int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); QPushButton hello("Hello world!"); hello.resize(100, 30); hello.setFont(QFont("Arial", 18, QFont::Bold)); hello.setGeometry(400, 200 , 180, 40); QDial dial;;; return app.exec(); }
void tst_QDial::sliderMoved() { //this tests that when dragging the arrow that the sliderMoved signal is emitted //even if tracking is set to false QDial dial; dial.setTracking(false); dial.setMinimum(0); dial.setMaximum(100);; QPoint init(dial.width()/4, dial.height()/2); QMouseEvent pressevent(QEvent::MouseButtonPress, init, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::LeftButton, 0); qApp->sendEvent(&dial, &pressevent); QSignalSpy sliderspy(&dial, SIGNAL(sliderMoved(int))); QSignalSpy valuespy(&dial, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int))); { //move on top of the slider init = QPoint(dial.width()/2, dial.height()/4); QMouseEvent moveevent(QEvent::MouseMove, init, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::LeftButton, 0); qApp->sendEvent(&dial, &moveevent); QCOMPARE( sliderspy.count(), 1); QCOMPARE( valuespy.count(), 0); } { //move on the right of the slider init = QPoint(dial.width()*3/4, dial.height()/2); QMouseEvent moveevent(QEvent::MouseMove, init, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::LeftButton, 0); qApp->sendEvent(&dial, &moveevent); QCOMPARE( sliderspy.count(), 2); QCOMPARE( valuespy.count(), 0); } QMouseEvent releaseevent(QEvent::MouseButtonRelease, init, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::LeftButton, 0); qApp->sendEvent(&dial, &releaseevent); QCOMPARE( valuespy.count(), 1); // valuechanged signal should be called at this point }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { QApplication app(argc, argv); QDial *dial = new QDial(); dial->show(); QLCDNumber *lcdnumber = new QLCDNumber(); lcdnumber->display(12345); lcdnumber->show(); QSlider *slider = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal); slider->show(); QHBoxLayout *hbox = new QHBoxLayout(); QPushButton *button = new QPushButton("Push Me"); QLineEdit *input = new QLineEdit(); hbox->addWidget(button); hbox->addWidget(input); QWidget *widget = new QWidget(); widget->setLayout(hbox); widget->show(); return app.exec(); }
void tst_QDial::wrappingCheck() { //This tests if dial will wrap past the maximum value back to the minimum //and vice versa when changing the value with a keypress QDial dial; dial.setMinimum(0); dial.setMaximum(100); dial.setSingleStep(1); dial.setWrapping(true); dial.setValue(99);; { //set value to maximum but do not wrap QTest::keyPress(&dial, Qt::Key_Up); QCOMPARE( dial.value(), 100); } { //step up once more and wrap clockwise to minimum + 1 QTest::keyPress(&dial, Qt::Key_Up); QCOMPARE( dial.value(), 1); } { //step down once, and wrap anti-clockwise to minimum, then again to maximum - 1 QTest::keyPress(&dial, Qt::Key_Down); QCOMPARE( dial.value(), 0); QTest::keyPress(&dial, Qt::Key_Down); QCOMPARE( dial.value(), 99); } { //when wrapping property is false no wrapping will occur dial.setWrapping(false); dial.setValue(100); QTest::keyPress(&dial, Qt::Key_Up); QCOMPARE( dial.value(), 100); dial.setValue(0); QTest::keyPress(&dial, Qt::Key_Down); QCOMPARE( dial.value(), 0); } { //When the step is really big or small, wrapping should still behave dial.setWrapping(true); dial.setValue(dial.minimum()); dial.setSingleStep(305); QTest::keyPress(&dial, Qt::Key_Up); QCOMPARE( dial.value(), 5); dial.setValue(dial.minimum()); QTest::keyPress(&dial, Qt::Key_Down); QCOMPARE( dial.value(), 95); dial.setMinimum(-30); dial.setMaximum(-4); dial.setSingleStep(200); dial.setValue(dial.minimum()); QTest::keyPress(&dial, Qt::Key_Down); QCOMPARE( dial.value(), -22); } }