//                     CALC REVERSE MOBILIZER HDOT_FM
// This is the default implementation for turning HDot_MF into HDot_FM. 
// A mobilizer can override this to do it faster.
// We depend on H_FM having already been calculated.
// From the Simbody theory manual,
//      HDot_FM_w = -R_FM * HDot_MF_w + w_FM_x H_FM_w
//      HDot_FM_v = -R_FM * HDot_MF_v + w_FM_x H_FM_v 
//                  - (p_FM_x HDot_FM_w
//                     + (v_FM_x - w_FM_x p_FM_x)H_FM_w)
// where "a_x" indicates the cross product matrix of vector a.
template<int dof, bool noR_FM, bool noX_MB, bool noR_PF> void
RigidBodyNodeSpec<dof, noR_FM, noX_MB, noR_PF>::calcReverseMobilizerHDot_FM(
    const SBStateDigest& sbs,
    HType&               HDot_FM) const
    const SBTreePositionCache& pc = sbs.getTreePositionCache();
    // Must use "upd" here rather than "get" because this is
    // called during realize(Velocity).
    const SBTreeVelocityCache& vc = sbs.updTreeVelocityCache();

    HType HDot_MF;
    calcAcrossJointVelocityJacobianDot(sbs, HDot_MF);

    const Rotation& R_FM    = getX_FM(pc).R();
    const Vec3&     p_FM    = getX_FM(pc).p();
    const HType&    H_FM    = getH_FM(pc);

    const Vec3&     w_FM    = getV_FM(vc)[0];
    const Vec3&     v_FM    = getV_FM(vc)[1];
    // Make cross product matrices.
    const Mat33     p_FM_x  = crossMat(p_FM);   // 3 flops
    const Mat33     w_FM_x  = crossMat(w_FM);   // 3 flops
    const Mat33     v_FM_x  = crossMat(v_FM);   // 3 flops
    const Mat33     vwp     = v_FM_x - w_FM_x*p_FM_x;   // 54 flops

    // Initialize both rows with the first two terms above.
    HDot_FM = w_FM_x*H_FM - (noR_FM ? HDot_MF : R_FM*HDot_MF); // 66*dof flops

    // Add in the additional terms in the second row.
    HDot_FM[1] -= p_FM_x * HDot_FM[0] + vwp * H_FM[0];  // 36*dof flops
    void realizeDynamics(const SBArticulatedBodyInertiaCache&   abc,
                         const SBStateDigest&                   sbs) const {
        // Mobilizer-specific.
        const SBTreePositionCache&  pc = sbs.getTreePositionCache();
        const SBTreeVelocityCache&  vc = sbs.getTreeVelocityCache();
        SBDynamicsCache&            dc = sbs.updDynamicsCache();

        // Mobilizer independent.
 void realizeVelocity(const SBStateDigest& sbs) const {
     const SBTreePositionCache& pc = sbs.getTreePositionCache();
     SBTreeVelocityCache& vc = sbs.updTreeVelocityCache();