QFont stringToFont(const QString& font)
    QFontDatabase fdb;
    QString fontFamily;
    int familyIdx=-1;
    QStringList allFamilies = fdb.families();
    for(int idx=font.indexOf(' '); idx<font.size() && idx>=0; idx=font.indexOf(' ', idx+1)) {
        QString testFont = font.left(idx);
        if(allFamilies.contains(testFont)) {
            fontFamily = testFont;
            familyIdx = idx;

    QFont f;
    QRegularExpression fontRx(QStringLiteral(" (.*) +([0-9]+)$"));
    QRegularExpressionMatch match = fontRx.match(font, familyIdx);
    if (match.isValid()) {
        QString fontStyle = match.captured(1).trimmed();
        int fontSize = match.captured(2).toInt();
    } else {
        qWarning() << "Couldn't figure out syle and size" << font;
    return f;
const QString Session::Request::getAccountName(const QByteArray &data) {
    QRegularExpression expr("<h1\\s+class=\\\"name\\\">(?<name>.+?)<\\/h1>");
    QRegularExpressionMatch match = expr.match(data);
    if (match.isValid() && match.hasMatch()) {
        return match.captured("name");
    return QString();
const QString Session::Request::getCSRFToken(const QByteArray &data) {
    QRegularExpression expr("<input.+?name=\\\"hash\\\" value=\\\"(?<hash>.+?)\\\".+?id=\\\"hash\\\">");
    QRegularExpressionMatch match = expr.match(data);
    if (match.isValid() && match.hasMatch()) {
        return match.captured("hash");
    return QString();
const QString Session::Request::getAccountAvatar(const QByteArray &data) {
    QRegularExpression expr("<img\\s+src=\\\"(?<image>.+?)\\\"\\s+alt=\\\"Avatar\\\"");
    QRegularExpressionMatch match = expr.match(data);
    if (match.isValid() && match.hasMatch()) {
        const QString image = match.captured("image");
        return image.startsWith("/") ? BaseUrl().toString() + image : image;
    return QString();
const QMap<QString, QString> Session::Request::getAccountBadges(const QByteArray &data) {
    QRegularExpression expr("<div class=\\\"roleLabel.+?\\\"><img src=\\\"(?<url>.+?)\\\" alt=\\\"(?<name>.+?)\\\" \\/><\\/div>");
    QRegularExpressionMatchIterator iter = expr.globalMatch(data);
    QMap<QString,QString> result;
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        QRegularExpressionMatch match = iter.next();
        if (match.isValid() && match.hasMatch()) {
            QString url = match.captured("url");
            if (url.startsWith("/")) url.prepend("https://p7p4m6s5.ssl.hwcdn.net");
            result.insert(match.captured("name"), url);

    //        result.insert("Exalted", "https://p7p4m6s5.ssl.hwcdn.net/image/forum/supporter-tag/open-beta/exalted.png?v=2");
    //        result.insert("Champion", "https://p7p4m6s5.ssl.hwcdn.net/image/forum/supporter-tag/release/champion.png?v=4");
    //        result.insert("Grandmaster", "https://p7p4m6s5.ssl.hwcdn.net/image/forum/supporter-tag/release2/Grandmaster.png");
    //        result.insert("Highgate", "https://p7p4m6s5.ssl.hwcdn.net/image/forum/supporter-tag/awakening/Highgate.png");
    //        result.insert("Ascendant", "https://p7p4m6s5.ssl.hwcdn.net/image/forum/supporter-tag/ascendancy/Ascendant.png");

    return result;
int Session::Request::getAccountMessagesUnread(const QByteArray &data) {
    QRegularExpression expr("<a class=\\\"statusItem privateMessageStatus (?<has>hasMessages)?\\\" href=\\\"(?<url>.+?)\\\">(?<text>.+?)<\\/a>");
    QRegularExpressionMatch match = expr.match(data);
    if (match.isValid() && match.hasMatch()) {
        if (match.captured("has").isEmpty()){
            return 0;
        else {
            QString text = match.captured("text");
            int index = text.indexOf(" ");
            if (index == -1) {
                return 0;

            // Will return 0 if invalid, which is fine.
            return text.left(index).toInt();
    return 0;

void ItemsManagerWorker::OnFirstTabReceived() {
    QNetworkReply *reply = qobject_cast<QNetworkReply *>(QObject::sender());
    QByteArray bytes = reply->readAll();
    rapidjson::Document doc;

    int index = 0;
    if (!doc.IsObject()) {
        QLOG_ERROR() << "Can't even fetch first tab. Failed to update items.";
        updating_ = false;
    if (!doc.HasMember("tabs") || doc["tabs"].Size() == 0) {
        QLOG_WARN() << "There are no tabs, this should not happen, bailing out.";
        updating_ = false;

    tabs_as_string_ = Util::RapidjsonSerialize(doc["tabs"]);

    QLOG_INFO() << "Received tabs list, there are" << doc["tabs"].Size() << "tabs";

    // Setup tab exclusions
    std::string exclusions = data_manager_.Get("tab_exclusions");
    QList<QRegularExpression> expressions;
    rapidjson::Document exclusionDoc;

    if (exclusionDoc.IsArray()) {
        for (auto &excl : exclusionDoc) {
            QRegularExpression expr(excl.GetString());
            if (!expr.pattern().isEmpty() && expr.isValid()) expressions.append(expr);

    int tabsParsed = 0;
    for (auto &tab : doc["tabs"]) {
        std::string label = tab["n"].GetString();
        bool skip = false;
        for (QRegularExpression expr : expressions) {
            QRegularExpressionMatch match = expr.match(QString::fromStdString(label));
            if (match.isValid() && match.hasMatch()) {
                skip = true;

        if (!skip) {
            ItemLocation location;

            if (index == 0) {
                // We already have this tab (it's the first one we get).
                // Parse the items now that we have them
                if (!doc["tabs"][0].HasMember("hidden") || !doc["tabs"][0]["hidden"].GetBool()) {
                    ParseItems(&doc["items"], location, doc.GetAllocator());
            else if (!tab.HasMember("hidden") || !tab["hidden"].GetBool()) {
                // If it's not hidden, then we need to download
                QueueRequest(MakeTabRequest(index), location);

    if (tabs_.size() == 0) {
        QLOG_WARN() << "There are no tabs to be downloaded. Try clearing your tab exclusions list.";
        updating_ = false;

    // tabsParsed will be 1 if the first tab was included in the initial download
    total_needed_ = queue_.size() + tabsParsed;
    total_completed_ = tabsParsed;
    FetchItems(kThrottleRequests - tabsParsed);

    connect(signal_mapper_, SIGNAL(mapped(int)), this, SLOT(OnTabReceived(int)));
void ItemsManagerWorker::OnFirstTabReceived() {
    QNetworkReply *reply = qobject_cast<QNetworkReply *>(QObject::sender());
    QByteArray bytes = reply->readAll();
    rapidjson::Document doc;

    int index = 0;
    if (!doc.IsObject()) {
        QLOG_ERROR() << "Can't even fetch first tab. Failed to update items.";
        updating_ = false;
    if (!doc.HasMember("tabs") || doc["tabs"].Size() == 0) {
        QLOG_WARN() << "There are no tabs, this should not happen, bailing out.";
        updating_ = false;

    tabs_as_string_ = Util::RapidjsonSerialize(doc["tabs"]);

    QLOG_INFO() << "Received tabs list, there are" << doc["tabs"].Size() << "tabs";

    // Setup tab exclusions
    std::string exclusions = data_manager_.Get("tab_exclusions");
    QList<QRegularExpression> expressions;
    rapidjson::Document exclusionDoc;

    if (exclusionDoc.IsArray()) {
        for (auto &excl  : exclusionDoc) {

    for (auto &tab : doc["tabs"]) {
        std::string label = tab["n"].GetString();
        bool skip = false;
        for (QRegularExpression expr : expressions) {
            QRegularExpressionMatch match = expr.match(QString::fromStdString(label));
            if (match.isValid() && match.hasMatch()) {
                skip = true;

        if (index > 0 || skip) {
            ItemLocation location;
            if (!tab.HasMember("hidden") || !tab["hidden"].GetBool())
                QueueRequest(MakeTabRequest(skip ? 0 : index), location);

    ItemLocation first_tab_location;
    if (!doc["tabs"][0].HasMember("hidden") || !doc["tabs"][0]["hidden"].GetBool())
        ParseItems(&doc["items"], first_tab_location, doc.GetAllocator());

    total_needed_ = queue_.size() + 1;
    total_completed_ = 1;
    FetchItems(kThrottleRequests - 1);

    connect(signal_mapper_, SIGNAL(mapped(int)), this, SLOT(OnTabReceived(int)));
//Parse known datagrams
//TODO: we can modify this depending on level2settings since level2settings tells us what
//type of dgs will be sent
void IccClient::parseDatagram(int dg, const QString &unparsedDg)
    QString dgLabel(ICC::DatagramToString(dg));
    qDebug() << dgLabel << " received: " << unparsedDg;

    /* TODO: figure this out
    if (emit onBeforeParseDatagram(dg, unparsedDg) == false){

    if (dg == DG_WHO_AM_I){
        if (!m_interface.isEmpty()){
            send(tr("set interface ")+m_interface + "\n");
        //(0 TexasHoldem {C})
        QRegExp rx("\\((\\d+) (.+) \\{(.*)\\}\\)");
        m_loggedInHandle = rx.cap(2);
        m_loggedInTitles = rx.cap(3);
        emit onLoggedIn(m_loggedInHandle, m_loggedInTitles);
    }else if (dg == DG_PERSONAL_TELL){
        ////(32 knightrunner {} 1 {Sir H!})
        QRegExp rx("\\((\\d+) (.+) \\{(.*)\\} (\\d+) \\{(.*)\\}(.*)\\)");
        if (rx.indexIn(unparsedDg) == -1){
            qDebug() << "error parsing a tell, either the regexp is wrong or they changed formats";
            QString fromHandle = rx.cap(2);
            m_lastTellFrom = fromHandle;
            QString telltext = rx.cap(5);
            emit onTell(fromHandle, rx.cap(3), rx.cap(4).toInt(), telltext);
    }else if (dg == DG_LOGIN_FAILED){
        emit onLoginFailed();
    }else if (dg == DG_MY_GAME_STARTED){
        IccDgGameStarted dgGameStarted;

        if (parseDgGameStarted(unparsedDg, dgGameStarted)){
            emit onMyGameStarted(dgGameStarted);
            qDebug() << "error parsing";

    }else if (dg == DG_GAME_STARTED){
        //note: this is not enabled unless set-level[12] is 1 and then the person
        //will see all of the games that get started
        IccDgGameStarted dgGameStarted;
        if (parseDgGameStarted(unparsedDg, dgGameStarted)){
            emit onGameStarted(dgGameStarted);
            qDebug() << "error parsing";
    }else if (dg == DG_STARTED_OBSERVING){
        IccDgGameStarted dgStartedObserving;
        if (parseDgGameStarted(unparsedDg, dgStartedObserving)){
            emit onStartedObserving(dgStartedObserving);
         *DG_SHOUT(32 Flash {TD} 2 {snowden won the SPEEEEEED Luton Bullet 0 1 rated manager lani123 tournament, with a score 6/7!})
DG_STATE(11 aggressor E 172)
Added (and emailed) the following message to suggestion:
--relipse (21:14 27-Aug-13 EDT): Fics has a position search, can ICC please implement that? would be very cool to check out games in my openings from high rated players
You are now observing game 464.
DG_STARTED_OBSERVING(18 464 Mashin khallod 0 1-minute 1 1 0 1 0 1 {} 2132 2088 1625607086 {IM} {IM} 0 0 0 {} 0)
DG_PLAYERS_IN_MY_GAME(20 464 relipse O 1)
DG_PLAYERS_IN_MY_GAME(20 464 samod1 O 1)
DG_PLAYERS_IN_MY_GAME(20 464 shadodreamz O 1)
DG_PLAYERS_IN_MY_GAME(20 464 DeMarco O 1)
DG_PLAYERS_IN_MY_GAME(20 464 hadarpaz O 1)
DG_PLAYERS_IN_MY_GAME(20 464 salta O 1)
DG_PLAYERS_IN_MY_GAME(20 464 Qwellan O 1)
DG_PLAYERS_IN_MY_GAME(20 464 Mashin PW 1)
DG_PLAYERS_IN_MY_GAME(20 464 khallod PB 1)
DG_FLIP(39 464 0)
DG_MOVE_LIST(25 464 * {g3 g2g3 1 59}{d5 d7d5 1 59}{Bg2 f1g2 0 59}{Nf6 g8f6 1 58}{Nf3 g1f3 0 58}{g6 g7g6 0 58}{O-O e1g1c 0 58}{Bg7 f8g7 0 58}{b3 b2b3 0 58}{c6 c7c6 0 58}{Bb2 c1b2 0 57}{O-O e8g8c 1 57}{d3 d2d3 0 57}{Qa5 d8a5 1 56}{Nbd2 b1d2 1 56}{Bg4 c8g4 1 55}{a3 a2a3 1 55}{Nbd7 b8d7 3 52}{b4 b3b4 1 54}{Qc7 a5c7 1 51}{c4 c2c4 0 54}{e6 e7e6 2 49}{Rc1 a1c1 1 53}{Rfe8 f8e8 1 48}{h3 h2h3 1 52}{Bxf3 g4f3n 2 46}{Nxf3 d2f3b 0 52}{Rad8 a8d8 2 44}{Qc2 d1c2 1 51}{Qb8 c7b8 1 43}{Rfd1 f1d1 1 50}{e5 e6e5 1 42}{Qb1 c2b1 1 49}{e4 e5e4 2 41}{Nd4 f3d4 1 49}{e3 e4e3 2 39}{f4 f2f4 3 46}{Nh5 f6h5 0 39}{Kh2 g1h2 1 45}{dxc4 d5c4p 1 38}{dxc4 d3c4p 2 43}{Ndf6 d7f6 2 36}{Nc2 d4c2 4 39}{Nxg3 h5g3p 1 35}{Kxg3 h2g3n 1 38}{Nh5+ f6h5 1 33}{Kh2 g3h2 2 36}{Qxf4+ b8f4p 0 33}{Kg1 h2g1 1 36}{Qf2+ f4f2 1 32}{Kh1 g1h1 1 35}{Ng3+ h5g3 3 28}{Kh2 h1h2 1 34}{Nxe2 g3e2p 0 28}{Bxg7 b2g7b 7 27}{Qf4+ f2f4 3 25}{Kh1 h2h1 2 25}{Kxg7 g8g7b 0 25}{Rf1 d1f1 4 21}{Ng3+ e2g3 2 23}{Kg1 h1g1 0 21}{Nxf1 g3f1r 1 22}{Rxf1 c1f1n 0 21}{Qe5 f4e5 4 18}{Qe1 b1e1 1 20}{e2 e3e2 2 16}{Rf2 f1f2 2 17}{Rd1 d8d1 1 16}{Bf3 g2f3 1 16}{Rxe1+ d1e1q 1 14}{Nxe1 c2e1r 0 16}{Qg3+ e5g3 0 14}{Bg2 f3g2 1 15}{f5 f7f5 2 12}{Kh1 g1h1 1 15}{f4 f5f4 0 12}{Kg1 h1g1 1 14}{f3 f4f3 1 11}{Nxf3 e1f3p 2 11}{e1=Q+ e2e1Q 1 10}{Nxe1 f3e1q 1 11}{Rxe1+ e8e1n 0 10}{Rf1 f2f1 0 10}{Qe3+ g3e3 1 10}{Kh2 g1h2 1 9}{Rxf1 e1f1r 0 10}{Bxf1 g2f1r 0 9}{Qf2+ e3f2 0 9}{Bg2 f1g2 1 8}{g5 g6g5 0 9}{Kh1 h2h1 1 7}{Kf6 g7f6 0 9}{b5 b4b5 1 7})
DG_OFFERS_IN_MY_GAME(21 464 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
DG_SET_CLOCK(38 464 7 9)
Game 464 (Mashin vs. khallod)

     8  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |     Move # : 47 (Black)
     7  | *P| *P|   |   |   |   |   | *P|
  White Moves : 'b5 (0:01)'
     6  |   |   | *P|   |   | *K|   |   |
     5  |   | P |   |   |   |   | *P|   |     Black Clock : 0 : 09
     4  |   |   | P |   |   |   |   |   |     White Clock : 0 : 07
     3  | P |   |   |   |   |   |   | P |     Black Strength : 14
     2  |   |   |   |   |   | *Q| B |   |     White Strength : 7
     1  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | K |
      a   b   c   d   e   f   g   h

Game 464 (Mashin vs. khallod)
DG_SEND_MOVES(24 464 Ke5 f6e5 0 9)

     8  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |     Move # : 48 (White)
     7  | *P| *P|   |   |   |   |   | *P|     Black Moves : 'Ke5 (0:00)'
     6  |   |   | *P|   |   |   |   |   |
     5  |   | P |   |   | *K|   | *P|   |     Black Clock : 0 : 09
     4  |   |   | P |   |   |   |   |   |     White Clock : 0 : 07
     3  | P |   |   |   |   |   |   | P |     Black Strength : 14
     2  |   |   |   |   |   | *Q| B |   |     White Strength : 7
     1  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | K |
      a   b   c   d   e   f   g   h

Game 464 (Mashin vs. khallod)
DG_SEND_MOVES(24 464 bxc6 b5c6p 1 6)

     8  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |     Move # : 48 (Black)
     7  | *P| *P|   |   |   |   |   | *P|     White Moves : 'bxc6 (0:01)'
     6  |   |   | P |   |   |   |   |   |
     5  |   |   |   |   | *K|   | *P|   |     Black Clock : 0 : 09
     4  |   |   | P |   |   |   |   |   |     White Clock : 0 : 06
     3  | P |   |   |   |   |   |   | P |     Black Strength : 13
     2  |   |   |   |   |   | *Q| B |   |     White Strength : 7
     1  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | K |
      a   b   c   d   e   f   g   h

Game 464 (Mashin vs. khallod)
DG_SEND_MOVES(24 464 bxc6 b7c6p 1 8)

     8  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |     Move # : 49 (White)
     7  | *P|   |   |   |   |   |   | *P|     Black Moves : 'bxc6 (0:01)'
     6  |   |   | *P|   |   |   |   |   |
     5  |   |   |   |   | *K|   | *P|   |     Black Clock : 0 : 08
     4  |   |   | P |   |   |   |   |   |     White Clock : 0 : 06
     3  | P |   |   |   |   |   |   | P |     Black Strength : 13
     2  |   |   |   |   |   | *Q| B |   |     White Strength : 6
     1  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | K |
      a   b   c   d   e   f   g   h

Game 464 (Mashin vs. khallod)
DG_SEND_MOVES(24 464 Bxc6 g2c6p 0 6)

     8  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |     Move # : 49 (Black)
     7  | *P|   |   |   |   |   |   | *P|     White Moves : 'Bxc6 (0:00)'
     6  |   |   | B |   |   |   |   |   |
     5  |   |   |   |   | *K|   | *P|   |     Black Clock : 0 : 08
     4  |   |   | P |   |   |   |   |   |     White Clock : 0 : 06
     3  | P |   |   |   |   |   |   | P |     Black Strength : 12
     2  |   |   |   |   |   | *Q|   |   |     White Strength : 6
     1  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | K |
      a   b   c   d   e   f   g   h

Game 464 (Mashin vs. khallod)
DG_SEND_MOVES(24 464 Kf4 e5f4 0 8)

     8  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |     Move # : 50 (White)
     7  | *P|   |   |   |   |   |   | *P|     Black Moves : 'Kf4 (0:00)'
     6  |   |   | B |   |   |   |   |   |
     5  |   |   |   |   |   |   | *P|   |     Black Clock : 0 : 08
     4  |   |   | P |   |   | *K|   |   |     White Clock : 0 : 06
     3  | P |   |   |   |   |   |   | P |     Black Strength : 12
     2  |   |   |   |   |   | *Q|   |   |     White Strength : 6
     1  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | K |
      a   b   c   d   e   f   g   h
DG_PLAYERS_IN_MY_GAME(20 464 tophop O 1)

{Game 464 (Mashin vs. khallod) Mashin resigns} 0-1
DG_MY_GAME_RESULT(16 464 1 Res 0-1 {White resigns} {A00})
Game 464 becomes an examined game.
DG_PLAYERS_IN_MY_GAME(20 464 khallod E 1)
DG_PLAYERS_IN_MY_GAME(20 464 Mashin X 1)

Game 464 (which you were observing) has no examiners.
DG_PLAYERS_IN_MY_GAME(20 464 hadarpaz X 1)
DG_PLAYERS_IN_MY_GAME(20 464 samod1 X 1)
DG_PLAYERS_IN_MY_GAME(20 464 DeMarco X 1)
DG_PLAYERS_IN_MY_GAME(20 464 tophop X 1)
DG_PLAYERS_IN_MY_GAME(20 464 salta X 1)
DG_PLAYERS_IN_MY_GAME(20 464 Qwellan X 1)
DG_PLAYERS_IN_MY_GAME(20 464 shadodreamz X 1)
DG_PLAYERS_IN_MY_GAME(20 464 relipse X 1)
DG_STOP_OBSERVING(19 464)***********/

    }else if (dg == DG_MY_RELATION_TO_GAME){
        //DG_MY_RELATION_TO_GAME(43 959 PW)
        QRegularExpression re("\\((?P<dg>\\d+) (?P<gamenum>\\d+) (?P<symbol>\\w+)\\)");
        QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match(unparsedDg);
        emit onMyRelationToGame(match.captured("gamenum").toInt(), match.captured("symbol"));
    }else if (dg == DG_SEND_MOVES){
        //DG_SEND_MOVES(24 959 e4 e2e4 23 37)
        // (gamenumber algebraic-move smith-move time clock is-variation)
        QRegularExpression re("\\((?P<dg>\\d+) (?P<gamenum>\\d+) (?P<algebraic>[^ ]+) (?P<smith>[^ ]+) (?P<timetook>\\d+)? (?P<clock>\\d+)( (?P<isvariation>\\d))?\\)");
        QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match(unparsedDg);
        qDebug() << "mached SEND_MOVES? " << match;
        emit onSendMoves(match.captured("gamenum").toLong(), match.captured("algebraic"), match.captured("smith"), match.captured("timetook").toInt(), match.captured("clock").toInt(), match.captured("isvariation").toInt());
    }else if (dg == DG_TAKEBACK){
        //DG_TAKEBACK(22 1541 1)

        QRegularExpression re("\\((?P<dg>\\d+) (?P<gamenum>\\d+) (?P<takebackply>\\d+)\\)");
        QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match(unparsedDg);
        qDebug() << "emittting a dgTakeBack" ;
        emit onTakebackMove(match.captured("gamenum").toLong(), match.captured("takebackply").toLong());

    else if (dg == DG_ILLEGAL_MOVE){
        QRegularExpression re("\\((?P<dg>\\d+) (?P<gamenum>\\d+)( (?P<movestring>.*?))? (?P<reason>\\d+)\\)");
        QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match(unparsedDg);

        emit onIllegalMove(match.captured("gamenum").toLong(), match.captured("movestring"), match.captured("reason").toInt());
    }else if (dg == DG_PLAYERS_IN_MY_GAME){
     //do something
    }else if (dg == DG_FLIP){
        QRegularExpression re("\\((?P<dg>\\d+) (?P<gamenum>\\d+) (?P<flip>\\d+)\\)");
        QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match(unparsedDg);
        emit onFlip(match.captured("gamenum").toLong(), match.captured("flip").toInt());
    }else if (dg == DG_MOVE_LIST){
//        DG_MY_GAME_STARTED(15 1021 relipse TrainingBot 20 Blitz 0 20 10 20 10 1 {} 1827 1600 1624995327 {} {C} 0 0 0 {} 0)
//        DG_MY_RELATION_TO_GAME(43 1021 PW)
//        DG_PLAYERS_IN_MY_GAME(20 1021 relipse PW 1)
//        DG_FLIP(39 1021 0)
//        DG_MOVE_LIST(25 1021 -----B----p------p---k-pq---N---r-----P-------P--P----K---Q----- {Qc6+ c1c6 18 1192}{Kxe5 f6e5n 0 1210})
//        DG_SET_CLOCK(38 1021 1174 1225)
//        DG_PLAYERS_IN_MY_GAME(20 1021 TrainingBot PB 1)

        //(25 893 -----B----p------p---k-pq---N---r-----P-------P--P----K---Q----- )
        QString regex_move_list = "\\((\\d+) (\\d+) (.+?) ?(?<curlybracemoves>(?<move>\\{(.*?)\\})*?)\\)";
        QRegularExpression re(regex_move_list);
        QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match(unparsedDg);

        QString curlybrace_moves = match.captured("curlybracemoves");
        qDebug() << "unparsed move list: " << curlybrace_moves;

        QList<IccCurlyChessMove> move_list;
        if (curlybrace_moves.isEmpty() == false){
            qDebug() << "parsed move list!";
            QStringList sl;
            QString s = match.captured("curlybracemoves").replace("{", "").trimmed();
            sl = s.split(QRegularExpression("\\}"), QString::SkipEmptyParts);

            int lastMoveNum = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < sl.count();++i){
                QRegularExpression re2("(?<algebraic>[^\\s]+) (?<fromTo>[^\\s]+) (?<num>\\d+) (?<timeleft>\\d+)");
                QRegularExpressionMatch ma2 = re2.match(sl.at(i));
                qDebug() << "matched curly brace move: " << ma2.captured("algebraic");
                IccCurlyChessMove ccm;
                ccm.algebraic = ma2.captured("algebraic");
                ccm.fromTo = ma2.captured("fromTo");
                ccm.num = ma2.captured("num").toInt();
                //we know it is whites move if the move number just changed
                //TODO: figure out how to determine for sure if it is white or black's move
                //ccm.whitesMove = (lastMoveNum != ccm.num);
                lastMoveNum = ccm.num;
                ccm.secondsLeft = ma2.captured("timeleft").toLong();
            qDebug() << "curlybrace_moves empty!";

        //TODO: send played moves so client can resume an adjourned game
        emit onMoveList(match.captured(2).toLong(), match.captured(3), move_list);

        //DG_MOVE_LIST(25 464 * {g3 g2g3 1 59}{d5 d7d5 1 59}{Bg2 f1g2 0 59}{Nf6 g8f6 1 58}{Nf3 g1f3 0 58}{g6 g7g6 0 58}{O-O e1g1c 0 58}{Bg7 f8g7 0 58}{b3 b2b3 0 58}{c6 c7c6 0 58}{Bb2 c1b2 0 57}{O-O e8g8c 1 57}{d3 d2d3 0 57}{Qa5 d8a5 1 56}{Nbd2 b1d2 1 56}{Bg4 c8g4 1 55}{a3 a2a3 1 55}{Nbd7 b8d7 3 52}{b4 b3b4 1 54}{Qc7 a5c7 1 51}{c4 c2c4 0 54}{e6 e7e6 2 49}{Rc1 a1c1 1 53}{Rfe8 f8e8 1 48}{h3 h2h3 1 52}{Bxf3 g4f3n 2 46}{Nxf3 d2f3b 0 52}{Rad8 a8d8 2 44}{Qc2 d1c2 1 51}{Qb8 c7b8 1 43}{Rfd1 f1d1 1 50}{e5 e6e5 1 42}{Qb1 c2b1 1 49}{e4 e5e4 2 41}{Nd4 f3d4 1 49}{e3 e4e3 2 39}{f4 f2f4 3 46}{Nh5 f6h5 0 39}{Kh2 g1h2 1 45}{dxc4 d5c4p 1 38}{dxc4 d3c4p 2 43}{Ndf6 d7f6 2 36}{Nc2 d4c2 4 39}{Nxg3 h5g3p 1 35}{Kxg3 h2g3n 1 38}{Nh5+ f6h5 1 33}{Kh2 g3h2 2 36}{Qxf4+ b8f4p 0 33}{Kg1 h2g1 1 36}{Qf2+ f4f2 1 32}{Kh1 g1h1 1 35}{Ng3+ h5g3 3 28}{Kh2 h1h2 1 34}{Nxe2 g3e2p 0 28}{Bxg7 b2g7b 7 27}{Qf4+ f2f4 3 25}{Kh1 h2h1 2 25}{Kxg7 g8g7b 0 25}{Rf1 d1f1 4 21}{Ng3+ e2g3 2 23}{Kg1 h1g1 0 21}{Nxf1 g3f1r 1 22}{Rxf1 c1f1n 0 21}{Qe5 f4e5 4 18}{Qe1 b1e1 1 20}{e2 e3e2 2 16}{Rf2 f1f2 2 17}{Rd1 d8d1 1 16}{Bf3 g2f3 1 16}{Rxe1+ d1e1q 1 14}{Nxe1 c2e1r 0 16}{Qg3+ e5g3 0 14}{Bg2 f3g2 1 15}{f5 f7f5 2 12}{Kh1 g1h1 1 15}{f4 f5f4 0 12}{Kg1 h1g1 1 14}{f3 f4f3 1 11}{Nxf3 e1f3p 2 11}{e1=Q+ e2e1Q 1 10}{Nxe1 f3e1q 1 11}{Rxe1+ e8e1n 0 10}{Rf1 f2f1 0 10}{Qe3+ g3e3 1 10}{Kh2 g1h2 1 9}{Rxf1 e1f1r 0 10}{Bxf1 g2f1r 0 9}{Qf2+ e3f2 0 9}{Bg2 f1g2 1 8}{g5 g6g5 0 9}{Kh1 h2h1 1 7}{Kf6 g7f6 0 9}{b5 b4b5 1 7})

    }else if (dg == DG_MATCH){
        QString regex = "\\((\\d+) (?P<challname>[^ ]+) (?P<challrating>\\d+) (?P<challratingtype>\\d) \\{(?P<challtitles>)\\} (?P<receiname>[^ ]+) (?P<receirating>\\d+) (?P<receiratingtype>\\d) \\{(?P<receititles>)\\} (?P<wildnumber>\\d+) (?P<ratingtype>[^ ]+) (?P<israted>\\d) (?P<isadjourned>\\d) (?P<challinitialmin>\\d+) (?P<challincsec>\\d+) (?P<receiverinitialmin>\\d+) (?P<receiverincsec>\\d+) (?P<challcolorrequest>\\-?\\d+)( (?P<assess>[^ ]+ [^ ]+ [^ ]+))? (?P<fancytimecontrol>[^ ]+)\\)";
        QRegularExpression re(regex);
        QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match(unparsedDg);
        qDebug() << "Is a valid match? " << match.isValid()
                 << "challname: " << match.captured("challname")
                 << "challrating: " << match.captured("challrating")
                 << "challratingtype: " << match.captured("challratingtype")
                 << "challtitles: " << match.captured("challtitles")
                 << "receiname: " << match.captured("receiname")
                 << "receirating: " << match.captured("receirating")
                 << "receiratingtype: " << match.captured("receiratingtype")
                 << "receititles: " << match.captured("receititles")
                 << "wildnumber: " << match.captured("wildnumber")
                 << "ratingtype: " << match.captured("ratingtype")
                 << "israted: " << match.captured("israted")
                 << "isadjourned: " << match.captured("isadjourned")
                 << "challinitialmin: " << match.captured("challinitialmin")
                 << "challincsec: " << match.captured("challincsec")
                 << "receiverinitialmin: " << match.captured("receiverinitialmin")
                 << "receiverincsec: " << match.captured("receiverincsec")
                 << "challcolorrequest: " << match.captured("challcolorrequest")
                 << "assess: " << match.captured("assess");

        IccDgMatch dgMatch;

        dgMatch.challname = match.captured("challname");
        dgMatch.challrating = match.captured("challrating").toInt();
        dgMatch.challratingtype = match.captured("challratingtype").toInt();
        dgMatch.challtitles = match.captured("challtitles");
        dgMatch.receiname = match.captured("receiname");
        dgMatch.receirating = match.captured("receirating").toInt();
        dgMatch.receiratingtype = match.captured("receiratingtype").toInt();
        dgMatch.receititles = match.captured("receititles");
        dgMatch.wildnumber = match.captured("wildnumber").toInt();
        dgMatch.ratingtype = match.captured("ratingtype");
        dgMatch.israted = (bool)match.captured("israted").toInt();
        dgMatch.isadjourned = (bool)match.captured("isadjourned").toInt();
        dgMatch.challinitialmin = match.captured("challinitialmin").toInt();
        dgMatch.challincsec = match.captured("challincsec").toInt();
        dgMatch.receiverinitialmin = match.captured("receiverinitialmin").toInt();
        dgMatch.receiverincsec = match.captured("receiverincsec").toInt();
        dgMatch.challcolorrequest = match.captured("challcolorrequest").toInt();
        dgMatch.assess = match.captured("assess");

        emit onMatch(dgMatch);
         *(29 TwoEqualsOne 1373 2 {} relipse 1733 1 {} 0 Bullet 0 0 1 0 1 0 -1 {}) Challenge: TwoEqualsOne (1373) relipse (1733) unrated Bullet 1 0 You may accept this with "accept TwoEqualsOne", decline it with "decline TwoEqualsOne", or propose different parameters. aics%
DG_MATCH(29 TwoEqualsOne 1373 2 {} relipse 1733 1 {} 0 Bullet 0 0 1 0 1 0 -1 {})
(11 vicilio E 858)
DG_STATE(11 vicilio E 858)
Creating: TwoEqualsOne (1373) relipse (1733) unrated Bullet 1 0 You accept the challenge of TwoEqualsOne. (30 TwoEqualsOne relipse {You accept the challenge of TwoEqualsOne. }){Game 959 (relipse vs. TwoEqualsOne) Creating unrated bullet match.} * relipse vs TwoEqualsOne White> win loss draw score | win loss draw score
DG_PLAYERS_IN_MY_GAME(20 959 TwoEqualsOne PB 1)
DG_MY_GAME_STARTED(15 959 relipse TwoEqualsOne 0 Bullet 0 1 0 1 0 1 {} 1733 1373 1624455577 {} {} 0 0 0 {} 0)
DG_PLAYERS_IN_MY_GAME(20 959 relipse PW 1)
DG_FLIP(39 959 0)
DG_MOVE_LIST(25 959 * )
DG_SET_CLOCK(38 959 60 60)
Game 959 (relipse vs. TwoEqualsOne)(24 959 e4 e2e4 23 37) --------------------------------- 8 | *R| *N| *B| *Q| *K| *B| *N| *R| Move # : 1 (Black) |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---| 7 | *P| *P| *P| *P| *P| *P| *P| *P| White Moves : 'e4 (0:23)' |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---| 6 | | | | | | | | | |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---| 5 | | | | | | | | | Black Clock : 1 : 00 |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---| 4 | | | | | P | | | | White Clock : 0 : 37 |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---| 3 | | | | | | | | | Black Strength : 39 |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---| 2 | P | P | P | P | | P | P | P | White Strength : 39 |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---| 1 | R | N | B | Q | K | B | N | R | --------------------------------- a b c d e f g h aics%
DG_SEND_MOVES(24 959 e4 e2e4 23 37)
Game 959 (relipse vs. TwoEqualsOne)(24 959 c5 c7c5 3 57) --------------------------------- 8 | *R| *N| *B| *Q| *K| *B| *N| *R| Move # : 2 (White) |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---| 7 | *P| *P| | *P| *P| *P| *P| *P| Black Moves : 'c5 (0:03)' |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---| 6 | | | | | | | | | |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---| 5 | | | *P| | | | | | Black Clock : 0 : 57 |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---| 4 | | | | | P | | | | White Clock : 0 : 37 |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---| 3 | | | | | | | | | Black Strength : 39 |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---| 2 | P | P | P | P | | P | P | P | White Strength : 39 |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---| 1 | R | N | B | Q | K | B | N | R | --------------------------------- a b c d e f g h aics%
DG_SEND_MOVES(24 959 c5 c7c5 3 57)
Game 959 (relipse vs. TwoEqualsOne)(24 959 e5 e4e5 7 31) --------------------------------- 8 | *R| *N| *B| *Q| *K| *B| *N| *R| Move # : 2 (Black) |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---| 7 | *P| *P| | *P| *P| *P| *P| *P| White Moves : 'e5 (0:07)' |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---| 6 | | | | | | | | | |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---| 5 | | | *P| | P | | | | Black Clock : 0 : 57 |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---| 4 | | | | | | | | | White Clock : 0 : 31 |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---| 3 | | | | | | | | | Black Strength : 39 |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---| 2 | P | P | P | P | | P | P | P | White Strength : 39 |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---| 1 | R | N | B | Q | K | B | N | R | --------------------------------- a b c d e f g h aics%
DG_SEND_MOVES(24 959 e5 e4e5 7 31)
Game 959 (relipse vs. TwoEqualsOne)(24 959 Nc6 b8c6 2 56) --------------------------------- 8 | *R| | *B| *Q| *K| *B| *N| *R| Move # : 3 (White) |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---| 7 | *P| *P| | *P| *P| *P| *P| *P| Black Moves : 'Nc6 (0:02)' |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---| 6 | | | *N| | | | | | |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---| 5 | | | *P| | P | | | | Black Clock : 0 : 56 |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---| 4 | | | | | | | | | White Clock : 0 : 31 |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---| 3 | | | | | | | | | Black Strength : 39 |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---| 2 | P | P | P | P | | P | P | P | White Strength : 39 |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---| 1 | R | N | B | Q | K | B | N | R | --------------------------------- a b c d e f g h aics%
DG_SEND_MOVES(24 959 Nc6 b8c6 2 56)
{Game 959 (relipse vs. TwoEqualsOne) relipse resigns} 0-1 (16 959 1 Res 0-1 {White resigns} {B20})Game was not rated. No rating adjustment. Entering examine mode for game 959. (20 959 TwoEqualsOne X 1)(43 959 E)(20 959 relipse E 1)aics%
DG_MY_GAME_RESULT(16 959 1 Res 0-1 {White resigns} {B20})
DG_PLAYERS_IN_MY_GAME(20 959 TwoEqualsOne X 1)
DG_PLAYERS_IN_MY_GAME(20 959 relipse E 1)
(32 TwoEqualsOne {} 1 {hope that helped})aics%
DG_SHOUT(32 TwoEqualsOne {} 1 {hope that helped})
(32 ROBOadmin {* C} 2 {*** GRANDMASTER Bones is playing string!! Type "observe Bones" to watch the rated 15-minute 15 0 game.})aics%
DG_SHOUT(32 ROBOadmin {* C} 2 {*** GRANDMASTER Bones is playing string!! Type "observe Bones" to watch the rated 15-minute 15 0 game.})
(32 relipse {} 0 {yes it did a lot thanks})(shouted to 124 people) aics%
DG_SHOUT(32 relipse {} 0 {yes it did a lot thanks})
Recent games of relipse: Opponent Type ECO End Date 57: - 1733 W 1373 TwoEqualsOne [ Bu 1 0] B20 Res Aug 17 13 04:19 56: - 1541 B 1490 digital [ or 1 0] A00 Mat Aug 17 13 02:10 55: + 1557 B 1434 nearthink [ Mr 3 0] C02 Fla Aug 17 13 00:40 54: + 1546 W 1611 Lzmann [ Mr 3 0] E71 Res Aug 17 13 00:38 53: + 1525 W 1611 KINGZINSKI [ Mr 3 0] D15 Res Aug 17 13 00:33 52: + 1503 B 1678 Coyote-Breat [ Mr 3 0] A01 Fla Aug 17 13 00:27 51: + 1827 W 1600 TrainingBot [20u 20 10] --- Mat Aug 16 13 21:32 50: + 1827 W 1600 TrainingBot [20u 20 10] --- Mat Aug 16 13 21:31 49: + 1827 W 1600 TrainingBot [20u 20 10] --- Mat Aug 16 13 21:30 48: + 1827 W 1600 TrainingBot [20u 20 10] --- Mat Aug 16 13 21:30 47: + 1827 W 1600 TrainingBot [20u 20 10] --- Mat Aug 16 13 21:30 46: + 1827 W 1600 TrainingBot [20u 20 10] --- Mat Aug 16 13 21:21 45: + 1827 W 1600 TrainingBot [20u 20 10] --- Mat Aug 16 13 21:20 44: + 1827 W 1600 TrainingBot [20u 20 10] --- Mat Aug 16 13 21:18 43: + 1827 W 1600 TrainingBot [20u 20 10] --- Mat Aug 16 13 21:17 42: + 1827 W 1600 TrainingBot [20u 20 10] --- Mat Aug 16 13 21:17 41: + 1827 W 1600 TrainingBot [20u 20 10] --- Mat Aug 16 13 21:17 40: + 1827 W 1600 TrainingBot [20u 20 10] --- Mat Aug 16 13 21:16 39: + 1827 W 1600 TrainingBot [20u 20 10] --- Mat Aug 16 13 21:15 38: + 1827 W 1600 TrainingBot [20u 20 10] --- Mat Aug 16 13 21:15 aics%
(32 ROBOadmin {* C} 2 {http://www.chessclub.com/activities/events.html for a list of all the upcoming events on the Internet Chess Club!})aics%
DG_SHOUT(32 ROBOadmin {* C} 2 {http://www.chessclub.com/activities/events.html for a list of all the upcoming events on the Internet Chess Club!})
(32 ROBOadmin {* C} 2 {*** GRANDMASTER YARDBIRD is playing Nikola511!! Type "observe YARDBIRD" to watch the rated 5-minute 5 0 game.})aics%
DG_SHOUT(32 ROBOadmin {* C} 2 {*** GRANDMASTER YARDBIRD is playing Nikola511!! Type "observe YARDBIRD" to watch the rated 5-minute 5 0 game.})
(32 ROBOadmin {* C} 2 {*** GRANDMASTER strongwave is playing Kiketf!! Type "observe strongwave" to watch the rated 3-minute 3 0 game.})aics%
DG_SHOUT(32 ROBOadmin {* C} 2 {*** GRANDMASTER strongwave is playing Kiketf!! Type "observe strongwave" to watch the rated 3-minute 3 0 game.})
(32 ROBOKieb {C TD} 0 {Find out your ratings in the various Wild variants! Type: 'tell ROBOKieb wildfinger'.})aics%
DG_SHOUT(32 ROBOKieb {C TD} 0 {Find out your ratings in the various Wild variants! Type: 'tell ROBOKieb wildfinger'.})
(20 959 TwoEqualsOne O 1)
DG_PLAYERS_IN_MY_GAME(20 959 TwoEqualsOne O 1)
Notification: PTrajkovic has departed. Notification: PTrajkovic has arrived. aics%
(20 959 TwoEqualsOne X 1)
DG_PLAYERS_IN_MY_GAME(20 959 TwoEqualsOne X 1)
(11 vicilio E 1203)*/
    }else if (dg == DG_MY_GAME_RESULT){
        //DG_MY_GAME_RESULT(16 959 1 Res 0-1 {White resigns} {B20})
        QString regex = "\\((?P<dg>\\d+) (?P<gamenum>\\d+) (?P<becomeexamined>\\d+) (?P<gameresultcode>\\w+) (?P<scorestring>([012\\-/\\*]+|aborted)) \\{(?<description>.+?)\\} \\{(?P<eco>(\\w+|\\?))\\}\\)";
        QRegularExpression re(regex);
        QRegularExpressionMatch m = re.match(unparsedDg);
        qDebug() << "failed regex: " << regex;
        emit onMyGameResult(m.captured("gamenum").toLong(), (m.captured("becomeexamined").toInt() == 1), m.captured("gameresultcode"), m.captured("scorestring"), m.captured("description"), m.captured("eco"));
        //TODO: finish parsing the rest
        //not specifically parsed emit this so clients can parse it
        emit onUnparsedDatagram(dg, unparsedDg);
    //if execution goes here, that means it successfully parsed and emitted the proper signal
    emit onParseSuccessDatagram(dg, unparsedDg);
void SourceEntryPrivate::parseData(const QString &data)
    if (data.isEmpty())

    QString tData = data.simplified();

    // Check for nonvalid input
    if (tData.isEmpty() || tData == QChar('#')) {
        isValid = false;

    // Check source enable state
    if (tData.at(0) == '#') {
        isEnabled = false;
    // Handle multiple comment characters (hey, it happens!)
    while (tData.size() > 0 && tData.at(0) == '#') {
        // Remove starting '#' from tData
        tData = tData.remove(0, 1);
        tData = tData.trimmed();

    // Find any #'s past the start (these are comments)
    int idx = tData.indexOf('#');
    if (idx > 0) {
        // Save the comment, then remove from tData
        comment = tData.right(tData.size() - idx - 1);
        tData.remove(idx, tData.size() - idx + 1);

    const QRegularExpression rx("^([a-z\\-]+) *");
    QRegularExpressionMatch match = rx.match(tData);

    // Parse type
    type = match.captured(1);
    const QSet<QString> types = { QLatin1String("rpm"), QLatin1String("rpm-src"), QLatin1String("deb"), QLatin1String("deb-src") };
    if (!match.isValid() || !types.contains(type)) {
        isValid = false;
    int start = match.capturedEnd(), end = tData.size();
    // Parse architecture, see https://wiki.debian.org/Multiarch/HOWTO, Setting up sources
    if (tData[start] == '[') {
        QString metadata = tData.mid(start+1, tData.indexOf(']')-start-1);
        QStringList options = metadata.split(';');
        for (const QString &option : options) {
            QStringList parts = option.split('=');

            if (parts.size() != 2) {
                isValid = false;

            QString key = parts.at(0);
            if (key != QLatin1String("arch")) {
                isValid = false;

            QString value = parts.at(1);
            architectures = value.split(',');
        for (; tData[start] == ' '; ++start)
    bool inString = false;
    bool done = false;
    for (int i = start; !done && i<end; ++i) {
        switch (tData[i].toLatin1()) {
        case ' ':
            if (!inString) {
                uri = tData.mid(start, i-start);
                start = i+1;
                done = true;
            } break;
        case '[':
            inString = true;
        case ']':
            inString = false;
    if (uri.isEmpty() || !done) {
        isValid = false;

    QStringList pieces = tData.mid(start).split(' ', QString::SkipEmptyParts);
    if (pieces.isEmpty()) {
        // Invalid source entry
        isValid = false;

    // Parse distro and (optionally) components
    dist = pieces.takeFirst();
    components = pieces;