void LoadSettings() { returncode = DEFAULT_RETURNCODE; string File_FLHook = "..\\exe\\flhook_plugins\\changesys.cfg"; int iLoaded = 0; INI_Reader ini; if (ini.open(File_FLHook.c_str(), false)) { while (ini.read_header()) { if (ini.is_header("config")) { while (ini.read_value()) { if (ini.is_value("enabled")) { bPluginEnabled = ini.get_value_bool(0); } } } if (ini.is_header("AllowedSystems")) { while (ini.read_value()) { if (ini.is_value("sys")) { bPluginAllowedSystems.push_back(ini.get_value_string(0)); } if (ini.is_value("desc")) { bPluginAllowedSystemsFriendly = ini.get_value_string(); } } } } ini.close(); } ConPrint(L"ChangeSys: Loaded\n", iLoaded); }
void LoadSettings() { returncode = DEFAULT_RETURNCODE; string File_FLHook = "..\\exe\\flhook_plugins\\bountytracker.cfg"; string File_FLHook_bounties = "..\\exe\\flhook_plugins\\bountytrackerbounties.cfg"; int iLoaded = 0; INI_Reader ini; if (ini.open(File_FLHook.c_str(), false)) { while (ini.read_header()) { if (ini.is_header("config")) { while (ini.read_value()) { if (ini.is_value("enabled")) { bPluginEnabled = ini.get_value_bool(0); } if (ini.is_value("CleanInterval")) { iCleanInterval = ini.get_value_int(0); conDebug(L"cleaning interval set to " + stows(itos(iCleanInterval))); } if (ini.is_value("BountyAge")) { iBountyAge = ini.get_value_int(0); conDebug(L"bounty age set to " + stows(itos(iBountyAge))); } } } }ini.close(); } if (ini.open(File_FLHook_bounties.c_str(), false)) { while (ini.read_header()) { if (ini.is_header("bounty")) { while (ini.read_value()) { if (ini.is_value("hit")) { string setTargetName = ini.get_value_string(0); wstring theTargetName = ToLower(stows(setTargetName)); BTI.Char = ToLower(ini.get_value_string(0)); BTI.Cash = ini.get_value_string(1); BTI.xTimes = ini.get_value_string(2); BTI.issuer = ToLower(ini.get_value_string(3)); BTI.active = ini.get_value_bool(4); BTI.lastIssuer = ToLower(ini.get_value_string(5)); BTI.lastTime = ini.get_value_string(6); BTI.issueTime = ini.get_value_string(7); mapBountyTargets[theTargetName] = BTI; ++iLoaded; } } } } ini.close(); } ConPrint(L"BOUNTYTRACKER: Loaded %u Bounties\n", iLoaded); }