void CookieManager::ClientConnectCallback(int serial, IQuery *data) { int client; /* Check validity of client */ if ((client = playerhelpers->GetClientFromSerial(serial)) == 0) { return; } statsPending[client] = false; IResultSet *results; /* Check validity of results */ if (data == NULL || (results = data->GetResultSet()) == NULL) { return; } CookieData *pData; IResultRow *row; unsigned int timestamp; CookieAccess access; while (results->MoreRows() && ((row = results->FetchRow()) != NULL)) { const char *name = ""; row->GetString(0, &name, NULL); const char *value = ""; row->GetString(1, &value, NULL); pData = new CookieData(value); pData->changed = false; pData->timestamp = (row->GetInt(4, (int *)×tamp) == DBVal_Data) ? timestamp : 0; Cookie *parent = FindCookie(name); if (parent == NULL) { const char *desc = ""; row->GetString(2, &desc, NULL); access = CookieAccess_Public; row->GetInt(3, (int *)&access); parent = CreateCookie(name, desc, access); } pData->parent = parent; parent->data[client] = pData; clientData[client].append(pData); } statsLoaded[client] = true; cookieDataLoadedForward->PushCell(client); cookieDataLoadedForward->Execute(NULL); }
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL SQL_ReadResult(AMX *amx, cell *params) { AmxQueryInfo *qInfo = (AmxQueryInfo *)GetHandle(params[1], Handle_Query); if (!qInfo) { MF_LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Invalid query handle: %d", params[1]); return 0; } IResultSet *rs = qInfo->info.rs; if (!rs || rs->IsDone()) { MF_LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "No result set in this query!"); return 0; } IResultRow *row = rs->GetRow(); unsigned int col = static_cast<unsigned int>(params[2]); if (col >= rs->FieldCount()) { MF_LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Invalid column: %d", col); return 0; } cell numparams = params[0] / sizeof(cell); switch (numparams) { case 4: { const char *str = row->GetString(col); if (!str) str = ""; cell *len = MF_GetAmxAddr(amx, params[4]); MF_SetAmxString(amx, params[3], str, (int)*len); break; } case 3: { REAL num = row->GetFloat(col); cell *addr = MF_GetAmxAddr(amx, params[3]); *addr = amx_ftoc(num); break; } case 2: { int num = row->GetInt(col); return num; break; } default: { MF_LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Bad number of arguments passed."); break; } } return 1; }
void CookieManager::SelectIdCallback(Cookie *pCookie, IQuery *data) { IResultSet *results; if (data == NULL || (results = data->GetResultSet()) == NULL) { return; } IResultRow *row = results->FetchRow(); if (row == NULL) { return; } row->GetInt(0, &pCookie->dbid); }
static cell_t SQL_FetchInt(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { IQuery *query; HandleError err; if ((err = ReadQueryHndl(params[1], pContext, &query)) != HandleError_None) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid query Handle %x (error: %d)", params[1], err); } IResultSet *rs = query->GetResultSet(); if (!rs) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("No current result set"); } IResultRow *row = rs->CurrentRow(); if (!row) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Current result set has no fetched rows"); } int iv; DBResult res = row->GetInt(params[2], &iv); if (res == DBVal_Error) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Error fetching data from field %d", params[2]); } else if (res == DBVal_TypeMismatch) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Could not fetch data in field %d as an integer", params[2]); } cell_t *addr; pContext->LocalToPhysAddr(params[3], &addr); *addr = (cell_t)res; return iv; }
void CookieManager::ClientConnectCallback(int serial, IQuery *data) { int client; IResultSet *results; /* Check validity of client */ if ((client = playerhelpers->GetClientFromSerial(serial)) == 0) { return; } /* Check validity of results */ if (data == NULL || (results = data->GetResultSet()) == NULL) { return; } IResultRow *row; do { if ((row = results->FetchRow()) == NULL) { break; } const char *name; row->GetString(0, &name, NULL); const char *value; row->GetString(1, &value, NULL); CookieData *pData = new CookieData(value); pData->changed = false; Cookie *parent = FindCookie(name); if (parent == NULL) { const char *desc; row->GetString(2, &desc, NULL); CookieAccess access = CookieAccess_Public; row->GetInt(3, (int *)&access); parent = CreateCookie(name, desc, access); cookieTrie.insert(name, parent); cookieList.push_back(parent); } pData->parent = parent; parent->data[client] = pData; clientData[client].push_back(pData); } while (results->MoreRows()); statsLoaded[client] = true; cookieDataLoadedForward->PushCell(client); cookieDataLoadedForward->Execute(NULL); }