void MagnatuneInfoParser::getInfo(AlbumPtr album)

    showLoading( i18n( "Loading album info..." ) );
    MagnatuneAlbum * magnatuneAlbum = dynamic_cast<MagnatuneAlbum *>( album.data() );

    const QString artistName = album->albumArtist()->name();

    QString infoHtml = "<HTML><HEAD><META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-Type\" "
                       "CONTENT=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\"></HEAD><BODY>";

    infoHtml += generateHomeLink();
    infoHtml += "<div align=\"center\"><strong>";
    infoHtml += artistName;
    infoHtml += "</strong><br><em>";
    infoHtml += magnatuneAlbum->name();
    infoHtml += "</em><br><br>";
    infoHtml += "<img src=\"" + magnatuneAlbum->coverUrl() +
                "\" align=\"middle\" border=\"1\">";

    // Disable Genre line in Magnatune applet since, well, it doesn't actually put a genre there...
    // Nikolaj, FYI: either the thumbnails aren't working, or they aren't getting through the proxy here.  That would be odd, however, as the database and
    // all HTML are coming through the proxy
    //infoHtml += "<br><br>" + i18n( "Genre: ");// + magnatuneAlbum->
    infoHtml += "<br>" + i18n( "Release Year: %1", QString::number( magnatuneAlbum->launchYear() ) );

    if ( !magnatuneAlbum->description().isEmpty() ) {

        //debug() << "MagnatuneInfoParser: Writing description: '" << album->getDescription() << "'";
        infoHtml += "<br><br><b>" + i18n( "Description:" ) + "</b><br><p align=\"left\" >" + magnatuneAlbum->description();


    infoHtml += "</p><br><br>" + i18n( "From Magnatune.com" ) + "</div>";
    infoHtml += "</BODY></HTML>";

    emit ( info( infoHtml ) );