 SceneNode* PCZSceneNode::createChildSceneNode(const String& name, const Vector3& inTranslate, 
     const Quaternion& inRotate)
     PCZSceneNode * childSceneNode = (PCZSceneNode*)(this->createChild(name, inTranslate, inRotate));
     if (mHomeZone)
     return static_cast<SceneNode*>(childSceneNode);
    void PCZLight::updateZones(PCZone * defaultZone, unsigned long frameCount)
        //update the zones this light affects
        PCZone * homeZone;
        mAffectsVisibleZone = false;
        PCZSceneNode * sn = (PCZSceneNode*)(this->getParentSceneNode());
        if (sn)
            // start with the zone the light is in
            homeZone = sn->getHomeZone();
            if (homeZone)
                if (homeZone->getLastVisibleFrame() == frameCount)
                    mAffectsVisibleZone = true;
                // error - scene node has no homezone!
                // just say it affects the default zone and leave it at that.
                if (defaultZone->getLastVisibleFrame() == frameCount)
                    mAffectsVisibleZone = true;
            // ERROR! not connected to a scene node,                 
            // just say it affects the default zone and leave it at that.
            if (defaultZone->getLastVisibleFrame() == frameCount)
                mAffectsVisibleZone = true;

        // now check visibility of each portal in the home zone.  If visible to
        // the light then add the target zone of the portal to the list of
        // affected zones and recurse into the target zone
        static PCZFrustum portalFrustum;
        Vector3 v = getDerivedPosition();
        homeZone->_checkLightAgainstPortals(this, frameCount, &portalFrustum, 0);
	/* if destroySceneNodes is true, then all nodes which have the destroyed
	   zone as their homezone are desroyed too.  If destroySceneNodes is false
	   then all scene nodes which have the zone as their homezone will have
	   their homezone pointer set to 0, which will allow them to be re-assigned
	   either by the user or via the automatic re-assignment routine */
	void PCZSceneManager::destroyZone(PCZone* zone, bool destroySceneNodes)
		// need to remove this zone from all lights affected zones list,
		// otherwise next frame _calcZonesAffectedByLights will call PCZLight::getNeedsUpdate()
		// which will try to access the zone pointer and will cause an access violation
		MovableObjectCollection* lights =
			OGRE_LOCK_MUTEX(lights->mutex) // Is locking necessary in destroyZone? I don't know..

			MovableObjectIterator it(lights->map.begin(), lights->map.end());

				PCZLight* l = static_cast<PCZLight*>(it.getNext());
					// no need to check, this function does that anyway. if exists, is erased.
		// if not destroying scene nodes, then make sure any nodes who have
		// this zone as homezone are set to have 0 for a homezone
		for (SceneNodeList::iterator i = mSceneNodes.begin();
			i != mSceneNodes.end(); ++i)
			PCZSceneNode * pczsn = (PCZSceneNode*)(i->second);
			if (!destroySceneNodes)
				if (pczsn->getHomeZone() == zone)
			// reset all node visitor lists
			// note, it might be more efficient to only do this to nodes which
			// are actually visiting the zone being destroyed, but visitor lists
			// get cleared every frame anyway, so it's not THAT big a deal.

		ZoneMap::iterator it;
		it = mZones.find(zone->getName());
		if (it != mZones.end())
	void DefaultZone::setZoneGeometry(const String &filename, PCZSceneNode * parentNode)
		String entityName, nodeName;
		entityName = this->getName() + "_entity";
		nodeName = this->getName() + "_Node";
		Entity *ent = mPCZSM->createEntity(entityName , filename );
		// create a node for the entity
		PCZSceneNode * node;
		node = (PCZSceneNode*)(parentNode->createChildSceneNode(nodeName));
		// attach the entity to the node
		// set the node as the enclosure node
    /** Removes all references to the node from every zone in the scene.  
    void PCZSceneManager::removeSceneNode( SceneNode * sn )
	    // Skip if mDefaultZone has been destroyed (shutdown conditions)
	    if (!mDefaultZone)

		PCZSceneNode * pczsn = (PCZSceneNode*)sn;

		// clear all references to the node in visited zones

        // tell the node it's not in a zone
	void PCZSceneManager::ensureShadowTexturesCreated()
		bool shadowTextureConfigDirty = mShadowTextureConfigDirty;
		if (!shadowTextureConfigDirty) return;

		size_t count = mShadowTextureCameras.size();
		for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
			PCZSceneNode* node = (PCZSceneNode*)mSceneRoot->createChildSceneNode(
			addPCZSceneNode(node, mDefaultZone);
	/* Update all PCZSceneNodes. 
	void PCZSceneManager::_updatePCZSceneNodes(void)
		SceneNodeList::iterator it = mSceneNodes.begin();
		PCZSceneNode * pczsn;

		while ( it != mSceneNodes.end() )
			pczsn = (PCZSceneNode*)(it->second);
			if (pczsn->isMoved() && pczsn->isEnabled())
				// Update a single entry 

				// reset moved state.
			// proceed to next entry in the list
	void PCZSceneManager::fireShadowTexturesPreCaster(Light* light, Camera* camera, size_t iteration)
		PCZSceneNode* camNode = (PCZSceneNode*)camera->getParentSceneNode();

		if (light->getType() == Light::LT_DIRECTIONAL)
			if (camNode->getHomeZone() != mActiveCameraZone)
				addPCZSceneNode(camNode, mActiveCameraZone);
			PCZSceneNode* lightNode = (PCZSceneNode*)light->getParentSceneNode();
			PCZone* lightZone = lightNode->getHomeZone();
			if (camNode->getHomeZone() != lightZone)
				addPCZSceneNode(camNode, lightZone);

		SceneManager::fireShadowTexturesPreCaster(light, camera, iteration);
    void Octree::_findNodes(const PlaneBoundedVolume &t, 
                            PCZSceneNodeList &list, 
                            PCZSceneNode *exclude, 
							bool includeVisitors,
                            bool full )
	    if ( !full )
		    AxisAlignedBox obox;
		    _getCullBounds( &obox );

		    Intersection isect = intersect( t, obox );

		    if ( isect == OUTSIDE )
			    return ;

		    full = ( isect == INSIDE );

	    PCZSceneNodeList::iterator it = mNodes.begin();

	    while ( it != mNodes.end() )
		    PCZSceneNode * on = ( *it );

		    if ( on != exclude && (on->getHomeZone() == mZone || includeVisitors ))
			    if ( full )
					// make sure the node isn't already on the list
					list.insert( on );

				    Intersection nsect = intersect( t, on -> _getWorldAABB() );

				    if ( nsect != OUTSIDE )
						// make sure the node isn't already on the list
						list.insert( on );


	    Octree* child;

	    if ( (child=mChildren[ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ]) != 0 )
		    child->_findNodes( t, list, exclude, includeVisitors, full );

	    if ( (child=mChildren[ 1 ][ 0 ][ 0 ]) != 0 )
		    child->_findNodes( t, list, exclude, includeVisitors, full );

	    if ( (child=mChildren[ 0 ][ 1 ][ 0 ]) != 0 )
		    child->_findNodes( t, list, exclude, includeVisitors, full );

	    if ( (child=mChildren[ 1 ][ 1 ][ 0 ]) != 0 )
		    child->_findNodes( t, list, exclude, includeVisitors, full );

	    if ( (child=mChildren[ 0 ][ 0 ][ 1 ]) != 0 )
		    child->_findNodes( t, list, exclude, includeVisitors, full );

	    if ( (child=mChildren[ 1 ][ 0 ][ 1 ]) != 0 )
		    child->_findNodes( t, list, exclude, includeVisitors, full );

	    if ( (child=mChildren[ 0 ][ 1 ][ 1 ]) != 0 )
		    child->_findNodes( t, list, exclude, includeVisitors, full );

	    if ( (child=mChildren[ 1 ][ 1 ][ 1 ]) != 0 )
		    child->_findNodes( t, list, exclude, includeVisitors, full );

    // Recursively walk the zones, adding all visible SceneNodes to the list of visible nodes.
    void DefaultZone::findVisibleNodes(PCZCamera *camera, 
								  NodeList & visibleNodeList,
								  RenderQueue * queue,
								  VisibleObjectsBoundsInfo* visibleBounds, 
								  bool onlyShadowCasters,
								  bool displayNodes,
								  bool showBoundingBoxes)

        //return immediately if nothing is in the zone.
		if (mHomeNodeList.size() == 0 &&
			mVisitorNodeList.size() == 0 &&
			mPortals.size() == 0)
            return ;

        // Else, the zone is automatically assumed to be visible since either
		// it is the camera the zone is in, or it was reached because
		// a connecting portal was deemed visible to the camera.  

		// enable sky if called to do so for this zone
		if (mHasSky)
			// enable sky 

		// find visible nodes at home in the zone
        bool vis;
        PCZSceneNodeList::iterator it = mHomeNodeList.begin();
        while ( it != mHomeNodeList.end() )
			PCZSceneNode * pczsn = *it;
            // if the scene node is already visible, then we can skip it
            if (pczsn->getLastVisibleFrame() != mLastVisibleFrame ||
				pczsn->getLastVisibleFromCamera() != camera)
				// for a scene node, check visibility using AABB
				vis = camera ->isVisible( pczsn -> _getWorldAABB() );
				if ( vis )
					// add it to the list of visible nodes
					visibleNodeList.push_back( pczsn );
					// add the node to the render queue
					pczsn -> _addToRenderQueue(camera, queue, onlyShadowCasters, visibleBounds );
					// if we are displaying nodes, add the node renderable to the queue
					if ( displayNodes )
						queue -> addRenderable( pczsn->getDebugRenderable() );
					// if the scene manager or the node wants the bounding box shown, add it to the queue
					if (pczsn->getShowBoundingBox() || showBoundingBoxes)
					// flag the node as being visible this frame
		// find visible visitor nodes
        it = mVisitorNodeList.begin();
        while ( it != mVisitorNodeList.end() )
			PCZSceneNode * pczsn = *it;
            // if the scene node is already visible, then we can skip it
            if (pczsn->getLastVisibleFrame() != mLastVisibleFrame ||
				pczsn->getLastVisibleFromCamera() != camera)
				// for a scene node, check visibility using AABB
				vis = camera ->isVisible( pczsn -> _getWorldAABB() );
				if ( vis )
					// add it to the list of visible nodes
					visibleNodeList.push_back( pczsn );
					// add the node to the render queue
					pczsn->_addToRenderQueue(camera, queue, onlyShadowCasters, visibleBounds );
					// if we are displaying nodes, add the node renderable to the queue
					if ( displayNodes )
						queue -> addRenderable( pczsn->getDebugRenderable() );
					// if the scene manager or the node wants the bounding box shown, add it to the queue
					if (pczsn->getShowBoundingBox() || showBoundingBoxes)
					// flag the node as being visible this frame

		// Here we merge both portal and antiportal visible to the camera into one list.
		// Then we sort them in the order from nearest to furthest from camera.
		PortalBaseList sortedPortalList;
		for (AntiPortalList::iterator iter = mAntiPortals.begin(); iter != mAntiPortals.end(); ++iter)
			AntiPortal* portal = *iter;
			if (camera->isVisible(portal))
		for (PortalList::iterator iter = mPortals.begin(); iter != mPortals.end(); ++iter)
			Portal* portal = *iter;
			if (camera->isVisible(portal))
		const Vector3& cameraOrigin(camera->getDerivedPosition());
		std::sort(sortedPortalList.begin(), sortedPortalList.end(),

		// create a standalone frustum for anti portal use.
		// we're doing this instead of using camera because we don't need
		// to do camera frustum check again.
		PCZFrustum antiPortalFrustum;

		// now we do culling check and remove hidden portals.
		// whenever we get a portal in the main loop, we can be sure that it is not
		// occluded by AntiPortal. So we do traversal right there and then.
		// This is because the portal list has been sorted.
		size_t sortedPortalListCount = sortedPortalList.size();
		for (size_t i = 0; i < sortedPortalListCount; ++i)
			PortalBase* portalBase = sortedPortalList[i];
			if (!portalBase) continue; // skip removed portal.

			if (portalBase->getTypeFlags() == PortalFactory::FACTORY_TYPE_FLAG)
				Portal* portal = static_cast<Portal*>(portalBase);
				// portal is visible. Add the portal as extra culling planes to camera
				int planes_added = camera->addPortalCullingPlanes(portal);
				// tell target zone it's visible this frame
				// recurse into the connected zone 
				if (planes_added > 0)
					// Then remove the extra culling planes added before going to the next portal in the list.
			else if (i < sortedPortalListCount) // skip antiportal test if it is the last item in the list.
				// this is an anti portal. So we use it to test preceding portals in the list.
				AntiPortal* antiPortal = static_cast<AntiPortal*>(portalBase);
				int planes_added = antiPortalFrustum.addPortalCullingPlanes(antiPortal);

				for (size_t j = i + 1; j < sortedPortalListCount; ++j)
					PortalBase* otherPortal = sortedPortalList[j];
					// Since this is an antiportal, we are doing the inverse of the test.
					// Here if the portal is fully visible in the anti portal fustrum, it means it's hidden.
					if (otherPortal && antiPortalFrustum.isFullyVisible(otherPortal))
						sortedPortalList[j] = NULL;

				if (planes_added > 0)
					// Then remove the extra culling planes added before going to the next portal in the list.
	// set the home zone for a scene node
	void PCZSceneManager::setNodeHomeZone(SceneNode *node, PCZone *zone)
		// cast the Ogre::SceneNode to a PCZSceneNode
		PCZSceneNode * pczsn = (PCZSceneNode*)node;