文件: oiiotool.cpp 项目: chadrik/oiio
static int
action_flip (int argc, const char *argv[])
    if (ot.postpone_callback (1, action_flip, argc, argv))
        return 0;

    ot.read ();
    ImageRecRef A = ot.pop();
    ot.push (new ImageRec (*A, ot.allsubimages ? -1 : 0,
                           ot.allsubimages ? -1 : 0, true, false));

    int subimages = ot.curimg->subimages();
    for (int s = 0;  s < subimages;  ++s) {
        int miplevels = ot.curimg->miplevels(s);
        for (int m = 0;  m < miplevels;  ++m) {
            const ImageBuf &Aib ((*A)(s,m));
            ImageBuf &Rib ((*ot.curimg)(s,m));
            ImageBuf::ConstIterator<float> a (Aib);
            ImageBuf::Iterator<float> r (Rib);
            int nchans = Rib.nchannels();
            int firstscanline = Rib.ymin();
            int lastscanline = Rib.ymax();
            for ( ; ! r.done(); ++r) {
                a.pos (r.x(), lastscanline - (r.y() - firstscanline));
                for (int c = 0;  c < nchans;  ++c)
                    r[c] = a[c];
    return 0;
文件: oiiotool.cpp 项目: chadrik/oiio
static int
action_add (int argc, const char *argv[])
    if (ot.postpone_callback (2, action_add, argc, argv))
        return 0;

    ImageRecRef B (ot.pop());
    ImageRecRef A (ot.pop());
    ot.read (A);
    ot.read (B);
    ot.push (new ImageRec (*A, ot.allsubimages ? -1 : 0,
                           ot.allsubimages ? -1 : 0, true, false));

    int subimages = ot.curimg->subimages();
    for (int s = 0;  s < subimages;  ++s) {
        int miplevels = ot.curimg->miplevels(s);
        for (int m = 0;  m < miplevels;  ++m) {
            const ImageBuf &Aib ((*A)(s,m));
            const ImageBuf &Bib ((*B)(s,m));
            if (! same_size (Aib, Bib)) {
                // FIXME: some day, there should be options of combining
                // differing images somehow.
                std::cerr << "oiiotool: " << argv[0] << " could not combine images of differing sizes\n";
            ImageBuf &Rib ((*ot.curimg)(s,m));
            ImageBufAlgo::add (Rib, Aib, Bib);
    return 0;
文件: oiiotool.cpp 项目: chadrik/oiio
static int
input_file (int argc, const char *argv[])
    for (int i = 0;  i < argc;  i++) {
        int exists = 1;
        if (! ot.imagecache->get_image_info (ustring(argv[0]), 0, 0, 
                            ustring("exists"), TypeDesc::TypeInt, &exists)
            || !exists) {
            std::cerr << "oiiotool ERROR: Could not open file \"" << argv[0] << "\"\n";
            exit (1);
        if (ot.verbose)
            std::cout << "Reading " << argv[0] << "\n";
        ot.push (ImageRecRef (new ImageRec (argv[i], ot.imagecache)));
        if (ot.printinfo || ot.printstats) {
            OiioTool::print_info_options pio;
            pio.verbose = ot.verbose;
            pio.subimages = ot.allsubimages;
            pio.compute_stats = ot.printstats;
            pio.compute_sha1 = ot.hash;
            long long totalsize = 0;
            std::string error;
            OiioTool::print_info (argv[i], pio, totalsize, error);
        ot.process_pending ();
    return 0;
static std::string
compute_sha1 (Oiiotool &ot, ImageInput *input)
    SHA1 sha;
    const ImageSpec &spec (input->spec());
    if (spec.deep) {
        // Special handling of deep data
        DeepData dd;
        if (! input->read_native_deep_image (dd)) {
            ot.error ("    SHA-1: unable to compute, could not read image\n");
            return std::string();
        // Hash both the sample counts and the data block
        sha.append (dd.all_samples());
        sha.append (dd.all_data());
    } else {
        imagesize_t size = input->spec().image_bytes (true /*native*/);
        if (size >= std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()) {
            ot.error ("    SHA-1: unable to compute, image is too big\n");
            return std::string();
        else if (size != 0) {
            boost::scoped_array<char> buf (new char [size]);
            if (! input->read_image (TypeDesc::UNKNOWN /*native*/, &buf[0])) {
                ot.error ("    SHA-1: unable to compute, could not read image\n");
                return std::string();
            sha.append (&buf[0], size);

    return sha.digest().c_str();
文件: oiiotool.cpp 项目: chadrik/oiio
static int
action_colorconvert (int argc, const char *argv[])
    ASSERT (argc == 3);
    if (ot.postpone_callback (1, action_colorconvert, argc, argv))
        return 0;

    std::string fromspace = argv[1];
    std::string tospace = argv[2];

    ot.read ();
    bool need_transform = false;
    ImageRecRef A = ot.curimg;
    ot.read (A);

    for (int s = 0, send = A->subimages();  s < send;  ++s) {
        for (int m = 0, mend = A->miplevels(s);  m < mend;  ++m) {
            const ImageSpec *spec = A->spec(s,m);
            need_transform |=
                spec->get_string_attribute("oiio:ColorSpace") != tospace;

    if (! need_transform)
        return 1;    // no need to do anything

    ot.pop ();
    ot.push (new ImageRec (*A, ot.allsubimages ? -1 : 0,
                           ot.allsubimages ? -1 : 0, true, false));
    if (fromspace == "current")
        fromspace = A->spec(0,0)->get_string_attribute ("oiio:Colorspace", "Linear");

    ColorProcessor *processor =
        ot.colorconfig.createColorProcessor (fromspace.c_str(), tospace.c_str());
    if (! processor)
        return 1;

    for (int s = 0, send = A->subimages();  s < send;  ++s) {
        for (int m = 0, mend = A->miplevels(s);  m < mend;  ++m) {
            ImageBufAlgo::colorconvert ((*ot.curimg)(s,m), (*A)(s,m), processor, false);
            ot.curimg->spec(s,m)->attribute ("oiio::Colorspace", tospace);

    ot.colorconfig.deleteColorProcessor (processor);

    return 1;
文件: oiiotool.cpp 项目: chadrik/oiio
static int
action_select_subimage (int argc, const char *argv[])
    if (ot.postpone_callback (1, action_select_subimage, argc, argv))
        return 0;

    ot.read ();
    if (ot.curimg->subimages() == 1)
        return 0;    // --subimage on a single-image file is a no-op
    int subimage = std::min (atoi(argv[1]), ot.curimg->subimages());
    ImageRecRef A = ot.pop();
    ot.push (new ImageRec (*A, subimage));
    return 0;
文件: oiiotool.cpp 项目: chadrik/oiio
static int
action_pop (int argc, const char *argv[])
    ASSERT (argc == 1);
    ot.pop ();
    return 0;
文件: oiiotool.cpp 项目: chadrik/oiio
static int
action_dup (int argc, const char *argv[])
    ASSERT (argc == 1);
    ot.push (ot.curimg);
    return 0;
文件: oiiotool.cpp 项目: chadrik/oiio
static int
set_full_to_pixels (int argc, const char *argv[])
    if (ot.postpone_callback (1, set_full_to_pixels, argc, argv))
        return 0;

    ot.read ();
    ImageRecRef A = ot.curimg;
    ImageSpec &spec (*A->spec(0,0));
    spec.full_x = spec.x;
    spec.full_y = spec.y;
    spec.full_width = spec.width;
    spec.full_height = spec.height;
    A->metadata_modified (true);
    return 0;
文件: oiiotool.cpp 项目: chadrik/oiio
static int
action_selectmip (int argc, const char *argv[])
    if (ot.postpone_callback (1, action_unmip, argc, argv))
        return 0;

    ot.read ();
    bool mipmapped = false;
    for (int s = 0, send = ot.curimg->subimages();  s < send;  ++s)
        mipmapped |= (ot.curimg->miplevels(s) > 1);
    if (! mipmapped) {
        return 0;    // --selectmip on an unmipped image is a no-op

    ImageRecRef newimg (new ImageRec (*ot.curimg, -1, atoi(argv[1]), true, true));
    ot.curimg = newimg;
    return 0;
文件: oiiotool.cpp 项目: chadrik/oiio
static int
action_diff (int argc, const char *argv[])
    if (ot.postpone_callback (2, action_diff, argc, argv))
        return 0;

    int ret = do_action_diff (*ot.image_stack.back(), *ot.curimg, ot);
    if (ret != DiffErrOK && ret != DiffErrWarn)
        ot.return_value = EXIT_FAILURE;
    return 0;
文件: oiiotool.cpp 项目: chadrik/oiio
static int
action_sub (int argc, const char *argv[])
    if (ot.postpone_callback (2, action_sub, argc, argv))
        return 0;

    ImageRecRef B (ot.pop());
    ImageRecRef A (ot.pop());
    ot.read (A);
    ot.read (B);
    ot.push (new ImageRec (*A, ot.allsubimages ? -1 : 0,
                           ot.allsubimages ? -1 : 0, true, false));

    int subimages = ot.curimg->subimages();
    for (int s = 0;  s < subimages;  ++s) {
        int miplevels = ot.curimg->miplevels(s);
        for (int m = 0;  m < miplevels;  ++m) {
            const ImageBuf &Aib ((*A)(s,m));
            const ImageBuf &Bib ((*B)(s,m));
            if (! same_size (Aib, Bib)) {
                // FIXME: some day, there should be options of combining
                // differing images somehow.
                std::cerr << "oiiotool: " << argv[0] << " could not combine images of differing sizes\n";
            ImageBuf &Rib ((*ot.curimg)(s,m));
            ImageBuf::ConstIterator<float> a (Aib);
            ImageBuf::ConstIterator<float> b (Bib);
            ImageBuf::Iterator<float> r (Rib);
            int nchans = Rib.nchannels();
            for ( ; ! r.done(); ++r) {
                a.pos (r.x(), r.y());
                b.pos (r.x(), r.y());
                for (int c = 0;  c < nchans;  ++c)
                    r[c] = a[c] - b[c];
    return 0;
文件: oiiotool.cpp 项目: chadrik/oiio
static int
set_origin (int argc, const char *argv[])
    if (ot.postpone_callback (1, set_origin, argc, argv))
        return 0;

    ot.read ();
    ImageRecRef A = ot.curimg;
    ImageSpec &spec (*A->spec(0,0));
    int x = spec.x, y = spec.y;
    int w = spec.width, h = spec.height;

    adjust_geometry (w, h, x, y, argv[1]);
    if (spec.width != w || spec.height != h)
        std::cerr << argv[0] << " can't be used to change the size, only the origin\n";
    if (spec.x != x || spec.y != y) {
        spec.x = x;
        spec.y = y;
        A->metadata_modified (true);
    return 0;
文件: oiiotool.cpp 项目: chadrik/oiio
static int
set_fullsize (int argc, const char *argv[])
    if (ot.postpone_callback (1, set_fullsize, argc, argv))
        return 0;

    ot.read ();
    ImageRecRef A = ot.curimg;
    ImageSpec &spec (*A->spec(0,0));
    int x = spec.full_x, y = spec.full_y;
    int w = spec.full_width, h = spec.full_height;

    adjust_geometry (w, h, x, y, argv[1]);
    if (spec.full_x != x || spec.full_y != y ||
          spec.full_width != w || spec.full_height != h) {
        spec.full_x = x;
        spec.full_y = y;
        spec.full_width = w;
        spec.full_height = h;
        A->metadata_modified (true);
    return 0;
文件: oiiotool.cpp 项目: chadrik/oiio
OiioTool::set_attribute (ImageRecRef img, const std::string &attribname,
                         TypeDesc type, const std::string &value)
    ot.read (img);
    img->metadata_modified (true);
    if (! value.length()) {
        // If the value is the empty string, clear the attribute
        return apply_spec_mod (*img, do_erase_attribute,
                               attribname, ot.allsubimages);

    // Does it seem to be an int, or did the caller explicitly request
    // that it be set as an int?
    char *p = NULL;
    int i = strtol (value.c_str(), &p, 10);
    while (*p && isspace(*p))
    if ((! *p && type == TypeDesc::UNKNOWN) || type == TypeDesc::INT) {
        // int conversion succeeded and accounted for the whole string --
        // so set an int attribute.
        return apply_spec_mod (*img, do_set_any_attribute<int>,

    // Does it seem to be a float, or did the caller explicitly request
    // that it be set as a float?
    p = NULL;
    float f = (float)strtod (value.c_str(), &p);
    while (*p && isspace(*p))
    if ((! *p && type == TypeDesc::UNKNOWN) || type == TypeDesc::FLOAT) {
        // float conversion succeeded and accounted for the whole string --
        // so set a float attribute.
        return apply_spec_mod (*img, do_set_any_attribute<float>,

    // Otherwise, set it as a string attribute
    return apply_spec_mod (*img, do_set_any_attribute<std::string>,
static void
print_stats (Oiiotool &ot,
             const std::string &filename,
             const ImageSpec &originalspec,
             int subimage=0, int miplevel=0, bool indentmip=false)
    const char *indent = indentmip ? "      " : "    ";
    ImageBuf input;
    if (! read_input (filename, input, subimage, miplevel)) {
        ot.error ("stats", input.geterror());
    PixelStats stats;
    if (! computePixelStats (stats, input)) {
        std::string err = input.geterror();
        ot.error ("stats", Strutil::format ("unable to compute: %s",
                                            err.empty() ? "unspecified error" : err.c_str()));
    // The original spec is used, otherwise the bit depth will
    // be reported incorrectly (as FLOAT)
    unsigned int maxval = (unsigned int)get_intsample_maxval (originalspec);
    printf ("%sStats Min: ", indent);
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<stats.min.size(); ++i) {
        print_stats_num (stats.min[i], maxval, true);
        printf (" ");
    print_stats_footer (maxval);
    printf ("\n");
    printf ("%sStats Max: ", indent);
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<stats.max.size(); ++i) {
        print_stats_num (stats.max[i], maxval, true);
        printf (" ");
    print_stats_footer (maxval);
    printf ("\n");
    printf ("%sStats Avg: ", indent);
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<stats.avg.size(); ++i) {
        print_stats_num (stats.avg[i], maxval, false);
        printf (" ");
    print_stats_footer (maxval);
    printf ("\n");
    printf ("%sStats StdDev: ", indent);
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<stats.stddev.size(); ++i) {
        print_stats_num (stats.stddev[i], maxval, false);
        printf (" ");
    print_stats_footer (maxval);
    printf ("\n");
    printf ("%sStats NanCount: ", indent);
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<stats.nancount.size(); ++i) {
        printf ("%llu ", (unsigned long long)stats.nancount[i]);
    printf ("\n");
    printf ("%sStats InfCount: ", indent);
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<stats.infcount.size(); ++i) {
        printf ("%llu ", (unsigned long long)stats.infcount[i]);
    printf ("\n");
    printf ("%sStats FiniteCount: ", indent);
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<stats.finitecount.size(); ++i) {
        printf ("%llu ", (unsigned long long)stats.finitecount[i]);
    printf ("\n");
    if (input.deep()) {
        const DeepData *dd (input.deepdata());
        size_t npixels = dd->pixels();
        size_t totalsamples = 0, emptypixels = 0;
        size_t maxsamples = 0, minsamples = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
        size_t maxsamples_npixels = 0;
        float mindepth = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
        float maxdepth = -std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
        Imath::V3i maxsamples_pixel(-1,-1,-1), minsamples_pixel(-1,-1,-1);
        Imath::V3i mindepth_pixel(-1,-1,-1), maxdepth_pixel(-1,-1,-1);
        Imath::V3i nonfinite_pixel(-1,-1,-1);
        int nonfinite_pixel_samp(-1), nonfinite_pixel_chan(-1);
        size_t sampoffset = 0;
        int nchannels = dd->channels();
        int depthchannel = -1;
        long long nonfinites = 0;
        for (int c = 0; c < nchannels; ++c)
            if (Strutil::iequals (originalspec.channelnames[c], "Z"))
                depthchannel = c;
        int xend = originalspec.x + originalspec.width;
        int yend = originalspec.y + originalspec.height;
        int zend = originalspec.z + originalspec.depth;
        size_t p = 0;
        std::vector<size_t> nsamples_histogram;
        for (int z = originalspec.z; z < zend; ++z) {
            for (int y = originalspec.y; y < yend; ++y) {
                for (int x = originalspec.x; x < xend; ++x, ++p) {
                    size_t samples = input.deep_samples (x, y, z);
                    totalsamples += samples;
                    if (samples == maxsamples)
                    if (samples > maxsamples) {
                        maxsamples = samples;
                        maxsamples_pixel.setValue (x, y, z);
                        maxsamples_npixels = 1;
                    if (samples < minsamples)
                        minsamples = samples;
                    if (samples == 0)
                    if (samples >= nsamples_histogram.size())
                        nsamples_histogram.resize (samples+1, 0);
                    nsamples_histogram[samples] += 1;
                    for (unsigned int s = 0;  s < samples;  ++s) {
                        for (int c = 0;  c < nchannels; ++c) {
                            float d = input.deep_value (x, y, z, c, s);
                            if (! isfinite(d)) {
                                if (nonfinites++ == 0) {
                                    nonfinite_pixel.setValue (x, y, z);
                                    nonfinite_pixel_samp = s;
                                    nonfinite_pixel_chan = c;
                            if (depthchannel == c) {
                                if (d < mindepth) {
                                    mindepth = d;
                                    mindepth_pixel.setValue (x, y, z);
                                if (d > maxdepth) {
                                    maxdepth = d;
                                    maxdepth_pixel.setValue (x, y, z);
                    sampoffset += samples;
        printf ("%sMin deep samples in any pixel : %llu\n", indent, (unsigned long long)minsamples);
        printf ("%sMax deep samples in any pixel : %llu\n", indent, (unsigned long long)maxsamples);
        printf ("%s%llu pixel%s had the max of %llu samples, including (x=%d, y=%d)\n",
                indent, (unsigned long long)maxsamples_npixels,
                maxsamples_npixels > 1 ? "s" : "",
                (unsigned long long)maxsamples,
                maxsamples_pixel.x, maxsamples_pixel.y);
        printf ("%sAverage deep samples per pixel: %.2f\n", indent, double(totalsamples)/double(npixels));
        printf ("%sTotal deep samples in all pixels: %llu\n", indent, (unsigned long long)totalsamples);
        printf ("%sPixels with deep samples   : %llu\n", indent, (unsigned long long)(npixels-emptypixels));
        printf ("%sPixels with no deep samples: %llu\n", indent, (unsigned long long)emptypixels);
        printf ("%sSamples/pixel histogram:\n", indent);
        size_t grandtotal = 0;
        for (size_t i = 0, e = nsamples_histogram.size();  i < e;  ++i)
            grandtotal += nsamples_histogram[i];
        size_t binstart = 0, bintotal = 0;
        for (size_t i = 0, e = nsamples_histogram.size();  i < e;  ++i) {
            bintotal += nsamples_histogram[i];
            if (i < 8 || i == (e-1) || OIIO::ispow2(i+1)) {
                // batch by powers of 2, unless it's a small number
                if (i == binstart)
                    printf ("%s  %3lld    ", indent, (long long)i);
                    printf ("%s  %3lld-%3lld", indent,
                            (long long)binstart, (long long)i);
                printf (" : %8lld (%4.1f%%)\n", (long long)bintotal,
                binstart = i+1;
                bintotal = 0;
        if (depthchannel >= 0) {
            printf ("%sMinimum depth was %g at (%d, %d)\n", indent, mindepth,
                    mindepth_pixel.x, mindepth_pixel.y);
            printf ("%sMaximum depth was %g at (%d, %d)\n", indent, maxdepth,
                    maxdepth_pixel.x, maxdepth_pixel.y);
        if (nonfinites > 0) {
            printf ("%sNonfinite values: %lld, including (x=%d, y=%d, chan=%s, samp=%d)\n",
                    indent, nonfinites, nonfinite_pixel.x, nonfinite_pixel.y,
    } else {
        std::vector<float> constantValues(input.spec().nchannels);
        if (isConstantColor(input, &constantValues[0])) {
            printf ("%sConstant: Yes\n", indent);
            printf ("%sConstant Color: ", indent);
            for (unsigned int i=0; i<constantValues.size(); ++i) {
                print_stats_num (constantValues[i], maxval, false);
                printf (" ");
            print_stats_footer (maxval);
            printf ("\n");
        else {
            printf ("%sConstant: No\n", indent);
        if( isMonochrome(input)) {
            printf ("%sMonochrome: Yes\n", indent);
        } else {
            printf ("%sMonochrome: No\n", indent);
文件: oiiotool.cpp 项目: chadrik/oiio
static int
output_file (int argc, const char *argv[])
    ASSERT (argc == 2 && !strcmp(argv[0],"-o"));
    std::string filename = argv[1];
    if (! ot.curimg.get()) {
        std::cerr << "oiiotool ERROR: -o " << filename << " did not have any current image to output.\n";
        return 0;
    if (ot.noclobber && Filesystem::exists(filename)) {
        std::cerr << "oiiotool ERROR: Output file \"" << filename 
                  << "\" already exists, not overwriting.\n";
        return 0;
    if (ot.verbose)
        std::cout << "Writing " << argv[1] << "\n";
    ImageOutput *out = ImageOutput::create (filename.c_str());
    if (! out) {
        std::cerr << "oiiotool ERROR: " << geterror() << "\n";
        return 0;
    bool supports_displaywindow = out->supports ("displaywindow");
    ot.read ();
    ImageRecRef saveimg = ot.curimg;
    ImageRecRef ir (ot.curimg);

    if (! supports_displaywindow && ot.output_autocrop &&
        (ir->spec()->x != ir->spec()->full_x ||
         ir->spec()->y != ir->spec()->full_y ||
         ir->spec()->width != ir->spec()->full_width ||
         ir->spec()->height != ir->spec()->full_height)) {
        const char *argv[] = { "croptofull" };
        int action_croptofull (int argc, const char *argv[]); // forward decl
        action_croptofull (1, argv);
        ir = ot.curimg;

    ImageOutput::OpenMode mode = ImageOutput::Create;  // initial open
    for (int s = 0, send = ir->subimages();  s < send;  ++s) {
        for (int m = 0, mend = ir->miplevels(s);  m < mend;  ++m) {
            ImageSpec spec = *ir->spec(s,m);
            adjust_output_options (spec, ot);
            if (! out->open (filename, spec, mode)) {
                std::cerr << "oiiotool ERROR: " << out->geterror() << "\n";
                return 0;
            if (! (*ir)(s,m).write (out)) {
                std::cerr << "oiiotool ERROR: " << (*ir)(s,m).geterror() << "\n";
                return 0;
            if (mend > 1) {
                if (out->supports("mipmap")) {
                    mode = ImageOutput::AppendMIPLevel;  // for next level
                } else if (out->supports("multiimage")) {
                    mode = ImageOutput::AppendSubimage;
                } else {
                    std::cout << "oiiotool WARNING: " << out->format_name() 
                              << " does not support MIP-maps for " 
                              << filename << "\n";
        mode = ImageOutput::AppendSubimage;  // for next subimage
        if (send > 1 && ! out->supports("multiimage")) {
            std::cout << "oiiotool WARNING: " << out->format_name() 
                      << " does not support multiple subimages for " 
                      << filename << "\n";

    out->close ();
    delete out;

    if (ot.output_adjust_time) {
        std::string metadatatime = ir->spec(0,0)->get_string_attribute ("DateTime");
        std::time_t in_time = ir->time();
        if (! metadatatime.empty())
            DateTime_to_time_t (metadatatime.c_str(), in_time);
        boost::filesystem::last_write_time (filename, in_time);

    ot.curimg = saveimg;
    return 0;