	/** Callback triggered wheneve the user resizes the example window. */
	void renderWindowResized()
		SPtr<RenderWindow> window = gApplication().getPrimaryWindow();
		const RenderWindowProperties& rwProps = window->getProperties();

		windowResWidth = rwProps.getWidth();
		windowResHeight = rwProps.getHeight();

		sceneCamera->setAspectRatio(rwProps.getWidth() / (float)rwProps.getHeight());
	GUIWidget::GUIWidget(const HCamera& camera)
		: mCamera(camera->_getCamera()), mPanel(nullptr), mDepth(0), mIsActive(true), mTransform(Matrix4::IDENTITY)
		, mCachedRTId(0), mWidgetIsDirty(false)
	GUIWidget::GUIWidget(const HCamera& camera)
		: mCamera(camera->_getCamera()), mPanel(nullptr), mDepth(0), mIsActive(true), mPosition(BsZero)
		, mRotation(BsIdentity), mScale(Vector3::ONE), mTransform(BsIdentity), mCachedRTId(0), mWidgetIsDirty(false)
	/** Set up the 3D object used by the example, and the camera to view the world through. */
	void setUp3DScene(const Assets& assets)
		/* 								SCENE OBJECT                      		*/

		// Now we create a scene object that has a position, orientation, scale and optionally
		// components to govern its logic. In this particular case we are creating a SceneObject
		// with a Renderable component which will render a mesh at the position of the scene object
		// with the provided material.

		// Create new scene object at (0, 0, 0)
		HSceneObject pistolSO = SceneObject::create("Pistol");
		// Attach the Renderable component and hook up the mesh we imported earlier,
		// and the material we created in the previous section.
		HRenderable renderable = pistolSO->addComponent<CRenderable>();

		// Add a rotator component so we can rotate the object during runtime

        /* 									SKYBOX                       		*/

        // Add a skybox texture for sky reflections
        HSceneObject skyboxSO = SceneObject::create("Skybox");

        HSkybox skybox = skyboxSO->addComponent<CSkybox>();

		/* 									CAMERA	                     		*/

		// In order something to render on screen we need at least one camera.

		// Like before, we create a new scene object at (0, 0, 0).
		HSceneObject sceneCameraSO = SceneObject::create("SceneCamera");

		// Get the primary render window we need for creating the camera. Additionally
		// hook up a callback so we are notified when user resizes the window.
		SPtr<RenderWindow> window = gApplication().getPrimaryWindow();

		// Add a Camera component that will output whatever it sees into that window 
		// (You could also use a render texture or another window you created).
		sceneCamera = sceneCameraSO->addComponent<CCamera>(window);

		// Set up camera component properties

		// Set closest distance that is visible. Anything below that is clipped.

		// Set farthest distance that is visible. Anything above that is clipped.

		// Set aspect ratio depending on the current resolution
		sceneCamera->setAspectRatio(windowResWidth / (float)windowResHeight);

        // Enable multi-sample anti-aliasing for better quality

		// Add a CameraFlyer component that allows us to move the camera. See CameraFlyer for more information.

		// Position and orient the camera scene object
		sceneCameraSO->setPosition(Vector3(0.2f, 0.1f, 0.2f));
		sceneCameraSO->lookAt(Vector3(-0.1f, 0, 0));
namespace bs
	Path dataPath = Paths::getRuntimeDataPath();
	Path exampleModelPath = dataPath + "Examples\\Pistol\\Pistol01.fbx";
	Path exampleAlbedoTexPath = dataPath + "Examples\\Pistol\\Pistol_DFS.png";
	Path exampleNormalsTexPath = dataPath + "Examples\\Pistol\\Pistol_NM.png";
	Path exampleRoughnessTexPath = dataPath + "Examples\\Pistol\\Pistol_RGH.png";
	Path exampleMetalnessTexPath = dataPath + "Examples\\Pistol\\Pistol_MTL.png";
    Path exampleSkyCubemapPath = dataPath + "Examples\\Environments\\PaperMill_E_3k.hdr";

	HCamera sceneCamera;

	/** Container for all resources used by the example. */
	struct Assets
		HMesh exampleModel;
		HTexture exampleAlbedoTex;
		HTexture exampleNormalsTex;
		HTexture exampleRoughnessTex;
		HTexture exampleMetalnessTex;
		HTexture exampleSkyCubemap;
		HShader exampleShader;
		HMaterial exampleMaterial;

	void setUpExample()
		Assets assets;


	 * Load the required resources. First try to load a pre-processed version of the resources. If they don't exist import
	 * resources from the source formats into engine format, and save them for next time.
	void loadAssets(Assets& assets)
		// Load an FBX mesh.
		assets.exampleModel = loadMesh(exampleModelPath, 10.0f);

        // Load textures
		assets.exampleAlbedoTex = loadTexture(exampleAlbedoTexPath);
		assets.exampleNormalsTex = loadTexture(exampleNormalsTexPath, false);
		assets.exampleRoughnessTex = loadTexture(exampleRoughnessTexPath, false);
		assets.exampleMetalnessTex = loadTexture(exampleMetalnessTexPath, false);
		assets.exampleSkyCubemap = loadTexture(exampleSkyCubemapPath, false, true, true);

		// Load the default physically based shader for rendering opaque objects
		assets.exampleShader = BuiltinResources::instance().getBuiltinShader(BuiltinShader::Standard);
	HMesh loadMesh(const Path& path, float scale)
		Path assetPath = path;
		assetPath.setExtension(path.getExtension() + ".asset");

		HMesh model = gResources().load<Mesh>(assetPath);
		if (model == nullptr) // Mesh file doesn't exist, import from the source file.
			// When importing you may specify optional import options that control how is the asset imported.
			SPtr<ImportOptions> meshImportOptions = Importer::instance().createImportOptions(path);

			// rtti_is_of_type checks if the import options are of valid type, in case the provided path is pointing to a
			// non-mesh resource. This is similar to dynamic_cast but uses Banshee internal RTTI system for type checking.
			if (rtti_is_of_type<MeshImportOptions>(meshImportOptions))
				MeshImportOptions* importOptions = static_cast<MeshImportOptions*>(meshImportOptions.get());


			model = gImporter().import<Mesh>(path, meshImportOptions);

			// Save for later use, so we don't have to import on the next run.
			gResources().save(model, assetPath, true);

		return model;

	HTexture loadTexture(const Path& path, bool isSRGB, bool isCubemap, bool isHDR)
		Path assetPath = path;
		assetPath.setExtension(path.getExtension() + ".asset");

		HTexture texture = gResources().load<Texture>(assetPath);
		if (texture == nullptr) // Texture file doesn't exist, import from the source file.
			// When importing you may specify optional import options that control how is the asset imported.
			SPtr<ImportOptions> textureImportOptions = Importer::instance().createImportOptions(path);

			// rtti_is_of_type checks if the import options are of valid type, in case the provided path is pointing to a 
			// non-texture resource. This is similar to dynamic_cast but uses Banshee internal RTTI system for type checking.
			if (rtti_is_of_type<TextureImportOptions>(textureImportOptions))
				TextureImportOptions* importOptions = static_cast<TextureImportOptions*>(textureImportOptions.get());

				// We want maximum number of mipmaps to be generated

				// If the texture is in sRGB space the system needs to know about it

				// Ensures we can save the texture contents

                // Import as cubemap if needed

                // If importing as cubemap, assume source is a panorama

                // Importing using a HDR format if requested
                if (isHDR)

			// Import texture with specified import options
			texture = gImporter().import<Texture>(path, textureImportOptions);

			// Save for later use, so we don't have to import on the next run.
			gResources().save(texture, assetPath, true);

		return texture;

	/** Create a material using the active shader, and assign the relevant textures to it. */
	void createMaterial(Assets& assets)
		// Create a material with the active shader.
		HMaterial exampleMaterial = Material::create(assets.exampleShader);

        // Assign the four textures requires by the PBS shader
        exampleMaterial->setTexture("gAlbedoTex", assets.exampleAlbedoTex);
        exampleMaterial->setTexture("gNormalTex", assets.exampleNormalsTex);
        exampleMaterial->setTexture("gRoughnessTex", assets.exampleRoughnessTex);
        exampleMaterial->setTexture("gMetalnessTex", assets.exampleMetalnessTex);

		assets.exampleMaterial = exampleMaterial;

	/** Set up the 3D object used by the example, and the camera to view the world through. */
	void setUp3DScene(const Assets& assets)
		/* 								SCENE OBJECT                      		*/

		// Now we create a scene object that has a position, orientation, scale and optionally
		// components to govern its logic. In this particular case we are creating a SceneObject
		// with a Renderable component which will render a mesh at the position of the scene object
		// with the provided material.

		// Create new scene object at (0, 0, 0)
		HSceneObject pistolSO = SceneObject::create("Pistol");
		// Attach the Renderable component and hook up the mesh we imported earlier,
		// and the material we created in the previous section.
		HRenderable renderable = pistolSO->addComponent<CRenderable>();

		// Add a rotator component so we can rotate the object during runtime

        /* 									SKYBOX                       		*/

        // Add a skybox texture for sky reflections
        HSceneObject skyboxSO = SceneObject::create("Skybox");

        HSkybox skybox = skyboxSO->addComponent<CSkybox>();

		/* 									CAMERA	                     		*/

		// In order something to render on screen we need at least one camera.

		// Like before, we create a new scene object at (0, 0, 0).
		HSceneObject sceneCameraSO = SceneObject::create("SceneCamera");

		// Get the primary render window we need for creating the camera. Additionally
		// hook up a callback so we are notified when user resizes the window.
		SPtr<RenderWindow> window = gApplication().getPrimaryWindow();

		// Add a Camera component that will output whatever it sees into that window 
		// (You could also use a render texture or another window you created).
		sceneCamera = sceneCameraSO->addComponent<CCamera>(window);

		// Set up camera component properties

		// Set closest distance that is visible. Anything below that is clipped.

		// Set farthest distance that is visible. Anything above that is clipped.

		// Set aspect ratio depending on the current resolution
		sceneCamera->setAspectRatio(windowResWidth / (float)windowResHeight);

        // Enable multi-sample anti-aliasing for better quality

		// Add a CameraFlyer component that allows us to move the camera. See CameraFlyer for more information.

		// Position and orient the camera scene object
		sceneCameraSO->setPosition(Vector3(0.2f, 0.1f, 0.2f));
		sceneCameraSO->lookAt(Vector3(-0.1f, 0, 0));

	/** Register mouse and keyboard inputs that will be used for controlling the camera. */
	void setUpInput()
		// Register input configuration
		// Banshee allows you to use VirtualInput system which will map input device buttons
		// and axes to arbitrary names, which allows you to change input buttons without affecting
		// the code that uses it, since the code is only aware of the virtual names. 
		// If you want more direct input, see Input class.
		auto inputConfig = VirtualInput::instance().getConfiguration();

		// Camera controls for buttons (digital 0-1 input, e.g. keyboard or gamepad button)
		inputConfig->registerButton("Forward", BC_W);
		inputConfig->registerButton("Back", BC_S);
		inputConfig->registerButton("Left", BC_A);
		inputConfig->registerButton("Right", BC_D);
		inputConfig->registerButton("Forward", BC_UP);
		inputConfig->registerButton("Back", BC_BACK);
		inputConfig->registerButton("Left", BC_LEFT);
		inputConfig->registerButton("Right", BC_RIGHT);
		inputConfig->registerButton("FastMove", BC_LSHIFT);
		inputConfig->registerButton("RotateObj", BC_MOUSE_LEFT);
		inputConfig->registerButton("RotateCam", BC_MOUSE_RIGHT);

		// Camera controls for axes (analog input, e.g. mouse or gamepad thumbstick)
		// These return values in [-1.0, 1.0] range.
		inputConfig->registerAxis("Horizontal", VIRTUAL_AXIS_DESC((UINT32)InputAxis::MouseX));
		inputConfig->registerAxis("Vertical", VIRTUAL_AXIS_DESC((UINT32)InputAxis::MouseY));

	/** Callback triggered wheneve the user resizes the example window. */
	void renderWindowResized()
		SPtr<RenderWindow> window = gApplication().getPrimaryWindow();
		const RenderWindowProperties& rwProps = window->getProperties();

		windowResWidth = rwProps.getWidth();
		windowResHeight = rwProps.getHeight();

		sceneCamera->setAspectRatio(rwProps.getWidth() / (float)rwProps.getHeight());