/*! Scans all meshes in the assimp scene and populates nameToBone and
void SLAssimpImporter::findJoints(const aiScene* scene)
    for (SLuint i = 0; i < scene->mNumMeshes; i++)
        aiMesh* mesh = scene->mMeshes[i];

		logMessage(LV_normal, "   Mesh '%s' contains %d joints.\n", mesh->mName.C_Str(), mesh->mNumBones);
        for (SLuint j = 0; j < mesh->mNumBones; j++)
			SLstring name = mesh->mBones[j]->mName.C_Str();
            std::map<SLstring, SLMat4f>::iterator it = _jointOffsets.find(name);
			if(it != _jointOffsets.end())

            // add the offset matrix to our offset matrix map
			SLMat4f offsetMat;
			memcpy(&offsetMat, &mesh->mBones[j]->mOffsetMatrix, sizeof(SLMat4f));
			_jointOffsets[name] = offsetMat;

			logMessage(LV_detailed, "     Bone '%s' found.\n", name.c_str());
/*! SLFileSystem::fileExists returns true if the file exists. This code works
only on windows because the file check is done case insensitive.
SLbool SLFileSystem::fileExists(SLstring& pathfilename) 
    struct stat stFileInfo;
    if (stat(pathfilename.c_str(), &stFileInfo) == 0)
        return true;
    return false;
//! Scans the assimp scene graph structure and populates nameToNode
void SLAssimpImporter::findNodes(aiNode* node, SLstring padding, SLbool lastChild)
    SLstring name = node->mName.C_Str();
    /// @todo we can't allow for duplicate node names, ever at the moment. The 'solution' below
    ///       only hides the problem and moves it to a different part.
    // rename duplicate node names
    SLstring renamedString;
    if (_nodeMap.find(name) != _nodeMap.end())
        SLint index = 0;
        std::ostringstream ss;
        SLstring lastMatch = name;
        while (_nodeMap.find(lastMatch) != _nodeMap.end()) 
            ss << name << "_" << std::setw( 2 ) << std::setfill( '0' ) << index;
            lastMatch = ss.str();
        ss << "(renamed from '" << name << "')";
        renamedString = ss.str();
        name = lastMatch;

    // this should not happen
    assert(_nodeMap.find(name) == _nodeMap.end() && "Duplicated node name found!");
    _nodeMap[name] = node;

    //logMessage(LV_Detailed, "%s   |\n", padding.c_str());
    logMessage(LV_detailed, "%s  |-[%s]   (%d children, %d meshes)\n", 
    if (lastChild) padding += "   ";
    else padding += "  |";

    for (SLuint i = 0; i < node->mNumChildren; i++)
        findNodes(node->mChildren[i], padding, (i == node->mNumChildren-1));
//! SLGLShader::load loads a shader file into string _shaderSource
void SLGLShader::load(SLstring filename)
    fstream shaderFile(filename.c_str(), ios::in);
    if (!shaderFile.is_open())
    {   SL_LOG("File open failed: %s\n", filename.c_str());
    std::stringstream buffer;
    buffer << shaderFile.rdbuf(); 

    // remove comments because some stupid ARM compiler can't handle GLSL comments
    #ifdef SL_OS_MACIOS
    _code = buffer.str();
    _code = SLUtils::removeComments(buffer.str());
//! SLGLShader::createAndCompile creates & compiles the OpenGL shader object
SLbool SLGLShader::createAndCompile()
    // delete if object already exits
    if (_objectGL) glDeleteShader(_objectGL);

    if (_code!="")
        switch (_type)
        {   case VertexShader:
                _objectGL = glCreateShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER); break;
            case FragmentShader:
                _objectGL = glCreateShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER); break;
                SL_EXIT_MSG("SLGLShader::load: Unknown shader type.");
        //SLstring verGLSL = SLGLState::getInstance()->glSLVersionNO();
        //SLstring srcVersion = "#version " + verGLSL + "\n";

        //if (verGLSL > "120")
        //{   if (_type == VertexShader)
        //    {   SLUtils::replaceString(_code, "attribute", "in");
        //        SLUtils::replaceString(_code, "varying", "out");
        //    }
        //    if (_type == FragmentShader)
        //    {   SLUtils::replaceString(_code, "varying", "in");
        //    }
        //SLstring scrComplete = srcVersion + _code;

        SLstring scrComplete = _code;

        const char* src = scrComplete.c_str();
        glShaderSource(_objectGL, 1, &src, 0);

        // Check compiler log
        SLint compileSuccess = 0;
        glGetShaderiv(_objectGL, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &compileSuccess);
        if (compileSuccess == GL_FALSE) 
        {   GLchar log[256];
            glGetShaderInfoLog(_objectGL, sizeof(log), 0, &log[0]);
            SL_LOG("*** COMPILER ERROR ***\n");
            SL_LOG("Source file: %s\n", _file.c_str());
            SL_LOG("%s\n\n", log);
            return false;
        return true;
    } else SL_WARN_MSG("SLGLShader::createAndCompile: Nothing to compile!");
    return false;
SLAssimpImporter::checkFilePath tries to build the full absolut texture file path. 
Some file formats have absolute path stored, some have relative paths.
1st attempt: modelPath + aiTexFile
2nd attempt: aiTexFile
3rd attempt: modelPath + getFileName(aiTexFile)
If a model contains absolute path it is best to put all texture files beside the
model file in the same folder.
SLstring SLAssimpImporter::checkFilePath(SLstring modelPath, SLstring aiTexFile)
    // Check path & file combination
    SLstring pathFile = modelPath + aiTexFile;
    if (SLFileSystem::fileExists(pathFile))
        return pathFile;

    // Check file alone
    if (SLFileSystem::fileExists(aiTexFile))
        return aiTexFile;

    // Check path & file combination
    pathFile = modelPath + SLUtils::getFileName(aiTexFile);
    if (SLFileSystem::fileExists(pathFile))
        return pathFile;

    SLstring msg = "SLAssimpImporter: Texture file not found: \n" + aiTexFile + 
                   "\non model path: " + modelPath + "\n";

    // Return path for texture not found image;
    return SLGLTexture::defaultPath + "TexNotFound.png";
SLAssimpImporter::loadAnimation loads the scene graph node tree recursively.
SLAnimation* SLAssimpImporter::loadAnimation(aiAnimation* anim)
    int animCount = 0;
    if (_skeleton) animCount = _skeleton->numAnimations();
    ostringstream oss;
    oss << "unnamed_anim_" << animCount;
    SLstring animName = oss.str();
    SLfloat animTicksPerSec = (anim->mTicksPerSecond == 0) ? 30.0f : (SLfloat)anim->mTicksPerSecond;
    SLfloat animDuration = (SLfloat)anim->mDuration / animTicksPerSec;

    if (anim->mName.length > 0)
        animName = anim->mName.C_Str();

    // log
    logMessage(LV_minimal, "\nLoading animation %s\n", animName.c_str());
    logMessage(LV_normal, " Duration(seconds): %f \n", animDuration);
    logMessage(LV_normal, " Duration(ticks): %f \n", anim->mDuration);
    logMessage(LV_normal, " Ticks per second: %f \n", animTicksPerSec);
    logMessage(LV_normal, " Num channels: %d\n", anim->mNumChannels);
    // exit if we didn't load a skeleton but have animations for one
    if (_skinnedMeshes.size() > 0)
        assert(_skeleton != nullptr && "The skeleton wasn't impoted correctly."); 
    // create the animation
    SLAnimation* result;
    if (_skeleton)
        result = _skeleton->createAnimation(animName, animDuration);
        result = SLScene::current->animManager().createNodeAnimation(animName, animDuration);

    SLbool isSkeletonAnim = false;
    for (SLuint i = 0; i < anim->mNumChannels; i++)
        aiNodeAnim* channel = anim->mChannels[i];

        // find the node that is animated by this channel
        SLstring nodeName = channel->mNodeName.C_Str();
        SLNode* affectedNode = _sceneRoot->find<SLNode>(nodeName);
        SLuint id = 0;
        SLbool isJointNode = (affectedNode == nullptr);

        // @todo: this is currently a work around but it can happen that we receive normal node animationtracks and joint animationtracks
        //        we don't allow node animation tracks in a skeleton animation, so we should split an animation in two seperate 
        //        animations if this happens. for now we just ignore node animation tracks if we already have joint tracks
        //        ofc this will crash if the first track is a node anim but its just temporary
        if (!isJointNode && isSkeletonAnim)

        // is there a skeleton and is this animation channel not affecting a normal node?
        if (_skeletonRoot && !affectedNode)
            isSkeletonAnim = true;
            SLJoint* affectedJoint = _skeleton->getJoint(nodeName);
            if (affectedJoint == nullptr)

            id = affectedJoint->id();
            // @todo warn if we find an animation with some node channels and some joint channels
            //       this shouldn't happen!

            /// @todo [high priority!] Address the problem of some bones not containing an animation channel
            ///         when importing. Current workaround is to set their reset position to their bind pose.
            ///         This will however fail if we have multiple animations affecting a single model and fading
            ///         some of them out or in. This will require us to provide animations that have a channel
            ///         for all bones even if they're just positional.
            // What does this next line do?
            //   The testimportfile we used (Astroboy.dae) has the following properties:
            //      > It has joints in the skeleton that aren't animated by any channel.
            //      > The joints need a reset position of (0, 0, 0) to work properly 
            //          because the joint position is contained in a single keyframe for every joint
            //      Since some of the joints don't have a channel that animates them, they also lack
            //      the joint position that the other joints get from their animation channel.
            //      So we need to set the initial state for all joints that have a channel
            //      to identity.
            //      All joints that arent in a channel will receive their local joint bind pose as
            //      reset position.
            //      The problem stems from the design desicion to reset a whole skeleton before applying 
            //      animations to it. If we were to reset each joint just before applying a channel to it
            //      we wouldn't have this problem. But we coulnd't blend animations as easily.
            SLMat4f prevOM = affectedJoint->om();
        // log
        logMessage(LV_normal, "\n  Channel %d %s", i, (isJointNode) ? "(joint animation)\n" : "\n");
        logMessage(LV_normal, "   Affected node: %s\n", channel->mNodeName.C_Str());
        logMessage(LV_detailed, "   Num position keys: %d\n", channel->mNumPositionKeys);
        logMessage(LV_detailed, "   Num rotation keys: %d\n", channel->mNumRotationKeys);
        logMessage(LV_detailed, "   Num scaling keys: %d\n", channel->mNumScalingKeys);

        // joint animation channels should receive the correct node id, normal node animations just get 0
        SLNodeAnimTrack* track = result->createNodeAnimationTrack(id);

        // this is a node animation only, so we add a reference to the affected node to the track
        if (affectedNode && !isSkeletonAnim) {

        KeyframeMap keyframes;

        // add position keys
        for (SLuint i = 0; i < channel->mNumPositionKeys; i++)
            SLfloat time = (SLfloat)channel->mPositionKeys[i].mTime; 
            keyframes[time] = SLImportKeyframe(&channel->mPositionKeys[i], nullptr, nullptr);
        // add rotation keys
        for (SLuint i = 0; i < channel->mNumRotationKeys; i++)
            SLfloat time = (SLfloat)channel->mRotationKeys[i].mTime;

            if (keyframes.find(time) == keyframes.end())
                keyframes[time] = SLImportKeyframe(nullptr, &channel->mRotationKeys[i], nullptr);
                // @todo this shouldn't abort but just throw an exception
                assert(keyframes[time].rotation == nullptr && "There were two rotation keys assigned to the same timestamp.");
                keyframes[time].rotation = &channel->mRotationKeys[i];
        // add scaleing keys
        for (SLuint i = 0; i < channel->mNumScalingKeys; i++)
            SLfloat time = (SLfloat)channel->mScalingKeys[i].mTime; 

            if (keyframes.find(time) == keyframes.end())
                keyframes[time] = SLImportKeyframe(nullptr, nullptr, &channel->mScalingKeys[i]);
                // @todo this shouldn't abort but just throw an exception
                assert(keyframes[time].scaling == nullptr && "There were two scaling keys assigned to the same timestamp.");
                keyframes[time].scaling = &channel->mScalingKeys[i];

        logMessage(LV_normal, "   Found %d distinct keyframe timestamp(s).\n", 

        for (auto it : keyframes)
        {   SLTransformKeyframe* kf = track->createNodeKeyframe(it.first);         
            kf->translation(getTranslation(it.first, keyframes));
            kf->rotation(getRotation(it.first, keyframes));
            kf->scale(getScaling(it.first, keyframes));

            // log
            logMessage(LV_detailed, "\n   Generating keyframe at time '%.2f'\n", 
            logMessage(LV_detailed, "    Translation: (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f) %s\n", 
                       (it.second.translation != nullptr) ? "imported" : "generated");
            logMessage(LV_detailed, "    Rotation: (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f) %s\n", 
                       (it.second.rotation != nullptr) ? "imported" : "generated");
            logMessage(LV_detailed, "    Scale: (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f) %s\n", 
                       (it.second.scaling != nullptr) ? "imported" : "generated");
    return result;
SLAssimpImporter::loadMaterial loads the AssImp material an returns the SLMaterial.
The materials and textures are added to the SLScene material and texture 
SLMaterial* SLAssimpImporter::loadMaterial(SLint index, 
                                           aiMaterial *material,
                                           SLstring modelPath)
    // Get the materials name
    aiString matName;
    material->Get(AI_MATKEY_NAME, matName);
    SLstring name = matName.data;
    if (name.empty()) name = "Import Material";
    // Create SLMaterial instance. It is also added to the SLScene::_materials vector
    SLMaterial* mat = new SLMaterial(name.c_str());

    // set the texture types to import into our material
    const SLint		textureCount = 4;
    aiTextureType	textureTypes[textureCount];
    textureTypes[0] = aiTextureType_DIFFUSE;
    textureTypes[1] = aiTextureType_NORMALS;
    textureTypes[2] = aiTextureType_SPECULAR;
    textureTypes[3] = aiTextureType_HEIGHT;
    // load all the textures for this material and add it to the material vector
    for(SLint i = 0; i < textureCount; ++i) 
    {   if(material->GetTextureCount(textureTypes[i]) > 0) 
        {   aiString aipath;
            material->GetTexture(textureTypes[i], 0, &aipath, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
            SLTextureType texType = textureTypes[i]==aiTextureType_DIFFUSE  ? TT_color :
                                textureTypes[i]==aiTextureType_NORMALS  ? TT_normal :
                                textureTypes[i]==aiTextureType_SPECULAR ? TT_gloss :
                                textureTypes[i]==aiTextureType_HEIGHT   ? TT_height : 
            SLstring texFile = checkFilePath(modelPath, aipath.data);
            SLGLTexture* tex = loadTexture(texFile, texType);
    // get color data
    aiColor3D ambient, diffuse, specular, emissive;
    SLfloat shininess, refracti, reflectivity, opacity;
    material->Get(AI_MATKEY_COLOR_AMBIENT, ambient);
    material->Get(AI_MATKEY_COLOR_DIFFUSE, diffuse);
    material->Get(AI_MATKEY_COLOR_SPECULAR, specular);
    material->Get(AI_MATKEY_COLOR_EMISSIVE, emissive);
    material->Get(AI_MATKEY_SHININESS, shininess);
    material->Get(AI_MATKEY_REFRACTI, refracti);
    material->Get(AI_MATKEY_REFLECTIVITY, reflectivity);
    material->Get(AI_MATKEY_OPACITY, opacity);

    // increase shininess if specular color is not low.
    // The material will otherwise be to bright
    if (specular.r > 0.5f &&
        specular.g > 0.5f &&
        specular.b > 0.5f &&
        shininess < 0.01f)
        shininess = 10.0f;

    // set color data
    mat->ambient(SLCol4f(ambient.r, ambient.g, ambient.b));
    mat->diffuse(SLCol4f(diffuse.r, diffuse.g, diffuse.b));
    mat->specular(SLCol4f(specular.r, specular.g, specular.b));
    mat->emission(SLCol4f(emissive.r, emissive.g, emissive.b));

    return mat;
/*! Loads the scene from a file and creates materials with textures, the 
meshes and the nodes for the scene graph. Materials, textures and meshes are
added to the according vectors of SLScene for later deallocation.
SLNode* SLAssimpImporter::load(SLstring file,           //!< File with path or on default path
                               SLbool loadMeshesOnly,   //!< Only load nodes with meshes
                               SLuint flags)            //!< Import flags (see assimp/postprocess.h)
    // clear the intermediate data

    // Check existance
    if (!SLFileSystem::fileExists(file))
    {   file = defaultPath + file;
        if (!SLFileSystem::fileExists(file))
        {   SLstring msg = "SLAssimpImporter: File not found: " + file + "\n";
            return nullptr;

    // Import file with assimp importer
    Assimp::Importer ai;
    const aiScene* scene = ai.ReadFile(file.c_str(), (SLuint)flags);
    if (!scene)
    {   SLstring msg = "Failed to load file: " + file + "\n" + ai.GetErrorString() + "\n";
        return nullptr;

    // initial scan of the scene

    // load skeleton
    loadSkeleton(nullptr, _skeletonRoot);

    // load materials
    SLstring modelPath = SLUtils::getPath(file);
    SLVMaterial materials;
    for(SLint i = 0; i < (SLint)scene->mNumMaterials; i++)
        materials.push_back(loadMaterial(i, scene->mMaterials[i], modelPath));

    // load meshes & set their material
    std::map<int, SLMesh*> meshMap;  // map from the ai index to our mesh
    for(SLint i = 0; i < (SLint)scene->mNumMeshes; i++)
    {   SLMesh* mesh = loadMesh(scene->mMeshes[i]);
        if (mesh != 0)
        {   mesh->mat = materials[scene->mMeshes[i]->mMaterialIndex];
            meshMap[i] = mesh;
        } else SL_LOG("SLAsssimpImporter::load failed: %s\nin path: %s\n", file.c_str(), modelPath.c_str());

    // load the scene nodes recursively
    _sceneRoot = loadNodesRec(nullptr, scene->mRootNode, meshMap, loadMeshesOnly);

    // load animations
    vector<SLAnimation*> animations;
    for (SLint i = 0; i < (SLint)scene->mNumAnimations; i++)

    logMessage(LV_minimal, "\n---------------------------\n\n");

    return _sceneRoot;