void PTCursorView::ParseBWCursor( RFMap *inMap, ResIDT inResID,
						SUOffscreen **outBW, SUOffscreen **outMask, 
						Point *outHotSpot )
	CursHandle		h = nil;
	SUOffscreen		*bw = nil, *mask = nil;
			get the raw resource handle
		RFResource *theRes = inMap->FindResource( ImageType_Cursor, inResID, false );
		ThrowIfNil_( theRes );
		h = (CursHandle) theRes->GetResData();
		ThrowIfNil_( h );
		::HLock( (Handle) h );

			// 2 rowBytes x 16 rows x 2 images + sizeof(Point)
		if ( ::GetHandleSize( (Handle) h ) != BWCursor_Bytes )
			LException::Throw( err_CorruptedResource );
			create the bw bitmap
		bw = SUOffscreen::CreateBuffer( Cursor_Width, Cursor_Height, 1 );
		ThrowIfMemFail_( bw );
		//bw->AssignPalette( oneBitTable );
		bw->CopyFromRawData( (UInt8*) &(**h).data, BWCursor_RowBytes );

			create the mask bitmap
		mask = SUOffscreen::CreateBuffer( Cursor_Width, Cursor_Height, 1 );
		ThrowIfMemFail_( bw );
		mask->CopyFromRawData( (UInt8*) &(**h).mask, BWCursor_RowBytes );

			and return stuff to the caller
		*outBW = bw;
		*outMask = mask;
		*outHotSpot = (**h).hotSpot;
	catch( ... )
		SUMiscUtils::DisposeHandle( h );
		if ( bw ) delete ( bw );
		if ( mask ) delete( mask );
	SUMiscUtils::DisposeHandle( h );
void PTPatternView::ParseColorPattern( Handle inPattern, SUOffscreen **outColor,
												SUOffscreen **outBW )
	// See IM V-79 for details

	StSaveGWorld		save1;
	StHandleLocker		save2( inPattern );
	PixPatPtr			p = (PixPatPtr) *inPattern;
	CTabHandle			theTable = nil;
	SUOffscreen			*tempColorBuffer = nil, *colorBuffer = nil, *bwBuffer = nil;

		if ( p->patType != 1 )
			LException::Throw( err_InvalidImageFormat );
			first handle the b&w pattern
		bwBuffer = this->BWPatternToOffscreen( p->pat1Data );

			now the color pattern
		PixMapPtr			theMap = (PixMapPtr)( *inPattern + (SInt32) p->patMap );
		UInt8 *				theData = (UInt8*)( *inPattern + (SInt32) p->patData );
		SInt32				depth = theMap->pixelSize;
		SInt32				width = theMap->bounds.right - theMap->bounds.left;
		SInt32				height = theMap->bounds.bottom - theMap->bounds.top;
		SInt32				rowBytes = theMap->rowBytes & 0x3FFF;		// clear flags
		if ( (depth != 1) && (depth != 2) && (depth != 4) && (depth != 8) )
			LException::Throw( err_InvalidImageDepth );
		if ( (width <= 3) || (width > 64) || (height <= 3) || (height > 64) )
			LException::Throw( err_InvalidImageSize );
		theTable = SUColorUtils::NewColorTableFromPtr( depth, (UInt8*)( *inPattern + (SInt32)theMap->pmTable) );
		tempColorBuffer = SUOffscreen::CreateBuffer( width, height, depth, theTable );
		tempColorBuffer->CopyFromRawData( theData, rowBytes );

		// now switch to a 32-bit buffer
		colorBuffer = SUOffscreen::CreateBuffer( width, height, 32 );
		colorBuffer->CopyFrom( tempColorBuffer );
	catch( ... )
		delete colorBuffer;
		delete bwBuffer;
		delete tempColorBuffer;
		if ( theTable )
			::DisposeCTable( theTable );
	*outColor = colorBuffer;
	*outBW = bwBuffer;

	if ( theTable )
		::DisposeCTable( theTable );
	delete tempColorBuffer;
Boolean PTFamilyView::InitializeOneMember( RFMap *inMap, ResType inResType, ResIDT inResID,
											SInt32 inWidth, SInt32 inHeight, SInt32 inDepth,
											SInt32 inOffset, SInt32 inRowBytes,
											PaneIDT inSamplePaneID, Boolean /* inIsMask */ )
	StSaveResFile 	aSaver;
	SUOffscreen		*theBuffer = nil;
	Boolean			isUsed = false;
		icon families use the standard color table for their depth
	CTabHandle		theTable = SUColorUtils::GetColorTable( inDepth );

			create the offscreen buffer
		theBuffer = SUOffscreen::CreateBuffer( inWidth, inHeight, inDepth, theTable );
			if we have a resource, load the data into the offscreen buffer
		RFResource *theResource = inMap->FindResource( inResType, inResID, false );
		if ( theResource )
			Handle h = theResource->GetResData();
			if ( h )
				::HLock( h );
				theBuffer->CopyFromRawData( (UInt8*) *h + inOffset, inRowBytes );
				SUMiscUtils::DisposeHandle( h );
				isUsed = true;

			initialize the sample pane
		PTDraggableTargetBox *thePane = (PTDraggableTargetBox*) this->FindPaneByID( inSamplePaneID );
		ThrowIfNil_( thePane );
		mSamplePaneList[ mNumSamplePanes++ ] = thePane;		
		thePane->SetUsedFlag( isUsed, redraw_Dont );		// true if the resource exists
		thePane->SetBuffer( theBuffer, redraw_Dont );
		theBuffer = nil;									// so we don't delete it below
	catch( ... )
		if ( theBuffer )
			delete theBuffer;
		if ( theTable )
			::DisposeCTable( theTable );
	if ( theTable )
		::DisposeCTable( theTable );
	return( isUsed );