// Have to define before use QDataStream& operator<< ( QDataStream &s, const MailSummary &d ) { s << d.serialNumber(); s << d.messageId(); s << d.subject(); s << d.from(); s << d.to(); KDateTime tempTime; tempTime.setTime_t( d.date() ); s << tempTime.dateTime(); return s; }
void KNFolder::DynData::getData( KNLocalArticle::Ptr a ) { a->setId(id); KDateTime dt; dt.setTime_t( ti ); a->date()->setDateTime( dt ); a->setStartOffset(so); a->setEndOffset(eo); a->setServerId(sId); a->setDoMail(flags[0]); a->setMailed(flags[1]); a->setDoPost(flags[2]); a->setPosted(flags[3]); a->setCanceled(flags[4]); a->setEditDisabled(flags[5]); }
void shouldPopulateCommittedAtCorrectly() { QStringList rawData; rawData << "tree 4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904"; rawData << "parent abffc0ae9ba476fe1e9a30fa2c8903113dbadb3d"; rawData << "author Me 1234567890 -0230"; rawData << "committer You 1234567890 -0230"; rawData << ""; rawData << "Some message."; rawData << ""; commit->fillFromString(rawData.join("\n")); KDateTime committedAt; committedAt.setTime_t(1234567890); committedAt.setTimeSpec(KDateTime::Spec(KDateTime::OffsetFromUTC, -9000/*==2,5h*/)); QCOMPARE(commit->committedAt().toString(), committedAt.toString()); QCOMPARE(commit->committedAt().utcOffset(), -9000); }
void test() { KDateTime time; time.setTime_t(12345678); qDebug() << "Type:" << time.timeType(); QList<QVariant> list; list << 123ULL << "Hello"; qDebug() << "List:" << list; #if 0 QMessageLogContext context; context.function = "void AClass::hello(void)"; context.file = "../src/another.cpp"; context.category = "[EAS]"; context.line = __LINE__; // qDebug() << qCleanupFuncinfo("void hello(void)"); qDebug() << qMessageFormatString(QtDebugMsg, context, "This is a debug string"); #endif }
bool AllNotesListJob::shouldStartNewJob(const KUrl &prev, const KUrl &next) { Q_UNUSED(next); Q_D(AllNotesListJob); const QString since = prev.queryItem("since"); if (since.isEmpty()) { kDebug() << "Aborting notes fetching, no date range found in URL!"; return false; } KDateTime sinceTime; sinceTime.setTime_t(since.toLongLong()); if (!sinceTime.isValid()) { kDebug() << "Aborting notes fetching, invalid date range found in URL!"; return false; } return (sinceTime >= d->lowerLimit); }