vruiMatrix *SGVruiMatrix::preTranslated(double x, double y, double z, vruiMatrix *matrix)
    Matrix4d translate;
    translate.setTranslate(x, y, z);
    SGVruiMatrix *osgVruiMatrix = dynamic_cast<SGVruiMatrix *>(matrix);
    this->matrix = translate;
    return this;
int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
	// Command line inputs
	bool show_gui = false;
	bool use_ros = false;

	walktype walk_type = walk_canned;
	double walk_circle_radius = 5.0;
	double walk_dist = 20;

	double footsep_y = 0.085; // half of horizontal separation distance between feet
	double foot_liftoff_z = 0.05; // foot liftoff height

	double step_length = 0.15;
	bool walk_sideways = false;

	double com_height = 0.48; // height of COM above ANKLE
	double com_ik_ascl = 0;

	double zmpoff_y = 0; // lateral displacement between zmp and ankle
	double zmpoff_x = 0;

	double lookahead_time = 2.5;

	double startup_time = 1.0;
	double shutdown_time = 1.0;
	double double_support_time = 0.05;
	double single_support_time = 0.70;

	size_t max_step_count = 4;

	double zmp_jerk_penalty = 1e-8; // jerk penalty on ZMP controller

	ik_error_sensitivity ik_sense = ik_strict;

	// Parse command line inputs
	const struct option long_options[] = {
			{ "show-gui",            no_argument,       0, 'g' },
			{ "use-ros",             no_argument,       0, 'R' },
			{ "ik-errors",           required_argument, 0, 'I' },
			{ "walk-type",           required_argument, 0, 'w' },
			{ "walk-distance",       required_argument, 0, 'D' },
			{ "walk-circle-radius",  required_argument, 0, 'r' },
			{ "max-step-count",      required_argument, 0, 'c' },
			{ "foot-separation-y",   required_argument, 0, 'y' },
			{ "foot-liftoff-z",      required_argument, 0, 'z' },
			{ "step-length",         required_argument, 0, 'l' },
			{ "walk-sideways",       no_argument,       0, 'S' },
			{ "com-height",          required_argument, 0, 'h' },
			{ "comik-angle-weight",  required_argument, 0, 'a' },
			{ "zmp-offset-y",        required_argument, 0, 'Y' },
			{ "zmp-offset-x",        required_argument, 0, 'X' },
			{ "lookahead-time",      required_argument, 0, 'T' },
			{ "startup-time",        required_argument, 0, 'p' },
			{ "shutdown-time",       required_argument, 0, 'n' },
			{ "double-support-time", required_argument, 0, 'd' },
			{ "single-support-time", required_argument, 0, 's' },
			{ "zmp-jerk-penalty",    required_argument, 0, 'P' },
			{ "help",                no_argument,       0, 'H' },
			{ 0,                     0,                 0,  0  },

	const char* short_options = "gRI:w:D:r:c:y:z:l:Sh:a:Y:X:T:p:n:d:s:P:H";

	int opt, option_index;

	while ( (opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, short_options, long_options, &option_index)) != -1 ) {
		switch (opt) {
		case 'g': show_gui = true; break;
		case 'R': use_ros = true; break;
		case 'I': ik_sense = getiksense(optarg); break;
		case 'w': walk_type = getwalktype(optarg); break;
		case 'D': walk_dist = getdouble(optarg); break;
		case 'r': walk_circle_radius = getdouble(optarg); break;
		case 'c': max_step_count = getlong(optarg); break;
		case 'y': footsep_y = getdouble(optarg); break;
		case 'z': foot_liftoff_z = getdouble(optarg); break;
		case 'l': step_length = getdouble(optarg); break;
		case 'S': walk_sideways = true; break;
		case 'h': com_height = getdouble(optarg); break;
		case 'a': com_ik_ascl = getdouble(optarg); break;
		case 'Y': zmpoff_y = getdouble(optarg); break;
		case 'X': zmpoff_x = getdouble(optarg); break;
		case 'T': lookahead_time = getdouble(optarg); break;
		case 'p': startup_time = getdouble(optarg); break;
		case 'n': shutdown_time = getdouble(optarg); break;
		case 'd': double_support_time = getdouble(optarg); break;
		case 's': single_support_time = getdouble(optarg); break;
		case 'P': zmp_jerk_penalty = getdouble(optarg); break;
		case 'H': usage(std::cout); exit(0); break;
		default:  usage(std::cerr); exit(1); break;

	/* Initialize ROS */
	double frequency = 200;
	//FIXME: ROS dependent
	if(use_ros) {
		ros::init( argc, argv, "publish_and_readonce" );
		rosnode = new ros::NodeHandle();
		loop_rate = new ros::Rate(frequency);

		ros::Time last_ros_time_;
		// Wait until sim is active (play)
		bool wait = true;

		while( wait ) {
			last_ros_time_ = ros::Time::now();
			if( last_ros_time_.toSec() > 0 ) {
				wait = false;

		// init ros joints

		// ros topic subscribtions
		ros::SubscribeOptions jointStatesSo =
						"/atlas/joint_states", 1, GetJointStates,
						ros::VoidPtr(), rosnode->getCallbackQueue());

		jointStatesSo.transport_hints = ros::TransportHints().unreliable();
		ros::Subscriber subJointStates = rosnode->subscribe(jointStatesSo);

		pub_joint_commands_ =
						"/atlas/joint_commands", 1, true);

	/* Initialize AK */
	if(!_ak) {
		DartLoader dart_loader;
		World *mWorld = dart_loader.parseWorld(ATLAS_DATA_PATH "atlas/atlas_world.urdf");
		_atlas = mWorld->getSkeleton("atlas");
		_ak = new AtlasKinematics();
	_atlas->setPose(_atlas->getPose().setZero(), true);
	AtlasKinematics *AK = _ak;

	/* Begin generating trajectories */

	/* Trajectory that stores dof ticks */
	vector<VectorXd> joint_traj;

	/* Setup dofs initial conditions */
	/* Relax */
	VectorXd dofs = _atlas->getPose().setZero();
	_atlas->setPose(dofs, true);

	const int relax_ticks = 1000;
	Relax(AK, _atlas, dofs, joint_traj, relax_ticks);

	/* Walking variables */

	Vector3d comDelta = Vector3d::Zero();
	Vector3d leftDelta = Vector3d::Zero();
	Vector3d rightDelta = Vector3d::Zero();

	int N = 0;

	Twm[MANIP_L_FOOT] = AK->getLimbTransB(_atlas, MANIP_L_FOOT);
	Twm[MANIP_R_FOOT] = AK->getLimbTransB(_atlas, MANIP_R_FOOT);

	Matrix4d Twb;

	VectorXd dofs_save;

	/* Move COM down */
	comDelta << 0, 0, -0.04;
	const int com_ticks = 1000;
	genCOMIKTraj(AK, _atlas, Twb, Twm, dofs, comDelta, leftDelta, rightDelta, joint_traj, com_ticks);

	/* ZMP Walking */

	/* ZMP parameters */
	// number of steps to walk
	int numSteps = 12;
	// lenght of a half step
	double stepLength = 0.15;
	// half foot seperation
	dofs_save = _atlas->getPose();

	cout << "********************************************" << endl;
	cout << "Start ZMP walking" << endl;
	cout << "*************************************" << endl;
	cout << "POS ERROR: " << (dofs_save - dofs).norm() << endl;
	cout << "*************************************" << endl;


	double footSeparation = (AK->getLimbTransW(_atlas, Twb, MANIP_L_FOOT)(1,3) -
			AK->getLimbTransW(_atlas, Twb, MANIP_R_FOOT)(1,3) ) / 2;
	cout << "Half foot seperation: " << footSeparation << endl;
	// one step time
	double stepDuration = 1.0;
	// move ZMP time
	double slopeTime = 0.15;
	// keep ZMP time
	double levelTime = 0.85;
	// command sending period
	double dt = 1/frequency;
	// height of COM
	double zg = AK->getCOMW(_atlas, Twb)(2) - AK->getLimbTransW(_atlas, Twb, MANIP_L_FOOT)(2,3);
	cout << "zg " << zg << endl;
	// preview how many steps
	int numPreviewSteps = 2;

	//  double Qe = 1;
	//  double R = 1e-6;
	double Qe = 1e7;
	double R = 10;

	 * Generate joint trajectory
	gZU.setParameters( dt, 9.81, dofs  );
	gZU.generateZmpPositions( numSteps, true,
			stepLength, footSeparation,
			levelTime );

	gZU.getControllerGains( Qe, R, zg, numPreviewSteps );
	gZU.print( "jointsWholeBody.txt", gZU.mWholeBody );

	joint_traj.insert(joint_traj.end(), gZU.mDartDofs.begin(), gZU.mDartDofs.end());

	// Bake me some GUI viz
	FileInfoSkel<SkeletonDynamics> model;
	model.loadFile(ATLAS_DATA_PATH"/skel/ground1.skel", SKEL);
	SkeletonDynamics *ground = dynamic_cast<SkeletonDynamics *>(model.getSkel());

	vector<SkeletonDynamics *> skels;

	ZmpGUI gui(skels);
	glutInit(&argc, argv);
	gui.initWindow(640, 480, "Atlas ZMP Walking");

	 * Publish joint trajectory
	//FIXME: ROS Dependent
	//MoveJointTractory(AK, _atlas, dofs, gZU.mWholeBody, 20, 20, 20, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2);

	return 0;

// Current code only works for the left leg with only one constraint
VectorXd MyWorld::updateGradients() {

  // compute c(q)
  //std::cout << "HAMYDEBUG: mConstrainedMarker = " << getMarker(mConstrainedMarker) << std::endl;
  mC = getMarker(mConstrainedMarker)->getWorldPosition() - mTarget;
  std::cout << "C(q) = " << mC << std::endl;

  // compute J(q)
  Vector4d offset;
  offset << getMarker(mConstrainedMarker)->getLocalPosition(), 1; // Create a vector in homogeneous coordinates

  //Setup vars

  BodyNode *node = getMarker(mConstrainedMarker)->getBodyNode();
  Joint *joint = node->getParentJoint();
  Matrix4d worldToParent;
  Matrix4d parentToJoint;
  //Declare Vars
  Matrix4d dR; // Doesn't need .matrix() because it returns a Matrix4d instead of Isometry3d
  Matrix4d R;
  Matrix4d R1;
  Matrix4d R2;
  Matrix4d jointToChild;
  Vector4d jCol;
  int colIndex;

  //TODO: Might want to change this to check if root using given root fcn

  //Iterate until we get to the root node
  while(true) {

    //std::cout << "HAMY DEBUG: Beginning new looop" << std::endl;

    if(node->getParentBodyNode() == NULL) {
      worldToParent = worldToParent.setIdentity();
    } else {
      worldToParent = node->getParentBodyNode()->getTransform().matrix();
    parentToJoint = joint->getTransformFromParentBodyNode().matrix();
     // Doesn't need .matrix() because it returns a Matrix4d instead of Isometry3d
    jointToChild = joint->getTransformFromChildBodyNode().inverse().matrix();

    //TODO: R1, R2, ... Rn code depending on DOFs
    int nDofs = joint->getNumDofs();
    //std::cout << "HAMY: nDofs=" << nDofs << std::endl;
    //Can only have up to 3 DOFs on any one piece
      case 1: //std::cout << "HAMY: 1 nDOF" << std::endl;

        dR = joint->getTransformDerivative(0);
        jCol = worldToParent * parentToJoint * dR * jointToChild * offset;
        colIndex = joint->getIndexInSkeleton(0);
        mJ.col(colIndex) = jCol.head(3); // Take the first 3 elelemtns of jCol
        offset = parentToJoint * joint->getTransform(0).matrix() * jointToChild * offset;

      case 2: //std::cout << "HAMY: 2 nDOF" << std::endl;

        dR = joint->getTransformDerivative(0); // Doesn't need .matrix() because it returns a Matrix4d instead of Isometry3d
        R = joint->getTransform(1).matrix();
        jointToChild = joint->getTransformFromChildBodyNode().inverse().matrix();
        jCol = worldToParent * parentToJoint * dR * R * jointToChild * offset;
        colIndex = joint->getIndexInSkeleton(0);
        mJ.col(colIndex) = jCol.head(3); // Take the first 3 elelemtns of jCol

        dR = joint->getTransformDerivative(1);
        R = joint->getTransform(0).matrix();
        jCol = worldToParent * parentToJoint * R * dR * jointToChild * offset;
        colIndex = joint->getIndexInSkeleton(1);
        mJ.col(colIndex) = jCol.head(3);
        offset = parentToJoint * joint->getTransform(0).matrix() * joint->getTransform(1).matrix() * jointToChild * offset; // Upd

      case 3: //std::cout << "HAMY: 3 nDOF" << std::endl;

        dR = joint->getTransformDerivative(0); // Doesn't need .matrix() because it returns a Matrix4d instead of Isometry3d
        R1 = joint->getTransform(1).matrix();
        R2 = joint->getTransform(2).matrix();
        jointToChild = joint->getTransformFromChildBodyNode().inverse().matrix();
        jCol = worldToParent * parentToJoint * dR * R1 * R2 * jointToChild * offset;
        colIndex = joint->getIndexInSkeleton(0);
        mJ.col(colIndex) = jCol.head(3); // Take the first 3 elelemtns of J

        R1 = joint->getTransform(0).matrix();
        dR = joint->getTransformDerivative(1);
        R2 = joint->getTransform(2).matrix();
        jCol = worldToParent * parentToJoint * R1 * dR * R2 * jointToChild * offset;
        colIndex = joint->getIndexInSkeleton(1);
        mJ.col(colIndex) = jCol.head(3);

        R1 = joint->getTransform(0).matrix();
        R2 = joint->getTransform(1).matrix();
        dR = joint->getTransformDerivative(2);
        jCol = worldToParent * parentToJoint * R1 * R2 * dR * jointToChild * offset;
        colIndex = joint->getIndexInSkeleton(2);
        mJ.col(colIndex) = jCol.head(3);

        offset = parentToJoint * joint->getTransform(0).matrix() * joint->getTransform(1).matrix() * joint->getTransform(2).matrix() * jointToChild * offset;

      default: //std::cout << "HAMY: Unexpected nDOF = " << nDofs << std::endl;

    if(node != mSkel->getRootBodyNode()) {
      //std::cout << "HAMY DEBUG: Not root, continue loop" << std::endl;
      node = node->getParentBodyNode(); // return NULL if node is the root node
      joint = node->getParentJoint();
    } else {

  // compute gradients
  VectorXd gradients = 2 * mJ.transpose() * mC;
  return gradients;