void TestResult::testOne() {
    sk_sp<SkPicture> pic;
        SkString d;
        d.printf("    {%d, \"%s\"},", fDirNo, fFilename);
        SkString path = make_filepath(fDirNo, IN_DIR, fFilename);
        SkFILEStream stream(path.c_str());
        if (!stream.isValid()) {
            SkDebugf("invalid stream %s\n", path.c_str());
            goto finish;
        if (fTestStep == kEncodeFiles) {
            size_t length = stream.getLength();
            SkTArray<char, true> bytes;
            stream.read(&bytes[0], length);
            SkString wPath = make_filepath(0, outSkpDir, fFilename);
            SkFILEWStream wStream(wPath.c_str());
            wStream.write(&bytes[0], length);
        pic = SkPicture::MakeFromStream(&stream);
        if (!pic) {
            SkDebugf("unable to decode %s\n", fFilename);
            goto finish;
        int pWidth = pic->width();
        int pHeight = pic->height();
        int pLargerWH = SkTMax(pWidth, pHeight);
        GrContextFactory contextFactory;
        GrContext* context = contextFactory.get(kAngle);
        GrContext* context = contextFactory.get(kNative);
        if (nullptr == context) {
            SkDebugf("unable to allocate context for %s\n", fFilename);
            goto finish;
        int maxWH = context->getMaxRenderTargetSize();
        int scale = 1;
        while (pLargerWH / scale > maxWH) {
            scale *= 2;
        SkBitmap bitmap;
        SkIPoint dim;
        do {
            dim.fX = (pWidth + scale - 1) / scale;
            dim.fY = (pHeight + scale - 1) / scale;
            bool success = bitmap.allocN32Pixels(dim.fX, dim.fY);
            if (success) {
            SkDebugf("-%d-", scale);
        } while ((scale *= 2) < 256);
        if (scale >= 256) {
            SkDebugf("unable to allocate bitmap for %s (w=%d h=%d) (sw=%d sh=%d)\n",
                    fFilename, pWidth, pHeight, dim.fX, dim.fY);
        SkCanvas skCanvas(bitmap);
        drawPict(pic, &skCanvas, fScaleOversized ? scale : 1);
        GrTextureDesc desc;
        desc.fConfig = kRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig;
        desc.fFlags = kRenderTarget_GrTextureFlagBit;
        desc.fWidth = dim.fX;
        desc.fHeight = dim.fY;
        desc.fSampleCnt = 0;
        sk_sp<GrTexture> texture(context->createUncachedTexture(desc, nullptr, 0));
        if (!texture) {
            SkDebugf("unable to allocate texture for %s (w=%d h=%d)\n", fFilename,
                dim.fX, dim.fY);
        SkGpuDevice grDevice(context, texture.get());
        SkCanvas grCanvas(&grDevice);
        drawPict(pic.get(), &grCanvas, fScaleOversized ? scale : 1);

        SkBitmap grBitmap;
        grCanvas.readPixels(&grBitmap, 0, 0);

        if (fTestStep == kCompareBits) {
            fPixelError = similarBits(grBitmap, bitmap);
            SkMSec skTime = timePict(pic, &skCanvas);
            SkMSec grTime = timePict(pic, &grCanvas);
            fTime = skTime - grTime;
        } else if (fTestStep == kEncodeFiles) {
            SkString pngStr = make_png_name(fFilename);
            const char* pngName = pngStr.c_str();
            writePict(grBitmap, outGrDir, pngName);
            writePict(bitmap, outSkDir, pngName);