/// calculateCalleeSavedRegisters - Scan the function for modified callee saved
/// registers.
void PEI::calculateCalleeSavedRegisters(MachineFunction &Fn) {
  const TargetRegisterInfo *RegInfo = Fn.getTarget().getRegisterInfo();
  const TargetFrameLowering *TFI = Fn.getTarget().getFrameLowering();
  MachineFrameInfo *MFI = Fn.getFrameInfo();

  // Get the callee saved register list...
  const unsigned *CSRegs = RegInfo->getCalleeSavedRegs(&Fn);

  // These are used to keep track the callee-save area. Initialize them.
  MinCSFrameIndex = INT_MAX;
  MaxCSFrameIndex = 0;

  // Early exit for targets which have no callee saved registers.
  if (CSRegs == 0 || CSRegs[0] == 0)

  // In Naked functions we aren't going to save any registers.
  if (Fn.getFunction()->hasFnAttr(Attribute::Naked))

  std::vector<CalleeSavedInfo> CSI;
  for (unsigned i = 0; CSRegs[i]; ++i) {
    unsigned Reg = CSRegs[i];
    if (Fn.getRegInfo().isPhysRegUsed(Reg)) {
      // If the reg is modified, save it!
    } else {
      for (const unsigned *AliasSet = RegInfo->getAliasSet(Reg);
           *AliasSet; ++AliasSet) {  // Check alias registers too.
        if (Fn.getRegInfo().isPhysRegUsed(*AliasSet)) {

  if (CSI.empty())
    return;   // Early exit if no callee saved registers are modified!

  unsigned NumFixedSpillSlots;
  const TargetFrameLowering::SpillSlot *FixedSpillSlots =

  // Now that we know which registers need to be saved and restored, allocate
  // stack slots for them.
  for (std::vector<CalleeSavedInfo>::iterator
         I = CSI.begin(), E = CSI.end(); I != E; ++I) {
    unsigned Reg = I->getReg();
    const TargetRegisterClass *RC = RegInfo->getMinimalPhysRegClass(Reg);

    int FrameIdx;
    if (RegInfo->hasReservedSpillSlot(Fn, Reg, FrameIdx)) {

    // Check to see if this physreg must be spilled to a particular stack slot
    // on this target.
    const TargetFrameLowering::SpillSlot *FixedSlot = FixedSpillSlots;
    while (FixedSlot != FixedSpillSlots+NumFixedSpillSlots &&
           FixedSlot->Reg != Reg)

    if (FixedSlot == FixedSpillSlots + NumFixedSpillSlots) {
      // Nope, just spill it anywhere convenient.
      unsigned Align = RC->getAlignment();
      unsigned StackAlign = TFI->getStackAlignment();

      // We may not be able to satisfy the desired alignment specification of
      // the TargetRegisterClass if the stack alignment is smaller. Use the
      // min.
      Align = std::min(Align, StackAlign);
      FrameIdx = MFI->CreateStackObject(RC->getSize(), Align, true);
      if ((unsigned)FrameIdx < MinCSFrameIndex) MinCSFrameIndex = FrameIdx;
      if ((unsigned)FrameIdx > MaxCSFrameIndex) MaxCSFrameIndex = FrameIdx;
    } else {
      // Spill it to the stack where we must.
      FrameIdx = MFI->CreateFixedObject(RC->getSize(), FixedSlot->Offset, true);


void PEI::assignCalleeSavedSpillSlots(MachineFunction &F,
                                      const BitVector &SavedRegs) {
  // These are used to keep track the callee-save area. Initialize them.
  MinCSFrameIndex = INT_MAX;
  MaxCSFrameIndex = 0;

  if (SavedRegs.empty())

  const TargetRegisterInfo *RegInfo = F.getSubtarget().getRegisterInfo();
  const MCPhysReg *CSRegs = RegInfo->getCalleeSavedRegs(&F);

  std::vector<CalleeSavedInfo> CSI;
  for (unsigned i = 0; CSRegs[i]; ++i) {
    unsigned Reg = CSRegs[i];
    if (SavedRegs.test(Reg))

  const TargetFrameLowering *TFI = F.getSubtarget().getFrameLowering();
  MachineFrameInfo *MFI = F.getFrameInfo();
  if (!TFI->assignCalleeSavedSpillSlots(F, RegInfo, CSI)) {
    // If target doesn't implement this, use generic code.

    if (CSI.empty())
      return; // Early exit if no callee saved registers are modified!

    unsigned NumFixedSpillSlots;
    const TargetFrameLowering::SpillSlot *FixedSpillSlots =

    // Now that we know which registers need to be saved and restored, allocate
    // stack slots for them.
    for (std::vector<CalleeSavedInfo>::iterator I = CSI.begin(), E = CSI.end();
         I != E; ++I) {
      unsigned Reg = I->getReg();
      const TargetRegisterClass *RC = RegInfo->getMinimalPhysRegClass(Reg);

      int FrameIdx;
      if (RegInfo->hasReservedSpillSlot(F, Reg, FrameIdx)) {

      // Check to see if this physreg must be spilled to a particular stack slot
      // on this target.
      const TargetFrameLowering::SpillSlot *FixedSlot = FixedSpillSlots;
      while (FixedSlot != FixedSpillSlots + NumFixedSpillSlots &&
             FixedSlot->Reg != Reg)

      if (FixedSlot == FixedSpillSlots + NumFixedSpillSlots) {
        // Nope, just spill it anywhere convenient.
        unsigned Align = RC->getAlignment();
        unsigned StackAlign = TFI->getStackAlignment();

        // We may not be able to satisfy the desired alignment specification of
        // the TargetRegisterClass if the stack alignment is smaller. Use the
        // min.
        Align = std::min(Align, StackAlign);
        FrameIdx = MFI->CreateStackObject(RC->getSize(), Align, true);
        if ((unsigned)FrameIdx < MinCSFrameIndex) MinCSFrameIndex = FrameIdx;
        if ((unsigned)FrameIdx > MaxCSFrameIndex) MaxCSFrameIndex = FrameIdx;
      } else {
        // Spill it to the stack where we must.
        FrameIdx =
            MFI->CreateFixedSpillStackObject(RC->getSize(), FixedSlot->Offset);

