void CPolygonButton::UpdateHotspots( KeyValues *data )
	// clear out our old hotspot
	if ( m_hotspotPoints )
		delete[] m_hotspotPoints;
		m_hotspotPoints = NULL;
		m_numHotspotPoints = 0;
	if ( m_visibleHotspotPoints )
		delete[] m_visibleHotspotPoints;
		m_visibleHotspotPoints = NULL;
		m_numVisibleHotspotPoints = 0;

	// read in a new one
	KeyValues *points = data->FindKey( "Hotspot", false );
	if ( points )
		for ( KeyValues *value = points->GetFirstValue(); value; value = value->GetNextValue() )
			const char *str = value->GetString();

			float x, y;
			if ( 2 == sscanf( str, "%f %f", &x, &y ) )
				m_unscaledHotspotPoints.AddToTail( Vector2D( x, y ) );
	points = data->FindKey( "VisibleHotspot", false );
	if ( !points )
		points = data->FindKey( "Hotspot", false );
	if ( points )
		for ( KeyValues *value = points->GetFirstValue(); value; value = value->GetNextValue() )
			const char *str = value->GetString();

			float x, y;
			if ( 2 == sscanf( str, "%f %f", &x, &y ) )
				m_unscaledVisibleHotspotPoints.AddToTail( Vector2D( x, y ) );
void CheckKeyValues( KeyValues *pKeyValues, CUtlVector<VTFInfo_t> &vtf )
	for ( KeyValues *pSubKey = pKeyValues->GetFirstValue(); pSubKey; pSubKey = pSubKey->GetNextValue() )
		if ( pSubKey->GetDataType() != KeyValues::TYPE_STRING )
		if ( IsTexture( pSubKey->GetString() ) )
			int nLen = Q_strlen( pSubKey->GetString() ) + 1;
			char *pTemp = (char*)_alloca( nLen );
			memcpy( pTemp, pSubKey->GetString(), nLen ); 
			Q_FixSlashes( pTemp );

			int nCount = vtf.Count();
			for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i )
				if ( Q_stricmp( vtf[i].m_VTFName, pTemp ) )
				vtf[i].m_bFoundInVMT = true;

	for ( KeyValues *pSubKey = pKeyValues->GetFirstTrueSubKey(); pSubKey; pSubKey = pSubKey->GetNextTrueSubKey() )
		CheckKeyValues( pSubKey, vtf );
void CShaderPrecache::LoadList()
	KeyValues *pKV = df_LoadDump_List();
	KeyValues *pKey = pKV->GetFirstValue();
	while ( pKey )
		AddEntry( pKey->GetString() );
		pKey = pKey->GetNextValue();

bool CMapAdd::HandleRemoveEnitity( KeyValues *mapaddValue)
	if(AllocPooledString(mapaddValue->GetName()) == AllocPooledString("remove:sphere"))
		Vector RemoveVector = Vector(0,0,0);
		CBaseEntity *ppEnts[256];
//		CBaseEntity *ppCandidates[256];
		RemoveVector.x = mapaddValue->GetFloat("x", RemoveVector.x);
		RemoveVector.y = mapaddValue->GetFloat("y", RemoveVector.y);
		RemoveVector.z = mapaddValue->GetFloat("z", RemoveVector.z);
		int nEntCount = UTIL_EntitiesInSphere( ppEnts, 256, RemoveVector, mapaddValue->GetFloat("radius", 0), 0 );

				//Look through the entities it found
			KeyValues *pEntKeyValues = mapaddValue->FindKey("entities");
				KeyValues *pEntKeyValuesRemove = pEntKeyValues->GetFirstValue();
					int i;
					for ( i = 0; i < nEntCount; i++ )
						if ( ppEnts[i] == NULL )
						if(AllocPooledString(pEntKeyValuesRemove->GetName()) == AllocPooledString("classname")) // || ( AllocPooledString(pEntKeyValuesRemove->GetName()) == ppEnts[i]->GetEntityName())
							if(AllocPooledString(pEntKeyValuesRemove->GetString()) == AllocPooledString(ppEnts[i]->GetClassname()))
						if(AllocPooledString(pEntKeyValuesRemove->GetName()) == AllocPooledString("targetname")) // || ( AllocPooledString(pEntKeyValuesRemove->GetName()) == ppEnts[i]->GetEntityName())
							if(AllocPooledString(pEntKeyValuesRemove->GetString()) == ppEnts[i]->GetEntityName())
					pEntKeyValuesRemove = pEntKeyValuesRemove->GetNextValue();
			return true;
	return false;
void ReadGameShaders( CUtlVector<BasicShaderCfg_t*> &hList )
	KeyValues *pKV = df_LoadDump_List();

	KeyValues *pN = pKV->GetFirstValue();
	while ( pN )
		BasicShaderCfg_t *shader = BuildShaderData( pN->GetString() );
		hList.AddToTail( shader );

		pN = pN->GetNextValue();

void CQCGenerator::OnNewLODText()
	KeyValues *pEditItem = m_pLODPanel->GetItem( m_nSelectedSequence );
	KeyValues *pListItem = pEditItem;
	wchar_t szEditText[MAX_PATH];

	pEditItem = pEditItem->GetFirstValue();
	const char *name = pEditItem->GetName();
	for( int i = 0; i < m_nSelectedColumn; i++ )
		pEditItem = pEditItem->GetNextValue();
		name = pEditItem->GetName();
	m_pLODEdit->GetText( szEditText, MAX_PATH );

	pListItem->SetWString( name, szEditText );

	virtual void OnValuesChanged( KeyValues **pValues, int iCount )
		bool bFoundAnything = false;
		bool bWasMultiSelected = m_bMultiSelection;
		m_bMultiSelection = false;

		for ( int i = 0; i < iCount; i++ )
			bool bFoundValue = false;
			for ( KeyValues *pValue = pValues[i]->GetFirstValue(); pValue; pValue = pValue->GetNextValue() )
				if ( !Q_stricmp( m_pValue->GetName(), pValue->GetName() ) )
					if ( i > 0 )
						if ( Q_stricmp( m_pValue->GetString(), pValue->GetString() ) )
							m_bMultiSelection = true;

					m_pValue = pValue->MakeCopy();
					bFoundAnything = true;
					bFoundValue = true;

			if ( !bFoundValue && bFoundAnything )
				m_bMultiSelection = true;

		if ( !bFoundAnything )
			m_bMultiSelection = bWasMultiSelected;

void Addons::Activate()

	m_pAddonList ? m_pAddonList->deleteThis() : NULL;

	// Get the list of addons

	// Load particular info for each addon
	if ( LoadAddonListFile( m_pAddonList ) )
		for ( KeyValues *pCur = m_pAddonList->GetFirstValue(); pCur; pCur = pCur->GetNextValue() )
			char szAddonDirName[60];
			bool bIsVPK = true;

			// If the entry in the list is a .vpk then 
			if ( V_stristr( pCur->GetName(), ".vpk" ) )
				V_StripExtension( pCur->GetName(), szAddonDirName, sizeof( szAddonDirName ) );
				ExtractAddonMetadata( szAddonDirName );
				bIsVPK = false;
				V_strncpy( szAddonDirName, pCur->GetName(), sizeof( szAddonDirName ) );

			Addons::AddonInfo addonInfo;

			// Copy info to the AddonInfo struct
			KeyValues *pAddonInfo;

			if ( LoadAddonInfoFile( pAddonInfo, szAddonDirName, bIsVPK ) )
				// Convert JPEG image to VTF, if necessary
				GetAddonImage( pCur->GetName(), addonInfo.szImageName, sizeof( addonInfo.szImageName ), bIsVPK  );

				// Copy values from particular keys
				V_strncpy( addonInfo.szDirectory, pCur->GetName(), sizeof( addonInfo.szDirectory ) ); 

				V_wcsncpy( addonInfo.szName, pAddonInfo->GetWString( "addontitle", g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#L4D360UI_Addon_None_Specified" ) ), sizeof( addonInfo.szName ) );
				V_wcsncpy( addonInfo.szAuthor, pAddonInfo->GetWString( "addonauthor", g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#L4D360UI_Addon_None_Specified" ) ), sizeof( addonInfo.szAuthor ) );
				V_wcsncpy( addonInfo.szDescription, pAddonInfo->GetWString( "addonDescription", g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#L4D360UI_Addon_None_Specified" ) ), sizeof( addonInfo.szDescription ) );
				addonInfo.bEnabled = pCur->GetInt() != 0;

				// Generate the types string based on the value of keys
				bool bCampaign = false, bMaps = false, bSkin = false, bWeapon = false, bBoss = false, bCommon = false, bSurvivor = false, bSound = false, bMusic = false, bScript = false, bProp = false;

				bCampaign = pAddonInfo->GetInt( "addonContent_Campaign" ) != 0;
				bMaps = ( pAddonInfo->GetInt( "addonContent_Map" ) != 0 ) && !bCampaign;
				bSkin = pAddonInfo->GetInt( "addonContent_Skin" ) != 0;
				bWeapon = pAddonInfo->GetInt( "addonContent_weapon" ) != 0;
				bBoss = pAddonInfo->GetInt( "addonContent_BossInfected" ) != 0;
				bCommon = pAddonInfo->GetInt( "addonContent_CommonInfected" ) != 0;
				bSurvivor = pAddonInfo->GetInt( "addonContent_Survivor" ) != 0;
				bSound = pAddonInfo->GetInt( "addonContent_Sound" ) != 0;
				bScript = pAddonInfo->GetInt( "addonContent_Script" ) != 0;
				bMusic = pAddonInfo->GetInt( "addonContent_Music" ) != 0;
				bProp = pAddonInfo->GetInt( "addonContent_prop" ) != 0;

				// Make the addon types string based on the flags
				addonInfo.szTypes[0] = NULL;
				bCampaign ? wcsncat( addonInfo.szTypes, g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#L4D360UI_Addon_Type_Campaign" ), sizeof( addonInfo.szTypes ) ) : NULL;
				bMaps ? wcsncat( addonInfo.szTypes, g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#L4D360UI_Addon_Type_Map" ), sizeof( addonInfo.szTypes ) ) : NULL;
				bSkin ? wcsncat( addonInfo.szTypes, g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#L4D360UI_Addon_Type_Skin" ), sizeof( addonInfo.szTypes ) ) : NULL;
				bWeapon ? wcsncat( addonInfo.szTypes, g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#L4D360UI_Addon_Type_Weapon" ), sizeof( addonInfo.szTypes ) ) : NULL;
				bBoss ? wcsncat( addonInfo.szTypes, g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#L4D360UI_Addon_Type_Boss" ), sizeof( addonInfo.szTypes ) ) : NULL;
				bCommon ? wcsncat( addonInfo.szTypes, g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#L4D360UI_Addon_Type_Common" ), sizeof( addonInfo.szTypes ) ) : NULL;
				bSurvivor ? wcsncat( addonInfo.szTypes, g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#L4D360UI_Addon_Type_Survivor" ), sizeof( addonInfo.szTypes ) ) : NULL;
				bSound ? wcsncat( addonInfo.szTypes, g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#L4D360UI_Addon_Type_Sound" ), sizeof( addonInfo.szTypes ) ) : NULL;
				bScript ? wcsncat( addonInfo.szTypes, g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#L4D360UI_Addon_Type_Script" ), sizeof( addonInfo.szTypes ) ) : NULL;
				bMusic ? wcsncat( addonInfo.szTypes, g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#L4D360UI_Addon_Type_Music" ), sizeof( addonInfo.szTypes ) ) : NULL;
				bProp ? wcsncat( addonInfo.szTypes, g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#L4D360UI_Addon_Type_Props" ), sizeof( addonInfo.szTypes ) ) : NULL;

				// Remove trailing ','
				if ( wcslen( addonInfo.szTypes ) )
					wchar_t *pwcComma = wcsrchr( addonInfo.szTypes, ',' );
					if ( pwcComma )
						*pwcComma = NULL;

			m_addonInfoList.AddToTail( addonInfo );

			// Get rid of the temp files
			if ( bIsVPK )
				char tempFilename[MAX_PATH];
				char modPath[MAX_PATH];
				GetPrimaryModDirectory( modPath, MAX_PATH );
				V_snprintf( tempFilename, sizeof( tempFilename ), "%s%s%c%s", modPath, ADDONS_DIRNAME, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR, ADDONINFO_FILENAME );
				g_pFullFileSystem->RemoveFile( tempFilename );
				V_snprintf( tempFilename, sizeof( tempFilename ), "%s%s%c%s", modPath, ADDONS_DIRNAME, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR, ADDONJPEG_FILENAME );
				g_pFullFileSystem->RemoveFile( tempFilename );

	// Add the addons to the list panel 
	FOR_EACH_VEC( m_addonInfoList, i )
		AddonListItem* panelItem = m_GplAddons->AddPanelItem<AddonListItem>( "AddonListItem" );

		panelItem->SetParent( m_GplAddons );
		panelItem->SetAddonName( m_addonInfoList[i].szName );
		panelItem->SetAddonType( m_addonInfoList[i].szTypes );
		panelItem->SetAddonEnabled( m_addonInfoList[i].bEnabled );
void CheckMaterial( KeyValues *pKeyValues, const char *pRoot, const char *pFileName, CUtlVector<VTFInfo_t> &vtf )
	const char *pShaderName = pKeyValues->GetName();
	if ( Q_stristr( pShaderName, "Water" ) ||
		Q_stristr( pShaderName, "Eyeball" ) ||
		Q_stristr( pShaderName, "Shadow" ) ||
		Q_stristr( pShaderName, "Refract" ) ||
		Q_stristr( pShaderName, "Predator" ) ||
		Q_stristr( pShaderName, "ParticleSphere" ) ||
		Q_stristr( pShaderName, "DebugLuxels" ) ||
		Q_stristr( pShaderName, "GooInGlass" ) ||
		Q_stristr( pShaderName, "Modulate" ) ||
		Q_stristr( pShaderName, "UnlitTwoTexture" ) ||
		Q_stristr( pShaderName, "Cloud" ) ||
		Q_stristr( pShaderName, "WorldVertexTransition" ) ||
		Q_stristr( pShaderName, "DecalModulate" ) ||
		Q_stristr( pShaderName, "DecalBaseTimesLightmapAlphaBlendSelfIllum" ) ||
		Q_stristr( pShaderName, "Sprite" ) )

	// Check for alpha channels
	const char *pBaseTextureName = pKeyValues->GetString( "$basetexture", NULL );
	if ( pBaseTextureName != NULL )
		if ( DoesTextureUseAlpha( pBaseTextureName, pFileName ) )
			float flAlpha = MaterialFloatKeyValue( pKeyValues, "$alpha", 1.0f );
			bool bHasVertexAlpha = DoesMaterialHaveKey( pKeyValues, "$vertexalpha" );	// Modulation always happens here whether we want it to or not
			bool bHasAlphaTest = DoesMaterialHaveKey( pKeyValues, "$alphatest" );
			bool bHasTranslucent = DoesMaterialHaveKey( pKeyValues, "$translucent" );
			bool bHasSelfIllum = DoesMaterialHaveKey( pKeyValues, "$selfillum" );
			bool bHasBaseAlphaEnvMapMask = DoesMaterialHaveKey( pKeyValues, "$basealphaenvmapmask" );
			if ( (flAlpha == 1.0f) && !bHasVertexAlpha && !bHasAlphaTest && !bHasTranslucent && !bHasSelfIllum && !bHasBaseAlphaEnvMapMask )
				Warning("Material \"%s\": BASETEXTURE \"%s\"\n", pFileName, pBaseTextureName ); 

// Check for bump, spec, and no normalmapalphaenvmapmask
	const char *pBumpmapName = pKeyValues->GetString( "$bumpmap", NULL );
	if ( pBumpmapName != NULL )
		if ( DoesTextureUseAlpha( pBumpmapName, pFileName ) )
			bool bHasEnvmap = DoesMaterialHaveKey( pKeyValues, "$envmap" );
			bool bHasNormalMapAlphaEnvMapMask = DoesMaterialHaveKey( pKeyValues, "$normalmapalphaenvmapmask" );
			if ( !bHasEnvmap || !bHasNormalMapAlphaEnvMapMask )
				Warning("Material \"%s\": BUMPMAP \"%s\"\n", pFileName, pBumpmapName ); 

	if ( !Q_stristr( pShaderName, "LightmappedGeneric" ) &&
		!Q_stristr( pShaderName, "VertexLitGeneric" ) )

	if ( DoesMaterialHaveKey( pKeyValues, "$envmap" ) && DoesMaterialHaveKey( pKeyValues, "$bumpmap" ) )
		int nDim;
		float retVal[4];
		float defaultVal[4] = { 1, 1, 1, 1 };
		if ( MaterialVectorKeyValue( pKeyValues, "$envmaptint", 3, defaultVal, &nDim, retVal ) )
			Warning("ENVMAP + ENVMAPTINT : Material \"%s\"\n", pFileName ); 
//		else
//		{
//			Warning("ENVMAP only: Material \"%s\"\n", pFileName ); 
//		}

	if ( !Q_stristr( pShaderName, "Refract" ) )

	if ( !DoesMaterialHaveKey( pKeyValues, "$envmap" ) )
		bool bUsesAlpha, bIsCompressed, bIsPalettized;
		int nSizeInBytes;
		if ( DoesTextureUseNormal( pKeyValues->GetString( "$normalmap" ), 
			pFileName, bUsesAlpha, bIsCompressed, bIsPalettized, nSizeInBytes ) )
			if ( bIsCompressed )
				Warning("Bad : Material compressed \"%s\"\n", pFileName ); 
				Warning("Bad : Material \"%s\"\n", pFileName ); 

	if ( !Q_stristr( pShaderName, "WorldTwoTextureBlend" ) )

	if ( DoesMaterialHaveKey( pKeyValues, "$envmap" ) || 
		DoesMaterialHaveKey( pKeyValues, "$parallaxmap" ) ||
		DoesMaterialHaveKey( pKeyValues, "$bumpmap" ) ||
		DoesMaterialHaveKey( pKeyValues, "$vertexcolor" ) || 
		DoesMaterialHaveKey( pKeyValues, "$basetexture2" )
		Warning("Bad : Material \"%s\"\n", pFileName ); 

	for ( KeyValues *pSubKey = pKeyValues->GetFirstValue(); pSubKey; pSubKey = pSubKey->GetNextValue() )
//		Msg( " Checking %s\n", pSubKey->GetString() );
		if ( pSubKey->GetDataType() != KeyValues::TYPE_STRING )
		bool bUsesAlpha, bIsCompressed;
		int nSizeInBytes;
		if ( DoesTextureUseNormal( pSubKey->GetString(), pFileName, bUsesAlpha, bIsCompressed, nSizeInBytes ) )
			if ( bUsesAlpha )
				if ( bIsCompressed )
					s_nNormalWithAlphaCompressedBytes += nSizeInBytes;
					s_nNormalWithAlphaBytes += nSizeInBytes;
					Msg( "Normal texture w alpha uncompressed %s\n", pSubKey->GetString() );
				if ( bIsCompressed )
					s_nNormalCompressedBytes += nSizeInBytes;
					s_nNormalBytes += nSizeInBytes;

	if ( !Q_stristr( pShaderName, "VertexLitGeneric" ) )

	if ( !DoesMaterialHaveKey( pKeyValues, "$envmap" ) && DoesMaterialHaveKey( pKeyValues, "$bumpmap" ) )
		Warning("BUMPMAP + no ENVMAP : Material \"%s\"\n", pFileName ); 

//	CheckKeyValues( pKeyValues, vtf );
bool CMapAdd::RunLabel( const char *mapaddMap, const char *szLabel)

	if(AllocPooledString(mapaddMap) == AllocPooledString("") || !mapaddMap || !szLabel || AllocPooledString(szLabel) == AllocPooledString(""))
		return false; //Failed to load!
	//FileHandle_t fh = filesystem->Open(szMapadd,"r","MOD");
	// Open the mapadd data file, and abort if we can't
	KeyValues *pMapAdd = new KeyValues( "MapAdd" );
	if(pMapAdd->LoadFromFile( filesystem, mapaddMap, "MOD" ))
		KeyValues *pMapAdd2 = pMapAdd->FindKey(szLabel);
			KeyValues *pMapAddEnt = pMapAdd2->GetFirstTrueSubKey();
			while (pMapAddEnt)
				if(!HandlePlayerEntity(pMapAddEnt, false) && !HandleRemoveEnitity( pMapAddEnt ) && !HandleSMODEntity(pMapAddEnt) && !HandleSpecialEnitity(pMapAddEnt))
					Vector SpawnVector = Vector(0,0,0);
					QAngle SpawnAngle = QAngle(0,0,0);
					SpawnVector.x = pMapAddEnt->GetFloat("x", SpawnVector.x);
					SpawnVector.y = pMapAddEnt->GetFloat("y", SpawnVector.y);
					SpawnVector.z = pMapAddEnt->GetFloat("z", SpawnVector.z);

					SpawnAngle[PITCH] = pMapAddEnt->GetFloat("pitch", SpawnAngle[PITCH]);
					SpawnAngle[YAW] = pMapAddEnt->GetFloat("yaw", SpawnAngle[YAW]);
					SpawnAngle[ROLL] = pMapAddEnt->GetFloat("roll", SpawnAngle[ROLL]);

					CBaseEntity *createEnt = CBaseEntity::CreateNoSpawn(pMapAddEnt->GetName(),SpawnVector,SpawnAngle);
					KeyValues *pEntKeyValues = pMapAddEnt->FindKey("KeyValues");
					if(pEntKeyValues && createEnt)
						Msg("keyvalue for %s Found!\n",pMapAddEnt->GetName());
						KeyValues *pEntKeyValuesAdd = pEntKeyValues->GetFirstValue();
						while(pEntKeyValuesAdd && createEnt)
							if(AllocPooledString(pEntKeyValuesAdd->GetName()) == AllocPooledString("model"))
					/*		else if(AllocPooledString(pEntKeyValuesAdd->GetName()) == AllocPooledString("name"))
							else if(AllocPooledString(pEntKeyValuesAdd->GetName()) == AllocPooledString("spawnflags"))
							pEntKeyValuesAdd = pEntKeyValuesAdd->GetNextValue();
					//createEnt->Activate();//Is this a good idea? Not sure!
					DispatchSpawn( createEnt ); //I derped
				pMapAddEnt = pMapAddEnt->GetNextTrueSubKey(); //Got to keep this!
	return true;