 * Rebin the input quadrilateral to the output grid
 * @param inputQ The input polygon
 * @param inputWS The input workspace containing the input intensity values
 * @param i The index in the vertical axis direction that inputQ references
 * @param j The index in the horizontal axis direction that inputQ references
 * @param outputWS A pointer to the output workspace that accumulates the data
 * @param verticalAxis A vector containing the output vertical axis bin boundaries
void Rebin2D::rebinToFractionalOutput(const Geometry::Quadrilateral & inputQ,
                                      MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr inputWS,
                                      const size_t i, const size_t j,
                                      RebinnedOutput_sptr outputWS,
                                      const std::vector<double> & verticalAxis)
    const MantidVec & X = outputWS->readX(0);
    size_t qstart(0), qend(verticalAxis.size()-1), en_start(0), en_end(X.size() - 1);
    if( !getIntersectionRegion(outputWS, verticalAxis, inputQ, qstart, qend, en_start, en_end)) return;

    for( size_t qi = qstart; qi < qend; ++qi )
        const double vlo = verticalAxis[qi];
        const double vhi = verticalAxis[qi+1];
        for( size_t ei = en_start; ei < en_end; ++ei )
            const V2D ll(X[ei], vlo);
            const V2D lr(X[ei+1], vlo);
            const V2D ur(X[ei+1], vhi);
            const V2D ul(X[ei], vhi);
            const Quadrilateral outputQ(ll, lr, ur, ul);

            double yValue = inputWS->readY(i)[j];
            if (boost::math::isnan(yValue))
                ConvexPolygon overlap = intersectionByLaszlo(outputQ, inputQ);
                const double weight = overlap.area()/inputQ.area();
                yValue *=  weight;
                double eValue = inputWS->readE(i)[j] * weight;
                const double overlapWidth = overlap.largestX() - overlap.smallestX();
                // Don't do the overlap removal if already RebinnedOutput.
                // This wreaks havoc on the data.
                if(inputWS->isDistribution() && inputWS->id() != "RebinnedOutput")
                    yValue *= overlapWidth;
                    eValue *= overlapWidth;
                eValue *= eValue;
                    outputWS->dataY(qi)[ei] += yValue;
                    outputWS->dataE(qi)[ei] += eValue;
                    outputWS->dataF(qi)[ei] += weight;
            catch(Geometry::NoIntersectionException &)