// Only for 2 main Scintilla editors BOOL Notepad_plus::notify(SCNotification *notification) { //Important, keep track of which element generated the message bool isFromPrimary = (_mainEditView.getHSelf() == notification->nmhdr.hwndFrom || _mainDocTab.getHSelf() == notification->nmhdr.hwndFrom); bool isFromSecondary = !isFromPrimary && (_subEditView.getHSelf() == notification->nmhdr.hwndFrom || _subDocTab.getHSelf() == notification->nmhdr.hwndFrom); ScintillaEditView * notifyView = nullptr; if (isFromPrimary) notifyView = &_mainEditView; else if (isFromSecondary) notifyView = &_subEditView; DocTabView *notifyDocTab = isFromPrimary?&_mainDocTab:&_subDocTab; TBHDR * tabNotification = (TBHDR*) notification; switch (notification->nmhdr.code) { case SCN_MODIFIED: { if (not notifyView) return FALSE; static bool prevWasEdit = false; if (notification->modificationType & (SC_MOD_DELETETEXT | SC_MOD_INSERTTEXT)) { _pEditView->updateBeginEndSelectPosition(notification->modificationType & SC_MOD_INSERTTEXT, notification->position, notification->length); prevWasEdit = true; _linkTriggered = true; ::InvalidateRect(notifyView->getHSelf(), NULL, TRUE); } if (notification->modificationType & (SC_MOD_DELETETEXT | SC_MOD_INSERTTEXT | SC_PERFORMED_UNDO | SC_PERFORMED_REDO)) { // for the backup system _pEditView->getCurrentBuffer()->setModifiedStatus(true); } if (notification->modificationType & SC_MOD_CHANGEFOLD) { if (prevWasEdit) { notifyView->foldChanged(notification->line, notification->foldLevelNow, notification->foldLevelPrev); prevWasEdit = false; } } else if (!(notification->modificationType & (SC_MOD_DELETETEXT | SC_MOD_INSERTTEXT))) { prevWasEdit = false; } break; } case SCN_SAVEPOINTREACHED: case SCN_SAVEPOINTLEFT: { Buffer * buf = 0; if (isFromPrimary) { buf = _mainEditView.getCurrentBuffer(); } else if (isFromSecondary) { buf = _subEditView.getCurrentBuffer(); } else { //Done by invisibleEditView? BufferID id = BUFFER_INVALID; if (notification->nmhdr.hwndFrom == _invisibleEditView.getHSelf()) { id = MainFileManager->getBufferFromDocument(_invisibleEditView.execute(SCI_GETDOCPOINTER)); } else if (notification->nmhdr.hwndFrom == _fileEditView.getHSelf()) { id = MainFileManager->getBufferFromDocument(_fileEditView.execute(SCI_GETDOCPOINTER)); } else break; //wrong scintilla if (id != BUFFER_INVALID) { buf = MainFileManager->getBufferByID(id); } else break; } bool isDirty = notification->nmhdr.code == SCN_SAVEPOINTLEFT; bool isSnapshotMode = NppParameters::getInstance()->getNppGUI().isSnapshotMode(); if (isSnapshotMode && !isDirty) { bool canUndo = _pEditView->execute(SCI_CANUNDO) == TRUE; if (!canUndo && buf->isLoadedDirty() && buf->isDirty()) isDirty = true; } buf->setDirty(isDirty); break; } case SCN_MODIFYATTEMPTRO: { // nothing to do break; } case SCN_KEY: { break; } case TCN_MOUSEHOVERING: case TCN_MOUSEHOVERSWITCHING: { NppParameters *pNppParam = NppParameters::getInstance(); bool doPeekOnTab = pNppParam->getNppGUI()._isDocPeekOnTab; bool doPeekOnMap = pNppParam->getNppGUI()._isDocPeekOnMap; if (doPeekOnTab) { TBHDR *tbHdr = reinterpret_cast<TBHDR *>(notification); DocTabView *pTabDocView = isFromPrimary ? &_mainDocTab : (isFromSecondary ? &_subDocTab : nullptr); if (pTabDocView) { BufferID id = pTabDocView->getBufferByIndex(tbHdr->_tabOrigin); Buffer *pBuf = MainFileManager->getBufferByID(id); Buffer *currentBufMain = _mainEditView.getCurrentBuffer(); Buffer *currentBufSub = _subEditView.getCurrentBuffer(); RECT rect; TabCtrl_GetItemRect(pTabDocView->getHSelf(), tbHdr->_tabOrigin, &rect); POINT p; p.x = rect.left; p.y = rect.bottom; ::ClientToScreen(pTabDocView->getHSelf(), &p); if (pBuf != currentBufMain && pBuf != currentBufSub) // if hover on other tab { _documentPeeker.doDialog(p, pBuf, *(const_cast<ScintillaEditView*>(pTabDocView->getScintillaEditView()))); _pEditView->getFocus(); } else // if hover on current active tab { _documentPeeker.display(false); } } } if (doPeekOnMap && _pDocMap && (!_pDocMap->isClosed()) && _pDocMap->isVisible()) { TBHDR *tbHdr = reinterpret_cast<TBHDR *>(notification); DocTabView *pTabDocView = isFromPrimary ? &_mainDocTab : (isFromSecondary ? &_subDocTab : nullptr); if (pTabDocView) { BufferID id = pTabDocView->getBufferByIndex(tbHdr->_tabOrigin); Buffer *pBuf = MainFileManager->getBufferByID(id); Buffer *currentBufMain = _mainEditView.getCurrentBuffer(); Buffer *currentBufSub = _subEditView.getCurrentBuffer(); if (pBuf != currentBufMain && pBuf != currentBufSub) // if hover on other tab { _pDocMap->showInMapTemporarily(pBuf, notifyView); _pDocMap->setSyntaxHiliting(); } else // if hover on current active tab { _pDocMap->reloadMap(); _pDocMap->setSyntaxHiliting(); } _pDocMap->setTemporarilyShowing(true); } } break; } case TCN_MOUSELEAVING: { NppParameters *pNppParam = NppParameters::getInstance(); bool doPeekOnTab = pNppParam->getNppGUI()._isDocPeekOnTab; bool doPeekOnMap = pNppParam->getNppGUI()._isDocPeekOnMap; if (doPeekOnTab) { _documentPeeker.display(false); } if (doPeekOnMap && _pDocMap && (!_pDocMap->isClosed()) && _pDocMap->isVisible()) { _pDocMap->reloadMap(); _pDocMap->setSyntaxHiliting(); _pDocMap->setTemporarilyShowing(false); } break; } case TCN_TABDROPPEDOUTSIDE: case TCN_TABDROPPED: { TabBarPlus *sender = reinterpret_cast<TabBarPlus *>(notification->nmhdr.idFrom); bool isInCtrlStat = (::GetKeyState(VK_LCONTROL) & 0x80000000) != 0; if (notification->nmhdr.code == TCN_TABDROPPEDOUTSIDE) { POINT p = sender->getDraggingPoint(); //It's the coordinate of screen, so we can call //"WindowFromPoint" function without converting the point HWND hWin = ::WindowFromPoint(p); if (hWin == _pEditView->getHSelf()) // In the same view group { if (!_tabPopupDropMenu.isCreated()) { TCHAR goToView[32] = TEXT("Move to other view"); TCHAR cloneToView[32] = TEXT("Clone to other View"); vector<MenuItemUnit> itemUnitArray; itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_VIEW_GOTO_ANOTHER_VIEW, goToView)); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_VIEW_CLONE_TO_ANOTHER_VIEW, cloneToView)); _tabPopupDropMenu.create(_pPublicInterface->getHSelf(), itemUnitArray, _mainMenuHandle); _nativeLangSpeaker.changeLangTabDrapContextMenu(_tabPopupDropMenu.getMenuHandle()); } _tabPopupDropMenu.display(p); } else if ((hWin == _pNonDocTab->getHSelf()) || (hWin == _pNonEditView->getHSelf())) // In the another view group { docGotoAnotherEditView(isInCtrlStat?TransferClone:TransferMove); } else { RECT nppZone; ::GetWindowRect(_pPublicInterface->getHSelf(), &nppZone); bool isInNppZone = (((p.x >= nppZone.left) && (p.x <= nppZone.right)) && (p.y >= nppZone.top) && (p.y <= nppZone.bottom)); if (isInNppZone) { // Do nothing return TRUE; } generic_string quotFileName = TEXT("\""); quotFileName += _pEditView->getCurrentBuffer()->getFullPathName(); quotFileName += TEXT("\""); COPYDATASTRUCT fileNamesData; fileNamesData.dwData = COPYDATA_FILENAMES; fileNamesData.lpData = (void *)quotFileName.c_str(); fileNamesData.cbData = long(quotFileName.length() + 1)*(sizeof(TCHAR)); HWND hWinParent = ::GetParent(hWin); const rsize_t classNameBufferSize = MAX_PATH; TCHAR className[classNameBufferSize]; ::GetClassName(hWinParent,className, classNameBufferSize); if (lstrcmp(className, _pPublicInterface->getClassName()) == 0 && hWinParent != _pPublicInterface->getHSelf()) // another Notepad++ { int index = _pDocTab->getCurrentTabIndex(); BufferID bufferToClose = notifyDocTab->getBufferByIndex(index); Buffer * buf = MainFileManager->getBufferByID(bufferToClose); int iView = isFromPrimary?MAIN_VIEW:SUB_VIEW; if (buf->isDirty()) { generic_string msg, title; _nativeLangSpeaker.messageBox("CannotMoveDoc", _pPublicInterface->getHSelf(), TEXT("Document is modified, save it then try again."), TEXT("Move to new Notepad++ Instance"), MB_OK); } else { ::SendMessage(hWinParent, NPPM_INTERNAL_SWITCHVIEWFROMHWND, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(hWin)); ::SendMessage(hWinParent, WM_COPYDATA, reinterpret_cast<WPARAM>(_pPublicInterface->getHinst()), reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&fileNamesData)); if (!isInCtrlStat) { fileClose(bufferToClose, iView); if (noOpenedDoc()) ::SendMessage(_pPublicInterface->getHSelf(), WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); } } } else // Not Notepad++, we open it here { docOpenInNewInstance(isInCtrlStat?TransferClone:TransferMove, p.x, p.y); } } } //break; sender->resetDraggingPoint(); return TRUE; } case TCN_TABDELETE: { int index = tabNotification->_tabOrigin; BufferID bufferToClose = notifyDocTab->getBufferByIndex(index); Buffer * buf = MainFileManager->getBufferByID(bufferToClose); int iView = isFromPrimary?MAIN_VIEW:SUB_VIEW; if (buf->isDirty()) { activateBuffer(bufferToClose, iView); } if (fileClose(bufferToClose, iView)) checkDocState(); break; } case TCN_SELCHANGE: { int iView = -1; if (notification->nmhdr.hwndFrom == _mainDocTab.getHSelf()) { iView = MAIN_VIEW; } else if (notification->nmhdr.hwndFrom == _subDocTab.getHSelf()) { iView = SUB_VIEW; } else break; // save map position before switch to a new document _documentPeeker.saveCurrentSnapshot(*_pEditView); switchEditViewTo(iView); BufferID bufid = _pDocTab->getBufferByIndex(_pDocTab->getCurrentTabIndex()); if (bufid != BUFFER_INVALID) { _isFolding = true; // So we can ignore events while folding is taking place activateBuffer(bufid, iView); _isFolding = false; } _documentPeeker.display(false); break; } case NM_CLICK : { if (notification->nmhdr.hwndFrom == _statusBar.getHSelf()) { LPNMMOUSE lpnm = (LPNMMOUSE)notification; if (lpnm->dwItemSpec == DWORD(STATUSBAR_TYPING_MODE)) { bool isOverTypeMode = (_pEditView->execute(SCI_GETOVERTYPE) != 0); _pEditView->execute(SCI_SETOVERTYPE, !isOverTypeMode); _statusBar.setText((_pEditView->execute(SCI_GETOVERTYPE))?TEXT("OVR"):TEXT("INS"), STATUSBAR_TYPING_MODE); } } else if (notification->nmhdr.hwndFrom == _mainDocTab.getHSelf() && _activeView == SUB_VIEW) { bool isSnapshotMode = NppParameters::getInstance()->getNppGUI().isSnapshotMode(); if (isSnapshotMode) { // Before switching off, synchronize backup file MainFileManager->backupCurrentBuffer(); } // Switch off switchEditViewTo(MAIN_VIEW); } else if (notification->nmhdr.hwndFrom == _subDocTab.getHSelf() && _activeView == MAIN_VIEW) { bool isSnapshotMode = NppParameters::getInstance()->getNppGUI().isSnapshotMode(); if (isSnapshotMode) { // Before switching off, synchronize backup file MainFileManager->backupCurrentBuffer(); } // Switch off switchEditViewTo(SUB_VIEW); } break; } case NM_DBLCLK : { if (notification->nmhdr.hwndFrom == _statusBar.getHSelf()) { LPNMMOUSE lpnm = (LPNMMOUSE)notification; if (lpnm->dwItemSpec == DWORD(STATUSBAR_CUR_POS)) { bool isFirstTime = !_goToLineDlg.isCreated(); _goToLineDlg.doDialog(_nativeLangSpeaker.isRTL()); if (isFirstTime) _nativeLangSpeaker.changeDlgLang(_goToLineDlg.getHSelf(), "GoToLine"); } else if (lpnm->dwItemSpec == DWORD(STATUSBAR_DOC_SIZE)) { command(IDM_VIEW_SUMMARY); } else if (lpnm->dwItemSpec == DWORD(STATUSBAR_DOC_TYPE)) { POINT p; ::GetCursorPos(&p); HMENU hLangMenu = ::GetSubMenu(_mainMenuHandle, MENUINDEX_LANGUAGE); TrackPopupMenu(hLangMenu, 0, p.x, p.y, 0, _pPublicInterface->getHSelf(), NULL); } else if (lpnm->dwItemSpec == DWORD(STATUSBAR_EOF_FORMAT)) { POINT p; ::GetCursorPos(&p); MenuPosition & menuPos = getMenuPosition("edit-eolConversion"); HMENU hEditMenu = ::GetSubMenu(_mainMenuHandle, menuPos._x); if (!hEditMenu) return TRUE; HMENU hEolFormatMenu = ::GetSubMenu(hEditMenu, menuPos._y); if (!hEolFormatMenu) return TRUE; TrackPopupMenu(hEolFormatMenu, 0, p.x, p.y, 0, _pPublicInterface->getHSelf(), NULL); } } break; } case NM_RCLICK : { POINT p; ::GetCursorPos(&p); if (notification->nmhdr.hwndFrom == _mainDocTab.getHSelf()) { switchEditViewTo(MAIN_VIEW); } else if (notification->nmhdr.hwndFrom == _subDocTab.getHSelf()) { switchEditViewTo(SUB_VIEW); } else if (notification->nmhdr.hwndFrom == _statusBar.getHSelf()) // From Status Bar { LPNMMOUSE lpnm = (LPNMMOUSE)notification; if (lpnm->dwItemSpec == DWORD(STATUSBAR_DOC_TYPE)) { POINT p; ::GetCursorPos(&p); HMENU hLangMenu = ::GetSubMenu(_mainMenuHandle, MENUINDEX_LANGUAGE); TrackPopupMenu(hLangMenu, 0, p.x, p.y, 0, _pPublicInterface->getHSelf(), NULL); } else if (lpnm->dwItemSpec == DWORD(STATUSBAR_EOF_FORMAT)) { POINT p; ::GetCursorPos(&p); MenuPosition & menuPos = getMenuPosition("edit-eolConversion"); HMENU hEditMenu = ::GetSubMenu(_mainMenuHandle, menuPos._x); if (!hEditMenu) return TRUE; HMENU hEolFormatMenu = ::GetSubMenu(hEditMenu, menuPos._y); if (!hEolFormatMenu) return TRUE; TrackPopupMenu(hEolFormatMenu, 0, p.x, p.y, 0, _pPublicInterface->getHSelf(), NULL); } return TRUE; } else if (_pFileSwitcherPanel && notification->nmhdr.hwndFrom == _pFileSwitcherPanel->getHSelf()) { // Already switched, so do nothing here. if (_pFileSwitcherPanel->nbSelectedFiles() > 1) { if (!_fileSwitcherMultiFilePopupMenu.isCreated()) { vector<MenuItemUnit> itemUnitArray; itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_FILESWITCHER_FILESCLOSE, TEXT("Close Selected files"))); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_FILESWITCHER_FILESCLOSEOTHERS, TEXT("Close others files"))); _fileSwitcherMultiFilePopupMenu.create(_pPublicInterface->getHSelf(), itemUnitArray); _nativeLangSpeaker.changeLangTabContextMenu(_fileSwitcherMultiFilePopupMenu.getMenuHandle()); } _fileSwitcherMultiFilePopupMenu.display(p); return TRUE; } } else // From tool bar return TRUE; //break; if (!_tabPopupMenu.isCreated()) { // IMPORTANT: If list below is modified, you have to change the value of tabContextMenuItemPos[] in localization.cpp file std::vector<MenuItemUnit> itemUnitArray; itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_FILE_CLOSE, TEXT("Close"))); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_FILE_CLOSEALL_BUT_CURRENT, TEXT("Close All BUT This"))); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_FILE_CLOSEALL_TOLEFT, TEXT("Close All to the Left"))); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_FILE_CLOSEALL_TORIGHT, TEXT("Close All to the Right"))); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_FILE_CLOSEALL_UNCHANGED, TEXT("Close All Unchanged"))); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_FILE_SAVE, TEXT("Save"))); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_FILE_SAVEAS, TEXT("Save As..."))); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_FILE_RENAME, TEXT("Rename"))); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_FILE_DELETE, TEXT("Move to Recycle Bin"))); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_FILE_RELOAD, TEXT("Reload"))); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_FILE_PRINT, TEXT("Print"))); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(0, NULL)); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_FILE_OPEN_FOLDER, TEXT("Open Containing Folder in Explorer"))); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_FILE_OPEN_CMD, TEXT("Open Containing Folder in cmd"))); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(0, NULL)); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_FILE_OPEN_DEFAULT_VIEWER, TEXT("Open in Default Viewer"))); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(0, NULL)); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_EDIT_SETREADONLY, TEXT("Read-Only"))); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_EDIT_CLEARREADONLY, TEXT("Clear Read-Only Flag"))); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(0, NULL)); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_EDIT_FULLPATHTOCLIP, TEXT("Full File Path to Clipboard"))); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_EDIT_FILENAMETOCLIP, TEXT("Filename to Clipboard"))); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_EDIT_CURRENTDIRTOCLIP, TEXT("Current Dir. Path to Clipboard"))); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(0, NULL)); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_VIEW_GOTO_ANOTHER_VIEW, TEXT("Move to Other View"))); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_VIEW_CLONE_TO_ANOTHER_VIEW, TEXT("Clone to Other View"))); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_VIEW_GOTO_NEW_INSTANCE, TEXT("Move to New Instance"))); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_VIEW_LOAD_IN_NEW_INSTANCE, TEXT("Open in New Instance"))); // IMPORTANT: If list above is modified, you have to change the value of tabContextMenuItemPos[] in localization.cpp file _tabPopupMenu.create(_pPublicInterface->getHSelf(), itemUnitArray); _nativeLangSpeaker.changeLangTabContextMenu(_tabPopupMenu.getMenuHandle()); } bool isEnable = ((::GetMenuState(_mainMenuHandle, IDM_FILE_SAVE, MF_BYCOMMAND)&MF_DISABLED) == 0); _tabPopupMenu.enableItem(IDM_FILE_SAVE, isEnable); Buffer * buf = _pEditView->getCurrentBuffer(); bool isUserReadOnly = buf->getUserReadOnly(); _tabPopupMenu.checkItem(IDM_EDIT_SETREADONLY, isUserReadOnly); bool isSysReadOnly = buf->getFileReadOnly(); _tabPopupMenu.enableItem(IDM_EDIT_SETREADONLY, not isSysReadOnly && not buf->isMonitoringOn()); _tabPopupMenu.enableItem(IDM_EDIT_CLEARREADONLY, isSysReadOnly); bool isFileExisting = PathFileExists(buf->getFullPathName()) != FALSE; _tabPopupMenu.enableItem(IDM_FILE_DELETE, isFileExisting); //_tabPopupMenu.enableItem(IDM_FILE_RENAME, isFileExisting); _tabPopupMenu.enableItem(IDM_FILE_OPEN_FOLDER, isFileExisting); _tabPopupMenu.enableItem(IDM_FILE_OPEN_CMD, isFileExisting); _tabPopupMenu.enableItem(IDM_FILE_OPEN_DEFAULT_VIEWER, isAssoCommandExisting(buf->getFullPathName())); bool isDirty = buf->isDirty(); bool isUntitled = buf->isUntitled(); _tabPopupMenu.enableItem(IDM_VIEW_GOTO_NEW_INSTANCE, !(isDirty||isUntitled)); _tabPopupMenu.enableItem(IDM_VIEW_LOAD_IN_NEW_INSTANCE, !(isDirty||isUntitled)); _tabPopupMenu.display(p); return TRUE; } case SCN_MARGINCLICK: { if (notification->nmhdr.hwndFrom == _mainEditView.getHSelf()) switchEditViewTo(MAIN_VIEW); else if (notification->nmhdr.hwndFrom == _subEditView.getHSelf()) switchEditViewTo(SUB_VIEW); int lineClick = int(_pEditView->execute(SCI_LINEFROMPOSITION, notification->position)); if (notification->margin == ScintillaEditView::_SC_MARGE_FOLDER) { _pEditView->marginClick(notification->position, notification->modifiers); if (_pDocMap) _pDocMap->fold(lineClick, _pEditView->isFolded(lineClick)); ScintillaEditView * unfocusView = isFromPrimary ? &_subEditView : &_mainEditView; _smartHighlighter.highlightView(_pEditView, unfocusView); } else if ((notification->margin == ScintillaEditView::_SC_MARGE_SYBOLE) && !notification->modifiers) { if (!_pEditView->markerMarginClick(lineClick)) bookmarkToggle(lineClick); } break; } case SCN_FOLDINGSTATECHANGED : { if ((notification->nmhdr.hwndFrom == _mainEditView.getHSelf()) || (notification->nmhdr.hwndFrom == _subEditView.getHSelf())) { int lineClicked = notification->line; if (!_isFolding) { int urlAction = (NppParameters::getInstance())->getNppGUI()._styleURL; if ((urlAction == 1) || (urlAction == 2)) addHotSpot(); } if (_pDocMap) _pDocMap->fold(lineClicked, _pEditView->isFolded(lineClicked)); } return TRUE; } case SCN_CHARADDED: { if (!_recordingMacro && !_playingBackMacro) // No macro recording or playing back { const NppGUI & nppGui = NppParameters::getInstance()->getNppGUI(); bool indentMaintain = nppGui._maitainIndent; if (indentMaintain) maintainIndentation(static_cast<TCHAR>(notification->ch)); AutoCompletion * autoC = isFromPrimary ? &_autoCompleteMain : &_autoCompleteSub; bool isColumnMode = _pEditView->execute(SCI_GETSELECTIONS) > 1; // Multi-Selection || Column mode) if (nppGui._matchedPairConf.hasAnyPairsPair() && !isColumnMode) autoC->insertMatchedChars(notification->ch, nppGui._matchedPairConf); autoC->update(notification->ch); } break; } case SCN_DOUBLECLICK: { if (not notifyView) return FALSE; if (notification->modifiers == SCMOD_CTRL) { const NppGUI & nppGUI = NppParameters::getInstance()->getNppGUI(); std::string bufstring; size_t position_of_click; // For some reason Ctrl+DoubleClick on an empty line means that notification->position == 1. // In that case we use SCI_GETCURRENTPOS to get the position. if (notification->position != -1) position_of_click = notification->position; else position_of_click = _pEditView->execute(SCI_GETCURRENTPOS); // Anonymous scope to limit use of the buf pointer (much easier to deal with std::string). { char *buf; if (nppGUI._delimiterSelectionOnEntireDocument) { // Get entire document. auto length = notifyView->execute(SCI_GETLENGTH); buf = new char[length + 1]; notifyView->execute(SCI_GETTEXT, length + 1, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(buf)); } else { // Get single line. auto length = notifyView->execute(SCI_GETCURLINE); buf = new char[length + 1]; notifyView->execute(SCI_GETCURLINE, length, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(buf)); // Compute the position of the click (relative to the beginning of the line). const auto line_position = notifyView->execute(SCI_POSITIONFROMLINE, notifyView->getCurrentLineNumber()); position_of_click = position_of_click - line_position; } bufstring = buf; delete [] buf; } int leftmost_position = -1; int rightmost_position = -1; if (nppGUI._rightmostDelimiter == nppGUI._leftmostDelimiter) { // If the delimiters are the same (e.g. they are both a quotation mark), choose the ones // which are closest to the clicked position. for (int32_t i = static_cast<int32_t>(position_of_click); i >= 0; --i) { if (bufstring.at(i) == nppGUI._leftmostDelimiter) { // Respect escaped quotation marks. if (nppGUI._leftmostDelimiter == '"') { if (! (i > 0 && bufstring.at(i - 1) == '\\')) { leftmost_position = i; break; } } else { leftmost_position = i; break; } } } if (leftmost_position == -1) break; // Scan for right delimiter. for (size_t i = position_of_click; i < bufstring.length(); ++i) { if (bufstring.at(i) == nppGUI._rightmostDelimiter) { // Respect escaped quotation marks. if (nppGUI._rightmostDelimiter == '"') { if (! (i > 0 && bufstring.at(i - 1) == '\\')) { rightmost_position = static_cast<int32_t>(i); break; } } else { rightmost_position = static_cast<int32_t>(i); break; } } } } else { // Find matching pairs of delimiters (e.g. parantheses). // The pair where the distance from the left delimiter to position_of_click is at a minimum is the one we're looking for. // Of course position_of_click must lie between the delimiters. // This logic is required to handle cases like this: // (size_t i = function(); i < _buffers.size(); i++) std::stack<unsigned int> leftmost_delimiter_positions; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bufstring.length(); ++i) { if (bufstring.at(i) == nppGUI._leftmostDelimiter) leftmost_delimiter_positions.push(i); else if (bufstring.at(i) == nppGUI._rightmostDelimiter && ! leftmost_delimiter_positions.empty()) { unsigned int matching_leftmost = leftmost_delimiter_positions.top(); leftmost_delimiter_positions.pop(); // We have either 1) chosen neither the left- or rightmost position, or 2) chosen both left- and rightmost position. assert( (leftmost_position == -1 && rightmost_position == -1) || (leftmost_position >= 0 && rightmost_position >= 0) ); // Note: cast of leftmost_position to unsigned int is safe, since if leftmost_position is not -1 then it is guaranteed to be positive. // If it was possible, leftmost_position and rightmost_position should be of type optional<unsigned int>. if (matching_leftmost <= position_of_click && i >= position_of_click && (leftmost_position == -1 || matching_leftmost > static_cast<unsigned int>(leftmost_position))) { leftmost_position = matching_leftmost; rightmost_position = i; } } } } // Set selection to the position we found (if any). if (rightmost_position != -1 && leftmost_position != -1) { if (nppGUI._delimiterSelectionOnEntireDocument) { notifyView->execute(SCI_SETCURRENTPOS, rightmost_position); notifyView->execute(SCI_SETANCHOR, leftmost_position + 1); } else { const auto line_position = notifyView->execute(SCI_POSITIONFROMLINE, notifyView->getCurrentLineNumber()); notifyView->execute(SCI_SETCURRENTPOS, line_position + rightmost_position); notifyView->execute(SCI_SETANCHOR, line_position + leftmost_position + 1); } } } break; } case SCN_UPDATEUI: { if (not notifyView) return FALSE; NppParameters *nppParam = NppParameters::getInstance(); NppGUI & nppGui = const_cast<NppGUI &>(nppParam->getNppGUI()); // replacement for obsolete custom SCN_SCROLLED if (notification->updated & SC_UPDATE_V_SCROLL) { int urlAction = (NppParameters::getInstance())->getNppGUI()._styleURL; if ((urlAction == 1) || (urlAction == 2)) addHotSpot(); } // if it's searching/replacing, then do nothing if (nppParam->_isFindReplacing) break; if (notification->nmhdr.hwndFrom != _pEditView->getHSelf()) // notification come from unfocus view - both views ae visible { //ScintillaEditView * unfocusView = isFromPrimary ? &_subEditView : &_mainEditView; if (nppGui._smartHiliteOnAnotherView && _pEditView->getCurrentBufferID() != notifyView->getCurrentBufferID()) { TCHAR selectedText[1024]; _pEditView->getGenericSelectedText(selectedText, sizeof(selectedText)/sizeof(TCHAR), false); _smartHighlighter.highlightViewWithWord(notifyView, selectedText); } break; } braceMatch(); if (nppGui._enableTagsMatchHilite) { XmlMatchedTagsHighlighter xmlTagMatchHiliter(_pEditView); xmlTagMatchHiliter.tagMatch(nppGui._enableTagAttrsHilite); } if (nppGui._enableSmartHilite) { if (nppGui._disableSmartHiliteTmp) nppGui._disableSmartHiliteTmp = false; else { ScintillaEditView * anbotherView = isFromPrimary ? &_subEditView : &_mainEditView; _smartHighlighter.highlightView(notifyView, anbotherView); } } updateStatusBar(); if (_pFuncList && (!_pFuncList->isClosed()) && _pFuncList->isVisible()) _pFuncList->markEntry(); AutoCompletion * autoC = isFromPrimary?&_autoCompleteMain:&_autoCompleteSub; autoC->update(0); break; } case TTN_GETDISPINFO: { try { LPTOOLTIPTEXT lpttt = (LPTOOLTIPTEXT)notification; //Joce's fix lpttt->hinst = NULL; POINT p; ::GetCursorPos(&p); ::ScreenToClient(_pPublicInterface->getHSelf(), &p); HWND hWin = ::RealChildWindowFromPoint(_pPublicInterface->getHSelf(), p); const int tipMaxLen = 1024; static TCHAR docTip[tipMaxLen]; docTip[0] = '\0'; generic_string tipTmp(TEXT("")); int id = int(lpttt->hdr.idFrom); if (hWin == _rebarTop.getHSelf()) { getNameStrFromCmd(id, tipTmp); if (tipTmp.length() >= 80) return FALSE; wcscpy_s(lpttt->szText, tipTmp.c_str()); return TRUE; } else if (hWin == _mainDocTab.getHSelf()) { BufferID idd = _mainDocTab.getBufferByIndex(id); Buffer * buf = MainFileManager->getBufferByID(idd); tipTmp = buf->getFullPathName(); if (tipTmp.length() >= tipMaxLen) return FALSE; wcscpy_s(docTip, tipTmp.c_str()); lpttt->lpszText = docTip; return TRUE; } else if (hWin == _subDocTab.getHSelf()) { BufferID idd = _subDocTab.getBufferByIndex(id); Buffer * buf = MainFileManager->getBufferByID(idd); tipTmp = buf->getFullPathName(); if (tipTmp.length() >= tipMaxLen) return FALSE; wcscpy_s(docTip, tipTmp.c_str()); lpttt->lpszText = docTip; return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } catch (...) { //printStr(TEXT("ToolTip crash is caught!")); } break; } case SCN_ZOOM: { if (not notifyView) return FALSE; ScintillaEditView * unfocusView = isFromPrimary ? &_subEditView : &_mainEditView; _smartHighlighter.highlightView(notifyView, unfocusView); break; } case SCN_MACRORECORD: { _macro.push_back( recordedMacroStep( notification->message, notification->wParam, notification->lParam, static_cast<int32_t>(_pEditView->execute(SCI_GETCODEPAGE)) ) ); break; } case SCN_PAINTED: { if (not notifyView) return FALSE; // ViewMoveAtWrappingDisableFix: Disable wrapping messes up visible lines. // Therefore save view position before in IDM_VIEW_WRAP and restore after SCN_PAINTED, as doc. says if (_mainEditView.isWrapRestoreNeeded()) { _mainEditView.restoreCurrentPos(); _mainEditView.setWrapRestoreNeeded(false); } if (_subEditView.isWrapRestoreNeeded()) { _subEditView.restoreCurrentPos(); _subEditView.setWrapRestoreNeeded(false); } notifyView->updateLineNumberWidth(); if (_syncInfo.doSync()) doSynScorll(HWND(notification->nmhdr.hwndFrom)); NppParameters *nppParam = NppParameters::getInstance(); // if it's searching/replacing, then do nothing if ((_linkTriggered && !nppParam->_isFindReplacing) || notification->wParam == LINKTRIGGERED) { int urlAction = (NppParameters::getInstance())->getNppGUI()._styleURL; if ((urlAction == 1) || (urlAction == 2)) addHotSpot(); _linkTriggered = false; } if (_pDocMap && (not _pDocMap->isClosed()) && _pDocMap->isVisible() && not _pDocMap->isTemporarilyShowing()) { _pDocMap->wrapMap(); _pDocMap->scrollMap(); } break; } case SCN_HOTSPOTDOUBLECLICK: { if (not notifyView) return FALSE; // Get the style and make sure it is a hotspot uint8_t style = static_cast<uint8_t>(notifyView->execute(SCI_GETSTYLEAT, notification->position)); if (not notifyView->execute(SCI_STYLEGETHOTSPOT, style)) break; int startPos, endPos, docLen; startPos = endPos = notification->position; docLen = notifyView->getCurrentDocLen(); // Walk backwards/forwards to get the contiguous text in the same style while (startPos > 0 && static_cast<uint8_t>(notifyView->execute(SCI_GETSTYLEAT, startPos - 1)) == style) startPos--; while (endPos < docLen && static_cast<uint8_t>(notifyView->execute(SCI_GETSTYLEAT, endPos)) == style) endPos++; // Select the entire link notifyView->execute(SCI_SETANCHOR, startPos); notifyView->execute(SCI_SETCURRENTPOS, endPos); generic_string url = notifyView->getGenericTextAsString(startPos, endPos); ::ShellExecute(_pPublicInterface->getHSelf(), TEXT("open"), url.c_str(), NULL, NULL, SW_SHOW); break; } case SCN_NEEDSHOWN: { break; } case SCN_CALLTIPCLICK: { AutoCompletion * autoC = isFromPrimary?&_autoCompleteMain:&_autoCompleteSub; autoC->callTipClick(notification->position); break; } case RBN_HEIGHTCHANGE: { SendMessage(_pPublicInterface->getHSelf(), WM_SIZE, 0, 0); break; } case RBN_CHEVRONPUSHED: { NMREBARCHEVRON * lpnm = reinterpret_cast<NMREBARCHEVRON *>(notification); ReBar * notifRebar = &_rebarTop; if (_rebarBottom.getHSelf() == lpnm->hdr.hwndFrom) notifRebar = &_rebarBottom; //If N++ ID, use proper object if (lpnm->wID == REBAR_BAR_TOOLBAR) { POINT pt; pt.x = lpnm->rc.left; pt.y = lpnm->rc.bottom; ClientToScreen(notifRebar->getHSelf(), &pt); _toolBar.doPopop(pt); return TRUE; } //Else forward notification to window of rebarband REBARBANDINFO rbBand; ZeroMemory(&rbBand, REBARBAND_SIZE); rbBand.cbSize = REBARBAND_SIZE; rbBand.fMask = RBBIM_CHILD; ::SendMessage(notifRebar->getHSelf(), RB_GETBANDINFO, lpnm->uBand, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&rbBand)); ::SendMessage(rbBand.hwndChild, WM_NOTIFY, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(lpnm)); break; } default: break; } return FALSE; }
BOOL Notepad_plus::notify(SCNotification *notification) { //Important, keep track of which element generated the message bool isFromPrimary = (_mainEditView.getHSelf() == notification->nmhdr.hwndFrom || _mainDocTab.getHSelf() == notification->nmhdr.hwndFrom); bool isFromSecondary = !isFromPrimary && (_subEditView.getHSelf() == notification->nmhdr.hwndFrom || _subDocTab.getHSelf() == notification->nmhdr.hwndFrom); ScintillaEditView * notifyView = isFromPrimary?&_mainEditView:&_subEditView; DocTabView *notifyDocTab = isFromPrimary?&_mainDocTab:&_subDocTab; TBHDR * tabNotification = (TBHDR*) notification; switch (notification->nmhdr.code) { case SCN_MODIFIED: { static bool prevWasEdit = false; if (notification->modificationType & (SC_MOD_DELETETEXT | SC_MOD_INSERTTEXT)) { _pEditView->updateBeginEndSelectPosition(notification->modificationType & SC_MOD_INSERTTEXT, notification->position, notification->length); prevWasEdit = true; _linkTriggered = true; ::InvalidateRect(notifyView->getHSelf(), NULL, TRUE); } if (notification->modificationType & SC_MOD_CHANGEFOLD) { if (prevWasEdit) { notifyView->foldChanged(notification->line, notification->foldLevelNow, notification->foldLevelPrev); prevWasEdit = false; } } else if (!(notification->modificationType & (SC_MOD_DELETETEXT | SC_MOD_INSERTTEXT))) { prevWasEdit = false; } } break; case SCN_SAVEPOINTREACHED: case SCN_SAVEPOINTLEFT: { Buffer * buf = 0; if (isFromPrimary) { buf = _mainEditView.getCurrentBuffer(); } else if (isFromSecondary) { buf = _subEditView.getCurrentBuffer(); } else { //Done by invisibleEditView? BufferID id = BUFFER_INVALID; if (notification->nmhdr.hwndFrom == _invisibleEditView.getHSelf()) { id = MainFileManager->getBufferFromDocument(_invisibleEditView.execute(SCI_GETDOCPOINTER)); } else if (notification->nmhdr.hwndFrom == _fileEditView.getHSelf()) { id = MainFileManager->getBufferFromDocument(_fileEditView.execute(SCI_GETDOCPOINTER)); } else { break; //wrong scintilla } if (id != BUFFER_INVALID) { buf = MainFileManager->getBufferByID(id); } else { break; } } bool isDirty = notification->nmhdr.code == SCN_SAVEPOINTLEFT; buf->setDirty(isDirty); break; } case SCN_MODIFYATTEMPTRO : // on fout rien break; case SCN_KEY: break; case TCN_TABDROPPEDOUTSIDE: case TCN_TABDROPPED: { TabBarPlus *sender = reinterpret_cast<TabBarPlus *>(notification->nmhdr.idFrom); bool isInCtrlStat = (::GetKeyState(VK_LCONTROL) & 0x80000000) != 0; if (notification->nmhdr.code == TCN_TABDROPPEDOUTSIDE) { POINT p = sender->getDraggingPoint(); //It's the coordinate of screen, so we can call //"WindowFromPoint" function without converting the point HWND hWin = ::WindowFromPoint(p); if (hWin == _pEditView->getHSelf()) // In the same view group { if (!_tabPopupDropMenu.isCreated()) { TCHAR goToView[32] = TEXT("Move to other view"); TCHAR cloneToView[32] = TEXT("Clone to other View"); vector<MenuItemUnit> itemUnitArray; itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_VIEW_GOTO_ANOTHER_VIEW, goToView)); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_VIEW_CLONE_TO_ANOTHER_VIEW, cloneToView)); _tabPopupDropMenu.create(_pPublicInterface->getHSelf(), itemUnitArray, _mainMenuHandle); _nativeLangSpeaker.changeLangTabDrapContextMenu(_tabPopupDropMenu.getMenuHandle()); } _tabPopupDropMenu.display(p); } else if ((hWin == _pNonDocTab->getHSelf()) || (hWin == _pNonEditView->getHSelf())) // In the another view group { docGotoAnotherEditView(isInCtrlStat?TransferClone:TransferMove); }/* else if ((hWin == _pProjectPanel_1->getTreeHandle())) { //printStr(TEXT("IN!!!")); }*/ else { RECT nppZone; ::GetWindowRect(_pPublicInterface->getHSelf(), &nppZone); bool isInNppZone = (((p.x >= nppZone.left) && (p.x <= nppZone.right)) && (p.y >= nppZone.top) && (p.y <= nppZone.bottom)); if (isInNppZone) { // Do nothing return TRUE; } generic_string quotFileName = TEXT("\""); quotFileName += _pEditView->getCurrentBuffer()->getFullPathName(); quotFileName += TEXT("\""); COPYDATASTRUCT fileNamesData; fileNamesData.dwData = COPYDATA_FILENAMES; fileNamesData.lpData = (void *)quotFileName.c_str(); fileNamesData.cbData = long(quotFileName.length() + 1)*(sizeof(TCHAR)); HWND hWinParent = ::GetParent(hWin); TCHAR className[MAX_PATH]; ::GetClassName(hWinParent,className, sizeof(className)); if (lstrcmp(className, _pPublicInterface->getClassName()) == 0 && hWinParent != _pPublicInterface->getHSelf()) // another Notepad++ { int index = _pDocTab->getCurrentTabIndex(); BufferID bufferToClose = notifyDocTab->getBufferByIndex(index); Buffer * buf = MainFileManager->getBufferByID(bufferToClose); int iView = isFromPrimary?MAIN_VIEW:SUB_VIEW; if (buf->isDirty()) { generic_string msg, title; _nativeLangSpeaker.messageBox("CannotMoveDoc", _pPublicInterface->getHSelf(), TEXT("Document is modified, save it then try again."), TEXT("Move to new Notepad++ Instance"), MB_OK); } else { ::SendMessage(hWinParent, NPPM_INTERNAL_SWITCHVIEWFROMHWND, 0, (LPARAM)hWin); ::SendMessage(hWinParent, WM_COPYDATA, (WPARAM)_pPublicInterface->getHinst(), (LPARAM)&fileNamesData); if (!isInCtrlStat) { fileClose(bufferToClose, iView); if (noOpenedDoc()) ::SendMessage(_pPublicInterface->getHSelf(), WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); } } } else // Not Notepad++, we open it here { docOpenInNewInstance(isInCtrlStat?TransferClone:TransferMove, p.x, p.y); } } } //break; sender->resetDraggingPoint(); return TRUE; } case TCN_TABDELETE: { int index = tabNotification->tabOrigin; BufferID bufferToClose = notifyDocTab->getBufferByIndex(index); Buffer * buf = MainFileManager->getBufferByID(bufferToClose); int iView = isFromPrimary?MAIN_VIEW:SUB_VIEW; if (buf->isDirty()) { //activate and use fileClose() (for save and abort) activateBuffer(bufferToClose, iView); fileClose(bufferToClose, iView); break; } int open = 1; if (isFromPrimary || isFromSecondary) open = notifyDocTab->nbItem(); doClose(bufferToClose, iView); //if (open == 1 && canHideView(iView)) // hideView(iView); break; } case TCN_SELCHANGE: { int iView = -1; if (notification->nmhdr.hwndFrom == _mainDocTab.getHSelf()) { iView = MAIN_VIEW; } else if (notification->nmhdr.hwndFrom == _subDocTab.getHSelf()) { iView = SUB_VIEW; } else { break; } switchEditViewTo(iView); BufferID bufid = _pDocTab->getBufferByIndex(_pDocTab->getCurrentTabIndex()); if (bufid != BUFFER_INVALID) activateBuffer(bufid, iView); break; } case NM_CLICK : { if (notification->nmhdr.hwndFrom == _statusBar.getHSelf()) { LPNMMOUSE lpnm = (LPNMMOUSE)notification; if (lpnm->dwItemSpec == DWORD(STATUSBAR_TYPING_MODE)) { bool isOverTypeMode = (_pEditView->execute(SCI_GETOVERTYPE) != 0); _pEditView->execute(SCI_SETOVERTYPE, !isOverTypeMode); _statusBar.setText((_pEditView->execute(SCI_GETOVERTYPE))?TEXT("OVR"):TEXT("INS"), STATUSBAR_TYPING_MODE); } } else if (notification->nmhdr.hwndFrom == _mainDocTab.getHSelf()) { switchEditViewTo(MAIN_VIEW); } else if (notification->nmhdr.hwndFrom == _subDocTab.getHSelf()) { switchEditViewTo(SUB_VIEW); } break; } case NM_DBLCLK : { if (notification->nmhdr.hwndFrom == _statusBar.getHSelf()) { LPNMMOUSE lpnm = (LPNMMOUSE)notification; if (lpnm->dwItemSpec == DWORD(STATUSBAR_CUR_POS)) { bool isFirstTime = !_goToLineDlg.isCreated(); _goToLineDlg.doDialog(_nativeLangSpeaker.isRTL()); if (isFirstTime) _nativeLangSpeaker.changeDlgLang(_goToLineDlg.getHSelf(), "GoToLine"); } else if (lpnm->dwItemSpec == DWORD(STATUSBAR_DOC_SIZE)) { command(IDM_VIEW_SUMMARY); } } break; } case NM_RCLICK : { POINT p; ::GetCursorPos(&p); if (notification->nmhdr.hwndFrom == _mainDocTab.getHSelf()) { switchEditViewTo(MAIN_VIEW); } else if (notification->nmhdr.hwndFrom == _subDocTab.getHSelf()) { switchEditViewTo(SUB_VIEW); } else if (_pFileSwitcherPanel && notification->nmhdr.hwndFrom == _pFileSwitcherPanel->getHSelf()) { // Already switched, so do nothing here. if (_pFileSwitcherPanel->nbSelectedFiles() > 1) { if (!_fileSwitcherMultiFilePopupMenu.isCreated()) { vector<MenuItemUnit> itemUnitArray; itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_FILESWITCHER_FILESCLOSE, TEXT("Close Selected files"))); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_FILESWITCHER_FILESCLOSEOTHERS, TEXT("Close others files"))); _fileSwitcherMultiFilePopupMenu.create(_pPublicInterface->getHSelf(), itemUnitArray); _nativeLangSpeaker.changeLangTabContextMenu(_fileSwitcherMultiFilePopupMenu.getMenuHandle()); } _fileSwitcherMultiFilePopupMenu.display(p); return TRUE; } } else // From tool bar or Status Bar return TRUE; //break; if (!_tabPopupMenu.isCreated()) { vector<MenuItemUnit> itemUnitArray; itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_FILE_CLOSE, TEXT("Close"))); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_FILE_CLOSEALL_BUT_CURRENT, TEXT("Close All BUT This"))); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_FILE_CLOSEALL_TOLEFT, TEXT("Close All to the Left"))); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_FILE_CLOSEALL_TORIGHT, TEXT("Close All to the Right"))); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_FILE_SAVE, TEXT("Save"))); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_FILE_SAVEAS, TEXT("Save As..."))); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_FILE_RENAME, TEXT("Rename"))); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_FILE_DELETE, TEXT("Move to Recycle Bin"))); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_FILE_RELOAD, TEXT("Reload"))); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_FILE_PRINT, TEXT("Print"))); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(0, NULL)); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_FILE_OPEN_FOLDER, TEXT("Open Containing Folder in Explorer"))); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_FILE_OPEN_CMD, TEXT("Open Containing Folder in cmd"))); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(0, NULL)); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_EDIT_SETREADONLY, TEXT("Read-Only"))); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_EDIT_CLEARREADONLY, TEXT("Clear Read-Only Flag"))); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(0, NULL)); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_EDIT_FULLPATHTOCLIP, TEXT("Full File Path to Clipboard"))); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_EDIT_FILENAMETOCLIP, TEXT("Filename to Clipboard"))); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_EDIT_CURRENTDIRTOCLIP, TEXT("Current Dir. Path to Clipboard"))); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(0, NULL)); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_VIEW_GOTO_ANOTHER_VIEW, TEXT("Move to Other View"))); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_VIEW_CLONE_TO_ANOTHER_VIEW, TEXT("Clone to Other View"))); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_VIEW_GOTO_NEW_INSTANCE, TEXT("Move to New Instance"))); itemUnitArray.push_back(MenuItemUnit(IDM_VIEW_LOAD_IN_NEW_INSTANCE, TEXT("Open in New Instance"))); _tabPopupMenu.create(_pPublicInterface->getHSelf(), itemUnitArray); _nativeLangSpeaker.changeLangTabContextMenu(_tabPopupMenu.getMenuHandle()); } bool isEnable = ((::GetMenuState(_mainMenuHandle, IDM_FILE_SAVE, MF_BYCOMMAND)&MF_DISABLED) == 0); _tabPopupMenu.enableItem(IDM_FILE_SAVE, isEnable); Buffer * buf = _pEditView->getCurrentBuffer(); bool isUserReadOnly = buf->getUserReadOnly(); _tabPopupMenu.checkItem(IDM_EDIT_SETREADONLY, isUserReadOnly); bool isSysReadOnly = buf->getFileReadOnly(); _tabPopupMenu.enableItem(IDM_EDIT_SETREADONLY, !isSysReadOnly); _tabPopupMenu.enableItem(IDM_EDIT_CLEARREADONLY, isSysReadOnly); bool isFileExisting = PathFileExists(buf->getFullPathName()) != FALSE; _tabPopupMenu.enableItem(IDM_FILE_DELETE, isFileExisting); _tabPopupMenu.enableItem(IDM_FILE_RENAME, isFileExisting); bool isDirty = buf->isDirty(); bool isUntitled = buf->isUntitled(); _tabPopupMenu.enableItem(IDM_VIEW_GOTO_NEW_INSTANCE, !(isDirty||isUntitled)); _tabPopupMenu.enableItem(IDM_VIEW_LOAD_IN_NEW_INSTANCE, !(isDirty||isUntitled)); _tabPopupMenu.display(p); return TRUE; } case SCN_MARGINCLICK: { if (notification->nmhdr.hwndFrom == _mainEditView.getHSelf()) switchEditViewTo(MAIN_VIEW); else if (notification->nmhdr.hwndFrom == _subEditView.getHSelf()) switchEditViewTo(SUB_VIEW); int lineClick = int(_pEditView->execute(SCI_LINEFROMPOSITION, notification->position)); if (notification->margin == ScintillaEditView::_SC_MARGE_FOLDER) { _pEditView->marginClick(notification->position, notification->modifiers); if (_pDocMap) _pDocMap->fold(lineClick, _pEditView->isFolded(lineClick)); } else if ((notification->margin == ScintillaEditView::_SC_MARGE_SYBOLE) && !notification->modifiers) { if (!_pEditView->markerMarginClick(lineClick)) bookmarkToggle(lineClick); } break; } case SCN_FOLDINGSTATECHANGED : { if ((notification->nmhdr.hwndFrom == _mainEditView.getHSelf()) || (notification->nmhdr.hwndFrom == _subEditView.getHSelf())) { int lineClicked = notification->line; if (!_isFolding) { int urlAction = (NppParameters::getInstance())->getNppGUI()._styleURL; if ((urlAction == 1) || (urlAction == 2)) addHotSpot(); } if (_pDocMap) _pDocMap->fold(lineClicked, _pEditView->isFolded(lineClicked)); } return TRUE; } case SCN_CHARADDED: { const NppGUI & nppGui = NppParameters::getInstance()->getNppGUI(); bool indentMaintain = nppGui._maitainIndent; if (indentMaintain) MaintainIndentation(static_cast<TCHAR>(notification->ch)); AutoCompletion * autoC = isFromPrimary?&_autoCompleteMain:&_autoCompleteSub; if (nppGui._matchedPairConf.hasAnyPairsPair()) autoC->insertMatchedChars(notification->ch, nppGui._matchedPairConf); autoC->update(notification->ch); break; } case SCN_DOUBLECLICK : { if(notification->modifiers == SCMOD_CTRL) { const NppGUI & nppGUI = NppParameters::getInstance()->getNppGUI(); std::string bufstring; unsigned int position_of_click; // Anonymous scope to limit use of the buf pointer (much easier to deal with std::string). { char *buf; int length; if(nppGUI._delimiterSelectionOnEntireDocument) { // Get entire document. length = notifyView->execute(SCI_GETLENGTH); buf = new char[length + 1]; notifyView->execute(SCI_GETTEXT, (LPARAM)(length + 1), (WPARAM)buf); // For some reason Ctrl+DoubleClick on an empty line means that notification->position == 1. // In that case we use SCI_GETCURRENTPOS to get the position. if(notification->position != -1) position_of_click = notification->position; else position_of_click = int(_pEditView->execute(SCI_GETCURRENTPOS)); } else { // Get single line. length = notifyView->execute(SCI_GETCURLINE); buf = new char[length + 1]; notifyView->execute(SCI_GETCURLINE, (WPARAM)length, (LPARAM)buf); // Compute the position of the click (relative to the beginning of the line). const int line_position = notifyView->execute(SCI_POSITIONFROMLINE, notifyView->getCurrentLineNumber()); position_of_click = notification->position - line_position; } bufstring = buf; delete [] buf; } int leftmost_position = -1; int rightmost_position = -1; if(nppGUI._rightmostDelimiter == nppGUI._leftmostDelimiter) { // If the delimiters are the same (e.g. they are both a quotation mark), choose the ones // which are closest to the clicked position. for(unsigned int i = position_of_click; i >= 0; --i) { if(bufstring.at(i) == nppGUI._leftmostDelimiter) { // Respect escaped quotation marks. if(nppGUI._leftmostDelimiter == '"') { if(! (i > 0 && bufstring.at(i - 1) == '\\')) { leftmost_position = i; break; } } else { leftmost_position = i; break; } } } if(leftmost_position == -1) break; // Scan for right delimiter. for(unsigned int i = position_of_click; i < bufstring.length(); ++i) { if(bufstring.at(i) == nppGUI._rightmostDelimiter) { // Respect escaped quotation marks. if(nppGUI._rightmostDelimiter == '"') { if(! (i > 0 && bufstring.at(i - 1) == '\\')) { rightmost_position = i; break; } } else { rightmost_position = i; break; } } } } else { // Find matching pairs of delimiters (e.g. parantheses). // The pair where the distance from the left delimiter to position_of_click is at a minimum is the one we're looking for. // Of course position_of_click must lie between the delimiters. // This logic is required to handle cases like this: // (size_t i = function(); i < _buffers.size(); i++) std::stack<unsigned int> leftmost_delimiter_positions; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < bufstring.length(); ++i) { if(bufstring.at(i) == nppGUI._leftmostDelimiter) leftmost_delimiter_positions.push(i); else if(bufstring.at(i) == nppGUI._rightmostDelimiter && ! leftmost_delimiter_positions.empty()) { unsigned int matching_leftmost = leftmost_delimiter_positions.top(); leftmost_delimiter_positions.pop(); // We have either 1) chosen neither the left- or rightmost position, or 2) chosen both left- and rightmost position. assert( (leftmost_position == -1 && rightmost_position == -1) || (leftmost_position >= 0 && rightmost_position >= 0) ); // Note: cast of leftmost_position to unsigned int is safe, since if leftmost_position is not -1 then it is guaranteed to be positive. // If it was possible, leftmost_position and rightmost_position should be of type optional<unsigned int>. if( matching_leftmost <= position_of_click && i >= position_of_click && (leftmost_position == -1 || matching_leftmost > (unsigned int)leftmost_position) ) { leftmost_position = matching_leftmost; rightmost_position = i; } } } } // Set selection to the position we found (if any). if(rightmost_position != -1 && leftmost_position != -1) { if(nppGUI._delimiterSelectionOnEntireDocument) { notifyView->execute(SCI_SETCURRENTPOS, rightmost_position); notifyView->execute(SCI_SETANCHOR, leftmost_position + 1); } else { const int line_position = notifyView->execute(SCI_POSITIONFROMLINE, notifyView->getCurrentLineNumber()); notifyView->execute(SCI_SETCURRENTPOS, line_position + rightmost_position); notifyView->execute(SCI_SETANCHOR, line_position + leftmost_position + 1); } } } else if (_isHotspotDblClicked) { int pos = notifyView->execute(SCI_GETCURRENTPOS); notifyView->execute(SCI_SETCURRENTPOS, pos); notifyView->execute(SCI_SETANCHOR, pos); _isHotspotDblClicked = false; } } break; case SCN_UPDATEUI: { NppParameters *nppParam = NppParameters::getInstance(); // replacement for obsolete custom SCN_SCROLLED if (notification->updated & SC_UPDATE_V_SCROLL) { int urlAction = (NppParameters::getInstance())->getNppGUI()._styleURL; if ((urlAction == 1) || (urlAction == 2)) addHotSpot(); } // if it's searching/replacing, then do nothing if (nppParam->_isFindReplacing) break; if (notification->nmhdr.hwndFrom != _pEditView->getHSelf()) break; braceMatch(); NppGUI & nppGui = (NppGUI &)nppParam->getNppGUI(); if (nppGui._enableTagsMatchHilite) { XmlMatchedTagsHighlighter xmlTagMatchHiliter(_pEditView); xmlTagMatchHiliter.tagMatch(nppGui._enableTagAttrsHilite); } if (nppGui._enableSmartHilite) { if (nppGui._disableSmartHiliteTmp) nppGui._disableSmartHiliteTmp = false; else _smartHighlighter.highlightView(notifyView); } updateStatusBar(); AutoCompletion * autoC = isFromPrimary?&_autoCompleteMain:&_autoCompleteSub; autoC->update(0); break; } case TTN_GETDISPINFO: { try { LPTOOLTIPTEXT lpttt = (LPTOOLTIPTEXT)notification; //Joce's fix lpttt->hinst = NULL; POINT p; ::GetCursorPos(&p); ::ScreenToClient(_pPublicInterface->getHSelf(), &p); HWND hWin = ::RealChildWindowFromPoint(_pPublicInterface->getHSelf(), p); const int tipMaxLen = 1024; static TCHAR docTip[tipMaxLen]; docTip[0] = '\0'; generic_string tipTmp(TEXT("")); int id = int(lpttt->hdr.idFrom); if (hWin == _rebarTop.getHSelf()) { getNameStrFromCmd(id, tipTmp); if (tipTmp.length() >= 80) return FALSE; lstrcpy(lpttt->szText, tipTmp.c_str()); return TRUE; } else if (hWin == _mainDocTab.getHSelf()) { BufferID idd = _mainDocTab.getBufferByIndex(id); Buffer * buf = MainFileManager->getBufferByID(idd); tipTmp = buf->getFullPathName(); if (tipTmp.length() >= tipMaxLen) return FALSE; lstrcpy(docTip, tipTmp.c_str()); lpttt->lpszText = docTip; return TRUE; } else if (hWin == _subDocTab.getHSelf()) { BufferID idd = _subDocTab.getBufferByIndex(id); Buffer * buf = MainFileManager->getBufferByID(idd); tipTmp = buf->getFullPathName(); if (tipTmp.length() >= tipMaxLen) return FALSE; lstrcpy(docTip, tipTmp.c_str()); lpttt->lpszText = docTip; return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } catch (...) { //printStr(TEXT("ToolTip crash is caught!")); } } break; case SCN_ZOOM: break; case SCN_MACRORECORD: _macro.push_back(recordedMacroStep(notification->message, notification->wParam, notification->lParam, _pEditView->execute(SCI_GETCODEPAGE))); break; case SCN_PAINTED: { //--FLS: ViewMoveAtWrappingDisableFix: Disable wrapping messes up visible lines. Therefore save view position before in IDM_VIEW_WRAP and restore after SCN_PAINTED, as doc. says if (_mainEditView.isWrapRestoreNeeded()) { _mainEditView.restoreCurrentPos(); _mainEditView.setWrapRestoreNeeded(false); } if (_subEditView.isWrapRestoreNeeded()) { _subEditView.restoreCurrentPos(); _subEditView.setWrapRestoreNeeded(false); } notifyView->updateLineNumberWidth(); if (_syncInfo.doSync()) doSynScorll(HWND(notification->nmhdr.hwndFrom)); NppParameters *nppParam = NppParameters::getInstance(); // if it's searching/replacing, then do nothing if ((_linkTriggered && !nppParam->_isFindReplacing) || notification->wParam == LINKTRIGGERED) { int urlAction = (NppParameters::getInstance())->getNppGUI()._styleURL; if ((urlAction == 1) || (urlAction == 2)) addHotSpot(); _linkTriggered = false; } if (_pDocMap) { _pDocMap->wrapMap(); _pDocMap->scrollMap(); } break; } case SCN_HOTSPOTDOUBLECLICK : { notifyView->execute(SCI_SETWORDCHARS, 0, (LPARAM)"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_-+.,:?&@=/%#()"); int pos = notifyView->execute(SCI_GETCURRENTPOS); int startPos = static_cast<int>(notifyView->execute(SCI_WORDSTARTPOSITION, pos, false)); int endPos = static_cast<int>(notifyView->execute(SCI_WORDENDPOSITION, pos, false)); notifyView->execute(SCI_SETTARGETSTART, startPos); notifyView->execute(SCI_SETTARGETEND, endPos); int posFound = notifyView->execute(SCI_SEARCHINTARGET, strlen(URL_REG_EXPR), (LPARAM)URL_REG_EXPR); if (posFound != -2) { if (posFound != -1) { startPos = int(notifyView->execute(SCI_GETTARGETSTART)); endPos = int(notifyView->execute(SCI_GETTARGETEND)); } // Prevent buffer overflow in getGenericText(). if(endPos - startPos > 2*MAX_PATH) endPos = startPos + 2*MAX_PATH; TCHAR currentWord[2*MAX_PATH]; notifyView->getGenericText(currentWord, MAX_PATH*2, startPos, endPos); // This treatment would fail on some valid URLs where there's actually supposed to be a comma or parenthesis at the end. int lastCharIndex = _tcsnlen(currentWord, MAX_PATH*2) - 1; if(lastCharIndex >= 0 && (currentWord[lastCharIndex] == ',' || currentWord[lastCharIndex] == ')' || currentWord[lastCharIndex] == '(')) currentWord[lastCharIndex] = '\0'; ::ShellExecute(_pPublicInterface->getHSelf(), TEXT("open"), currentWord, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOW); _isHotspotDblClicked = true; notifyView->execute(SCI_SETCHARSDEFAULT); } break; } case SCN_NEEDSHOWN : { int begin = notifyView->execute(SCI_LINEFROMPOSITION, notification->position); int end = notifyView->execute(SCI_LINEFROMPOSITION, notification->position + notification->length); int firstLine = begin < end ? begin : end; int lastLine = begin > end ? begin : end; for (int line = firstLine; line <= lastLine; ++line) { notifyView->execute(SCI_ENSUREVISIBLE, line, 0); } break; } case SCN_CALLTIPCLICK: { AutoCompletion * autoC = isFromPrimary?&_autoCompleteMain:&_autoCompleteSub; autoC->callTipClick(notification->position); break; } case RBN_HEIGHTCHANGE: { SendMessage(_pPublicInterface->getHSelf(), WM_SIZE, 0, 0); break; } case RBN_CHEVRONPUSHED: { NMREBARCHEVRON * lpnm = (NMREBARCHEVRON*) notification; ReBar * notifRebar = &_rebarTop; if (_rebarBottom.getHSelf() == lpnm->hdr.hwndFrom) notifRebar = &_rebarBottom; //If N++ ID, use proper object switch(lpnm->wID) { case REBAR_BAR_TOOLBAR: { POINT pt; pt.x = lpnm->rc.left; pt.y = lpnm->rc.bottom; ClientToScreen(notifRebar->getHSelf(), &pt); _toolBar.doPopop(pt); return TRUE; break; } } //Else forward notification to window of rebarband REBARBANDINFO rbBand; ZeroMemory(&rbBand, REBARBAND_SIZE); rbBand.cbSize = REBARBAND_SIZE; rbBand.fMask = RBBIM_CHILD; ::SendMessage(notifRebar->getHSelf(), RB_GETBANDINFO, lpnm->uBand, (LPARAM)&rbBand); ::SendMessage(rbBand.hwndChild, WM_NOTIFY, 0, (LPARAM)lpnm); break; } default : break; } return FALSE; }