BDS
  // after consoles are connect will make sure data gets flushed properly
  // when StdErr is available.
  if (gST == NULL) {
    return ;

  if (gST->StdErr == NULL) {
    return ;

  // Mtc of zero means return the next record that has not been read by the
  // event handler.
  Mtc = 0;
  do {
    Status = DataHub->GetNextRecord (DataHub, &Mtc, &mDataHubStdErrEvent, &Record);
    if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      if (CompareGuid (&Record->DataRecordGuid, &gEfiDataHubStatusCodeRecordGuid)) {
        DataRecord = (DATA_HUB_STATUS_CODE_DATA_RECORD *) (((CHAR8 *) Record) + Record->HeaderSize);

        if (DataRecord->Data.HeaderSize > 0) {
          if (CompareGuid (&DataRecord->Data.Type, &gEfiStatusCodeDataTypeDebugGuid)) {
            // If the Data record is from a DEBUG () then send it to Standard Error
            Sto           = gST->StdErr;
            OldAttribute  = Sto->Mode->Attribute;
            Sto->SetAttribute (Sto, EFI_TEXT_ATTR (EFI_MAGENTA, EFI_BLACK));
            Sto->OutputString (Sto, (CHAR16 *) (DataRecord + 1));
            Sto->SetAttribute (Sto, OldAttribute);
  } while ((Mtc != 0) && !EFI_ERROR (Status));
文件: conio.c 项目: BwRy/vector-edk
 * Sets text foreground color.
 * @see COLORS
 * @param color new foreground color
void textcolor (int color)

	Proto = gST->ConOut;
	Proto->SetAttribute(Proto, color);
文件: conio.c 项目: BwRy/vector-edk
 * Sets text background color.
 * @see COLORS
 * @param color new background color
void textbackground (int color)

	Proto = gST->ConOut;

	color <<= 4;

	Proto->SetAttribute(Proto, color);
  Draws a dialog box to the console output device specified by
  ConOut defined in the EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE and waits for a keystroke
  from the console input device specified by ConIn defined in the

  If there are no strings in the variable argument list, then ASSERT().
  If all the strings in the variable argument list are empty, then ASSERT().

  @param[in]   Attribute  Specifies the foreground and background color of the popup.
  @param[out]  Key        A pointer to the EFI_KEY value of the key that was
                          pressed.  This is an optional parameter that may be NULL.
                          If it is NULL then no wait for a keypress will be performed.
  @param[in]  ...         The variable argument list that contains pointers to Null-
                          terminated Unicode strings to display in the dialog box.
                          The variable argument list is terminated by a NULL.

CreatePopUp (
  IN  UINTN          Attribute,
  EFI_STATUS                       Status;
  VA_LIST                          Args;
  EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_MODE      SavedConsoleMode;
  UINTN                            Columns;
  UINTN                            Rows;
  UINTN                            Column;
  UINTN                            Row;
  UINTN                            NumberOfLines;
  UINTN                            MaxLength;
  CHAR16                           *String;
  UINTN                            Length;
  CHAR16                           *Line;
  UINTN                            EventIndex;

  // Determine the length of the longest line in the popup and the the total
  // number of lines in the popup
  VA_START (Args, Key);
  MaxLength = 0;
  NumberOfLines = 0;
  while ((String = VA_ARG (Args, CHAR16 *)) != NULL) {
    MaxLength = MAX (MaxLength, StrLen (String));
  VA_END (Args);

  // If the total number of lines in the popup is zero, then ASSERT()
  ASSERT (NumberOfLines != 0);

  // If the maximum length of all the strings is zero, then ASSERT()
  ASSERT (MaxLength != 0);

  // Cache a pointer to the Simple Text Output Protocol in the EFI System Table
  ConOut = gST->ConOut;

  // Save the current console cursor position and attributes
  CopyMem (&SavedConsoleMode, ConOut->Mode, sizeof (SavedConsoleMode));

  // Retrieve the number of columns and rows in the current console mode
  ConOut->QueryMode (ConOut, SavedConsoleMode.Mode, &Columns, &Rows);

  // Disable cursor and set the foreground and background colors specified by Attribute
  ConOut->EnableCursor (ConOut, FALSE);
  ConOut->SetAttribute (ConOut, Attribute);

  // Limit NumberOfLines to height of the screen minus 3 rows for the box itself
  NumberOfLines = MIN (NumberOfLines, Rows - 3);

  // Limit MaxLength to width of the screen minus 2 columns for the box itself
  MaxLength = MIN (MaxLength, Columns - 2);

  // Compute the starting row and starting column for the popup
  Row    = (Rows - (NumberOfLines + 3)) / 2;
  Column = (Columns - (MaxLength + 2)) / 2;

  // Allocate a buffer for a single line of the popup with borders and a Null-terminator
  Line = AllocateZeroPool ((MaxLength + 3) * sizeof (CHAR16));
  ASSERT (Line != NULL);

  // Draw top of popup box
  SetMem16 (Line, (MaxLength + 2) * 2, BOXDRAW_HORIZONTAL);
  Line[0]             = BOXDRAW_DOWN_RIGHT;
  Line[MaxLength + 1] = BOXDRAW_DOWN_LEFT;
  Line[MaxLength + 2] = L'\0';
  ConOut->SetCursorPosition (ConOut, Column, Row++);
  ConOut->OutputString (ConOut, Line);

  // Draw middle of the popup with strings
  VA_START (Args, Key);
  while ((String = VA_ARG (Args, CHAR16 *)) != NULL && NumberOfLines > 0) {
    Length = StrLen (String);
    SetMem16 (Line, (MaxLength + 2) * 2, L' ');
    if (Length <= MaxLength) {
      // Length <= MaxLength
      CopyMem (Line + 1 + (MaxLength - Length) / 2, String , Length * sizeof (CHAR16));
    } else {
      // Length > MaxLength
      CopyMem (Line + 1, String + (Length - MaxLength) / 2 , MaxLength * sizeof (CHAR16));
    Line[0]             = BOXDRAW_VERTICAL;
    Line[MaxLength + 1] = BOXDRAW_VERTICAL;
    Line[MaxLength + 2] = L'\0';
    ConOut->SetCursorPosition (ConOut, Column, Row++);
    ConOut->OutputString (ConOut, Line);
  VA_END (Args);

  // Draw bottom of popup box
  SetMem16 (Line, (MaxLength + 2) * 2, BOXDRAW_HORIZONTAL);
  Line[0]             = BOXDRAW_UP_RIGHT;
  Line[MaxLength + 1] = BOXDRAW_UP_LEFT;
  Line[MaxLength + 2] = L'\0';
  ConOut->SetCursorPosition (ConOut, Column, Row++);
  ConOut->OutputString (ConOut, Line);

  // Free the allocated line buffer
  FreePool (Line);

  // Restore the cursor visibility, position, and attributes
  ConOut->EnableCursor      (ConOut, SavedConsoleMode.CursorVisible);
  ConOut->SetCursorPosition (ConOut, SavedConsoleMode.CursorColumn, SavedConsoleMode.CursorRow);
  ConOut->SetAttribute      (ConOut, SavedConsoleMode.Attribute);

  // Wait for a keystroke
  if (Key != NULL) {
    while (TRUE) {
      Status = gST->ConIn->ReadKeyStroke (gST->ConIn, Key);
      if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {

      // If we encounter error, continue to read another key in.
      if (Status != EFI_NOT_READY) {
      gBS->WaitForEvent (1, &gST->ConIn->WaitForKey, &EventIndex);