KeyValues* CASW_Location_Group::GetKeyValuesForEditor()
    char buffer[64];
    KeyValues *pKeys = new KeyValues( "Group" );
    pKeys->SetInt( "RequiredUnlocks", m_iRequiredUnlocks );
    Q_snprintf( buffer, sizeof( buffer ), "%d %d %d %d", m_Color.r(), m_Color.g(), m_Color.b(), m_Color.a() );
    pKeys->SetString( "Color", buffer );
    pKeys->SetString( "Name", m_szGroupName );
    pKeys->SetString( "TitleText", m_szTitleText );
    pKeys->SetString( "DescriptionText", m_szDescriptionText );
    pKeys->SetString( "ImageName", m_szImageName );

    for ( int i = 0; i < m_UnlockedBy.Count(); i++ )
        KeyValues *pKey = new KeyValues( "UnlockMissionID" );
        Q_snprintf( buffer, sizeof( buffer ), "%d", m_UnlockedBy[i] );
        pKey->SetStringValue( buffer );
        pKeys->AddSubKey( pKey );
    for ( int i = 0; i < m_Locations.Count(); i++ )
        KeyValues *pKey = m_Locations[i]->GetKeyValuesForEditor();
        pKeys->AddSubKey( pKey );
    return pKeys;
// Purpose: handles button commands
void InputDialog::OnCommand(const char *command)
	// overriding OnCommand for backwards compatability
	// it'd be nice at some point to find all uses of InputDialog and just use BaseInputDialog's OnCommand

	if (!stricmp(command, "OK"))
		int nTextLength = m_pInput->GetTextLength() + 1;
		char* txt = (char*)_alloca( nTextLength * sizeof(char) );
		m_pInput->GetText( txt, nTextLength );
		KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "InputCompleted", "text", txt );
		if ( m_pContextKeyValues )
			kv->AddSubKey( m_pContextKeyValues );
			m_pContextKeyValues = NULL;
		PostActionSignal( kv );
	else if (!stricmp(command, "Cancel"))
		KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "InputCanceled" );
		if ( m_pContextKeyValues )
			kv->AddSubKey( m_pContextKeyValues );
			m_pContextKeyValues = NULL;
		PostActionSignal( kv );
// Purpose: handles button commands
void InputDialog::OnCommand(const char *command)
	if (!stricmp(command, "OK"))
		int nTextLength = m_pInput->GetTextLength() + 1;
		char* txt = (char*)_alloca( nTextLength * sizeof(char) );
		m_pInput->GetText( txt, nTextLength );
		KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "InputCompleted", "text", txt );
		if ( m_pContextKeyValues )
			kv->AddSubKey( m_pContextKeyValues );
			m_pContextKeyValues = NULL;
		PostActionSignal( kv );
	else if (!stricmp(command, "Cancel"))
		KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "InputCanceled" );
		if ( m_pContextKeyValues )
			kv->AddSubKey( m_pContextKeyValues );
			m_pContextKeyValues = NULL;
		PostActionSignal( kv );
KeyValues *InstantiateRule( const CTilegenMissionPreprocessor *pPreprocessor, const char *pRuleName )
	const CTilegenRule *pRule = pPreprocessor->FindRule( pRuleName );
	if ( pRule != NULL )
		KeyValues *pNewKV = new KeyValues( "rule_instance", "name", pRuleName );
		for ( int i = 0; i < pRule->GetParameterCount(); ++ i )
			if ( !pRule->IsParameterOptional( i ) )
				const KeyValues *pDefaultValue = pRule->GetDefaultValue( i );
				KeyValues *pRuleInstanceParameter = new KeyValues( pRule->GetParameterName( i ) );
				if ( pDefaultValue != NULL )
					pRuleInstanceParameter->AddSubKey( pDefaultValue->MakeCopy() );
					pRuleInstanceParameter->SetString( NULL, "<Enter Value>" );
				pNewKV->AddSubKey( pRuleInstanceParameter );
		return pNewKV;
	return NULL;
bool CRoomTemplate::SaveRoomTemplate()
    if (!m_pLevelTheme)
        return false;

    char szThemeDirName[MAX_PATH];
    Q_snprintf(szThemeDirName, sizeof(szThemeDirName), "tilegen/roomtemplates/%s", m_pLevelTheme->m_szName);
    g_pFullFileSystem->CreateDirHierarchy( szThemeDirName, "GAME" );

    char szFullFileName[MAX_PATH];
    Q_snprintf( szFullFileName, sizeof(szFullFileName), "tilegen/roomtemplates/%s/%s.roomtemplate", m_pLevelTheme->m_szName, m_FullName );
    KeyValues *pRoomTemplateKeyValues = new KeyValues( m_FullName );
    pRoomTemplateKeyValues->SetInt( "TilesX", m_nTilesX );
    pRoomTemplateKeyValues->SetInt( "TilesY", m_nTilesY );
    pRoomTemplateKeyValues->SetInt( "SpawnWeight", m_nSpawnWeight );
    pRoomTemplateKeyValues->SetString( "RoomTemplateDescription", m_Description );
    pRoomTemplateKeyValues->SetString( "Soundscape", m_Soundscape );
    pRoomTemplateKeyValues->SetInt( "TileType", m_nTileType );

    // exits
    int iExits = m_Exits.Count();
    for (int i=0; i<iExits; i++)
        KeyValues *pkvSubSection = new KeyValues("EXIT");
        pkvSubSection->SetInt("XPos", m_Exits[i]->m_iXPos);
        pkvSubSection->SetInt("YPos", m_Exits[i]->m_iYPos);
        pkvSubSection->SetInt("ExitDirection", (int) m_Exits[i]->m_ExitDirection);
        pkvSubSection->SetInt("ZChange", m_Exits[i]->m_iZChange);
        pkvSubSection->SetString("ExitTag", m_Exits[i]->m_szExitTag);
        pkvSubSection->SetBool("ChokeGrow", m_Exits[i]->m_bChokepointGrowSource);


    // tags
    KeyValues *pkvSubSection = new KeyValues("Tags");
    for ( int i=0; i<GetNumTags(); i++ )
        pkvSubSection->AddSubKey( new KeyValues( "tag", NULL, GetTag( i ) ) );

    if (!pRoomTemplateKeyValues->SaveToFile(g_pFullFileSystem, szFullFileName, "GAME"))
        Msg("Error: Failed to save room template %s\n", szFullFileName);
        return false;
    return true;
	char *name;
	bool bStatic;
	int min;
	int max;
KeyValues *__AllocKV_Identifiers( IdentifierLists_t *pList )
	KeyValues *pIdents = new KeyValues("");

	for ( int i = 0; i < pList->hList_Combos.Count(); i++ )
		pIdents->AddSubKey( __AllocKV_Combo( i, pList->hList_Combos[i] ) );
	for ( int i = 0; i < pList->hList_EConstants.Count(); i++ )
		pIdents->AddSubKey( __AllocKV_EConst( i, pList->hList_EConstants[i] ) );
	for ( int i = 0; i < pList->hList_Textures.Count(); i++ )
		pIdents->AddSubKey( __AllocKV_Texture( i, pList->hList_Textures[i] ) );

	pIdents->SetInt( "i_numdcombos", pList->inum_DynamicCombos );

	return pIdents;
// Purpose: handles button commands
void BaseInputDialog::OnCommand(const char *command)
	KeyValues *kv = NULL;
	if ( !stricmp( command, "OK" ) )
		kv = new KeyValues( "InputCompleted" );
		kv->SetPtr( "dialog", this );
	else if ( !stricmp( command, "Cancel" ) )
		kv = new KeyValues( "InputCanceled" );
		BaseClass::OnCommand( command );

	if ( m_pContextKeyValues )
		kv->AddSubKey( m_pContextKeyValues );
		m_pContextKeyValues = NULL;
	PostActionSignal( kv );
//Called every time a new time is achieved
void CTimer::SaveTime()
    const char *szMapName = gpGlobals->mapname.ToCStr();
    KeyValues *timesKV = new KeyValues(szMapName);
    int count = localTimes.Count();

    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
        Time t = localTimes[i];
        char timeName[512];
        Q_snprintf(timeName, 512, "%i", t.ticks);
        KeyValues *pSubkey = new KeyValues(timeName);
        pSubkey->SetFloat("rate", t.tickrate);

    char file[MAX_PATH];
    Q_strcpy(file, c_mapDir);
    Q_strcat(file, szMapName, MAX_PATH);
    Q_strncat(file, c_timesExt, MAX_PATH);

    if (timesKV->SaveToFile(filesystem, file, "MOD", true))
        Log("Successfully saved new time!\n");
        IGameEvent *savedEvent = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent("runtime_saved");
        if (savedEvent)

// Purpose: Delete selected entities/props. 
void CEditorSystem::DeleteSelection()
	if( !IsAnythingSelected() )

	KeyValues *pOperation = new KeyValues( "data" );
	pOperation->SetString("operation", "deleteflora");

	for( int i = 0; i < m_hSelectedEntities.Count(); i++ )
		if( !m_hSelectedEntities[i] )

		CWarsFlora *pFlora = dynamic_cast<CWarsFlora *>( m_hSelectedEntities[i].Get() );
		if( pFlora )
			pOperation->AddSubKey( new KeyValues( "flora", "uuid", pFlora->GetFloraUUID() ) );

	warseditorstorage->QueueClientCommand( pOperation );
// Process commands
void CSaveDocumentQuery::OnCommand( char const *cmd )
	if ( !Q_stricmp( cmd, "yes" ) )
		KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "OnSaveFile" );
		kv->SetString( "filename", m_szFileName );
		kv->SetString( "filetype", m_szFileType );
		kv->SetInt( "context", m_nContext );
		kv->SetPtr( "actionTarget", m_pActionSignalTarget );
		if ( m_pPostSaveKeyValues )
			kv->AddSubKey( m_pPostSaveKeyValues->MakeCopy() );
		vgui::ivgui()->PostMessage( m_pActionSignalTarget->GetVPanel(), kv, 0 );
	else if ( !Q_stricmp( cmd, "no" ) )
		PostCommand( "OnMarkNotDirty" );
		if ( m_pPostSaveKeyValues )
			vgui::ivgui()->PostMessage( m_pActionSignalTarget->GetVPanel(), m_pPostSaveKeyValues->MakeCopy(), 0 );
	else if ( !Q_stricmp( cmd, "cancel" ) )
		PostCommand( "OnCancelSaveDocument" );
		BaseClass::OnCommand( cmd );
// On command
void CDmeLogEditFrame::OnCommand( const char *pCommand )
	if ( !Q_stricmp( pCommand, "Ok" ) )
		KeyValues *pActionKeys = new KeyValues( "LogEdited" );
		if ( m_pContextKeyValues )
			pActionKeys->AddSubKey( m_pContextKeyValues );

			// This prevents them from being deleted later
			m_pContextKeyValues = NULL;

		PostActionSignal( pActionKeys );

	if ( !Q_stricmp( pCommand, "Cancel" ) )

	BaseClass::OnCommand( pCommand );
void CRoomTemplateListPanel::AddFolder( const char *pFolderName )
	int nNumFolders = m_RoomTemplateFolders.Count();
	for ( int i = 0; i < nNumFolders; ++ i )
		if ( Q_stricmp( pFolderName, m_RoomTemplateFolders[i].m_FolderName ) == 0 )
			// Mark this folder as being used
			m_RoomTemplateFolders[i].m_pFolderButton->SetVisible( true );

	// New folder, create a new entry
	Q_strncpy( m_RoomTemplateFolders[nNumFolders].m_FolderName, pFolderName, MAX_PATH );
	m_RoomTemplateFolders[nNumFolders].m_bExpanded = true;
	m_RoomTemplateFolders[nNumFolders].m_pFolderButton = new Button( this, "FolderButton", "", this, "ToggleFolder" );
	KeyValues *pMessageKV = new KeyValues( "ToggleFolder" );
	KeyValues *pIndexKV = new KeyValues( "folder" );
	pIndexKV->SetString( NULL, m_RoomTemplateFolders[nNumFolders].m_FolderName );
	pMessageKV->AddSubKey( pIndexKV );
	m_RoomTemplateFolders[nNumFolders].m_pFolderButton->SetCommand( pMessageKV );
// Load the control settings 
void CBaseModFrame::LoadControlSettings( const char *dialogResourceName, const char *pathID, KeyValues *pPreloadedKeyValues, KeyValues *pConditions )
	// Use the keyvalues they passed in or load them using special hook for flyouts generation
	KeyValues *rDat = pPreloadedKeyValues;
	if ( !rDat )
		// load the resource data from the file
		rDat  = new KeyValues(dialogResourceName);

		// check the skins directory first, if an explicit pathID hasn't been set
		bool bSuccess = false;
		if ( !IsX360() && !pathID )
			bSuccess = rDat->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, dialogResourceName, "SKIN" );
		if ( !bSuccess )
			bSuccess = rDat->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, dialogResourceName, pathID );
		if ( bSuccess )
			if ( IsX360() )
				rDat->ProcessResolutionKeys( surface()->GetResolutionKey() );
			if ( pConditions && pConditions->GetFirstSubKey() )
				GetBuildGroup()->ProcessConditionalKeys( rDat, pConditions );

	// Find the auto-generated-chapter hook
	if ( KeyValues *pHook = rDat->FindKey( "FlmChapterXXautogenerated" ) )
		const int numMaxAutogeneratedFlyouts = 20;
		for ( int k = 1; k <= numMaxAutogeneratedFlyouts; ++ k )
			KeyValues *pFlyoutInfo = pHook->MakeCopy();
			CFmtStr strName( "FlmChapter%d", k );
			pFlyoutInfo->SetName( strName );
			pFlyoutInfo->SetString( "fieldName", strName );
			pFlyoutInfo->SetString( "ResourceFile", CFmtStr( "FlmChapterXXautogenerated_%d/%s", k, pHook->GetString( "ResourceFile" ) ) );

			rDat->AddSubKey( pFlyoutInfo );

		rDat->RemoveSubKey( pHook );

	BaseClass::LoadControlSettings( dialogResourceName, pathID, rDat, pConditions );
	if ( rDat != pPreloadedKeyValues )
	CUtlVector< SimpleTexture* > hList_Textures;
	CUtlVector< SimpleCombo* > hList_Combos;
	CUtlVector< SimpleEnvConstant* > hList_EConstants;
void df_SaveDump_File( const char *canvasname, const BasicShaderCfg_t &shader )
	KeyValues *pKV = new KeyValues( canvasname );
	char _path[MAX_PATH];
	Q_snprintf( _path, MAX_PATH, "%s/%s.dump", ::GetDumpDirectory(), canvasname );
	Q_FixSlashes( _path );

	pKV->SetString( "vs_name", shader.ProcVSName );
	pKV->SetString( "ps_name", shader.ProcPSName );
	pKV->SetString( "shader_filename", shader.Filename );
	pKV->SetString( GetDumpVersion_KeyName(), GetDumpVersion_Current() );

	pKV->SetInt( "i_sm", shader.iShaderModel );
	pKV->SetInt( "i_cull", shader.iCullmode );
	pKV->SetInt( "i_ablend", shader.iAlphablendmode );
	pKV->SetFloat( "fl_atestref", shader.flAlphaTestRef );
	pKV->SetInt( "i_dtest", shader.iDepthtestmode );
	pKV->SetInt( "i_dwrite", shader.iDepthwritemode );
	pKV->SetInt( "i_srgbw", shader.bsRGBWrite ? 1 : 0 );
	pKV->SetInt( "i_vfmt_flags", shader.iVFMT_flags );
	pKV->SetInt( "i_vfmt_texcoords", shader.iVFMT_numTexcoords );
	pKV->SetInt( "i_vfmt_udata", shader.iVFMT_numUserData );
	for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
		char tmp[48];
		Q_snprintf( tmp, sizeof(tmp), "i_vfmt_texcoordDim_%i", i );
		pKV->SetInt( tmp, shader.iVFMT_texDim[i] );

	pKV->SetInt( "i_vlit", shader.bVertexLighting );
	pKV->SetInt( "i_vrefract", shader.bRefractionSupport );

	KeyValues *pKVIdentVS = __AllocKV_Identifiers( shader.pVS_Identifiers );
	pKVIdentVS->SetName( "identifiers_VS" );
	pKV->AddSubKey( pKVIdentVS );

	KeyValues *pKVIdentPS = __AllocKV_Identifiers( shader.pPS_Identifiers );
	pKVIdentPS->SetName( "identifiers_PS" );
	pKV->AddSubKey( pKVIdentPS );

	pKV->SaveToFile( g_pFullFileSystem, _path, "MOD" );
void UTIL_IncrementMapKey( const char *pszCustomKey )
	if ( !pszCustomKey )

	char szFilename[ _MAX_PATH ];
	if ( !UTIL_GetMapLoadCountFileName( MAP_KEY_FILE, szFilename, _MAX_PATH ) )

	int iCount = 1;

	KeyValues *kvMapLoadFile = new KeyValues( MAP_KEY_FILE );
	if ( kvMapLoadFile )
		kvMapLoadFile->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, szFilename, "MOD" );

		char mapname[MAX_MAP_NAME];
		Q_FileBase( engine->GetLevelName(), mapname, sizeof( mapname) );
		Q_strlower( mapname );

		// Increment existing, or add a new one
		KeyValues *pMapKey = kvMapLoadFile->FindKey( mapname );
		if ( pMapKey )
			iCount = pMapKey->GetInt( pszCustomKey, 0 ) + 1;
			pMapKey->SetInt( pszCustomKey, iCount );
			KeyValues *pNewKey = new KeyValues( mapname );
			if ( pNewKey )
				pNewKey->SetString( pszCustomKey, "1" );
				kvMapLoadFile->AddSubKey( pNewKey );

		// Write it out

		// force create this directory incase it doesn't exist
		filesystem->CreateDirHierarchy( MAP_KEY_FILE_DIR, "MOD");

		CUtlBuffer buf( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER );
		kvMapLoadFile->RecursiveSaveToFile( buf, 0 );
		g_pFullFileSystem->WriteFile( szFilename, "MOD", buf );


	if ( IsX360() )
#ifdef _X360
KeyValues* VMFExporter::GetDefaultCamera()
    KeyValues *pKeys = new KeyValues( "cameras" );
    pKeys->SetInt( "activecamera", 0 );

    KeyValues *pSubKeys = new KeyValues( "camera" );
    pSubKeys->SetString( "position", "[135.491 -60.314 364.02]" );
    pSubKeys->SetString( "look", "[141.195 98.7571 151.25]" );
    pKeys->AddSubKey( pSubKeys );

    return pKeys;
void CRulePickerDialog::OnRuleDetailsClicked( vgui::Panel *pPanel )
	CRuleDetailsPanel *pRuleDetails = dynamic_cast< CRuleDetailsPanel * >( pPanel );
	Assert( pPanel != NULL );

	KeyValues *pNewRuleInstance = InstantiateRule( m_pRulePreprocessor, pRuleDetails->GetRule()->GetName() );
	if ( pNewRuleInstance != NULL )
		KeyValues *pMessage = new KeyValues( "RuleChanged" );
		pMessage->AddSubKey( pNewRuleInstance );
		PostActionSignal( pMessage );
KeyValues* CASW_Location::GetKeyValuesForEditor()
    KeyValues *pKeys = new KeyValues( "Location" );
    pKeys->SetInt( "x", m_iXPos );
    pKeys->SetInt( "y", m_iYPos );
    pKeys->SetInt( "MinDifficulty", m_iMinDifficulty );
    pKeys->SetInt( "MaxDifficulty", m_iMaxDifficulty );
    pKeys->SetString( "StoryScene", m_szStoryScene );
    pKeys->SetString( "ImageName", m_szImageName );
    // if mission doesn't have a valid ID then find one
    if ( m_iLocationID == -1 )
        m_iLocationID = LocationGrid()->GetFreeLocationID();
    pKeys->SetInt( "ID", m_iLocationID );
    pKeys->SetString( "CustomMission", m_pszCustomMission );
    pKeys->SetInt( "Company", m_iCompanyIndex );
    //pKeys->SetInt( "MoneyReward", m_iMoneyReward );
    //pKeys->SetInt( "XPReward", m_iXPReward );
    pKeys->SetInt( "Optional", m_bIsMissionOptional );

    if ( m_Rewards.Count() > 0 )
        KeyValues *pRewards = new KeyValues( "Rewards");
        pKeys->AddSubKey( pRewards );
        for ( int i = 0; i < m_Rewards.Count(); i++ )
            KeyValues *pReward = m_Rewards[i]->GetKeyValuesForEditor();
            if ( pReward )
                pRewards->AddSubKey( pReward );
    return pKeys;
void CTileGenDialog::GenerateRoomThumbnails( bool bAddToPerforce )
	// save out a keyvalues file with position/size of each room
	KeyValues *pKV = new KeyValues( "RoomThumbnails" );
	char filename[MAX_PATH];
	for ( int i=0;i<m_pMapLayout->m_PlacedRooms.Count();i++ )
		CRoom *pRoom = m_pMapLayout->m_PlacedRooms[i];
		if ( !pRoom )
		KeyValues *pkvEntry = new KeyValues( "Thumbnail" );
		Q_snprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "tilegen/roomtemplates/%s/%s.tga", pRoom->m_pRoomTemplate->m_pLevelTheme->m_szName,
			pRoom->m_pRoomTemplate->GetFullName() );
		pkvEntry->SetString( "Filename", filename );

		int half_map_size = MAP_LAYOUT_TILES_WIDE * 0.5f;		// shift back so the middle of our grid is the origin
		float xPos = (pRoom->m_iPosX - half_map_size) * ASW_TILE_SIZE;
		float yPos = (pRoom->m_iPosY - half_map_size) * ASW_TILE_SIZE;
		pkvEntry->SetFloat( "RoomX", xPos );
		pkvEntry->SetFloat( "RoomY", yPos + pRoom->m_pRoomTemplate->GetTilesY() * ASW_TILE_SIZE );

		pkvEntry->SetFloat( "RoomWide", pRoom->m_pRoomTemplate->GetTilesX() * ASW_TILE_SIZE );
		pkvEntry->SetFloat( "RoomTall", pRoom->m_pRoomTemplate->GetTilesY() * ASW_TILE_SIZE );

		pkvEntry->SetFloat( "OutputWide", pRoom->m_pRoomTemplate->GetTilesX() * RoomTemplatePanelTileSize() );
		pkvEntry->SetFloat( "OutputTall", pRoom->m_pRoomTemplate->GetTilesY() * RoomTemplatePanelTileSize() );

		pKV->AddSubKey( pkvEntry );

	if ( !pKV->SaveToFile( g_pFullFileSystem, THUMBNAILS_FILE, "GAME" ) )
		Msg( "Error: Couldn't save %s\n", THUMBNAILS_FILE );


	m_pMapLayout->SaveMapLayout( "maps/output.layout" );
	if ( engine )
		char buffer[256];
		Q_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "asw_random_weapons 0; asw_building_room_thumbnails 1; asw_add_room_thumbnails_to_perforce %d; asw_build_map %s", bAddToPerforce ? 1 : 0, "output.layout" );
		engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( buffer );
bool VMFExporter::AddRoomTemplateSolids( const CRoomTemplate *pRoomTemplate )
    // open its vmf file
    char roomvmfname[MAX_PATH];
    Q_snprintf(roomvmfname, sizeof(roomvmfname), "tilegen/roomtemplates/%s/%s.vmf",
               pRoomTemplate->GetFullName() );
    m_pTemplateKeys = new KeyValues( "RoomTemplateVMF" );
    m_pTemplateKeys->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, roomvmfname, "GAME" );

    // look for world key
    for ( KeyValues *pKeys = m_pTemplateKeys; pKeys; pKeys = pKeys->GetNextKey() )
        if ( !Q_stricmp( pKeys->GetName(), "world" ) )		// find the world key in our room template
            if ( !ProcessWorld( pKeys ) )					// fix up solid positions
                Q_snprintf( m_szLastExporterError, sizeof(m_szLastExporterError), "Failed to copy world from room %s\n", pRoomTemplate->GetFullName() );
                return false;
            for ( KeyValues *pSubKey = pKeys->GetFirstSubKey(); pSubKey; pSubKey = pSubKey->GetNextKey() )		// convert each solid to a func_detail entity
                if ( !Q_stricmp( pSubKey->GetName(), "solid" ) )
                    if ( IsDisplacementBrush( pSubKey ) )
                        // add to world section
                        m_pExportWorldKeys->AddSubKey( pSubKey->MakeCopy() );
                        // put into entity section as a func_detail
                        KeyValues *pFuncDetail = new KeyValues( "entity" );
                        pFuncDetail->SetInt( "id", ++m_iEntityCount );
                        pFuncDetail->SetString( "classname", "func_detail" );
                        pFuncDetail->AddSubKey( pSubKey->MakeCopy() );
                        m_pExportKeys->AddSubKey( pFuncDetail );
    m_pTemplateKeys = NULL;
    return true;
void CASWJukeboxPlaylist::ExportPlayistKV( void )
	KeyValues *pPlaylistKV = new KeyValues("playlist");

	for( int i=0; i<m_CombatMusicPlaylist.Count(); ++i )
		KeyValues *pTrackKV = new KeyValues("Track");
		pTrackKV->SetString( "TrackName", m_CombatMusicPlaylist[i].m_szFilename );
		pTrackKV->SetString( "HexName", m_CombatMusicPlaylist[i].m_szHexname );
		pTrackKV->SetString( "Album", m_CombatMusicPlaylist[i].m_szAlbum );
		pTrackKV->SetString( "Artist", m_CombatMusicPlaylist[i].m_szArtist);
		pTrackKV->SetString( "Genre", m_CombatMusicPlaylist[i].m_szGenre );
		pPlaylistKV->AddSubKey( pTrackKV );
	pPlaylistKV->SaveToFile( filesystem, sz_PlaylistFilename );
void BuildGroup::ProcessConditionalKeys( KeyValues *pData, KeyValues *pConditions )
	// for each condition, look for it in keys
	// if its a positive condition, promote all of its children, replacing values

	if ( pData )
		KeyValues *pSubKey = pData->GetFirstSubKey();
		if ( !pSubKey )
			// not a block

		for ( ; pSubKey != nullptr; pSubKey = pSubKey->GetNextKey() )
			// recursively descend each sub block
			ProcessConditionalKeys( pSubKey, pConditions );

			KeyValues *pCondition = pConditions->GetFirstSubKey();
			for ( ; pCondition != nullptr; pCondition = pCondition->GetNextKey() )
				// if we match any conditions in this sub block, copy up
				KeyValues *pConditionBlock = pSubKey->FindKey( pCondition->GetName() );
				if ( pConditionBlock )
					KeyValues *pOverridingKey;
					for ( pOverridingKey = pConditionBlock->GetFirstSubKey(); pOverridingKey != nullptr; pOverridingKey = pOverridingKey->GetNextKey() )
						KeyValues *pExistingKey = pSubKey->FindKey( pOverridingKey->GetName() );
						if ( pExistingKey )
							pExistingKey->SetStringValue( pOverridingKey->GetString() );
							KeyValues *copy = pOverridingKey->MakeCopy();
							pSubKey->AddSubKey( copy );
// Utility to set the completion state
void FileOpenStateMachine::SetCompletionState( FileOpenStateMachine::CompletionState_t state )
	m_CompletionState = state;
	if ( m_CompletionState == IN_PROGRESS )

	m_CurrentState = STATE_NONE;

	KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "FileStateMachineFinished" );
	kv->SetInt( "completionState", m_CompletionState );
	kv->SetInt( "wroteFile", m_bWroteFile );
	kv->SetString( "fullPath", m_FileName.Get() );
	kv->SetString( "fileType", m_bIsOpeningFile ? m_OpenFileType.Get() : m_SaveFileType.Get() );
	if ( m_pContextKeyValues )
		kv->AddSubKey( m_pContextKeyValues );
		m_pContextKeyValues = NULL;
	PostActionSignal( kv );
// command handler
void CAddPresetDialog::OnCommand( const char *command )
	if ( !Q_stricmp( command, "OK" ) )
		int nTextLength = m_pInput->GetTextLength() + 1;
		char* txt = (char*)_alloca( nTextLength * sizeof(char) );
		m_pInput->GetText( txt, nTextLength );

		nTextLength = m_pPresetGroup->GetTextLength() + 1;
		char* pPresetGroupName = (char*)_alloca( nTextLength * sizeof(char) );
		m_pPresetGroup->GetText( pPresetGroupName, nTextLength );

		KeyValues *pCurrentGroup = m_pPresetGroup->GetActiveItemUserData();
		CDmePresetGroup *pPresetGroup = pCurrentGroup ? GetElementKeyValue<CDmePresetGroup>( pCurrentGroup, "presetGroup" ) : NULL;
		if ( pPresetGroup && Q_stricmp( pPresetGroup->GetName(), pPresetGroupName ) )
			pPresetGroup = NULL;
		KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "PresetNameSelected", "text", txt );
		kv->SetString( "presetGroupName", pPresetGroupName );
		SetElementKeyValue( kv, "presetGroup", pPresetGroup );

		if ( m_pContextKeyValues )
			kv->AddSubKey( m_pContextKeyValues );
			m_pContextKeyValues = NULL;
		PostActionSignal( kv );

	if ( !Q_stricmp( command, "Cancel") )

	BaseClass::OnCommand( command );
// Purpose: 
void CEditorSystem::DoSelect( CHL2WarsPlayer *pPlayer )
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
	// Sync from client
#endif // CLIENT_DLL

	Vector vPos = pPlayer->Weapon_ShootPosition();
	const Vector &vMouseAim = pPlayer->GetMouseAim();
	const Vector &vCamOffset = pPlayer->GetCameraOffset();

	Vector vStartPos, vEndPos;
	vStartPos = vPos + vCamOffset;
	vEndPos = vStartPos + (vMouseAim *  MAX_TRACE_LENGTH);

	//NDebugOverlay::Line( vStartPos, vEndPos, 0, 255, 0, true, 4.0f );

	Ray_t pickerRay;
	pickerRay.Init( vStartPos, vEndPos );

	CWarsFlora *pBest = NULL;
	float fBestDistance = 0;

	for( CBaseEntity *pEntity = ClientEntityList().FirstBaseEntity(); pEntity; pEntity = ClientEntityList().NextBaseEntity( pEntity ) )
	for( CBaseEntity *pEntity = gEntList.FirstEnt(); pEntity != NULL; pEntity = gEntList.NextEnt( pEntity ) )
#endif // CLIENT_DLL
		CWarsFlora *pFlora = dynamic_cast<CWarsFlora *>( pEntity );
		if( pFlora )
			// Prefer testing against hitboxes
			// If no hitboxes available, use the bounding box
			trace_t trace;
			bool bTestedHitBoxes = pFlora->TestHitboxes( pickerRay, MASK_SOLID, trace );
			if( bTestedHitBoxes )
				if( trace.DidHit() )
					float fDistance = trace.endpos.DistTo( vStartPos );
					if( !pBest || fDistance < fBestDistance )
						pBest = pFlora;
						fBestDistance = fDistance;
				CBaseTrace trace2;
				if ( IntersectRayWithBox( pickerRay,
					pFlora->GetAbsOrigin() + pFlora->CollisionProp()->OBBMins(), pFlora->GetAbsOrigin() + pFlora->CollisionProp()->OBBMaxs(),
					0.5f, &trace2 ) )
					float fDistance = trace2.endpos.DistTo( vStartPos );
					if( !pBest || fDistance < fBestDistance )
						pBest = pFlora;
						fBestDistance = fDistance;

	if( pBest )
		if( !IsSelected( pBest ) )
			Select( pBest );

			KeyValues *pOperation = new KeyValues( "data" );
			pOperation->SetString("operation", "select");
			KeyValues *pFloraKey = new KeyValues( "flora", "uuid", pBest->GetFloraUUID() );
			pFloraKey->SetBool(  "select", true );
			pOperation->AddSubKey( pFloraKey );
			warseditorstorage->QueueServerCommand( pOperation );
			Deselect( pBest );

			KeyValues *pOperation = new KeyValues( "data" );
			pOperation->SetString("operation", "select");
			KeyValues *pFloraKey = new KeyValues( "flora", "uuid", pBest->GetFloraUUID() );
			pFloraKey->SetBool(  "select", false );
			pOperation->AddSubKey( pFloraKey );
			warseditorstorage->QueueServerCommand( pOperation );
		//NDebugOverlay::Box( pBest->GetAbsOrigin(), -Vector(8, 8, 8), Vector(8, 8, 8), 0, 255, 0, 255, 5.0f);
bool CMapLayout::SaveMapLayout( const char *filename )
	KeyValues *pLayoutKeys = new KeyValues( "Layout" );

	if ( m_pGenerationOptions )
		pLayoutKeys->AddSubKey( m_pGenerationOptions->MakeCopy() );

	KeyValues *pMiscKeys = new KeyValues( "mapmisc" );
	pMiscKeys->SetInt( "PlayerStartX", m_iPlayerStartTileX );
	pMiscKeys->SetInt( "PlayerStartY", m_iPlayerStartTileY );
	pLayoutKeys->AddSubKey( pMiscKeys );
	// save out each room
	int iRooms = m_PlacedRooms.Count();
	for (int i=0;i<iRooms;i++)
		CRoom *pRoom = m_PlacedRooms[i];
		if (!pRoom)

		pLayoutKeys->AddSubKey( pRoom->GetKeyValuesCopy() );
	// save out logical rooms
	iRooms = m_LogicalRooms.Count();
	for (int i=0;i<iRooms;i++)
		KeyValues *pRoomKeys = new KeyValues( "logical_room" );
		if ( m_LogicalRooms[i]->m_pLevelTheme )
			pRoomKeys->SetString( "theme", m_LogicalRooms[i]->m_pLevelTheme->m_szName );
		pRoomKeys->SetString( "template", m_LogicalRooms[i]->GetFullName() );
		pLayoutKeys->AddSubKey( pRoomKeys );

	for ( int i = 0; i < m_InstanceSpawns.Count(); ++ i )
		KeyValues *pNewInstanceSpawn = new KeyValues( "instance_spawn" );
		m_InstanceSpawns[i].SaveToKeyValues( pNewInstanceSpawn );
		pLayoutKeys->AddSubKey( pNewInstanceSpawn );
	for ( int i = 0; i < m_Encounters.Count(); ++ i )
		KeyValues *pEncounterKeys = new KeyValues( "npc_encounter" );
		m_Encounters[i]->SaveToKeyValues( pEncounterKeys );
		pLayoutKeys->AddSubKey( pEncounterKeys );

	CUtlBuffer buf( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER );
	for ( KeyValues *pKey = pLayoutKeys->GetFirstSubKey(); pKey; pKey = pKey->GetNextKey() )
		pKey->RecursiveSaveToFile( buf, 0 );			
	if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->WriteFile( filename, "GAME", buf ) )
		Log_Warning( LOG_TilegenLayoutSystem, "Failed to SaveToFile %s\n", filename );
		return false;

	return true;
static void saveZonFile(const char* szMapName)
    KeyValues* zoneKV = new KeyValues(szMapName);
    CBaseEntity* pEnt = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname(NULL, "trigger_momentum_*");
    while (pEnt)
        KeyValues* subKey = NULL;
        if (pEnt->ClassMatches("trigger_momentum_timer_start"))
            CTriggerTimerStart* pTrigger = dynamic_cast<CTriggerTimerStart*>(pEnt);
            subKey = new KeyValues("start");
            if (pTrigger)
                subKey->SetFloat("leavespeed", pTrigger->GetMaxLeaveSpeed());
                subKey->SetBool("limitingspeed", pTrigger->IsLimitingSpeed());
        else if (pEnt->ClassMatches("trigger_momentum_timer_stop"))
            subKey = new KeyValues("end");
        else if (pEnt->ClassMatches("trigger_momentum_timer_checkpoint"))
            CTriggerCheckpoint* pTrigger = dynamic_cast<CTriggerCheckpoint*>(pEnt);
            if (pTrigger)
                subKey = new KeyValues("checkpoint");
                subKey->SetInt("number", pTrigger->GetCheckpointNumber());
        else if (pEnt->ClassMatches("trigger_momentum_onehop"))
            CTriggerOnehop* pTrigger = dynamic_cast<CTriggerOnehop*>(pEnt);
            if (pTrigger)
                subKey = new KeyValues("onehop");
                //subKey->SetInt("destination", pTrigger->GetDestinationIndex());
                subKey->SetBool("stop", pTrigger->ShouldStopPlayer());
                subKey->SetBool("resetang", pTrigger->ShouldResetAngles());
                subKey->SetFloat("hold", pTrigger->GetHoldTeleportTime());
                subKey->SetString("destinationname", pTrigger->m_target.ToCStr());
        else if (pEnt->ClassMatches("trigger_momentum_resetonehop"))
            subKey = new KeyValues("resetonehop");
        else if (pEnt->ClassMatches("trigger_momentum_teleport_checkpoint"))

            CTriggerTeleportCheckpoint* pTrigger = dynamic_cast<CTriggerTeleportCheckpoint*>(pEnt);
            if (pTrigger)
                subKey = new KeyValues("checkpoint_teleport");
                //subKey->SetInt("destination", pTrigger->GetDestinationCheckpointNumber());
                subKey->SetBool("stop", pTrigger->ShouldStopPlayer());
                subKey->SetBool("resetang", pTrigger->ShouldResetAngles());
                subKey->SetString("destinationname", pTrigger->m_target.ToCStr());
        else if (pEnt->ClassMatches("trigger_momentum_multihop"))
            CTriggerMultihop* pTrigger = dynamic_cast<CTriggerMultihop*>(pEnt);
            if (pTrigger)
                subKey = new KeyValues("multihop");
                //subKey->SetInt("destination", pTrigger->GetDestinationIndex());
                subKey->SetBool("stop", pTrigger->ShouldStopPlayer());
                subKey->SetFloat("hold", pTrigger->GetHoldTeleportTime());
                subKey->SetBool("resetang", pTrigger->ShouldResetAngles());
                subKey->SetString("destinationname", pTrigger->m_target.ToCStr());
        else if (pEnt->ClassMatches("trigger_momentum_timer_stage"))
            CTriggerStage *pTrigger = dynamic_cast<CTriggerStage*>(pEnt);
            if (pTrigger)
                subKey = new KeyValues("stage");
                subKey->SetInt("number", pTrigger->GetStageNumber());
        if (subKey)
            subKey->SetFloat("xPos", pEnt->GetAbsOrigin().x);
            subKey->SetFloat("yPos", pEnt->GetAbsOrigin().y);
            subKey->SetFloat("zPos", pEnt->GetAbsOrigin().z);
            subKey->SetFloat("xRot", pEnt->GetAbsAngles().x);
            subKey->SetFloat("yRot", pEnt->GetAbsAngles().y);
            subKey->SetFloat("zRot", pEnt->GetAbsAngles().z);
            subKey->SetFloat("xScaleMins", pEnt->WorldAlignMins().x);
            subKey->SetFloat("yScaleMins", pEnt->WorldAlignMins().y);
            subKey->SetFloat("zScaleMins", pEnt->WorldAlignMins().z);
            subKey->SetFloat("xScaleMaxs", pEnt->WorldAlignMaxs().x);
            subKey->SetFloat("yScaleMaxs", pEnt->WorldAlignMaxs().y);
            subKey->SetFloat("zScaleMaxs", pEnt->WorldAlignMaxs().z);
        pEnt = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname(pEnt, "trigger_momentum_*");
    if (zoneKV->GetFirstSubKey())//not empty 
        char zoneFilePath[MAX_PATH];
        Q_strcpy(zoneFilePath, "maps/");
        Q_strcat(zoneFilePath, szMapName, MAX_PATH);
        Q_strncat(zoneFilePath, ".zon", MAX_PATH);
        zoneKV->SaveToFile(filesystem, zoneFilePath, "MOD");
void CBaseGameStats_Driver::CollectData( StatSendType_t sendType )
	CGamestatsData *pGamestatsData = NULL;
#ifdef GAME_DLL
	// for server, check with the engine to see if there already a gamestats data container registered.  (There will be if there is a client
	// running in the same process.)
	pGamestatsData = engine->GetGamestatsData();
	if ( pGamestatsData )
		// use the registered gamestats container, so free the one we allocated
		if ( m_pGamestatsData != NULL )
			delete m_pGamestatsData;
			m_pGamestatsData = NULL;
		pGamestatsData = m_pGamestatsData;
	pGamestatsData = m_pGamestatsData;
	Assert( pGamestatsData );
	KeyValues *pKV = pGamestatsData->m_pKVData;

	int iAppID = engine->GetAppID();
	pKV->SetInt( "appid", iAppID );

	switch ( sendType )
			// make a map node in the KeyValues to use for this level
			char szMap[MAX_PATH+1]="";
#ifdef CLIENT_DLL	
			Q_FileBase( engine->GetLevelName(), szMap, ARRAYSIZE( szMap ) );
			Q_strncpy( szMap, gpGlobals->mapname.ToCStr(), ARRAYSIZE( szMap ) );
#endif // CLIENT_DLL
			if ( !szMap[0] )
			KeyValues *pKVMap = new KeyValues( "map" );
			pKV->AddSubKey( pKVMap );
			pKVMap->SetString( "mapname", szMap );
			pKV = pKVMap;

		Assert( false );

	// add common data
	pGamestatsData->m_bHaveData |= AddBaseDataForSend( pKV, sendType );
	// add game-specific data
	pGamestatsData->m_bHaveData |= gamestats->AddDataForSend( pKV, sendType );	
bool CASW_Mission_Chooser_Source_Local::ASW_Campaign_CreateNewSaveGame(char *szFileName, int iFileNameMaxLen, const char *szCampaignName, bool bMultiplayerGame, const char *szStartingMission)	// szFileName arg is the desired filename or NULL for an autogenerated one.  Function sets szFileName with the filename used.
	if (!szFileName)
		return false;

	char stripped[MAX_PATH];
	V_StripExtension( szCampaignName, stripped, MAX_PATH );

	char szStartingMissionStripped[64];
	if ( szStartingMission )
		V_StripExtension( szStartingMission, szStartingMissionStripped, sizeof( szStartingMissionStripped ) );
		szStartingMissionStripped[0] = 0;

	// check the campaign file exists
	char campbuffer[MAX_PATH];
	Q_snprintf(campbuffer, sizeof(campbuffer), "resource/campaigns/%s.txt", stripped);
	if (!g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists(campbuffer))
		Msg("No such campaign: %s\n", campbuffer);
		return false;

	// Get the current time and date as a string
	char szDateTime[256];
	int year, month, dayOfWeek, day, hour, minute, second;
	ASW_System_GetCurrentTimeAndDate(&year, &month, &dayOfWeek, &day, &hour, &minute, &second);
	Q_snprintf(szDateTime, sizeof(szDateTime), "%02d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d", month, day, year, hour, minute);

	if (szFileName[0] == '\0')
		// autogenerate a filename based on the current time and date
		Q_snprintf(szFileName, iFileNameMaxLen, "%s_save_%02d_%02d_%02d_%02d_%02d_%02d", stripped, year, month, day, hour, minute, second);

	// make sure the path and extension are correct
	Q_SetExtension( szFileName, ".campaignsave", iFileNameMaxLen );
	char tempbuffer[256];
	Q_snprintf(tempbuffer, sizeof(tempbuffer), "%s", szFileName);
	const char *pszNoPathName = Q_UnqualifiedFileName(tempbuffer);
	Msg("Unqualified = %s\n", pszNoPathName);
	char szFullFileName[256];
	Q_snprintf(szFullFileName, sizeof(szFullFileName), "save/%s", pszNoPathName);
	Msg("Creating new save with filename: %s\n", szFullFileName);

	KeyValues *pSaveKeyValues = new KeyValues( pszNoPathName );

	int nMissionsComplete = 0;
	if ( szStartingMission && szStartingMission[0] )
		KeyValues *pCampaignDetails = GetCampaignDetails( stripped );
		if ( pCampaignDetails )
			int nMissionSections = 0;
			for ( KeyValues *pMission = pCampaignDetails->GetFirstSubKey(); pMission; pMission = pMission->GetNextKey() )
				if ( !Q_stricmp( pMission->GetName(), "MISSION" ) )
					if ( !Q_stricmp( pMission->GetString( "MapName", "" ), szStartingMissionStripped ) )
						nMissionsComplete = nMissionSections - 1;		// skip first dummy mission
	pSaveKeyValues->SetInt("Version", ASW_CURRENT_SAVE_VERSION);
	pSaveKeyValues->SetString("CampaignName", stripped);
	pSaveKeyValues->SetInt("CurrentPosition", nMissionsComplete + 1);		// position squad on the first uncompleted mission
	pSaveKeyValues->SetInt("NumMissionsComplete", nMissionsComplete);
	pSaveKeyValues->SetInt("InitialNumMissionsComplete", nMissionsComplete);
	pSaveKeyValues->SetInt("Multiplayer", bMultiplayerGame ? 1 : 0);
	pSaveKeyValues->SetString("DateTime", szDateTime);
	pSaveKeyValues->SetInt("NumPlayers", 0);	
	// write out each mission's status
	KeyValues *pSubSection;
	for (int i=0; i<ASW_MAX_MISSIONS_PER_CAMPAIGN; i++)
		pSubSection = new KeyValues("MISSION");
		pSubSection->SetInt("MissionID", i);
		bool bComplete = ( i != 0 ) && ( i <= nMissionsComplete );
		pSubSection->SetInt("MissionComplete", bComplete ? 1 : 0 );

	const int nInitialSkillPoints = 0;

	// write out each marine's stats
	for (int i=0; i<ASW_NUM_MARINE_PROFILES; i++)
		pSubSection = new KeyValues("MARINE");
		pSubSection->SetInt("MarineID", i);
		pSubSection->SetInt("SkillSlot0", 0);
		pSubSection->SetInt("SkillSlot1", 0);
		pSubSection->SetInt("SkillSlot2", 0);
		pSubSection->SetInt("SkillSlot3", 0);
		pSubSection->SetInt("SkillSlot4", 0);
		pSubSection->SetInt("SkillSlotSpare", nInitialSkillPoints + nMissionsComplete * ASW_SKILL_POINTS_PER_MISSION );

		pSubSection->SetInt("UndoSkillSlot0", 0);
		pSubSection->SetInt("UndoSkillSlot1", 0);
		pSubSection->SetInt("UndoSkillSlot2", 0);
		pSubSection->SetInt("UndoSkillSlot3", 0);
		pSubSection->SetInt("UndoSkillSlot4", 0);
		pSubSection->SetInt("UndoSkillSlotSpare", nInitialSkillPoints + nMissionsComplete * ASW_SKILL_POINTS_PER_MISSION );
		pSubSection->SetString("MissionsCompleted", "");
		pSubSection->SetString("Medals", "");
		pSubSection->SetInt("Wounded", 0);
		pSubSection->SetInt("Dead", 0);
		pSubSection->SetInt("ParasitesKilled", 0);
	// players section is empty at first 

	// Create the save sub-directory
	if (!g_pFullFileSystem->IsDirectory( "save", "MOD" ))
		g_pFullFileSystem->CreateDirHierarchy( "save", "MOD" );

	// save it
	if (pSaveKeyValues->SaveToFile(g_pFullFileSystem, szFullFileName))
		// make sure our save summary list adds this to it, if needed
		Msg("New save created: %s\n", szFullFileName);
		return true;
	Msg("Save to file failed. Filename=%s\n", szFullFileName);
	return false;
void GameSettings::OnCommand(const char *command)
	if( V_strcmp( command, "cmd_gametype_campaign" ) == 0 )
		KeyValues *kvUpdate = new KeyValues( "update" );
		kvUpdate->SetString( "game/mode", "campaign" );
		KeyValues *kvModification = new KeyValues( "settings" );
		kvModification->AddSubKey( kvUpdate );
		UpdateSessionSettings( KeyValues::AutoDeleteInline( kvModification ) );
	else if( V_strcmp( command, "cmd_gametype_single_mission" ) == 0 )
		KeyValues *kvUpdate = new KeyValues( "update" );
		kvUpdate->SetString( "game/mode", "single_mission" );
		KeyValues *kvModification = new KeyValues( "settings" );
		kvModification->AddSubKey( kvUpdate );
		UpdateSessionSettings( KeyValues::AutoDeleteInline( kvModification ) );
	else if( V_strcmp( command, "cmd_gametype_sdk" ) == 0 )
		KeyValues *kvUpdate = new KeyValues( "update" );
		kvUpdate->SetString( "game/mode", "sdk" );
		KeyValues *kvModification = new KeyValues( "settings" );
		kvModification->AddSubKey( kvUpdate );
		UpdateSessionSettings( KeyValues::AutoDeleteInline( kvModification ) );
	else if( V_strcmp( command, "cmd_gametype_swarmkeeper" ) == 0 )
		KeyValues *kvUpdate = new KeyValues( "update" );
		kvUpdate->SetString( "game/mode", "swarmkeeper" );
		KeyValues *kvModification = new KeyValues( "settings" );
		kvModification->AddSubKey( kvUpdate );
		UpdateSessionSettings( KeyValues::AutoDeleteInline( kvModification ) );
	else if( V_strcmp( command, "cmd_change_mission" ) == 0 )
	else if ( V_strcmp( command, "cmd_change_starting_mission" ) == 0 )
	else if ( char const *szMissionSelected = StringAfterPrefix( command, "cmd_mission_selected_" ) )
		KeyValues *pSettings = KeyValues::FromString(
			" update { "
			" game { "
			" mission sdk_teams_hdr"
			" } "
			" } "
		KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete( pSettings );

		char stripped[MAX_PATH];
		V_StripExtension( szMissionSelected, stripped, MAX_PATH );
		pSettings->SetString( "update/game/mission", stripped );

		UpdateSessionSettings( pSettings );
	else if( char const *szLevelSelected = StringAfterPrefix( command, "cmd_level_selected_" ) )
		KeyValues *pSettings = KeyValues::FromString(
			" update { "
			" game { "
			" mission sdk_teams_hdr "
			" } "
			" } "
		KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete( pSettings );
		char stripped[MAX_PATH];
		V_StripExtension( szLevelSelected, stripped, MAX_PATH );
		pSettings->SetString( "update/game/mission", szLevelSelected );

		UpdateSessionSettings( pSettings );
	else if( V_strcmp( command, "JoinAny" ) == 0 )	// Join game in progress
		DoCustomMatch( "game" );
	else if( V_strcmp( command, "StartGame" ) == 0 )
		char const *szNetwork = m_pSettings->GetString( "system/network", "offline" );
		if ( !Q_stricmp( szNetwork, "offline" ) )
			if ( IsCustomMatchSearchCriteria() )
				DoCustomMatch( "lobby" );
			// safety check if we aren't on live
			if( !CUIGameData::Get()->SignedInToLive() )
				SelectNetworkAccess( "lan", "public" );

			char const *szNetwork = m_pSettings->GetString( "system/network", "offline" );
			char const *szAccess = m_pSettings->GetString( "system/access", "public" );

			if ( !Q_stricmp( "LIVE", szNetwork ) &&
				!Q_stricmp( "public", szAccess ) )
				if ( ui_game_allow_create_public.GetBool() )
					OnCommand( "Create" );

				// Instead of creating a new public lobby we're going to search
				// for any existing public lobbies that match these params!
				// This way people who take this path to a public lobby will still
				// be matched with humans (they might not end up a lobby leader).
				DoCustomMatch( "lobby" );
	else if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "Create" ) )
		Assert( !IsEditingExistingLobby() );
		g_pMatchFramework->CreateSession( m_pSettings );
	else if ( char const *szNetworkType = StringAfterPrefix( command, "GameNetwork_" ) )
		SelectNetworkAccess( szNetworkType, "public" );
	else if ( char const *szAccessType = StringAfterPrefix( command, "GameAccess_" ) )
		SelectNetworkAccess( "LIVE", szAccessType );
// 	else if( V_strcmp( command, "StartLobby" ) == 0 )
// 	{
// 	}
	else if( V_strcmp( command, "Back" ) == 0 )
		// Act as though 360 back button was pressed
		OnKeyCodePressed( ButtonCodeToJoystickButtonCode( KEY_XBUTTON_B, CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().GetLastActiveUserId() ) );
	else if ( const char *szDifficultyValue = StringAfterPrefix( command, "#L4D360UI_Difficulty_" ) )
		KeyValues *pSettings = KeyValues::FromString(
			" update { "
				" game { "
					" difficulty = "
				" } "
			" } "
		KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete( pSettings );

		pSettings->SetString( "update/game/difficulty", szDifficultyValue );

		UpdateSessionSettings( pSettings );

		if( m_drpDifficulty )
			if ( FlyoutMenu* pFlyout = m_drpDifficulty->GetCurrentFlyout() )
				pFlyout->SetListener( this );
	else if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "#L4D360UI_RegularFF" ) )
		KeyValues *pSettings = KeyValues::FromString(
			" update { "
			" game { "
			" hardcoreFF = "
			" } "
			" } "
		KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete( pSettings );

		pSettings->SetInt( "update/game/hardcoreFF", 0 );

		UpdateSessionSettings( pSettings );

		if( m_drpFriendlyFire )
			if ( FlyoutMenu* pFlyout = m_drpFriendlyFire->GetCurrentFlyout() )
				pFlyout->SetListener( this );
	else if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "#L4D360UI_HardcoreFF" ) )
		KeyValues *pSettings = KeyValues::FromString(
			" update { "
			" game { "
			" hardcoreFF = "
			" } "
			" } "
		KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete( pSettings );

		pSettings->SetInt( "update/game/hardcoreFF", 1 );

		UpdateSessionSettings( pSettings );

		if( m_drpFriendlyFire )
			if ( FlyoutMenu* pFlyout = m_drpFriendlyFire->GetCurrentFlyout() )
				pFlyout->SetListener( this );
	else if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "#L4D360UI_OnslaughtDisabled" ) )
		KeyValues *pSettings = KeyValues::FromString(
			" update { "
			" game { "
			" onslaught = "
			" } "
			" } "
		KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete( pSettings );

		pSettings->SetInt( "update/game/onslaught", 0 );

		UpdateSessionSettings( pSettings );

		if( m_drpOnslaught )
			if ( FlyoutMenu* pFlyout = m_drpOnslaught->GetCurrentFlyout() )
				pFlyout->SetListener( this );
	else if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "#L4D360UI_OnslaughtEnabled" ) )
		KeyValues *pSettings = KeyValues::FromString(
			" update { "
			" game { "
			" onslaught = "
			" } "
			" } "
		KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete( pSettings );

		pSettings->SetInt( "update/game/onslaught", 1 );

		UpdateSessionSettings( pSettings );

		if( m_drpOnslaught )
			if ( FlyoutMenu* pFlyout = m_drpOnslaught->GetCurrentFlyout() )
				pFlyout->SetListener( this );
	else if ( const char *szRoundLimitValue = StringAfterPrefix( command, "#L4D360UI_RoundLimit_" ) )
		KeyValues *pSettings = new KeyValues( "update" );
		KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete( pSettings );

		pSettings->SetInt( "update/game/maxrounds", atoi( szRoundLimitValue ) );

		UpdateSessionSettings( pSettings );

	else if ( const char *szServerTypeValue = StringAfterPrefix( command, "#L4D360UI_ServerType_" ) )
	KeyValues *pSettings = KeyValues::FromString(
			" update { "
				" options { "
					" server x "
				" } "
			" } "
		KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete( pSettings );

		char chBuffer[64];
		Q_snprintf( chBuffer, sizeof( chBuffer ), "%s", szServerTypeValue );
		for ( char *pszUpper = chBuffer; *pszUpper; ++ pszUpper )
			if ( isupper( *pszUpper ) )
				*pszUpper = tolower( *pszUpper );

		pSettings->SetString( "update/options/server", chBuffer );

		UpdateSessionSettings( pSettings );

		if ( m_drpServerType )
			if ( FlyoutMenu *pFlyout = m_drpServerType->GetCurrentFlyout() )
				pFlyout->SetListener( this );
		BaseClass::OnCommand( command );