Derived lidarBoostEngine::conv2d(const MatrixBase<Derived>& I, const MatrixBase<Derived2> &kernel )
    Derived O = Derived::Zero(I.rows(),I.cols());

    typedef typename Derived::Scalar Scalar;
    typedef typename Derived2::Scalar Scalar2;

    int col=0,row=0;
    int KSizeX = kernel.rows();
    int KSizeY = kernel.cols();

    int limitRow = I.rows()-KSizeX;
    int limitCol = I.cols()-KSizeY;

    Derived2 block ;
    Scalar normalization = kernel.sum();
    if ( normalization < 1E-6 )
    for ( row = KSizeX; row < limitRow; row++ )

      for ( col = KSizeY; col < limitCol; col++ )
      Scalar b=(static_cast<Derived2>( I.block(row,col,KSizeX,KSizeY ) ).cwiseProduct(kernel)).sum();
      O.coeffRef(row,col) = b;

    return O/normalization;
	inline auto convolution(
		MatrixBase< DerivedM > const& m,
		MatrixBase< DerivedK > const& k
		using ScalarK = typename DerivedK::Scalar;

		using ResultType = Matrix< ScalarK, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic >;

		int kr = k.rows();
		int kc = k.cols();

		int res_r = m.rows() - kr + 1;
		int res_c = m.cols() - kc + 1;

		ResultType res(res_r, res_c);

		for(int my = 0; my < res_r; ++my){
			for(int mx = 0; mx < res_c; ++mx){
				ScalarK b = 0;

				for(int ky = 0; ky < kr; ++ky){
					for(int kx = 0; kx < kc; ++kx){
						b += m(my + ky, mx + kx) * k(ky, kx);

				res.coeffRef(my, mx) = b;

		return res;
文件: QP.cpp 项目: aespielberg/drake
int myGRBaddconstrs(GRBmodel* model, MatrixBase<DerivedA> const& A,
                    MatrixBase<DerivedB> const& b, char sense,
                    double sparseness_threshold = 1e-14) {
  int i, j, nnz, error = 0;
    // todo: it seems like I should just be able to do something like this:
    SparseMatrix<double, RowMajor> sparseAeq(Aeq.sparseView());
    error =
    GRBaddconstrs(model, nq_con, sparseAeq.nonZeros(), sparseAeq.InnerIndices(), sparseAeq.OuterStarts(), sparseAeq.Values(),, NULL);

  int* cind = new int[A.cols()];
  double* cval = new double[A.cols()];
  for (i = 0; i < A.rows(); i++) {
    nnz = 0;
    for (j = 0; j < A.cols(); j++) {
      if (abs(A(i, j)) > sparseness_threshold) {
        cval[nnz] = A(i, j);
        cind[nnz++] = j;
    error = GRBaddconstr(model, nnz, cind, cval, sense, b(i), NULL);
    if (error) break;

  delete[] cind;
  delete[] cval;
  return error;
std::vector < Derived > lidarBoostEngine::lk_optical_flow( const MatrixBase<Derived>& I1, const MatrixBase<Derived> &I2, int win_sz)
    //Instantiate optical flow matrices
    std::vector < Derived > uv(2);

    //Create masks
    Matrix2d robX, robY, robT;
    robX << -1, 1,
            -1, 1;
    robY << -1, -1,
            1, 1;
    robT << -1, -1,
            -1, -1;

    Derived Ix, Iy, It, A, solutions, x_block, y_block, t_block;

    //Apply masks to images and average the result
    Ix = 0.5 * ( conv2d( I1, robX ) + conv2d( I2, robX ) );
    Iy = 0.5 * ( conv2d( I1, robY ) + conv2d( I2, robY ) );
    It = 0.5 * ( conv2d( I1, robT ) + conv2d( I2, robT ) );

    uv[0] = Derived::Zero( I1.rows(), I1.cols() );
    uv[1] = Derived::Zero( I1.rows(), I1.cols() );

    int hw = win_sz/2;

    for( int i = hw+1; i < I1.rows()-hw; i++ )
        for ( int j = hw+1; j < I1.cols()-hw; j++ )
            //Take a small block of window size in the filtered images
            x_block = Ix.block( i-hw, j-hw, win_sz, win_sz);
            y_block = Iy.block( i-hw, j-hw, win_sz, win_sz);
            t_block = It.block( i-hw, j-hw, win_sz, win_sz);

            //Convert these blocks in vectors
            Map<Derived> A1(, win_sz*win_sz, 1);
            Map<Derived> A2(, win_sz*win_sz, 1);
            Map<Derived> B(, win_sz*win_sz, 1);

            //Organize the vectors in a matrix
            A = Derived( win_sz*win_sz, 2 );
            A.block(0, 0, win_sz*win_sz, 1) = A1;
            A.block(0, 1, win_sz*win_sz, 1) = A2;

            //Solve the linear least square system
            solutions = (A.transpose() * A).ldlt().solve(A.transpose() * B);

            //Insert the solutions in the optical flow matrices
            uv[0](i, j) = solutions(0);
            uv[1](i, j) = solutions(1);


    return uv;

MatrixXd stack( const MatrixBase<D1>& m1, const MatrixBase<D2>& m2 )
  assert( m1.cols() == m2.cols() );
  const int m1r=m1.rows(), m2r=m2.rows(), mr=m1r+m2r, mc=m1.cols();
  MatrixXd res( mr,mc );
  for( int i=0;i<m1r;++i )
    for( int j=0;j<mc;++j ) res(i,j) = m1(i,j);
  for( int i=0;i<m2r;++i )
    for( int j=0;j<mc;++j ) res(m1r+i,j) = m2(i,j);
  return res;
Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1>  dynamicsBiasTermTemp(const RigidBodyTree &model, KinematicsCache<Scalar> &cache, const MatrixBase<DerivedF> &f_ext_value) {
  // temporary solution.

  eigen_aligned_unordered_map<const RigidBody *, Matrix<Scalar, 6, 1> > f_ext;

  if (f_ext_value.size() > 0) {
    assert(f_ext_value.cols() == model.bodies.size());
    for (DenseIndex i = 0; i < f_ext_value.cols(); i++) {
      f_ext.insert({model.bodies[i].get(), f_ext_value.col(i)});

  return model.dynamicsBiasTerm(cache, f_ext);
Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1> dynamicsBiasTermTemp(
    const RigidBodyTreed& model, KinematicsCache<Scalar>& cache,
    const MatrixBase<DerivedF>& f_ext_value) {
  // temporary solution.

  typename RigidBodyTree<Scalar>::BodyToWrenchMap external_wrenches;
  if (f_ext_value.size() > 0) {
    DRAKE_ASSERT(f_ext_value.cols() == model.bodies.size());
    for (Eigen::Index i = 0; i < f_ext_value.cols(); i++) {
      external_wrenches.insert({model.bodies[i].get(), f_ext_value.col(i)});

  return model.dynamicsBiasTerm(cache, external_wrenches);
Derived lidarBoostEngine::apply_optical_flow(const MatrixBase<Derived>& I, std::vector< Derived > uv)
    Derived moved_I(beta*n, beta*m);
//    W = SparseMatrix<double>( beta*n, beta*m );
//    W.reserve(VectorXi::Constant(n, m));
//    T = SparseMatrix<double>( beta*n, beta*m );

//    MatrixXi W( beta*n, beta*m ), T( beta*n, beta*m );
    W = MatrixXd( beta*n, beta*m );

    int new_i, new_j;

    for( int i = 0; i < I.rows(); i++ )
        for( int j = 0; j < I.cols(); j++ )
            new_i = round( beta * (i + uv[0](i, j)) );
            new_j = round( beta * (j + uv[1](i, j)) );
            if(new_i > 0 && new_i < beta*n && new_j > 0 && new_j < beta*m)
                moved_I(new_i, new_j) = I(i ,j);
                W(new_i, new_j) = 1;


    return moved_I;
Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, DerivedPoints::ColsAtCompileTime> forwardJacDotTimesVTemp(
    const RigidBodyTree &tree, const KinematicsCache<Scalar> &cache, const MatrixBase<DerivedPoints> &points, int current_body_or_frame_ind, int new_body_or_frame_ind, int rotation_type) {

  auto Jtransdot_times_v = tree.transformPointsJacobianDotTimesV(cache, points, current_body_or_frame_ind, new_body_or_frame_ind);
  if (rotation_type == 0) {
    return Jtransdot_times_v;
  else {
    Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1> Jrotdot_times_v(rotationRepresentationSize(rotation_type));
    if (rotation_type == 1) {
      Jrotdot_times_v = tree.relativeRollPitchYawJacobianDotTimesV(cache, current_body_or_frame_ind, new_body_or_frame_ind);
    else if (rotation_type == 2) {
      Jrotdot_times_v = tree.relativeQuaternionJacobianDotTimesV(cache, current_body_or_frame_ind, new_body_or_frame_ind);
    else {
      throw runtime_error("rotation type not recognized");

    Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1> Jdot_times_v((3 + rotationRepresentationSize(rotation_type)) * points.cols(), 1);

    int row_start = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < points.cols(); i++) {
      Jdot_times_v.template middleRows<3>(row_start) = Jtransdot_times_v.template middleRows<3>(3 * i);
      row_start += 3;

      Jdot_times_v.middleRows(row_start, Jrotdot_times_v.rows()) = Jrotdot_times_v;
      row_start += Jrotdot_times_v.rows();
    return Jdot_times_v;
void setLinearIndices(MatrixBase<Derived>& A)
  for (int col = 0; col < A.cols(); col++) {
    for (int row = 0; row < A.rows(); row++) {
      A(row, col) = row + col * A.rows() + 1;
void save(const char *filename, const MatrixBase<Derived>& m)
   unsigned int rows = m.rows(), cols = m.cols();
   std::ofstream f(filename, std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
   f.write((char *)&rows, sizeof(rows));
   f.write((char *)&cols, sizeof(cols));
   f.write((char *)m.derived().data(), sizeof(typename Derived::Scalar) * rows * cols);
bool hasInf(const MatrixBase& expr)
	for (int i = 0; i != expr.cols(); ++i) {
		for (int j = 0; j != expr.rows(); ++j) {
			if (std::isinf(expr.coeff(j, i)))
				return true;
	return false;
bool hasNaN(const MatrixBase& expr)
	for (int j = 0; j != expr.cols(); ++j) {
		for (int i = 0; i != expr.rows(); ++i) {
			if (std::isnan(expr.coeff(i, j)))
				return true;
	return false;
void getCols(std::set<int> &cols, MatrixBase<DerivedA> const &M,
             MatrixBase<DerivedB> &Msub) {
  if (static_cast<int>(cols.size()) == M.cols()) {
    Msub = M;
  int i = 0;
  for (std::set<int>::iterator iter = cols.begin(); iter != cols.end(); iter++)
    Msub.col(i++) = M.col(*iter);
// TODO(#2274) Fix NOLINTNEXTLINE(runtime/references).
void getCols(std::set<int>& cols, MatrixBase<DerivedA> const& M,
             // TODO(#2274) Fix NOLINTNEXTLINE(runtime/references).
             MatrixBase<DerivedB>& Msub) {
  if (static_cast<int>(cols.size()) == M.cols()) {
    Msub = M;
  int i = 0;
  for (std::set<int>::iterator iter = cols.begin(); iter != cols.end(); iter++)
    Msub.col(i++) = M.col(*iter);
void dumpPointsMatrix(std::string filePath, const MatrixBase<Derived>& v)
    std::fstream l(filePath.c_str());
    if (!l.good())
        GRSF_ERRORMSG("Could not open file: " << filePath << std::endl)

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < v.cols(); i++)
        l << v.col(i).transpose().format(MyMatrixIOFormat::SpaceSep) << std::endl;
void angleDiff(MatrixBase<DerivedPhi1> const &phi1, MatrixBase<DerivedPhi2> const &phi2, MatrixBase<DerivedD> &d) {
  d = phi2 - phi1;
  for (int i = 0; i < phi1.rows(); i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < phi1.cols(); j++) {
      if (d(i,j) < -M_PI) {
        d(i,j) = fmod(d(i,j) + M_PI, 2*M_PI) + M_PI;
      } else {
        d(i,j) = fmod(d(i,j) + M_PI, 2*M_PI) - M_PI;
Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, Dynamic> forwardKinJacobianTemp(
    const RigidBodyTreed& tree, const KinematicsCache<Scalar>& cache,
    const MatrixBase<DerivedPoints>& points, int current_body_or_frame_ind,
    int new_body_or_frame_ind, int rotation_type, bool in_terms_of_qdot) {
  auto Jtrans =
      tree.transformPointsJacobian(cache, points, current_body_or_frame_ind,
                                   new_body_or_frame_ind, in_terms_of_qdot);
  if (rotation_type == 0) {
    return Jtrans;
  } else {
    Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, Dynamic> Jrot(
        rotationRepresentationSize(rotation_type), Jtrans.cols());
    if (rotation_type == 1)
      Jrot = tree.relativeRollPitchYawJacobian(cache, current_body_or_frame_ind,
    else if (rotation_type == 2)
      Jrot = tree.relativeQuaternionJacobian(cache, current_body_or_frame_ind,
      throw runtime_error("rotation_type not recognized");
    Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, Dynamic> J((3 + Jrot.rows()) * points.cols(),
    int row_start = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < points.cols(); i++) {
      J.template middleRows<3>(row_start) =
          Jtrans.template middleRows<3>(3 * i);
      row_start += 3;

      J.middleRows(row_start, Jrot.rows()) = Jrot;
      row_start += Jrot.rows();
    return J;
void angleDiff(MatrixBase<DerivedPhi1> const& phi1,
               MatrixBase<DerivedPhi2> const& phi2,
               // TODO(#2274) Fix NOLINTNEXTLINE(runtime/references).
               MatrixBase<DerivedD>& d) {
  d = phi2 - phi1;

  for (int i = 0; i < phi1.rows(); i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < phi1.cols(); j++) {
      if (d(i, j) < -M_PI) {
        d(i, j) = fmod(d(i, j) + M_PI, 2 * M_PI) + M_PI;
      } else {
        d(i, j) = fmod(d(i, j) + M_PI, 2 * M_PI) - M_PI;
void setConstraintMatrixPart(double time, int derivative_order, MatrixBase<DerivedM> & constraint_matrix, double scaling = 1.0)
  double time_power = 1.0;
  Eigen::Index num_coefficients = constraint_matrix.cols();

  for (int col = derivative_order; col < num_coefficients; col++)
     double column_power = 1.0;
     for (int i = 0; i< derivative_order; i++)
        column_power *= (col - i);
     constraint_matrix(0, col) = scaling * time_power * column_power;
     time_power *= time;
Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, DerivedPoints::ColsAtCompileTime> forwardKinTemp(
    const RigidBodyTreed& tree, const KinematicsCache<Scalar>& cache,
    const MatrixBase<DerivedPoints>& points, int current_body_or_frame_ind,
    int new_body_or_frame_ind, int rotation_type) {
  Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, DerivedPoints::ColsAtCompileTime> ret(
      3 + rotationRepresentationSize(rotation_type), points.cols());
  ret.template topRows<3>() = tree.transformPoints(
      cache, points, current_body_or_frame_ind, new_body_or_frame_ind);
  if (rotation_type == 1) {
    ret.template bottomRows<3>().colwise() = tree.relativeRollPitchYaw(
        cache, current_body_or_frame_ind, new_body_or_frame_ind);
  } else if (rotation_type == 2) {
    ret.template bottomRows<4>().colwise() = tree.relativeQuaternion(
        cache, current_body_or_frame_ind, new_body_or_frame_ind);
  return ret;
bool checkPointsInOOBB(const MatrixBase<Derived>& points, OOBB oobb)
    Matrix33 A_KI = oobb.m_q_KI.matrix();

    Vector3 p;
    bool allInside   = true;
    auto size        = points.cols();
    decltype(size) i = 0;
    while (i < size && allInside)
        p = A_KI * points.col(i);
        allInside &= (p(0) >= oobb.m_minPoint(0) && p(0) <= oobb.m_maxPoint(0) && p(1) >= oobb.m_minPoint(1) &&
                      p(1) <= oobb.m_maxPoint(1) && p(2) >= oobb.m_minPoint(2) && p(2) <= oobb.m_maxPoint(2));
    return allInside;
APPROXMVBB_EXPORT void samplePointsGrid(Matrix3Dyn & newPoints,
                      const MatrixBase<Derived> & points,
                      const unsigned int nPoints,
                      OOBB & oobb) {

    if(nPoints >= points.cols() || nPoints < 2) {
        ApproxMVBB_ERRORMSG("Wrong arguements!")


    std::random_device rd;
    std::mt19937 gen(rd());
    std::uniform_int_distribution<unsigned int> dis(0, points.cols()-1);

    //total points = bottomPoints=gridSize^2  + topPoints=gridSize^2
    unsigned int gridSize = std::max( static_cast<unsigned int>( std::sqrt( static_cast<double>(nPoints) / 2.0 )) , 1U );

    // Set z-Axis to longest dimension
    //std::cout << oobb.m_minPoint.transpose() << std::endl;

    unsigned int halfSampleSize = gridSize*gridSize;
    std::vector< std::pair<unsigned int , PREC > > topPoints(halfSampleSize,    std::pair<unsigned int,PREC>{} );    // grid of indices of the top points (indexed from 1 )
    std::vector< std::pair<unsigned int , PREC > > bottomPoints(halfSampleSize, std::pair<unsigned int,PREC>{} ); // grid of indices of the bottom points (indexed from 1 )

    using LongInt = long long int;
    MyMatrix<LongInt>::Array2 idx; // Normalized P
    //std::cout << oobb.extent() << std::endl;
    //std::cout << oobb.m_minPoint.transpose() << std::endl;
    Array2 dxdyInv =  Array2(gridSize,gridSize) / oobb.extent().head<2>(); // in K Frame;
    Vector3 K_p;

    Matrix33 A_KI(oobb.m_q_KI.matrix().transpose());

    // Register points in grid
    auto size = points.cols();
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<size; ++i) {

        K_p = A_KI * points.col(i);
        // get x index in grid
        idx = (  (K_p - oobb.m_minPoint).head<2>().array() * dxdyInv ).template cast<LongInt>();
        // map to grid
        idx(0) = std::max(   std::min( LongInt(gridSize-1), idx(0)),  0LL   );
        idx(1) = std::max(   std::min( LongInt(gridSize-1), idx(1)),  0LL   );
        //std::cout << idx.transpose() << std::endl;
        unsigned int pos = idx(0) + idx(1)*gridSize;

        // Register points in grid
        // if z axis of p is > topPoints[pos]  -> set new top point at pos
        // if z axis of p is < bottom[pos]     -> set new bottom point at pos

        if( topPoints[pos].first == 0) {
            topPoints[pos].first  = bottomPoints[pos].first  = i+1;
            topPoints[pos].second = bottomPoints[pos].second = K_p(2);
        } else {
            if( topPoints[pos].second < K_p(2) ) {
                topPoints[pos].first = i+1;
                topPoints[pos].second = K_p(2);
            if( bottomPoints[pos].second > K_p(2) ) {
                bottomPoints[pos].first = i+1;
                bottomPoints[pos].second = K_p(2);

    // Copy top and bottom points
    unsigned int k=0;

    // k does not overflow -> 2* halfSampleSize = 2*gridSize*gridSize <= nPoints;
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<halfSampleSize; ++i) {
        if( topPoints[i].first != 0 ) {
            // comment in if you want the points top points of the grid
//            Array3 a(i % gridSize,i/gridSize,oobb.m_maxPoint(2)-oobb.m_minPoint(2));
//            a.head<2>()*=dxdyInv.inverse();
            newPoints.col(k++) =  points.col(topPoints[i].first-1);  //  A_KI.transpose()*(oobb.m_minPoint + a.matrix()).eval() ;
            if(topPoints[i].first != bottomPoints[i].first) {
                // comment in if you want the bottom points of the grid
//                Array3 a(i % gridSize,i/gridSize,0);
//                a.head<2>()*=dxdyInv.inverse();
                newPoints.col(k++) = points.col(bottomPoints[i].first-1); //  A_KI.transpose()*(oobb.m_minPoint + a.matrix()).eval() ;
    // Add random points!
    while( k < nPoints) {
        newPoints.col(k++) = points.col( dis(gen) ); //= Vector3(0,0,0);//
 void copy_shape(const MatrixBase<Derived>& src, MatrixBase<Derived>& dst) {
   dst.derived().resize(src.rows(), src.cols());
void inverseKinBackend(
    RigidBodyTree* model, const int nT,
    const double* t, const MatrixBase<DerivedA>& q_seed,
    const MatrixBase<DerivedB>& q_nom, const int num_constraints,
    RigidBodyConstraint** const constraint_array,
    const IKoptions& ikoptions, MatrixBase<DerivedC>* q_sol,
    int* info, std::vector<std::string>* infeasible_constraint) {

  // Validate some basic parameters of the input.
  if (q_seed.rows() != model->number_of_positions() || q_seed.cols() != nT ||
      q_nom.rows() != model->number_of_positions() || q_nom.cols() != nT) {
    throw std::runtime_error(
        "Drake::inverseKinBackend: q_seed and q_nom must be of size "
        "nq x nT");

  KinematicsCacheHelper<double> kin_helper(model->bodies);

  // TODO(sam.creasey) I really don't like rebuilding the
  // OptimizationProblem for every timestep, but it's not possible to
  // enable/disable (or even remove) a constraint from an
  // OptimizationProblem between calls to Solve() currently, so
  // there's not actually another way.
  for (int t_index = 0; t_index < nT; t_index++) {
    OptimizationProblem prog;
    SetIKSolverOptions(ikoptions, &prog);

    DecisionVariableView vars =

    MatrixXd Q;
    auto objective = std::make_shared<InverseKinObjective>(model, Q);
    prog.AddCost(objective, {vars});

    for (int i = 0; i < num_constraints; i++) {
      RigidBodyConstraint* constraint = constraint_array[i];
      const int constraint_category = constraint->getCategory();
      if (constraint_category ==
          RigidBodyConstraint::SingleTimeKinematicConstraintCategory) {
        SingleTimeKinematicConstraint* stc =
        if (!stc->isTimeValid(&t[t_index])) { continue; }
        auto wrapper = std::make_shared<SingleTimeKinematicConstraintWrapper>(
            stc, &kin_helper);
        prog.AddConstraint(wrapper, {vars});
      } else if (constraint_category ==
                 RigidBodyConstraint::PostureConstraintCategory) {
        PostureConstraint* pc = static_cast<PostureConstraint*>(constraint);
        if (!pc->isTimeValid(&t[t_index])) { continue; }
        VectorXd lb;
        VectorXd ub;
        pc->bounds(&t[t_index], lb, ub);
        prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(lb, ub, {vars});
      } else if (
          constraint_category ==
          RigidBodyConstraint::SingleTimeLinearPostureConstraintCategory) {
            &t[t_index], constraint, model->number_of_positions(),
            vars, &prog);
      } else if (constraint_category ==
                 RigidBodyConstraint::QuasiStaticConstraintCategory) {
        AddQuasiStaticConstraint(&t[t_index], constraint, &kin_helper,
                                 vars, &prog);
      } else if (constraint_category ==
                 RigidBodyConstraint::MultipleTimeKinematicConstraintCategory) {
        throw std::runtime_error(
            "MultipleTimeKinematicConstraint is not supported"
            " in pointwise mode.");
      } else if (
          constraint_category ==
          RigidBodyConstraint::MultipleTimeLinearPostureConstraintCategory) {
        throw std::runtime_error(
            "MultipleTimeLinearPostureConstraint is not supported"
            " in pointwise mode.");

    // Add a bounding box constraint from the model.
        model->joint_limit_min, model->joint_limit_max,

    // TODO(sam.creasey) would this be faster if we stored the view
    // instead of copying into a VectorXd?
    if (!ikoptions.getSequentialSeedFlag() || (t_index == 0)) {
      prog.SetInitialGuess(vars, q_seed.col(t_index));
    } else {
      prog.SetInitialGuess(vars, q_sol->col(t_index - 1));

    SolutionResult result = prog.Solve();
    q_sol->col(t_index) = vars.value();
    info[t_index] = GetIKSolverInfo(prog, result);
std::string dim(MatrixBase<Derived>& m)
   std::stringstream ss;
   ss << m.rows() << " x " << m.cols();
   return ss.str();