int runPlugin(string myname, string soname, string id,
              string output, int outputNo, bool useFrames, PaStreamParameters inputParameters)
    float				*recordedSamples;
    float				*fifo;
    PaStream*           stream;
    PaError             err = paNoError;
    int					elapsed = 0;
    int					returnValue = 1;
    RealTime			rt;
    PluginWrapper		*wrapper = 0;
    RealTime			adjustment = RealTime::zeroTime;
    PluginLoader		*loader = PluginLoader::getInstance();
    PluginLoader::PluginKey key = loader->composePluginKey(soname, id);

    // load plugin
    Plugin *plugin = loader->loadPlugin(key, SAMPLE_RATE, PluginLoader::ADAPT_ALL_SAFE);
    if (!plugin) {
        cerr << myname << ": ERROR: Failed to load plugin \"" << id
             << "\" from library \"" << soname << "\"" << endl;
        return 1;

    // Find block/step size
    int blockSize = plugin->getPreferredBlockSize();
    int stepSize = plugin->getPreferredStepSize();

    if (blockSize == 0) {
        blockSize = 1024;
    if (stepSize == 0) {
        if (plugin->getInputDomain() == Plugin::FrequencyDomain) {
            stepSize = blockSize/2;
        } else {
            stepSize = blockSize;
    } else if (stepSize > blockSize) {
        cerr << "WARNING: stepSize " << stepSize << " > blockSize " << blockSize << ", resetting blockSize to ";
        if (plugin->getInputDomain() == Plugin::FrequencyDomain) {
            blockSize = stepSize * 2;
        } else {
            blockSize = stepSize;
        cerr << blockSize << endl;

    // set up port audio
    fifo = new float[blockSize]();
    recordedSamples = new float[stepSize]();

    ofstream *out = 0;
    cerr << "Running plugin: \"" << plugin->getIdentifier() << "\"..." << endl;
    cerr << "Using block size = " << blockSize << ", step size = " << stepSize << endl;

    // display output name
    Plugin::OutputList outputs = plugin->getOutputDescriptors();
    Plugin::OutputDescriptor od;

    if (outputs.empty()) {
    	cerr << "ERROR: Plugin has no outputs!" << endl;
    	goto done;

    if (outputNo < 0) {

        for (size_t oi = 0; oi < outputs.size(); ++oi) {
            if (outputs[oi].identifier == output) {
                outputNo = oi;

        if (outputNo < 0) {
            cerr << "ERROR: Non-existent output \"" << output << "\" requested" << endl;
            goto done;

    } else {

        if (int(outputs.size()) <= outputNo) {
            cerr << "ERROR: Output " << outputNo << " requested, but plugin has only " << outputs.size() << " output(s)" << endl;
            goto done;

    od = outputs[outputNo];
    cerr << "Output is: \"" << od.identifier << "\"" << endl;

    // Initialise plugin
    if (!plugin->initialise(1, stepSize, blockSize)) {
        cerr << "ERROR: Plugin initialise (stepSize = " << stepSize << ", blockSize = "
             << blockSize << ") failed." << endl;
        goto done;

    // Compensate timestamp if in freq domain
    wrapper = dynamic_cast<PluginWrapper *>(plugin);
    if (wrapper) {
        PluginInputDomainAdapter *ida =  wrapper->getWrapper<PluginInputDomainAdapter>();
        if (ida) adjustment = ida->getTimestampAdjustment();

    // Open portaudio stream
    err = Pa_OpenStream(
    		NULL );
    if( err != paNoError ) throwError(err);

    // Start the audio stream
    err = Pa_StartStream( stream );
    if( err != paNoError ) throwError(err);
//    printf("Now recording!!\n"); fflush(stdout);

    // do until interruptFlag is true
    while (1)
    	// read step of audio data
    	err = Pa_ReadStream( stream, recordedSamples, stepSize );
    	if( err != paNoError ) throwError(err);

    	// shift buffer along a step size
    	for (int i=stepSize; i<blockSize; i++) fifo[i-stepSize] = fifo[i];

    	// add new step onto end
    	for (int i=0; i<stepSize; i++) fifo[blockSize-stepSize+i] = recordedSamples[i];

    	// process and print features
    	rt = RealTime::frame2RealTime(elapsed*stepSize, SAMPLE_RATE);
    	printFeatures(RealTime::realTime2Frame(rt + adjustment, SAMPLE_RATE), SAMPLE_RATE, outputNo, plugin->process(&fifo, rt), out, useFrames);

    	// note number of blocks processed

    	// break out of loop
    	if (interruptFlag) break;

    // stop the audio stream
    err = Pa_CloseStream( stream );
    if( err != paNoError ) throwError(err);

    // clean up variables
    delete [] recordedSamples;
    delete [] fifo;

    returnValue = 0;

    delete plugin;
    return returnValue;
int runPlugin(string myname, string soname, string id,
              string output, int outputNo, string wavname,
              string outfilename, bool useFrames,
              map<string,float> parameters)
    PluginLoader *loader = PluginLoader::getInstance();

    PluginLoader::PluginKey key = loader->composePluginKey(soname, id);
    SNDFILE *sndfile;
    SF_INFO sfinfo;
    memset(&sfinfo, 0, sizeof(SF_INFO));

    if (wavname == "") 
        sndfile = sf_open_fd(0, SFM_READ, &sfinfo, true);
        sndfile = sf_open(wavname.c_str(), SFM_READ, &sfinfo);
    if (!sndfile) {
        cerr << myname << ": ERROR: Failed to open input file \""
             << wavname << "\": " << sf_strerror(sndfile) << endl;
        return 1;

    ofstream *out = 0;
    if (outfilename != "") {
        out = new ofstream(outfilename.c_str(), ios::out);
        if (!*out) {
            cerr << myname << ": ERROR: Failed to open output file \""
                 << outfilename << "\" for writing" << endl;
            delete out;
            return 1;

    Plugin *plugin = loader->loadPlugin
        (key, sfinfo.samplerate, PluginLoader::ADAPT_ALL_SAFE);
    if (!plugin) {
        cerr << myname << ": ERROR: Failed to load plugin \"" << id
             << "\" from library \"" << soname << "\"" << endl;
        if (out) {
            delete out;
        return 1;

    cerr << "Running plugin: \"" << plugin->getIdentifier() << "\"..." << endl;

    // parameters
    for (map<string,float>::iterator iter = parameters.begin(); iter!=parameters.end(); iter++) {
        plugin->setParameter(iter->first, iter->second);
        cerr << "Set parameter " << iter->first << " = " << iter->second << endl;
    // Note that the following would be much simpler if we used a
    // PluginBufferingAdapter as well -- i.e. if we had passed
    // PluginLoader::ADAPT_ALL to loader->loadPlugin() above, instead
    // of ADAPT_ALL_SAFE.  Then we could simply specify our own block
    // size, keep the step size equal to the block size, and ignore
    // the plugin's bleatings.  However, there are some issues with
    // using a PluginBufferingAdapter that make the results sometimes
    // technically different from (if effectively the same as) the
    // un-adapted plugin, so we aren't doing that here.  See the
    // PluginBufferingAdapter documentation for details.

    int blockSize = plugin->getPreferredBlockSize();
    int stepSize = plugin->getPreferredStepSize();

    if (blockSize == 0) {
        blockSize = 1024;
    if (stepSize == 0) {
        if (plugin->getInputDomain() == Plugin::FrequencyDomain) {
            stepSize = blockSize/2;
        } else {
            stepSize = blockSize;
    } else if (stepSize > blockSize) {
        cerr << "WARNING: stepSize " << stepSize << " > blockSize " << blockSize << ", resetting blockSize to ";
        if (plugin->getInputDomain() == Plugin::FrequencyDomain) {
            blockSize = stepSize * 2;
        } else {
            blockSize = stepSize;
        cerr << blockSize << endl;
    int overlapSize = blockSize - stepSize;
    sf_count_t currentStep = 0;
    int finalStepsRemaining = max(1, (blockSize / stepSize) - 1); // at end of file, this many part-silent frames needed after we hit EOF

    int channels = sfinfo.channels;

    float *filebuf = new float[blockSize * channels];
    float **plugbuf = new float*[channels];
    for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) plugbuf[c] = new float[blockSize + 2];

    cerr << "Using block size = " << blockSize << ", step size = "
              << stepSize << endl;

    // The channel queries here are for informational purposes only --
    // a PluginChannelAdapter is being used automatically behind the
    // scenes, and it will take case of any channel mismatch

    int minch = plugin->getMinChannelCount();
    int maxch = plugin->getMaxChannelCount();
    cerr << "Plugin accepts " << minch << " -> " << maxch << " channel(s)" << endl;
    cerr << "Sound file has " << channels << " (will mix/augment if necessary)" << endl;

    Plugin::OutputList outputs = plugin->getOutputDescriptors();
    Plugin::OutputDescriptor od;

    int returnValue = 1;
    int progress = 0;

    RealTime rt;
    PluginWrapper *wrapper = 0;
    RealTime adjustment = RealTime::zeroTime;

    if (outputs.empty()) {
        cerr << "ERROR: Plugin has no outputs!" << endl;
        goto done;

    if (outputNo < 0) {

        for (size_t oi = 0; oi < outputs.size(); ++oi) {
            if (outputs[oi].identifier == output) {
                outputNo = oi;

        if (outputNo < 0) {
            cerr << "ERROR: Non-existent output \"" << output << "\" requested" << endl;
            goto done;

    } else {

        if (int(outputs.size()) <= outputNo) {
            cerr << "ERROR: Output " << outputNo << " requested, but plugin has only " << outputs.size() << " output(s)" << endl;
            goto done;

    od = outputs[outputNo];
    cerr << "Output is: \"" << od.identifier << "\"" << endl;

    if (!plugin->initialise(channels, stepSize, blockSize)) {
        cerr << "ERROR: Plugin initialise (channels = " << channels
             << ", stepSize = " << stepSize << ", blockSize = "
             << blockSize << ") failed." << endl;
        goto done;

    wrapper = dynamic_cast<PluginWrapper *>(plugin);
    if (wrapper) {
        // See documentation for
        // PluginInputDomainAdapter::getTimestampAdjustment
        PluginInputDomainAdapter *ida =
        if (ida) adjustment = ida->getTimestampAdjustment();
    // Here we iterate over the frames, avoiding asking the numframes in case it's streaming input.
    do {

        int count;

        if ((blockSize==stepSize) || (currentStep==0)) {
            // read a full fresh block
            if ((count = sf_readf_float(sndfile, filebuf, blockSize)) < 0) {
                cerr << "ERROR: sf_readf_float failed: " << sf_strerror(sndfile) << endl;
            if (count != blockSize) --finalStepsRemaining;
        } else {
            //  otherwise shunt the existing data down and read the remainder.
            memmove(filebuf, filebuf + (stepSize * channels), overlapSize * channels * sizeof(float));
            if ((count = sf_readf_float(sndfile, filebuf + (overlapSize * channels), stepSize)) < 0) {
                cerr << "ERROR: sf_readf_float failed: " << sf_strerror(sndfile) << endl;
            if (count != stepSize) --finalStepsRemaining;
            count += overlapSize;

        for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
            int j = 0;
            while (j < count) {
                plugbuf[c][j] = filebuf[j * sfinfo.channels + c];
            while (j < blockSize) {
                plugbuf[c][j] = 0.0f;

        rt = RealTime::frame2RealTime(currentStep * stepSize, sfinfo.samplerate);

            (RealTime::realTime2Frame(rt + adjustment, sfinfo.samplerate),
             sfinfo.samplerate, outputNo, plugin->process(plugbuf, rt),
             out, useFrames);

        if (sfinfo.frames > 0){
            int pp = progress;
            progress = (int)((float(currentStep * stepSize) / sfinfo.frames) * 100.f + 0.5f);
            if (progress != pp && out) {
                cerr << "\r" << progress << "%";


    } while (finalStepsRemaining > 0);

    if (out) cerr << "\rDone" << endl;

    rt = RealTime::frame2RealTime(currentStep * stepSize, sfinfo.samplerate);

    printFeatures(RealTime::realTime2Frame(rt + adjustment, sfinfo.samplerate),
                  sfinfo.samplerate, outputNo,
                  plugin->getRemainingFeatures(), out, useFrames);

    returnValue = 0;

    delete plugin;
    if (out) {
        delete out;
    return returnValue;