MStatus DDConvexHullCmd::doIt(const MArgList& args)
    if (args.length() != 1)
        MGlobal::displayError("Needs at least 2 args");
        return MS::kFailure;
    MString input = args.asString(0);
    MString output = args.asString(1);
    // Get the mObject for the input
    MSelectionList selList;
    MDagPath inputMesh;
    selList.getDagPath(0, inputMesh);
    // Ensure we're looking at the shape

    // Create output object
    MDagModifier dm;
    MObject outMeshNode = dm.createNode(MFn::kMesh);
    MFnDependencyNode outMeshDag(outMeshNode);
    DDConvexHullUtils::hullOpts hullOptions;
    return DDConvexHullUtils::generateMayaHull(outMeshNode,
                                               inputMesh.node(), hullOptions);

MStatus helix::doIt( const MArgList& args )
	MStatus stat;

	const unsigned	deg 	= 3;			// Curve Degree
	const unsigned	ncvs 	= 20;			// Number of CVs
	const unsigned	spans 	= ncvs - deg;	// Number of spans
	const unsigned	nknots	= spans+2*deg-1;// Number of knots
	double	radius			= 4.0;			// Helix radius
	double	pitch 			= 0.5;			// Helix pitch
	unsigned	i;

	// Parse the arguments.
	for ( i = 0; i < args.length(); i++ )
		if ( MString( "-p" ) == args.asString( i, &stat )
				&& MS::kSuccess == stat)
			double tmp = args.asDouble( ++i, &stat );
			if ( MS::kSuccess == stat )
				pitch = tmp;
		else if ( MString( "-r" ) == args.asString( i, &stat )
				&& MS::kSuccess == stat)
			double tmp = args.asDouble( ++i, &stat );
			if ( MS::kSuccess == stat )
				radius = tmp;

	MPointArray	 controlVertices;
	MDoubleArray knotSequences;

	// Set up cvs and knots for the helix
	for (i = 0; i < ncvs; i++)
		controlVertices.append( MPoint( radius * cos( (double)i ),
			pitch * (double)i, radius * sin( (double)i ) ) );

	for (i = 0; i < nknots; i++)
		knotSequences.append( (double)i );

	// Now create the curve
	MFnNurbsCurve curveFn;

	curveFn.create( controlVertices,
					knotSequences, deg, 
					false, false, 
					&stat );

	if ( MS::kSuccess != stat )
		cout<<"Error creating curve."<<endl;

	return stat;
MStatus particleSystemInfoCmd::parseArgs( const MArgList& args )
	// Parse the arguments.
	MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess;

	if( args.length() > 1 )
		MGlobal::displayError( "Too many arguments." );
		return MS::kFailure;

	if( args.length() == 1 )
	        MString particleName = args.asString( 0, &stat );
		CHECKRESULT(stat, "Failed to parse particle node name argument." );

		nodeFromName( particleName, particleNode );
		if( !particleNode.isNull() && !particleNode.hasFn( MFn::kParticle ) )
		        MGlobal::displayError( "The named node is not a particle system." );
			return MS::kFailure;
	return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus createClip::parseArgs( const MArgList& args )
// No arguments to parse.
	MStatus     	stat = MS::kSuccess;
	MString     	arg;
	MSelectionList	list;
	bool			charNameUsed = 0;
	MString			charName;
	const MString	charFlag			("-c");
	const MString	charFlagLong		("-char");

	// Parse the arguments.
	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < args.length(); i++ ) {
		arg = args.asString( i, &stat );
		if (!stat)              
		if ( arg == charFlag || arg == charFlagLong ) {
			// get the char name
			if (i == args.length()-1) {
				arg += ": must specify a character name";
				return MS::kFailure;
			args.get(i, charName);
			charNameUsed = 1;
		else {
			arg += ": unknown argument";
			return MS::kFailure;

	if (charNameUsed) {
		// get the character corresponding to the node name
		MItSelectionList iter (list);
		for ( /* nothing */ ; !iter.isDone(); ) {
			MObject node;
			if (node.apiType() == MFn::kCharacter) {
				fCharacter = node;
		if (fCharacter.isNull()) {
			MString errMsg("Character flag must specify a character node.");
			return MS::kFailure;
	return stat;
MStatus helix2::doIt( const MArgList& args )
	MStatus status;

	// Parse the arguments.
	for ( unsigned i = 0; i < args.length(); i++ ) {
		if ( MString( "-p" ) == args.asString( i, &status )
				&& MS::kSuccess == status)
			double tmp = args.asDouble( ++i, &status );
			if ( MS::kSuccess == status )
				pitch = tmp;
		else if ( MString( "-r" ) == args.asString( i, &status )
				&& MS::kSuccess == status)
			double tmp = args.asDouble( ++i, &status );
			if ( MS::kSuccess == status )
				radius = tmp;
		} else {
			MString msg = "Invalid flag: ";
			msg += args.asString( i );
			displayError( msg );
			return MS::kFailure;

	// Get the first selected curve from the selection list.
	MSelectionList slist;
	MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList( slist );

	MItSelectionList	list( slist, MFn::kNurbsCurve, &status );
	if (MS::kSuccess != status) {
		cerr << "doIt: could not create selection list iterator\n";
		return status;

	if (list.isDone()) {
		cerr << "doIt: no curve has been selected\n";
		return MS::kFailure;

	list.getDagPath( fDagPath, fComponent );

	return redoIt();
MStatus motionTrace::doIt( const MArgList& args )
// Description
//     This method is called from MEL when this command is called.
//     It should set up any class data necessary for redo/undo,
//     parse any given arguments, and then call redoIt.
	start = 1.0;
	end = 60.0;
	by = 1.0;

	MStatus stat;
	double tmp;
	unsigned i;
    // Parse the arguments.
    for ( i = 0; i < args.length(); i++ )
		if ( MString( "-s" ) == args.asString( i, &stat ) &&
			 MS::kSuccess == stat)
			tmp = args.asDouble( ++i, &stat );
			if ( MS::kSuccess == stat )
			start = tmp;
		else if ( MString( "-e" ) == args.asString( i, &stat ) &&
				  MS::kSuccess == stat)
			tmp = args.asDouble( ++i, &stat );
			if ( MS::kSuccess == stat )
			end = tmp;
		else if ( MString( "-b" ) == args.asString( i, &stat ) &&
				  MS::kSuccess == stat)
			tmp = args.asDouble( ++i, &stat );
			if ( MS::kSuccess == stat )
			by = tmp;

	stat = redoIt();

	return stat;
MStatus fluidInfoCmd::parseArgs( const MArgList& args )
	// Parse the arguments.
	MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess;

	// some defaults for the number of voxels we might want to print
	requestedVoxels = -1;

	if( args.length() < 1 )
		MGlobal::displayError( "Missing fluid node name argument." );
		return MS::kFailure;
	else if( args.length() > 2 )
		MGlobal::displayError( "Too many arguments." );
		return MS::kFailure;

	fluidName = args.asString( 0, &stat );
	if (stat != MS::kSuccess)
		MGlobal::displayError( "Failed to parse fluid node name argument." );
		return MS::kFailure;

	if(args.length() == 1) {
		// assume that the user wants to print all the voxels
		// they probably won't do this more than once
		requestedVoxels = -1;
	} else {
		requestedVoxels = args.asInt( 1, &stat );
		if (stat != MS::kSuccess)
			MGlobal::displayError( "Failed to parse num voxels to pribt argument." );
			return MS::kFailure;

	nodeFromName( fluidName, fluidNode );

	if( fluidNode.isNull() )
		MGlobal::displayError( "There is no fluid node with the given name." );
		return MS::kFailure;

	if( ! fluidNode.hasFn( MFn::kFluid ) )
		MGlobal::displayError( "The named node is not a fluid." );
		return MS::kFailure;

	return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus	liqGetAttr::doIt( const MArgList& args )

	MStatus					status;
	unsigned				i;
	MString					nodeName, attrName;
	MSelectionList				nodeList;

	for ( i = 0; i < args.length(); i++ ) 
		if ( MString( "-debug" ) == args.asString( i, &status) ) 
    else if ( MString( "-node" ) == args.asString( i, &status) ) 
			nodeName = args.asString( i, &status ) ;
    else if ( MString( "-attr" ) == args.asString( i, &status) ) 
			attrName = args.asString( i, &status );
	nodeList.add( nodeName );
	MObject depNodeObj;
	nodeList.getDependNode(0, depNodeObj);
	MFnDependencyNode depNode( depNodeObj );
	MPlug attrPlug = depNode.findPlug( attrName );
	MObject plugObj;
	attrPlug.getValue( plugObj );
	if( plugObj.apiType() == MFn::kDoubleArrayData ) 
	  MFnDoubleArrayData fnDoubleArrayData( plugObj );
	  const MDoubleArray& doubleArrayData( fnDoubleArrayData.array( &status ) );
	  for ( i = 0; i < doubleArrayData.length(); i++ ) 
		  appendToResult( doubleArrayData[i] );
	return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus setupRGBShaders::doIt( const MArgList & args )
    unsigned int FIndex = args.flagIndex( "fp", "folderPath" );
    unsigned int fIndex = args.flagIndex( "fn", "fileName" );

    if( FIndex == MArgList::kInvalidArgIndex || fIndex == MArgList::kInvalidArgIndex ) {
        MGlobal::displayError( "Error specifying flag or flag values. \n-fp, -folderPath <folder_path> \t -fn, -fileName <file_name>" );
        return MS::kFailure;

    folderPath = args.asString( FIndex );
    fileName = args.asString( fIndex );

    MItDag meshIt( MItDag::kDepthFirst, MFn::kMesh );

    for( ; !meshIt.isDone(); ) {
        MDagPath dagPath;

        meshIt.getPath( dagPath );
        meshObjs.append( dagPath.transform() );

    MItDag camIt( MItDag::kDepthFirst, MFn::kCamera );

    for( ; !camIt.isDone(); ) {
        MDagPath dagPath;

        camIt.getPath( dagPath );
        MFnDependencyNode camFn( dagPath.node() );

        bool isRenderable;
        camFn.findPlug( "renderable" ).getValue( isRenderable );

        if( isRenderable )
            camObjs.append( dagPath.transform() );

    MGlobal::executeCommand( "setAttr miDefaultFramebuffer.datatype 5" );

    return redoIt();
// parseArgs
MStatus viewCallbackTest::parseArgs(const MArgList& args)
	MStatus			status;
	MArgDatabase	argData(syntax(), args);

	// Buffer operation argument variables
	mBufferOperation = kInvertColorBuffer;
	MString operationString;

	MString     	arg;
	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < args.length(); i++ ) 
		arg = args.asString( i, &status );
		if (!status)              

		if ( arg == MString(bufferOperationShortName) || arg == MString(bufferOperationLongName) ) 
			if (i == args.length()-1) {
				arg += ": must specify a buffer operation.";
				return MS::kFailure;
			args.get(i, operationString );

			bool validOperation = false;
			for (unsigned int k=0; k<_NUMBER_BUFFER_OPERATIONS_; k++)
				if (bufferOperationStrings[i] == operationString)
					mBufferOperation = bufferOperations[k];
					validOperation = true;
			if (!validOperation)
				status.perror("Invalid operation specified. Using invert by default.");

	// Read off the panel name
	status = argData.getCommandArgument(0, mPanelName);
	if (!status)
		status.perror("No panel name specified as command argument");
		return status;
	return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus Pick::doIt( const MArgList& args )
	MStatus res = MS::kSuccess;

	unsigned len = args.length();
	if ( len > 0 ) {
		MString object_name( args.asString(0) );

		if ( MS::kSuccess != MGlobal::selectByName( object_name ) )
			cerr << "Object " << object_name.asChar() << " not found\n";
	} else {
		cerr << "No Object name specified\n";

	return res;
MStatus dagPoseInfo::parseArgs( const MArgList& args )
// There is one mandatory flag: -f/-file <filename>
    MStatus     	stat;
    MString     	arg;
    MString			fileName;
    const MString	fileFlag			("-f");
    const MString	fileFlagLong		("-file");

    // Parse the arguments.
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < args.length(); i++ ) {
        arg = args.asString( i, &stat );
        if (!stat)

        if ( arg == fileFlag || arg == fileFlagLong ) {
            // get the file name
            if (i == args.length()-1) {
                arg += ": must specify a file name";
                return MS::kFailure;
            args.get(i, fileName);
        else {
            arg += ": unknown argument";
            return MS::kFailure;

    file = fopen(fileName.asChar(),"wb");
    if (!file) {
        MString openError("Could not open: ");
        openError += fileName;
        stat = MS::kFailure;

    return stat;
uint CVstSmdIOCmd::GetExportType(
	const MArgDatabase &mArgDatabase )
	uint retVal( 0 );

	if ( mArgDatabase.isFlagSet( kOptExportType ) )
		MString optExportType;
		MArgList tmpArgList;
		const uint etEnd( mArgDatabase.numberOfFlagUses( kOptExportType ) );
		for ( uint eti( 0 ); eti != etEnd; ++eti )
			mArgDatabase.getFlagArgumentList( kOptExportType, eti, tmpArgList );
			optExportType = tmpArgList.asString( 0 );

			if ( strnicmp( optExportType.asChar(), "r", 1 ) == 0 || strnicmp( optExportType.asChar(), "m", 1 ) == 0 )
				retVal |= CSmdExport::kReference;
			else if ( strnicmp( optExportType.asChar(), "p", 1 ) == 0 )
				retVal |= CSmdExport::kPhysModel;
			else if ( strnicmp( optExportType.asChar(), "a", 1 ) == 0 || strnicmp( optExportType.asChar(), "s", 1 ) == 0 )
				retVal |= CSmdExport::kAnimation;
			else if ( strnicmp( optExportType.asChar(), "v", 1 ) == 0 )
				retVal |= CSmdExport::kVTA;
				MGlobal::displayWarning( MString( "Cannot determine the type of export from -et " ) + optExportType + ", assume reference/model" );

	if ( retVal == 0 )
		retVal = CSmdExport::kReference;

	return retVal;
bool readMultiUseFlag(const char flagName[], MArgDatabase &args, MSelectionList &sel){
	if (!args.isFlagSet(flagName))
		return false;
	MStatus status;

    for(unsigned int i=0,numUses = args.numberOfFlagUses(flagName); i<numUses; i++ )
            MArgList argList;
            status = args.getFlagArgumentList( flagName, i, argList );
			CHECK_STATUS("problem reading multi flag",status);

            MString name = argList.asString( 0, &status );

			CHECK_STATUS("problem reading multi flag (2)",status);

			status = sel.add(name);
			CHECK_STATUS("problem adding item to selection",status);

	return true;
MStatus PRTAttrs::doIt(const MArgList& args) {
	MStatus stat;

	MString prtNodeName = args.asString(0, &stat);

	MSelectionList tempList;
	MObject prtNode;
	MCHECK(tempList.getDependNode(0, prtNode));
	MFnDependencyNode fNode(prtNode, &stat);

	if(fNode.typeId().id() != PRT_TYPE_ID)
		return MS::kFailure;

	MString sRulePkg;
	updateRuleFiles(fNode, getStringParameter(prtNode, ((PRTNode*)fNode.userNode())->rulePkg, sRulePkg));


	return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus liqIPRNodeMessage::doIt( const MArgList& args)
// Takes the  nodes that are on the active selection list and adds an
// attriubte changed callback to each one.
	MStatus 		stat;

	for( unsigned i( 0 ); i < args.length(); i++ ) 
		MString arg = args.asString( i, &stat );

		if( (arg == kRegisterFlag) || (arg == kRegisterFlagLong) ){
			isRunningIPR = 1;
		else if( (arg == kUnregisterFlag) || (arg == kUnregisterFlagLong) ){

			isRunningIPR = 0;
		else if( (arg == kIsRunningIPR) || (arg == kIsRunningIPRLong) ){
			liquidMessage2(messageError,"Parameter [%s] is undefined in liqIPRNodeMessage.", arg.asChar());
			return MS::kUnknownParameter;

	return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus AbcExport::doIt( const MArgList & args )
    MStatus status;

    MTime oldCurTime = MAnimControl::currentTime();

    MArgParser argData( syntax(), args, &status );
    if ( status != MS::kSuccess )
        return status;

    unsigned int numberOfArguments = args.length();

    MString msg;
    msg += "AlembicSimpleAbcExport  [options]\n\n";
    msg += "Options:\n";
    msg += "-h  / help  Print this message.\n";
    msg += "\n";
    msg += "-fs / frameStart int (default: 0)\n";
    msg += "The export start frame\n";
    msg += "\n";
    msg += "-fe / frameEnd int (default: 0)\n";
    msg += "The export end frame\n";
    msg += "\n";
    msg += "-v  / verbose  Verbose output\n";
    msg += "\n";
    if ( argData.isFlagSet( "help" ) )
        MGlobal::displayInfo( msg );
        return MS::kSuccess;

    bool verbose = argData.isFlagSet( "verbose" );

    int frameStart = 0;
    if ( argData.isFlagSet( "frameStart" ) )
        argData.getFlagArgument( "frameStart", 0, frameStart );

    int frameEnd = 0;
    if ( argData.isFlagSet( "frameEnd" ) )
        argData.getFlagArgument( "frameEnd", 0, frameEnd );

    // status = argData.getCommandArgument(0, argStr);
    // Get filenameArgument
    MString fileNameStr = args.asString( numberOfArguments-1, &status );

    // Okay, do it.
    Parameters params;
    params.fileName = fileNameStr.asChar();
    params.startFrame = frameStart;
    params.endFrame = frameEnd;
    params.verbose = verbose;
    params.polysAsSubds = false;
    params.deforming = true;
    params.allUserAttributes = true;
    params.allMayaAttributes = false;

        status = AbcExportSelected( params );
    catch ( std::exception &exc )
        MGlobal::displayError( exc.what() );
        status = MS::kFailure;
    catch ( ... )
        MGlobal::displayError( "AlembicSimpleAbcExport: UNKNOWN EXCEPTION" );
        status = MS::kFailure;
    return status;
MStatus cvPos::doIt( const MArgList& args )

    MString componentName;
	MSpace::Space transformSpace = MSpace::kWorld;

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < args.length (); i++)
		MString argStr;
		args.get (i, argStr);
		if (MString ("-l") == argStr || MString ("-local") == argStr)
			transformSpace = MSpace::kObject;
		else if (MString ("-w") == args.asString (i) ||
				 MString ("-world") == argStr)
			transformSpace = MSpace::kWorld;
			componentName = argStr;

    MObject     component;
    MDagPath    dagPath;

	if (!componentName.length ()) {
		MSelectionList activeList;

		MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList (activeList);

		MItSelectionList iter (activeList, MFn::kComponent);
		if (iter.isDone ())	{
			displayError ("No components selected");
			return MS::kFailure;
		} else {
			iter.getDagPath (dagPath, component); ();
			if (!iter.isDone ()) {
				displayError ("More than one component is selected");
				return MS::kFailure;
	} else {
		MSelectionList list;

		if (! list.add( componentName ) ) {
			componentName += ": no such component";
			return MS::kFailure; // no such component
		MItSelectionList iter( list );
        iter.getDagPath( dagPath, component );

	if (component.isNull()) {
		displayError("not a component");
		return MS::kFailure;

	switch (component.apiType()) {
	case MFn::kCurveCVComponent:
			MItCurveCV curveCVIter( dagPath, component );
			point = curveCVIter.position(transformSpace );;
			if (!curveCVIter.isDone()) {
				displayError ("More than one component is selected");
				return MS::kFailure;

	case MFn::kSurfaceCVComponent:
			MItSurfaceCV surfCVIter( dagPath, component, true );
			point = surfCVIter.position(transformSpace );;
			if (!surfCVIter.isDone()) {
				displayError ("More than one component is selected");
				return MS::kFailure;

	case MFn::kMeshVertComponent:
			MItMeshVertex vertexIter( dagPath, component );
			point = vertexIter.position(transformSpace );;
			if (!vertexIter.isDone()) {
				displayError ("More than one component is selected");
				return MS::kFailure;

		cerr << "Selected unsupported type: (" << component.apiType()
			 << "): " << component.apiTypeStr() << endl;

    return redoIt();
文件: usdImport.cpp 项目: 400dama/USD
MStatus usdImport::doIt(const MArgList & args)

    MStatus status;

    MArgDatabase argData(syntax(), args, &status);

    // Check that all flags were valid
    if (status != MS::kSuccess) {
        MGlobal::displayError("Invalid parameters detected.  Exiting.");
        return status;

    JobImportArgs jobArgs;
    //bool verbose = argData.isFlagSet("verbose");
    std::string mFileName;
    if (argData.isFlagSet("file"))
        // Get the value
        MString tmpVal;
        argData.getFlagArgument("file", 0, tmpVal);

        // resolve the path into an absolute path
        MFileObject absoluteFile;
        absoluteFile.setRawFullName( absoluteFile.resolvedFullName() ); // Make sure an absolute path

        if (!absoluteFile.exists()) {
            MGlobal::displayError("File does not exist.  Exiting.");
            return MS::kFailure;

        // Set the fileName
        mFileName = absoluteFile.resolvedFullName().asChar();
        MGlobal::displayInfo(MString("Importing ") + MString(mFileName.c_str()));
    if (mFileName.empty()) {
        MString error = "Non empty file specified. Skipping...";
        return MS::kFailure;

    if (argData.isFlagSet("shadingMode")) {
        MString stringVal;
        argData.getFlagArgument("shadingMode", 0, stringVal);
        TfToken shadingMode(stringVal.asChar());

        if (shadingMode.IsEmpty()) {
            jobArgs.shadingMode = PxrUsdMayaShadingModeTokens->displayColor;
        else {
            if (PxrUsdMayaShadingModeRegistry::GetInstance().GetExporter(shadingMode)) {
                jobArgs.shadingMode = shadingMode;
            else {
                MGlobal::displayError(TfStringPrintf("No shadingMode '%s' found.  Setting shadingMode='none'", 
                jobArgs.shadingMode = PxrUsdMayaShadingModeTokens->none;

    if (argData.isFlagSet("readAnimData"))
        bool tmpBool = false;
        argData.getFlagArgument("readAnimData", 0, tmpBool);
        jobArgs.readAnimData = tmpBool;

    // Specify usd PrimPath.  Default will be "/<useFileBasename>"
    std::string mPrimPath;
    if (argData.isFlagSet("primPath"))
        // Get the value
        MString tmpVal;
        argData.getFlagArgument("primPath", 0, tmpVal);
        mPrimPath = tmpVal.asChar();

    // Add variant (variantSet, variant).  Multi-use
    std::map<std::string,std::string> mVariants;
    for (unsigned int i=0; i < argData.numberOfFlagUses("variant"); ++i)
        MArgList tmpArgList;
        status = argData.getFlagArgumentList("variant", i, tmpArgList);
        // Get the value
        MString tmpKey = tmpArgList.asString(0, &status);
        MString tmpVal = tmpArgList.asString(1, &status);
        mVariants.insert( std::pair<std::string, std::string>(tmpKey.asChar(), tmpVal.asChar()) );

    if (argData.isFlagSet("assemblyRep"))
        // Get the value
        MString stringVal;
        argData.getFlagArgument("assemblyRep", 0, stringVal);
        std::string assemblyRep = stringVal.asChar();
        if (not assemblyRep.empty()) {
            jobArgs.assemblyRep = TfToken(assemblyRep);

    // Create the command
    if (mUsdReadJob) {
        delete mUsdReadJob;

    // pass in assemblyTypeName and proxyShapeTypeName
    mUsdReadJob = new usdReadJob(mFileName, mPrimPath, mVariants, jobArgs,
            _assemblyTypeName, _proxyShapeTypeName);

    // Add optional command params
    if (argData.isFlagSet("parent"))
        // Get the value
        MString tmpVal;
        argData.getFlagArgument("parent", 0, tmpVal);

        if (tmpVal.length()) {
            MSelectionList selList;
            MDagPath dagPath;
            status = selList.getDagPath(0, dagPath);
            if (status != MS::kSuccess) {
                std::string errorStr = TfStringPrintf(
                        "Invalid path \"%s\"for -parent.",
                return MS::kFailure;
            mUsdReadJob->setMayaRootDagPath( dagPath );

    // Execute the command
    std::vector<MDagPath> addedDagPaths;
    bool success = mUsdReadJob->doIt(&addedDagPaths);
    if (success) {
        TF_FOR_ALL(iter, addedDagPaths) {
MStatus AlembicExportCommand::doIt(const MArgList &args)

  MStatus status = MS::kFailure;

  MTime currentAnimStartTime = MAnimControl::animationStartTime(),
        currentAnimEndTime = MAnimControl::animationEndTime(),
        oldCurTime = MAnimControl::currentTime(),
        curMinTime = MAnimControl::minTime(),
        curMaxTime = MAnimControl::maxTime();
  MArgParser argData(syntax(), args, &status);

  if (argData.isFlagSet("help")) {
    // TODO: implement help for this command
    // MGlobal::displayInfo(util::getHelpText());
    return MS::kSuccess;

  unsigned int jobCount = argData.numberOfFlagUses("jobArg");
  MStringArray jobStrings;
  if (jobCount == 0) {
    // TODO: display dialog
    MGlobal::displayError("[ExocortexAlembic] No jobs specified.");
        "Error caught in AlembicExportCommand::doIt: no job specified");
    return status;
  else {
    // get all of the jobstrings
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < jobCount; i++) {
      MArgList jobArgList;
      argData.getFlagArgumentList("jobArg", i, jobArgList);

  // create a vector to store the jobs
  std::vector<AlembicWriteJob *> jobPtrs;
  double minFrame = 1000000.0;
  double maxFrame = -1000000.0;
  double maxSteps = 1;
  double maxSubsteps = 1;

  // init the curve accumulators

  try {
    // for each job, check the arguments
    bool failure = false;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < jobStrings.length(); ++i) {
      double frameIn = 1.0;
      double frameOut = 1.0;
      double frameSteps = 1.0;
      double frameSubSteps = 1.0;
      MString filename;
      bool purepointcache = false;
      bool normals = true;
      bool uvs = true;
      bool facesets = true;
      bool bindpose = true;
      bool dynamictopology = false;
      bool globalspace = false;
      bool withouthierarchy = false;
      bool transformcache = false;
      bool useInitShadGrp = false;
      bool useOgawa = false;  // Later, will need to be changed!

      MStringArray objectStrings;
      std::vector<std::string> prefixFilters;
      std::set<std::string> attributes;
      std::vector<std::string> userPrefixFilters;
      std::set<std::string> userAttributes;
      MObjectArray objects;
      std::string search_str, replace_str;

      // process all tokens of the job
      MStringArray tokens;
      jobStrings[i].split(';', tokens);
      for (unsigned int j = 0; j < tokens.length(); j++) {
        MStringArray valuePair;
        tokens[j].split('=', valuePair);
        if (valuePair.length() != 2) {
              "[ExocortexAlembic] Skipping invalid token: " + tokens[j]);

        const MString &lowerValue = valuePair[0].toLowerCase();
        if (lowerValue == "in") {
          frameIn = valuePair[1].asDouble();
        else if (lowerValue == "out") {
          frameOut = valuePair[1].asDouble();
        else if (lowerValue == "step") {
          frameSteps = valuePair[1].asDouble();
        else if (lowerValue == "substep") {
          frameSubSteps = valuePair[1].asDouble();
        else if (lowerValue == "normals") {
          normals = valuePair[1].asInt() != 0;
        else if (lowerValue == "uvs") {
          uvs = valuePair[1].asInt() != 0;
        else if (lowerValue == "facesets") {
          facesets = valuePair[1].asInt() != 0;
        else if (lowerValue == "bindpose") {
          bindpose = valuePair[1].asInt() != 0;
        else if (lowerValue == "purepointcache") {
          purepointcache = valuePair[1].asInt() != 0;
        else if (lowerValue == "dynamictopology") {
          dynamictopology = valuePair[1].asInt() != 0;
        else if (lowerValue == "globalspace") {
          globalspace = valuePair[1].asInt() != 0;
        else if (lowerValue == "withouthierarchy") {
          withouthierarchy = valuePair[1].asInt() != 0;
        else if (lowerValue == "transformcache") {
          transformcache = valuePair[1].asInt() != 0;
        else if (lowerValue == "filename") {
          filename = valuePair[1];
        else if (lowerValue == "objects") {
          // try to find each object
          valuePair[1].split(',', objectStrings);
        else if (lowerValue == "useinitshadgrp") {
          useInitShadGrp = valuePair[1].asInt() != 0;

        // search/replace
        else if (lowerValue == "search") {
          search_str = valuePair[1].asChar();
        else if (lowerValue == "replace") {
          replace_str = valuePair[1].asChar();
        else if (lowerValue == "ogawa") {
          useOgawa = valuePair[1].asInt() != 0;
        else if (lowerValue == "attrprefixes") {
          splitListArg(valuePair[1], prefixFilters);
        else if (lowerValue == "attrs") {
          splitListArg(valuePair[1], attributes);
        else if (lowerValue == "userattrprefixes") {
          splitListArg(valuePair[1], userPrefixFilters);
        else if (lowerValue == "userattrs") {
          splitListArg(valuePair[1], userAttributes);
        else {
              "[ExocortexAlembic] Skipping invalid token: " + tokens[j]);

      // now check the object strings
      for (unsigned int k = 0; k < objectStrings.length(); k++) {
        MSelectionList sl;
        MString objectString = objectStrings[k];
        MDagPath dag;
        for (unsigned int l = 0; l < sl.length(); l++) {
          sl.getDagPath(l, dag);
          MObject objRef = dag.node();
          if (objRef.isNull()) {
            MGlobal::displayWarning("[ExocortexAlembic] Skipping object '" +
                                    objectStrings[k] + "', not found.");

          // get all parents
          MObjectArray parents;

          // check if this is a camera
          bool isCamera = false;
          for (unsigned int m = 0; m < dag.childCount(); ++m) {
            MFnDagNode child(dag.child(m));
            MFn::Type ctype = child.object().apiType();
            if (ctype == MFn::kCamera) {
              isCamera = true;

          if (dag.node().apiType() == MFn::kTransform && !isCamera &&
              !globalspace && !withouthierarchy) {
            MDagPath ppath = dag;
            while (!ppath.node().isNull() && ppath.length() > 0 &&
                   ppath.isValid()) {
              if (ppath.pop() != MStatus::kSuccess) {
          else {

          // push all parents in
          while (parents.length() > 0) {
            bool found = false;
            for (unsigned int m = 0; m < objects.length(); m++) {
              if (objects[m] == parents[parents.length() - 1]) {
                found = true;
            if (!found) {
              objects.append(parents[parents.length() - 1]);
            parents.remove(parents.length() - 1);

          // check all of the shapes below
          if (!transformcache) {
            sl.getDagPath(l, dag);
            for (unsigned int m = 0; m < dag.childCount(); m++) {
              MFnDagNode child(dag.child(m));
              if (child.isIntermediateObject()) {

      // check if we have incompatible subframes
      if (maxSubsteps > 1.0 && frameSubSteps > 1.0) {
        const double part = (frameSubSteps > maxSubsteps)
                                ? (frameSubSteps / maxSubsteps)
                                : (maxSubsteps / frameSubSteps);
        if (abs(part - floor(part)) > 0.001) {
          MString frameSubStepsStr, maxSubstepsStr;
              "[ExocortexAlembic] You cannot combine substeps " +
              frameSubStepsStr + " and " + maxSubstepsStr +
              " in one export. Aborting.");
          return MStatus::kInvalidParameter;

      // remember the min and max values for the frames
      if (frameIn < minFrame) {
        minFrame = frameIn;
      if (frameOut > maxFrame) {
        maxFrame = frameOut;
      if (frameSteps > maxSteps) {
        maxSteps = frameSteps;
      if (frameSteps > 1.0) {
        frameSubSteps = 1.0;
      if (frameSubSteps > maxSubsteps) {
        maxSubsteps = frameSubSteps;

      // check if we have a filename
      if (filename.length() == 0) {
        MGlobal::displayError("[ExocortexAlembic] No filename specified.");
        for (size_t k = 0; k < jobPtrs.size(); k++) {
          delete (jobPtrs[k]);
            "Error caught in AlembicExportCommand::doIt: no filename "
        return MStatus::kFailure;

      // construct the frames
      MDoubleArray frames;
        const double frameIncr = frameSteps / frameSubSteps;
        for (double frame = frameIn; frame <= frameOut; frame += frameIncr) {

      AlembicWriteJob *job =
          new AlembicWriteJob(filename, objects, frames, useOgawa,
              prefixFilters, attributes, userPrefixFilters, userAttributes);
      job->SetOption("exportNormals", normals ? "1" : "0");
      job->SetOption("exportUVs", uvs ? "1" : "0");
      job->SetOption("exportFaceSets", facesets ? "1" : "0");
      job->SetOption("exportInitShadGrp", useInitShadGrp ? "1" : "0");
      job->SetOption("exportBindPose", bindpose ? "1" : "0");
      job->SetOption("exportPurePointCache", purepointcache ? "1" : "0");
      job->SetOption("exportDynamicTopology", dynamictopology ? "1" : "0");
      job->SetOption("indexedNormals", "1");
      job->SetOption("indexedUVs", "1");
      job->SetOption("exportInGlobalSpace", globalspace ? "1" : "0");
      job->SetOption("flattenHierarchy", withouthierarchy ? "1" : "0");
      job->SetOption("transformCache", transformcache ? "1" : "0");

      // check if the search/replace strings are valid!
      if (search_str.length() ? !replace_str.length()
                              : replace_str.length())  // either search or
                                                       // replace string is
                                                       // missing or empty!
            "Missing search or replace parameter. No strings will be "
        job->replacer = SearchReplace::createReplacer();
      else {
        job->replacer = SearchReplace::createReplacer(search_str, replace_str);

      // check if the job is satifsied
      if (job->PreProcess() != MStatus::kSuccess) {
        MGlobal::displayError("[ExocortexAlembic] Job skipped. Not satisfied.");
        delete (job);
        failure = true;

      // push the job to our registry
      MGlobal::displayInfo("[ExocortexAlembic] Using WriteJob:" +

    if (failure) {
      for (size_t k = 0; k < jobPtrs.size(); k++) {
        delete (jobPtrs[k]);
      return MS::kFailure;

    // compute the job count
    unsigned int jobFrameCount = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < jobPtrs.size(); i++)
      jobFrameCount += (unsigned int)jobPtrs[i]->GetNbObjects() *
                       (unsigned int)jobPtrs[i]->GetFrames().size();

    // now, let's run through all frames, and process the jobs
    const double frameRate = MTime(1.0, MTime::kSeconds).as(MTime::uiUnit());
    const double incrSteps = maxSteps / maxSubsteps;
    double nextFrame = minFrame + incrSteps;

    for (double frame = minFrame; frame <= maxFrame;
         frame += incrSteps, nextFrame += incrSteps) {
      MAnimControl::setCurrentTime(MTime(frame / frameRate, MTime::kSeconds));
          MTime(nextFrame / frameRate, MTime::kSeconds));
      MAnimControl::playForward();  // this way, it forces Maya to play exactly
      // one frame! and particles are updated!

      for (size_t i = 0; i < jobPtrs.size(); i++) {
        MStatus status = jobPtrs[i]->Process(frame);
        if (status != MStatus::kSuccess) {
          MGlobal::displayError("[ExocortexAlembic] Job aborted :" +
          for (size_t k = 0; k < jobPtrs.size(); k++) {
            delete (jobPtrs[k]);
          restoreOldTime(currentAnimStartTime, currentAnimEndTime, oldCurTime,
                         curMinTime, curMaxTime);
          return status;
  catch (...) {
        "[ExocortexAlembic] Jobs aborted, force closing all archives!");
    for (std::vector<AlembicWriteJob *>::iterator beg = jobPtrs.begin();
         beg != jobPtrs.end(); ++beg) {
    restoreOldTime(currentAnimStartTime, currentAnimEndTime, oldCurTime,
                   curMinTime, curMaxTime);
    MPxCommand::setResult("Error caught in AlembicExportCommand::doIt");
    status = MS::kFailure;

  // restore the animation start/end time and the current time!
  restoreOldTime(currentAnimStartTime, currentAnimEndTime, oldCurTime,
                 curMinTime, curMaxTime);

  // delete all jobs
  for (size_t k = 0; k < jobPtrs.size(); k++) {
    delete (jobPtrs[k]);

  // remove all known archives
  return status;
MStatus volumeLight::doIt( const MArgList& args )
	MStatus stat;

	double arc = 180.0f;
	double coneEndRadius = 0.0f;
	MFnVolumeLight::MLightDirection volumeLightDirection = MFnVolumeLight::kOutward;
	MFnVolumeLight::MLightShape lightShape = MFnVolumeLight::kConeVolume;
	bool emitAmbient = true;

	unsigned	i;

	// Parse the arguments.
	for ( i = 0; i < args.length(); i++ )
		if ( MString( "-a" ) == args.asString( i, &stat )
				&& MS::kSuccess == stat)
			double tmp = args.asDouble( ++i, &stat );
			if ( MS::kSuccess == stat )
				arc = tmp;
		else if ( MString( "-c" ) == args.asString( i, &stat )
				&& MS::kSuccess == stat)
			double tmp = args.asDouble( ++i, &stat );
			if ( MS::kSuccess == stat )
				coneEndRadius = tmp;
		else if ( MString( "-e" ) == args.asString( i, &stat )
				&& MS::kSuccess == stat)
			bool tmp = args.asBool( ++i, &stat );
			if ( MS::kSuccess == stat )
				emitAmbient = tmp;


	MFnVolumeLight light;

	light.create( true, &stat);

	cout<<"What's up?";

	if ( MS::kSuccess != stat )
		cout<<"Error creating light."<<endl;
		return stat;
	stat = light.setArc ((float)arc);
	if ( MS::kSuccess != stat )
		cout<<"Error setting \"arc\" attribute."<<endl;
		return stat;

	stat = light.setVolumeLightDirection (volumeLightDirection);
	if ( MS::kSuccess != stat )
		cout<<"Error setting \"volumeLightDirection\" attribute."<<endl;
		return stat;

	stat = light.setConeEndRadius ((float)coneEndRadius);
	if ( MS::kSuccess != stat )
		cout<<"Error setting \"coneEndRadius\" attribute."<<endl;
		return stat;

	stat = light.setEmitAmbient (emitAmbient);
	if ( MS::kSuccess != stat )
		cout<<"Error setting \"emitAmbient\" attribute."<<endl;
		return stat;

	stat = light.setLightShape (lightShape);
	if ( MS::kSuccess != stat )
		cout<<"Error setting \"lightShape\" attribute."<<endl;
		return stat;

	double arcGet = light.arc (&stat);
	if ( MS::kSuccess != stat || arcGet != arc)
		cout<<"Error getting \"arc\" attribute."<<endl;
		return stat;

	MFnVolumeLight::MLightDirection volumeLightDirectionGet = light.volumeLightDirection (&stat);
	if ( MS::kSuccess != stat || volumeLightDirectionGet != volumeLightDirection)
		cout<<"Error getting \"volumeLightDirection\" attribute."<<endl;
		return stat;

	double coneEndRadiusGet = light.coneEndRadius (&stat);
	if ( MS::kSuccess != stat || coneEndRadiusGet != coneEndRadius)
		cout<<"Error getting \"coneEndRadius\" attribute."<<endl;
		return stat;

	bool emitAmbientGet = light.emitAmbient (&stat);
	if ( MS::kSuccess != stat || emitAmbientGet != emitAmbient)
		cout<<"Error getting \"emitAmbient\" attribute."<<endl;
		return stat;

	MFnVolumeLight::MLightShape lightShapeGet = light.lightShape (&stat);
	if ( MS::kSuccess != stat || lightShapeGet != lightShape)
		cout<<"Error getting \"lightShape\" attribute."<<endl;
		return stat;

	// Get reference to the penumbra ramp.
	MRampAttribute ramp = light.penumbraRamp (&stat);
	if ( MS::kSuccess != stat )
		cout<<"Error getting \"penumbraRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
		return stat;

	MFloatArray a, b;
	MIntArray c,d;

	// Get the entries in the ramp
	ramp.getEntries (d, a, b, c, &stat);
	if ( MS::kSuccess != stat )
		cout<<"Error getting entries from \"penumbraRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
		return stat;

	// There should be 2 entries by default.
	if (d.length() != 2)
		cout<<"Invalid number of entries in \"penumbraRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
		return stat;

	MFloatArray a1, b1;
	MIntArray c1;

	// Prepare an array of entries to add.
	// In this case we are just adding 1 more entry
	// at position 0.5 with a curve value of 0.25 and a linear interpolation.
	a1.append (0.5f);
	b1.append (0.25f);
	c1.append (MRampAttribute::kLinear);

	// Add it to the curve ramp
	ramp.addEntries (a1, b1, c1, &stat);
	if ( MS::kSuccess != stat)
		cout<<"Error adding entries to \"penumbraRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
		return stat;

	// Get the entries to make sure that the above add actually worked.
	MFloatArray a2, b2;
	MIntArray c2,d2;
	ramp.getEntries (d2, a2, b2, c2, &stat);
	if ( MS::kSuccess != stat )
		cout<<"Error getting entries from \"penumbraRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
		return stat;
	if ( a.length() + a1.length() != a2.length())
		cout<<"Invalid number of entries in \"penumbraRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
		return stat;

	// Now try to interpolate the value at a point
	float newVal = -1;
	ramp.getValueAtPosition(.3f, newVal, &stat);

	if ( MS::kSuccess != stat )
		cout<<"Error interpolating value from \"penumbraRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
		return stat;
	if ( !EQUAL(newVal, .15f))
		cout<<"Invalid interpolation in  \"penumbraRamp\" expected .15 got "<<newVal
			<<" ."<<endl;

	// Try to delete an entry in an incorrect manner. 
	// This delete will work because there is an entry at 0, 
	// However we should never do it this way, because the entries
	// array can become sparse, so trying to delete an entry without 
	// checking whether an entry exists at that index can cause a failure.
	MIntArray entriesToDelete;
	entriesToDelete.append (0);
	ramp.deleteEntries (entriesToDelete, &stat);
	if ( MS::kSuccess != stat )
		cout<<"Error deleting entries from \"penumbraRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
		return stat;

	// Check to see whether the above delete worked.
	// As mentioned earlier it did work, but we shouldn't do it this way.
	// To illustrate why we shouldn't do it this way, we'll try to delete
	// entry at index 0 ( this no longer exists)
	ramp.getEntries (d2, a2, b2, c2, &stat);

	if ( a2.length() != 2)
		cout<<"Invalid number of entries in \"penumbraRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
		return stat;
	// Trying to delete entry at 0.
	entriesToDelete.append (0);
	ramp.deleteEntries (entriesToDelete, &stat);

	// It will fail because no entry exists.
	if ( MS::kSuccess == stat)
		cout<<"Error deleting entries from \"penumbraRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
		return stat;
	if ( a2.length() != 2)
		cout<<"Invalid number of entries in \"penumbraRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
		return stat;

	// The proper way to delete is to retrieve the index by calling "getEntries"
	ramp.getEntries (d2, a2, b2, c2, &stat);
	entriesToDelete.append (d2[0]);

	// Delete the first logical entry in the entry array.
	ramp.deleteEntries (entriesToDelete, &stat);
	if ( MS::kSuccess != stat)
		cout<<"Error deleting entries from \"penumbraRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
		return stat;

	// There should be only 1 entry left.
	ramp.getEntries (d2, a2, b2, c2, &stat);
	if ( MS::kSuccess != stat)
		cout<<"Error getting entries from \"penumbraRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
		return stat;
	entriesToDelete.append (d2[0]);

	// Can't delete the last entry, should return failure.
	ramp.deleteEntries (entriesToDelete, &stat);
	if ( MS::kSuccess == stat)
		cout<<"Error deleting entries from \"penumbraRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
		return stat;

	ramp.setPositionAtIndex (0.0f, d2[0], &stat);
	if ( MS::kSuccess != stat)
		printf("Error setting position at index: %d, of \"penumbraRamp\" attribute.\n", d2[0]);
		return stat;

	ramp.setValueAtIndex (1.0f, d2[0], &stat);
	if ( MS::kSuccess != stat)
		printf("Error setting value at index: %d, of \"penumbraRamp\" attribute.\n", d2[0]);
		return stat;

	ramp.setInterpolationAtIndex (MRampAttribute::kNone, d2[0], &stat);
	if ( MS::kSuccess != stat)
		printf("Error setting interpolation at index: %d, of \"penumbraRamp\" attribute.\n", d2[0]);
		return stat;

  	MRampAttribute ramp2 = light.colorRamp (&stat);
	if ( MS::kSuccess != stat)
		cout<<"Error getting  \"colorRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
		return stat;
	MFloatArray a3;
	MColorArray b3;
	MIntArray c3,d3;

  	// Get the entries in the ramp
	ramp2.getEntries (d3, a3, b3, c3, &stat);
	if ( MS::kSuccess != stat)
		cout<<"Error getting entries from \"colorRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
		return stat;
	// There should be 2 entries by default.
	if ( d3.length() != 2)
		cout<<"Invalid number of entries in \"colorRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
		return stat;

	MFloatArray a4;
	MColorArray b4;
	MIntArray c4;

	// Prepare an array of entries to add.
	// In this case we are just adding 1 more entry
	// at position 0.5 withe curve value of 0.5 and a linear interpolation.
	a4.append (0.5f);
	b4.append (MColor (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.75f));
	c4.append (MRampAttribute::kLinear);

	// Add it to the curve ramp
	ramp2.addEntries (a4, b4, c4, &stat);
	if ( MS::kSuccess != stat)
		cout<<"Error adding entries to \"colorRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
		return stat;
	// Get the entries to make sure that the above add actually worked.
	MFloatArray a5;
	MColorArray b5;
	MIntArray c5,d5;
	ramp2.getEntries (d5, a5, b5, c5, &stat);
	if ( MS::kSuccess != stat)
		cout<<"Error getting entries from \"colorRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
		return stat;
	if (  a3.length() + a4.length() != a5.length())
		cout<<"Invalid number of entries in \"colorRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
		return stat;

	// Now try to interpolate the color at a point
	MColor newCol(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
	ramp2.getColorAtPosition(.3f, newCol, &stat);

	if ( MS::kSuccess != stat )
		cout<<"Error interpolating color from \"penumbraRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
		return stat;
	if ( !EQUAL(newCol[2], .45))
		cout<<"Invalid color interpolation in  \"colorRamp\" expected .45 got "<<newCol[2]<<endl;

	MColor clr (0.5, 0.5, 0.0);
	ramp2.setColorAtIndex (clr, d5[0], &stat);
	if ( MS::kSuccess != stat)
		cout<<"Error setting color at index: "<<d5[0]
			<<", of \"colorRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
		return stat;

	ramp2.setInterpolationAtIndex (MRampAttribute::kSpline, d5[1], &stat);
	if ( MS::kSuccess != stat)
		cout<<"Error setting interpolation at index: "<<d5[1]
			<<", of \"colorRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
		return stat;

	return stat;
MStatus testExCameraSetCmd::parseArgs( const MArgList& args)
// Parses the command line arguments.
	MStatus status;

	//	Get the flags.  If the create or help flags are used, return success and ignore the other flags.
	createUsed = (args.flagIndex(kCreateFlag, kCreateFlagLong) != MArgList::kInvalidArgIndex);
	editUsed = (args.flagIndex(kEditFlag, kEditFlagLong) != MArgList::kInvalidArgIndex);
	queryUsed = (args.flagIndex(kQueryFlag, kQueryFlagLong) != MArgList::kInvalidArgIndex);
	helpUsed = (args.flagIndex(kHelpFlag, kHelpFlagLong) != MArgList::kInvalidArgIndex);
	numLayersUsed = (args.flagIndex(kNumLayersFlag, kNumLayersFlagLong) != MArgList::kInvalidArgIndex);

	// If flags are used which require no other information, return now.
	if (createUsed || helpUsed)
		return MS::kSuccess;

	unsigned int maxArg = args.length() - 1;
	unsigned int activeIndex = args.flagIndex(kActiveFlag, kActiveFlagLong);
	unsigned int appendCameraIndex = args.flagIndex(kAppendCameraFlag, kAppendCameraFlagLong);
	unsigned int appendCameraAndSetIndex = args.flagIndex(kAppendCameraAndSetFlag, kAppendCameraAndSetFlagLong);
	unsigned int cameraIndex = args.flagIndex(kCameraFlag, kCameraFlagLong);
	unsigned int deleteLayerIndex = args.flagIndex(kDeleteLayerFlag, kDeleteLayerFlagLong);
	unsigned int layerIndex = args.flagIndex(kLayerFlag, kLayerFlagLong);
	unsigned int layerTypeIndex = args.flagIndex(kLayerTypeFlag, kLayerTypeFlagLong);
	unsigned int setIndex = args.flagIndex(kSetFlag, kSetFlagLong);
	activeUsed = (activeIndex != MArgList::kInvalidArgIndex);
	appendCameraUsed = (appendCameraIndex != MArgList::kInvalidArgIndex);
	appendCameraAndSetUsed = (appendCameraAndSetIndex != MArgList::kInvalidArgIndex);
	cameraUsed = (cameraIndex != MArgList::kInvalidArgIndex);
	deleteLayerUsed = (deleteLayerIndex != MArgList::kInvalidArgIndex);
	layerUsed = (layerIndex != MArgList::kInvalidArgIndex);
	layerTypeUsed = (layerTypeIndex != MArgList::kInvalidArgIndex);
	setUsed = (setIndex != MArgList::kInvalidArgIndex);

	// Process each flag.
	bool maxArgUsed = false;
	if (activeUsed)
		if (editUsed)
			activeVal = args.asBool((activeIndex+1), &status);
			if (status != MS::kSuccess)
				MGlobal::displayError("-active must be either true or false");
				return status;
			if ((layerTypeIndex+1) == maxArg)
				maxArgUsed = true;
	if (appendCameraUsed)
		camName = args.asString((appendCameraIndex+1), &status);
		if (status != MS::kSuccess)
			MGlobal::displayError("-appendCamera must have a valid camera node specified");
			return status;

		if ((appendCameraIndex+1) == maxArg)
			maxArgUsed = true;
	if (appendCameraAndSetUsed)
		camName = args.asString((appendCameraAndSetIndex+1));
		setName = args.asString((appendCameraAndSetIndex+2));
		if ((appendCameraAndSetIndex+2) == maxArg)
			maxArgUsed = true;
	if (cameraUsed)
		if (editUsed)
			camName = args.asString(cameraIndex+1);
			if ((cameraIndex+1) == maxArg)
				maxArgUsed = true;
	if (deleteLayerUsed)
		cameraLayer = args.asInt(deleteLayerIndex+1);
		if ((deleteLayerIndex+1) == maxArg)
			maxArgUsed = true;
	if (layerUsed)
		cameraLayer = args.asInt(layerIndex+1);
		if ((layerIndex+1) == maxArg)
			maxArgUsed = true;
	if (layerTypeUsed)
		if (editUsed)
			layerTypeVal = args.asString(layerTypeIndex+1);
			if ((layerTypeIndex+1) == maxArg)
				maxArgUsed = true;
	if (setUsed)
		if (editUsed)
			setName = args.asString(setIndex+1);
			if ((setIndex+1) == maxArg)
				maxArgUsed = true;

	// If all of the arguments have been used, get the cameraSet node from the selection list.
	// Otherwise, get it from the last argument.
	if (maxArgUsed)

	return MS::kSuccess;

	emits particles with color sampled from specified
	shading node/shading engine

MStatus sampleParticles::doIt( const MArgList& args )
	unsigned int i;
	bool shadow = 0;
	bool reuse = 0;

	for ( i = 0; i < args.length(); i++ )
		if ( args.asString(i) == MString("-shadow") || 
			args.asString(i) == MString("-s") )
			shadow = 1;
		else if ( args.asString(i) == MString("-reuse") || 
			args.asString(i) == MString("-r") )
			reuse = 1;
	if ( args.length() - i < 5 )
		displayError( "Usage: sampleParticles [-shadow|-reuse] particleName <shadingEngine|shadingNode.plug> resX resY scale\n"
			"  Example: sampleParticles -shadow particle1 phong1SG 64 64 10;\n"
			"  Example: sampleParticles particle1 file1.outColor 128 128 5;\n" );
		return MS::kFailure;
	if ( reuse && !shadow )	// can only reuse if shadow is turned on
		reuse = 0;

	MString particleName = args.asString( i );
	MString node = args.asString( i+1 );
	int resX = args.asInt( i+2 );
	int resY = args.asInt( i+3 );
	double scale = args.asDouble( i+4 );

	if ( scale <= 0.0 )
		scale = 1.0;

	MFloatArray uCoord, vCoord;
	MFloatPointArray points;
	MFloatVectorArray normals, tanUs, tanVs;

	if ( resX <= 0 )
		resX = 1;
	if ( resY <= 0 )
		resY = 1;

	MString command( "emit -o " );
	command += particleName;
	char tmp[2048];

	float stepU = (float) (1.0 / resX);
	float stepV = (float) (1.0 / resY);

	// stuff sample data by iterating over grid
	// Y is set to arch along the X axis

	int x, y;
	for ( y = 0; y < resY; y++ )
		for ( x = 0; x < resX; x++ )
			uCoord.append( stepU * x );
			vCoord.append( stepV * y );

			float curY = (float) (sin( stepU * (x) * M_PI )*2.0);

			MFloatPoint curPt(
				(float) (stepU * x * scale),
				(float) (stepV * y * scale ));

			MFloatPoint uPt(
				(float) (stepU * (x+1) * scale),
				(float) (sin( stepU * (x+1) * M_PI )*2.0),
				(float) (stepV * y * scale ));

			MFloatPoint vPt(
				(float) (stepU * (x) * scale),
				(float) (stepV * (y+1) * scale ));

			MFloatVector du, dv, n;
			du = uPt-curPt;
			dv = vPt-curPt;

			n = dv^du;	// normal is based on dU x dV
			n = n.normal();
			normals.append( n );

			tanUs.append( du );
			tanVs.append( dv );

			points.append( curPt );

	// get current camera's world matrix

	MDagPath cameraPath;
	M3dView::active3dView().getCamera( cameraPath );
	MMatrix mat = cameraPath.inclusiveMatrix();
	MFloatMatrix cameraMat( mat.matrix );

	MFloatVectorArray colors, transps;
	if ( MS::kSuccess == MRenderUtil::sampleShadingNetwork( 


			NULL,	// don't need filterSize

			transps ) )
		fprintf( stderr, "%u points sampled...\n", points.length() );
		for ( i = 0; i < uCoord.length(); i++ )
			sprintf( tmp, " -pos %g %g %g -at velocity -vv %g %g %g -at rgbPP -vv %g %g %g",


				colors[i].z );

			command += MString( tmp );

			// execute emit command once every 512 samples
			if ( i % 512 == 0 )
				fprintf( stderr, "%u...\n", i );
				MGlobal::executeCommand( command, false, false );
				command = MString( "emit -o " );
				command += particleName;

		if ( i % 512 )
			MGlobal::executeCommand( command, true, true );
		displayError( node + MString(" is not a shading engine!  Specify node.attr or shading group node." ) );

	return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus AbcExport::doIt(const MArgList & args)
    MStatus status;

    MTime oldCurTime = MAnimControl::currentTime();

    MArgParser argData(syntax(), args, &status);

    if (argData.isFlagSet("help"))
        return MS::kSuccess;

    bool verbose = argData.isFlagSet("verbose");

    // If skipFrame is true, when going through the playback range of the
    // scene, as much frames are skipped when possible.  This could cause
    // a problem for, time dependent solutions like
    // particle system / hair simulation
    bool skipFrame = true;
    if (argData.isFlagSet("dontSkipUnwrittenFrames"))
        skipFrame = false;

    double startEvaluationTime = DBL_MAX;
    if (argData.isFlagSet("preRollStartFrame"))
        double startAt = 0.0;
        argData.getFlagArgument("preRollStartFrame", 0, startAt);
        startEvaluationTime = startAt;

    unsigned int jobSize = argData.numberOfFlagUses("jobArg");

    if (jobSize == 0)
        return status;

    // the frame range we will be iterating over for all jobs,
    // includes frames which are not skipped and the startAt offset
    std::set<double> allFrameRange;

    // this will eventually hold only the animated jobs.
    // its a list because we will be removing jobs from it
    std::list < AbcWriteJobPtr > jobList;

    for (unsigned int jobIndex = 0; jobIndex < jobSize; jobIndex++)
        JobArgs jobArgs;
        MArgList jobArgList;
        argData.getFlagArgumentList("jobArg", jobIndex, jobArgList);
        MString jobArgsStr = jobArgList.asString(0);
        MStringArray jobArgsArray;

            // parse the job arguments
            // e.g. -perFrameCallbackMel "print \"something\"" will be splitted to
            //    [0] -perFrameCallbackMel
            //    [1] print "something"
            enum State {
                kArgument,               // parsing an argument (not quoted)
                kDoubleQuotedString,     // parsing a double quoted string
                kSingleQuotedString,     // parsing a single quoted string

            State state = kArgument;
            MString stringBuffer;
            for (unsigned int charIdx = 0; charIdx < jobArgsStr.numChars();
                MString ch = jobArgsStr.substringW(charIdx, charIdx);
                switch (state)
                case kArgument:
                    if (ch == " ")
                        // space terminates the current argument
                        if (stringBuffer.length() > 0) {
                        // goto another argument
                        state = kArgument;
                    else if (ch == "\"")
                        if (stringBuffer.length() > 0)
                            // double quote is part of the argument
                            stringBuffer += ch;
                            // goto double quoted string
                            state = kDoubleQuotedString;
                    else if (ch == "'")
                        if (stringBuffer.length() > 0)
                            // single quote is part of the argument
                            stringBuffer += ch;
                            // goto single quoted string
                            state = kSingleQuotedString;
                        stringBuffer += ch;

                case kDoubleQuotedString:
                    // double quote terminates the current string
                    if (ch == "\"")
                        state = kArgument;
                    else if (ch == "\\")
                        // escaped character
                        MString nextCh = (++charIdx < jobArgsStr.numChars())
                            ? jobArgsStr.substringW(charIdx, charIdx) : "\\";
                        if (nextCh == "n")       stringBuffer += "\n";
                        else if (nextCh == "t")  stringBuffer += "\t";
                        else if (nextCh == "r")  stringBuffer += "\r";
                        else if (nextCh == "\\") stringBuffer += "\\";
                        else if (nextCh == "'")  stringBuffer += "'";
                        else if (nextCh == "\"") stringBuffer += "\"";
                        else                     stringBuffer += nextCh;
                        stringBuffer += ch;

                case kSingleQuotedString:
                    // single quote terminates the current string
                    if (ch == "'")
                        state = kArgument;
                    else if (ch == "\\")
                        // escaped character
                        MString nextCh = (++charIdx < jobArgsStr.numChars())
                            ? jobArgsStr.substringW(charIdx, charIdx) : "\\";
                        if (nextCh == "n")       stringBuffer += "\n";
                        else if (nextCh == "t")  stringBuffer += "\t";
                        else if (nextCh == "r")  stringBuffer += "\r";
                        else if (nextCh == "\\") stringBuffer += "\\";
                        else if (nextCh == "'")  stringBuffer += "'";
                        else if (nextCh == "\"") stringBuffer += "\"";
                        else                     stringBuffer += nextCh;
                        stringBuffer += ch;

            // the rest of the argument
            if (stringBuffer.length() > 0)

        // the frame range within this job
        std::vector< FrameRangeArgs > frameRanges(1);
        frameRanges.back().startTime = oldCurTime.value();
        frameRanges.back().endTime = oldCurTime.value();
        frameRanges.back().strideTime = 1.0;

        bool hasRange = false;
        bool hasRoot = false;
        bool sampleGeo  = true; // whether or not to subsample geometry
        std::string fileName;
        bool asOgawa = true;

        unsigned int numJobArgs = jobArgsArray.length();
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numJobArgs; ++i)
            MString arg = jobArgsArray[i];

            if (arg == "-f" || arg == "-file")
                if (i+1 >= numJobArgs)
                    MGlobal::displayError("File incorrectly specified.");
                    return MS::kFailure;
                fileName = jobArgsArray[++i].asChar();

            else if (arg == "-fr" || arg == "-framerange")
                if (i+2 >= numJobArgs || !jobArgsArray[i+1].isDouble() ||
                    MGlobal::displayError("Frame Range incorrectly specified.");
                    return MS::kFailure;

                // this is not the first -frameRange argument, we are going
                // to add one more frame range to the frame range array.
                if (hasRange)

                hasRange = true;
                frameRanges.back().startTime = jobArgsArray[++i].asDouble();
                frameRanges.back().endTime = jobArgsArray[++i].asDouble();

                // make sure start frame is smaller or equal to endTime
                if (frameRanges.back().startTime > frameRanges.back().endTime)

            else if (arg == "-frs" || arg == "-framerelativesample")
                if (i+1 >= numJobArgs || !jobArgsArray[i+1].isDouble())
                        "Frame Relative Sample incorrectly specified.");
                    return MS::kFailure;

            else if (arg == "-nn" || arg == "-nonormals")
                jobArgs.noNormals = true;

            else if (arg == "-pr" || arg == "-preroll")
                frameRanges.back().preRoll = true;

            else if (arg == "-ro" || arg == "-renderableonly")
                jobArgs.excludeInvisible = true;

            else if (arg == "-s" || arg == "-step")
                if (i+1 >= numJobArgs || !jobArgsArray[i+1].isDouble())
                    MGlobal::displayError("Step incorrectly specified.");
                    return MS::kFailure;
                frameRanges.back().strideTime = jobArgsArray[++i].asDouble();

            else if (arg == "-sl" || arg == "-selection")
                jobArgs.useSelectionList = true;

            else if (arg == "-sn" || arg == "-stripnamespaces")
                if (i+1 >= numJobArgs || !jobArgsArray[i+1].isUnsigned())
                    // the strip all namespaces case
                    // so we pick a very LARGE number
                    jobArgs.stripNamespace = 0xffffffff;
                    jobArgs.stripNamespace = jobArgsArray[++i].asUnsigned();

            else if (arg == "-uv" || arg == "-uvwrite")
                jobArgs.writeUVs = true;

            else if (arg == "-wcs" || arg == "-writecolorsets")
                jobArgs.writeColorSets = true;

            else if (arg == "-wfs" || arg == "-writefacesets")
                jobArgs.writeFaceSets = true;

            else if (arg == "-wfg" || arg == "-wholeframegeo")
                sampleGeo = false;

            else if (arg == "-ws" || arg == "-worldspace")
                jobArgs.worldSpace = true;

            else if (arg == "-wuvs" || arg == "-writeuvsets")
                jobArgs.writeUVSets = true;

            else if (arg == "-wv" || arg == "-writevisibility")
                jobArgs.writeVisibility = true;

            else if (arg == "-as" || arg == "-autosubd")
                jobArgs.autoSubd = true;

            else if (arg == "-mfc" || arg == "-melperframecallback")
                if (i+1 >= numJobArgs)
                        "melPerFrameCallback incorrectly specified.");
                    return MS::kFailure;
                jobArgs.melPerFrameCallback = jobArgsArray[++i].asChar();

            else if (arg == "-pfc" || arg == "-pythonperframecallback")
                if (i+1 >= numJobArgs)
                        "pythonPerFrameCallback incorrectly specified.");
                    return MS::kFailure;
                jobArgs.pythonPerFrameCallback = jobArgsArray[++i].asChar();

            else if (arg == "-mpc" || arg == "-melpostjobcallback")
                if (i+1 >= numJobArgs)
                        "melPostJobCallback incorrectly specified.");
                    return MS::kFailure;
                jobArgs.melPostCallback = jobArgsArray[++i].asChar();

            else if (arg == "-ppc" || arg == "-pythonpostjobcallback")
                if (i+1 >= numJobArgs)
                        "pythonPostJobCallback incorrectly specified.");
                    return MS::kFailure;
                jobArgs.pythonPostCallback = jobArgsArray[++i].asChar();

            // geomArbParams - attribute filtering stuff
            else if (arg == "-atp" || arg == "-attrprefix")
                if (i+1 >= numJobArgs)
                        "attrPrefix incorrectly specified.");
                    return MS::kFailure;

            else if (arg == "-a" || arg == "-attr")
                if (i+1 >= numJobArgs)
                        "attr incorrectly specified.");
                    return MS::kFailure;

            // userProperties - attribute filtering stuff
            else if (arg == "-uatp" || arg == "-userattrprefix")
                if (i+1 >= numJobArgs)
                        "userAttrPrefix incorrectly specified.");
                    return MS::kFailure;

            else if (arg == "-u" || arg == "-userattr")
                if (i+1 >= numJobArgs)
                        "userAttr incorrectly specified.");
                    return MS::kFailure;

            else if (arg == "-rt" || arg == "-root")
                if (i+1 >= numJobArgs)
                        "root incorrectly specified.");
                    return MS::kFailure;
                hasRoot = true;
                MString root = jobArgsArray[++i];

                MSelectionList sel;
                if (sel.add(root) != MS::kSuccess)
                    MString warn = root;
                    warn += " could not be select, skipping.";

                unsigned int numRoots = sel.length();
                for (unsigned int j = 0; j < numRoots; ++j)
                    MDagPath path;
                    if (sel.getDagPath(j, path) != MS::kSuccess)
                        MString warn = path.fullPathName();
                        warn += " (part of ";
                        warn += root;
                        warn += " ) not a DAG Node, skipping.";
            else if (arg == "-ef" || arg == "-eulerfilter")
                jobArgs.filterEulerRotations = true;
            else if (arg == "-df" || arg == "-dataformat")
                if (i+1 >= numJobArgs)
                        "dataFormat incorrectly specified.");
                    return MS::kFailure;
                MString dataFormat = jobArgsArray[++i];
                if (dataFormat == "hdf")
                    asOgawa = false;
                else if (dataFormat == "ogawa")
                    asOgawa = true;
                MString warn = "Ignoring unsupported flag: ";
                warn += jobArgsArray[i];
        } //  for i

        if (fileName == "")
            MString error = "-file not specified.";
            return MS::kFailure;

            MString fileRule, expandName;
            MString alembicFileRule = "alembicCache";
            MString alembicFilePath = "cache/alembic";

            MString queryFileRuleCmd;
            queryFileRuleCmd.format("workspace -q -fre \"^1s\"",

            MString queryFolderCmd;
            queryFolderCmd.format("workspace -en `workspace -q -fre \"^1s\"`",

            // query the file rule for alembic cache
            MGlobal::executeCommand(queryFileRuleCmd, fileRule);
            if (fileRule.length() > 0)
                // we have alembic file rule, query the folder
                MGlobal::executeCommand(queryFolderCmd, expandName);
                // alembic file rule does not exist, create it
                MString addFileRuleCmd;
                addFileRuleCmd.format("workspace -fr \"^1s\" \"^2s\"",
                    alembicFileRule, alembicFilePath);

                // save the workspace. maya may discard file rules on exit
                MGlobal::executeCommand("workspace -s");

                // query the folder
                MGlobal::executeCommand(queryFolderCmd, expandName);

            // resolve the expanded file rule
            if (expandName.length() == 0)
                expandName = alembicFilePath;

            // get the path to the alembic file rule
            MFileObject directory;
            MString directoryName = directory.resolvedFullName();

            // make sure the cache folder exists
            if (!directory.exists())
                // create the cache folder
                MString createFolderCmd;
                createFolderCmd.format("sysFile -md \"^1s\"", directoryName);

            // resolve the relative path
            MFileObject absoluteFile;
#if MAYA_API_VERSION < 201300
            if (absoluteFile.resolvedFullName() !=
            if (!MFileObject::isAbsolutePath(fileName.c_str())) {
                // this is a relative path
                MString absoluteFileName = directoryName + "/" +
                fileName = absoluteFile.resolvedFullName().asChar();
                fileName = absoluteFile.resolvedFullName().asChar();

            // check the path must exist before writing
            MFileObject absoluteFilePath;
            if (!absoluteFilePath.exists()) {
                MString error;
                error.format("Path ^1s does not exist!", absoluteFilePath.resolvedFullName());
                return MS::kFailure;

            // check the file is used by any AlembicNode in the scene
            MItDependencyNodes dgIter(MFn::kPluginDependNode);
            for (; !dgIter.isDone(); {
                MFnDependencyNode alembicNode(dgIter.thisNode());
                if (alembicNode.typeName() != "AlembicNode") {

                MPlug abcFilePlug = alembicNode.findPlug("abc_File");
                if (abcFilePlug.isNull()) {

                MFileObject alembicFile;
                if (!alembicFile.exists()) {

                if (alembicFile.resolvedFullName() == absoluteFile.resolvedFullName()) {
                    MString error = "Can't export to an Alembic file which is in use.";
                    return MS::kFailure;

            std::ofstream ofs(fileName.c_str());
            if (!ofs.is_open()) {
                MString error = MString("Can't write to file: ") + fileName.c_str();
                return MS::kFailure;

        // if -frameRelativeSample argument is not specified for a frame range,
        // we are assuming a -frameRelativeSample 0.0
        for (std::vector<FrameRangeArgs>::iterator range =
            frameRanges.begin(); range != frameRanges.end(); ++range)
            if (range->shutterSamples.empty())

        if (jobArgs.prefixFilters.empty())

        // the list of frame ranges for sampling
        std::vector<FrameRangeArgs> sampleRanges;
        std::vector<FrameRangeArgs> preRollRanges;
        for (std::vector<FrameRangeArgs>::const_iterator range =
            frameRanges.begin(); range != frameRanges.end(); ++range)
            if (range->preRoll)

        // the list of frames written into the abc file
        std::set<double> geoSamples;
        std::set<double> transSamples;
        for (std::vector<FrameRangeArgs>::const_iterator range =
            sampleRanges.begin(); range != sampleRanges.end(); ++range)
            for (double frame = range->startTime;
                frame <= range->endTime;
                frame += range->strideTime)
                for (std::set<double>::const_iterator shutter =
                    shutter != range->shutterSamples.end(); ++shutter)
                    double curFrame = *shutter + frame;
                    if (!sampleGeo)
                        double intFrame = (double)(int)(
                            curFrame >= 0 ? curFrame + .5 : curFrame - .5);

                        // only insert samples that are close to being an integer
                        if (fabs(curFrame - intFrame) < 1e-4)

            if (geoSamples.empty())

            if (transSamples.empty())

        bool isAcyclic = false;
        if (sampleRanges.empty())
            // no frame ranges or all frame ranges are pre-roll ranges
            hasRange = false;
            // check if the time range is even (cyclic)
            // otherwise, we will use acyclic
            // sub frames pattern
            std::vector<double> pattern(
            std::transform(pattern.begin(), pattern.end(), pattern.begin(),

            // check the frames against the pattern
            std::vector<double> timeSamples(
                transSamples.begin(), transSamples.end());
            for (size_t i = 0; i < timeSamples.size(); i++)
                // next pattern
                if (i % pattern.size() == 0 && i / pattern.size() > 0)
                    std::transform(pattern.begin(), pattern.end(),
                        pattern.begin(), std::bind2nd(std::plus<double>(),

                // pattern mismatch, we use acyclic time sampling type
                if (timeSamples[i] != pattern[i % pattern.size()])
                    isAcyclic = true;

        // the list of frames to pre-roll
        std::set<double> preRollSamples;
        for (std::vector<FrameRangeArgs>::const_iterator range =
            preRollRanges.begin(); range != preRollRanges.end(); ++range)
            for (double frame = range->startTime;
                frame <= range->endTime;
                frame += range->strideTime)
                for (std::set<double>::const_iterator shutter =
                    shutter != range->shutterSamples.end(); ++shutter)
                    double curFrame = *shutter + frame;

            if (preRollSamples.empty())

        if (jobArgs.dagPaths.size() > 1)
            // check for validity of the DagPath relationships complexity : n^2

            util::ShapeSet::const_iterator m, n;
            util::ShapeSet::const_iterator end = jobArgs.dagPaths.end();
            for (m = jobArgs.dagPaths.begin(); m != end; )
                MDagPath path1 = *m;
                for (n = m; n != end; n++)
                    MDagPath path2 = *n;
                    if (util::isAncestorDescendentRelationship(path1,path2))
                        MString errorMsg = path1.fullPathName();
                        errorMsg += " and ";
                        errorMsg += path2.fullPathName();
                        errorMsg += " have an ancestor relationship.";
                        return MS::kFailure;
                }  // for n
            }  // for m
        // no root is specified, and we aren't using a selection
        // so we'll try to translate the whole Maya scene by using all
        // children of the world as roots.
        else if (!hasRoot && !jobArgs.useSelectionList)
            MSelectionList sel;
#if MAYA_API_VERSION >= 201100
            sel.add("|*", true);
            // older versions of Maya will not be able to find top level nodes
            // within namespaces
            unsigned int numRoots = sel.length();
            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numRoots; ++i)
                MDagPath path;
                sel.getDagPath(i, path);
        else if (hasRoot && jobArgs.dagPaths.empty())
            MString errorMsg = "No valid root nodes were specified.";
            return MS::kFailure;
        else if (jobArgs.useSelectionList)
            MSelectionList activeList;
            if (activeList.length() == 0)
                MString errorMsg =
                    "-selection specified but nothing is actively selected.";
                return MS::kFailure;

        AbcA::TimeSamplingPtr transTime, geoTime;

        if (hasRange)
            if (isAcyclic)
                // acyclic, uneven time sampling
                // e.g. [0.8, 1, 1.2], [2.8, 3, 3.2], .. not continuous
                //      [0.8, 1, 1.2], [1.7, 2, 2.3], .. shutter different
                std::vector<double> samples(
                    transSamples.begin(), transSamples.end());
                std::transform(samples.begin(), samples.end(), samples.begin(),
                    std::bind2nd(std::multiplies<double>(), util::spf()));
                transTime.reset(new AbcA::TimeSampling(AbcA::TimeSamplingType(
                    AbcA::TimeSamplingType::kAcyclic), samples));
                // cyclic, even time sampling between time periods
                // e.g. [0.8, 1, 1.2], [1.8, 2, 2.2], ...
                std::vector<double> samples;
                double startTime = sampleRanges[0].startTime;
                double strideTime = sampleRanges[0].strideTime;
                for (std::set<double>::const_iterator shutter =
                    shutter != sampleRanges[0].shutterSamples.end();
                    samples.push_back((startTime + *shutter) * util::spf());

                if (samples.size() > 1)
                    Alembic::Util::uint32_t numSamples =
                        new AbcA::TimeSampling(AbcA::TimeSamplingType(
                            numSamples, strideTime * util::spf()), samples));
                // uniform sampling
                    transTime.reset(new AbcA::TimeSampling(
                        strideTime * util::spf(), samples[0]));
            // time ranges are not specified
            transTime.reset(new AbcA::TimeSampling());

        if (sampleGeo || !hasRange)
            geoTime = transTime;
            // sampling geo on whole frames
            if (isAcyclic)
                // acyclic, uneven time sampling
                std::vector<double> samples(
                    geoSamples.begin(), geoSamples.end());
                // one more sample for setup()
                if (*transSamples.begin() != *geoSamples.begin())
                    samples.insert(samples.begin(), *transSamples.begin());
                std::transform(samples.begin(), samples.end(), samples.begin(),
                    std::bind2nd(std::multiplies<double>(), util::spf()));
                geoTime.reset(new AbcA::TimeSampling(AbcA::TimeSamplingType(
                    AbcA::TimeSamplingType::kAcyclic), samples));
                double geoStride = sampleRanges[0].strideTime;
                if (geoStride < 1.0)
                    geoStride = 1.0;

                double geoStart = *geoSamples.begin() * util::spf();
                geoTime.reset(new AbcA::TimeSampling(
                    geoStride * util::spf(), geoStart));

        AbcWriteJobPtr job(new AbcWriteJob(fileName.c_str(), asOgawa,
            transSamples, transTime, geoSamples, geoTime, jobArgs));


        // make sure we add additional whole frames, if we arent skipping
        // the inbetween ones
        if (!skipFrame && !allFrameRange.empty())
            double localMin = *(transSamples.begin());
            std::set<double>::iterator last = transSamples.end();
            double localMax = *last;

            double globalMin = *(allFrameRange.begin());
            last = allFrameRange.end();
            double globalMax = *last;

            // if the min of our current frame range is beyond
            // what we know about, pad a few more frames
            if (localMin > globalMax)
                for (double f = globalMax; f < localMin; f++)

            // if the max of our current frame range is beyond
            // what we know about, pad a few more frames
            if (localMax < globalMin)
                for (double f = localMax; f < globalMin; f++)

        // right now we just copy over the translation samples since
        // they are guaranteed to contain all the geometry samples
        allFrameRange.insert(transSamples.begin(), transSamples.end());

        // copy over the pre-roll samples
        allFrameRange.insert(preRollSamples.begin(), preRollSamples.end());

    // add extra evaluation run up, if necessary
    if (startEvaluationTime != DBL_MAX && !allFrameRange.empty())
        double firstFrame = *allFrameRange.begin();
        for (double f = startEvaluationTime; f < firstFrame; ++f)

    std::set<double>::iterator it = allFrameRange.begin();
    std::set<double>::iterator itEnd = allFrameRange.end();

    MComputation computation;

    // loop through every frame in the list, if a job has that frame in it's
    // list of transform or shape frames, then it will write out data and
    // call the perFrameCallback, if that frame is also the last one it has
    // to work on then it will also call the postCallback.
    // If it doesn't have this frame, then it does nothing
    for (; it != itEnd; it++)
        if (verbose)
            double frame = *it;
            MString info;
            info = frame;

        std::list< AbcWriteJobPtr >::iterator j = jobList.begin();
        std::list< AbcWriteJobPtr >::iterator jend = jobList.end();
        while (j != jend)
            if (computation.isInterruptRequested())
                return MS::kFailure;

            bool lastFrame = (*j)->eval(*it);

            if (lastFrame)
                j = jobList.erase(j);

    // set the time back

    return MS::kSuccess;
catch (Alembic::Util::Exception & e)
    MString theError("Alembic Exception encountered: ");
    theError += e.what();
    return MS::kFailure;
catch (std::exception & e)
    MString theError("std::exception encountered: ");
    theError += e.what();
    return MS::kFailure;

MStatus CBPoseSpaceCmd::parseArgs( const MArgList& args )
    _operation = tCreate;
    _cacheName = "";
    _poseName = "";
    _bindName = "";
    // Parse the arguments.
    MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess;
    MString     	arg;
    const MString	createCacheFlag			("-cc");
    const MString	createCacheFlagLong		("-createCache");
    const MString	loadCacheFlag			("-lc");
    const MString	loadCacheFlagLong		("-loadCache");
    const MString	savePoseFlag			("-sp");
    const MString	savePoseFlagLong		("-savePose");
    const MString	loadPoseFlag			("-lp");
    const MString	loadPoseFlagLong		("-loadPose");
    const MString	poseAtFlag			("-pa");
    const MString	poseAtFlagLong		("-poseAt");
    const MString	bindToFlag			("-bt");
    const MString	bindToFlagLong		("-bindTo");
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < args.length(); i++ ) {
        arg = args.asString( i, &stat );
        if (!stat)

        if ( arg == createCacheFlag || arg == createCacheFlagLong ) {
            _operation = tCreate;
        else if ( arg == loadCacheFlag || arg == loadCacheFlagLong ) {
            if (i == args.length()-1)
            _operation = tLoad;
            args.get(i, _cacheName);
        else if ( arg == savePoseFlag || arg == savePoseFlagLong ) {
            if (i == args.length()-1)
            _operation = tSavePose;
            args.get(i, _cacheName);
        else if ( arg == loadPoseFlag || arg == loadPoseFlagLong ) {
            if (i == args.length()-1)
            _operation = tLoadPose;
            args.get(i, _cacheName);
        else if ( arg == poseAtFlag || arg == poseAtFlagLong ) {
            if (i == args.length()-1)
            args.get(i, _poseName);
        else if ( arg == bindToFlag || arg == bindToFlagLong ) {
            if (i == args.length()-1)
            args.get(i, _bindName);
        else {
            MGlobal::displayInfo(MString("unknown flag ") + arg);

    if(_operation == tLoad)
        if( _cacheName == "") {
            MGlobal::displayError("must give -lc cacheFileName to load pose cache");
            return MS::kFailure;
        if(_poseName == "") {
            MGlobal::displayError("must give -pa poseMeshName to create pose cache");
            return MS::kFailure;
    else if(_operation == tSavePose)
        if(_cacheName == "") {
            MGlobal::displayError("must give -sp cacheFileName to save pose cache");
            return MS::kFailure;
        if(_poseName == "") {
            MGlobal::displayError("must give -pa poseMeshName to save pose cache");
            return MS::kFailure;
    else if(_operation == tLoadPose)
        if(_cacheName == "") {
            MGlobal::displayError("must give -lp cacheFileName to load pose cache");
            return MS::kFailure;
        if(_poseName == "") {
            MGlobal::displayError("must give -pa poseMeshName to load pose cache");
            return MS::kFailure;
    else if(_operation == tCreate) {
        if(_poseName == "" || _bindName == "") {
            MGlobal::displayError("must give -pa poseMeshName and -bt bindMeshName to create pose cache");
            return MS::kFailure;

    return stat;
MStatus convertGeometryCache::doIt( const MArgList& args )
// Description : ( public method )
//		Converts the specified files to the specified conversion format
	MStatus status = MS::kSuccess;

	MArgDatabase argDb( syntax(), args, &status );
	if( !status ) return status;

	bool isToAscii = argDb.isFlagSet( SFLAG_TOASCII );
	bool hasFile = argDb.isFlagSet( SFLAG_FILE );
	if( !isToAscii || !hasFile )
			"Specify at least one file and format to convert to." );
		return status;

	// Create an MIffFile to read our cache files
	MIffFile iffFilePtr;

	// Iterate through all the files specified
	uint numUses = argDb.numberOfFlagUses( SFLAG_FILE );
	for( uint i = 0; i < numUses; i++ )
		MArgList argList;
		status = argDb.getFlagArgumentList( SFLAG_FILE, i, argList ); 
		if( !status ) return status;

		MString name = argList.asString( 0, &status );
		if( !status ) return status;

		// Create a geometryCacheFile object from the current file path
		geometryCacheFile cacheFile( name, &iffFilePtr);

		// Read the geometry cache file
		bool readStatus = cacheFile.readCacheFiles();

		if( !readStatus ) {
			// If the read failed, report the file name that failed
			MGlobal::displayError( "Failed in reading file \"" + name + "\"" );

			// Skip the conversion process
		// Convert the geometry cache file to the specified format
        if( isToAscii ) {
			// Convert to Ascii
			bool convertStatus = cacheFile.convertToAscii();

			if( !convertStatus )
				// If the convert failed, report the file name that failed
				MGlobal::displayError( "Failed in converting file \"" + 
										name +
										"\" to ASCII");

		// Insert other file format conversions here

	return status;
MStatus ParameterisedHolderModificationCmd::doIt( const MArgList &argList )
	// get the node we're operating on
	MSelectionList selection;
	selection.add( argList.asString( 0 ) );
	selection.getDependNode( 0, m_node );
	if( m_node.isNull() )
		return MS::kFailure;
	MFnDependencyNode fnNode( m_node );
	MPxNode *userNode = fnNode.userNode();
	m_parameterisedHolder = dynamic_cast<ParameterisedHolderInterface *>( userNode );
	if( !m_parameterisedHolder )
		return MStatus::kFailure;

	// if we're being asked to change class then store the details of the class we want to set
	// and the one we're replacing

	if( argList.length() == 4 )
		std::string originalClassName;
		std::string originalSearchPathEnvVar;
		m_parameterisedHolder->getParameterised( &originalClassName, &m_originalClassVersion, &originalSearchPathEnvVar );
		m_originalClassName = originalClassName.c_str();
		m_originalSearchPathEnvVar = originalSearchPathEnvVar.c_str();
		m_newClassName = argList.asString( 1 );
		m_newClassVersion = argList.asInt( 2 );
		m_newSearchPathEnvVar = argList.asString( 3 );
		m_changingClass = true;
	else if( argList.length() != 1 )
		displayError( "ieParameterisedHolderSetParameterised : wrong number of arguments." );
		return MS::kFailure;
	// store the original and new values of everything. these are just passed in from
	// the FnParameterisedHolder. in the case of changing the held class we won't have
	// any new values.
	m_originalValues = g_originalValue;
	m_originalClasses = g_originalClasses;
	m_newValues = g_newValue;
	m_newClasses = g_newClasses;
	g_originalValue = 0;
	g_originalClasses = 0;
	g_newValue = 0;
	g_newClasses = 0;
	// change the maya side class or monkey with the maya side class parameters as requested. then remember the new values
	// of everything and which parameters are changing so we can push them in and out during undo and redo.
	if( m_changingClass )
		MStatus s = m_parameterisedHolder->setParameterised( m_newClassName.asChar(), m_newClassVersion, m_newSearchPathEnvVar.asChar() );
		if ( !s )
			return s;
		m_newValues = m_parameterisedHolder->getParameterisedInterface()->parameters()->getValue()->copy();
		storeParametersWithNewValues( m_originalValues.get(), m_newValues.get(), "" );
		storeParametersWithNewValues( m_originalValues.get(), m_newValues.get(), "" );	
	return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus DMPParameters::parseArgs( const MArgList& args )
	MStatus stat;
	// reset all parameters.
	*this = DMPParameters();
	// param list
	MString	output = "-output";
	bool exportTargetSpecified = false;
	MString	all = "-all";
	MString sel = "-sel";
	MString lu = "-lu";
	MString revZ = "-revZ";
	MString mesh = "-mesh";
	MString norm = "-norm";
	MString curSkel = "-curSkel";
	MString assSkel = "-assSkel";
	MString morphAnim = "-morphAnim";
	MString skel = "-skel";
	MString np = "-np";
	MString anim = "-skelAnim";
	MString samp = "-samp";
	MString fps = "-fps";
	MString sampRate = "-sampRate";
	MString clip = "-clip";
	MString range = "-range";
	MString curArg;
	// Parse arguments from command line
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < args.length(); i++)
		curArg = args.asString(i,&stat);
		if (output == curArg && (MS::kSuccess == stat))
			outputDir = args.asString(i, &stat);
			if (!((MS::kSuccess == stat) &&
				outputDir.substring(outputDir.length()-1, outputDir.length()) == "/"))
				MGlobal::executeCommand("print \"invalid parameter of -output\\n\"");
				stat.perror("invalid parameter of -output");
				return stat;
		else if (all == curArg && (MS::kSuccess == stat))
			exportTargetSpecified = true;
			bExportAll = true;
		else if (sel == curArg && (MS::kSuccess == stat))
			exportTargetSpecified = true;
			bExportAll = false;
		else if (lu == curArg && (MS::kSuccess == stat))
			MString unit = args.asString(i, &stat);
			if (!(MS::kSuccess == stat))
				MGlobal::executeCommand("print \"invalid parameter of -lu\\n\"");
				stat.perror("invalid parameter of -lu");
				return stat;
			if (MString("pref") == unit)
				MGlobal::executeCommand("currentUnit -q -l",unit,false);
			if (MString("mm") == unit)
				lum = CM2MM;
			else if (MString("cm") == unit)
				lum = CM2CM;
			else if (MString("m") == unit)
				lum = CM2M;
			else if (MString("in") == unit)
				lum = CM2IN;
			else if (MString("ft") == unit)
				lum = CM2FT;
			else if (MString("yd") == unit)
				lum = CM2YD;
				stat.perror("unknown parameter: " + unit);
				MGlobal::executeCommand("print \"invalid parameter of -lu\\n\"");
				return stat;
		else if (revZ == curArg && (MS::kSuccess == stat))
			bReverseZAxis = true;
		else if (mesh == curArg && (MS::kSuccess == stat))
			bExportMesh = true;
			meshFileName = args.asString(i, &stat);
			if (!((MS::kSuccess == stat) && meshFileName.substring(0,1) != "-"))
				MGlobal::executeCommand("print \"invalid parameter of -mesh\\n\"");
				stat.perror("invalid parameter of -mesh");
				return stat;
		else if (norm == curArg && (MS::kSuccess == stat))
			bExportMeshNormal = true;
		else if (assSkel == curArg && (MS::kSuccess == stat))
			assignSkeleton = args.asString(i, &stat);
			if (!((MS::kSuccess == stat) && assignSkeleton.substring(0,1) != "-"))
				MGlobal::executeCommand("print \"invalid parameter of -assSkel\\n\"");
				stat.perror("invalid parameter of -assSkel");
				return stat;
			skeletonTarget = ST_UseAssigned;
		else if (curSkel == curArg && (MS::kSuccess == stat))
			skeletonTarget = ST_UseCurrent;
		else if (morphAnim == curArg && (MS::kSuccess == stat))
			bExportMorphAnimation = true;
		else if (skel == curArg && (MS::kSuccess == stat))
			bExportSkeleton = true;
			skeletonFileName = args.asString(i, &stat);
			if (!((MS::kSuccess == stat) && skeletonFileName.substring(0,1) != "-"))
				MGlobal::executeCommand("print \"invalid parameter of -skel\\n\"");
				stat.perror("invalid parameter of -skel");
				return stat;
		else if (np == curArg && (MS::kSuccess == stat))
			MString npType = args.asString(i, &stat);
			if (!((MS::kSuccess == stat) && skeletonFileName.substring(0,1) != "-"))
				MGlobal::executeCommand("print \"invalid parameter of -np\\n\"");
				stat.perror("invalid parameter of -np");
				return stat;
			if (npType == "bindPose")
				neutralPoseType = NPT_SkinBindPose;
			else if (npType == "curFrame")
				neutralPoseType = NPT_CurrentFrame;
				MGlobal::executeCommand("print \"invalid parameter of -np\\n\"");
				stat.perror("invalid parameter of -np");
				return stat;
		else if (anim == curArg && (MS::kSuccess == stat))
			bExportSkelAnimation = true;
		else if (samp == curArg && (MS::kSuccess == stat))
			MString sampType = args.asString(i, &stat);
			if (!((MS::kSuccess == stat) && skeletonFileName.substring(0,1) != "-"))
				MGlobal::executeCommand("print \"invalid parameter of -samp\\n\"");
				stat.perror("invalid parameter of -samp");
				return stat;
			if (sampType == "frame")
				animSampleType = AST_Frame;
			else if (sampType == "second")
				animSampleType = AST_Second;
				MGlobal::executeCommand("print \"invalid parameter of -samp\\n\"");
				stat.perror("invalid parameter of -samp");
				return stat;
		else if (fps == curArg && (MS::kSuccess == stat))
			fps = (float)args.asDouble(i, &stat);
			if (!(MS::kSuccess == stat))
				MGlobal::executeCommand("print \"invalid parameter of -fps\\n\"");
				stat.perror("invalid parameter of -fps");
				return stat;

		else if (sampRate == curArg && (MS::kSuccess == stat))
			samplerRate = (float)args.asDouble(i, &stat);
			if (!(MS::kSuccess == stat))
				MGlobal::executeCommand("print \"invalid parameter of -sampRate\\n\"");
				stat.perror("invalid parameter of -sampRate");
				return stat;
		else if (clip == curArg && (MS::kSuccess == stat))
			AnimationClip newClip;
			newClip.clipName = args.asString(i, &stat);
			if(!((MS::kSuccess == stat) && skeletonFileName.substring(0,1) != "-"))
				MGlobal::executeCommand("print \"invalid parameter of -clip\\n\"");
				stat.perror("invalid parameter of -clip");
				return stat;

			if (MString("-range") == args.asString(i,&stat) && (MS::kSuccess == stat))
				newClip.start = (float)args.asDouble(i, &stat);
				if (!(MS::kSuccess == stat))
					MGlobal::executeCommand("print \"invalid parameter of -range\\n\"");
					stat.perror("invalid parameter of -range");
					return stat;
				newClip.end = (float)args.asDouble(i, &stat);
				if (!(MS::kSuccess == stat))
					MGlobal::executeCommand("print \"invalid parameter of -range\\n\"");
					stat.perror("invalid parameter of -range");
					return stat;
				MGlobal::executeCommand("print \"incomplete parameter of -range\\n\"");
				stat.perror("incomplete parameter of -range");
				return stat;
			stat.perror("unknown parameter");
			MGlobal::executeCommand("print \"unknown parameter: " + curArg + "\\n\"");
			return stat;
	return stat;
MStatus UVSeams::doIt(const MArgList& args)
	MStatus stat;

	MString meshName = args.asString(0, &stat);er
	MSelectionList list;
	MDagPath path;
	stat = list.getDagPath(0, path);er
	MFnMesh fnMesh(path, &stat);er

	MObject obj = UVCommon::getUVMesh(fnMesh);
	// go over every vertex
	MItMeshVertex itmeshv(obj, &stat);er
	MItMeshVertex itmeshv2(obj, &stat);er
	MItMeshEdge itmeshe(obj, &stat);er
	MSelectionList selection;
	bool seamFound = false;
	MIntArray seamVerts;
	for (itmeshv.reset(); itmeshv.isDone() == false;
		MIntArray edgeList;
		// for each vertex get ever edge
		stat = itmeshv.getConnectedEdges(edgeList);
		int vertexIndex = itmeshv.index();
		// if neighbouring edge has dot prod of circa 1 that's most likely a seam
		for (size_t i = 0; i < edgeList.length(); i++)
			int e1 = edgeList[i];
			int e2 = edgeList[i < edgeList.length()-1 ? i + 1 : 0];
			int oppVertex1;
			int oppVertex2;

			int prevIndex = 0;

			stat = itmeshv.getOppositeVertex(oppVertex1, e1);er

			MPoint e1v0 = itmeshv.position(MSpace::kObject,&stat);er
			stat = itmeshv2.setIndex(oppVertex1, prevIndex);er
			MPoint e1v1 = itmeshv2.position(MSpace::kObject,&stat);er

			MVector e1e(e1v1 - e1v0);
			stat = itmeshv.getOppositeVertex(oppVertex2, e2);er
			stat = itmeshv2.setIndex(oppVertex2, prevIndex);er
			MPoint e2v1 = itmeshv2.position(MSpace::kObject,&stat);er
			MVector e2e(e2v1 - e1v0);

			if ((e1e.normal() * e2e.normal() > 0.999) && fabs(e1e.length() - e2e.length()) < 0.001)
				seamFound = true;
			if (edgeList.length() == 2)

	if (seamFound)
		MString str = "select -add ";
		for (size_t i = 0; i < seamVerts.length(); i++)
			str += meshName + ".map[" + seamVerts[i] + "] ";
	stat = MGlobal::deleteNode( obj );er

	return stat;
/* private */
MStatus cgfxShaderCmd::parseArgs(const MArgList& args, MSelectionList& selList)
	MStatus         status;
	MString         sMsg;

	for ( unsigned iArg = 0; iArg < args.length(); ++iArg )
		if ( iArg > 0 )
			fArgString += " ";
		fArgString += args.asString( iArg );

#ifdef KH_DEBUG
	MString ss = "  .. Cmd  ";
	ss += fArgString;
	ss += "\n";
	::OutputDebugString( ss.asChar() );

	MArgDatabase argData( syntax(), args, &status );
	if ( !status )
		return status;

	bool bCgfxShaderNodeRequired = true;
	fIsEdit = argData.isEdit();
	fIsQuery = argData.isQuery();

	if ( argData.isFlagSet( kMaxTexCoordsFlag ) )       
		bCgfxShaderNodeRequired = false;
		fMaxTexCoords = true;    
		fIsQuery = true;

	if ( argData.isFlagSet( kPluginPathFlag ) )       
		bCgfxShaderNodeRequired = false;
		fPluginPath = true;    
		fIsQuery = true;

	if ( argData.isFlagSet( kEmptyUVFlag ) )       
		fEmptyUV = true;    
		fIsQuery = true;

	if ( argData.isFlagSet( kEmptyUVShapesFlag ) )       
		fEmptyUVShapes = true;    
		fIsQuery = true;

	if ( argData.isFlagSet( kTexCoordSourceFlag ) )       
		fTexCoordSource = true;    
		fIsQuery = true;


	if ( argData.isFlagSet( kColorSourceFlag ) )       
		fColorSource = true;    
		fIsQuery = true;


	if (argData.isFlagSet(kFxFlag))
        fFxFile = true;
        if (!fIsQuery) {
            argData.getFlagArgument(kFxFlag, 0, fNewFxFile);

	if (argData.isFlagSet(kFxPathFlag))
		fFxPath = true;
		fIsQuery = true;

	if (argData.isFlagSet(kFxTechniqueFlag))
        fTechnique = true;
        if (!fIsQuery) {
            argData.getFlagArgument( kFxTechniqueFlag, 0, fNewTechnique );

	if (argData.isFlagSet(kFxProfileFlag))
        fProfile = true;
        if (!fIsQuery) {
            argData.getFlagArgument( kFxProfileFlag, 0, fNewProfile );

	if (argData.isFlagSet(kNameFlag))
		argData.getFlagArgument(kNameFlag, 0, fNodeName);

	if (argData.isFlagSet(kListParametersFlag))
		fListParameters = true;
		fIsQuery = true;

	if ( argData.isFlagSet( kListTechniquesFlag ) )
		fListTechniques = true;
		fIsQuery = true;

	if ( argData.isFlagSet( kListProfilesFlag ) )
		bCgfxShaderNodeRequired = false;
		fListProfiles = true;
		fIsQuery = true;

	if (argData.isFlagSet(kParameterFlag))
		argData.getFlagArgument(kParameterFlag, 0, fParameterName);
		fIsQuery = true;

	if ( argData.isFlagSet( kCaseInsensitiveFlag ) )       
		fCaseInsensitive = true;    
		fIsQuery = true;

	if ( argData.isFlagSet( kDescriptionFlag ) )       
		fDescription = true;    
		fIsQuery = true;

	// Check for mutually exclusive flags.
	if ( fIsQuery &&
		fIsEdit )
		MString es = "cgfxShader: invalid use of -e/-edit flag";
		MGlobal::displayError( es );
		return MS::kInvalidParameter;

	// Get the objects on which to operate.
	if ( bCgfxShaderNodeRequired )
		if ( selList.length() == 0 )
			MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList( selList );
		if ( selList.length() != 1 )
			sMsg = "Exactly one node must be specified or selected for command:  cgfxShader ";
			sMsg += fArgString;
			MGlobal::displayError( sMsg );
			status = MS::kInvalidParameter;

	return status;