bool ATSCollectionVisitor::VisitMemberExpr(MemberExpr *ME)
  ValueDecl *OrigDecl = ME->getMemberDecl();
  FieldDecl *FD = dyn_cast<FieldDecl>(OrigDecl);

  if (!FD) {
    // in C++, getMemberDecl returns a CXXMethodDecl.
    if (TransformationManager::isCXXLangOpt())
      return true;
    TransAssert(0 && "Bad FD!\n");

  const Type *T = FD->getType().getTypePtr();
  if (!T->isScalarType())
    return true;

  RecordDecl *RD = FD->getParent();
  TransAssert(RD && "NULL RecordDecl!");
  if (!RD->isStruct() && !RD->isUnion())
    return true;

  return true;
/// CreateType - get structure or union type.
llvm::DIType CGDebugInfo::CreateType(const RecordType *Ty,
                                     llvm::DICompileUnit Unit) {
  RecordDecl *Decl = Ty->getDecl();
  unsigned Tag;
  if (Decl->isStruct())
    Tag = llvm::dwarf::DW_TAG_structure_type;
  else if (Decl->isUnion())
    Tag = llvm::dwarf::DW_TAG_union_type;
  else {
    assert(Decl->isClass() && "Unknown RecordType!");
    Tag = llvm::dwarf::DW_TAG_class_type;

  SourceManager &SM = M->getContext().getSourceManager();

  // Get overall information about the record type for the debug info.
  std::string Name = Decl->getNameAsString();

  llvm::DICompileUnit DefUnit = getOrCreateCompileUnit(Decl->getLocation());
  unsigned Line = SM.getInstantiationLineNumber(Decl->getLocation());
  // Records and classes and unions can all be recursive.  To handle them, we
  // first generate a debug descriptor for the struct as a forward declaration.
  // Then (if it is a definition) we go through and get debug info for all of
  // its members.  Finally, we create a descriptor for the complete type (which
  // may refer to the forward decl if the struct is recursive) and replace all
  // uses of the forward declaration with the final definition.
  llvm::DIType FwdDecl =
    DebugFactory.CreateCompositeType(Tag, Unit, Name, DefUnit, Line, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                     llvm::DIType(), llvm::DIArray());
  // If this is just a forward declaration, return it.
  if (!Decl->getDefinition(M->getContext()))
    return FwdDecl;

  // Otherwise, insert it into the TypeCache so that recursive uses will find
  // it.
  TypeCache[QualType(Ty, 0).getAsOpaquePtr()] = FwdDecl;

  // Convert all the elements.
  llvm::SmallVector<llvm::DIDescriptor, 16> EltTys;

  const ASTRecordLayout &RL = M->getContext().getASTRecordLayout(Decl);

  unsigned FieldNo = 0;
  for (RecordDecl::field_iterator I = Decl->field_begin(M->getContext()),
                                  E = Decl->field_end(M->getContext()); 
       I != E; ++I, ++FieldNo) {
    FieldDecl *Field = *I;
    llvm::DIType FieldTy = getOrCreateType(Field->getType(), Unit);

    std::string FieldName = Field->getNameAsString();

    // Get the location for the field.
    SourceLocation FieldDefLoc = Field->getLocation();
    llvm::DICompileUnit FieldDefUnit = getOrCreateCompileUnit(FieldDefLoc);
    unsigned FieldLine = SM.getInstantiationLineNumber(FieldDefLoc);

    QualType FType = Field->getType();
    uint64_t FieldSize = 0;
    unsigned FieldAlign = 0;
    if (!FType->isIncompleteArrayType()) {
      // Bit size, align and offset of the type.
      FieldSize = M->getContext().getTypeSize(FType);
      Expr *BitWidth = Field->getBitWidth();
      if (BitWidth)
        FieldSize = 
      FieldAlign =  M->getContext().getTypeAlign(FType);

    uint64_t FieldOffset = RL.getFieldOffset(FieldNo);    
    // Create a DW_TAG_member node to remember the offset of this field in the
    // struct.  FIXME: This is an absolutely insane way to capture this
    // information.  When we gut debug info, this should be fixed.
    FieldTy = DebugFactory.CreateDerivedType(llvm::dwarf::DW_TAG_member, Unit,
                                             FieldName, FieldDefUnit,
                                             FieldLine, FieldSize, FieldAlign,
                                             FieldOffset, 0, FieldTy);
  llvm::DIArray Elements =
    DebugFactory.GetOrCreateArray(&EltTys[0], EltTys.size());

  // Bit size, align and offset of the type.
  uint64_t Size = M->getContext().getTypeSize(Ty);
  uint64_t Align = M->getContext().getTypeAlign(Ty);
  llvm::DIType RealDecl =
    DebugFactory.CreateCompositeType(Tag, Unit, Name, DefUnit, Line, Size,
                                     Align, 0, 0, llvm::DIType(), Elements);

  // Now that we have a real decl for the struct, replace anything using the
  // old decl with the new one.  This will recursively update the debug info.
  return RealDecl;