int EvalExpAndCounts(PilParams &params, double tmin, double tmax, int &countscalc, double &expcalc)
	int timestep = 1;
    Intervals intervals;
    if (!eval::LoadTimeList(params["timelist"], intervals, tmin, tmax)) {
        cerr << "Error loading timelist file '" << params["timelist"].GetStr() << "'" << endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    cout << endl << "INPUT PARAMETERS:" << endl;
    double radius = params["radius"]; //mres
    double mdim = radius*sqrt(2);
    cout << "radius for evt: " << radius << " - mdim for exp: " << mdim << endl;
    double binstep = 1.0;
    const char *projection = "ARC";
    cout << "Binstep: " << binstep << endl;
    cout << "Projection: " << projection << endl;

    cout << "INTERVALS N=" << intervals.Count() << ":" << endl;
    for (int i=0; i<intervals.Count(); i++)
        cout << "   " << intervals[i].String() << endl;

    cout << "Selecting the events.." << endl;
    char selectionLogFilename[FLEN_FILENAME];
    char templateLogFilename[FLEN_FILENAME];
    char *logfile = (char*) params["logfile"].GetStr();
    if (logfile && logfile[0]=='@')
    string logExpr = selection::LogExprString(intervals, params["phasecode"], timestep);
    cout << logExpr << endl;
    int status = selection::MakeSelection(logfile, intervals, logExpr, selectionLogFilename, templateLogFilename);
    if (status==-118) {
        cout << endl << "AG_lm5......................no matching events found" << endl;
        cout << endString << endl;
        return 0;
    else if (status != 0) {
        cout << endl << "AG_lm5......................selection failed" << endl;
        cout << endString << endl;
        return 0;

    cout << "Selecting the events.." << endl;
    char selectionEvtFilename[FLEN_FILENAME];
    char templateEvtFilename[FLEN_FILENAME];
    char *evtfile = (char*) params["evtfile"].GetStr();
    if (evtfile && evtfile[0]=='@')
    string evtExpr = selection::EvtExprString(intervals, params["emin"], params["emax"],
                                    params["albrad"], params["fovradmax"], params["fovradmin"],
                                    params["phasecode"], params["filtercode"]);
    status = selection::MakeSelection(evtfile, intervals, evtExpr, selectionEvtFilename, templateEvtFilename);
    if (status==-118) {
        cout << endl << "AG_lm5......................no matching events found" << endl;
        cout << endString << endl;
        return 0;
    else if (status != 0) {
        cout << endl << "AG_lm5......................selection failed" << endl;
        cout << endString << endl;
        return 0;

    double beginTime = tmin;
   	double endTime = tmax;
    cout << std::setprecision(2);
    cout << "***** " << beginTime << " " << endTime << " " <<  endl << endl;
    Interval timeSlot;
    timeSlot.Set(beginTime, endTime);
#ifdef DEBUG
    cout << "Time slot beginTime: " << beginTime << " endTime: " << endTime << endl;
	Intervals intervalSlots = Intersection(intervals, timeSlot);
	if (intervalSlots.Count()) {
		cout << "Selected slots:" << endl;
		for (int i=0; i<intervalSlots.Count(); i++)
			cout << "   " << intervalSlots[i].Start() << " " << intervalSlots[i].Stop() << endl;

		vector< vector<double> > exposures;
		status = eval::EvalExposure("None", params["sarFileName"], params["edpFileName"],
						   "None", projection, mdim, mdim, params["la"], params["ba"],
						   params["lonpole"], params["albrad"], params["y_tol"], params["roll_tol"],
						   params["earth_tol"], params["phasecode"], binstep, params["timestep"],
						   params["index"], tmin, tmax, params["emin"],
						   params["emax"], params["fovradmin"], params["fovradmax"],
						   selectionLogFilename, templateLogFilename, intervalSlots, exposures, false);

		vector<int>  counts;
		status = eval::EvalCountsInRadius("None", tmin, tmax, radius, 
						   params["la"], params["ba"], params["lonpole"],
						   params["emin"], params["emax"], params["fovradmax"],
						   params["fovradmin"], params["albrad"], params["phasecode"],
						   params["filtercode"], selectionEvtFilename, templateEvtFilename,
						   intervalSlots, counts);
		expcalc = 0;
		countscalc = 0;
		for (int slot=0; slot<intervalSlots.Count(); slot++) {
			expcalc += exposures[slot][0]; // the map is 1x1
			countscalc += counts[slot]; 

		cout << "No intervals selected" << endl;

    FitsFile slogfile(selectionLogFilename);
    FitsFile tlogfile(templateLogFilename);
    FitsFile sevtfile(selectionEvtFilename);
    FitsFile tevtfile(templateEvtFilename);

    if (status == -118) {
        cout << endl << "AG_lm5......................no matching events found" << endl;
    else if (status != 0) {
        cout << endl << "AG_lm5...................... exiting with ERROR:"<< endl;
        fits_report_error(stdout, status);
    cout << endString << endl;

    return status;