static cell_t GetClientEyePosition(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params)
	IGamePlayer *player = playerhelpers->GetGamePlayer(params[1]);
	if (player == NULL)
		return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid client index %d", params[1]);
	if (!player->IsInGame())
		return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Client %d is not in game", params[1]);

	Vector pos;
	serverClients->ClientEarPosition(player->GetEdict(), &pos);

	cell_t *addr;
	pContext->LocalToPhysAddr(params[2], &addr);
	addr[0] = sp_ftoc(pos.x);
	addr[1] = sp_ftoc(pos.y);
	addr[2] = sp_ftoc(pos.z);

	return 1;
static cell_t GetClientEyeAngles(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params)
	int client = params[1];
	IGamePlayer *pPlayer = playerhelpers->GetGamePlayer(client);

	if (!pPlayer)
		return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid client index %d", client);
	else if (!pPlayer->IsInGame())
		return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Client %d is not in game", client);

	edict_t *pEdict = pPlayer->GetEdict();
	CBaseEntity *pEntity = pEdict->GetUnknown() ? pEdict->GetUnknown()->GetBaseEntity() : NULL;

	/* We always set the angles for backwards compatibility -- 
	 * The original function had no return value.
	QAngle angles;
	bool got_angles = false;

	if (pEntity != NULL)
		got_angles = GetEyeAngles(pEntity, &angles);
	cell_t *addr;
	pContext->LocalToPhysAddr(params[2], &addr);
	addr[0] = sp_ftoc(angles.x);
	addr[1] = sp_ftoc(angles.y);
	addr[2] = sp_ftoc(angles.z);

	return got_angles ? 1 : 0;
DataStatus DecodeValveParam(IPluginContext *pContext,
					  cell_t param,
					  const ValveCall *pCall,
					  const ValvePassInfo *data,
					  void *_buffer)
	void *buffer = (unsigned char *)_buffer + data->offset;
	switch (data->vtype)
	case Valve_Vector:
			cell_t *addr;
			int err;
			err = pContext->LocalToPhysAddr(param, &addr);

			unsigned char *mem = (unsigned char *)buffer;
			if (data->type == PassType_Basic)
				/* Store the object in the next N bytes, and store
				 * a pointer to that object right beforehand.
				Vector **realPtr = (Vector **)buffer;

				if (addr == pContext->GetNullRef(SP_NULL_VECTOR))
					if (data->decflags & VDECODE_FLAG_ALLOWNULL)
						*realPtr = NULL;
						return Data_Okay;
					} else {
						pContext->ThrowNativeError("NULL not allowed");
						return Data_Fail;
				} else {
					mem = (unsigned char *)_buffer + pCall->stackEnd + data->obj_offset;
					*realPtr = (Vector *)mem;

			if (err != SP_ERROR_NONE)
				pContext->ThrowNativeErrorEx(err, "Could not read plugin data");
				return Data_Fail;

			/* Use placement new to initialize the object cleanly
			 * This has no destructor so we don't need to do 
			 * DestroyValveParam() or something :]
			Vector *v = new (mem) Vector(

			return Data_Okay;
	case Valve_QAngle:
			cell_t *addr;
			int err;
			err = pContext->LocalToPhysAddr(param, &addr);

			unsigned char *mem = (unsigned char *)buffer;
			if (data->type == PassType_Basic)
				/* Store the object in the next N bytes, and store
				 * a pointer to that object right beforehand.
				QAngle **realPtr = (QAngle **)buffer;

				if (addr == pContext->GetNullRef(SP_NULL_VECTOR))
					if (!(data->decflags & VDECODE_FLAG_ALLOWNULL))
						pContext->ThrowNativeError("NULL not allowed");
						return Data_Fail;
					} else {
						*realPtr = NULL;
						return Data_Okay;
				} else {
					mem = (unsigned char *)_buffer + pCall->stackEnd + data->obj_offset;
					*realPtr = (QAngle *)mem;

			if (err != SP_ERROR_NONE)
				pContext->ThrowNativeErrorEx(err, "Could not read plugin data");
				return Data_Fail;

			/* Use placement new to initialize the object cleanly
			 * This has no destructor so we don't need to do 
			 * DestroyValveParam() or something :]
			QAngle *v = new (mem) QAngle(

			return Data_Okay;
	case Valve_CBasePlayer:
			CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL;
			if (data->decflags & VDECODE_FLAG_BYREF)
				cell_t *addr;
				pContext->LocalToPhysAddr(param, &addr);
				param = *addr;
			int index = gamehelpers->ReferenceToIndex(param);
			if ((unsigned)index == INVALID_EHANDLE_INDEX && param != -1)
				return Data_Fail;
			if (index >= 1 && index <= playerhelpers->GetMaxClients())
				IGamePlayer *player = playerhelpers->GetGamePlayer(index);
				if ((data->decflags & VDECODE_FLAG_ALLOWNOTINGAME)
					&& !player->IsConnected())
					pContext->ThrowNativeError("Client %d is not connected", param);
					return Data_Fail;
				} else if (!player->IsInGame()) {
					pContext->ThrowNativeError("Client %d is not in game", param);
					return Data_Fail;
				pEntity = gamehelpers->ReferenceToEntity(param);
			} else if (param == -1) {
				if (data->decflags & VDECODE_FLAG_ALLOWNULL)
					pEntity = NULL;
				} else {
					pContext->ThrowNativeError("NULL not allowed");
					return Data_Fail;
			} else {
				pContext->ThrowNativeError("Entity index %d is not a valid client", param);
				return Data_Fail;
			CBaseEntity **ebuf = (CBaseEntity **)buffer;
			*ebuf = pEntity;

			return Data_Okay;
	case Valve_CBaseEntity:
			CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL;
			if (data->decflags & VDECODE_FLAG_BYREF)
				cell_t *addr;
				pContext->LocalToPhysAddr(param, &addr);
				param = *addr;
			int index = gamehelpers->ReferenceToIndex(param);
			if ((unsigned)index == INVALID_EHANDLE_INDEX && param != -1)
				return Data_Fail;
			if (index >= 1 && index <= playerhelpers->GetMaxClients())
				IGamePlayer *player = playerhelpers->GetGamePlayer(index);
				if ((data->decflags & VDECODE_FLAG_ALLOWNOTINGAME)
					&& !player->IsConnected())
					pContext->ThrowNativeError("Client %d is not connected", param);
					return Data_Fail;
				} else if (!player->IsInGame()) {
					pContext->ThrowNativeError("Client %d is not in game", param);
					return Data_Fail;
				pEntity = gamehelpers->ReferenceToEntity(param);
			} else if (param == -1) {
				if (data->decflags & VDECODE_FLAG_ALLOWNULL)
					pEntity = NULL;
				} else {
					pContext->ThrowNativeError("NULL not allowed");
					return Data_Fail;
			} else if (index == 0) {
				if (data->decflags & VDECODE_FLAG_ALLOWWORLD)
					pEntity = gamehelpers->ReferenceToEntity(0);
				} else {
					pContext->ThrowNativeError("World not allowed");
					return Data_Fail;
			} else {
				pEntity = gamehelpers->ReferenceToEntity(param);
				if (!pEntity)
					pContext->ThrowNativeError("Entity %d is not valid", param);
					return Data_Fail;

			CBaseEntity **ebuf = (CBaseEntity **)buffer;
			*ebuf = pEntity;

			return Data_Okay;
	case Valve_Edict:
			edict_t *pEdict;
			if (data->decflags & VDECODE_FLAG_BYREF)
				cell_t *addr;
				pContext->LocalToPhysAddr(param, &addr);
				param = *addr;
			if (param >= 1 && param <= playerhelpers->GetMaxClients())
				IGamePlayer *player = playerhelpers->GetGamePlayer(param);
				if ((data->decflags & VDECODE_FLAG_ALLOWNOTINGAME)
					&& !player->IsConnected())
					pContext->ThrowNativeError("Client %d is not connected", param);
					return Data_Fail;
				} else if (!player->IsInGame()) {
					pContext->ThrowNativeError("Client %d is not in game", param);
					return Data_Fail;
				pEdict = player->GetEdict();
			} else if (param == -1) {
				if (data->decflags & VDECODE_FLAG_ALLOWNULL)
					pEdict = NULL;
				} else {
					pContext->ThrowNativeError("NULL not allowed");
					return Data_Fail;
			} else if (param == 0) {
				if (data->decflags & VDECODE_FLAG_ALLOWWORLD)
					pEdict = PEntityOfEntIndex(0);
				} else {
					pContext->ThrowNativeError("World not allowed");
					return Data_Fail;
			} else {
				pEdict = PEntityOfEntIndex(param);
				if (!pEdict || pEdict->IsFree())
					pContext->ThrowNativeError("Entity %d is not valid or is freed", param);
					return Data_Fail;

			edict_t **ebuf = (edict_t **)buffer;
			*ebuf = pEdict;

			return Data_Okay;
	case Valve_POD:
	case Valve_Float:
			if (data->decflags & VDECODE_FLAG_BYREF)
				cell_t *addr;
				pContext->LocalToPhysAddr(param, &addr);
				param = *addr;
			if (data->flags & PASSFLAG_ASPOINTER)
				*(void **)buffer = (unsigned char *)_buffer + pCall->stackEnd + data->obj_offset;
				buffer = *(void **)buffer;
			*(cell_t *)buffer = param;
			return Data_Okay;
	case Valve_Bool:
			if (data->decflags & VDECODE_FLAG_BYREF)
				cell_t *addr;
				pContext->LocalToPhysAddr(param, &addr);
				param = *addr;
			if (data->flags & PASSFLAG_ASPOINTER)
				*(bool **)buffer = (bool *)((unsigned char *)_buffer + pCall->stackEnd + data->obj_offset);
				buffer = *(bool **)buffer;
			*(bool *)buffer = param ? true : false;
			return Data_Okay;
	case Valve_String:
			char *addr;
			pContext->LocalToString(param, &addr);
			*(char **)buffer = addr;
			return Data_Okay;

	return Data_Fail;
static cell_t SlapPlayer(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params)
	static bool s_slap_supported = false;
	static bool s_slap_setup = false;
	static ICallWrapper *s_teleport = NULL;
	static int s_health_offs = 0;
	static int s_sound_count = 0;
	static int s_frag_offs = 0;

	if (!s_slap_setup)
		int tries = 0;

		s_slap_setup = true;

		if (IsTeleportSupported())
		if (IsGetVelocitySupported())

		/* Setup health */
		if (g_pGameConf->GetOffset("m_iHealth", &s_health_offs) && s_health_offs)

		if (tries == 3)
			s_slap_supported = true;

			const char *key;
			if ((key = g_pGameConf->GetKeyValue("SlapSoundCount")) != NULL)
				s_sound_count = atoi(key);

	if (!s_slap_supported)
		return pContext->ThrowNativeError("This function is not supported on this mod");

	/* First check if the client is valid */
	int client = params[1];
	IGamePlayer *player = playerhelpers->GetGamePlayer(client);
	if (!player)
		return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Client %d is not valid", client);
	} else if (!player->IsInGame()) {
		return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Client %d is not in game", client);

	edict_t *pEdict = player->GetEdict();
	CBaseEntity *pEntity = pEdict->GetUnknown()->GetBaseEntity();

	/* See if we should be taking away health */
	bool should_slay = false;
	if (params[2])
		int *health = (int *)((char *)pEntity + s_health_offs);

		if (*health - params[2] <= 0)
			*health = 1;
			should_slay = true;
		} else {
			*health -= params[2];
		float *health = (float *)((char *)pEntity + s_health_offs);

		if (*health - (float)params[2] <= 0)
			*health = 1.0f;
			should_slay = true;
		} else {
			*health -= (float)params[2];

	/* Teleport in a random direction - thank you, Mani!*/
	Vector velocity;
	GetVelocity(pEntity, &velocity, NULL);
	velocity.x += ((rand() % 180) + 50) * (((rand() % 2) == 1) ?  -1 : 1);
	velocity.y += ((rand() % 180) + 50) * (((rand() % 2) == 1) ?  -1 : 1);
	velocity.z += rand() % 200 + 100;
	Teleport(pEntity, NULL, NULL, &velocity);

	/* Play a random sound */
	if (params[3] && s_sound_count > 0)
		char name[48];
		const char *sound_name;
		cell_t player_list[256], total_players = 0;
		int maxClients = playerhelpers->GetMaxClients();

		int r = (rand() % s_sound_count) + 1;
		snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "SlapSound%d", r);

		if ((sound_name = g_pGameConf->GetKeyValue(name)) != NULL)
			IGamePlayer *other;
			for (int i=1; i<=maxClients; i++)
				other = playerhelpers->GetGamePlayer(i);
				if (other->IsInGame())
					player_list[total_players++] = i;

			const Vector & pos = pEdict->GetCollideable()->GetCollisionOrigin();
			CellRecipientFilter rf;
			rf.Initialize(player_list, total_players);
			engsound->EmitSound(rf, client, CHAN_AUTO, sound_name, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM, &pos);

	if (!s_frag_offs)
		const char *frag_prop = g_pGameConf->GetKeyValue("m_iFrags");
		if (frag_prop)
			datamap_t *pMap = gamehelpers->GetDataMap(pEntity);
			typedescription_t *pType = gamehelpers->FindInDataMap(pMap, frag_prop);
			if (pType != NULL)
				s_frag_offs = pType->fieldOffset[TD_OFFSET_NORMAL];
		if (!s_frag_offs)
			s_frag_offs = -1;

	int old_frags = 0;
	if (s_frag_offs > 0)
		old_frags = *(int *)((char *)pEntity + s_frag_offs);
	/* Force suicide */
	if (should_slay)
		pluginhelpers->ClientCommand(pEdict, "kill\n");

	if (s_frag_offs > 0)
		*(int *)((char *)pEntity + s_frag_offs) = old_frags;

	return 1;
bool SDKTools::ProcessCommandTarget(cmd_target_info_t *info)
	IGamePlayer *pAdmin = info->admin ? playerhelpers->GetGamePlayer(info->admin) : NULL;

	if (strcmp(info->pattern, "@aim") == 0)
		/* The server can't aim, of course. */
		if (pAdmin == NULL)
			return false;

		int player_index;
		if ((player_index = GetClientAimTarget(pAdmin->GetEdict(), true)) < 1)
			info->reason = COMMAND_TARGET_NONE;
			info->num_targets = 0;
			return true;

		IGamePlayer *pTarget = playerhelpers->GetGamePlayer(player_index);

		if (pTarget == NULL)
			info->reason = COMMAND_TARGET_NONE;
			info->num_targets = 0;
			return true;

		info->reason = playerhelpers->FilterCommandTarget(pAdmin, pTarget, info->flags);
		if (info->reason != COMMAND_TARGET_VALID)
			info->num_targets = 0;
			return true;

		info->targets[0] = player_index;
		info->num_targets = 1;
		info->reason = COMMAND_TARGET_VALID;
		info->target_name_style = COMMAND_TARGETNAME_RAW;
		snprintf(info->target_name, info->target_name_maxlength, "%s", pTarget->GetName());
		return true;
	else if (strcmp(info->pattern, "@spec") == 0)
		const char *teamname = tools_GetTeamName(1);
		if (strcasecmp(teamname, "spectator") != 0)
			return false;
		info->num_targets = 0;
		for (int i = 1; i <= playerhelpers->GetMaxClients(); i++)
			IGamePlayer *player = playerhelpers->GetGamePlayer(i);
			if (player == NULL || !player->IsInGame())
			IPlayerInfo *plinfo = player->GetPlayerInfo();
			if (plinfo == NULL)
			if (plinfo->GetTeamIndex() == 1 &&
			    playerhelpers->FilterCommandTarget(pAdmin, player, info->flags) ==
				info->targets[info->num_targets++] = i;
		info->reason = info->num_targets > 0 ? COMMAND_TARGET_VALID : COMMAND_TARGET_EMPTY_FILTER;
		info->target_name_style = COMMAND_TARGETNAME_ML;
		snprintf(info->target_name, info->target_name_maxlength, "all spectators");
		return true;

	return false;